Psych Test #5.3

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Patients receive a general anesthetic and muscle relaxant prior to treatment with:


____________ is an anxiety disorder characterized by symptoms that include haunting memories and nightmares, jumpy anxiety, social withdrawal, and insomnia.


_____________ is an anxiety disorder characterized by symptoms that include haunting memories and nightmares, jumpy anxiety, social withdrawal, and insomnia.


In a psychology class debate on the trait perspective, you need to take the opposing view and rebut its positive aspects. Which of the following criticisms of the trait perspective can you cite?

People do not act with predictable consistency and behavior varies from one situation to the next.

A patient recently admitted to the hospital is complaining of auditory hallucinations. She might be treated with:


Last week Tate went into the hospital for a painful medical procedure. Amazingly, he did not seem worried beforehand, and he showed no signs of autonomic nervous system arousal. In addition, Tate seems to lack a conscience for wrongdoing. It is very likely that Tate would be diagnosed as having:

antisocial personality disorder

The most common hallucinations experienced in schizophrenia are:


This form of treatment associates an unpleasant state (such as nausea) with an unwanted behavior (such as drinking alcohol).

aversive conditioning

To help Jacob overcome his smoking habit, a therapist puts him in a room with a carton of cigarettes laced with a chemical to induce nausea. He displays images of the dangers of smoking both on the walls and on a television set. This approach to treatment best illustrates:

aversive conditioning

To help Monica overcome her nearly irresistible craving for chocolates, a therapist provides her with a supply of chocolate candies that contain solidified droplets of a harmless, but very bitter-tasting substance. This approach to treatment best illustrates:

aversive conditioning

Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are likely to be treated with ________________ therapy which acts directly on the patient's physiology.


Dr. Cobbs believes that psychological disorders are influenced by genetic predispositions and physiological states. He is also aware that inner psychological dynamics, social dynamics, and culture influence psychological disorders. Dr. Cobbs believes in a:

biopsychosocial model

Who emphasized the importance of active listening in the process of psychotherapy?

carl rogers

Mimi works in a hospital psychiatric unit. She cares for a patient with schizophrenia who often stands motionless in a corner for several hours. This ___________ usually ends abruptly and the patient becomes quite agitated.


Nancy's therapist is an active listener who often paraphrases what she says. He does not judge her and is quite open to her exploration of her weaknesses. He gives her appropriate validation and encourages her to reflect on her feelings. He wants to deepen her self-understanding. Her therapy is most likely:

client centered

According to Carl Jung, humans have a reservoir of images that are derived from our universal experiences. This is known as our:

collective unconscious

Andrea experiences extreme anxiety when she approaches any lake. Her therapist suggests that her fear is the result of a traumatic childhood boating accident. The therapist's suggestion reflects a ___________ perspective.


Frieda is organized, careful, and disciplined. She would likely score very high on a personality test that measures:


Geneva has an extremely clean dorm room. She keeps no clutter on her desk, she awakens very early to keep up with her schoolwork, and her car is spotless. Given your knowledge of her behavior, which of the following Big Five personality traits does she exhibit MOST?


Angel has been arrested for grand theft auto. He claims that it wasn't him and that he knows nothing about the crime as his alter ego must have done it. The court-appointed psychiatrist knows immediately that Angel does not suffer from _____ as the host is never co-conscious of the alter egos.

dissociative identity disorder

While researchers have discovered that there are an excessive number of receptor sites for _________________, it is not the only neurotransmitter involved in schizophrenia.


According to Freud, this part of the personality is largely conscious and is the mediator that operates on the reality principle.


Eli has always been an extravert. There is some evidence that people like Eli seek stimulation because their normal brain arousal is relatively low. For example, extraverts:

exhibit less activity in a frontal lobe area involved in behavior inhibition.

Systematic desensitization is a form of:

exposure therapy

the perception that chance or outside forces beyond one's personal control determine one's fate.

external locus of control

Veda is sociable, fun-loving, and affectionate. She would likely score very high on a personality test that measures:


The _____________ perspective emphasizes that personality is the result of interactions between people and their situations. The way one thinks about a situation affects one's behavior.

social cognitive

According to Freud, which part of the personality represents internalized ideals and provides standards for judgment and for future aspirations?


