Psych Final (24:Ethics)

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A psychologist in a full-time, solo private practice advertises that he limits his practice to marital problems. In 20 years in private practice, he has been successful in solving his clients' marital problems but not in saving his own marriage. Because he works 60 to 70 hours each week, he is able to avoid focussing on his own problems. His secretary schedules his 5:00 opening with a new client, a 35-year married woman, and leaves to catch the 5:00 bus. The client impresses him as someone in need of confirmation of her own worth; after several sessions she admits that she was molested as a child by her father and that her sexual relationship with her husband is both unsatisfactory and coerced. After three months pass, the psychologist realizes that he is looking forward to seeing this client each week and is beginning to feel sexually attracted to her. At this point the psychologist could ethically: (check all that can be justified by the APA ethics code) Question options: A. continue to treat her, seek counseling for his marital problems, and reschedule her appointment time, B. refer her to another therapist because he feels attracted to her. C. terminate the therapy immediately, wait two years, and then contact her for a social relationship D. refer her to a therapist who specializes in child sexual abuse.

A. continue to treat her, seek counseling for his marital problems, and reschedule her appointment time, B. refer her to another therapist because he feels attracted to her. D. refer her to a therapist who specializes in child sexual abuse.

A psychologist is investigating post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and perception modalities of coding distressing events. While considering the need to submit a proposal to the IRB, he developed an informed consent statement that he thought was comprehensive and concise. The informed consent form included many sentences from his grant proposal, verbatim, and added a few more sentences that addressed expectations and requirements of participants. His goal was to accurately convey a description of the research. His opening paragraph read as follows: This study will investigate the cognitive mapping and etiology of symptoms associated with posttraumatic stress disorder. It will examine the intensity of visual and auditory evoked potentials and concurrent subjective strength of eidetic imagery. Considering the mission of the APA ethics code, which statement(s) about the above scenario would be accurate as well as relevant to the ethics of the situation? (Check all that apply) Question options: A. The informed consent utilizes technical language in a professional manner. B. This type of investigation requires IRB approval. C. The language in the informed consent paragraph is not easily understandable to participants and should be restated in a clearer fashion. D. The data analysis will involve complex statistical tests.

B. This type of investigation requires IRB approval. C. The language in the informed consent paragraph is not easily understandable to participants and should be restated in a clearer fashion.

When asked for information by the psychiatrist in the emergency room, the psychologist should have: (Check all that apply.) (APA) Question options: A. refused to release any information since the client still owed the money B. released the records after the patient recovered and signed the release form C. provided only relevant information that might have been helpful in saving the client's life even though he had not signed a release

B. released the records after the patient recovered and signed the release form C. provided only relevant information that might have been helpful in saving the client's life even though he had not signed a release

Respect for persons, beneficence, and justice are the three principles of the: (BB) Question options: Nuremberg Code APA Code of Conduct of Psychologists Belmont Report Draft of the new APA Code of Conduct for Psychologists

Belmont Report

A psychlogist had been providing treatment to a man with a cocaine dependency for about two months. The patient stopped showing up for appointments and treatment was interrupted. After a few weeks, the therapist tried to contact the patient, but all attempts were unsuccessful. Although the patient had made partial payments, $500 was still owed to the therapist and there was no insurance coverage. About one year later the therapist received an urgent call from a psychiatrist at the emergency room of the local county hospital. The patient had been admitted with an overdose and was unconscious. The patient had little identifying information on him except for an appointment card with the former psychologist's name on it. The psychiatrist thought it might be useful to learn some background information and requested the release of some information from the psychologist. When the patient stopped coming (Check all that apply) (APA). Question options: A. The therapist should not have expected to receive/attempted to recover the remainder of the payment because the treatment was interrupted. B. The therapist should have made more of an effort in contacting the client in order to collect the money owed. C. The therapist was correct in attempting to contact the patient because of his concern for treatment continuity. D. The therapist should have discarded the patient's records since the patient stopped coming.

