Psychology Exam 2

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cocktail party

A man is at a large party with lots of music and conversations going on simultaneously. While talking to a friend about her latest romantic breakup, he hears his name spoken from the other side of the room. He immediately looks in the direction of the voice and sees the person who spoke his name. This ability to detect one's name being spoken in this situation is an example of the _____ effect.


A manufacturing company installs bright lights in a plant in which many employees work the 11 P.M. to 7 A.M. shift. The lights simulate morning sun, helping the suprachiasmatic nucleus to reduce the production of the sleep-inducing hormone called:

selective attention.

A narrow focus on specific stimuli is called:

a context effect.

A neutral facial expression may be perceived as sadder at a funeral than at a circus. This BEST illustrates:

perceptual sets.

After hearing that Bryce had served a prison sentence, Janet began to view his genuinely friendly behavior as insincere and manipulative. This BEST illustrates the impact of:


Although not yet aware of her pregnancy, Mrs. Enriquez has conceived a single cell from the union of an egg cell and a sperm cell. This single cell is called a:

Developmental Psychology

Danielle is consulting her college's course catalog. The description of one psychology course begins, "This course surveys growth and change across the life span in physical, cognitive, and social domains." What is this course MOST likely titled?


During intercourse, approximately _____ million sperm are released.

Sensory adaptation

Human sensory systems are designed to detect changes in stimulation rather than to detect constancies. This is demonstrated by the process of:

The brain reassembles the image.

If the eye takes in an inverted image of the world, how do humans see the world correctly?


In an experiment described in the textbook, preschool children preferred the taste of french fries served in a McDonald's bag to the taste of identical fries served in a plain white bag. Taste preference is a(n) _____ variable in this study.


Marcia has the intense desire to create a mentoring program at her company. According to Erik Erikson, she is likely experiencing the _____ versus stagnation state.


The MOST immediate and direct function of the rooting reflex is the facilitation of:


About _____ out of 10 dreams are marked by a negative event or emotion.Q

intimacy with others.

According to Erik Erikson, one positive outcome of the struggle for identity is a comfortable sense of who one is and a developing capacity for:


Amanda is pregnant. Her baby's intestinal system is beginning to develop. The baby is in the _____ stage of prenatal development.


Between 1983 and 1987 thousands of people in New York saw a UFO in the sky. It was estimated to be between 200 and 1000 feet long and had multicolored blinking lights. The UFO sighting turned out to be a hoax. Rather than an actual UFO sighting, what viewers actually saw was a group of small planes with multicolored lights attached. The pilots would fly in formation that gave the impression of a UFO. They were even able to make it appear as though the UFO disappeared by turning off their lights simultaneously. The interpretation of the sighting was influenced by the viewers' perceptual _____.

infants remember specific associations.

Carolyn Rovee-Collier's research on infants revealed that:

suppression of the immune system.

Chronic sleep deprivation is MOST likely to contribute to:


Currently, 61-year-old Jim is in a life stage called _____ adulthood.

Red apples on a tree seem to be the same color as the surrounding green leaves.

Damon, who is among the 8 percent of males with colorblindness, suffers from the most common form of colorblindness. Which statement BEST illustrates Damon's experience of color?


Dr. Grove studies how obesity rates change from childhood through old age. Dr. Grove is MOST likely a _____ psychologist.

generativity; stagnation

Erik Erikson proposed that at the _____ versus _____ stage of life, people discover a sense of contributing to the world, usually through family and work, or else they may feel a lack of purpose.


Five-year-old Lilah is beginning to show signs of being able to plan ahead in a somewhat rational manner. At her age, this development is likely due to neural networks sprouting in her _____ lobe.


Gabe goes to bed at his regular time, and as he begins to drift slowly off to sleep, he jumps up suddenly as he feels he is falling down the stairs. This is BEST explained by a(n) _____ sensation.


Human sensory systems are designed to detect changes in stimulation rather than to detect constancies. This is demonstrated by the process of sensory _____.

shrink the brain.

In those suffering from alcohol use disorder, prolonged and excessive drinking can:


In vision, the amplitude of a light wave relates to people's perception of the brightness of a stimulus. To which perceptual dimension does the amplitude of a sound wave correspond in hearing?

embryo; fetus

It is now six weeks since Jennifer conceived. At this point, the human organism she is carrying is called a(n) ______; at the third month it will be called a(n) ______.