To help Adam reduce his fear of dogs, a therapist encourages him to physically relax and imagine that he is walking toward a friendly and harmless little dog. The therapist's technique best illustrates:

systematic desensitization

During a therapy session, Jenny focuses on several intrusive thoughts that have been bothering her. The therapist tells Jenny to report any ideas or memories stimulated by these thoughts. Jenny's therapist is using a technique known as:

free association

Who emphasized the importance of transference in the therapeutic process?


In a study examining the genetic influences on antisocial personality disorder, Adrian Raine compared the PET scans of murderers' brains to the brains of non-murderers of the same age and sex. Raine reported reduced activity in the murderers' _____________ (a brain area that helps with impulse control).

frontal lobes

Diane is constantly concerned about things at work even when she is at home. She is constantly worried about her home life even when she is at work. Diane has a free-floating anxiety that leaves her tense, irritable, impairs her concentration, and leaves her with many sleepless nights. Diane suffers from a(n):

generalized anxiety disorder

Lenore is continually tense and plagued by muscle tension, sleeplessness, and an inability to concentrate. Lenore most likely suffers from a(n):

generalized anxiety disorder

Therapeutic drugs that block dopamine receptors are most likely to reduce:


According to Freud, this part of the personality contains a reservoir of unconscious psychic energy that strives to satisfy the basic sexual and aggressive drives.


The humanistic perspective has been criticized for promoting an excessive degree of:


the perception that one controls one's own fat

internal locus of control

Classical psychoanalysts are especially interested in:

interpreting the meaning of clients' resistance to therapeutic procedures.

Major depressive disorder is a mood disorder characterized by signs of depression (e.g., lethargy, feelings of worthlessness, and loss of interest in family, friends, and activities). To be diagnosed with major depressive disorder, these signs must:

last for two or more weeks

In stressful situations, people with an antisocial personality disorder show _____________ when compared with people unaffected by the disorder.

less fear and less autonomic nervous system arousal

Of the following individuals, who is most likely to benefit from use of lithium?

manic/bipolar disorder

Gena believes that people with psychological disorders are suffering from diseases that have physical causes that can be diagnosed, treated, and sometimes even cured. Gena believes in the _____________ model of psychological disorders.


People who are troubled by repetitive thoughts or actions are suffering from:


A token economy incorporates _______________ to modify behaviors by reinforcing desired behaviors with tokens that can be exchanged for various treats.

operant conditioning procedures

Symptoms that can be incorrectly perceived as a heart attack are most characteristic of:

panic disorder

_____________ are characterized by inflexible and enduring maladaptive character traits that impair social functioning.

personality disorder

35-year-old Lucy needs to have her blood taken. She is so distraught by this that she must mentally prepare herself for it as well as take a short-acting sedative. Lucy seems to be suffering from a(n):


Although Mark realizes his behavior is unreasonable, he is so distraught by high bridges that he avoids them and takes an unnecessarily lengthy route to and from work each day. Mark appears to suffer from a(n):


This defense mechanism occurs when people disguise their own threatening impulses by attributing them to others. This is known as:


In 1921, Hermann Rorschach introduced what has become the most widely used ____________ test.


_______________ is the therapeutic technique developed by _______________. The goal of this type of therapy is to help patients gain insight into repressed impulses and conflicts.

psychoanalysis; freud

The _____________ perspective emphasizes the role of repressed childhood conflicts in personality disorders.


In _____________, a person exhibits persistently harmful thoughts, feelings, and actions.

psychological disorder

According to Freud, fixation refers to a difficulty in the process of:


If a patient suffers uncontrollable seizures, physicians can destroy specific nerve clusters that cause or transmit the convulsions. This best illustrates a procedure known as:


During her weekly therapy sessions, Sabrina will often abruptly shift the focus of her attention and lose her train of thought. A psychoanalyst would suggest that this illustrates:


__________ emphasized the importance of unconditional positive regard in healthy personality development.


Psychodynamic therapy is different from psychoanalytic because: a) its goal is symptom relief in the here and now, and it focuses primarily on current relationships. b) it is aimed at total personality change. c) the number of sessions needed for effective treatment cannot be determined. d) the therapist focuses primarily on past relationships and undoing past hurts.