C. The therapist was correct in attempting to contact the patient because of his concern for treatment continuity.

Animals are routinely used in introductory psychology research courses to demonstrate the principles of learning. (BB) Question options: True False


Most of the cats used in psychological research were once household pets. (BB) Question options: True False


Only research that is federally funded must be approved by an IRB. (BB) Question options: True False


Research, that has been approved, must demonstrate zero risk of physical or psychological harm to all human subjects. (BB) Question options: True False


Having devised a new way of doing premarital counseling, Dr. Jones, a psychologist, mails a circular proudly announcing his "unique service created to assure a happy start in marriage." (APA) Question options: His pride is justified and he acted ethically. His colleagues are likely to honor him for his breakthrough. He should be made aware of the ethical violation of standard 5.01 a, b His license as a psychologist is subject to revocation.

He should be made aware of the ethical violation of standard 5.01 a, b

Of all of the means of registering a complaint against a therapist, which is most likely to result in some possible monetary compensation to the dissatisfied client? (BB) Question options: Transfer to another therapist Complaints to a professional association Complaint to a state licensing board Initiation of a civil suit

Initiation of a civil suit

Several classic studies have had considerable influence on the development of ethical standards in research including: (Check the key studies that apply.).(BB) Question options: Milgram's Obedience to Authority Sherif's Autokenetic Effect Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Study Watson's study with Little Albert

Milgram's Obedience to Authority Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Study

Which of the following statements about deception is consistent with APA Ethical Standards? (APA) Question options: Deception violates the principle of informed consent and should never be used. Deception is permissible whenever participants are debriefed thoroughly. Prior to conducting a study, the researcher must be positive that, if revealed, the deceptive components would not decrease willingness to participate. Deception is acceptable when information is withheld (omitted), but not when information is misrepresented.

Prior to conducting a study, the researcher must be positive that, if revealed, the deceptive components would not decrease willingness to participate.

The Belmont principle that acknowledges the dignity and freedom of every person is: (BB) Question options: Respect for Persons Beneficence Justice Integrity

Respect for Persons

The California Supreme Court case which changed the way therapists view absolute confidentiality during therapy was: (BB) Question options: Roe v. Wade Brown v. Board of Education Tarasoff v. Regents of the University of California Bakke vs UC Davis

Tarasoff v. Regents of the University of California

The US study that demonstrated abuse of research and prompted the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research in 1974 was called: (BB) Question options: The Nazi War Crimes Study Milgram Obedience Study The Tuskegee Study Zimbardo Prison Study

The Tuskegee Study

Animal rights supporters have succeeded in improving the living conditions of laboratory animals. (BB) Question options: True False


The major difference between the principles and the standards of the APA Code of Ethics is: (BB) Question options: The principles are theoretical while the standards are based on research. The principles are aspirational while the standards provide specific guidance and are enforceable. The principles have been the same through all versions of the ethics codes while the standards change with each new edition. All of the above

The principles are aspirational while the standards provide specific guidance and are enforceable.

A psychologist is conducting research on stress and forced-choice. Specifically a psychologist is using a cat as a subject in a study assessing the effects of sleep deprivation and hunger on decision-making. The research has been approved by the animal review committee. A colleague notices that the cat is suffering some mild discomfort and warns the researcher that this is a violation of APA's Ethical Principles. With regard to APA's Ethical Principles, which is most true about this situation? (APA) Question options: The psychologist is clearly acting unethically and unprofessionally by subjecting the animal to any discomfort The psychologist is acting ethically since the cat's mild discomfort is justified by the potential elimination of human discomfort that the research findings will provide The psychologist is acting ethically since he has taken every precaution to eliminate the discomfort of the animal This situation is not covered by the Ethical Principles

The psychologist is acting ethically since the cat's mild discomfort is justified by the potential elimination of human discomfort that the research findings will provide

Less that 10% of psychological research is conducted using animals. (BB) Question options: True False


You are involved in a multicenter trial on gender and computer usage. The researcher you are working with from Florida has written a consent document and is sending you a copy. (BB and APA) Question options: You can use this with your participants. You can use this but you should include your institutional logo. You need to generate a consent document and have it reviewed and approved by your own university IRB. You do not need to use a consent document since you are not conducting the research on the Florida campus.

You need to generate a consent document and have it reviewed and approved by your own university IRB.

