Psychology Exam 2

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You have never paid attention to and cannot think of which wrist your professor wears her watch on (even if you remember many other things about her). Which function of memory has most likely failed you? a. Application b. Retrieval c. Encoding d. Storage


Ignoring the true probability or base rate of events is a potential drawback when using ____. a. risk aversion b. an exemplar c. the representativeness heuristic d. insight

the representativeness heuristic

When Alzheimer's patients are tested on a single task matched to their ability (such as recalling a list of numbers), they tend to perform ____. a. better than healthy control subjects b. the same as healthy control subjects c. far worse than healthy control subjects d. worse than healthy control subjects

the same as healthy control subjects

The psychologist most associated with false memories is ____. a. Rescorla b. Loftus c. Milner d. Tolman


Sensation seekers tend to experience low levels of ____. a. norepinephrine b. dopamine c. MAO d. serotonin


Which test is used for emotional intelligence? a. MSCEIT b. WAIS-IV c. EI Inventory d. WISC-V


When we are presented with a new stimulus that repeats itself, at first we would exhibit ____, and then after a while we would exhibit ____. a. assimilation; accommodation b. accommodation; assimilation c. the orienting reflex; habituation d. habituation; the orienting response

the orienting reflex; habituation

According to the three-stages model of memory, the explanation for the primacy effect in the serial position curve is that ____. a. the last items are still in short-term memory b. the middle items are still in sensory memory c. both the first and the last items have been transferred to long-term memory d. the first items have been transferred to long-term memory

the first items have been transferred to long-term memory

Ratio schedules deliver reinforcement according to ____. a. the number of responses emitted by the organism b. the number of times per hour the behavior is desired c. a length of time that varies from day to day d. the number of people that are being reinforced

the number of responses emitted by the organism

Which example is NOT a memory schema specifically mentioned in your textbook? a. Stereotypes b. Scripts c. Icons and echoes d. Person schemas

Icons and echoes

11. Research on the stability of personality traits has shown that ____. a. most traits are remarkably stable across the lifespan b. some traits remain fairly stable over the course of adulthood c. traits are generally more stable for females than for males d. traits show more stability through adolescence than they do in adulthood

some traits remain fairly stable over the course of adulthood

Shera was five years old when she was bitten by a dog, which made her fearful of dogs until her early teens, when she got used to being around the dogs of a several friends. Years later, when a man with a dog moved in next door, Shera temporarily again became afraid of all dogs. This is an example of ____. a. acquisition b. stimulus discrimination c. stimulus revisitation d. spontaneous recovery

stimulus revisitation

When Katherine makes a shopping list, she is very specific. Her list includes a 14-ounce can of Big Red diced tomatoes with peppers and onions and an eight-ounce package of Thick-n-Luscious cream cheese. Katherine's list uses ____ categories. a. basic level b. subordinate c. superordinate d. midordinate


Tolman's research showing that rats can learn a maze even when they are not rewarded ____. a. suggests that cognitive processes can influence learning b. is consistent with B. F. Skinner's view of operant conditioning c. is an example of observational learning d. shows the value of a continuous schedule of reinforcement

suggests that cognitive processes can influence learning

Operant conditioning is to ____ as classical conditioning is to ____. a. temporary; permanent b. quick; slow c. association; consequences d. active; passive

temporary; permanent

Explicit memory is ____. a. memories for classically conditioned feelings b. memory that occurs without awareness c. the conscious use of memory d. memory for skills

the conscious use of memory

Which of the following is a morpheme in the English language? a. "un" b. "ul" c. "uz" d. "uk"


Maslow estimated that about ____ of individuals operate from self-actualization needs. a. 1% b. 10% c. 25% d. 50%


The ____ was developed to measure positive traits such as sociability, independence, and responsibility in healthy individuals. a. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory b. California Psychological Inventory c. Rorschach Inkblot Test d. Thematic Apperception Test

California Psychological Inventory

The idea of generalized intelligence was advocated most strongly by ____. a. Charles Spearman b. Robert Sternberg c. Howard Gardner d. Alfred Binet

Charles Spearman

What is part of Robert Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence? a. Naturalistic intelligence b. Creative intelligence c. Interpersonal intelligence d. Intrapersonal intelligence

Creative intelligence

Daniel Goleman is most closely associated with which type of intelligence? a. Analytical b. Emotional c. Spatial d. Natural


What is most likely to interfere with creativity? a. Natural concepts b. Functional fixedness c. Divergent thinking d. Inductive reasoning

Functional fixedness

Rick wants his daughter to spend more time studying. Which strategy is most likely to work for Rick? a. He should spank his daughter when she does not study. b. He should take his daughter's cell phone away when she does not study. c. He should leave his daughter alone and let the problem fix itself. d. He should reward his daughter when she does study.

