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​_________is an application of operant conditioning that has enabled people and lower animals to learn to control autonomic responses to attain reinforcement. ​Behavior modification ​Biofeedback training ​Programmed learning ​Latent learning

.Biofeedback training is an application of operant conditioning that has enabled people and lower animals to learn to control autonomic responses to attain reinforcement

​In _________, a client is gradually exposed to fear-evoking stimuli under circumstances in which he or she remains relaxed. ​generalization ​systematic desensitization ​partial reinforcement ​higher-order conditioning

Analysis:In systematic desensitization, a client is gradually exposed to fear-evoking stimuli under circumstances in which he or she remains relaxe

​_________is an application of operant conditioning that has enabled people and lower animals to learn to control autonomic responses to attain reinforcement. ​Behavior modification ​Biofeedback training ​Programmed learning ​Latent learning

Biofeedback training is an application of operant conditioning that has enabled people and lower animals to learn to control autonomic responses to attain reinforcement

_____ psychologists define learning as the process by which organisms change the way they represent the environment because of experience.​ ​Comparative ​Cognitive ​Cultural ​Differential

Cognitive psychologists define learning as the process by which organisms change the way they represent the environment because of experience.

_________is the view that learning occurs when stimuli provide information about the likelihood of the occurrence of other stimuli.​ ​Kohlberg's theory ​Contingency theory ​Psychoanalytic theory ​Attachment theory

Contingency theory is the view that learning occurs when stimuli provide information about the likelihood of the occurrence of other stimuli

_________is a procedure in which a previously neutral stimulus comes to elicit the response brought forth by a conditioned stimulus by being paired repeatedly with that conditioned stimulus.​ ​Biofeedback training ​Operant conditioning ​Observational learning ​Higher-order conditioning

Higher-order conditioning is a procedure in which a previously neutral stimulus comes to elicit the response brought forth by a conditioned stimulus by being paired repeatedly with that conditioned stimulus.

In a _________, a specific amount of time must elapse between the previous and subsequent times that reinforcement is available.​ ​variable-interval schedule ​fixed-ratio schedule ​fixed-interval schedule ​variable-ratio schedule

In a fixed -interval schedule, a specific amount of time must elapse between the previous and subsequent times that reinforcement is available

Joe is paid $15 for every five doghouses he paints. In the context of operant conditioning, this is an example of a _____. ​variable-ratio schedule ​fixed-ratio schedule ​fixed-interval schedule ​variable-interval schedule

Joe getting paid $15 for every five doghouses he paints is an example of a fixed-ratio schedule. In a fixed-ratio schedule, reinforcement is provided after a fixed number of correct responses have been made

Most organizations of health professionals agree that media violence_____. ​contributes to aggression among people ​increases viewers' sensitivity to real violence ​influences most people to go on murderous rampages ​decreases viewers' level of emotional arousal significantly

Most organizations of health professionals agree that media violence does contribute to aggression

While on vacation, twelve years ago, Benjamin became extremely ill after eating some shrimps. To this day, he feels nauseous at the sight of shrimps and cannot eat them. Psychologists refer to Benjamin's response to shrimps as a _____. ​biological preparedness ​spontaneous recovery ​higher-order conditioning ​taste aversion

Psychologists refer to Benjamin's response to shrimps as a taste aversion. See 5-2: Classical Conditioning

The behavior that manipulates the environment is called_________.​ ​operant behavior ​respondent behavior ​maladaptive behavior ​deficit behavior

The behavior that manipulates the environment is called operant behavior

In the context of reinforcement schedules, commuter trains that arrive at platforms at specific times are on a _________.​ ​variable-interval schedule ​fixed-ratio schedule ​fixed-interval schedule ​variable-ratio schedule

fixed-interval schedule

Carl is teaching his dogs to jump through a hoop. At the onset of training, Carl gives the dogs treats for each movement toward the hoop. Then, he gives them treats as they near the hoop. Eventually he gives them treats only when they jump through the hoop. In this scenario, Carl reinforces___________ of the goal.​ ​cognitive mapping ​successive approximations ​biological preparedness ​systematic desensitization

Carl reinforces successive approximations of the goal. Successive approximations are behaviors which are progressively closer to a target behavior.

