Psychology Chapter 3!

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11. When Andrew had his hearing tested, some sounds were too soft for him to detect. These sounds were below his _____ threshold for hearing. A) difference B) absolute C) Weber's D) transduction


112. The primary function served by the middle ear is to: A) collect sound waves. B) mute loud sounds. C) amplify the vibration of sound waves. D) help pinpoint the location of sounds.

amplify the vibration of sound waves.

101. Loudness is determined by the: A) amplitude or intensity of a sound wave. B) number of sound waves per second. C) number of wave peaks per second. D) timbre of the sound wave.

amplitude or intensity of a sound wave

102. Loudness is to _____ as pitch is to _____. A) frequency; timbre B) complexity; amplitude C) audition; gustation D) amplitude; frequency

amplitude, frequencey

13. As you go to sleep at night, you realize that you can hear the clock on the wall ticking. Out of curiosity, you keep a record of when you hear the clock ticking and find out that you can hear it about half the time. Your ability to hear the clock ticking about half the time is an example of: A) a difference threshold. B) an absolute threshold. C) Weber's law. D) sensory adaptation.

an absolute threshold.

93. A visual experience that occurs after the original source of stimulation is no longer present is called: A) an afterimage. B) color blindness. C) low frequency stimulation. D) high-frequency stimulation.-

an afterimage.

265. When you watch a movie, it appears as if the images on the screen are moving smoothly. In fact, the movie is produced by a series of still photographs that are projected on the screen. You perceive the images as moving smoothly rather than as a jerky series of images because of: A) motion parallax. B) stroboscopic motion. C) induced motion. D) the dot

and-frame principle.-

36. Ron's eyeball is abnormally shaped, and incoming light is focused at a point behind his retina. Ron wears glasses to correct this visual condition, which is called: A) astigmatism. B) myopia, or nearsightedness. C) anosmia, or night blindness. D) hyperopia, or farsightedness.


76. The SECONDARY visual pathway projects first to the _____ and processes information about _____. A) midbrain; location of objects B) thalamus; form, color, brightness, and depth of objects C) parietal lobe; movement, speed, and direction of objects D) optic disk; shape, size, and distance of objects

midbrain; location of objects

8. Sensation results when sensory receptor cells are stimulated by: A) some form of energy. B) neurotransmitters. C) messages transmitted from the brain. D) monocular cues.

some form of energy.

100. Our perception of sound is directly related to the physical properties of: A) sound waves. B) light waves. C) electromagnetic waves. D) chemical substances.

sound waves

111. What causes the eardrum to vibrate? A) vibrations transmitted by the oval window B) the vibration of the hammer and anvil C) sound waves that are funneled down the ear canal D) the rippling of the fluid in the basilar membrane

sound waves that are funneled down the ear canal

287. When Jesse took his daughter Yolanda to the doctor for a tetanus shot, he instructed her to look at his face and count backward from 10 as the nurse inserted the needle into her arm. Which strategy of pain control was Jesse using with his daughter? A) imagery B) positive self

talk C) counterirritation D) distraction-

288. When Mena visited the Marine recruiter's office, he gave her a computer mouse pad with a Marine slogan on it, which read: "Pain is weakness leaving the body." If Mena used this slogan during the grueling workouts in boot camp, what pain strategy would she be using? A) distraction B) biofeedback proprioception C) imagery D) positive self


202. A new study has found that brief treatment with an opioid painkiller: A) decreases pain and pain sensitivity in chronic pain sufferers. B) can increase the duration of chronic pain. C) reverses the damage to certain body cells. D) reduces pain as effectively as long

term treatments.-

61. The optic disk contributes to: A) color vision. B) night vision. C) the blind spot. D) light adaptation.

the blind spot.

63. We have a blind spot in our field of vision, but we ordinarily don't notice it. What "fills in" the missing visual information? A) bipolar cells B) optic disk C) ganglion cells D) the brain

the brain

115. What separates the outer ear from the middle ear? A) the pinna B) the basilar membrane C) the oval window D) the eardrum

the eardrum

55. What region of the eye has the largest concentration of cones? A) the periphery B) the iris C) the optic nerve D) the fovea

the fovea

119. Ms. Robinson is a 75 year-old woman who uses a hearing aid. She is suffering from conduction deafness, which was probably caused by: A) exposure to very loud noise. B) damage to the pinna, ear canal, and eardrum. C) the hammer, anvil, and stirrup becoming brittle. D) deterioration of the auditory nerve.-

the hammer, anvil, and stirrup becoming brittle.