He should reward his daughter when she does study

Having a high sense of self-efficacy would be most consistent with which of the following? a. High self-monitoring b. Low self-monitoring c. External locus of control d. Internal locus of control

Internal locus of control

Which of the following represents a valid criticism of the social cognitive view of personality? a. It is too objective and logical. b. It has not stimulated much research on the environmental factors involved in personality. c. It does not have much practical application to every day behaviors. d. It underemphasizes biological, emotional, and unconscious factors in personality.

It underemphasizes biological, emotional, and unconscious factors in personality.

Your friend asks you if it is possible in the three-stages model of memory for memories to go directly from sensory memory to long-term memory. How should you answer? a. The three-stages model does not address this issue. b. The model predicts that this can happen, but only in rare instances. c. No, the model says that information has to travel in sequence from one stage to the next. d. Sure, the three-stages model accounts for this common occurrence.

No, the model says that information has to travel in sequence from one stage to the next.

B. F. Skinner introduced what concept related to Thorndike's law of effect? a. Operant conditioning b. Classical conditioning c. Aversion conditioning d. Contiguity conditioning

Operant contitioning

Joseph tells his buddies at work a joke that makes fun of women. To his surprise, his friends scolded him. As a result, Joseph decides never again to tell a joke like that at work. Joseph's experience is an example of what type of consequence? a. Positive reinforcement b. Negative reinforcement c. Negative punishment d. Positive punishment

Positive punishment

Albert Bandura's concept of reciprocal determinism is part of which theory of personality? a. Trait theory b. Social cognitive theory c. Psychoanalytic theory d. Humanistic theory

Social cognitive theory

Which item belongs in the subordinate category? a. Dog b. Spaniel c. Animal d. Mammal


What is the most frequently used personality inventory in clinical settings? a. Self-concept rating scales b. California Psychological Inventory (CPI) c. Rorschach inkblots d. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2)

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2)

You are attending a conference where most of the people in attendance are young college students just like you. While there, you meet Frida, who appears to be in her fifties, is conservatively dressed, and is speaking confidently to a group of students. Based on your observations, you decide that Frida must be one of the few professors attending the conference. Which of the following best explains your judgment? a. The representativeness heuristic b. The availability heuristic c. The base rate d. Inductive reasoning

The representativeness heuristic

Self-efficacy, reciprocal determinism, and locus of control are all part of which view of personality? a. The psychoanalytic view b. The humanistic view c. The trait view d. The social cognitive view

The social cognitive view

Amelia is taking a personality test in which she is shown a series of images and asked to tell a story about the images. The clinician then codes Amelia's responses for any consistent themes, emotions, or issues. Amelia is most likely taking the ____. a. MMPI-2 b. Rorschach Inkblot Test c. Thematic Apperception Test d. self-concept rating scale

Thematic Apperception Test

Reliability is a measure of a test's____. a. accuracy b. significance c. dependability d. consistency


According to cognitive researchers, when you see your friend's new car and then later recall what the car looked like, the stored image you are recalling is ____. a. an exact copy of the sensory image that was sent to your visual cortex from your retina b. a mixture of pictorial and verbal pieces that are based on your actual sensory experience and your general knowledge of cars c. a language-based description of the car without any visual components d. a digitized visual image consisting of thousands of pixels

a mixture of pictorial and verbal pieces based on your actual sensory experience and your knowledge of cars