​In conditioning, _________is the tendency for a conditioned response to be evoked by stimuli that are similar to the stimulus to which the response was conditioned. ​successive approximation ​discrimination ​spontaneous recovery ​generalization

:In conditioning, generalization is the tendency for a conditioned response to be evoked by stimuli that are similar to the stimulus to which the response was conditioned

_________is defined as a simple unlearned response to a stimulus. ​Recovery ​Extinction ​Reflex ​Desensitization

:Reflex is defined as a simple unlearned response to a stimulus.

As a child, Peter was bitten by a big, white dog due to which he developed a fear of dogs. Over the years, his fear of dogs got gradually extinguished. Recently, on his way to work, he saw a similar big, white dog barking ferociously at a cat. Suddenly, he felt the fear of dogs again. This recurrence of Peter's fear of dogs is known as _____. ​extinction ​systemic desensitization ​spontaneous recovery ​counterconditioning

The recurrence of Peter's fear of dogs is known as spontaneous recovery. Spontaneous recoveryis the recurrence of an extinguished response as a function of the passage of time

According to behaviorists, _____ is a relatively permanent change in an organism's behavior that arises from practice or experience.​ ​maturing ​affiliating ​acquiring ​learning

According to behaviorists, learning is a relatively permanent change in an organism's behavior that arises from practice or experience

After being conditioned to fear a white rat due to a childhood incident, Albert began fearing all furry objects, such as rabbits and fur coats. Albert's fear of furry objects is due to _____. ​systematic desensitization ​biological preparedness ​generalization ​discrimination

Albert's fear of all furry objects is due to generalization. Generalization is the tendency for a conditioned response to be evoked by stimuli that are similar to the stimulus to which the response was conditioned.

In the context of operant conditioning,gamblers atslot machines win on a _____.​ ​variable-ratio schedule ​fixed-ratio schedule ​fixed-interval schedule ​variable-interval schedule

In the context of operant conditioning, gamblers at slot machines win on a variable-ratio schedule. In a variable-ratio schedule, reinforcement is provided after a variable number of correct responses have beenmade.

​Contingency theory suggests that learning occurs only when _____. ​the conditioned stimulushidesinformation about the neutral stimulus ​the unconditioned stimulus is presented before the conditioned stimulus ​the unconditioned stimulus is presented multiple times without the conditioned stimulus ​ the conditioned stimulus provides information about the unconditioned stimulus

Contingency theory suggests that learning occurs only when the conditioned stimulus provides information about the unconditioned stimulus

In classical conditioning, the term extinction can be misleading because _____.​ ​spontaneous recovery of extinguished conditioned responses can occur ​an unconditioned stimulus always elicits a conditioned response ​the response remains unavailable for the future under any conditions ​the extinction of conditioned responses lead to their permanent eradication

Organisms tend to show spontaneous recovery of extinguished conditioned responses as a function of the passage of time. For this reason, the term "extinction"maybe a bit misleading.

​Research shows that playing violent video games is associated witha(n)_____. ​increase in aggressive thoughts and behavior ​decrease in juvenile delinquency and dating violence ​decline in substance abuse among the youth ​increase in the number of students obtaining higher grades

Violent video games are connected with aggressive behavior, including juvenile delinquency and dating violence.