116. The hammer, anvil, and stirrup are: A) three large bones in the outer ear. B) three tiny bones in the middle ear. C) bones that encase the ear canal, protecting it from damage. D) three tiny bones in the cochlea.

three tiny bones in the middle ear.

9. When you were younger, you probably had your hearing checked. Headphones were placed over your ears and you were to respond when you heard a sound. You were being tested for your hearing: A) threshold. B) sensory adaptation. C) accommodation potential. D) transduction.


106. While you are blindfolded, you are asked to identify the voices of five of your friends. You're able to do so because you recognize the distinctive _____ of each voice. A) timbre B) amplitude C) decibel D) loudness


109. The outer ear consists of the: A) eardrum, oval window, and cochlea. B) anvil, hammer, and stirrup. C) cochlea and basilar membrane. D) pinna, ear canal, and eardrum.

pinna, ear canal, and eardrum.

121. Vibrations from the oval window are relayed to the: A) eardrum. B) hammer, anvil, and stirrup. C) pinna. D) cochlea.


105. "Timbre" refers to the distinctive quality of a sound, which is produced by a: A) particular combination of amplitude and intensity. B) particular combination of different frequencies. C) sound's decibel level. D) high frequency sound wave.-

(particular combination of amplitude and intensity)

104. Hearing is to _____ as smell is to _____. A) sound waves; nociceptors B) sound waves; airborne molecules C) airborne molecules; sound waves D) nociceptors; proprioceptors

(sound waves, airborne molecules)

29. This image depicts a cross section of the human eye. Pick the alternative that correctly labels the structures in the drawing. A) 1 = retina, 2 = lens, 3 = cornea, 4 = fovea B) 1 = cornea, 2 = lens, 3 = fovea, 4 = retina C) 1 = lens, 2 = cornea, 3 = retina, 4 = fovea D) 1 = fovea, 2 = lens, 3 = cornea, 4 = optic chiasm

1 = cornea, 2 = lens, 3 = fovea, 4 = retina

113. This image depicts the path that sound waves take through the human ear. Pick the option that correctly labels the structures in the drawing. A) 1 = cochlea, 2 = semicircular canals, 3 = pinna, 4 = oval window B) 1 = eardrum, 2 = pinna, 3 = eardrum, 4 = basilar membrane C) 1 = cochlea, 2 = semicircular canals, 3 = basilar membrane, 4 = eardrum D) 1 = semicircular canals, 2 = cochlea, 3 = eardrum, 4 = pinna

1 = semicircular canals, 2 = cochlea, 3 = eardrum, 4 = pinna

47. Approximately how many rods does each eye contain? A) 1 million B) 3 million C) 7 million D) 125 million

125 million

250. Gestalt psychologists believed that _____ encompassed all the other Gestalt principles. A) the moon illusion B) Weber's law C) the Müller

Lyer law D) the law of Prägnanz-

120. Separating the middle ear from the inner ear is a structure called the: A) eardrum. B) oval window. C) pinna. D) cochlea.

Oval Window

87. Isaac is mixing green, blue, and red paints together, and it looks like a muddy mess rather than pure white. Why? A) The wavelengths are subtracted, rather than added. B) The wavelengths are added, rather than subtracted. C) More light is reflected as he mixes the colors. D) The colors have the same wavelengths.

The wavelengths are subtracted, rather than added.

59. The absence of rods or cones at the point where the optic nerve leaves the eye causes: A) diabetes. B) a blind spot. C) a malformation of the eyeball. D) degeneration of the optic nerve.

a blind spot.

