Psyc. Soc. Mid Term

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According to the reading, U.S. adults are spending an average of about how many hours every day with media? Select one: a. 18 b. 16 c. 5 d. 10


According to the reading, U.S. adults spend an average of how many hours and minutes prepay using a mobile device for something other than making a phone call? Select one: a. 2 hours, 21 minutes b. 3 hours, 30 minutes c. 5 hours, 10 minutes d. 10 hours, 2 minutes

2 hours, 21 minutes

How long has the "Gender in Televised Sports" report been ongoing (approximately)? Select one: a. 20 years b. 5 years c. 10 years d. 30 years

20 years

Which of the following is not a social issue in women's sport, according to Woods (2016)? Select one: a. All women want to play b. Lesbian athletes c. Objectification of female athletes d. The sport bra

All women want to play

ADA stands for Select one: a. Animals with Diabetes Act b. Americans with Diabetes Act c. Animals with Disabilities Act d. Americans with Disability Act

Americans with Disability Act

Who founded The Women's Sport Foundation? Select one: a. Billie Jean King b. Mia Hamm c. Serena Williams d. Michael Jordan

Billie Jean King

Which of the following is prole sport? Select one: a. hockey b. ice skating c. boxing d. golf


Culture can be referred to as an iceberg. With this image in mind, the top 10% of the iceberg can be considered the "surface culture" and the rest that lies under the water line is known as the " __________ culture". Select one: a. undercover b. main c. deep d. special


Who was the founder of the Special Olympics? Select one: a. John Fitzgerald Kennedy b. Rosemary Kennedy c. Eugene Kennedy d. Eunice Kennedy Shriver

Eunice Kennedy Shriver

**Historically, women have been excluded from participating in sport and physical activity (according to Woods, 2016), and this didn't change much until the mid-1900s. Select one: True False


According to Long (2013), the concept of time is part of the surface culture. Select one: True False


According to the Acosta & Carpenter report, almost all women's intercollegiate sport teams are coached by women. Select one: True False


America's sport arenas are post racial promised lands. Select one: True False


Every professional athlete experiences upward social mobility. Select one: True False


In North American society, we view disability as "abnormal" and do what we can to make people "normal". This highlights the medical model that pervades our society. Select one: True False


In the Butryn et al. (2014) article, the authors indicate that integrating lines of research is easy and we should all be able to do this seamlessly. Select one: True False


Men's and women's media coverage for basketball is equal during March Madness. Select one: True False


Physical literacy has no effect on quality of life. Select one: True False


Sport commentators are even in terms of race and gender (i.e., there are equal number of males and females and equal numbers of individuals of different races serving as a sport commentators). Select one: True False


Sport participation in college = earning a college degree. Select one: True False


The Paralympic Games are for people with intellectual disabilities and the Special Olympics are for people with physical disabilities. Select one: True False


The coverage of women's and men's basketball is even in the mainstream media. Select one: True False


The percentage of coverage of women's sport has consistently increased throughout the years. Select one: True False


The sexualization of women in sport is on the rise. Select one: True False


The terms race and ethnicity can be used interchangeably. Select one: True False


When talking about social inequities, the topics such as age, gender, ability, among others, are all independent and don't play off of each other in any way. Select one: True False


Women's sport dominate the "TickerTime'. Select one: True False


Which of the following is NOT a level of sport according to Sage & Eitzen (2016)? Select one: a. Formal b. Corporate c. Informal d. Organized


Which of the following is NOT considered part of the group of conflict/cultural social theories? a. Feminist theory b. Functionalism c. Race theory d. Hegemony theory


Which of the following is NOT a psychological correlate of physical literacy as stated in the article written by Giblin, Collins, & Button (2014)? Select one: a. Enjoyment b. Goal setting c. Perceived competence d. Belief that physical activity is worthwhile

Goal Setting

American football started in which group of schools? Select one: a. Ivy League b. Big 10 Conference c. Southeastern Conference d. West Coast Conference

Ivy League

Who was the first person to promote the concept of physical literacy? Select one: a. Gary Whittacker b. Walter Weiss c. Margaret Whitehead d. Marjorie Williams

