Psych Chapter 9

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Iconic memory and echoic memory are two different types of sensory memory. Which statement is true?

Echoic memories last longer

To help remember the U.S. presidents, Vicky divides them into categories based on the eras in which they were in office and subcategories based on their party affiliation. The memory device she is using is known as:

hierarchical organization

Which of the following is not an effective elaboration strategy for school learning?

highlighting passages for rereading later

One theory relates sleep to memory consolidation by suggesting that:

hippocampal activity is increased during slow-wave sleep

Neuroimaging research has found that when individuals with intact brain structures are given new information to memorize activity increases in what part of the brain?


It is believed that the initial, more unstable form of a long-term memory involves the __________; whereas, the more stable encoded form of memory is independently related to the __________.

hippocampus; cerebral cortex

Based on the heritability of executive functioning abilities, which pair is likely to have the most similarity in their executive functioning abilities?

identical twin brothers

Research has shown that students perform best when taking a test:

in the same environment where most of the information was learned

Keysha was reciting the assumptions associated with automatic processes in memory storage. Which of the following is not an assumption associated with automatic processes?

influenced by individual differences in intelligence

The Stroop test is an example of what type of task?


Which of the following refers to the executive function of preventing a cognitive or behavioral response?


Gene was asked to read a variety of words in varying colors. He specifically had difficulty when he incorrectly said "green" in response to the word blue written in green colored text. Gene was having difficulty with what type of executive task?


Most researchers agree that executive functions consist of these three primary components:

inhibition, assessment, and performance outcomes

Megan has just heard an address she plans to use often, so she tries to memorize it. A week later she needs to write a letter to this address and she remembers it. Megan's attempts to memorize were an example of:

maintenance rehearsal

Andre is going to visit a friend in a gated community. To enter he needs to input a five-digit access code at the gate. Rather than write it down, he keeps it in mind on the way there by repeating it subvocally. The next day, he can't remember the number. What was Andre engaging in?

maintenance rehersal

Research has shown that eyewitnesses:

may be suggestible and change what they believe based on encouragement from others.

What has research involving cell phones and driving shown about accident rates for people using cell phones compared to accident rates involving conversations with passengers?

more accidents occur when any sort of cell phone is in use

Semantic memory considered a means of "knowing," is also known as:


Semantic memory is to ______________ as episodic memory is to ___________.

noetic; autonoetic

In experiments where participants are asked to attend to a particular stimulus, they:

often don't notice information about other unattended stimuli

In one study individuals were presented with 500 nouns and asked to write either three associated properties or one associated property for each noun. The outcome revealed that:

participants were better able to recall the nouns for those they were asked to write three properties.

Timothy Brady and colleagues developed a study to test the influence of visual recognition with memory. Participants were shown 2500 objects for 3 second each and then shown pairs of objects approximately 6 hours later and asked to recognize the original items shown. He found that:

participants' performance was highest when "old" items were paired with novel objects

Aaron's five-year-old son keeps repeating "socks, shoes then jacket and bookbag" over and over each morning as he gets ready for school. Aaron's son is utilizing which of the following to keep this information in his working memory?

phonological loop

If Max attempted to memorize a list of words by repeating each one subvocally, he would be using his:

phonological loop

When trying to remember a phone number, Helene repeats the numbers to herself over and over again. Specifically, she is making use of the _____ in her working memory.

phonological loop

Working memory is not an isolated task, but rather a part of executive functions, which are essential in:

planning, regulating behavior, and complex cognitive tasks

Research with iconic memory has shown that

playing certain types of video games can increase its temporal capacity.

Since the capacity of sensory memory is so much larger than that of working memory, information must be analyzed to determine what is significant and relevant enough to enter one's consciousness. This analysis is known as:

preattentive processing

Which of the following is considered the brain area responsible for the control of thought and behavior?

prefrontal cortex

When any one memory is activated by a given stimulus or thought, then other memories associated with it become _____ so they are more readily available.


implicit memory is also referred to as

procedural memory

During administration of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test participants are asked to sort the cards into designated categories and the examiner:

reinforces accurate sorting

A stimulus or thought that primes a particular memory is called a

retrieval cue

Wally was recently involved in a skiing accident and his skull was struck by a low-lying tree branch. After recovering, he is having difficulty accessing many of his childhood and early adult memories from before the accident. He is likely suffering from _____ amnesia.