86. _____ light reflects all the wavelengths and thus all the colors of the visible spectrum. A) Ultraviolet B) Red C) Black D) White


70. Information from the rods and cones is first collected by _____ cells. A) ganglion B) blind spot C) bipolar D) corneal


90. Marcel has red-green color blindness. In other words, Marcel: A) sees the world in shades of red and green. B) sees the world in shades of blue and yellow. C) cannot tell the different between black, white, red, and green. D) cannot tell the difference between red and green.

cannot tell the difference between red and green.

110. The primary function of the outer ear is to: A) collect sound waves and funnel them into the ear canal. B) protect the delicate inner structures of the ear from loud sounds. C) provide a convenient place for wearing earrings. D) transfer sounds to the cochlear membrane.

collect sound waves and funnel them into the ear canal.

107. In general, sound waves are _____ in the outer ear and _____ in the middle ear. A) amplified; transduced B) amplified; collected C) transduced; collected D) collected; amplified

collected, amplified

84. The perception of different colors, such as red, green, or blue, is caused by: A) the activation of specialized rods in the retina. B) the amplitude or intensity of light waves. C) different wavelengths of light. D) the degree of saturation of the light wave.

different wavelengths of light.

103. What units are used to measure the loudness of sound? A) timbre B) frequencies C) decibels D) pitch


44. Which structure in the eye contains the highest concentration of cones? A) fovea B) retina C) lens D) cornea


117. The purpose of the hammer, anvil, and stirrup is to: A) increase the amplification of sound and transmit the vibration to the eardrum. B) diminish the amplification of sound and transmit the vibration to the oval window. C) increase the amplification of sound and transmit the amplified vibration to the oval window. D) separate high frequency and low-frequency sounds.-

increase the amplification of sound and transmit the amplified vibration to the oval window.

32. The muscle that controls the amount of light entering the pupil is the: A) iris. B) cornea. C) retina. D) fovea.


62. The blind spot: A) increases in size with age. B) is caused by nearsightedness. C) is a small gap in our field of vision. D) can be cured with laser surgery.

is a small gap in our field of vision

108. The primary function of the _____ is to catch sound waves and funnel them into the ear canal. A) pinna B) eardrum C) middle ear D) basilar membrane


114. Which of the following represents the correct sequence of parts of the ear through which sound travels in hearing? A) inner ear, middle ear, outer ear B) pinna, ear canal, eardrum, hammer, anvil, stirrup, oval window, cochlea, basilar membrane, hair cells, auditory nerve C) pinna, ear canal, oval window, stirrup, anvil, hammer, cochlea, hair cells, basilar membrane D) pinna, ear canal, basilar membrane, eardrum, cochlea, oval window, anvil, hammer, stirrup, hair cells, auditory nerve

pinna, ear canal, eardrum, hammer, anvil, stirrup, oval window, cochlea, basilar membrane, hair cells, auditory nerve

31. The opening in the middle of the iris that changes size to let in different amounts of light is the: A) pupil. B) cornea. C) retina. D) fovea.


78. From the thalamus, visual signals are sent to the _____, where they are interpreted. A) midbrain B) temporal lobe C) visual cortex D) optic chiasm

visual cortex

23. Psychologists have found that the effects of subliminal stimuli tend to be: A) weak and shortlived. B) weak but long-lasting. C) fairly strong but short-lived. D) fairly strong and long-lasting.-

weak and short-lived

118. If your hammer, anvil, and stirrup become brittle or damaged: A) you will probably develop nerve deafness. B) the oval window will vibrate with greater intensity. C) you may develop conduction deafness. D) the hair cells in the cochlea will degenerate.

you may develop conduction deafness.

42. Bob had perfect vision until he was 45, at which time he needed to start wearing glasses for reading. Most likely, Bob has developed a visual problem called: A) "presbyopia," caused by the lens of the eye losing its flexibility. B) "astigmatism," caused by a gradual shrinking of the eyeball. C) "myopia," caused by a thickening of the cornea. D) "hyperopia," caused by the eyeball becoming elongated.

"myopia," caused by a thickening of the cornea.

