Psych 405 exam 3

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While in rehab, Erik gives a social worker a rundown of all the drugs he has taken in the past month. Which of the following substances that he lists is a narcotic?


Kate suffers from anorexia nervosa. Kate is likely to experience all of the following EXCEPT:


_____ are an increasingly popular forum that celebrates former users who committed suicide, and, in some cases, helps others make a joint or partnered suicide arrangement.

Pro-suicide websites

which theorist believed that enmeshed family patterns often lead to eating disorders?

Salvador Minuchin

Relapse is a major problem for those suffering from bulimia nervosa. Researchers have identified certain factors that more accurately predict future relapse after successful treatment. Which is NOT one of those factors?

There was at least one other diagnosable mental illness that co-occurred with the bulimia nervosa.

Which of these is NOT characteristic of people in crisis?

They are thinking clearly

Peter is struggling with stimulant use disorder after abusing cocaine for two months. He has developed _____, causing him to want higher and higher doses to gain the same effects as before.

a tolerance

Research on suicide victims suggests a pattern of:

usually low serotonin activity

Aaron suffers from gambling disorder. He feels irritable and restless when he tries to reduce or stop gambling. His symptoms are similar to the _____ reactions often found in cases of substance use disorder.


Ximena is a modern psychologist who believes that people with perceived burdensomeness, thwarted belongingness, and the psychological capability are the most likely to carry out suicide. To which view of suicide does Ximena subscribe?


A person Edwin Shneidman would define as a death _____ acts out of a belief that death is already underway, and she is only hastening the process. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices


The text mentions all of the following as influencing suicide risk, EXCEPT: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices


______ is often given to people who are trying to stop consuming alcohol


Structures involved in reward circuit:

- Nucleus accumbens - Prefrontal cortex - Ventral tegmental area

what percent of the U.S. population has a substance use disorder in any given year?


about what portion of Americans believe that terminally ill people should be free to take their lives or to seek a physician's assistance to do so?


Autopsies revealed that approximately _____ of those who commit suicide are legally intoxicated.


Around _____ of current methamphetamine users in the United States are women, and more than _____ of all people over the age of 11 have used it at least once.

42%; 5%

A classic study of 200 family histories found that early parental loss was common among those who attempted suicide; as many as _____ percent of the suicide attempters in this study experienced the loss of a parent.


out of the more than 70,000 overdose deaths last year, about how many people died as a result of a heroin or opioid overdose?


Which drug is a combination of two amphetamines?


Drug therapy seems to work best in treating eating disorders when combined with other forms of therapy, particularly:

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Rachael is being treated for narcolepsy, a sleep disorder that causes daytime sleepiness and sudden attacks of sleep. Her doctor prescribed amphetamines, which _____ energy and alertness and _____ appetite when taken in small doses.

Increase; reduce

Kevin is a chronic user of a drug that caused him to have flashbacks—a recurrence of the sensory and emotional changes induced by the drug—even months after his last use. Kevin MOST likely took:


Malik regularly consumes large amounts of alcohol. His girlfriend has noticed that at least twice a week, he engages in an episode of binge-drinking and has done so for the entire year that they have been dating. Which would be an accurate description of Malik's drinking behaviors?

Malik is a heavy drinker

After being fired from her job two months ago, Melanie began spending almost every day at a casino. She tells her husband she's out looking for a job because she is embarrassed about how she's been spending her time. Should Melanie be diagnosed with gambling disorder?

No, because her visible symptoms have not been displayed over the course of a year.

what is the least likely to be linked to suicide


Which of these is involved in aversion therapy?

Pairing of negative stimuli with substance use

Which is TRUE regarding the definition of addiction and DSM-5-TR?