Will believes that he can control his weight through regular exercise and good eating habits. Rotter would say that Will has ____. a. high determinism b. low self-efficacy c. an internal locus of control d. an external locus of control

an internal locus of control

Alfred Adler emphasized the idea of ____. a. birth order b. archetypes c. aggression d. basic anxiety

birth order

If you witness a very traumatic accident and experience a surge of stress hormones in your brain, these hormones will probably ____. a. decrease your ability to retain information in sensory memory b. block the formation of accurate memories for events occurring immediately before the accident c. reduce your short-term memory capacity for a brief time after the accident has occurred d. increase the likelihood that memory will contain elements that did not actually occur

block the formation of accurate memories for events occurring immediately before the accident

Freudian theory contends that defense mechanisms are used ____. a. only by those who are mentally ill b. by everyone on a regular basis c. primarily by adults d. primarily by children

by everyone on a regular basis

In Thorndike's work on the law of effect, he observed ____. a. dogs salivating to meat and bells b. humans learning how to work with electronic equipment c. pigeons pecking at round disks d. cats learning how to escape a puzzle box

cats learning how to escape a puzzle box

Television ads that use beautiful images to sell products are a good example of ____. a. counter-conditioning b. operant conditioning c. aversive conditioning d. classical conditioning

classical conditioning

A personality assessment tool that is used by most clinical psychologists is the ____. a. projective test b. rating scale c. clinical interview d. personality inventory

clinical interview

In classical conditioning, extinction occurs when the ____. a. neutral stimulus is presented without the conditioned stimulus b. unconditioned stimulus is presented without the unconditioned response c. conditioned stimulus is presented without the unconditioned stimulus d. conditioned stimulus is presented without the conditioned response

conditioned stimulus is presented without the unconditioned stimulus

In Freud's iceberg analogy, the tip of the iceberg represents a person's ____. a. conscious mind b. id c. unconscious mind d. superego

conscious mind

A successful inventor who has developed many new uses for paper clips would most likely score high on a test of Robert Sternberg's ____. a. emotional intelligence b. analytical intelligence c. interpersonal intelligence d. creative intelligence

creative intelligence

Don is delighted when he successfully conditions his roommate, Lloyd, to cringe at the sound of the squeaky drawer by pairing the squeak with a table tennis ball to his roommate's head. He decides to continue his experiment with classical conditioning and creates another squeaky noise by dragging his chair across the floor. At first Lloyd cringes at the new squeak, but with continued "trials" in which the drawer squeak is paired with a table tennis ball to the head but the chair squeak is not, Lloyd stops cringing to the chair squeak, illustrating ____. a. habituation b. dishabituation c. discrimination d. generalization


The humanistic view of personality differs from the social cognitive view of personality in that the humanistic view ____. a. has a broad use of the experimental research method b. emphasizes matters related to the self c. has a pessimistic view of human nature d. focuses on unconscious mental events

emphasizes matters related to the self

Humanistic theory has been praised for ____. a. having a very scientific approach b. recognizing the animalistic tendencies in humans c. developing concepts that are easily measured and observed d. encouraging people to become aware of themselves

encouraging people to become aware of themselves

Some people might say that the "glass is half full," while others might say that the "glass is half empty." These different ways of saying the same thing reflect a difference in ____. a. exemplars b. insight c. framing d. using heuristics


In operant conditioning, when a behavior that has been reinforced in one context begins to be exhibited in other contexts and situations, ____ has occurred. a. shaping b. discrimination c. generalization d. latent learning


If a new memory has made it to the short-term memory stage, it has definitely been ____. a. either seen or heard b. given at least a slight amount of attention c. given a great amount of rehearsal d. processed by the implicit memory system

given at least a slight amount of attention

If a behavior continues to be exhibited in spite of the fact that no reinforcement is being given, it is likely that the behavior ____. a. was created through multiple types of conditioning b. has an underlying biological cause c. has been previously reinforced every single time it occurred for many years d. has been previously conditioned according to a partial reinforcement schedule

has been previously conditioned according to a partial reinforcement schedule

Incubation would be most likely to ____. a. result in functional fixedness b. help in getting out of a mental set c. increase the use of natural concepts d. interfere with creativity

help in getting out of a mental set

Lewis Terman ____. a. developed the first test of intelligence in France b. tested intelligence by measuring sensory abilities c. helped create the Stanford-Binet test d. believed that intelligence could not be described by a single number

helped create the Stanford-Binet test

Well-structured problems can be solved through the use of ____. a. heuristics only b. algorithms only c. natural concepts only d. heuristics or algorithms

heuristics or algorithms

Declarative memories are most likely processed by the ____. a. hippocampus and the frontal lobe b. hypothalamus and the temporal lobe c. hypothalamus and the occipital lobe d. hippocampus and the parietal lobe

hippocampus and the partiel lobe

Miguel believes that personality arises from personal choices and that people have a natural drive to fulfill their potential. Miguel's view is most consistent with the ____ view of personality. a. social cognitive b. humanistic c. psychodynamic d. trait


