Psych adolescents 8,9,10

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Which of the following is a reason that "identity development" is an adolescent issue?

Changes take place during adolescence that cause young people to change how they view and feel about themselves.

When researchers use brain-imaging technology to investigate patterns of adolescent brain activation, what do they find?

Researchers find that regions of the brain that are especially sensitive to rewards are more intensely activated during early and middle adolescence than adulthood.

How much do people's personalities differ before and after adolescence?

They remain about the same.

In early and middle adolescence, adolescents become more _____ with respect to parents, and more _____ with respect to peers.

autonomous; conformist

Emotional autonomy develops best when parents encourage _______ and _______.

individuation; emotional closeness

The sexual behavior of adolescents who have talked about sex with their parents is ________ compared to the sexual behavior of adolescents who have not talked to their parents about sex.

less influenced by peer pressure

Temperament and personality tend to become _________ as we __________.

more stable; get older

Identities that are undesirable to parents and community members are referred to by Erikson as:

negative identities.

Parents who use a lot of psychological control are best characterized as being:

overprotective and intrusive.

According to one experiment, when confronted with false evidence:

significantly more young adolescents (12-16) than young adults will give a false confession.

Which of the following statements about self-conception is most likely to be made by a child rather than by an adolescent?

"I am a girl; I have two brothers; I like to read."

According to the results from the Steinberg and colleagues' study, who would be most likely to settle for $750 tomorrow than receive $1,000 a year from now?

10- to 11-year-olds

At which of the following ages would you expect susceptibility to peer pressure, especially for delinquent behaviors, to be the greatest?

14 years

Delaying serious involvement in dating relationships until age _____ appears to be the most favorable pattern for healthy psychosocial development.


The average duration of a romantic relationship during the middle high school years is about _____ months.


Which of the following behaviors is characteristic of increased emotional autonomy among adolescents?

Adolescents are able to see their parents as people.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of an adolescent's growing emotional autonomy?

Adolescents become more likely to believe that their life would have been better if they had their friends' parents.

Which of the following statements about adolescents' level and degree of interaction with parents is true?

Adolescents interact more often with, are closer to, and argue more with their mothers than with their fathers.

Which of the following is one of the characteristics that distinguish between the adolescent's and the child's self-concept?

Adolescents tend to view the self as involving more dimensions than do children. Adolescents distinguish among actual, ideal, and feared selves. The adolescent's self varies over time and across situations. All of the above.

The structured interview used to assess an individual's past attachment history and internal working model of relationships is called the:

Adult Attachment Interview.

Which of the following individuals would be considered to be in an identity diffusion state?

Alexandra, who has not made firm commitments and is not currently trying to make them

Someone who is more likely to engage in excessive false-self behavior is most likely:

All of the above

Between early and late adolescence, individuals improve in their ability to:

All of the above are true.

Between middle and late adolescence, individuals become:

All of the above are true.

Individuals who reason at higher levels of moral thought are thought to:

All of the above responses are true.

According to Sullivan, if the interpersonal tasks of adolescence are negotiated successfully, the young adolescent enters late adolescence able to:

All of the above.

Alex suffers from identity diffusion. In addition to problems with identity development, problems with identity diffusion are likely to be reflected in the area(s) of:

All of the above.

Although research presented in the textbook indicates that physical appearance self-esteem is the best predictor of adolescents' overall self-esteem:

All of the above.

An adolescent may have an intimate relationship with:

All of the above.

Contemporary discussions of adolescent romance draw on:

All of the above.

Although it is difficult to separate "selection" and "socialization" effects, individuals who are securely attached in infancy are likely to:

All of these statements are true.

Which of the following statements about sex differences in partner preferences is true?

Although girls may believe that they place more weight on interpersonal qualities (such as support and intimacy) than physical attractiveness, controlled experiments indicate that girls are more influenced by physical attractiveness than they think.

Compared to same-sex peers, who is likely to be less socially mature, less imaginative, less achievement-oriented, more superficial, and more likely to exhibit problem behaviors?

Amber, who started dating seriously at age 14

Which of the following statements about autonomy is false?

An absence of conflict between an adolescent and his or her parents indicates a delay in autonomy development.

Who would argue that the physical changes of puberty cause substantial disruption and conflict inside the family system?

Anna Freud

Within the United States and in Canada, adolescents of which racial/ethnic group are the least likely to date?