In E. C. Tolman's experiment, some rats were trained to run through mazes for standard food goals, while other rats were allowed to roam freely for 10 days in the same mazes without food goals or other rewards. Later, when food rewards were placed in a box at the far end of the maze, the previously unrewarded rats reached the food box as quickly as the rewarded rats after only one or two trials. This shows that the rats had the ability to form_____ of their surroundings. ​higher-order conditioning ​systemic desensitization ​cognitive maps ​conditioned reflexes

cognitive maps

​_________is the recurrence of an extinguished response as a function of the passage of time. ​Spontaneous recovery ​Generalization ​Taste aversion ​Discrimination

​Spontaneous recovery

​In_____, people receive reinforcement in the form of information. ​classical conditioning ​biofeedback training ​negative punishment ​systematic desensitization

In biofeedback training, people receive reinforcement in the form of information

Biofeedback training, behavior modification, and programmed learning are all applications of _________.​ ​latent learning ​classical conditioning ​operant conditioning ​observational learning

​operant conditioning

Bethany taught her dog to jump when she raised her right hand. Later, her dog started jumping even if she raised her left hand. The response of Bethany's dog to her action similar to the original action to which the dog's response was conditioned is known as _____.​ ​generalization ​extinction ​countercondition ​discrimination

In this scenario, the response of Bethany's dog to her action similar to the original action to which the dog's response was conditioned is known as generalization. Generalization is the tendency for a conditioned response to be evoked by stimuli that are similar to the stimulus to which the response was conditioned

As a little girl, Dana liked to watch her motherprepare dinner. As an adult, Dana now enjoys preparing gourmet meals for her family. Dana learned to cook by watching her mother cook rather than by means of direct experience. In thecontext of observational learning, Dana's mother was a _____ for her. ​reinforcer ​shaper ​programmer ​model

Dana's mother was a model for her. A model is an organism that engages in a response that isthen imitated by another organism.

In the context of immediate versus delayed reinforcers, which of the following statements is true? The short-term consequences of behavior often provide greater incentive than the long-term consequences. The focus on long-term reinforcement is connected with risky behaviors, such as engaging in sexual activity with a stranger or failing to prevent pregnancy. There is no difference between the effectiveness of immediate and delayed reinforcers. Humans are unable to envision the long-term consequences of their own behavior.

Immediate reinforcers are more effective than delayed reinforcers. Therefore, the short-term consequences of behavior often provide more of an incentive than the long-term consequences

In Robert Rescorla's experiment, what happened to the group of dogs to whom a shock was consistently presented after a tone? The group of dogs learned nothing. The group of dogs learned to be calm in the presence of the tone. The group of dogs learned to show a playful response in the presence of the tone. The group of dogs learned to show a fear response at the sound of the tone.

In Robert Rescorla's experiment, the group of dogs to whom a shock was consistently presented after a tone learned to show a fear response at the sound of the tone

​Johnny has always feared going to the dentist as he associated these visits with pain. After repeated visits to the dentist, Johnny also developed the fear of bright lights as he had started associating it with the dentist's cabin. This development of Johnny's fear of bright lights after he started associating it with the dentist's cabin is known as _____. ​counterconditioning ​higher-order conditioning ​systemic desensitization ​shaping

The development of Johnny's fear of bright lights after he started associating it with the dentist's cabin is known as higher-order conditioning. Higher-order conditioning is a classical conditioning procedure in which a previously neutral stimulus comes to elicit the response brought forth by a conditioned stimulus by being paired repeatedly with that conditioned stimulus

To help a child who watches violent programs act less aggressively, one should inform the child that_____. ​the violent behavior he or she watches represents the behavior of most people ​the aggressive behaviors he or she watches reflect camera tricks, special effects,and stunts ​the consequences of violent behavior are not harmful ​the real-life consequences of violence are harmful only to the victim and not the aggressor

Children who watch violent shows may act less aggressively when they are informed that the apparently aggressive behaviors they watch are not real but rather reflect camera tricks, special effects, and stunts

Which of the following illustrates continuous reinforcement? Clara gets a chocolate bar from her father every time she completes a household chore. Michelle goes to the movies every weekend but only enjoys a quarter of the movies she watches. Habib buys a lottery ticket every week hoping that he will win the lottery someday. John practices hoop shots every day and scores on an average of every two out of three shots.

