Psychology ch. 8

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The nucleus of a human cell contains

23 pairs of chromosome

According to the Centers for Disease Control, approximately ______________ of adolescent girls are infected with at least one sexually transmitted disease.


Young children show gender-specific toy preferences when they are as young as:

3 to 8 months

The WHO suggests that babies around the world learn to sit between __ months of age.

4 and 9

Approximately _____ of babies have an easy temperament.


Children are considered to be fluent in their native language by the time they are years of age.


How are critical and sensitive periods related?

A critical period is a type of sensitive period.

Whereas the study of attachment style is associated with _____, the study of parenting style is associated with ______.

Ainsworth; Baumrind

The language acquisition device (LAD) is associated with:


Chromosomes are molecules of:


Kohlberg's theory of moral development MOST closely reflects:

Piaget's theory of cognitive development.

__________is the weakest sense in newborns.


How might adolescents' tendency to engage in such risky behaviors as street racing and experimental drug use reflect brain development phenomena?

The prefrontal cortex matures slowly, retarding adolescents' ability to weigh potential consequences

Derwood is 8 years old and likes to do art projects at school. However, the projects he has completed so far haven't received good grades, and in several instances his friends have laughed at the things he has done. Based on Erikson's theory, Derwood may develop:

a sense of inferiority.

As compared with the adult brain, the newborn's brain has _______ neurons.

about the same number of

A teratogen is:

an environmental agent that can produce a birth defect

In Piaget's theory, the process of fitting new experiences into existing schemas is called_______. The process of restructuring ideas to make room for new information is called _______.

assimilation; accommodation

Mary Ainsworth devised the "strange situation" to assess:


A teacher who pushes children to go just beyond what they are competent and comfortable doing is using:


Jay complains to his father that he does not have enough juice. There is no more juice in the house, so his father takes the juice Jay has in his glass and pours it into a taller, narrower glass. Jay believes that he has more juice because he has not yet developed an understanding of:


According to Mary Ainsworth, a child with ambivalent attachment will:

continue to show signs of distress when the mother returns after a brief absence.

Samantha is creating a language development timeline for a class presentation. Along the top of a display board, she writes the following ages in sequence: 2 months> 4 months> 12 months> 18 months. How should she label these ages, from youngest to oldest?

cooing> babbling > first words > telegraphic speech

In Kubler-Ross's theory, acceptance of death is most immediately preceded by:


Two weeks after conception, the developing fertilized egg is called a(n):


Grace is a 19-year-old college sophomore. She is living away from home for the first time and is trying to decide on a major. Grace is in a phase of life many developmental psychologists call ----- adulthood.


The field of __ explores how the environment affects the expression of genetic attributes.


Between the ages of 3 and 6 years, the number of neural connections increases most dramatically in the ____ lobe.


During adolescence, brain development proceeds relatively slowly in the _______ lobe, a region implicated in self-regulation.


An individual's_______is composed of his or her 23 pairs of chromosomes.


An individual's complete collection of genes is called his or her:


The first 2 weeks of a pregnancy, from conception to implantation, are termed the _____ period.


In Erikson's view, adolescent development is largely defined by the search for:


The outdated term "hermaphrodite" has been replaced by the term:


Dawn is a graduate student investigating the development of fine motor skills. She selects one group of children and assesses their fine motor skills every 6 months over a 2-year period. In this example, Dawn is using a __ research design.


Compared with Piaget, Vygotsky placed ______emphasis on the ________ foundations of cognitive development.

more; social

Heredity versus environment is another of way of referring to the debate.

nature versus nurture

According to the text, physical exercise in late adulthood encourages the birth of new neurons in areas responsible for learning and memory. In other words, exercise facilitates ________ in the ________.

neurogenesis; hippocampus

Maturation refers to development.


The number of words young children hear at home is _________ correlated with family income.


During the Vietnam War, Michael moved from the United States to Canada to avoid the draft. He didn't want to go to war because he was afraid he might be killed or seriously injured. Michael's reasons for not going to war reflect Kohlberg's ______ moral reasoning.


Harry Harlow and his colleagues completed a number of studies in which baby macaque monkeys were raised with two artificial surrogate mothers. One of the mothers was made of wire, and the other was made of soft cloth. Either mother could provide food. Harlow found that when the infant monkeys were startled or frightened, they:

preferred the cloth surrogate, even if it provided no food.

Rhonda is currently attending preschool. According to Piaget, Rhonda is in the _____ stage of cognitive development.


According to the textbook, online communities provide teens with a space to explore their identities. In Erikson's terms, online communities may therefore counteract __ among adolescents.

role confusion

Baby Hannah automatically turns her head in the direction of a touch on the cheek. This is the _____ reflex; it helps an infant to ____

rooting; obtain food

Characteristic differences in behavioral patterns and emotional reactions make up a person's:


Critical periods suggest that:

there are at least some definite periods or "stages" in development.

An individual who seeks or undergoes a social transition to the other gender is called:


According to Erikson, the first stage of a child's psychosocial development is the ______ stage.

trust versus mistrust

According to the textbook, "gender roles can be acquired through observational learning." This means that gender roles may be acquired through:

watching others

Does fertility decline in men?

yes, fertility declines in men around age 50

Maura and Trish are eighth graders who have been caught smoking. Maura's parents yell at her, ground her for a month, and take away her television and Internet privileges for 2 months. Trish's parents talk to her about their disappointment and concern; additionally, they make her spend every afternoon for a week at the library researching the dangers of smoking and discussing her findings with them each night at dinner. Most likely, Maura's parents are and Trish's are ___________.

authoritarian; authoritative

Mark is a graduate student who is studying identity formation. He interviews a group of 5- year-olds, a group of 10-year-olds, and a group of 15-year-olds, and asks them what they plan to be when they finish school. In this example, Mark is using a __ research design.


Jody is completing a test in which she has to name as many state capitals as she can in 1 minute. Aditi is trying to complete analogies between pairs of abstract diagrams. Jody is completing a test of __________ intelligence, whereas Aditi is completing a test of _________ intelligence.

crystallized; fluid

Psychologists use the term ____ to refer to the patterns of physical, cognitive, and socioemotional change occurring throughout life.


At Kohlberg's preconventional level of moral reasoning, moral decisions are based on:

external consequences

The longest part of a pregnancy, from the eighth week to birth, is called the _______ period.


Formal instruction in the scientific method usually begins when students are between 11 and 13 years of age. At this point, students are capable of the abstract thinking and deductive reasoning characteristic of Piaget's stage of cognitive development.

formal operational

Gavin has brown hair and green eyes. He is outgoing and a risk-taker, and he excels at his job as a financial analyst. All of these observable traits are part of his:


Piaget used the word ____to refer to a collection of ideas that functions as a basic unit of understanding.


Which sequence accurately reflects the order of Piaget's stages of cognitive development, from birth through adolescence?

sensorimotor> preoperational > concrete operational > formal operational

All gone milk," says 2-year-old Wesley, placing the empty glass on the table. Wesley's remark exemplifies the language acquisition phenomenon called:

telegraphic speech.

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