According to the textbook, because _____ girls do not feel as _____ about their appearances as girls of other racial backgrounds, these individuals typically have _____ overall self-esteem.

Black; negatively; higher

Which of the following is not one of the explanations researchers have presented to answer the question, "Given the prevalence of prejudice in American society and the generally disadvantaged position of Blacks, why do Black adolescents have high self-esteem?"

Blacks have learned not to recognize the extent to which American society discriminates against them.

Optimal social development during adolescence most likely requires healthy relationships with:

Both A and B are correct.

Sean is an adolescent who frequently engages in false-self behavior and also has low self-esteem. One explanation for these two characteristics is that:

Both A and B are correct.

According to research presented in the textbook, the expression of intimacy is more advanced among adolescent girls than among boys. What is a consequence of this advanced intimacy?

Both A and B are true.

Why is early adolescence a time during which parents' knowledge of their adolescent's behavior declines?

Both A and B are true.

Which adolescent is most vulnerable to disturbances in self-image?

Carol, a 13-year-old female

Which statement about conformity to peers is most true?

Conformity is higher during early and middle adolescence than later adolescence, especially when the behavior in question is antisocial.

Which dimension of the Five-Factor Model measures how organized someone is?


Which of the following statements about dating violence is false?

Dating violence is virtually nonexistent among LGBT adolescents.

Which of the following statements regarding sex differences in self-perceptions is accurate?

Early adolescent girls are more likely to say negative things about themselves than same-aged boys.

Based on findings from research studies, compared to older adolescents (15 years and older) and preadolescents (8- to 11-year-olds), which of the following statements about young adolescents' self-esteem, self-consciousness, and self-image is false?

Early adolescents experience a sharp increase in self-esteem'.

Which of the following adolescents is least likely to engage in false-self behavior?

Emily, who has high support from her parents and peers

Which statement regarding autonomy development would not fit with Anna Freud's theory?

Emotional autonomy during adolescence involves a transformation of family relationships.

What is the immigrant paradox?

Foreign-born and first-generation ethnic minority youth perform better in school and are less likely to be involved in delinquent behavior or have physical, emotional, and behavioral problems than adolescents from the same ethnic group whose parents were born in America.

Which theorist adopted the most biological view of development?


Which of the following is not one of the personality dimensions of the Five-Factor Model?

Gender Intensification

Which of the following statements about self-esteem in children is true?

High achievement in school boosts self-esteem.

Which of the following statements about sibling relationships is not true?

Intimacy in sibling relationships is a complicated matter, often including a mix of feelings of affection and rivalry.

What statement about intimacy is false?

Intimacy is an important concern only in adolescence.

Jesse is a physically immature 14-year-old who goes to school where it is expected that 14-year-olds date. Hillary is a physically mature 14-year-old who goes to school where it is expected that students delay dating until age 16. Which adolescent is more likely to date?


Alice has high academic self-esteem, whereas Loriann has high physical appearance self-esteem. According to the textbook, who will probably have higher overall self-esteem?


Whose research supports Erikson's theory on identity development?


Which of the following adolescent's global self-esteem is most likely affected by his or her academic success?

Mary, an Asian-American adolescent

Which adolescent would be expected to have the greatest difficulty establishing a sense of identity?

Michael, who has many alternatives available to him in many different arenas

Michelle's parents believe in relaxed rules and guidelines. They believe that rules and regulations will inhibit Michelle's discovery of herself as a person. In what way is this parental philosophy not likely to affect Michelle?

Michelle will be genuinely autonomous.

According to the textbook, which of the following statements about moral reasoning and moral behavior is not true?

Moral behavior and moral reasoning always go hand in hand.

What proportion of American sixth-graders believe it is OK for someone to hit a boyfriend or girlfriend?

More than 50% of American sixth-graders believe it is OK for a girl to hit her boyfriend and about 25% believe it is OK for a boy to hit his girlfriend.

The dominant perspective of moral development is grounded in _____ theory.

Piaget's cognitive

Which child is probably experiencing for the first time the need to be intimate with a friend of the same age?

Randy, who is 11

Critics of Kohlberg's theory have asserted that reasoning about hypothetical moral problems in an advanced way is not the same as behaving morally. Furthermore, critics have also argued that reasoning about hypothetical life-and-death situations does not tell us very much about the ways people reason in day-to-day problems. What has recent research studies addressing these concerns found?