Psychologists who believe that humans have a language acquisition device also tend to believe that ____. a. learning language is a natural result of human problem solving b. language is solely the result of one's learning experiences c. humans are born with an innate knowledge of the syntax of language d. language is primarily the result of nurture

humans are born with an innate knowledge of the syntax of language

According to Freud, when a young boy experiences the Oedipal complex, he resolves it by ____. a. identifying with his father b. sublimating his energy into a new hobby c. repressing his intimacy needs d. developing an attraction toward girls his own age

identifying with his father

Episodic memory is ____. a. memory for the events of one's life b. critical thinking memory c. emotional memory d. skill and muscle memory

memory for the events of one's life

Strict behaviorism tends to ____. a. ignore the influence of cognitive processes b. be fairly nonscientific c. emphasize free will and choice d. embrace the idea of social learning

ignore the influence of cognitive processes

Proactive interference ____ and retroactive interference ____ as we get older. a. increases; increases b. increases; decreases c. decreases; increases d. decreases; decreases

increases, increases

A careful analysis of the research on gender differences in intelligence leads the authors of your textbook to conclude that ____. a. biological differences form the foundation for gender differences in intelligence b. different methods of socialization are clearly the cause of gender differences in intelligence c. males clearly have a greater level of general intelligence than females d. it is difficult to make a firm statement that there are broad-based gender differences in intelligence

it is difficult to make a firm statement that there are broad-based gender differences in intelligence

Suppose that tonight you are able to recall the name of a new song you heard on the radio today. As such, the memory will have been stored in your ____. a. visuospatial sketch pad b. echoic memory c. short-term memory d. long-term memory

long-term memory

To critics of the idea that animals can learn language, a highly trained circus animal that responds to its trainer's verbal requests would not be convincing primarily because of the critics' arguments that such behavior ____. a. is simply not possible given the animal's small cortex b. has been shown to be a product of a hoax carried out by fraudulent researchers c. does not fit our understanding of evolutionary processes d. merely reflects behavioral conditioning

merely reflects behavioral conditioning

Tina has a heavy class load and is spending a lot of time studying, to the dismay of her beloved dog, Bobo. When Bobo walks over and puts his chin on Tina's leg, she pets him and gives him a treat from the bag she keeps in her desk drawer. As a consequence, he continues walking over and putting his chin on Tina's leg. Tina has used ____. a. positive reinforcement b. negative reinforcement c. positive punishment d. negative punishment

negative punishment

When a parent gives into a child's tantrum in order to stop the child's tantrum behavior, this leads to a greater likelihood that when the child throws a tantrum in the future, the parent will give in again. This change in the parent's behavior is an example of ____. a. negative reinforcement b. positive reinforcement c. negative punishment d. positive punishment

negative reinforcement

Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory has been criticized for ____. a. not explaining why some people deprive themselves of basic needs in favor of higher needs b. being too complex and attempting to explain too much of individual variability c. not including some other very important needs d. creating a model that relies too heavily on unconscious processes

not explaining why some people deprive themselves of basic needs in favor of higher needs

In a token economy, ____. a. people are rewarded for appropriate behavior with chips or something similar that they can exchange later for a primary reinforcer b. money is given in immediate response to behavior that has been clearly identified by those in charge c. primary reinforcers, which can be used to earn secondary reinforcers, are given as rewards for appropriate behavior d. designated individuals consistently model specific behaviors in a closed institution where modeling of inappropriate behaviors is unlikely

people are rewarded for appropriate behavior with chips or something similar that they can exchange later for a primary reinforcer