Clara getting a chocolate bar from her father every time she completes a household chore illustrates continuous reinforcement. Continuous reinforcement is a schedule of reinforcement in which every correct response is reinforced.

Which of the following is a suggestion by cognitive psychologists about the behavior of people? People choose whether or not to imitate aggressive behaviors they observe. The behavior of people is fully determined by the process of learning. People are most likely to imitate behaviors that are inconsistent with their values. Learning is a physical process that is shown by changes in behavior of people.

Cognitive psychologists suggest that people choose whether or not to imitate the aggressive and other behaviors they observe, and that people are most likely to imitate behaviors that are consistent with their values

​Contingency theory suggests that learning occurs only when _____. ​the conditioned stimulus hides information about the neutral stimulus ​the unconditioned stimulus is presented before the conditioned stimulus ​the unconditioned stimulus is presented multiple times without the conditioned stimulus ​ the conditioned stimulus provides information about the unconditioned stimulus

Contingency theory suggests that learning occurs only when the conditioned stimulus provides information about the unconditioned stimulus

​_________is the process by which stimuli lose their ability to evoke learned responses because the events that had followed the stimuli no longer occur. ​Generalization ​Extinction ​Discrimination ​Approximation


In conditioning, _________is the tendency for a conditioned response to be evoked by stimuli that are similar to the stimulus to which the response was conditioned. ​successive approximation ​discrimination ​spontaneous recovery ​generalization

In conditioning, generalization is the tendency for a conditioned response to be evoked by stimuli that are similar to the stimulus to which the response was conditioned

In operant conditioning, a(n) _________is a stimulus that indicates that reinforcement is available.​ ​unconditioned stimulus ​discriminative stimulus ​conditioned stimulus ​aversive stimulus

In operant conditioning, a discriminative stimulus is a stimulus that indicates that reinforcement is available

​In operant conditioning, an organism learns to do or not do things because_____. ​involuntary behaviors are elicited by the operant ​of the consequences of their behavior ​genetic predispositions invoke the behavior ​organisms associate events with one another

In operant conditioning, organisms learn to do things—or not to do things—because of the consequences of their behavior

Which of the following statements is true about taste aversions? The unconditioned stimulus can occur hours after the conditioned stimulus. The unconditioned stimulus and conditioned stimulus must be close together in time. At least three associations with the conditioned stimulus are required. The unconditioned stimulus has to occur before the conditioned stimulus.

In taste aversion, the unconditioned stimulus can occur hours after the conditioned stimulus

Jeff's dog barks and growls at the sound of a stranger's car engine pulling into the driveway, yet the dog wags its tail and gets excited at the sound of Jeff's car engine. In the context of conditioning, the reaction of Jeff's dog to the sound of his car's engine is known as _____. ​discrimination ​generalization ​systematic desensitization ​biological preparedness

In the context of classical conditioning, the reaction of Jeff's dog atthe sound of his car's engine is known as discrimination. In conditioning, discrimination is the tendency for an organism to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and similar stimuli that do not forecast an unconditioned stimulus

Justin plays for his high-school soccer team. He practices scoring touchdowns every day. During matches against other schools, he manages to score an average of three out of every five touchdowns he attempts. In this context, Justin gets _____ for his efforts.​ ​partial reinforcement ​negative reinforcement ​continuous reinforcement ​positive punishment

In this context, Justin gets partial reinforcement for his efforts. In partial reinforcement, not every correct response is reinforced

During fishingtrips, Laurence casts his hook and waits for a fish to take the bait. He waits patiently as the fish can bite at any time. In this scenario, Laurence is on a _____.​ ​fixed-ratio schedule ​fixed-interval schedule ​variable-ratio schedule ​variable-interval schedule

In this scenario, Laurence is on a variable-interval schedule. A variable-interval schedule is a schedule in which a variable amount of time must elapse between the previous and subsequent times that reinforcement is available.

