PSYC 340 Exam 3

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The prefrontal cortex in antisocial men is _____ percent less active than that of the everyday "normal" person.


What percentage of abused children go on to abuse their own children later in life?


Which of the following is the best example of instrumental aggression?

A group of mercenaries, hired to kill the dictator of a small country, arrange to poison him.

In the context of aggression, which of the following statements is true?

Alcohol enhances aggressiveness.

In the context of media influences, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Children who view pornography are less likely to be sexually aggressive toward others.

Which of the following is true regarding groupthink?

Groups prefer supporting over challenging information.

_____ aggression springs from anger, and its only goal is to injure.


Which statement is NOT true of the need to belong?

Humans in only some cultures use ostracism to regulate behavior.

Which of the following statements is true of social loafing across various cultures?

People in Asia exhibit less social loafing than do people in the United States.

Phyllis is a brunette with long hair. According to research by Mackinnon et al. (2011), when Phyllis enters a room of strangers, she is most likely to sit closer to

Sally, who has long brown hair.

Which of the following is NOT one of the ways of reducing aggression suggested by the social learning theory?

Social learning theory suggests controlling aggression by engaging in catharsis and retaliation.

_____ are culturally provided mental instructions for how to act in various situations.

Social scripts

In the context of culture change and world violence, which of the following statements 63) is true?

The United States is the only western democracy that has not abolished the death penalty.

According to culture of honor, research helps explain why

U.S. cities populated by southerners have higher than average White homicide rates than those populated by northerners.

Which is NOT one of the three ways identified by Brown and Paulus (2002) to enhance group brainstorming?

Welcome critiques from outside experts and associates.

According to Marvin Shaw, which of the following would most likely constitute a group?

a pair of jogging companions

Sigmund Freud argued that aggression ultimately springs from

a self-destructive impulse.

Groupthink can be defined as

a tendency to suppress dissent in the interests of group harmony.

When looking for dating partners, we generally choose people who are

about as attractive as we are.

Research on the role of family influences on aggression indicates that

abused children later abuse their own children at four times the national rate.

Which of these is NOT one of Rusbult and colleagues' (1986, 1987, 1998) three ways of coping with a failing relationship?


The study of neural influences on aggression has indicated that

activating the frontal lobe can trigger aggressive behavior.

When people learn about others' positions, without making a prior commitment and 22) without discussing their own position, they will

adjust their responses to maintain a socially favorable position.

Research on brainstorming reveals that people working _______ will generate _______ good ideas.

alone; more

In a revision of the frustration-aggression theory, Berkowitz emphasized the importance of

anger in causing aggression.

According to Berkowitz (1989), the frustration-aggression relationship is mediated by the role of


Wendy just got a new job. Although she has not met the man she will report to, she expects that relationship to be pleasant and their personalities to be compatible. This is an example of

anticipatory liking.

Allan is a salesman at a local electronics store and works on commission. When customers come in, he does not leave their side until they walk out the door. He talks to them, shows them different equipment, and makes suggestions for accessories they might not have considered. Allan's behavior is best described as


Which of the following is NOT one of Janis's (1982) recommendations on how to prevent groupthink?

assign someone the role of mindguard

In a famous experiment by Albert Bandura and his colleagues, children watched an adult attack a Bobo doll with a mallet. They were then shown some toys that they were forbidden to play with. When they were taken to another room, they

attacked a Bobo doll.

When people describe themselves in personal ads, women often offer _____ and seek _____.

attractiveness; status

In view of research on the pain-attack response, Berkowitz (1998) now believes that _____ is the basic trigger of hostile aggression.

aversive stimulation

According to the social facilitation effect, social psychologists can accurately predict that athletes will perform _______ with a large audience.


The results of the Schachter and Singer (1962) experiment in which participants were injected with adrenaline prior to spending time with either a hostile or a euphoric person support the idea that

bodily arousal feeds one emotion or another depending on how we interpret the arousal.

In the context of influences on aggression, research confirms that groups

can amplify aggressive tendencies.

People in _______ cultures exhibit less social loafing than people in _______ cultures.

collectivistic; individualistic

The presence of other improves an individual's performance on all of the following tasks EXCEPT

completing mazes.

