Psychology Chapter 7 Learning

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Which pioneering learning researcher highlighted the antisocial effects of aggressive models on children's behavior?


Which example BEST illustrates classical conditioning? Katharine gives her daughter five dollars a week to help with chores around the house. Jody studied hard to achieve a high grade-point average. After watching another child stick out her tongue at the daycare worker, Tomas does the same thing. Ever since his older brother locked him in a closet, Dustin gets anxious in small enclosed rooms.

Ever since his older brother locked him in a closet, Dustin gets anxious in small enclosed rooms.

taste aversion (example of rats)

For rats, the easiest way to identify tainted food is to taste it; if sickened after sampling a new food, they thereafter avoid it

_____ behavior occurs as an automatic response to some stimulus.


Which psychologist proposed a cognitive explanation of classical conditioning?

Robert Rescorla

"How much richer would the whole world be if the reinforcers in daily life were more effectively contingent on productive work?" Who said this?


extrinsic motivation

a desire to perform a behavior to receive promised rewards or avoid threatened punishment.

cognitive map

a mental representation of the layout of one's environment. For example, after exploring a maze, rats act as if they have learned a cognitive map of it

Conditioned reinforcers

a stimulus that gains its reinforcing power through its association with a primary reinforcer; also known as a secondary reinforcer

primary reinforcers

an innately reinforcing stimulus, such as one that satisfies a biological need

In classical conditioning acquisition of a new behavior involves _____, while in operant conditioning acquisition of a new behavior involves _____.

associating events; associating a response with a consequence (reinforcer or punisher)

Today's learning theorists recognize that human learning results not only from environmental influences but from an interaction of _____ influences


Three-year-old Camden was playing with a balloon he was given by his father. While playing with the balloon, it popped in his face, which frightened him and he sobbed. Just days later, he went to another child's birthday party, saw some balloons, began to cry, and ran out of the room. This is an example of _____ conditioning.


The predictability of an association between a conditioned stimulus (CS) and an unconditioned stimulus (US) facilitates an organism's ability to expect the occurrence of the US. This fact is most likely to be highlighted by a _____ perspective. neuroscience cognitive Pavlovian behaviorist


Road construction prevents E.J. from getting to campus using the route that he always travels. E.J. thinks about the situation for a moment and then comes up with a different route to take. To figure out this alternative route, he used his _____ of the area to figure out a different route to school.

cognitive map

In classical conditioning, biological predispositions _____ which stimuli and responses can be easily associated.


Punishment _____ the rate of operant responding; negative reinforcement _____ the rate of operant responding.

decreases; increases

Studies have shown that exposure to violence _____ viewers when they later view violence on television.


In classical conditioning, _____ is the learned ability to distinguish between a CS and other stimuli that do not signal a US.


With continuous reinforcement, an organism is reinforced _____. With intermittent reinforcement, an organism is reinforced _____.

every time the desired behavior occurs; sporadically when the desired behavior occurs

Continuously checking the oven to see if the cookies are ready is an example of a _____ schedule of reinforcement


Secondary reinforcers are powerful tools for shaping behavior after they have become associated with primary reinforcers. Which of these is NOT a secondary reinforcer? praise grades money food


Shaping is a method used by Skinner to:

guide an organism to exhibit a complex behavior using successive approximations.

Negative reinforcement _____ the rate of operant responding.


Enjoyment of an activity is an _____ reward.


The concept of _____ learning helps to demonstrate that rewards affect performance of what has been learned rather than the process of learning itself.


Learning that is not immediately demonstrated in overt behavior is called:

latent learning

observational learning

learning by observing other

latent learning

learning that occurs but is not apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate it

In a study conducted by Singer (et al. 2004) that utilized an fMRI, the pain imagined by an empathic romantic partner triggered some of the same brain activity experienced by the loved one actually having the pain. This study demonstrated that empathy is a function of _____.

mirror neurons

According to _____ conditioning principles, parents should not yell to express their anger when dealing with a young girl who is resistant to going to school every morning.


The cognitive processes in _____ conditioning involve the organism expecting that a response will be reinforced or punished with or without reinforcement.


You have been working nights and weekends to get a project completed at work. You are successful, and a couple of weeks later you come into work and your boss presents you with a bonus check. This best illustrates the value of:

positive reinforcement


positive, constructive, helpful behavior. The opposite of antisocial behavior

A word of praise is to a delicious meal as a conditioned reinforcer is to a(n) _____ reinforcer


Malina owns a landscaping company and employs several college students during the summer. She would like to improve the productivity of her employees. According to research on improving job performance through operant conditioning, Malina should: set challenging goals that are difficult to achieve so that employees will give more effort. reward specific, achievable behaviors rather than vaguely defined "merit." give rewards that are delayed, not immediate. use clearly defined punishment as a way of instilling responsibility in the workplace

reward specific, achievable behaviors rather than vaguely defined "merit."

B.F. Skinner believed that using _____ was the best way to shape desirable behavior


Critics of _____ were concerned that he dehumanized people because he ignored the existence of personal freedom and dignity.


intrinsic motivation

the desire to perform a behavior effectively for its own sake

Albert Bandura

the pioneering researcher of observational learning


the process of observing and imitating a specific behavior

Since she is responsible for overseeing the repair of her company's fleet of cars, Wanda frequently calls the garage mechanic to inquire whether service on various cars has been completed. Service completion times are unpredictable, so she is reinforced with positive responses to her inquiries on a(n) _____-interval schedule.


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