Dr. Stewart is given a research idea by a colleague in a conversation. He goes ahead and does a study to follow-up on the idea. To be consistent with the APA guideline 8.12, it would be best for Dr. Stewart to: Question options: offer his colleague joint authorship with the colleague as second author. acknowledge his colleague's part by footnote or an introductory statement. publish the study without acknowledging the colleague. offer to collaborate with his colleague on future research

acknowledge his colleague's part by footnote or an introductory statement.

The risks involved in a research study can include:(APA and BB) Question options: possible physical harm possible psychological harm invasions of privacy all of the above

all of the above

What alternative to the use of animals in laboratory research has been suggested? (BB) Question options: using cell cultures using computer models observing animals in their environment all of the above

all of the above

A psychologist is conducting a research project that involves deception. Following collection of the data, she debriefs the participants. While most are impressed with the research, several participants do not like the idea of having been deceived. As an ethical psychologist, the researcher should: (APA) Question options: explain why the deception was essential to the research. offer to remove the data on these subjects. make sure the subjects have not been emotionally harmed by their participation in the study. all of the above.

all of the above.

Ethical guidelines in psychology (BB) Question options: provide psychologists with standards of morals and values. are dynamic and constantly changing. govern professional behavior of psychologists. all of the above.

all of the above.

A student participant in a research project involving matched pairs decides to withdraw from the research. The experimenter stresses the importance of the student's data to the study, but the student refuses to continue to participate. The experimenter should: (APA) Question options: allow the student to withdraw from the study warn the student that withdrawal will cause her to get a lower grade in her psych class remind the student that her agreement to participate is a legally binding contract offer the student a greater incentive for participation

allow the student to withdraw from the study

According to the APA Ethics Code, it is not necessary to get the informed consent of research participants in research that uses: (BB and APA) Question options: anonymous questionnaires naturalistic observations archival research any of the above none of the above--all research requires informed consent

any of the above

Surveys (especially those prior to the last decade) reveal that the percentage of therapists who have sexual relations with their current therapy clients is: (BB) Question options: less than 1% less than 5% anywhere from 5 to 15% as high as 25%

anywhere from 5 to 15%

A psychologist is conducting research on human participants. It is necessary that the participants not be told about all aspects of the research. The psychologist is obligated to: (APA) Question options: file an explanation with the local research committee partially explain the experiment to the participants apprise the participants of the nature of the study as early as feasible, preferably upon its completion give an opinion questionnare to the participants after the study is complete

apprise the participants of the nature of the study as early as feasible, preferably upon its completion

When gaining informed consent from research participants, one must consider each of the following EXCEPT: (BB) Question options: voluntariness of participation whether participants understand what is involved in the research experience of participants in prior research the competence of the participants to make a decision

experience of participants in prior research

Numerous ethical violations were committed during the Tuskegee Study including: (Check all that apply.) (BB) Question options: denial of treatment. lack of informed consent. harmful deception. lack of compensation.

denial of treatment. lack of informed consent. harmful deception.

If a therapy client is dissatisfied with some aspect of therapy, the first thing which could be done (though it may be very difficult) to bring about a change is: (Another way of phrasing this question is to ask which means of client protest would be first in the ordering of choices.) (BB) Question options: direct appeal to therapist consultation with another therapist transfer to another therapist register a complaint with a professional association

direct appeal to therapist

Studies also reveal that the therapists who have sexual relationships with current therapy clients are generally: (BB) Question options: found across all theoretical orientations and levels of training those with Psy.Ds those who are poorly trained and unaware of ethical codes behaviorists

found across all theoretical orientations and levels of training

Before the middle of the 20th Century, a code of ethics for researchers was (BB) Question options: well established and adhered to at the international level. not established because researchers were believed to act ethically and responsibly. considered apporpriate only at the national level. called the Belmont Report.

not established because researchers were believed to act ethically and responsibly.