Margaret Whitehead

Which level of sport does television NOT cover? Select one: a. High school sport b. Professional sport c. Collegiate sport d. Middle school sport

Middle school sport

The Carlisle School was located in which state? Select one: a. Oregon b. Washington c. Massachusetts d. Pennsylvania


There were a few individuals that were vitally important to the creation and maintenance of American football. Once of these people was so influential that a youth league is named after him. His name is Select one: a. Colonel Pratt b. Jerry Rice c. Pop Warner d. Jim Brown

Pop Warner

From whom did the information come from in the Acosta and Carpenter report? Select one: a. Senior Woman Administrators b. Female student athletes c. Head coaches of women's teams d. Women Athletic Directors

Senior Woman Administrators

Title IX is federal legislation that prohibits discrimination based on what? Select one: a. gender b. sex c. race d. sexual orientation


Which law prohibits discrimination based on sex in any educational program receiving federal financial assistance. Select one: a. Title V b. Title IX c. Title VI d. Title X

Title IX

"Exer-Gaming" techniques are a potential way to address issues surrounding assessments of physical literacy. Select one: True False


A goal of physical literacy is to be able to engage fully with the world because this includes walking, running, jumping, climbing, swinging, turning, and moving through water. Select one: True False


A primary objective or goal of physical literacy is life long participation in physical activity. Select one: True False


According to Darcy (2018), to change the patterns of toxic masculinity in sport we need to change the entire culture of sport. Select one: True False


According to Darcy (2018), toxic masculinity is the adherence to traditional male gender roles that can limit how males can express themselves. Select one: True False


According to Lynch and Landi, we need to spend time on social issues and individual process to make physical education (thus also physical activity) socially relevant. Select one: True False


According to Sage, Eitzen, and Beal (2019), social stratification refers to inequality that is present in the system of social relationships that determines who gets which of the rewards and power in a society. Select one: True False


According to the Acosta & Carpenter report, one reason for the increased number of opportunities for girls and women in sport is due to society's ability to embrace females as athletes. Select one: True False


According to the Acosta & Carpenter report, participation opportunities for females is at its highest ever. Select one: True False


African American women face a "double jeopardy" in sport. Select one: True False


African Americans remain underrepresented in the majority of college sports. Select one: True False


Anyone can become a physically literate person. Select one: True False


Coverage of women's sport is lower than it has ever been. Select one: True False


Hazing can be a form of toxic masculinity. Select one: True False


In recent years, the term and concept of physical literacy has gained momentum, especially in the areas of physical education, physical activity, and sports. Select one: True False


In recent years, there has been a push to integrate sport psychology and sport sociology by establishing inter- and transdisciplinary lines of research. Select one: True False


In the Homeless World Cup, games are played according to street soccer rules. Select one: True False


In the blog by Lynch and Landi, the authors indicated that the field of education has had an increased focus on social inequities. They defined inequities as "patterns in our society that favor some individuals over others". Select one: True False


In the past, the term and the concept of physical literacy has not received much attention. Select one: True False


Lacrosse was invented by Native Americans, and is the national sport of Canada. Select one: True False


Magazines still present a large component of the media industry. Select one: True False


McIntosh's (1988) paper highlights individual and systemic racism. Select one: True False


Media can play a significant role in social change. Select one: True False


Native American Indians played a large part in the history of American football. Select one: True False


One of the arguments for why women should not participate in sport and physical activity was because people felt physical activity could cause harm to the female body. Select one: True False


One way to help continue to increase participation in women's sport is to educate people on the value of sport for women. Select one: True False


Physical literacy encompasses more than physical movement. Select one: True False


Professional sports are able to exist in the way they do because of the television contract they have negotiated. Select one: True False


Racism is the belief that race determines human traits and characteristics and that racial differences results in the superiority of a particular race, according to Woods (2016). Select one: True False


Social mobility describes the movement of individuals from one social group in a society's stratification system to another. Select one: True False


Sport can be defined as "any physical activity that is guided by established rules". Select one: True False


Sport is a microcosm of society because it is a place where race matters, and racial injustices exist and play out everyday. Select one: True False