98. Trichromatic theory is to _____ as opponent process theory is to _____. A) rods in the retina; ganglion cells B) ganglion cells; rods in the retina C) ganglion cells; cones in the retina D) cones in the retina; ganglion cells-

(cones in the retina, ganglion cells)

37. What causes nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism? A) The blind spot is abnormally large or small. B) Incoming light signals are not properly focused on the retina. C) The iris and cornea do not function properly. D) Accommodation does not take place.

Incoming light signals are not properly focused on the retina.

58. Visual acuity is highest when images are focused on the fovea because of the high concentration of _____ in that region. A) rods B) bipolar cells C) cones D) peripheral cells


67. Which of the following is/are most involved with visual acuity? A) rods B) cones C) bipolar cells D) ganglion cells


20. The manager of a food store is trying to come up with ways of increasing sales of items that have a high profit margin. He decides that he is going to embed subliminal messages to buy certain items in the music that is playing in the store. What do you predict will happen to the sales of the items that are subliminally advertised? A) There will be a significant increase in the sales of those subliminally advertised items. B) There will be no real change in the sales of those subliminally advertised items. C) There will be a significant decrease in the sales of those subliminally advertised items. D) There will be a significant decrease in the sales of all items, whether they were subliminally advertised or not.

There will be no real change in the sales of those subliminally advertised items.

25. The Science Versus Pseudoscience box "Subliminal Perception" described a study in which older adults, aged 61 to 99, were exposed to words like "spry" and "wise" that reflected a positive view of aging, but at speeds that were too fast to be consciously perceived. A control group of older adults was also exposed to positive views of aging, but through words and images that could be consciously perceived. What did the study find? A) Those in the subliminal group showed improved physical function up to three weeks after the study. B) Those in the control group showed improved physical function up to three weeks after the study. C) Both the control and subliminal group showed improved physical function up to three weeks after the study. D) Neither group showed improved physical function.

Those in the subliminal group showed improved physical function up to three weeks after the study.

66. Your friend shows you an old coin that he found in his great grandfather's attic. To examine it, you instinctively bring the coin close to your eye and to the very center of your visual field. Why? A) Visual acuity is highest in the region with the largest concentration of rods, which is the fovea at the very center of the eye. B) Visual acuity is highest in the region with the largest concentration of cones, which is the fovea at the very center of the eye. C) You want to focus the image through your blind spot. D) You need to avoid focusing the image on the optic disk.-

Visual acuity is highest in the region with the largest concentration of cones, which is the fovea at the very center of the eye

17. When you sit down at your desk, you notice the person next to you is wearing very strong smelling cologne. Even though you are overwhelmed by the smell, you reassure yourself that sensory adaptation will occur in approximately: A) 20 minutes. B) 10 minutes. C) 5 minutes. D) a minute or less.-

a minute or less

2. In contrast to sensation, the term "perception" is formally defined as the: A) active mental process of integrating, organizing, and interpreting sensory data. B) process of detecting a physical stimulus such as light, sound, heat, or pressure. C) active mental process of understanding the meaning of a difficult new concept. D) way in which different areas of the brain interact.

active mental process of integrating, organizing, and interpreting sensory data.

95. Which of the following phenomena can be explained by the opponent process theory of color vision? A) afterimages B) red-green color blindness C) how we hear low-frequency sounds D) how we hear high-frequency sounds-


43. In _____, an abnormally curved eyeball results in blurry vision for lines in a particular direction. A) presbyopia B) astigmatism C) myopia D) hyperopia


53. Which type of sensory receptors are involved in color vision? A) trichromatic cells B) cones but not rods C) rods but not cones D) both rods and cones

cones but not rods

57. Rods are to cones as peripheral vision and night vision are to: A) color vision and visual acuity. B) bright light conditions. C) bipolar cells. D) ganglion cells.

color vision and visual acuity.

88. According to the trichromatic theory of color vision: A) there are three pairs of rods: red green, blue-yellow, and black-white. B) cones come in three basic varieties: red-sensitive, green-sensitive, or blue-sensitive. C) cones respond to either red-green or blue-yellow. D) there are three types of rods, each responsive to a different color.-

cones come in three basic varieties: red-sensitive, green-sensitive, or blue-sensitive.

30. The clear membrane that covers the outside of the eye and helps gather and direct incoming light is called the: A) pupil. B) cornea. C) iris. D) retina.