Max is a waiter at a coffee shop. He gets paid $100every day at 9 p.m. regardless of the number of customers he serves during the day. In this context, Max is on a _____.​ ​fixed-ratio schedule ​variable-interval schedule ​fixed-interval schedule ​variable-ratio schedule

In this scenario, Max is on a fixed-interval schedule. In a fixed-interval schedule, a fixed amount of time must elapse between the previous and subsequent times that reinforcement is available

Cynthia has an intense fear of cats. Her psychologist repeatedly paired her love for classical music with the gradual exposure of Cynthia to a cat until her fear for cats was cured. In this scenario, which of the following techniques did Cynthia's psychologist use to cure her fear of cats? Sensitizing Counterconditioning Generalizing Observational learning

In this scenario, counterconditioning was used to reduce Cynthia's fear of cats. Counterconditioning is a fear-reduction technique in which pleasant stimuli are associated with fear-evoking stimuli so that the fear-evoking stimuli lose their aversive qualities.

Christine uses an electric can opener to open cans of dog food. Her dog starts to salivate just at the sound of the electric can opener in anticipation of the food. According to the principles of classical conditioning, the electric can opener has become an effective _____ for the dog.​ ​unconditioned reflex ​unconditioned stimulus ​conditioned reflex ​conditioned stimulus

In this scenario, the can opener has become a conditioned stimulus for Christine's dog. A conditioned stimulus is a previously neutral stimulus that elicits a conditioned response because it has been paired repeatedly with a stimulus that already elicited the response

A child who is afraid of water is tossed into a swimming pool with a floatation device to teach him how to swim. In this scenario, which of the following techniques is being used to reduce his fear? Generalization Flooding Sensitizing Discrimination

In this scenario, the fear reduction technique of flooding is being used to reduce the child's fear of water. Flooding is a behavioral fear-reduction technique based on principles of classical conditioning in which fear-evoking stimuli (CSs) are presented continuously in the absence of actual harm so that fear responses (CRs) are extinguished

Hailey is teaching her dog to roll over on its back. She starts by giving it a treat every time it performs an action close to rolling over. At first, she gives it a treat for lying on its stomach, then for lying on its back, and eventually for rolling over. This procedure used by Hailey to teach her dog to roll over on its back is known as _____. ​counterconditioning ​flooding ​systematic desensitization ​shaping

In this scenario, the procedure used by Hailey to teach her dog to roll over on its back is known as shaping. Shaping is a procedure for teaching complex behaviors that at first reinforces approximations of the target behavior

During a survey conducted in a primary school, it was found that most of the students feared snakes, insects, thunderstorms, and darkness. According to Arne Öhman and Susan Mineka, the students might be _____ by evolutionary forces to develop these fears.​ ​counter conditioned ​biologically prepared ​systematically desensitized ​disinhibited

In this scenario, the students might be biologically prepared by evolutionary forces to develop these fears. Biological preparedness is the readiness to acquire a certain kind of conditioned response due to the biological makeup of the organism

In a variable-interval schedule, reinforcement is provided after a _____.​ ​certain number of correct responses are made ​variable number of correct responses are made ​variable amount of time has passed ​set amount of time has passed

In variable-interval schedule, a variable amount of time must elapse between the previous and subsequent times that reinforcement is available

​Learning that is hidden or concealed is known as _____. ​observational learning ​episodic learning ​latent learning ​augmented learning

Learning that is hidden or concealed is known as latent learning.

Most organizations of healthprofessionals agree that media violence_____. ​contributes to aggression among people ​increases viewers' sensitivity to real violence ​influences most people to go on murderous rampages ​decreases viewers' level ofemotional arousal significantly

Most organizations of health professionals agree that media violencedoes contributeto aggression.