Television drives the popularity of sports in the U.S., so it can change the popularity of certain sports. Select one: True False


Television remains one of the most dominant forms of media related to sport. Select one: True False


The Homeless World Cup is open to men and women. Select one: True False


The Homeless World Cup serves as an opportunity for those in the lower (lowest) socioeconomic status group to play for their country. Select one: True False


The affluent are more prone than those in lower socioeconomic groups to participate in health and physical fitness activities. Select one: True False


The article by McIntosh (1988) highlights the daily effects of white privilege, meaning how white people navigate the world is different than how non-white people navigate the world on a daily basis. Select one: True False


The definition (or definitions) of ability is (are) socially constructed. Select one: True False


The media tend to reproduce dominant ideologies about marginalized individuals and groups. Select one: True False


The podcast brought up questions and comments about whether American football will be around in 10 years. Select one: True False


The three network affiliates showed similar patterns of coverage - disproportionate amounts of time devoted to men's sport. Select one: True False


There are several units of sociological analysis that we can use to examine human behavior, including the micro level and macro level . Select one: True False


There is an enduring link between all different types of mass media and sport. Select one: True False


There is more coverage os men's sports, even when they are out of season, than there is of women's sport. Select one: True False


Those living with disabilities have been a marginalized group in sport and physical activity for a long time. Select one: True False


Which of the following is NOT one of the men's "big three" sports? Select one: a. baseball b. football c. basketball d. volleyball


Which of the following population has the greatest access to sport and physical activity participation? Select one: a. African American boys b. White boys c. Hispanic girls d. White girls

White Boys

Social class refers to Select one: a. a group of people occupying the same relative economic rank in a stratified social system b. a group of people within a family unit that range from having little resources to many resources c. a group of people that fulfill leadership roles d. a group of people being labeled within the same racial group

a group of people occupying the same relative economic rank in a stratified social system

1. What is the continuum of cultural competence and why is it important?

a. Ability to work effectively with people of different culture. b. Lead to enriching interactions and increased effectiveness of interventions

1. What are the ABCs of physical activity?

a. Affect- motions b. Behavior- actions c. Cognitions- thoughts

How can we change our current notions of gender ideology in sport and physical activity?

a. Alternative definitions of masculinity b. Alternative definitions of femininity c. Changing the ways we do sports- focus on lifetime participation, supportive vocab, geder equality, bring both sexes together.

1. Know and understand the major equation that we use in sport psychology. Be able to provide an example and find the pieces from information given to you.

a. B=f (P x E)Behavior = the function of *or interaction of* (Personal factors x Environmental factors) b. Personal factors- what you believe in c. Environmental factors- the people or things around you

1. How can we try and change traditional gender ideology in sport?

a. Begin to show that that all genders are the same. Show that gender is not fixed, so we cannot hold dominate definitions. b. Stop glorifying a heroic manhood in sports images and see everyone as equal. Allow women in stop seeing them as invaders

1. How are class relations related to sport participation?

a. Boys and girls from higher-income families seldom face constraints that interfere with participation in after-school and summer programs b. Girls and women in low-income households often face the greatest constraints to sorts participation

1. Know what class ideology, social class, class relations, and social stratification are.

a. Class ideology- interrelated ideas and beliefs that people use to understand economic inequalities, and identify their class position. b. Social class- Categories of people who share an economic position in society based on wealth, income, education, occupation, and social connections c. Class relations- The way that social class is incorporated into the organization of our lives. d. Social stratification- Inequalities are present in the system of social relationships that determine who gets rewards and power. Some get benefits others don't. The way things are.

1. What is race logic and what are some examples of it in sport?

a. Cultural ideology about skin color, character, physical characteristics. Thinking white athletes succeed cause- work hard, motivationBlack athletes- genetically gifted, crafty , tough, biology.