Janet is 9 weeks pregnant; her developing baby is called a(n):

are always turned on.

Janet suffers from arthritis and is in constant pain. It is likely that her nociceptors:

the dream content; the interpretation

Jarmilla dreamt that she was driving a shiny red sports car and that she was pulled over by the police, but the officer was her best friend. Her psychoanalyst interpreted this as meaning that Jarmilla feels her friend is holding her back. In this case, _____ represents manifest content and _____ represents latent content.

This is actually rare as most babies are walking by the time they are 15 months of age.

Kendra is a 20-month-old baby who is still crawling. She has not started to walk yet. What would her pediatrician likely say to her mother?

zygote, embryo, and fetus.

Nine months after conception, a baby girl named Tracy is born. The stages of her prenatal development, from first to last, were:


Our awareness of ourselves and our environment is referred to as _____.


Pat turns to look directly at a brightly colored bird her friend has spotted in the garden. Pat is ensuring that the bird's image falls directly on her: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.


Perceptual sets are the result of _____, which people form to organize and interpret unfamiliar information.

normal sensory input.

Phantom limb sensations and other experiences of amputees show that the brain can produce pain in the absence of:


Prolonged use of Ecstasy may result in the death of _____-producing neurons.

at the beginning of the discipline's history, as well as since about 1960.

Psychologists considered the study of consciousness important

linear perspective

Railroad tracks appear to converge in the distance. This provides a cue for depth perception known as:


Randi is in the fifth week of her pregnancy, which means that her baby is in the ______ period of prenatal development.


Rebecca and John take their daughter to Disney World. When they asked their daughter two years later if she remembered going she answered no. At the time of the trip to Disney World, the couple's daughter was MOST likely _____ years of age.


Studying the relationships between the physical characteristics of stimuli (for example, intensity) and the psychological experience of them involves the field known as


Talia is 45 years old. She has started to notice that newspaper print is too small for her to read. Talia needs reading glasses because the lenses of her eyes are less able to adjust, or _____.

the difference threshold.

Tanisha asked her roommate to lower the radio as she was trying to study. Her roommate had turned the radio up originally from a volume level of 14 to 15, which was just enough for Tanisha to detect. She turned it back down to 14 after Tanisha asked her to lower it, which satisfied Tanisha. This is probably the result of:

combination of aroma, taste, and texture.

The flavor of a food is due to the:


The hammer, anvil, and _____ are three tiny bones that transmit vibrations to the cochlea.


The sensory system for sensing the position and movement of our individual body parts is called:


The study of continuity and change over the life span is the subject of the field of _____ psychology.


The textbook describes several gorilla-themed "repeats" of Neisser's (1979) study, in which participants counted passes in a video of a basketball game interrupted by a woman with an umbrella. These "repeats" are more technically called

alpha waves

These are the brain wave patterns of a relaxed, awake state.


Thomas smokes crack cocaine. When he first started using it, he used to get high off a small amount but now he finds he needs to smoke more and more to get the same high. This is an example of ______.


Tips of chromosomes are called _____.


Tom rarely acts nervous in strange situations and pays little attention to whether his mother is present or absent. Tom would MOST likely be classified as having a(n) ______ attachment style.


Twenty-five-year-old Jonah is wondering whether his rate of sperm cell production is within normal range. For a man his age, his doctor will likely tell him that the average rate of production is about _____ sperm per second.

signal detection theory.

Two Transportation Security Administration officers are scanning bags at the airport. One of the officers lets a bag go through, but the other officer yells, "Wait, didn't you see that?" Why one officer saw a weapon and the other did not is BEST explained by:


Up to age 95, the incidence of mental disintegration doubles every _____ years.

concrete operational

Western legal systems that suggest that children who are 7 or 8 years old have attained the ability to reason are consistent with Piaget's theory because basic reasoning skills appear during the _____ period.

growth and change across the life span

What do developmental psychologists seek to understand?

physical signs of sexual maturation

What marks the beginning of adolescence?


_____ is the orderly sequence of biological growth.


_____ is the study of relationships between the objective characteristics of stimuli, such as their intensity, and the subjective experience of them


_____ psychology examines growth and change in physical, cognitive, and social areas across the life span.

Lev Vygotsky

proposed that children learn by internalizing their culture's language and relying on internal speech. Please type the correct answer in the following input field, and then select the submit answer button or press the enter key when finished.