40. Identify the sequence that correctly represents the path taken by light signals through the eye. A) lens, pupil, optic nerve, retina B) cornea, pupil, lens, retina C) cornea, lens, iris, retina D) lens, iris, retina, pupil

cornea, pupil, lens, retina

10. The smallest possible difference between two stimuli that can be detected is called the: A) difference threshold, or just noticeable difference. B) transduction threshold. C) the absolute threshold. D) subliminal difference.

difference threshold, or just noticeable difference

12. A large group of students were tested for their ability to distinguish among different tones. Although tone A and tone B were slightly different, more than half of the group thought that they sounded exactly the same. The difference between tone A and tone B is probably less than the: A) difference threshold, or just noticeable difference. B) absolute threshold, or average absolute threshold. C) subliminal threshold. D) Weber's threshold.

difference threshold, or just noticeable difference.

48. Rods are used for vision in _____ light, and cones are used for vision in _____ light. A) bright; dim B) yellow; blue C) dim; bright D) colorful; black and white

dim; bright

77. The PRIMARY visual pathway is to _____ as the secondary visual pathway is to _____. A) brightness and depth; angles and lines B) the location of an object; form and color C) form and color; the location of an object D) angles and lines; brightness and depth

form and color; the location of an object

68. The _____ combine, analyze, and encode visual information in the retina. A) ganglion cells B) bipolar cells C) cones D) trichromatic cells

ganglion cells

96. The opponent process theory of color vision correctly describes the process of color sensation in the: A) retina. B) retina, bipolar cells, and ganglion cells. C) ganglion cells, thalamus, and visual cortex. D) bipolar cells.-

ganglion cells, thalamus, and visual cortex.

72. Axons from the _____ are bundled together to form the _____. A) bipolar cells; optic chiasm B) photoreceptors; optic nerve C) rods and cones; optic chiasm D) ganglion cells; optic nerve

ganglion cells; optic nerve

99. The sense of hearing is also known as: A) gustation. B) audition. C) olfaction. D) kinesthesia.


79. Feature detectors are: A) the light sensitive receptors that signal the pupil to expand or contract. B) highly specialized receptor cells in the retina that respond to particular wavelengths of light. C) the highly specialized receptor cells found in some insects and reptiles that respond to invisible ultraviolet or infrared light waves. D) highly specialized neurons in the visual cortex that respond to particular types of visual stimuli.-

highly specialized neurons in the visual cortex that respond to particular types of visual stimuli.-

83. The three basic properties of color are: A) tone, brightness, and shade. B) hue, saturation, and brightness. C) black, white, and blue

hue, saturation, and brightness

38. Jayden is nearsighted, and his cousin Janelle is farsighted. Their visual problems are caused by the fact that: A) images are not properly focused on the retina. B) the cornea is clouded due to age or disease. C) the size of the blind spot has increased. D) the pupil no longer dilates in dim light.

images are not properly focused on the retina

80. Where would you expect to find visual feature detectors? A) in the optic chiasm B) in the thalamus C) in the auditory cortex D) in the visual cortex

in the visual cortex

19. By definition, stimuli that are perceived subliminally are: A) accessible to conscious awareness. B) inaccessible to conscious awareness. C) effective motivators of consumer behavior. D) ineffective motivators of consumer behavior.

inaccessible to conscious awareness.

45. Glasses correct vision by: A) amplifying the frequencies of incoming light waves, which magnifies and enlarges the image that falls on the retina. B) intercepting and bending incoming light waves, so that they are focused properly on the retina. C) exercising the muscles of the eye and aligning the eye structures properly. D) diffusing the incoming light, which causes the pupil to widen and let in more light waves, enhancing visual acuity.

intercepting and bending incoming light waves, so that they are focused properly on the retina.

33. As you walk into a brightly lit room, the black structure in the center of your eye seems to shrink to a tiny black dot. This response is caused by the action of the eye structure called the: A) cornea. B) lens. C) iris. D) retina.