1. Understand the differences between culture, race, ethnicity, individualism, and collectivism.

a. Culture- Set of attitudes, behaviors, contextual variables shared by a group of people and usually transmitted from one generation to another b. Race- Term used for grouping people according to common origin and perceived biological markers c. Ethnicity- idea like race that groups people, but refers to social, cultural, religious things instead of biological markers Ex (Dress, language, religion, social organization) d. Individualism- Social pattern where individuals are motivated by their own preferences needs, and rights when they come into conflict. Guilt is common negative emotion. Collectivism- Social pattern where individuals are motivated by the group or collective

1. Understand the dynamics of racial and ethnic relations in sport.

a. Dealing with intergroup relations never disappearing is hard. The issues are never confronted and therefore resolved. b. It brings vitality and creativity to sports

1. Know the differences between the etic and emic perspectives.

a. Etic- Outsider perspective looking at multiple cultures. Looking at commonalities across cultures. b. Emic- Looking at one culture from the inside

1. Understand the main tenants of functionalism, race theory, hegemony theory, and feminist theory.

a. Functionalism- Interdependent parts contribute to functionality of organisms. Many dif. Parts act to make one society. b. Hegemony theory- Dominant group maintain/ promote interest. Privilege c. Feminist Theory- Women oppressed, term gender.

1. Explain how class relations and gender relations come together and influence sport participation patterns in people's everyday lives.

a. Girls and women in low-income households often face the greatest constraints in sports participation. Boys and girls from higher-income families face less. Gender-related factors have highest impact on low-income families.

1. Know the three major goals of knowing psychosocial factors of exercise science.

a. How different psychosocial factors influence behavior b. How does being active influence how you feel c. Enhance sport and exercise experience for those who participate

1. How can we make/foster quality physical literacy experiences?

a. Increase awareness b. Increase motivation c. Increase confidence

1. Know the assumptions of the sociological perspective.

a. Individuals are social beings ( We are immerse with people) b. Individuals are socially determined (Cultural traditions, human choices) c. Individuals create, sustain, change social forms within lives (groups, traditions)

1. What does media provide?

a. Information, Interpretation, Entertainment, opportunities for interactivity b. Media and the images of how they explicit racial ideology and stereotypes is a very controversial. Today they are not as common as in the 1980's but still a major problem.

1. What does intersectionality mean and how does that play out in

a. Interconnected nature of social categorization- (Race, Class, Gender) b. Interdependent systems of disadvantage and discrimination

1. What are some examples of social issues and barriers for women's sport?

a. Issues: Womens health, Lesbian athletes, sportswear, sports bra, athletic shoes, objectification b. Barriers: Title 9 challenges, physical activity participation and dropouts, women as leaders in sport, equal pay for qual play

1. What are the units of analyses we use in psychosocial factors? What are examples at each level?

a. Macro level- large social settings, values, statures/ roles b. Micro- small groups, families, friends, sports teams

1. Know what social mobility is and how it plays a part in sport and physical activity.

a. Movement of individuals from one social location in a stratification system to another b. Myths for mobility in sports- free college education, attain a college degree, way out of poverty, women have many opportunities for upward mobility,

1. What are the three main tenants of the multicultural framework?

a. Multiple, intersecting cultural identities- (gender, race, ethnicity intersecting identities b. Power relations- power, privilege, who makes the rules, who is left out. c. Action and advocacy- Demand action for social justice.

1. What areas do psychosocial factors impact related to sport and physical activity?

a. P.E teachers, coaches, AT, fitness coordinators, sports management, therapists

1. Describe the prevailing class ideology in the United States today and how it is related to the American Dream and the notion of meritocracy.

a. People see the American dream as a hopeful boundless opportunity for individuals to succeed economically and live a happy life b. Belief in meritocracy is a form of social organization in which rewards go to people who earn them due to abilities and qualification

1. Know what prole sports are and why they are not researched much.

a. Prole= Proletarian- person who has a low social status, sport examples- boxing, UFC, kickboxing. b. No research on why this demographic enjoy these sports- part of low income experience, represent speed, daring, excitement

1. Know the three ways that schools can be compliant with Title IX.

a. Proportionality b. History of progress and continued practice c. Accommodation of interests and ability

1. Understand what Title IX is and the implications of this law.

a. Purpose- Eliminate gender-based barriers to all educational programs. b. Equal access to all the same things, no unfair advantage to anything