A looting mob is a good example of


When people experience a loss of self-awareness as well as evaluation apprehension, they are in a state of


When comparing ourselves and others to models and "beautiful" people in the media, we

devalue our potential mates and ourselves.

The tendency for one person's intimacy of revealing his or her true self to match that of a conversational partner is referred to as

disclosure reciprocity.

After arguing with her boyfriend over the telephone, Roberta smashes down the receiver and then throws the phone across the room. This behavior most clearly demonstrates


In the context of social facilitation, social arousal facilitates

dominant responses.

Americans' ideas for protecting themselves include all of the following EXCEPT

don't kill people who kill.

If social arousal facilitates dominant responses, it should boost performance on _____.

easy tasks

Research on leadership indicates that

effective supervisors tend to score high on both task and social leadership.

Isabel is unable to play the piano well when others watch her perform. She becomes self-conscious in the presence of others. In the context of social facilitation, which of the following interferes with Isabel's performance?

evaluation apprehension

In the context of effects of media on aggression, one reason that TV viewing affects behavior is that it

evokes imitation.

Triplett conducted one of social psychology's first laboratory experiments by asking children to wind string on a fishing reel. The results of the study indicated that the children worked _____ on their fishing reel when co-actors were competing with them in contrast to when they worked alone.


Kevin is very thirsty as he walks to class so he is thrilled to pass a vending machine. When the machine malfunctions and keeps his money without delivering his drink, Kevin will likely feel


The blocking of goal-directed behavior is called


Students who join extracurricular groups on campus tend to find their attitudes regarding the groups' purpose increase if they stay in the group. This is an example of

group polarization.

Teresa has joined the campus Amnesty International Group, and after attending a few of the meetings now feels even more passionate about human rights. Social psychologists would explain the change in Teresa's opinions using

group polarization.

Berkowitz and LePage (1967) found that frustrated men delivered more shocks when

guns happened to be in the room.

Which of the following is an effect of playing violent video games?

habituation in the brain

The tendency for opposites to mate or marry

has never been reliably demonstrated.

The death penalty does not effectively deter homicide. One reason for this is that most murders are the result of

hostile aggression.

The frustration-aggression theory is designed to explain

hostile aggression.

Hunting rifles are LEAST likely to prime aggressive thoughts in


Which of the following is NOT a determinant of minority influence?

illusions of morality

In an experiment conducted by Griffitt (1970), students who answered questionnaires while they were _____ reported feeling more tired and aggressive, and expressed more hostility toward a stranger than did participants in a control group.

in an uncomfortably hot room

Repeated exposure to erotic films that feature quick, uncommitted sex tends to

increase men's perceiving women in sexual terms.

On the basis of his research on the mere exposure effect, Robert Zajonc argued that our emotions are often more _______ than our thinking.


Phil believes that aggression is unlearned and universal. In other words, Phil believes 62) aggression is


In 2003, American and British leaders justified attacking Iraq not as a hostile effort to kill Iraqis but as an act of liberation and of self-defense against presumed weapons of mass destruction. Social psychologists would consider this an example of _____ aggression.


Shaw (1981) argued that the one thing that all groups have in common is that the members


A study of brain activity in the prefrontal cortex of murderers found

less activity than normal.

Gangestad and his colleagues (2004) found that during ovulation, women show a heightened preference for men with

masculine features.

Physically attractive people tend to be all of the following EXCEPT

more humorous.

Watson (1973) found that cultures with depersonalized warriors were

more likely to brutalize their victims.

Initial research on risk taking found that group discussion leads to

more risk than the average individual would take.

One national survey found that 86 percent of those who were unhappily married but who stayed with the marriage, were, when reinterviewed five years later,

mostly "very" or "quite" happy.

Amber just moved to a new town and is eager to make friends. When given the choice, she should select an apartment

near the mailboxes.

Generally speaking, to be really attractive is to be

perfectly average.

Social loafing can be minimized if

performance of individuals are identifiable.

In the context of minority influence, _____ and _____ convey self-confidence.

persistence, consistency

All of the following elements are common to all loving attachments EXCEPT

physical affection.

