Psych 209 Exam 1 2023

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Deci and Ryan (1985, 2001) have proposed that three fundamental needs are required for human growth and fulfillment: relatedness, autonomy, and competence. Susan predicts that students who have these needs met in their psychology class feel happier and more satisfied with the class. She collects data and finds that students who feel more related and competent do feel happier, but that feeling more autonomous does not seem to matter. Susan thinks that maybe autonomy is necessary only when people are in situations in which they are not being evaluated. Susan's prediction that students who have all three needs met will experience greater satisfaction with their psychology class is an example of which of the following?

A hypothesis

Science is___

A systematic process, based on empirical evidence, a source of knowledge, a set of tools

A theory must be all of the following____ (4)

Based on empirical evidence, testable, consistent, parsimonious

After reading the chapter, Cyril says to himself, "I am sure other people might engage in faulty thinking, but I never would." What is Cyril experiencing?

Bias blind spot

What is the difference between data that is collected anonymously and data that is collected confidentially?

Confidential research collects participants' names but separates them from the data; anonymous research does not collect participants' names.

In this article we learn information about where the participants were from and the specific program they were involved with. What ethical principle for working with human subjects does this potentially break


A candidate went on several long, disjointed tangents, made general claims, and used meaningless language throughout a debate. Viewers who already favored that candidate reported that his responses were very strong and made sense to them, while viewers who already did not favor the candidate reported that his responses were very weak and made no sense. Which of the following explains the different responses from each group

Confirmation bias

Which of the following is an essential element of an informed consent form?

Explanation of possible risks of participation.

The organization of a research article follows which general format?

General --> Specific -->General

Which of the following approaches should you employ when reading news articles?

Have healthy skepticism, and double check the article's author(s), source(s), language, etc.

critical thinker is ___

Is skeptical when claims are based on emotional reasoning

Which of the following is NOT true about pseudopsychology

It relies on objective, empirical evidence to support its claims.

who has to have specialized training to work with animals in a laboratory setting

Lab techs, research assistants, primary investigator, undergraduates working with animals etc

Why is logical reasoning insufficient to reach a scientific conclusion

Logical reasoning alone lacks the support of empirical evidence

researcher has just finished a study on the sleep requirements of high school students. All the students in the study were Caucasian residents of eastern Oregon, which suggests that its finding may not apply to American high school students in general. When writing an APA-format paper on the study for publication, the researcher will report the students' race and general region of residence in the paper's ________ section ,and will bring up limitations on the applicability of the study findings in the ________section

Methods; Discussion

The principle that participants can voluntarily withdraw from a study at any time originated in the:

Nuremburg code

The authors of this article would have viewed the _____ section of the academic paper to find detailed information about the study's main findings.


You are reading an article about how consuming more than 3 alcoholic beverages a day can lead to cancer. What should you check to evaluate the findings of the article?

See if you can find the original study to read from. Check to see if the article mention other perspectives or alternative explanations

True or false: If an Institutional Review Board determined that a proposed study mightexpose participants to stress similar to that experienced in everyday life, that would beconsidered "No Risk."


True or false: Some research participants will engage in behaviors that are harmful to themselves or others when they believe it is required for the study


True or false: Researchers may deceive study participants

True, but deception must be revealed during debriefing.

Tim tells you that the best way to make friends is by opening the conversation with a joke. He can easily recall all the friends he met by telling a joke and also the times he opened with chitchat and didn't befriend the person. If you were concerned that Tim was making the present/present bias, what would you ask him?

What about the times you opened with a joke and didn't become friends with the person?

A human study participant under the age of 18, who has the verbal and cognitive ability to understand information about the study, must give _____ in order to participate.


After watching several news reports about people losing their jobs, Marcelino thinks that the rates of being laid off are much higher than they actually are.

availability heauristic

Juan sees his roommate's socks on the floor when he wakes up and overestimates how messy his roommate is.

availability heuristic

who are the protected groups?

children, prisoners, and people with disabilities

After realizing that his parents used an authoritarian parenting style, Jericho researches the advantages of the authoritarian style while ignoring studies that support the use of another style.

confirmation bias

Asking questions to get the answers we want is known as...?

confirmation bias

At a social gathering, someone tells Steph that he is an INFP. Dubious, Steph asks for more information, including about the methodology and empirical evidence behind such a claim. Steph is honing her _______ skills

critical thinking

A psychological theory:

explains a set of related phenomena

"Rats who have been food-deprived will consume more sugar water than rats who have not been food-deprived."


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of scientific writing

it is persuasive

Agustín is looking for a new album to listen to and searches throughout a record store, comparing several different albums. He finds an album that he remembers hearing two of his friends praise in the past. Agustín thinks that because two of his friends liked it, he will like it too; however, he fails to notice that he has many other friends who have not told him their opinions on the album. What type of faulty thinking is Agustín displaying?

present present bias

Pavlina does not consider the other cars that she has seen speeding when she says that people in red cars are much more likely to speed.

present present bias

Sharnae notices the times when she scores on a free throw after tapping the basketball more than she notices the times she scores on a free throw without tapping the ball.

present present bias

Advice that is based on ________ is most likely to be correct.


Dr. Kushner is planning on conducting a study next semester. He is curious as to whether sleep deprivation is associated with poorer cognitive performance. For example, if you sleep poorly the night before a big exam, will you do worse? Dr. Kushner is especially curious about selective sleep deprivation, where people are kept from entering REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. Using an electroencephalograph (EEG) to monitor brain waves, he plans to let participants sleep until they enter REM sleep and then wake them. After the participants are awake for one minute, Dr. Kushner plans to let them return to sleep. As they enter REM sleep again, he will wake them again and follow the same procedure. He plans to do this through the entire eight-hour sleep session. The following morning, participants will be asked to take a sample SAT test. Dr. Kushner asks his participants to provide informed consent. Doing this is adhering to which principle of the Belmont Report?

respect for persons

Dr. White reads about a new theory that states that depression is caused by increased levels of estrogen in the womb. To test this theory, she conducted a study comparing the level of estrogen in amniotic fluid in individuals who were later diagnosed with depression with the level of those who did not develop depression. Dr. White found no differences between the groups in estrogen levels in the amniotic fluid. In this study, estrogen levels in participants were the..?

the data

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