The longest part of a pregnancy, from the ninth week to birth, is called the period of the:

sensory adaptation

The minute Beth walks into her mother-in-law's house to visit, she is struck by the strong smell of her mother-in-law's perfume. However, after about 10 minutes, Beth no longer notices the smell. This is probably the result of:


The number of complete wavelengths that pass a point in a given time is known as:

Erik Erikson's psychosocial development

The process of developing a sense of identity during adolescence was highlighted by _____ theory.


A reduction in anxiety, pupil constriction, slower respiration, and feelings of lethargy are associated with _____.

negative; positive

A researcher develops a self-report questionnaire assessing "morningness." High scores indicate the tendency toward being a "lark," or "morning person," whereas low scores indicate the tendency toward being a "night owl." Based on the textbook's discussion, the researcher should find a _____ correlation between scores on this measure and scores on a measure of the Big Five trait of openness, and a ______ correlation between scores on this measure and scores on a measure of the Big Five trait of conscientiousness.


According to the textbook, 1 in _____ drivers admits to chatting online or texting while driving.


Amir falls asleep suddenly, when he is watching television, texting on his cell phone, or trying to type a paper. Amir would probably be diagnosed with:


Amir is concerned because he cannot remember events before he was about 4 years old. This is called infantile _____.

developmental psychology

An introductory psychology student expresses an interest in growth and change during childhood and adolescence. Which psychology course should the student consider taking next semester?

a maturing nervous system.

Angela is a 7-month-old baby who rolled over for the first time at 4 months of age and can now sit without support. These milestones reflect:

sensation; perception

Anna is reading her psychology textbook. The activation of receptors in her retina is called _____. Her interpretation of the stimuli as particular words is called _____.

drive less than younger adults.

As compared to younger adults, older adults have a slower reaction time and attend less to other vehicles on the road. Nevertheless, older adults account for fewer than 10 percent of all automobile crashes because they:


As you walk into a brightly lit room, the black structure in the center of your eye seems to shrink to a tiny black dot. This response is caused by the action of the eye structure called the:

perceptual set.

Between 1983 and 1987 thousands of people in New York saw a UFO in the sky. It was estimated to be between 200 and 1000 feet long and had multicolored blinking lights. The UFO sighting turned out to be a hoax. Rather than an actual UFO sighting, what viewers actually saw was a group of small planes with multicolored lights attached. The pilots would fly in formation that gave the impression of a UFO. They were even able to make it appear as though the UFO disappeared by turning off their lights simultaneously. The interpretation of the sighting was influenced by the viewers': Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.


Biological maturation is BEST reflected in:


Brenda has suffered from epilepsy all her life. She takes Trileptal to control her seizures. Recently she found out she was pregnant with her first child. She read that her medication is a Category C medication meaning the benefits may outweigh the risks; however, no adequate studies have been performed on the medication for pregnant women. While she was excited to be pregnant, she was concerned about continuing to take the medication. She asked her doctor whether Trileptal was a:

sensation; perception

Carlos was just touched on his cheek, which is a(n) _____. In order for Carlos to know if he was kissed or slapped, Carlos needs a(n) _____.

fetal alcohol

Denise has just given birth to a 6-pound baby girl. Her infant's head is small and slightly disproportioned. Denise did drink alcohol while she was pregnant, although it is not clear how much or how often she drank. It is possible that the infant has _____ syndrome.

fetal alcohol syndrome.

Denise has just given birth to a 6-pound baby girl. Her infant's head is small and slightly disproportioned. Denise did drink alcohol while she was pregnant, although it is not clear how much or how often she drank. It is possible that the infant has:

stability and change

Dr. Babineaux asks a sample of 8-year-old children to complete measures of several personality traits. When the same children are 16 years old, she asks them to complete measures of the same traits. Dr. Babineaux then computes correlations between the two sets of measures. Her results are MOST relevant to the _____ issues.


Dr. Matsuko's major research interest is the long-term effects of child-raising practices on the psychological adjustment of offspring. It is MOST likely that Dr. Matsuko is a _____ psychologist.


Dr. Murphy studies a group of schoolchildren and follows their progress through college. Dr. Murphy is MOST likely a _____ psychologist.

nature and nurture

Dr. Towne believes that genetics is primarily responsible for personality traits. Dr. West believes that experiences are primarily responsible for personality traits. The two psychologists are on different sides of the _____ debate.

nature and nurture

Dr. Wiley studies the interaction between our inheritance and our experience, which he also calls the ______ issue when he lectures to his students.

change blindness.