People may become addicted to behaviors beyond substance use

Robert is a junior in high school. He is questioning his sexuality and gets bullied during gym class. One night he is under great stress, unable to cope, and contemplating suicide. He decides to call a suicide hotline. He MOST likely calls: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices

The Trevor Lifeline

Ugo suffers from Alzheimer's disorder. He constantly forgets to take his medications, and when he does take them, he sometimes mixes them up. One day, he takes two pills that should not be mixed together and dies. Ugo's behavior would most likely NOT be considered subintentional because:

Ugo's disease makes his memory inaccurate; he is not passively trying to end his own life

Bulimia nervosa relapse is more likely among all of the following people EXCEPT:

Zakirah, a teenager who distrusts her parents and conselors

Which of the following is NOT a common triggering factor for suicide?

a change of therapist

cocaine increases availability of all of the following neurotransmitters except:


According to the text, after correcting the dangerous eating habits associated with an eating disorder, the secondary goal of treatment is to:

address the broader psychological and situational factors that lead to an eating problem

Walking home one afternoon, Simone noticed a little boy run into the street to retrieve his ball. Suddenly, a car raced down the street. Simone ran into the street to push the little boy out of the way even though she knew that she would be struck and possibly killed by the car. According to Emile Durkheim, Simone committed _____ suicide.


Thalia is worried that Quincy, her workmate, is at a heightened risk for suicide. Quincy lives alone, has limited social support, and has confessed that he feels little sense of _____. He also has ongoing conflicts with other people at work.


Xavier engages in repeated eating binges during which he feels no control over his eating. He does not perform compensatory behaviors, and as a result of his frequent binges, he has become obese. Xavier MOST likely suffers from:

binge-eating disorder

Geizelle is a freshman in college. She heard about the "Freshman Fifteen," the tendency for college freshman to gain weight during the school term. Afraid of gaining the weight but unable to control her food intake, Geizelle began purging after each meal. Unfortunately, this only made her hungrier, so she eats more only to purge again. Geizelle's behavior is indicative of:

binge-purge syndrome

Meredith's friends are always surprised by how thin she always seems to stay, but her friends have never been concerned about her being unhealthily thin. She always seems to eat a lot whenever she goes out with them and people always seem to ask her "where she puts all that food." Her friends have never heard her talk about going to the gym, and after she finishes eating she always seems to excuse herself to the bathroom. Meredith's friends are starting to suspect that she has:

bulimia nervosa

Why is cannabis NOT considered a hallucinogen?

cannabis produces depressant and stimulant effects

In support of Sigmund Freud's view on suicide, researchers have found a relationship between _____ and later suicidal behaviors.

childhood losses

Ellen has recently noticed that she is experiencing a host of unpleasant symptoms, including the yellowing of her skin. Her doctor tells her that after years of heavy drinking, she has developed _____, a condition in which her liver becomes scarred and dysfunctional.


what theory explains how the sight of a hypodermic needle can induce a "high" in a person who is dependent on heroin?

classical conditioning

A theory postulated by _____ theorists suggests that operant conditioning may play a key role in substance use disorders due to its rewarding effects.


Which is FALSE regarding alcohol abuse and abstinence?

controlled drinking may be a more appropriate goal for people who have a long-standing alcohol use disorder

Some time after snorting cocaine, Frederico begins to feel dizzy and feels a headache coming on. Suddenly, he faints. Frederico is likely:


Trey suffers from gambling disorder, and in monitoring his gambling patterns he notices that he tends to gamble more when he is feeling:


Josiah is a teenager who recently committed suicide. According to the text, all of these may have contributed to his suicide EXCEPT:

economic difficulties

According to Hilde Bruch, a parent who correctly feeds a hungry child and comforts a fearful child is:


According to Hilde Bruch, a child who has developed a poor sense of control and independence has:

ego deficiencies

Treatment for suicidal people is administered:

either before or after a suicide attempt

Heroin attaches to brain receptor sites that ordinarily receive a class of neurotransmitters called:


Demi is a patient with bulimia nervosa. In several of her therapy sessions, Demi's therapist has required her to eat a slice of cake and then prevented her from vomiting, to show that eating can be harmless. Demi's therapist is using the _____ approach.

exposure and response prevention

Elizabeth has anorexia nervosa and enjoys planning her meals down to the smallest detail. She often gives her friends cooking advice after fantasizing about food. Elizabeth's preoccupation with food is likely the result of:

food deprivation

Lately Gail has been feeling despondent. She is convinced she will never be professionally successful or be in a stable, healthy relationship, and she is wondering why she should go on living. Gail is experiencing:


A number of theorists believe that when substances repeatedly stimulate the reward center, the center develops _____ to the substances.


Rikki is an 8-year-old girl whose mother recently died. Her death left Rikki alone and without any living relatives, so she was placed in the foster care system. Rikki's situation illustrates _____ stressors.


