Psych Testing & Measurement (Ch. 4-6)

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Henry Beecher published an article in 1966 exposing 22 unethical studies in biomedicine including which of the following? a. Tuskegee syphilis study b. Watson and Crick DNA discovery c. The CIA LSD study d. all of the above


In order to gain maximum benefit from an essay question, which of the following guidelines should you follow? a. allow adequate time for answering b. ask ambiguous questions c. test lower level skills d. have test takers answer different questions


In what discipline were portfolios first used? a. arts b. sciences c. mathematics d. technology


If students are given an unspecified amount of time and allowed to organize the information in their own way, what type of essay format is being used? a. restricted b. unrestricted c. closed ended d. free response


Non-English speaking students are given how long before they have to take the state NCLB assessment? a. 1 year b. 3 years c. 5 years d. 7 years


The Flynn Effect describes what phenomena? a. ethical research behavior b. increased generational IQ scores over the past 60 years c. lack of reliability and validity in current research d. the decrease in test bias since NCLB became law


Which level of Bloom's taxonomy requires students to use old ideas to create new ones? a. analysis b. synthesis c. evaluation d. application


Which of the following describes an interview? a. collection of work b. set of questions c. stems with alternatives d. statements of belief


Which of the following is a mandate of NCLB imposed on public secondary schools? a. Bilingual education for all ELL students b. student contact information provided to military recruiters c. single sex education in health classes d. vouchers provided to families for religious education


A fundamental purpose of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 is which of the following? a. to assure fair testing for handicapped students b. to decrease the teacher to student ratio for handicapped students c. to assure the right to a free appropriate public education to all children d. to ensure highly qualified teachers for all


The first rule of thumb when conducting research is which of the following? a. incentives should be reasonable and appropriate b. test should be reliable c. nothing should be done to harm the participants d. determine whether subjects remain anonymous


Which of the following is an example of reliability? a. consistency b. performing the same in the future as in the past c. measuring the same thing more than once with the same outcome d. all of the above


Why would matching items be used instead of the multiple-choice format? a. increase difficulty b. decrease bias c. increase discrimination d. decrease difficulty


1. symbol used to designate the premise on a matching test 2. term used for possible answers for matching items 3. matching test responses are considered this type 4. matching tests are acceptable tools for this 5. matching tests easily administered to this population 6. all premises and responses should be 7. matching tests emphasize this type of learning 8. term used of statement to be answered on matching test

1. number 2. options 3. selection 4. assessment 5. large group 6. reasonable 7. memorization 8. premise

If you want to know how well a test taker can organize information, what type of item format should you use? a. short answer b. completion c. matching d. essay


In order to keep the conversation going during an interview, what technique can be used? a. skip questions b. transitions c. silence d. leave out questions


Portfolios are collections of work that show effort and: a. time b. progress c. knowledge d. potential


Portfolios are said to be a. outcomes based b. performance based c. objectives based d. subject based


If someone were to choose a job as a social worker, on what occupational theme would you expect him/her to score highest? a. social b. conventional c. investigative d. artistic


If the interview questions are not restricted but do provide an indication as to the direction of the interview, what type of interview is being conducted? a. guided b. nondirective c. directive d. structured


If you want to improve the reliability and validity of an interview, what type of interview should you conduct? a. structured b. open c. nondirective d. conversational


What field is typically associated with the administration and interpretation of personality tests? a. psychology b. education c. technology d. arts


"Problem solvers" would most likely score highest on which occupational theme? a. social b. investigative c. artistic d. conventional


Another name for a conversational interview is: a. guided b. nondirective c. directive d. structured


If John's score on a 50 item/point test was 42, what is his correct score for guessing? a. 40 b. 34 c. 32 d. 30


The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery is administered to which of the following populations? a. high school students only b. high school, college, and young adult applicants to the armed forces c. college and young adult populations only d. high school graduates only


Which of the following is an advantage of using true-false items? a. emphasis on memory b. guessing c. ease in scoring d. can be true or false


A method of organizing and analyzing data collected from interviews is known as which of the following? a. anecdotal information b. interpretive analysis c. hypotheses generation d. generalization


Arnold Gesell, in his work on child growth and development, documented the importance of which of the following? a. educational progress b. pre-school education c. maturation d. parental education attainment


Essay items can be constructed in two ways. What are those two basic formats? a. restricted and closed ended b. unrestricted and open ended c. restricted and unrestricted d. restricted and free response


Holland's model is designed so that adjacent themes are those _____ to one another. a. dissimilar b. identical c. similar d. opposite


If you wanted to examine scores on an achievement test based on the pattern of how individuals answered each item, what technique would you want to use? a. item analysis b. item response theory c. classical test theory d. test analysis


What type of interview questions are "yes/no" questions? a. open b. free c. closed d. guided


"I get along with others" is an example of an item that would be include on which of the following type of personality test? a. specific test b. subjective test c. projective test d. objective test