Having an idea of how events proceed on a typical date would be an example of a _____, while having an idea of what sort of clothing a person would normally wear on a date would be an example of a _____.

script; schema

While attending a sporting event, you are carrying on a conversation with your friend while ignoring the cheers, screams, and other conversations around you. To do so, you are engaging in:

selective listening

Kerry is trying to remember the definition of acquisition. This is an example of:

semantic memory

Information can enter working memory from

sensory and long-term memory

Which of the following is not identified as a control process?

sensory input

According to the modal model of the mind, the first memory store that information must enter before one is conscious of it is called:

sensory memory

While driving, Rita is scanning ahead but mostly just paying attention to the traffic. Suddenly her friend says, "Did you see that?" Rita suddenly recalls seeing a horse on the side of the road that she hadn't noticed when it was in her field of vision. This is possible because the image was preserved briefly in Rita's:

sensory memory

In spite of the enormous amount of information available to our senses, humans are conscious of a relatively small amount of it at any given moment. This happens because the momentary capacity of _____ is very large, while the momentary capacity of _____ is relatively small.

sensory memory; working memory

According to the modal model of the mind, all available information in the environment enters into one's _____ then that which is attended to enters _____, and finally, some of that is encoded into _____.

sensory memory; working memory; long-term memory

If someone mentions vaccinations and you think of being pinched, according to Aristotle you haven't made this association because those two events have occurred together, but rather through the principle of association by:


Harold performed reasonably well on the switching task of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. This would suggest that Harold's other executive functioning abilities would be:

similarly developed to his performance on the switching task

Sometimes, people can forget where or how they heard something, or think that they actually experienced an event that they were only told about. In such a case they are experiencing _____, which is causing _____.

source confusion; false-memory construction

Kinsey has a lesion in her right hemisphere on the parietal lobe. This has resulted in an inability for her to "see" things in her left visual field. This is referred to as:

spatial neglect

The model that proposes the priming of concepts within a given network whereby making those concepts more readily available in memory is referred to as the:

spreading-activation model

In Collins and Loftus' schematic of memory organization the shorter the path between words represents a(n):

strong association

Carl is attempting to memorize his acceptance speech for his salesman of the year award. He continues to repeat the speech to himself in a whisper as he enters the banquet hall. Carl is using:

subvocal repetition

Rebecca is attempting to memorize a formula for her algebra class. She continues to repeat the formula to herself in a whisper as she enters her classroom for an exam. Rebecca is using:

subvocal repetition

A teenager texting on their cell phone while having a conversation with their parents is utilizing what executive skill?


The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test is what type of task?


Which of the following refers to the executive function of shifting flexibly between different tasks?


Henry Molaison (H.M.) was known for his inability to form new explicit long-term memories as a result of:

temporal-lobe amnesia

All of the following describe explicit memory except:


Morgan is playing a trivia game that provides a series of clues after each incorrect guess. Morgan's first response was incorrect and he had to adjust focus after the next clue. Morgan is having to adjust the content of his working memory in real-time to accommodate the new clue. Morgan is utilizing which type of executive task?


The duration of information that enters long-term memory is:

variable, but can last a lifetime.

Iconic memory is also referred to as

visual sensory memory

Tony is trying to remember the names of different dog breeds. To remember that wiener dogs are called dachshunds, he pictures one with boats around its collar. This is an example of a _____ memory strategy.


After spending a day at an art museum, Kevin can't stop thinking about a particular painting and keeps seeing the details of it in his mind. Specifically, he is making use of the _____ in his working memory.

visuospatial sketchpad

Jin is teaching his neighbor the Chinese characters of the alphabet. After reviewing ten characters during their first tutoring session Jin asked his neighbor to recall as many characters as he could remember. Based on the working-memory model how many characters is Jin's neighbor likely to remember from the list?


Which of the following is not an assumption of the information-processing model?

Humans have unlimited mental resources in processing information

Which of the following statements is true?

Information is initially handled by the sensory memory and then its relevance and significance are evaluated for appropriateness in long-term memory storage.

Which of the following is a true statement?

