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The belief that race indicates certain traits and capacities and that one's own race is superior is called __________. A. ageism B. sexism C. racism D. feminism


William James was one of the leading founders of which school of thought? A. behaviorism B. functionalism C. structuralism D. psychoanalysis


The doll experiment conducted by Kenneth and Mamie Clark studied the effects of _________ on African American children. A. education B. poverty C. feminism D. segregation


Which of the following statements about the psychodynamic perspective is not true? A. Early childhood experiences are considered important for understanding behavior. B. Psychodynamic psychologists focus more on self-awareness and self-direction. C. Sexual and aggressive impulses are the primary focus in the psychodynamic perspective. D. Focus is on helping people understand how unconscious drives affect conscious choices.

Sexual and aggressive impulses are the primary focus in the psychodynamic perspective.

Who is considered the father of psychology in the United States? A. William Wundt B. John B. Watson C. William James D. René Descartes

William James

Explain two reasons why women and minorities were excluded from psychology.

Women and minorities were excluded from psychology because of expectations of women, such as staying home, having children, and learning domestic skills, and school segregation which led students to feel inferior.

True or False: Psychologists work solely in government agencies and academic settings.


Sociocultural psychologists study the influence of all of the following except __________. A. ethnicity B. nervous system C. gender D. socioeconomic status

Nervous System

Researchers helped further the biological perspective when they demonstrated that electrical stimulation of the brain could evoke emotional responses in animals. This is an example of how __________ can influence perspectives. A. cultural diversity B. personal ideology C. opposition D. new discoveries

New Discoveries

Explain how new discoveries influence contemporary psychological perspectives.

New discoveries can either provide evidence to support or refute contemporary psychological perspectives, or they can lead to the development of new theories and perspectives.

Which of the following perspectives dominated American psychology for decades? A. neuropsychology B. behaviorism C. cognitive theory D. social psychology


All of the following are possible occupations for a psychologist with a bachelor's degree except __________. A. high school teacher B. psychologist's assistant C. clinical psychologist D. financial specialist

C. clinical psychologist

Define behaviorism and explain who founded this school of thought

Founded by John B. Watson, behaviorism is a school of thought that defines psychology as "the scientific study of observable behavior.

True or False: A bias is an inclination to hold or present a certain perspective.


True or False: Supporters of the behavioral perspective believe that only unobservable behaviors should be studied.


True or False: The first formal laboratory for research in psychology was established by B. F. Skinner.


Which philosopher believed that sense perceptions and observations are essential for knowledge? A. Socrates B. Plato C. Hippocrates D. Aristotle


The psychologist who was the first woman to earn a doctoral degree in psychology in the US and is renowned for writing a comparative psychology book in which she described the cognitive processes in both humans and animals is __________. A. Martha Bernal B. Margaret Floy Washburn C. Mamie Clark D. Mary Whiton Calkins

B. Margaret Floy Washburn

True or False: The majority of occupations in psychology only require a bachelor's degree and a license to practice.


All of the following are occupations available to psychologists with a master's degree except __________. A. data collector in universities B. counseling psychology professor C. industrial/organizational psychologist D. a therapist whose clinical work is supervised

B. counseling psychology professor

Social psychology is a subfield of psychology that studies all of the following except how __________. A. cultural influences affect behavior B. health habits affect brain development C. employees function differently in personal relationships D. peer interaction affects emotional development

B. health habits affect brain development

The school of thought that defines psychology as a study of observable behavior is __________. A. structuralism B. behaviorism C. functionalism D. cubism


The ___________ perspective focuses on how people process, use, and store information. A. sociocultural B. evolutionary C. biological D. cognitive


Ivan Pavlov introduced the concept of __________ when he taught a dog to salivate at the sound of a tuning fork. A. reinforcement B. unconsciousness C. conditioning D. reward


Students who study psychology or obtain a degree in psychology can gain many valuable skills. What are two skills one can gain from studying psychology?

Critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, and interpersonal skills.

A team of seven psychologists is studying love, but each psychologist is working from a different contemporary perspective. In your opinion, what might each psychologist study?

A psychodynamic psychologist might study how a person's problems with love are caused by unconscious, unresolved conflicts. A behaviorist might study observable behaviors associated with love, such as hugging or kissing. A cognitive psychologist might study how a person's cognitive processes change when one is in love. A biological psychologist might study which chemicals in the brain give the feeling of love and which parts of the brain are active when someone is in love. A humanistic psychologist might study whether people who are loved were more likely to make positive choices and realize their full potential. An evolutionary psychologist might study how certain behaviors associated with love provided our ancestors with a reproductive advantage. A sociocultural psychologist might study how love is expressed in various cultures.