Which of the following is true of negative reinforcers? They increase the probability that a behavior will occur when the reinforcers are removed. They are more known by how they feel and not by their effects. They use food, water, and warmth as their reinforcers. They acquire their value through being associated with established reinforcers.

Negative reinforcers increase the probability that a behavior will occur when the reinforcers are removed

_________is the acquisition ofknowledge and skills by watching others rather thanby means of direct experience.​ ​Observational learning ​Latent learning ​Programmed learning ​Associativelearning

Observational learning is the acquisition of knowledge and skills by watching others rather than by means of direct experience

_________is defined as a form of learning in which an organism learns to engage in certain behavior because of the effects of that behavior. ​Counterconditioning ​Operant conditioning ​Classical conditioning ​Higher-order conditioning

Operant conditioning is defined as a form of learning in which an organism learns to engage in certain behavior because of the effects of that behavior

​_________is defined as a form of learning in which an organism learns to engage in certain behavior because of the effects of that behavior. ​Counterconditioning ​Operant conditioning ​Classical conditioning ​Higher-order conditioning

Operant conditioning is defined as a form of learning in which an organism learns to engage in certain behavior because of the effects of that behavior.See

In Pavlov's experiment, he conditioned his dog to salivate when it was shown a circle. Later, the dog salivated when it was shown other closed geometric figures—even squares. Through his experiment Pavlov demonstrated _____.​ ​discrimination ​higher-order conditioning ​generalization ​systematic desensitization

Pavlov demonstrated generalization by getting his dog to salivate when it was shown a circle. Then later the dog salivated in response to being shown closed geometric figures—even squares

_________is an application of operant conditioning that assumes that any complex task can be broken down into a number of small steps; these steps can be shaped individually and then combined in sequence to form the correct behavioral chain. ​Latent learning ​Observational learning ​Programmed learning ​Cognitive mapping

Programmed learning is an application of operant conditioning that assumes that any complex task can be broken down into a number of small steps; these steps can be shaped individually and then combined in sequence to form the correct behavioral chain

_________is an application of operant conditioning that assumes that any complex task can be broken down into a number of small steps; these steps can be shaped individually and then combined in sequence to form the correct behavioral chain.​ ​Latent learning ​Observational learning ​Programmed learning ​Cognitive mapping

Programmed learning is an application of operant conditioning that assumes that any complex task can be broken down into a number of small steps; these steps can be shaped individually and then combined in sequence to form the correct behavioral chain.

​_________is defined as a simple unlearned responseto a stimulus. ​Recovery ​Extinction ​Reflex ​Desensitization

Reflexis defined as a simple unlearned response to a stimulus.See "Classical Conditioning

_________is a procedure for teaching complex behaviors that at first reinforces approximations of the target behavior.​ ​Higher-order conditioning ​Flooding ​Cognitive mapping ​Shaping

Shaping is a procedure for teaching complex behaviors that at first reinforces approximations of the target behavior

Naomi is afraid of dogs. While she is feeling relaxed, her therapist shows her a dog from a distance. The therapist gradually brings the dog closer until Naomi's fear is completely extinguished. Which of the following techniques did the therapist use to extinguish Naomi's fear of dogs? Generalization Systematic desensitization Cognition Discrimination

The therapist used the fear-reduction technique of systematic desensitization to reduce Naomi's fear of dogs. Systematic desensitization is a behavioral fear-reduction technique in which a hierarchy of fear-evoking stimuli is presented while the person remains relaxed.

In the terminology of observational learning, a person who engages in a response that is imitated is a _________. model ​reinforcer ​programmer shaper

a person who engages in a response that is imitated is a model

Which of the following is true about primary reinforcers? Primary reinforcers acquire their value through being associated with established reinforcers. Primary reinforcers ensures that a behavior will occur only when the reinforcers are removed. Primary reinforcers are also termed conditioned reinforcers. Primary reinforcers are effective because of an organism's biological makeup.

effectiveness is based on the biological makeup of an organism and not on learning

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