A standardized test is one that has undergone what process? a. one test administration b. development of reliability measures only c. norming with a small group of test takers d. extensive writing and rewriting of test items


In order to determine the potential for performance in a future setting, an aptitude must have which of the following? a. high reliability b. concurrent validity c. discriminate validity d. predictive validity


What does a personality test attempt to measure? a. achievement b. goals c. aptitude d. traits


What is a limitation of using true-false items? a. measures only basic skills b. guessing can be corrected c. scoring is difficult d. more than two alternatives


What is the lesson learned from correcting for guessing? a. guessing does not matter b. if you guess, always choose "true" c. if you guess, always choose "false" d. if you guess, guess correctly


What method for examining test bias examines differences in group scores? a. difference-difference b. item by item c. face validity d. Cleary model


What type of aptitude test was introduced by Arnold Gesell? a. readiness b. mechanical c. clerical d. artistic


What type of test measures knowledge of a specific topic? a. achievement test b. attitude test c. personality test d. projective test


When test scores vary across different groups due to factors not related to the test, this is an example of _____. a. test bias b. fair testing c. test fairness d. adaptive testing


When writing true-false items, what does the test developer need to consider? a. need for precision b. number of items c. probability of guessing d. alternatives


Which of the following might be considered part of a portfolio? a. student's poetry b. definition of terms c. list of U.S. presidents d. vocabulary words


Which of the following would be considered a disadvantage of using an interview? a. highly individualized b. ability to generalize c. richness of the data d. detailed results


Who developed the 6 occupational themes? a. John Holland b. Edward Strong c. Tom Krieshok d. Richard Nelson Boles


Why are different types of test items used in assessment? a. measure different types b. reduce stress level of test taker c. assess memorization of factual information d. assess higher order thinking


Computer adaptive testing is designed to do which of the following? a. guide the test taker to the correct answer b. adjust the difficulty of items based on ongoing performance c. give the test taker an unfair advantage d. allow for computational errors


If I can say that my weekly statistics quiz fairly assesses the material covered, what source of validity evidence should I have collected? a. criterion validity b. content validity c. construct validity d. concurrent validity


The grid that served as a guide when constructing an achievement test is called: a. specifications grid b. objectives table c. table of specifications d. table of outcomes


The triarchic theory of intelligence is best explained through the understanding of: a. id, ego, and superego b. what you know, what you did, and how you behave c. visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning d. verbal, non-verbal, and intuitive strengths


True-false items are most often used to assess: a. higher order thinking b. achievement c. discrimination d. basic knowledge


What does an aptitude test attempt to measure? a. current performance b. future performance c. career aspirations d. traits and characteristics


What does the statistical procedure "factor analysis" allow a researcher to do? a. test difference b. examine relationships c. make predications d. explain variables


What is another name for an achievement test? a. multiple intelligences test b. multiple survey battery c. multiple-choice test d. multiple response format


What is componential intelligence focused on? a. behavior based on experience b. structures that underlie behavior c. context in which behavior occurs d. interaction between skills and abilities


What is one advantage of using multiple-choice items? a. easy to write good questions b. guessing is minimized c. increases creativity d. less time to write


What is the computed number for how well an item distinguishes between the "knowing" and the "unknowing"? a. item analysis b. discrimination index c. difficulty index d. correct alternatives


What sources of error variance are associated with essay items? a. differences in responses b. anonymity of the test taker c. standardized conditions d. differences in grading


What type of personality test consists of unambiguous questions? a. projective test b. objective test c. subjective test d. specific test


Which intelligence of Howard Gardner's MI theory is concerned with the ability to understand others' behavior and interact with people? a. emotional b. interpersonal c. linguistic d. intrapersonal


Who proposed that there is a general factor that accounts for intelligent behavior? a. Louis Thurstone b. Charles Spearman c. Alfred Binet d. Lewis Terman


In matching items, what is the question which the test taker must consider? a. alternative b. response c. premise d. option


What type of development tool is used when a group of individuals is selected to respond to a variety of items? a. content group b. theory group c. criterion group d. convergent group


What type of intelligence reflects that has been acquired or learned? a. fluid b. linguistic c. crystallized d. intrapersonal


Which of the following terms would be associated with an essay item? a. list b. identify c. analyze d. define


Which of the following tests was first developed to help veterans who did not have time to complete high school? a. Graduate Record Examination b. Miller's Analogy Test c. General Education Development d. California Achievement Test


Which type of interview would you be conducting if you are following a set of predefined questions? a. nondirective b. guided c. structured d. general


While personality tests may be easily _____ , they are difficult to _____ . a. interpret; administer b. selected; administer c. administered; interpret d. administered; select


According to the formula below, what does "Nh" represent? D = (Nh + Nl)/T a. number of correct responses in low group b. total number of items on the test c. total number of responses to the item d. number of correct responses in high group


How can the generalizability of an interview be increased? a. focus on specific topic b. take careful notes c. analyze data carefully d. all of the above


