Psychology 360 ch.3

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Which of the following are examples of ways that social situations can affect our sense of self?

-A mother insists that her daughter always say "please" and "thank you" when she asks for and receives something. -A child feels that faith is an important part of his life because his father prays with him each evening when he tucks him into bed. -A student admires his teacher and models the teacher's behavior.

Which of the following are statements that accurately demonstrate self-verification theory?

-Martin believes that he is a good student, and as a result, he has a better memory for times when he got As on exams than for times when he didn't do as well. -Elaisha has low self-esteem. She prefers to be around friends who also don't have a very high opinion of her, because this allows her to maintain a consistent view of herself.

Not Example(s)

-Zorah finds a rare and valuable coin in her change. She feels like lucky things often happen to her. -Luisa was terminated from her position at a software development company. Even though she was told the decision was necessary in order to cut costs at the company and not related to her job performance, she still feels depressed about losing her job.

Which terms apply to acting like the person we want others to believe we are?

-self-presentation -impression management -face

Not Example(s)

A child is afraid of clowns because he had a bad dream about them.

Not Potential Benefit(s)

People who self-enhance are often admired and respected by others. People from East Asian cultures who have more positive illusions about themselves have enhanced well-being.

Audrey thinks that she is more generous than most people

better-than-average effect

inapplicable Term(s)

low self-monitor

describes self-esteem as our own internal monitor of how acceptable we are to others

sociometer hypothesis

low self-esteem after failing a test


False Statement(s)

-Japanese people are more often congratulated for their performance than American people are. -Between 1968 and 1984, American college students reported greatly reduced self-esteem.

Which of the following are examples of reflected self-appraisals?

-Marcel's parents often tell him how much they love his singing. Marcel believes he has a beautiful voice. -Alejandra often shows exasperation when her elderly father cannot remember something. Her father feels incompetent. -Ed's wife makes fun of his fear of heights. Ed feels embarrassed that he's not very courageous.

Which of the following statements about self-esteem and culture are true?

-People from interdependent cultures are more concerned with self-improvement and working toward collective objectives. -People from Western cultures have a more pronounced need to evaluate themselves. -When people from Asian cultures, such as Japan, Malaysia, or India, are exposed to people from the West, their level of self-esteem increases. -Independent cultures foster higher levels of self-esteem than interdependent cultures do.

Less Accurately Determined by Ourselves

-assessments and evaluations of our behavior preferences for certain clothing -preferences for certain clothing

Which of the following types of information about one's self can accurately be determined via our own efforts?

-descriptions and memories of past personal experiences -current thoughts and feelings intentions and goals -intentions and goals

Which of the following are examples of ways that our social selves can be both malleable and stable?

Even though Mina knows that she likes to party, she doesn't portray that side of herself when she's at church. Ellen perceives herself to be extremely obedient around her family, but when she is with her close friends, she is strong and independent. In all situations, she knows that she's loyal. George belongs to a minority religious sect in his country, and he frequently faces prejudice and discrimination in many areas within his community. For him, his religion is a big part of who he is, as he often has to face the consequences of his devoutness to his faith.

Not Example(s)

Jose wears a stylish and expensive suit to his job interview because he wants to create a favorable impression in those on the interview committee. Lucinda thinks she is more stylish and fashionable than most people, although if asked, most observers would rank her as just average.


Jude is quick to select extraversion, friendliness, and outgoingness as traits she possesses. Maura disagrees when a personality test says she is dependent. This doesn't match her view of herself as an independent woman who has raised three kids on her own.

Not Example(s)

Like many of us, Ilse has a changing sense of who she is depending on the specific social situation (for example, when she's at home with family versus socializing with friends), but these changes are not consistent across these identifiable situations, lacking a predictable pattern in how she thinks of herself.

Not Example(s)

Seng has been thinking of asking Laurie out on a date. He hopes the answer is "yes" when he has the courage to ask her out someday. Nate has a research paper due in a few months. He is thinking that he should begin working on it sometime soon so he can turn it in on time.

Which of the following are research-supported self-presentational concerns that can be dangerous to our health?