Understand the dynamics of media portrayal of women and racial minorities.

a. Racial minorities- Subtle stereotypes are very important, you see races seen to do certain things, such as Germans may be organized. Media organizations have very few workers of ethnic backgrounds and experiences b. Gender- Masculinity rules in media sports. Men to women by nearly 6 to 1. i. Heterosexuality is assumed ii. Coverage reproduces dominant ideas about manhood iii. Media organizations are gendered, male-dominant

1. What are some methodological issues with cross cultural research?

a. Research question development- is it emic or etic b. Alignment of research context c. Validity of research instruments- equivalent d. Interpretation of research findings-

1. What is social justice? Why would we study social justice in sport and physical activity?

a. Social Justice- All individuals/ groups should have access to equitable respectful society. The look at equality and fairness

1. Be able to explain why sport is a microcosm of society.

a. Sports mirror or reflect society. They represent what is happening in society. When you look into sports and see who or what is happening, that same thing is probably happening in society. An example of this is racism, in sport if you look at baseball in the 60's it was very segregated, just like society was segregated. You rarely see something in sports that is not in society.

1. What are problems with mascotizing Native Americans in sport?

a. The are disrespecting and wrongly representing a group of people and this is wrong. Some think they are honoring them but they do not, they poke fun and disrespect there culture. b. Blatant racism, representations are aggressive and inaccurate, offensive, mocking

1. What is the "comfort zone" and why is it important to go outside of it?

a. The comfort zone is when you feel most a ease and relaxed. This could be the environment around you or the people you are around. b. Performance is best when your just outside your comfort zone, under a small amount of pressure but not stressed.

1. Know the concept of physical literacy. Why should we care about physical literacy?

a. The more movements people have the more proficient they will be in awareness b. Competence and confidence in a wide variety of physical activities in multiple environments. c. It is important for people to know the importance of being active. d. Need acquisition for essential life skills

1. Explain how class relations are related to the growth of commercial sports in societies and around the world today.

a. The most powerful people in sports are white males. The most visible sports around the world revolve around meanings and orientations given priority by people with wealth and power. The non-visible sports are the ones we need to get out there and doing that is the problem

1. Know what racism is and how it plays out in sport.

a. The use of race to establish and justify a social hierarchy and system of power. Normally helps privilege the performance of others. b. Many "Black athetes" are forced out by whites or treated as un equal just because of the color of there skin. Many professal sports still see why higher amount of white athletes, and there pay is much higher too.

1. Why do some people support using Native American mascots?

a. Tradition, mascots are noble, have the tribes blessing, helps pull money, educate people, name recognition

Be able to critically think about using racial classification systems in sport.

a. Which classification systems are used?- by wealth, race, age b. Who uses them?- the people in power c. Why are people so dedicated to them?- To keep a base of hierarchy d. What are some consequences of using them?- not everyone is equal e. Can consequences be minimized?- yes, treat everyone fairly f. Can you challenge the system?- slowly over time, always need to fight back g. What occurs when system change?- shift in power.

Which of the following are assumptions of the sociological perspective as stated by Sage & Eitzen (2016)? Select one: a. Individuals are independent beings, individuals are socially determined, individuals can't change social forms where they live b. Individuals are social beings, individuals are socially determined, individuals can't change social forms in which they live their lives c. Individuals are social beings, individuals are socially determined, individuals create, sustain, and change social forms where life occurs d. Individuals are independent beings, individuals like to be alone, individuals can change social forms where they live

c. Individuals are social beings, individuals are socially determined, individuals create, sustain, and change social forms where life occurs

According to Woods (2016), people of Asian descent tend to be attracted to which physical activities because they are a part of their cultural heritage? Select one: a. swimming and diving b. martial arts and yoga c. running d. basketball

martial arts and yoga

"Stacking" in sport refers to Select one: a. having only white or black coaches on a team b. dispersing whites and blacks among all positions within a team c. keeping only white or only black people on your team d. unusual distribution of whites and blacks in certain sport positions that is not random

unusual distribution of whites and blacks in certain sport positions that is not random

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