The Stroop inference effect tests the dual-processing theory and highlights the automatic process of thought

Which of the following statements is accurate?

The executive functions of updating, switching, and inhibition are all positively correlated.

Which of the following statements is true?

The working-memory span is more limited than the general memory span

While performing a visual task, it would be easiest to simultaneously perform

a phonological task

Which of the following is the best example of the most effective working-memory span task?

a teenager texting multiple friends on her phone while listening to music on her iPod

According to the modal model of memory, working memory is _____, while long-term memory is _____.

active; a passive repository of information

attention functions to

allow one to focus on the task at hand but shift focus if new stimuli are significant.

A piece of rebar penetrates Zack's skull in an accident. After recovering, he still has almost all of his memories from before the incident but is unable to form new ones. He most likely has _____ amnesia.


Kennedy was recently involved in a motorcycle accident and her skull was struck by a low-lying tree branch. After recovering, she still has almost all of her childhood and early adult memories from before the accident, but is having trouble forming new memories. She is likely suffering from _____ amnesia.


Once thought to hold about 7 items at a time, it's been shown that the span of short-term memory's phonological loop is actually usually about:

as much as can be said aloud in 2 seconds

Adina automatically thinks of green Jello when she purchases a certain brand of cough medicine. When she was younger her mother would make her green Jello when she was sick with a cough. This is likely an example of the:

association by contiguity

Nancy says the word "cake," and Pablo thinks about things such as candles, frosting, and parties. Pablo does this due to the principle of:

association by contiguity

Adina automatically thinks of a pumpkin when she sees her grandmother's orange hair. This is likely an example of the:

association by similarity

All of the following are considered assumption of the preattentive and attentive processes of stimuli except:

attention intensifies the activity that task-irrelevant stimuli produce

Echoic memory is also referred to as

auditory sensory memory

Marcelle was driving through his neighborhood when he saw a green, octagonal sign with the word "STOP" printed in the middle. Without thinking, Marcelle drove through the intersection and was almost hit by oncoming traffic. Under the duality of thought, what process was driving Marcelle's behavior?


Episodic memory considered "self-knowing," is also known as:


Which of the following is not a disorder of dysregulated inhibition and poor executive functioning?

avoidant personality disorder

Which of the following is not a general assumption regarding executive functions?

executive functions are not predictive of other functioning domains.

According to Alan Baddeley's model of working memory, the _____ is responsible for coordinating the mind's activities.

central executive

Chen is studying for his biology exam and is trying to remember the order of taxonomy classification. He comes up with: King Phillip Counts On Five Golden Statues to remember: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species. This is an example of what type of encoding strategy?


Until Pluto was declassified as a planet, people used the phrase, "My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas," to remember the nine planets in order of their position relative to the sun. What sort of memory strategy would this be?


Which of the following procedures decreases the number of items to be remembered and increases the amount of information in each item?


Lana invited friends over to her home for dinner. While chatting with her friends about their recent new car purchase she hears her daughter call her name from upstairs. This is an example of:

cocktail-party phenomenon

The process by which long-term memories are converted to a more permanent form is known as:


Research has shown cultural differences in digit span tasks. For example, those whose native language is Chinese had a greater digit span than those whose native language is English. This is likely because:

digit names in Chinese are all one syllable and can be articulate more quickly.

Ken is studying for a test and his friend reminds him that for information to be integrated into his long-term memory storage all of the following control processes must occur except for:

dual processing

John Bransford and his colleagues found that students who use elaborative rehearsal techniques:

earned better grades

Barnabas is able to repeat back something he just heard, even though he wasn't really paying attention. He is using the _____ memory part of his sensory memory.


Which of the following is not a type of memory storage?

effortful memory

To help remember the difference between a dresser and a desk, Ralph thinks about in which one a person would store a dress. He is engaging in:


Dr. Nester was introduced to a number of new faculty members at the welcome dinner. He tried to devise little ways of remembering their names. For instance, after being introduced to Dr. Thistle he associated his name with the purple tie he was wearing that evening. Thistle flowers typically have a purple flowering bud. Dr. Nester utilized a(n):

elaborative rehearsal strategy

Working-memory span tasks are strongly associated with all of the following except:


When Francis is studying for a class, he wants information to move from his working memory to his long-term memory through a control process called:


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