Unhealthy Self-Presentational Concern(s) buying condoms cigarette and alcohol use among teens excessive tanning

When people believe that they can never become their ideal selves, they may experience which of the following common emotions?

depression, shame, reduced physiological arousal

Research has shown that when individuals gain their self-esteem from multiple domains that are _______ from one another, they are less likely to be devastated by a setback in any one area.


In what ways can people's self-affirmations be helpful to themselves and others?

help maintain a sense of self-worth minimize the use of defensive behaviors when their self-esteem is injured reduce negative evaluation of stereotyped groups

an indication that our interactions with others are successful and satisfying

high self esteem

Julia has routinely confided in her friends that she knows she suffers from low self-esteem. Lately, Julia's friends have tried to convince her that her boyfriend, Jack, is treating her poorly and that she should stop responding to his phone calls, but Julia continues to pick up every time. This prompts her friend Tiana to comment to Julia one night, " You're so insecure that you stay with him even though he treats you horribly." Julia considers Tiana's remarks, but soon disregards them, and still continues to answer Jack's phone calls. Using your knowledge of motives that drive self-evaluation, what psychological theory might explain Julia's behavior?

self-verification theory

feeling unintelligent when you're in a classroom with very intelligent people


high self-esteem after scoring a goal in a soccer game


feeling generally ambivalent about yourself


feeling like you're an overall worthy person


Not Statement(s)

-Even though Whitney is not a skier, she posts a picture on Facebook of herself skiing because she wants to give others the impression that she is good at it. -Seiko feels sad. She would ideally like to be a good bicycler, so failing makes her notice the gap between her ideal self and her actual self.

Which of the following examples illustrate the concept of implementation intention?

Example(s) Alejandro wants to go to the school dance with Lupe. He decides to practice what he will say to her when asking her out. He is concerned someone else might ask her out first, so he decides he will ask her the next day at school. Billy has a job interview scheduled this coming Monday for a position he really wants. He decides to borrow a nice suit from a friend to wear to the interview and to practice answering job interview questions in the days prior. Kiah wants to better manage her budget to pay her bills on time. She decides to not go out with her friends the next two weekends to avoid spending money, and instead she opts to work extra shifts at the restaurant where she is employed.

Which of the following are examples that illustrate reflected self-verification?

Walter has a negative self-view, so after he doesn't get a job he interviewed for, he obsesses about what he did wrong during the interview. Brenda often dresses in ways that make her look "out of style," because she doesn't want to be seen as trendy. She appreciates comments from others who notice her "outdated" appearance.

What are some potential benefits of holding positive illusions about the self?

Westerners who hold positive illusions about themselves are more likely to have enhanced well-being. People who hold positive illusions about themselves have healthier coping mechanisms in stressful situations.


When asked for examples of times she has been brave, Rima takes a while to come up with a story. When asked if he was conscientious, Cole deliberated, clearly taking some time to really think about whether the trait described him.

Based on the accuracy of one's self-knowledge, match Jessie's qualities to the people bestable to accurately describe them. -Jessie's ability to sing -how much time Jessie spends watching TV


Based on the accuracy of one's self-knowledge, match Jessie's qualities to the people bestable to accurately describe them. -how Jessie really feels about her dog -how depressed Jessie is


Not Unhealthy Self-Presentational Concern(s)

losing weight driving a fast sports car fashion trends

a clue that we need to develop stronger social bonds

low self esteem

an indication of our difficulty in interpersonal interactions with others

low self esteem

Not Way(s)

make them less receptive to unpleasant yet useful information

Neuroscientists conducted studies to determine the relationship of self-knowledge to regions of the brain. In a study, Chinese and Western European participants rated how different traits applied to themselves, their mothers, and another unrelated person. When participants considered whether the traits applied to themselves, the ______was activated for people from ______. When participants considered whether the traits applied to their mothers, people from _______ again showed activation in this brain region, whereas people from ______showed deactivation.

medial prefrontal cortex , both cultures, China, Western Europe

Ramesh fails a test, but he reminds himself what a good artist he is

self-affirmation theory

How do automatic self-control strategies help us stick to our long-term goals?

stimuli relating to a goal cause us to diminish thoughts about temptations

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