Mara is a crisis worker at the Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Center. When someone calls in, she fills out a _____, which is a questionnaire to estimate the caller's potential for suicide.

lethality scale

In the past, women in the upper socioeconomic classes expressed _____ concern about thinness and dieting than women of the lower socioeconomic classes. In recent years, dieting and the preoccupation with thinness have increased to some degree in _____ classes.

more; all socieoeconomic

In Alex's continuing substance abuse treatment program, a nurse empathizes with her and helps motivate her to recognize her problem and commit to making constructive choices and behavior changes in her life. This technique is called:

motivational interviewing

Chase has lost his entire paycheck gambling, because when he loses bets repeatedly he:

often gambles more in an attempt to win his money back

J.T. decides to seek treatment for cocaine use disorder. He goes to one of the three most popular locations where people receive treatment. Where did J.T. MOST likely go?

outpatient rehabilitation

Compared to men, women are MORE likely to _____ in attempting suicide.

overdose on drugs

According to Shneidman, _______, or a feeling of intolerable psychological pain, is an underlying key to suicide


psychoanalytic theory

psychological processes are at the root of abnormal and normal functioning

a therapist is treating a client who misuses alcohol. As part of the therapy, the therapist teaches the client how to recognize when he is almost at his drinking limit. this is an example of:

relapse-prevention training

Which is NOT a compensatory behavior?

restricting caloric intake

Jonathan is a certified addictions counselor who believes substance use is more likely to appear in families and environments where substance use is valued or at least accepted. Jonathan is a(n) _____ theorist.


Suicide has received much more examination from the _____ model than from any other, highlighting the importance of change and stress, religious affiliation, marital status, and mass media.


Duncan runs a _____ program, in which he and his staff try to identify people who are at risk for suicide in order to offer them help.

suicide prevention

LGBTQ teenagers are ____ to have suicidal thoughts and to attempt suicide

three times as likely

Shawn suffers from gambling disorder. He needs to gamble with increasing amounts of money to feel excited. His symptom is similar to the _____ reactions often found in cases of substance use disorder.


Hallucinogens produce hallucinations, _____, and other sensory changes.


Which is NOT an opioid drug?


Chen took a drug that caused synesthesia. He is MOST likely to report:

perceiving colors as audible

Psychodynamic therapy tends to be of more help when it is:

combined with another approach

Sadie's continued use of marijuana will lead to a reduction of the neurotransmitter _____ in her brain, requiring more marijuana to achieve the same effects.


About half of those who have suffered from anorexia nervosa continue to battle certain emotional problems for years after they receive treatment. Which is NOT an example of these emotional problems?


Hunter finds that his life lacks meaning and support. Because of the high rate of unemployment in his home city, he had to move far away from his family. All around him, he sees people who seem only to value material possessions. Because he lacks a sense of belonging, he commits suicide. Emile Durkheim would consider this a(n) _____ suicide.


Ophelia is in the hospital, where she has been admitted against her own will. She has been informed that if she continues to refuse to eat, she may be force-fed intravenously or through a tube. Ophelia is probably suffering from:

anorexia nervosa

Quinn intensely fears gaining weight. He restricts his food intake, and his body perception is distorted. Quinn MOST likely suffers from:

anorexia nervosa

Veronica suffers from bulimia nervosa. Before a binge episode, Veronica MOST likely feels a sense of:

great tension

The leading theories about the underlying causes of suicide come from all of the following models EXCEPT the _____ model.


Reseema is undergoing treatment for anorexia nervosa. As part of her therapy, she has worked on discovering her core pathology and monitoring her feelings of hunger and her food intake. Reseema's treatment program is MOST likely:

cognitive-behaviorally based

Death _____ experience mixed feelings in their intent to die even at the moment of their attempt at suicide. They show this ambivalence in the act itself. Although to some degree they wish to die, and they often do die, their risk-taking behavior does not guarantee death. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices


Two days after giving up alcohol, Nathan begins to experience terrifying visual hallucinations. For example, he sees small, frightening animals chasing and crawling on him. Nathan is likely experiencing:

delirium tremens

Compared to people with anorexia nervosa, people with bulimia are at a greater risk for:

dental problems

Persephone comes from a family in which everyone is overly involved in the lives of the others. Although everyone is affectionate and loyal, they tend to cling to each other. As a teen, she feels that her desire for independence is somehow harming the family's sense of closeness and harmony. Her family displays an _____ family pattern.


