psych 14

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Cultural influences on the big five

-China, Japan, Italy, Hungary, Turkey - countries where the big five is identical. -openess, to experience isn't clearly emerged in all cultures, China has a 6th chinese tradition, emphasis on group harmony and avoiding embarrassment.

Rogers model of personality

1. The organism is our innate, and genetically influenced blueprint. Organism is positive and helpful towards others. 2. the self is our self concept, set of beliefs about we are. 3. conditions of worth, the expectations we place on ourselves for appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Come from our parents and society, usually during childhood to influence us to act in accordance with certain rules.

the big 5 traits

1. openess to experience, open people tend be intellectually curious and conventional. 2. Conscientiousness- these people tend to be careful and responsible. 3. Extraversion- these people tend to be social and lively. 4. Agreeableness- these people tend to be sociable and easy to along with. 5. Neuroticism- these people tend to be tease and moody.

reared apart twins

about as similar as identical twins reared together, this suggests that a shared environment plays little or no role in adult personality. -higher heritability in identical twins apart usually then identical twins


approach to personality that focus on identifying general laws that govern the behavior of all individuals


approach to personality that focuses on identifying the unique configuration of characteristics and life experiences within a person

adoption studies

being raised together doesn't lead to much similarity in personality and the new parents personality. Children are most similar to biological parent.

Oedipus complex

conflict during phallic stage in which boys supposedly love their mothers romantically and want to eliminate their fathers as rivals.

electra complex

conflict during phallic stage where young girls romantically love their fathers and want to eliminate their mothers as rivals.


contains 3 major validity scales, which detect tendencies to distort responses to certain items. This can diminish the validity.


designed to assess personality traits in the normal range, dominance, flexibility, sociability, valid for determining personality.


directing an impulse from a socially unacceptable impulse onto a more acceptable one. -a golfer throws his putter into the woods after he misses an easy putt.

self actualization

drive to develop our innate potential to the fullest possible extent.

symbolic symptoms

everything happens for a reason and means something, based off of Freuds theories, most of them are sexual in nature.

locus of control

extent to which people believe that reinforcers and punishers lie inside or outside of their control.

secondary process

finding the correct place to display emotions, checking the Id to make sure it doesn't make you look like a fool


first born usually went with status quo, later borns more radical/revolutionary.

reliance on unrepresentative samples

freuds samples may have limited external validity, he only had patients who were upper class, neurotic women, far from the average individual. He studied groups of small people but generalized his findings to the whole world.

L (lie)

items assessing the denial of trivial thoughts.

F (frequency)

items in the population that people rarely endorse. High scores can indicate disturbances or carefulness

K (correlation)

items similar to, those on L scale, measuring defensive or guarded responding.


life events are a product of chance and fate.


life events are due to their own efforts and personnel characteristics.


many hypothesis are difficult or impossible to refute hard to falsify.

flawed assumption of shared environmental influence

many hypothesis presume that a shared environment plays a role in personality but, they don't actually have that large an effect on adults

birth order

most claims are exaggerated how first is achievement, second is diplomacy, and third is risk taking. Researchers fail to find information to prove all of this.


motivated forgetting of distressing experiences. -failing to accept the fact that something happened, ex death of a love one.


motivated forgetting of emotionally threatening memories or impulses. -repressing unhappy memories to avoid the pain they produced.

reared together twins

non shared environmental influences play a key role in personality. -twins who are raised together have a closer correlation between identical and fraternal

libido, primary process

our first level of thoughts, most basic


our sense of morality "judgmental parent watching out for the children." - determines our right and wrong, people with over developed superego's are guilt prone, why guilt free people can develop a psychopathic personality.

Roschach Inkblot test

projective test consisting of 10 symmetrical inkblots. Half is in black and white, half color. -unusual details- obsessive compulsive tendencie. -people who see reflections in the blots are self centered. -people who sees color are usually emotional.

thematic apperception test

projective test requiring examines to tell a story in response to ambiguous pictures.


providing reasonable sounding explanations for unreasonable behaviors or failures. -a political candidate says she didn't really want the position after she doesn't get it.


psyches executive and principal decision maker. Boss tries to resolve issues with other 2 psyches.


reflections of deep psychological content coming to the surface.


reservoir of our most primitive impulses, sex and aggression, entirely unconscious.


royal road to the unconscious mind, not only do they reveal what our id wants the most but ego and superego keep the wishes in check. Dreams are wish fulfilments, expressions of the id's impulses.

PT Barnum Effect

tendencies of people to accept high base rate descriptions as accurate.

pleasure principle

tendency of ID to strive for instant gratification. "no isn't in the vocabulary"

reality principle

tendency of the ego to postpone gratification until it can find an appropriate outlet.

Projective tests

test consisting of ambiguous stimuli that examines must interpret to make sense of.


the act of returning psychologically to a younger, and typically simpler and safer age. -sucking your thumb as an adult after doing it as a child.

psychic determinism

the assumption that all psychological events have a cause.

Failed Predictions

the theories that can be falsified have been. ex. people aren't more likely to only remember bad things, remember everything equally.


transferring a socially unacceptable impulse into an admired and socially valued goal. -a boy who groups up beating kids becomes a boxer as an adult


unconcious attributes of negative qualities onto others. -a married man with unconscious sex impulses believes that everyone wants him.

Defense mechanisms

unconcious manuevers intended to minimize anxiety

questionable conception of the unconscious

we are often unaware of why we do things, and we often come up with reasons plausible to ourselves of why we thought of that even though it makes no sense.

penis envy

where a girl desires to have penis just like daddy has.


widely used structured personality test designed to access symptoms of mental disorders. Consist of 10 scales, 8 of which asses mental disorders. -separate into 2 groups and examines what makes each group different

Evaluations on trait models

-mischel found that there was little correlation between behaviors and the trait that caused it. -concluded that personality isn't as helpful as we thought to determine behavior. -epstein proved that personality traits are highly predictive of behavior averaged across many situations. Contrary to mischel claimed that personality traits can be useful to predict overall behavior trends. -trait models describe behavior rather then explaining it.

Structured personality tests

-paper and pencil test consisting of questions that respondents answer.

Maslow, characteristics of self actualized people

-people tend to be creative, spontaneous and accepting of themselves and others. -self confident but not self centered, few but deep friendships, not afraid to speak their mind.

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