Using a disguised name, Ben sends threat mails and bullies his school friends on various online forums. This is an example of deindividuation that is primarily based on _____.

physical anonymity

Mita et al. (1977) asked women to select which of a series of pictures taken of them they preferred. Which photographs were women most likely to select?

pictures of their mirror image

Sally has a crush on Billy but is afraid to ask him out because she does not think he is 34) interested in her. Billy has a crush on Sally but hasn't asked for her phone number because he thinks she'll say "no." This is a case of

pluralistic ignorance.

Research on the effects of video games report a _____ relationship between playing violent games and the frequency of arguments with teachers.


Research suggests that the sight of a weapon can

prime aggressive thoughts.

Which one of the following does NOT predict increased aggression?

prosocial behavior

Research on proximity and social attraction generally supports the view that

proximity leads to liking

Ingham (1974) found that when blindfolded participants thought they were pulling a tug of war with other participants, they _______ than when they thought they were pulling alone.

pulled less

When exploring why viewing violence on TV affects behavior, researchers consider all of the following EXCEPT


The perception that one is less well off than others with whom one compares oneself is referred to as

relative deprivation.

In a study of whether or not mimicry increases rapport, van Baaren and his colleagues (2003) found that restaurant servers earned higher tips if they

repeated the order back to the customer.

Even when people have no strong feelings about a product or a candidate, _______ can increase sales or votes.


Self-disclosure involves

revealing intimate aspects of oneself to others.

While sitting in a meeting, John is becoming more and more uncomfortable with the group consensus. Not wanting to make waves, though, he withholds his opinion in favor of the group's comfort. This is an example of


Displaced aggression is most likely to occur when the target _____ to the instigator.

shares some similarity

In the context of likeness begets liking, studies indicate that

similarity breeds content.

Professional athletes often perform better in front of a large crowd during a game than 29) alone during practice. This finding supports the theory of

social facilitation.

When being observed increases evaluation concerns, _______ occurs; when being lost in a crowd decreases evaluation concerns, _______ occurs.

social facilitation; social loafing

Gina is a highly effective leader who excels in delegating authority, building teamwork, and providing support. Gina excels in

social leadership.

Sam has a tendency to contribute little effort to group assignments, as he thinks others will be sure to pick up the slack in an effort to get a good grade. This is an example of

social loafing.

Your psychology professor has assigned group projects to your class. She has chosen to individually grade each student's contribution to the assignment as an attempt to reduce

social loafing.

At your factory job, output was measured at the end of every day by how much the team of workers you belonged to produced. Because of this evaluation procedure, your behavior was most likely to be characterized by _______; now that a new manager has taken over and each individual worker's output is measured by a computer, your behavior is now most likely to be characterized by _______.

social loafing; social facilitation

Martha is excellent at organizing her employees, setting goals, and focusing on achieving those goals for the company. Martha excels in

task leadership.

Based on research cited in the text, who is most likely to honk aggressively at someone stopped at a green light?

the drive of a convertible with the top up

Frustration is noted to arise from

the gap between expectations and attainments.

Julia strongly disbelieves with her group members. As the others discuss the issue, Julia hesitates to state her opinion which so differs from theirs. This is an example of

the minority slowness effect.

In the context of social loafing, when the output of collective farms and private plots were compared

the private plots were more productive.

Arthur did not work very hard on his last class essay assignment, so he was relieved at first to find that he had gotten a C. But when he learned that most of his classmates had gotten Bs and As, he felt unhappy and angry about his grade. Arthur's experience is best explained in terms of

the relative deprivation principle.

The tendency of people to perform simple or well-learned tasks better when others are present is the original meaning of

the social facilitation effect.

All the following factors are likely to increase aggression EXCEPT

too much sleep.

The frustration-aggression theory suggests that frustration

triggers a readiness to aggress.

According to social psychologists, which is NOT a factor in why other people create arousal in us?


All of the following are examples of implicit egotism EXCEPT

we want to name our children using family names.

In which of the following situation will deindividuation most likely occur?

when the group size is large

Social psychologists have accurately predicted that _______ will exhibit less social loafing.


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