Brandon suffers from bulimia nervosa and has sought the help of a therapist. His psychologist, who ascribes to the cognitive-behavioral model, gives him instructions to eat specific types and amounts of food but to resist the urge to make himself vomit. The hope is that Brandon will come to see that eating can be a healthy and constructive behavior that requires no undoing. Brandon's psychologist is using a technique called:

exposure and response prevention

Harvey has started seeing a psychodynamic therapist to help get a handle on his addiction to amphetamines. What is the second step Harvey's therapist will use to treat his substance use disorder?

helping Harvey change his substance-related lifestyle

Natalie is an extremely religious individual; some of her friends have described her as a fanatic. At age 35, Natalie begins obsessing about moving on to the afterlife. One afternoon, she mixed some industrial cleaner with a glass of lemonade, said a prayer, and drank the concoction. Within a few minutes, the poisons in the cleaner claimed her life. According to Edwin Shneidman, Natalie is an example of a death:


A study found that men who developed alcohol problems had been more _____ as teenagers and continued to be so in middle age, a finding suggesting that this trait makes one more prone to develop alcohol problems.


In a years-long longitudinal study that measured the personality traits of a large group of nonalcoholic young men, the men who developed alcohol problems had been more _____ as teenagers and continued to be so in middle age.


Which of these is NOT among the outcomes for babies whose mothers smoked cocaine during pregnancy?

increased attention

Treatments for depression may help lower the risk of suicide. However, as a person's mood improves, he or she may have a(n) _____ as they have more energy.

increased risk of suicide

Yasmin just found out that she has Huntington's disease, a terrible neurodegenerative disorder. She watched her mother struggle with this disease and die at an early age. Yasmin wants to avoid the pain she knows will soon come, so she takes a lethal dose of morphine, taken from the hospital at which she works. According to Edwin Shneidman, Yasmin was a death: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices


Traditional therapies are often combined with _____ to help those suffering from substance use disorders make behavioral changes in treatment programs.

motivational interviewing

One perspective identified several kinds of risk factors associated with an eating disorder. Adherents suggested that the more risk factors that are present, the MORE likely that the eating disorder will develop. This is known as the _____ perspective.

multidimensional risk

Most of today's theorists and researchers use a _____ to explain eating disorders, identifying several key factors that place a person at risk for these disorders.

multidimensional risk perspective

Sara, after prolonged methamphetamine use, developed damage to her nerve endings, a problem called:


Against her doctor's advice, Marilyn did not stop drinking alcohol while she was pregnant and gave birth to an infant with fetal alcohol syndrome. The baby's symptoms likely included all of these EXCEPT:


Many people with anorexia nervosa display _____ patterns. For example, they may set rigid rules for food preparation or even cut food into specific shapes.


If a person with anorexia is given the opportunity to take a picture of herself and then "adjust" the picture to best represent her body, she will _____ her body size.


Which statement is true about Gamblers Anonymous?

people who regularly attend meetings seem to have a better recovery rate than those who do not attend Gamblers Anonymous

Dr. Lemon has been examining a number of treatment strategies to treat substance use disorder. He decides to try helping clients understand the underlying causes of their substance use. He is using a _____ approach.


Sandy was under the influence of LSD when she began to hallucinate and therefore began to:

see people, objects, or forms that were not actually present

The use of MDMA or Ecstasy can lead to long-term dysfunction in the ______ neurons in the brain


Over the past two months, Pedro's behavior has dramatically changed. He has run away from home three times, gotten into several fights at school, and has routinely refused to listen to his parents and teachers. Because Pedro is 10 years old, his behavior may be suggestive of:

suicidal intentions

After taking LSD, Chuck begins to feel and hear the colors of his clothing and furniture. He is experiencing:


Which of these is NOT among the ways that individuals with possible Internet addictions spend all or most of their waking hours?

talking to others face-to-face

During a violent assault, Noel suffered damage to his _____. Damage to this structure has caused an increase in his food intake.

ventromedial hypothalamus

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