Psych Exam 2

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A person with damage to _____ of the brain produces speech that contains mostly content morphemes such as "car," "book," and "cup."

Broca's Area


DNA segments that serve as the key functional units in hereditary transmission.

Which statement regarding change in intelligence test scores is TRUE?

Declines occurring with age are evident in some domains more than others.

parietal lobe

receives sensory input for touch and body position

The _____ is a mental shortcut that involves making a probability judgment by comparing an object or event with a prototype of the object or event.

representativeness heuristic

Broca's area

speech production


state in which a baby cries vigorously, usually accompanied by agitated but uncoordinated movement

prototype theory

the "best" or "most typical" member of a category

emotional intelligence

the ability to perceive, understand, manage, and use emotions

fluid intelligence

the ability to see abstract relationships and draw logical inferences

occipital lobe


When someone mentions hamburgers, Trisha immediately thinks of a Big Mac. In this instance, a Big Mac is a(n):


The _____ is the classical view that people make decisions by determining how likely something is to happen, judging the value of the outcome, and then multiplying the two.

Rational Choice Theory

two-factor theory of intelligence

Spearman's theory suggesting that every task requires a combination of a general ability (which he called g) and skills that are specific to the task (which he called s)

Professor Lewis Terman improved the intelligence test created by Alfred Binet and Théodore Simon. This intelligence test is known as the:


_____ rules describe how words can be combined to form phrases and sentences.


Stanford professor _____ first noticed that White Americans performed better as a group on intelligence tests did than non-White Americans.


A group of children were administered intelligence tests at age 13 and again at age 40. What might be predicted regarding changes in test scores from the first test to the second test?

The individual scores at age 15 will be positively correlated with scores at age 40.


The smallest units of meaning in a language.


The sum of your surroundings

How many morphemes are contained in each of these words: "hopelessness," "childishness," and "unhappiness"?


Cal can recognize and identify a picture of a dog, tree, worm, and his brother, but he cannot respond to a picture of a hammer, a house, a flagpole, and his office. Cal may have:

a category-specific deficit

According to statistics, individuals with higher intelligence test scores are LESS likely to deal with _____ than those with lower intelligence test scores.


When people judge the _____ of an outcome and multiply it by how likely something is to happen, people are making use of rational choice theory.


More than 95% of gifted children show a sharp disparity between their mathematical and _____ abilities.



a mental image or best example of a category

In the word "bringing," the suffix "-ing" is:

a morpheme

In the words "rewrite," "rewash," "reshuffle," and "remix," the prefix "re-" means "to do again." This prefix is:

a morpheme

category-specific deficit

a neurological syndrome that is characterized by an inability to recognize objects that belong to a particular category, although the ability to recognize objects outside the category is undisturbed

morphological rules

a set of rules that indicate how morphemes can be combined to form words

Syntactical rules (syntax)

a set of rules that indicate how words can be combined to form phrases and sentences

In general, gifted children with high intelligence test scores demonstrate exceptional talent in:

a specialized area

genetic dysphasia

a syndrome characterized by an inability to learn the grammatical structure of language despite having otherwise normal intelligence


a system of rules that enables us to communicate with and understand others

exemplar theory

a theory of categorization that argues that we make category judgments by comparing a new instance with stored memories for other instances of the category

working memory

active maintenance of information in short-term storage

two-word stage

beginning at age 2, child speaks mostly in two word statements

The _____ approach to language development suggests that reinforcement plays a key role in learning words and grammar, while the _____ approach claims that language is biologically predetermined.

behaviorist, nativist


chatter idly

What is the typical sequence for language development in infants?

cooing, babbling, understanding single words, verbalizing single words

Tiffany's mother says, "The neighbor's granddaughter became sick suddenly and had to be taken to the emergency room." Tiffany is more likely to remember the _____ of this sentence and less likely to remember the _____ of the sentence.

deep structure, surface structure

If Randy and Emerald are twins born male and female, they must be:

dizygotic twins

Peter and Frank are twins who developed from two different eggs that were fertilized by two different sperm. They are:

dizygotic twins

cognitive enhancers

drugs that improve the psychological processes that underlie intelligent performance

telegraphic speech

early speech stage in which a child speaks like a telegram—"go car"—using mostly nouns and verbs.


early vowel-like sounds that babies produce

Wanda is a gifted child who has an extraordinary ability for music. Statistics imply that compared to her moderately intelligent peers, Wanda probably will be _____ likely to be a major contributor in the field in which she works.



everything a person remembers


everything we do that can be directly observed

_____ theory is more comprehensive than is prototype theory because it takes into account specific instances of categories in addition to the prototype of the category.


The prototype theory would predict that a child from the United States would recognize a gun as a type of weapon _____ a child would recognize a machete as a type of weapon.

faster than

dizygotic twins

fraternal twins

phonological rules

indicate how phonemes can be combined to produce speech sounds

When faced with a risky task, patients with damage to their prefrontal cortex have:

lowered emotional responses compared with controls.

family resemblance theory

members of a category have features that appear to be characteristic of category members but may not be possessed by every member


mental age/chronological age x 100


mental quality consisting of the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations

Regarding intelligence test scores, identical twins reared together are _____ identical twins reared apart from each other.

more similar than are

Spoken human languages have existed for years.

1-3 million

By the time the average child in the United States begins school, he or she knows about _____ words.


multi-word stage

2 - 3 years learn to produce strings of words with persistent word order, e.g.g ball all gone, daddy sit chair

Just over _____ of the population have an IQ between 85 and 115.


By the time the average person begins college in the United States, he or she knows about _____ words.


At about _____ of age, infants begin babbling.