__________ is best known for his influential studies on racism and its effects on child development, and for becoming the first African American to be elected president of the American Psychological Association. A. Kenneth Clark B. Francis C. Sumner C. J. Henry Alston D. Richard Suinn

A. Kenneth Clark

Which of the following statements is not true about minorities in psychology today? A. Minorities make up half of the population earning degrees in psychology. B. Despite increases, minorities are still underrepresented in psychology. C. Several programs have been implemented to attract more minorities to psychology. D. The number of minorities in psychology has increased steadily over the last century.

A. Minorities make up half of the population earning degrees in psychology.

A counseling psychologist will most likely ___________. A. provide individual and group therapy B. assess the cause of a disorder C. conduct a lab experiment D. study development across the life span

A. provide individual and group therapy

All of the following were barriers to minority participation in early psychology except __________. A. school desegregation B. academic opportunities C. career opportunities D. perceived level of intelligence

A. school desegregation

Which of the following statements is true about the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP)? A. The ABPP awards certification in over 30 different specialty areas in psychology. B. The ABPP certifies psychologists that have graduated from college with a doctoral degree. C. The ABPP develops standardized tests to measure a psychologist's competence in a specialty.

A. The ABPP awards certification in over 30 different specialty areas in psychology.

Imagine you have a friend who is interested in math and techniques used to analyze research findings. What subfield of psychology best matches this person's interests? A. psychometric psychology B. developmental psychology C. health psychology D. personality psychology

A. psychometric psychology

True or False: Sigmund Freud learned about his patients by conducting experiments in his laboratory.


One advantage of experiments is that they ___________. A. can be difficult to design B. are often realistic C. allow cause and effect to be considered D. can be affected by human error

C. allow cause and effect to be considered

An experimental psychologist will most likely ___________. A. study development that occurs during the patient's life B. provide counseling in a group setting C. conduct labs to study basic processes D. assess the cause of disorders

C. conduct labs to study basic processes

In the 19th century, women were expected to conform to a certain role that entailed __________. A. gaining domestic skills and establishing a career B. going to college and getting married C. getting married and having children D. graduating from college and being a housewife

C. getting married and having children

In order for psychologists to be able to offer patient care, they must be __________. A. good B. caring C. licensed D. smart

C. licensed

__________ psychologists conduct laboratory experiments to research basic processes, such as perception and motivation. A. School B. Developmental C. Experimental D. Health

C. Experimental

Life coaches use __________ to teach people life skills, relationship skills, and communication skills. A. telephone interviewing B. standardized tests C. motivational interviewing D. psychological tests

C. motivational interviewing

In a short paragraph, compare and contrast clinical psychology and counseling psychology.

Clinical and counseling psychologists are both interested in helping people and providing individual and group therapy. However, counseling psychologists typically handle problems of mild severity rather than severe psychological disorders. Clinical psychologists diagnose and treat varying psychological disorders, ranging from mild to severe.

The __________ perspective focuses on how people process, store, and use information. A. behavioral B. sociocultural C. cognitive D. biological


After the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001, the National Center on the Psychology of Terrorism was founded to research psychological aspects of terrorism. This is an example of how __________ affect theories and perspectives in psychology. A. current events B. new discoveries C. oppositions D. personal ideologies

Current Events

The greatest number of occupational opportunities exist in the field of psychology for those individuals who hold a ___________. A. high school diploma B. bachelor's degree C. master's degree D. doctoral degree

D. doctoral degree

Developmental psychologists study all of the following except __________ development. A. cognitive B. physical C. emotional D. industrial

D. industrial

Which of the following did the doll experiment not suggest? A. African Americans attributed more positive characteristics to the white dolls. B. African Americans had feelings of inferiority because of school segregation. C. African Americans preferred to play with the white dolls when given a choice. D. African Americans felt more secure and positive because of school segregation.

D. African Americans felt more secure and positive because of school segregation.

Leta Stetter Hollingworth conducted pioneering work on __________. A. identity development in ethnic minorities B. cognitive processes in animals and humans C. racism and its effects on child development D. adolescent development and gifted children

D. adolescent development and gifted children

The requirements for a master's degree in psychology generally include __________. A. four years of undergraduate work in a subfield, a dissertation, and clinical work B. three years of undergraduate work, a thesis on a subfield, and counseling experience C. five to seven years of graduate work and comprehensive exams over a specific subfield D. two years of graduate study in a subfield, practicum experience, and a thesis

D. two years of graduate study in a subfield, practicum experience, and a thesis

Humanistic therapy attempts to help people __________. A. understand the link between their hormones and behavior B. discover their unresolved traumas and conflicts C. develop their individuality and realize their full potential D. realize what unconscious motives influence their behavior

Develop their individuality and realize their full potential

As it applies to psychology, the interest in cultural diversity can be attributed to each of the following except __________. A. advances in communication B. increased personal travel C. domestic trade D. cultural diversity in the Western world

Domestic Trade

Explain in detail how educational institutions and personal ideology affect the influence of contemporary psychological perspectives.