35. The _____ thickens or thins to focus incoming light. This process is called "_____." A) lens; accommodation B) iris; sensory adaptation C) pupil; accommodation D) pupil; sensory adaptation

lens; accommodation

26. The receptor cells for vision are sensitive to what kind of stimulus? A) light B) heat C) airborne molecules D) chemical molecules


82. The chapter described the visual experience of Mike May, who regained partial sight in one eye after 40 years of blindness. The Focus on Neuroscience box described the fact that Mike was able to quickly identify moving objects, but had trouble identifying complex objects that were stationary, including faces. Neuroscientists believe that Mike's experience reflects the fact that: A) motion perception pathways develop earlier than face and object recognition. B) motion perception pathways develop later than face and object recognition. C) the ability to perceive moving objects requires more cognitive effort than the ability to perceive complex but stationary objects. D) Mike was able to combine visual signals from both eyes to identify moving objects.

motion perception pathways develop earlier than face and object recognition.

41. In a condition called "_____," a misshapen eyeball causes light from distant objects to be focused at a point in front of the retina. A) anosmia B) hyperopia, or farsightedness C) astigmatism D) myopia, or nearsightedness

myopia, or nearsightedness

89. According to the trichromatic theory of color vision, people who have red-green color blindness have: A) far fewer cones than people with normal color vision. B) normal red sensitive cones, but lack blue-sensitive cones. C) normal blue-sensitive cones, but their other cones are sensitive to either red or green but not both. D) color receptors that are limited to the blue-yellow opponent pair.-

normal blue-sensitive cones, but their other cones are sensitive to either red or green but not both

94. An afterimage is a visual experience that can be explained by combining _____ with the general principle of _____. A) trichromatic theory; color blindness B) trichromatic theory; sensory adaptation C) opponent process theory; color blindness D) opponent-process theory; sensory adaptation-

opponent-process theory; sensory adaptation-

73. The optic chiasm is the: A) junction of the ganglion and bipolar cells. B) point at which the optic nerve fibers from each eye meet and cross over to opposite sides of the brain. C) point in the visual field at which peripheral vision begins. D) place where the optic nerve exits the back of the eye, causing a blind spot or gap in vision.

point at which the optic nerve fibers from each eye meet and cross over to opposite sides of the brain

39. A common form of farsightedness occurs in middle age, at which time the lenses in the eyes become brittle and inflexible. This condition is known as: A) myopia. B) astigmatism. C) hyperopia. D) presbyopia.


92. According to the opponent process theory of color vision, the types of color receptors are: A) red-green, blue-yellow, and black-white. B) red-blue, green-yellow, and black-white. C) red, blue, green, and yellow. D) red, yellow, and blue.-

red, blue, green, and yellow.

91. Which of the following phenomena can be explained by the trichromatic theory of color vision? A) afterimages B) red-green color blindness C) the blind spot D) glow in-the-dark paint-

red-green color blindness

50. The thin, light sensitive membrane that lies at the back of the eye and contains the sensory receptors for light is the: A) fovea. B) optic disk. C) retina. D) optic nerve.-


49. The visual sensory receptor cells that transform light energy into a neural signal are the: A) bipolar cells in the blind spot. B) ganglion cells in the optic disk. C) bipolar cells in the optic nerve. D) rods and cones in the retina.

rods and cones in the retina

56. The brain receives less detailed information from the _____ than from the _____. A) lens; cones B) cones; rods C) rods; cones D) cones; lens-

rods; cones

71. A ganglion cell might receive information from a hundred _____, but from only one or two _____. A) rods; cones B) cones; rods C) bipolar cells; retinal spots D) bipolar cells; corneal cells

rods; cones

3. In order to answer this test item, you must read the words on this page. Detecting the black marks on the page relies on the process of _____, and the ability to interpret these black lines and curves as letters and words involves the process of _____. A) sensory adaptation; proprioception B) sensation; perception C) perception; sensation D) proprioception; sensory adaptation

sensation; perception

16. As you walk into an Indian restaurant, you immediately notice the delicious smells of curry, saffron, and other spices. After a few minutes, however, you no longer notice the smell. This experience is an example of: A) the mere exposure effect. B) sensory adaptation. C) anosmia. D) Weber's law.