Of the alternatives to animal research noted in the previous question and repeated below, identify the alternative most often used and most likely to provide helpful research data. (BB) Question options: observing animals in their natural environment using computer models using cell cultures none of these are helpful alternatives

observing animals in their natural environment

PRIOR to conducting an experiment which entails potential physical harm for participants (e.g., an experiment involving the use of alcohol), the psychologist's primary INITIAL consideration and action is to: (BB and APA) Question options: obtain medical consultaton to review the plans for the experiment ensure that follow-up is provided to all subjects appoint a committee to provide constant surveillance of the study be considerate of the needs of the participants

obtain medical consultaton to review the plans for the experiment

According to APA, it is acceptable for therapists to have sexual relations with former clients __________: (BB and APA) Question options: under no circumstances two years after termination two years after termination if the termination went smoothly only in the most unusual circumstances and only after two years

only in the most unusual circumstances and only after two years

The animals used most often in psychological research are: (BB) Question options: primates goldfish rats and birds dogs and cats

rats and birds

A VA Hospital psychologist is ordered to discharge 20% of the chronic patients on his ward each day to help the hospital economize. According to standard 1.02, he should: (APA and Links) Question options: refuse to comply and work within the organizational structure to have the order rescinded. obey but inform the Ethics Committee of the APA. be loyal to his employer and obey. turn in his resignation.

refuse to comply and work within the organizational structure to have the order rescinded.

All of the following are included in the 3Rs of moderate animal reform groups except: (BB) Question options: reduction in the number of animals used removal of animals from all research refinement of techniques used in animal research replacement of animal research with alternate means of study

removal of animals from all research

A psychologist in private practice going through a difficult divorce finds himself drinking heavily and getting depressed. He would be well to: (APA) Question options: plunge deeper into his work to take his mind off his own problems. take a lengthy vacation. seek professional consultation and consider suspending his practice until he has resolved his issues. terminate his practice.

seek professional consultation and consider suspending his practice until he has resolved his issues.

Through the years, one of the most frequent areas of complaint to professional ethics committees involves: (APA) Question options: fraud in psychological research breaches of confidentiality in therapy sexual improprieties by therapists disputes over fees in therapy

sexual improprieties by therapists

The ethical rules governing public statements are: (Multi) Question options: fixed and cannot be changed subject to change with professional shifts in what is considered improper have not been altered in the past few years none of the above

subject to change with professional shifts in what is considered improper

Changes that prompted the 2002 revision of the ethical principles and code of conduct include all but: (BB) Question options: Biomedical advances More open discussions of sensitive issues Advances in electronic technology for recording, sharing and storing data HIPAA the aftermath of 9/11

the aftermath of 9/11

In assessing the value of psychological research for the purpose of determining whether it is ethical and worth conducting, one should consider each of the following EXCEPT: (BB) Question options: the overall value of the research the prestige of the researcher the scientific validity of the research design the risks for participants

the prestige of the researcher

A graduate student using rats for neuropsychological research is charged with inhumane treatment of her laboratory rats. The sanitary conditions of the animals' cages are questionnable and it appears that anesthesia was not used consistently during surgical procedures. The student maintains that she was never trained in research methodology related to the care and use of animals. The responsibility for this situation lies PRIMARILY with: (APA) Question options: the graduate student the supervisor the department of psychology anyone who knows of the violation

the supervisor

One reason why animals are used in psychological research is: (BB) Question options: they are cheap and easy to procure their behavior is easier to control and their history is known making it easier to understand the effects of the research variables the researcher does not have to worry about ethical issues as he or she does with human participants all of the above

their behavior is easier to control and their history is known making it easier to understand the effects of the research variables

According to the APA Ethics Code, confidentiality of communication with a patient could ethically be broken: Question options: when the patient reveals that she/he has committed an undetected felony when the patient reveals that she/he is intending to harm someone else during the course of treatment when the patient is fraudulently obtaining money (to pay his/her bill) all of the above

when the patient reveals that she/he is intending to harm someone else during the course of treatment

It is generally extremely important to publish and disseminate research findings. Sometimes, however, it is important not to publish. When might it be important not to publish? (APA) Question options: when the research findings might be an embarrassment to funding agencies. when the research design is of questionnable value. when the research findings denigrate the majority values when the research findings might cause a major controversy.

when the research design is of questionnable value.

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