Research has indicated that people reason about life-and-death dilemmas in ways that parallel their reasoning about moral dilemmas they encounter in their daily lives. Also, in general, an individual's moral reasoning is indeed related to an individual's moral behavior.

When the author of the textbook, Laurence Steinberg, says that "Some researchers have argued that the question of whether self-esteem is stable during adolescence is a poor one," what does he mean?

Researchers have argued that asking whether self-esteem is stable is a poor question because group averages often hide substantial differences between people.

Which one of the adolescents below will be most vulnerable to the potential negative consequences of a break-up?

Richard, an adolescent who is a binge drinker and engages in delinquency

Rose is transitioning from elementary into junior high school and Sally will be starting her senior year of high school in the fall. According to research presented in the textbook, who is more likely to experience disruptions in self-esteem?


According to one study from Furman and Simon, on whom does an internal working model of relationships have the greatest affect?

Sarah, an adolescent girl

Consistent with the immigrant paradox discussed in another chapter of the textbook, which of the following statements is true?

Susceptibility to peer pressure is higher among relatively more acculturated Latino adolescents than their less acculturated peers.

Which statement concerning adolescents' ability to see their parents as people is false?

This aspect of emotional autonomy develops later in adolescents' relations with their mothers than with their fathers.

Tony and Jeff, both Black adolescents, attend different schools. Tony attends a school where his ethnic group is in the majority and Jeff attends a predominately White school. What do studies predict about Tony and/or Jeff's self-perception?

Tony will have fewer self-image problems than Jeff.

For which of the following questions is an adolescent most likely to turn to outside experts for advice?

What steps do I need to take to get admitted to college?

Dewayne's parents are worried that as he enters adolescence, his self-esteem will greatly decrease. During what time should Dewayne's parents expect the most fluctuations in his self-image?

When he is 12-14 years old.

Overall, which group of adolescents feels least positive about themselves?

White females

According to research presented in the textbook, which individuals are likely to have earlier expectations for autonomy than Asian families?

White parents

Which adolescent would be predicted to have the closest relationship with a maternal grandfather?

a boy whose body is just starting to undergo the physical changes of puberty and is living with his divorced mother

When Lenny gets frustrated or upset, he turns to his peers rather than his parents for support. As a matter of fact, Lenny relies on his peers more than his parents for most things. Lenny is probably from:

a permissive home.

As used in the study of adolescence, the term intimacy refers to an emotional attachment between two people that is characterized by all of the following, except:

a sexual and/or physical relationship.

Bruce, a second-year college student, has switched majors three times. He is still undecided about what he wants to do with his life. Bruce is in:

a state of psychosocial moratorium.

According to the textbook, young adolescents with __________ also report high levels of anxiety, tension, and adjustment problems.

a volatile self-image

Ethnic identity may be sped up if parents teach their children:

about dealing with racism.

Children's friendships are based on _____, whereas adolescents' friendships are typically based on _____.

activities; intimacy

Researchers are particularly interested in the identity changes that occur in adolescence for all of the following reasons, except:

adolescents are now capable of thinking in concrete terms about who they are and where they are going.

One study that used brain-imaging techniques to investigate adolescents' neural responses to rejection while playing an online game called "Cyberball" found that:

adolescents high in rejection sensitivity show a different pattern of brain activity in response to exclusion and are more likely to develop symptoms of depression.

Kristie believes that her parents are too strict and has decided not to abide by their rules. She refuses to do her chores around the house and breaks curfew every night. Kristie is probably from:

an authoritarian home.

Involvement in delinquent activity may lead to ________ in self-esteem, perhaps because involvement in delinquency _____.

an increase; earns teenagers approval from certain peers

According to the textbook, many writers have suggested that an adolescent's desire for autonomy may actually have an evolutionary basis, which reflects:

an individual's desire to increase his or her opportunity to find a non-familial mate to reproduce with.

During infancy, Julia formed a secure attachment with her parents. This attachment has formed the basis for all her future approaches to interpersonal relationships. According to attachment theorists, Julia is employing:

an internal working model.

It appears the Daniel is uninfluenced by his childhood relationship with his mother. For example, even though his mother wasn't around much during his childhood, instead of being upset, Daniel replies, "No big deal, I didn't need her anyway." Based on the classifications, Daniel would be categorized as:

anxious avoidant attachment.

An infant who is indifferent to his/her caregiver would have what type of attachment?