5 months

Intellectual disability is defined by an IQ less than:



A large structure of the hindbrain that controls fine motor skills.

frontal lobe

A region of the cerebral cortex that has specialized areas for movement, abstract thinking, planning, memory, and judgement

Theresa and Olivia are monozygotic twins who are growing up in the same household. They both get a bad grade on their English paper. Theresa shrugs it off and vows to do better next time. Olivia throws a fit and demands that the teacher explain to her why she received a bad grade. Given their relationship and their shared environment, why do Theresa and Olivia have different reactions to the same situation?

Although they share most genes and environment, they still have different life experiences that could explain the different responses.

A(n) _____ is MOST likely the prototype for the concept "fruit."


After the attacks on the United States in 2001, people were more likely to judge flying as being unsafe. This illustrates the:

Availability Bias

_____ refers to the fact that items that are more easily accessible in memory are judged as having occurred more often.

Availability bias

According to correlational statistics from identical twin studies, which pair is most likely to have the GREATEST similarity on their intelligence test scores?

Beth and Laura, monozygotic twins who were separated at birth

Which statement is NOT a disadvantage that research has demonstrated in bilingual children?

Bilingual children tend to have lower IQs.

The ability to read a person's expression uses _____ intelligence.


Gifted children are _____ well-adjusted compared with their peers.


People are more likely to buy meat that is marked 90% lean than they are to buy meat that is marked 10% fat. This example illustrates the concept of the:

Framing Effect

People's tendency to give different answers to the same problem depending on how the problem is worded is called the _____.

Framing Effect

Telegraphic speech contains few or no:

Function Words

According to statistics, individuals with lower intelligence test scores are less likely to deal with _____ than are those with higher intelligence test scores.

Handling large incomes

Which word contains a single morpheme?


_____ refers to a mental ability that allows people to solve novel problems and to learn from their experiences.


For many people, an ant is a better _____ of an insect than is a praying mantis.


According to the text, which group typically performs better on tests of spatial or visual memory?


What does research indicate regarding how men and women perform on intelligence tests?

Men and women tend to outperform each other on certain portions of intelligence tests.

According to general statistics, which portions of the intelligence test would one expect men to excel at compared with women?

Men would be good at visual memory, and women would be good at fine motor skills.

Serena and Jenny are twins who developed in utero from the splitting of a single egg that was fertilized by a single sperm. What kind of twins are they?

Monozygotic Twins

_____ twins share 100% of their genes, while _____ twins share 50% of their genes.

Monozygotic, dizygotic

In the words "childless," "jobless," "homeless," and "penniless," the suffix "-less" means "to be without." This suffix is a(n) _____.


_____ rules describe how morphemes can be combined to form words.


Evidence that language is acquired during a limited period of time in early childhood supports the _____ explanation of language development.


An example of a(n) _____ is "-ine."


"Sound it out," Mrs. Sands encourages her first-grade students when they struggle to read a word aloud. Mrs. Sands is introducing her students to use:


According to general statistical data, someone with an IQ score of 135 is MORE likely to identify themselves as _____than is someone with an IQ score of 90

Physically Fit

The _____ claims that people choose to take on risk when evaluating potential losses and avoid risks when evaluating potential gains.

Prospect Theory

For many people, a gun is a better _____ of a weapon than is an axe.


motor cortex

an area at the rear of the frontal lobes that controls voluntary movements


an idea


inability to speak

From top to bottom, the three-level hierarchy of mental abilities moves from:

general to specific

People with ______ are LEAST likely to defend their decision-making strategies by citing such adages as "Nothing ventured, nothing gained" or "High risk, high reward."

generalized anxiety disorder

Evidence from identical twin studies suggests that:

genes play a significant role in determining intelligence test scores, with high correlations whether raised together or apart.


half of the earth

Which word contains a single morpheme?


auditory complex


temporal lobe


surface structure

how a sentence is worded

monozygotic twins

identical twins

Alfred Binet and Théodore Simon designed their intelligence test to:

identify children who needed remedial education in school.

echoic babbling

imitating speech heard in household language


in language, the smallest distinctive sound unit

Wernicke's area

language comprehension

nativist theory

language development is best explained as an innate, biological capacity

Genetic dysphasia is a syndrome characterized by an inability to:

learn the grammatical structure of language despite having normal intelligence.

visual cortex

occipital lobe

crystallized intelligence

our accumulated knowledge and verbal skills; tends to increase with age


our spoken, written, or signed words and the ways we combine them to communicate meaning

The intelligence quotient divides an individual's test score by _____, which allows for a more efficient measure of intelligence quotient among different age groups.

the average test score of people in the same age group

The fact that category-specific brain deficit has been observed in a 16-year-old boy who suffered a stroke at one day of age suggests that:

the brain is prewired to organize some categories

fast mapping

the fact that children can map a word onto an underlying concept after only a single exposure

deep structure

the meaning of a sentence


the mental manipulation of representations of knowledge about the world

An artist can no longer tell the difference between a brush and an easel. The artist probably suffered damage to:

the region where the temporal lobe meets the parietal and occipital lobes.

one-word stage

the stage in which children speak mainly in single words

Jordan and James are dizygotic twins who are being raised in the same household. They both strike out during the 7th inning of their baseball game. They both shrug it off and vow to do better next time. What statement BEST explains their identical reaction to the same situation?

they are being raised in the same environment


to get back

angular gyrus

transforms visual representations into an auditory code

identical twins

twins who come from one fertilized egg; twins having the same heredity

fraternal twins

twins who come from two different eggs fertilized by two different sperm

As a result of his research with school-age children, Charles Spearman proposed the:

two-factor theory of intelligence

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