One may choose not to conduct an interview for which of the following reasons? a. they are expensive b. they are time consuming c. they are difficult to generalize d. all of the above


What do the letters SAT stand for? a. Standardized Achievement Test b. Scholastic Aptitude Test c. Student Achievement Test d. Officially, nothing


What is the "correction for guessing" formula? a. C = W + R b. S = W - R c. SC = R + W d. CS = R - W


What is the goal of computer adaptive testing? a. examine item difficulty b. make item analysis easier c. give everyone the same items d. identify test takers' "true" score


What two dimensions should be considered when creating a portfolio? a. age and grade level b. content and subject c. subject and objectives d. content and development


What type of test is used when you want to determine if a student has achieved a specific level of mastery in a particular content area? a. standardized test b. researcher-made test c. norm-referenced test d. criterion-referenced test


Which of Gardner's intelligences would you expect a famous hockey player to excel in? a. emotional b. interpersonal c. linguistic d. kinesthetic


Which of the following is a benefit of using essay items? a. reliability b. content representation c. ease in grading d. flexibility


Which of the following is an advantage of matching items? a. amount of knowledge tested b. emphasis on memorization skills c. easily machine scored d. decreases value of guessing


Which of the following is considered a plausible but wrong answer? a. attracter b. alternative c. detractor d. distracter


Who among the following pointed out five important rules about taking a vocational test? a. John Bolland b. Edward Strong c. Tom Krieshok d. Richard Nelson Boles


Who popularized the idea of emotional intelligence? a. Alfred Binet b. Howard Gardner c. Robert Steernberg d. Daniel Goleman


The "g" theory of intelligence involves the idea that:

there is one type of intelligence that accounts for individual differences between people

Tests need to be unbiased so that they can do what? a. favor one group over another b. determine the difficulty of the test items c. validly assess some outcome d. be administered to large groups


The Cleary Model employs which of the following statistical techniques? a. item analysis b. item response theory c. regression d. factor analysis


What are the characteristics of a perfect item? a. D = 50% and d = -1.00 b. D = 100% and d = .50 c. D = 50% and d = +1.00 d. D = 50% and d = .50


Once an aptitude test item is administered to a set of subjects, what is done with the results? a. item is analyzed for effective differentiation b. the item is included in the test battery c. the item is discarded d. none of the above


The purpose of the No Child Left Behind Act is which of the following? a. to close the achievement gap b. to hold teachers more accountable c. to hold parents more accountable d. to increase the use of standardized tests


Why are the policies of NCLB so difficult to implement? a. they are very expensive b. they are hard to interpret c. they are lacking supportive data d. they are diagnostic in nature


What assessment tool might be useful if you want a "snapshot" of the student's knowledge? a. performance assessment b. subjective assessment c. traditional assessment d. nontraditional assessment


Which of the following is considered a projective personality test? a. NEO 4 test b. Rorschach Ink Blot Test c. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory d. 16PF


Which of the following is required of the test taker when answering matching items? a. supplying information b. selecting information c. comparing pros and cons d. applying knowledge


Which of the following is used to complete the stem? a. attracters b. alternatives c. detractors d. distracters


What does a negative discrimination index indicate to test developers? a. more people in the high group got the item correct b. the item is doing what it is supposed to be doing c. more people in the low group got the item correct d. the difficulty index must also be negative


What is one disadvantage of using multiple-choice items? a. writing skills are deemphasized b. difficult to score c. can be more than one correct answer d. questions are difficult to analyze


What is one major criticism of portfolios? a. objectivity b. assess higher level thinking c. subjectivity d. nontraditional


What is the major distinction made between aptitude and achievement tests? a. number of items used b. focus on validity c. use of the test d. time of year administered


What type of validity evidence is collected when personality tests are examined to see of what you are testing is evident in the items? a. construct b. criterion c. content d. predicitve


When an assessment compares the performance of a child against other children of the same age it is called a(n): a. achievement test b. standardized test c. norm-referenced test d. criterion-referenced test


When individuals are concerned with the social values that underlie the usage of a test, what is this called? a. test bias b. FairTest movement c. test fairness d. adapative testing


Which interview format will yield greater validity and reliability of results? a. nondirective b. guided c. structured d. general


Which level of Bloom's taxonomy asks that students compare and discriminate between ideas? a. analysis b. synthesis c. evaluation d. application


Which method for examining test bias makes use of judges who examine the test? a. difference-difference b. item by item c. face validity d. Cleary Model


Which of the following difficulty levels would be associated with the hardest item? a. 30% b. 40% c. 5% d. 50%


Which of the following is a benefit of using portfolios? a. easily evaluated b. relatively subjective c. flexibility d. fits all subjects


If the intent of the assessment is to find out whether or not a person has a specific knowledge of a particular subject, what is the best format for collecting that information? a. essay test b. portfolio c. interview d. multiple-choice test


If two groups differ on some factor unrelated to the test, such as gender, what assumption can be made? a. the difference is real b. the differences reflect environmental conditions c. test bias exists d. all of the above


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