Maria is the mother of a 6-month-old baby girl, Antonia. Antonia does not seem to have a close, trusting bond with Maria. Instead, their relationship is characterized by ambivalence. What type of attachment best describes Antonia's relationship with Maria?

anxious-resistant attachment

Girls are more likely than boys to settle disagreements with friends by:


Among ethnic minority youth, academic achievement is highest when adolescents experience all of the following except:

are not aware of racism.

In contrast to Sullivan's claims about adolescent friendships, more current research has found:

as the number of cross-sex peers increases, the number of same-sex peers either stays the same or increases.

The close, significant emotional bond between parent and infant is called:


More advanced levels of moral reasoning are indicative of which parenting style?


Which of the following types of parenting promotes healthy emotional autonomy in adolescents?


Cara hates that her mother always asks her where she is going and who she is hanging out with. Cara's attempts to keep secrets are her attempt to establish:


The psychosocial domain concerning the development and expression of independence is called:


Which of the following is not one of the adolescent classifications in the Adult Attachment Interviews?


Adolescents who have less positive relationships with their parents are more likely to do all but which of the following?

be influenced by friends who perform well in school

During childhood, Cathy had relatively high self-esteem. As she enters adolescence, Cathy's self-esteem is most likely to:

be relatively the same.

Which of the following is not a reason that early adolescents might experience fluctuations in self-image?

because early adolescents spend most of their time engaging in false-self behavior

Jane has decided not to go along with her friends and drink after school. She realizes that this is wrong, and decides not to give in to the peer pressure. What type of autonomy is Jane exhibiting?


Before Shirley fills out her course registration for fall semester, she asks her parents which courses they think she should take. Shirley also consults the guidance counselor at school as well as some of her close friends. She weighs their suggestions, then enrolls in the courses that seem best suited to her educational goals. Which type of autonomy is Shirley expressing?

behavioral autonomy

Which of the following aspects of autonomy involves the capacity to make independent decisions and follow through with them?

behavioral autonomy

All of the following are defining characteristics of agency, except:

blaming other people for one's problems.

According to the chapter in the textbook, most researchers today believe that adolescents evaluate themselves:

both A and B are correct

Statistics on the age at which young people marry indicate that:

both males and females tend to be much older at first marriage than in the 1950s.

When college students were asked to rate the most important criteria for deciding when someone is ready to get married, what was the most consistently endorsed item?

capacity for intimacy

Healthy individuation and positive mental health are fostered by _____ family relationships.


Cassandra and Rosemarie spend a lot of time obsessing over each other's problems. What is this called?


Which of the following is described by the textbook as being a "double-edged sword" (at least for girls)?


With respect to Internet use and social networking sites, adolescents are likely to:

communicate with people they have offline relationships with.

Research addressing difficult social situations related to adolescents' transitions into romantic relationships found _____ to be among the most frequently mentioned themes.

communicating with the other-sex

A person who obeys the rules because of a sense of social obligation to behave in certain ways is functioning at which level of moral development?


Research suggests that the majority of adolescents probably function at which of the following moral reasoning levels?


Mark complains to his mother that there is nothing wrong with drinking a little beer because, "Everyone my age does it once in a while and I'll be a social outcast if I don't have a drink." Mark's level of moral development would be described as:

conventional stage.

Adolescents are most likely to exhibit false-self behavior with their:


Viggo says to his friends, "You know, sometimes my Dad is wrong and I tell him so and I give him my opinion. I didn't use to do that when I was younger—I used to think that everything he said was right." Viggo is demonstrating:

de-idealization of parents.

During late adolescence, the susceptibility to peer pressure _________


Over the course of adolescence, conflict between siblings ________, and this may be due to the fact that siblings spend _____ time together in adolescence than they did in childhood.

decreases; less

Which of the following factors is not closely related to when an adolescent will begin dating?

depressive symptomatology

With regard to adolescent identity development, psychologists are much better at ______ than at ______.

describing the various stages that adolescents move through; explaining why or how individuals' sense of identity changes when it does.

In classical psychoanalytic theories, the process of separation that occurs during early adolescence is referred to as:


Recent research indicates that _______ has negative effects on adolescents' mental health, whereas _________ has positive effects.

detachment; individuation

Over the course of adolescence, individuals come to _____ prosocial acts that are done for _____ reasons.

devalue; self-serving

For middle adolescents, the least important aspect of dating is:

developing intimacy.