During commencement, a parent sat waiting for her child's name to be called. She failed to realize that the person initially reading off the graduates' names left and that a new person was now reading. This scenario illustrates:

growth hormone

During sleep, our bodies secrete _____, which affects muscle mass and muscle memory. Q

complain of insomnia.

Every night, after a late dinner, Sasha has a strong cup of coffee before working out at the gym. On her way home, she likes to stop for a double-chocolate frozen yogurt. Finally, she watches the late news and drinks two glasses of red wine, because she has heard that red wine is good for you. Based on this routine, sleep experts might predict that Sasha would be likely to:

surrogate that the infant monkey preferred when it was startled.

Harry Harlow and his colleagues completed a number of studies in which baby macaque monkeys were raised with two artificial surrogate mothers. One of the mothers was made of wire, and the other was made of soft cloth. Either mother could provide food. Harlow was interested in which of the mothers the infant monkeys would seek out when they were startled or frightened. In these studies the dependent variable was the:

that information can be processed outside of conscious awareness.

If a visual image is first presented subliminally, the chance of a person later recognizing the same briefly presented image is improved. This BEST illustrates


If you gently wake someone who is in the REM stage of sleep, there is about a(n) _____ percent chance the person will report being in the middle of a dream.


In Neisser's (1979) study, participants counted passes while watching a video of a basketball game. The researchers recorded whether participants noticed a woman carry an umbrella across the screen. In this study, the proportion of passes participants noticed is a(n) _____ variable.


In an experiment described in the textbook, bar patrons preferred the taste of vinegar-laced beer in a glass labeled "MIT brew" to the taste of identical beer served in an unlabeled glass. Taste preference is a(n) _____ variable in this study. Please type the correct answer in the following input field, and then select the submit answer button or press the enter key when finished.


In an interview, a movie star was going on and on about how horrible it is that people use psychoactive drugs. She proudly announced that she had quit smoking, stopped drinking, and had never touched any illegal drugs in her life. While talking, she would periodically take a sip from a cup on the table. What she did not realize was that the _____ in her cup also contains a psychoactive drug.

the change side of the stability and change developmental issue.

In elementary school, Jessica thought boys had "cooties" and refused to be within inches of them. Now in high school, she flirts with boys and is anticipating dancing close with some of them at an upcoming dance. Her attitude toward boys represents:


In one study described in the textbook, infants with difficult temperaments were randomly assigned to either a condition in which their mothers received sensitivity training or a condition in which their mothers received no training. In this study, infants whose mothers received sensitivity training were in the _____ group.


In one survey of sixth graders in 22 U.S. states, _____ percent believed their friends had smoked marijuana while ____ percent acknowledged doing so


Marjorie has just completed an introductory course in psychology at a local community college. She would like to take another psychology course next semester. The college offers courses in developmental psychology, social psychology, personality psychology, and industrial-organizational psychology. Marjorie is especially interested in change and growth across the life span. Based on this information, Marjorie should MOST strongly consider the course in _____ psychology.


Marne has been prescribed medication to keep her awake and less likely to fall asleep behind the wheel of her car. She MOST likely suffers from _____.


Mary Ainsworth devised the strange situation to assess:

the lack of necessary maturation.

Mary's inability to toilet train her 10-month-old infant is MOST likely due to:

lark; owl

Matthew tries to finish the day's most important business by 1:00 P.M., before his brain "runs down." His graduate student Meghna claims that her brain "comes alive" at 10:00 P.M. Matthew may be described as a(n) _____, whereas Meghna is better called a(n) ______.

Her pupils are dilating.

Mia is attracted to a man she is chatting with in a nightclub. What is probably happening to her eyes?


Mrs. Costello lives in Florida. She is gripped by a vision of her sister, gravely injured in a car wreck happening at that very moment in Pennsylvania. Mrs. Costello is inconsolable. Her husband calmly disproves Mrs. Costello's vision by calling his sister-in-law; her cheery voice greets him on the phone. Cleary, Mrs. Costello does not have the ability of _____ that she believes she possesses.

perceptual sets.

Once John learned of Sara's past history of being an abuse victim, he began to view her cautious behavior around men as more self-protective rather than rude. This BEST illustrates the impact of:

Possible only when the two types of information are processed by different brain areas or different neural networks

Research has indicated that true multitasking Q

Correct: most of America's ex-smokers were able to kick the habit on their own. most of America's ex-smokers were able to kick the habit on their own.