sensory adaptation

18. At first, you can barely concentrate in your psychology class because the person sitting behind you is eating a hamburger smothered in onions. After a minute, you no longer notice the smell of the sandwich because: A) the airborne molecules released by the onions have blocked your odor receptor cells. B) your thalamus is no longer processing olfactory signals. C) your odor receptor cells have increased in sensitivity. D) sensory adaptation has taken place.

sensory adaption has taken place

52. Rods and cones are the: A) sensory receptor cells for vision, found in the retina. B) sensory receptor cells for hearing, found in the cochlea. C) tiny bones of the middle ear. D) sensory receptor cells for taste, embedded in the taste buds.

sensory receptor cells for vision, found in the retina.

4. All sensation is a result of the stimulation of specialized cells, called "_____," by some form of energy. A) neural tubes B) stem cells C) fovea D) sensory receptors

sensory receptors

24. Perception that is below the threshold of conscious perception is called: A) absolute perception. B) ESP. C) Weber's perception. D) subliminal perception.

subliminal perception

74. From the optic chiasm, visual information travels first to the: A) olfactory bulb. B) thalamus. C) primary visual cortex. D) hypothalamus.


75. From the optic chiasm, the PRIMARY visual pathway projects first to the _____ and processes information about _____. A) midbrain; location of objects B) thalamus; form, color, brightness, and depth of objects C) temporal lobe; movement, speed, and direction of objects D) optic disk; shape, size, and distance of objects

thalamus; form, color, brightness, and depth of objects

22. The finding that repeated exposure to a particular stimulus leads to increased liking for that stimulus is called: A) the mere exposure effect. B) psychokinesis. C) perceptual constancy. D) sensory adaptation.

the mere exposure effect

27. When scientists refer to the "visible electromagnetic spectrum," they mean: A) red, orange, and yellow light waves. B) the visual field, including peripheral vision. C) ultraviolet rays, gamma rays, and radio waves. D) the narrow range of wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum that are visible to the human eye.

the narrow range of wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum that are visible to the human eye.

97. Color processing in the thalamus is best explained by _____ theory. A) the opponent process theory. B) the trichromatic theory. C) frequency theory. D) place theory.-

the opponent process theory.

60. Which phrase describes the optic disk? A) a tiny spot in the center of the fovea where there is a high concentration of rods and cones B) the portion of the lens that focuses incoming light C) the point at which the optic nerve fibers leave the back of the eye D) a transparent membrane that lies just behind the pupil of the eye and that helps funnel light waves to the lens and retina

the point at which the optic nerve fibers leave the back of the eye

1. In psychology, the term "sensation" formally refers to: A) a vague feeling of excitement or pleasure. B) the process of detecting a physical stimulus such as light, sound, heat, or pressure. C) the transformation of physical energy into chemical energy. D) the interpretation and organization of sensory stimuli.

the process of detecting a physical stimulus such as light, sound, heat, or pressure.

46. The sensory receptors for vision are: A) found in the pupil. B) the rods and cones of the retina. C) found in the lens and cornea. D) distributed throughout the inner eye.

the rods and cones of the retina

5. The process by which physical energy, such as light, is converted into a coded neural signal that can be transmitted to and interpreted by the brain is called: A) transduction. B) gate control theory. C) sensation. D) the mere exposure effect.-


6. When sensory receptors convert different forms of energy into neural signals, the process is known as: A) proprioception. B) transduction. C) sensory accommodation. D) kinesthesis.


7. When entering your apartment, you catch the smell of a pie baking. The odor of the pie is converted into neural signals that your brain can interpret as the smell of pie. This process is called: A) sensory adaptation. B) proprioception. C) transduction. D) accommodation.


85. The perceived color of an object is determined by the: A) wavelength of light that an object reflects. B) activation of bipolar cells in the cornea. C) activation of rods in the retina of the eye. D) intensity of the light wave that strikes the pupil.

wavelength of light that an object reflects.

14. According to _____, whether we can detect a change in the strength of a stimulus depends on the intensity of the original stimulus. A) the principle of sensory adaptation B) the principle of absolute threshold C) Weber's law D) the principle of just noticeable difference

weber's law

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