As adolescents develop, their self-conceptions become more:


When asked to describe himself, Aaron stated, "Most of my friends think I don't care about school, but I really study a lot at night because school is important to me." This is an example of how adolescent self-conceptions become more:


Jennifer has never had a very good relationship with her parents, especially her mom. Lately, Jennifer has been exhibiting quite a lot of depressive symptomatology along with an extremely disordered relationship with food. Based on research from the textbook and according to the Adult Attachment Interview, which attachment style would you guess Jennifer most likely falls under?

dismissive or preoccupied

Findings from research studies have found that the most marked fluctuations in self-image occur:

during the transition into adolescence.

Problems in identity development can result when:

earlier crises have not been resolved.

Which developmental period appears to be when warmth and closeness for siblings is at its lowest point?

early adolescence

Self-disclosure and loyalty become important dimensions of friendship in:

early adolescence.

Research assessing the link between infant attachment and the quality of interpersonal relationships in adolescence and young adulthood finds:

early relationships set the stage for later interpersonal relationships.

Karen's parents have noticed that throughout Karen's adolescent years, their relationship has transformed. What type of autonomy is Karen expressing?


Peter is noticing changes in the expression of affection and distribution of power in his relationships with his parents. He is less likely to rush to them with a problem, and is spending more time with his friends. What type of autonomy is developing with Peter?


As Barbara moves into adolescence, her relationship with her mother and father changes. She is becoming less dependent on them and more dependent on herself. She also realizes that her parents are not always right. Which type of autonomy is Barbara expressing?

emotional autonomy

Which of the following types of autonomy refers to that aspect of independence related to changes in an individual's close relationships?

emotional autonomy

Erik Erikson believed that ________ is the primary psychosocial crisis of adolescence.

establishing a coherent sense of identity

Feldman and her colleagues have found evidence for consistent variations in autonomy expectations as a function of:


In general, which of the following relationships tends to be the least intimate?

father-daughter relationship

Sixteen-year-old Geneva believes that the death penalty is wrong because her parents, friends, and church say so. She has never really thought about the issue, but has accepted this view as her own. This pattern of following what her parents and peers say and do is pervasive throughout most of her beliefs and behaviors. Which identity state do you think Geneva is in?


Sullivan believed a precondition to forming close relationships as an adolescent is:

forming intimate friendships during preadolescence.

The textbook states all of the following to explain why the development of intimacy is especially important in adolescence, except:

friendships transform being self-conscious to being more activity oriented.

Research suggests that adolescents _________ are the most likely to be susceptible to peer pressure.

from families in which parents are strict and make decisions for their adolescents

Adolescents improve their ability and tendency to consider the long-term consequences of their decisions, which is one aspect of:

future orientation.

Girls are more likely than boys to express intimacy with their friends by doing all of the following, except:

having intimate knowledge about their friends.

Carrie's parents have repeatedly told her not to pierce her belly button despite her argument that all of her friends are getting their belly buttons pierced. Carrie's urge to pierce her navel probably stems from:

her desire to conform to her peers.

According to research cited in the textbook, susceptibility to antisocial peer pressure is _____ among relatively _____ acculturated Latino adolescents than their _____ acculturated peers.

higher; more; less

During childhood, boys and girls are:

highly oriented toward their parents and far less oriented toward their peers.

If an adolescent is making a decision regarding long-term occupational plans, he or she is likely to go to ___________ for advice.

his or her parents

An important aspect of having a healthy self-concept and more socially appropriate behavior is to be able to balance one's ______ self with one's ______ self.

ideal; feared

Studies of ethnic identity development have shown that, relative to ethnic minorities, White adolescents are more likely to:

identify themselves as "American" rather than a specific heritage label.

Among multiethnic adolescents asked to describe their own ethnic identity, those with one Black parent and one non-Black parent are more likely to:

identify themselves as Black.

Identity that is incoherent, disjointed, and characterized by an incomplete sense of self is called:

identity diffusion.

James has flunked out of high school, has severed all of his ties with family and friends, and has no sense of where he is headed. He also seems to have significant disruptions in his sense of time (some things seem to happen much faster than they really do). According to Erikson, James is experiencing:

identity diffusion.

According to Erikson, the major crisis of adolescence is called:

identity versus identity diffusion.

Jessica is 15 years old and spends most of her energy wondering who she is and what kind of person she will become. Erikson would describe her as facing the crisis called:

identity versus identity diffusion.