Research on addictive drugs MOST clearly indicates that:


Samantha opens her eyes in the morning to see flowers by her bedside. At that point, her eyes are receiving light energy, which they change into neural messages for the brain to process. This conversion of one form of energy into another is called:

The cells of the zygote are beginning to differentiate.

Sara just found out that her sister conceived about seven days ago. She rushes to find a book on pregnancy so that she can learn more about it. What will the book say is happening around the seventh day of pregnancy?


Scientists have found that nicotine can be passed through the placenta. For the unborn children of mothers who smoke heavily, nicotine is a(n):

a context effect.

Sean just discovered that his roommate's girlfriend broke up with him. Later on, Sean sees his roommate studying in the library and assumes that he looks depressed. This assumption is an example of perception being influenced by:

Information Overload

Selective attention is necessary because the brain cannot handle Q

concentrate on more important things.

Sensory adaptation helps people:

complex tasks are; simple tasks

Sequential processing is to parallel processing as _____ to _____.

recognize the words.

Seventy-year-old Barbara has been asked to memorize a series of 30 words. She is likely to perform similar to a young adult if she is asked to:


The National Institute of Mental Health is conducting a study on older adults (50 to 75 years of age) regarding memory and response time in relation to timed tasks. They are bringing in all age groups at once to compare the differences. This is a(n) _____ study.

feature detection.

The ability of nerve cells in the brain to discriminate specific angles, lines, and movements of an object is known as:


The ability to incorporate new information within existing mental representations of the world is called:

routine business; solving new problems

The brain uses parallel processing for ____, while sequential processing is used for ____. Q

retinal disparity.

The distance between our right and left eyes functions to provide us with a cue for depth perception known as:

dual processing.

The division of our visual system into a visual perception track and a visual action track illustrates the concept of:

Top down

The fact that perceptions involve more than the sum of sensations BEST illustrates the importance of _____ processing.


The first menstrual period in girls in the United States occurs usually within a year of age 12, and it is known as _____.

a relabeling of childhood disorders.

The increasing rates of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may suggest:


The life expectancy in the United States is _____.


What sleep disorder has the opposite effect from insomnia?

sensory adaptation.

When Juan puts on a hat in the morning, he notices it is there. As the day goes on, he forgets that he is wearing it. This demonstrates the process of:


When Sanjay recognizes line segments and areas of light and dark as his friend's face at an airport gate, he is demonstrating:

remembered the original stimulus, making the new stimulus seem different.

When an infant gazes more intently at a new stimulus, researchers conclude that the infant recognizes that stimulus as different. It follows that the infant has:


Which choice BEST expresses the proportion of parents who say they have had a serious talk with their teens about illegal drugs?

vocabulary development

Which choice is LEAST likely to be offered as an illustration of biological maturation?

a drop in respiration

Which effect is NOT associated with stimulants?

premature sexual activity

Which of these is NOT a factor contributing to the earlier age of puberty?

person and situation

Which of these major issues is NOT among those emphasized by developmental psychologists?

A researcher can tell that Julie is looking at a telephone based on cortical activation patterns.

Which scenario is MOST relevant to the field of cognitive neuroscience?

organization; sensation; identification

Which set contains a discrepant element?

Older people sleep less than younger adults.

Which statement regarding sleep and dreaming is true?

alert wakefulness; deep sleep

With respect to states of consciousness, beta waves are to delta waves as _____ is to _____.

In the dim light, the cones in your eyes are ineffectual.

You wake up early in the morning and your room is fairly dark. You look over and see your shirt hanging on a hook. You know it's your red shirt because you hung it up there before you went to bed, but in the dark you can't see its color. It looks dark gray to you. Why is that?

depth perception

Your 7-month-old niece is just learning to crawl. Your sister has agreed to have her participate in an experiment that incorporates a visual cliff. What is MOST likely being studied in this experiment?


Your neighbor is 5 months pregnant and still smoking about a pack of cigarettes a day. Perhaps she is unaware that nicotine is a _____ for the fetus of a mother who smokes heavily.

G. Stanley Hall

_____ described adolescence as a time of "storm and stress."


_____ is the ability to perceive future events.


_____ is the activation, often unconsciously, of certain associations, thus predisposing one's perception, memory, or response.

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