Around the world, people may experience the same genetically-based disorder quite differently, depending on their personal expectations and their cultural definition of abnormality. This best illustrates the need for:

a biopsychosocial approach

An overabundance of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine is most likely to be associated with:

a manic episode

Humanistic psychology emphasizes the importance of:

a positive self-concept.

A patient at a mental health clinic is suffering from involuntary movements of his facial muscles and tongue. It is possible this _____________ is a side effect of his long-term use of antipsychotic medication.

tardive dyskinesia

The humanistic perspective fails to appreciate:

the human capacity for evil

The introduction of therapeutic drugs and community-based treatment programs in the ___________ helped to empty large mental hospitals as well as mark an era of improved treatments.


After three days of taking a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), Dennis is disappointed because he is not feeling any better. However, it generally may take up to ________ for this type of antidepressant to reach full effect.

4 weeks

This medication was originally used to treat epilepsy and is also found effective in the control of manic episodes associated with bipolar disorder.


Depression is: a) more common than phobias. b) the number-one reason people seek mental health services. c) more commonly suffered by men than women. d) less common than dissociative disorders.


He proposed the social-cognitive perspective.


The placebo effect best illustrates the importance of _____________ in therapeutic outcomes.

cognitive processes

Beck's therapy, which teaches people new and more adaptive ways of thinking and acting, and is based on the assumption that thoughts intervene between events and our emotional reactions is called:

cognitive therapy

Several years after his wife's death, Mr. Sanchez remains incapacitated by feelings of guilt and sadness. To reduce Mr. Sanchez's depression, a therapist is actively encouraging him to stop blaming himself for his inability to prevent his wife's death. The therapist's approach is most representative of:

cognitive therapy

Which opinion on Rogers' person-centered perspective are critics likely to argue? a) it encourages too much individualism, which can lead to self-indulgence and selfishness. b) it encourages too much individualism, which can lead to an erosion of moral restraints. c) it fails to recognize that people who focus beyond themselves are more likely to experience life satisfaction. d) Critics of Carl Rogers are likely to voice all of these objections.


A _____________ is a false belief that often accompanies psychotic disorders.o


Blake's doctor told her that she should not drink alcohol while taking Xanax. This is because antianxiety agents such as Xanax:

depress central nervous system activity

30-year-old Nellie has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Her selective attention is deficient, she is unable to ignore irrelevant stimuli, and she often gives her undivided attention to minute stimuli (e.g., a spotlight shining in a window). This type of attention problem is thought to contribute to:

disorganized thoughts

Bonnie is afraid to express anger toward her overbearing and irritating supervisor. Instead, she is critical of her children. A psychoanalyst would suggest that Bonnie's reaction to her children illustrates:


This defense mechanism offers self-justifying explanations in place of the real, more threatening, unconscious reasons for one's actions. This is known as:


Bryce often acts overly confident and daring. Few people realize he is actually riddled with unconscious insecurity and self-doubt. Bryce best illustrates the use of a defense mechanism known as:

reaction formation

Albert Bandura's social-cognitive perspective highlights the importance of:

reciprocal determinism.

Lately, Harold and Grant cannot get along. Harold often expects the worst of people, and yesterday he thought Grant was mad at him. As a result, Harold ignored Grant's phone calls and other attempts at conversation, angering Grant. But in truth, Harold created the situation to which he was reacting. This is an example of:

reciprocal determinism.

Sarah's optimism is both a contributor to and a product of her successful career accomplishments. This best illustrates:

reciprocal determinism.

At his weekly therapy session, Henry became agitated at his therapist, saying that she was controlling, domineering, and trying to ruin his life with all of her mothering. A psychoanalyst would suggest that this illustrates:


Neal has been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. Neal interprets negative stressful events using a pessimistic explanatory style. His explanatory style creates a hopeless depressed state, which then hampers the way Neal thinks and acts, causing more negative stressful events. Neal's depression is likely due to a:

vicious cycle

Although Alex is frequently caught stealing money and other valuables from friends as well as strangers, he does not feel guilty or remorseful about his actions. Alex most clearly demonstrates a(n):

weak superego

Spencer has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. His parents have a difficult time understanding him because his speech is fragmented and bizarre. He jumps from one idea to another, sometimes within sentences, creating a(n):

word salad

Which of the following is an antianxiety agent?


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