Research suggests that with regard to the link between adolescents' relationships with their peers and their families:

improving the quality of relationships at home can help adolescents improve their peer relationships.

Mei was an impulsive preschooler. It is likely that, as an adolescent, she will be:


A sense of identity is typically crystallized:

in late adolescence to the early 20s.

Adolescents are most likely to behave __________ in romantic situations and with a classmate, and they are least likely to engage in ___________ with close friends.

inauthentically; false-self behavior

The likelihood that an individual will turn to a peer during a time of trouble _____ in adolescence and the likelihood of turning to a parent _____.

increases; remains stable

All of the following are characteristics of the development of cognitive autonomy, except:

increasing emotional distance from parents.

Whereas _________ refers to individuals' capacity to behave on their own, ___________ has emotional and cognitive as well as behavioral components.

independence; autonomy

Research studying the relation between identity and intimacy has provided support for the idea that:

individuals follow different developmental paths.

Tyler's parents comment that his first year in college has been very good for him because he has learned to accept responsibility for his actions. Tyler's parents are describing:


In contrast to the psychoanalytic perspective, many researchers today assert that a late adolescent who is gradually and progressively sharpening his/her sense of self as autonomous, competent, and separate from one's parents is developing a sense of:


Specific to the ways of resolving an identity crisis, in which category would you classify Anya, an adolescent who approaches identity-related decisions with an open mind and actively seeks information?

informational orientation

The key to resolving the crisis of identity versus identity diffusion, according to Erikson, is:

interactions with others.

According to Sullivan, development can be best understood by examining transformations in:

interpersonal needs.

Sullivan emphasized the social aspects of growth, suggesting that psychological development can be best understood when looked at in:

interpersonal terms.

Allison says that Susan is her friend because she can tell Susan secrets and Susan won't tell anyone else. Allison's definition of friendship is based on:

intimacy and trust.

Sullivan believed the crisis of adolescence is _____. Erikson believed it is _____.

intimacy; identity

Racial socialization, the process by which parents teach children about their ethnic identity and the experiences they may encounter within society as a result of this identity, is thought to focus on three major themes. Which of the following is not one of these themes?

intolerance of the majority culture

According to the textbook, research indicates which of the following is not a correlate of high self-esteem?

involvement in many extracurricular activities

Carol, an eighth-grader, is facing a big dilemma and she needs advice. To whom is Carol likely to turn for this support?

it depends on the specific issue at hand

One recent brain imaging study that was investigating individual differences in susceptibility to peer pressure found that individuals who showed a heightened sensitivity to social rejection were:

less able to resist peer influences.

Adolescents' close friendships are distinguished from their casual friendships in the types of conflicts they have. Although conflicts between adolescents and their close friends are _______ frequent than they are between adolescents and other peers, arguments between close friends are ________ emotional.

less; more

As children approach adolescence, children become somewhat _____ oriented toward their parents; and _____ oriented toward their peers, and peer pressure begins to _____.

less; more; escalate

Friendships based on which of the following criteria are more likely to be found among adolescents than younger children?


Which of the following friendship qualities would be most important to Sarah, a 14-year-old female adolescent?


Researchers who oppose trying juvenile offenders as adults in criminal court typically base their arguments on findings that:

mature decision making is the product of both cognitive abilities, which mature around 16 years of age, and psychosocial factors, which are still developing in young adulthood.

During __________ concerns about loyalty and anxieties over rejection become more pronounced and may temporarily overshadow concerns about intimate self-disclosure, particularly among girls.

middle adolescence

As a child, Joe doesn't understand that he simply cannot take the things he wants. As he gets older, he begins to understand the concept of ownership. This change is an example of:

moral development.

According to personality research presented in the textbook, there is evidence that, between adolescence and young adulthood, individuals become:

more emotionally stable and more extraverted.

During late adolescence and the college years, students who live away from home report all but which of the following?

more strained family relationships

Girls are _____ likely to confide in friends than boys. This is primarily because _____.

more; girls expect that self-disclosure will make them feel better

In general, which of the following relationships tends to be the closest?

mother-daughter relationship

Adolescents whose parents are not both from the same ethnic or racial group are known as ________ adolescents.


According to Sullivan's theory, which of the following is the correct sequence of interpersonal needs?

need for intimacy; need for sexual contact; need for integration into adult society

Edith, the adolescent daughter of the local district attorney, has recently been hanging out with a rowdy group of youth who have vandalized a number of public buildings. Edith has most likely adopted a:

negative identity.