Two of the subordinate systems in the working memory model that are coordinated by the central executive component are the ____. a. directional compass and the acoustical map b. information switch board and the sensory register c. logical network and the emotional reservoir d. phonological loop and the visuospatial sketch pad

phonological loop and the visuospatial sketch pad

In Freudian theory, the _______ principle drives the instincts of the id. a. repression b. reality c. Oedipal d. pleasure


The first items in a long list of items to be remembered are usually remembered better than items in the middle of the list. This is referred to as the ____. a. law of effect b. continuity effect c. primacy effect d. recency effect

primacy effect

At the top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is the need for ____. a. self-actualization b. unconditional positive regard c. locus of control d. self-efficacy


In contrast to prototypes, exemplars are ____. a. abstract b. not accurate c. real d. complex


According to the____ model, new memory traces inhibit the retrieval of older memory traces. a. decay b. proactive interference c. retroactive interference d. cue-dependent forgetting

retroactive interference

Benton is filling out an application for a mortgage. On the application, Benton is asked to give his former address. To Benton's surprise, he cannot recall his last address. The only address that comes to mind is his current one. Benton appears to be experiencing ____. a. memory decay b. retroactive interference c. repression d. proactive interference

retroactive interference

An organized, generalized knowledge structure in long-term memory is a(n) ____. a. trace b. icon c. engram d. schema


A drawback to the use of self-report rating scales is the potential for ____. a. invasion of privacy b. self-distortion c. computer scoring error d. causing a mental breakdown

self distortion

Tyrell is a go-getter. He sets a goal and then he does everything he can to attain that goal. He believes that his hard work will eventually pay off, such that he will be able to accomplish just about any goal he sets for himself. Tyrell is most likely high in ____. a. self-efficacy b. external locus of control c. validity d. a need for power


Ziyi believes that she cannot master Spanish. She avoids doing her Spanish homework and does not study for Spanish tests since she believes she will not do well. According to Bandura, Ziyi is most likely low in ____. a. reciprocal determinism b. self-efficacy c. external locus of control d. extraversion


The two subtypes of declarative memory are ____. a. procedural memory and conditioned memory b. semantic memory and episodic memory c. retroactive memory and proactive memory d. implicit memory and explicit memory

semantic memory and episodic memory

Nash is fed up with hearing his friends brag about the tricks their dogs can do, so he decides to train Indigo, his hyacinth macaw, how to shoot a basketball, using a bird-size ball and hoop. He starts out by giving Indigo a treat for touching the ball with its beak. When Indigo reliably touches the ball, Nash begins reinforcing Indigo for picking the ball up in its beak, and, behavior by behavior, eventually trains Indigo to shoot hoops. Nash is using ____. a. reflex arcs b. shaping c. classical conditioning d. observational learning


In the three-stages model of memory, the second stage of memory is ____ memory. a. semantic b. short-term c. sensory d. implicit


The fact that you can pronounce the words that you are reading in this sentence before you process them into long-term memory is mostly a problem for the ____. a. working memory model of memory b. biological model of memory c. three-stages model of memory d. levels-of-processing model of memory

three-stages model of memory

Jamie's parents try to help her feel that she is worthy of their love and acceptance no matter what she would ever do. Her parents could best be described as giving ____. a. unconditional positive regard b. self-actualization c. spontaneous reactions d. organismic transversal

unconditional positive regard

All examples of classical conditioning begin with a preexisting relationship between the ____. a. unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned stimulus b. conditioned stimulus and the neutral stimulus c. unconditioned stimulus and the unconditioned response d. conditioned stimulus and a conditioned response

unconditioned stimulus and the unconditional response

As a child, Kelly would try to prevent her parents from holding hands, but she now has no memory of this. According to Freud, Kelly's memory of the attempts probably resides in her ____. a. conscious mind b. unconscious mind c. preconscious mind d. ego

unconscious mind

Robert Sternberg's analytic intelligence reflects the ability to ____. a. use knowledge in novel situations b. use logic to solve problems c. adapt to the environment d. understand patterns in nature

use logic to solve problems

When studying recall of visual information, the serial position curves for younger and older subjects would most likely be ____. a. different for items placed in memory both first and last b. very similar c. different for items placed in memory last d. different for items placed in memory first

very similar

David Wechsler's intelligence tests ____. a. do not include a performance scale b. do not include a verbal scale c. yield two separate index scores d. yield four separate index scores

yield four separate index scores

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