Albert always follows the clothing trends his friends start at school. Carl ignores the trends at school and strictly adheres to his parents' guidelines for dressing. Which adolescent is genuinely autonomous?

neither Albert nor Carl

Mark is a teenager who generally respects his parents. On which of the following issues, however, is Mark most likely to side with his friends and against his parents?

on how to wear his hair

Based on the research you read about in the textbook, which of the following statements about dating and relationships is not true?

opposites attract

Rejection sensitivity is a term that psychologists use to describe:

oversensitivity to romantic rejection that is related to an insecure attachment in infancy and early childhood.

Research studies have generally indicated that the extent to which parents grant their children autonomy depends on the constellation of sons and daughters in the home and:

parents' attitudes toward sex roles.

Craig is easily persuaded by his friends to engage in illegal and antisocial behaviors. If you had to guess, which style of parenting do you think Craig's mom and dad utilize?


Which of the following types of households creates adolescents who do not develop healthy autonomy, have difficulty complying with rules, and are usually dependent on their friends?


Peers usually have more influence than parents on matters of:

personal taste.

What does the Five-Factor Model describe?

personality dimensions

Which of the following factors is the most important predictor of overall self-esteem?

physical appearance self-esteem

Research has shown that ethnic socialization that results in having positive attitudes about one's ethnic group is associated with:

positive attitudes about other ethnic groups.

According to Kohlberg, at which level of moral reasoning would someone who saw society's rules and conventions as relative and subject be at?


According to Sullivan, the need for intimacy starts to develop during:


According to Sullivan, where does the capacity for intimacy first develop?

preadolescent, same-sex relationships

According to Kohlberg, reasoning that is based on rewards and punishments is called:


Postconventional reasoning can also be referred to as:

principled moral reasoning.

Ron will be going to a new school in the fall. According to a research study presented in the textbook, what would be most effective in making this transition less stressful?

providing Ron with social support and encouragement from parents and peers at school

Which of the following parenting behaviors encourages healthy adolescent development and behavior?

providing a family environment that is characterized by close family relationships

According to Erikson, a necessary "time-out" for adolescents is called:

psychosocial moratorium.

Dr. Mullins argues that adolescence is such a demanding time that adolescents need several years with as few responsibilities as possible so they can sort out their identities. His argument focuses on the need for a period of:

psychosocial moratorium.

Since Ignacio became an adolescent, he has experimented with different roles and personalities. Ignacio's parents are telling all their friends that this is just a "phase" that he's going through. According to Erikson, this "phase" is called:

psychosocial moratorium.

Which of the following events have researchers suggested is one of the most important triggers of the individuation process?


All of the following are reasons stated in the textbook to explain why adolescent autonomy has attracted the attention of developmental psychologists, except:

puberty sets up a situation of the adolescent's increasing emotional dependence on the family.

Dating among adolescents today is largely a:

recreational activity.

Issues of autonomy:

recur throughout the life span.

Which of the following is an example of cognitive autonomy?

refusing to cheat on an exam even when the teacher is not in the room

Being securely attached in adolescence is associated with all of the following outcomes, except:

rejection sensitivity in adulthood.

According to the textbook, which of the following is not generally a predictor of self-esteem?

religious affiliation

Based on Sullivan's theory of interpersonal development, intimacy is first expressed in:

same-sex relationships.

Adolescents behave in a variety of ways within dating relationships that are usually shaped by _____________.

scripts that are learned at home and from the mass media

Which of the following patterns of attachment is positively correlated with high sociability in childhood?


According to one study of 10- to 15-year-olds, which aspect of emotional autonomy does not increase over the period of adolescence?

seeing parents as people

According to the textbook, some adolescents might forge some sense of self-definition in an environment that has made it difficult to establish an acceptable identity by:

selecting a negative identity

Gwen has recently been preoccupied with trying to understand what kind of person she is. As an exercise, she writes out a list of 20 traits that she thinks best describe her. According to the text, Gwen is focusing on her:


Maria describes herself as an only child, as a person who likes art and music, who is shy, and who likes to read. Maria's description fits best with the idea of:


How positively or negatively people feel about themselves defines:


Susan, a White adolescent, is more likely to be vulnerable to disturbances in ________ than any other group of youngsters.


Researchers have identified all of the following factors as critical components of the development of identity during adolescence, except:


Identity formation is best seen as a:

series of interrelated developments.

During preadolescence, _____ is the single most important determinant of friendship.


Identity states:

shift across the life span.

Fourteen-year-old Fatimah, who has relatively low self-esteem and is relatively high in rejection sensitivity, is most likely to be upset with her best friend if the friend:

spends more time with a new friend she has made.

In Chapter 4 of this textbook you learned that there are _________ differences among ethnic groups within the United States with respect to parental discipline and ethnic socialization. However, differences between ethnic groups in the expression of intimacy between adolescents and parents are _______.

substantial; modest

Studies that compare adolescents' working models of their relationships:

suggest that an individual's beliefs and expectations about relationships are similar across different interpersonal domains.

It is likely that a limitation in children's ability to ____ inhibits their ability to have intimate interpersonal relationships.

take another person's perspective

Dr. Diamond conducts an interview with a patient in order to assess the history of the patient's attachment relationships. What method would Dr. Diamond use?

the Adult Attachment Interview

Many individuals have argued that older adolescents should have the right to seek health care services without parental knowledge or consent because:

the basic cognitive abilities that are most likely necessary to make these kinds of decisions are typically fully developed by the age of 16.

The most common trigger of the first episode of major depression is:

the breakup of a romantic relationship.

Amy, a 16-year-old girl, is shy around boys though she would really like to be more outgoing. This reflects:

the discrepancy between her ideal and actual selves.

Kikko strongly dislikes country music but told Keith, who is a big Garth Brooks fan and her latest love interest, that country music is her favorite and that she would love to go with him to see Garth in concert. This type of behavior is called:

the false-self.

With age, adolescents become more likely to consider both the risks and benefits associated with the decisions they make and more likely to weigh the long-term consequences of their choices, and not just the immediate ones. According to the textbook, these improvements seem to be due to all of the following except:

the increase in the probability that decision making is influenced by emotions.

Robert Sellers and colleagues have presented a model to help make sense of the complicated relations among perceived discrimination, ethnic identity, and mental health among minorities. This model is called:

the multidimensional model of racial identity (MMRI).

When asked what a guilty person should do when being interrogated by police, younger adolescents are more likely than older adolescents to say:

the person should confess.

Which of the following statements concerning sexual-minority (LGBT) youth is false?

the progression through the phases of dating and romance is as similar for them as for heterosexual adolescents

According to Kohlberg's theory, the most important thing is:

the reasoning behind an individual's response.

Which of the following is the best indicator of when an adolescent will begin dating?

the school/community norms

Which of the following statements about intimate friendships for youth adolescent girls is not true?

their friendships, on average, last longer than boys' friendships do.

During late adolescence, individuals define their religious beliefs based on:

their own system of personal religious beliefs.

Typically, adolescents who rebel against their parents or authorities do so because:

they are conforming to their peers.

All of the following are examples of the ways adolescents display intimacy with their friends, except:

they become less likely to negotiate than to disengage when resolving their disagreements.

According to the textbook, many young people find it frustrating that:

they feel emotionally independent but have to abide by their parents' rules as long as they are being supported economically.

Sullivan believed that important interpersonal transitions are more likely to be negotiated successfully if:

they have a solid foundation of security in past relationships.

Adolescents who have more complex self-conceptions are less likely:

to be depressed.

As individuals transition from adolescence into adulthood and progress through the process of individuation, they increasingly:

view lying to their parents as unacceptable.

According to the textbook, which of the following might make individuals especially vulnerable to the effects of stress?

volatile self-image

Generally speaking, the parenting style that is associated with the healthiest identity development is:

warm but not excessively constraining.

The paradox of adolescent autonomy is that:

whereas adolescents today are expected to be increasingly autonomous psychologically and socially, they are now less autonomous economically.

The ways in which adolescents interact with romantic partners changes with development, with increasing _____.

willingness to acknowledge, analyze and work through disagreements

Which of the following explanations of friendship would probably be associated with the oldest child?

"He will stick up for me when a bully picks on me."

Adam is known for scoring high on moral disengagement assessments. Which of the following is probably true?

Adam is likely to engage in delinquency and aggression.

Which of the following adolescents (all are the same age) would have a heightened susceptibility to peer pressure?

All of these youths are likely to appear relatively more susceptible to peer pressure.

Which statement about autonomy in adolescence is false?

Autonomy is closely related to adolescent rebellion.

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