Educational institutions can influence what psychological perspectives are taught, studied, and researched. Take, for example, behaviorism. Before the cognitive perspective re-emerged, behaviorism was the dominant perspective being taught in most universities. Personal ideology can also affect which perspective a psychologist supports, the course of research a psychologist undertakes, and also a psychologist's perception and interpretation of research findings. For example, during the dominance of behaviorism, psychologists were discouraged from studying cognitive processes. As a result, much of the research conducted had a behaviorist slant to it.

A psychologist working from the cognitive perspective would most likely believe that anxiety is caused by __________. A. unconscious and unresolved conflicts B. a person's failure to reach one's potential C. certain hormones in the brain D. erroneous perceptions or thoughts

Erroneous perceptions or thoughts

True or False: Despite valid research, in the late 1900s, women and minorities were thought to have a higher level of intelligence than white males.


True or False: Ethnocentrism helps researchers avoid cultural bias when interpreting research findings.


True or False: Ethnocentrism is the practice of viewing male behavior and cognitive processes as the norm for explaining all human behavior.


True or False: In the first half of the 20th century, the scientific community supported research on cognitive processes.


True or False: Psychodynamic psychologists believe that behavior is aimed at satisfying conscious desires and wishes.


Which of the following is the school of thought that studies the function and purpose of consciousness and behavior? A. cubism B. structuralism C. functionalism D. introspection


__________ is the school of psychology that believes perception is more than the sum of its parts—it involves a whole pattern. A. Behaviorism B. Structuralism C. Functionalism D. Gestalt psychology

Gestalt Psychology

Which of the following statements is not true about Hippocrates? A. He believed that the body has four bodily fluids that directly affect health and personality. B. He thought that mental illness occurred when the four humors were in proper balance. C. He suggested that all diseases, including mental illness, have natural causes. D. He separated medicine from superstition, which is why he's called "the father of medicine."

He thought that mental illness occurred when the four humors were in proper balance.

A psychologist is studying various behavioral and psychological factors linked to a variety of illnesses, such as cancer. This is an example of __________ psychology. A. social B. clinical C. health D. forensic


All of the following are studied in cognitive psychology except __________. A. perception B. memory C. language D. hormones


During World War II, psychologists redesigned the layout of instruments in airplane cockpits to help pilots fly safely. This is an example of __________ psychology. A. educational B. industrial/organizational C. human factors D. cross-cultural

Human Factors

To help employees function effectively in job situations, a(n) __________ psychologist designs products that are safe, effective, and easy to use. A. human-factor B. Health C. cross-cultural D. industrial/organizational


An increase in __________ has allowed new perspectives and branches to emerge in psychology, such as educational psychology and neuropsychology. A. scientific research B. educational institutions C. interdisciplinary studies D. current events

Interdisciplinary Studies

Which philosopher maintained that knowledge comes from experience via the senses, and therefore, science should rely on observations and experiments? A. Socrates B. Plato C. John Locke D. Hippocrates

John Locke

Who conducted the doll experiment, and how did this experiment contribute to the civil rights movement in the United States?

Kenneth and Mamie Clark conducted the doll experiment. They showed African American children two dolls that were identical other than skin color. They asked them to choose a doll and most chose the white doll. It showed that the children felt inferior and was later referenced in the Brown vs Board of Education decision.

Which of the following statements is not true about what John Locke believed? A. Sensations and reflections are the two sources for ideas. B. Knowledge is acquired through our experiences. C. Science should rely on observations and experiments. D. Knowledge is present in an individual from birth.

Knowledge is present in an individual from birth.

The majority of early psychologists were all of the following except __________. A. European B. male C. lower class D. white

Lower Class

Summarize in a complete paragraph how psychology has its roots in philosophy, and provide examples of two philosopher's contributions.

Many of the questions asked in psychology today about the mind and how we acquire knowledge can be traced back through human history. Numerous philosophers have contributed to the field of psychology. For example, in Aristotle's numerous works, he discussed several psychological topics, such as memory, perception, and dreams. He suggested that the mind is where thinking takes place, and he also described the mind's individual capacities. Rene Descartes believed that the mind and body are separate but that a link exists between them, an idea in which many people still believe.

Of the following, who is the first female to earn a doctoral degree in psychology in the United States? A. Mary Whiton Calkins B. Leta Stetter Hollingworth C. Margaret Floy Washburn D. Francis C. Sumner

Margaret Floy Washbrown

The psychologist known for being the first woman of Mexican descent to receive a doctoral degree in psychology in the US and for helping establish the National Hispanic Psychological Association is __________. A. Mamie Clark B. Margaret Floy Washburn C. Mary Whiton Calkins D. Martha Bernal

Martha Bernal

Explain the contributions Mary Whiton Calkins and Inez Beverly Prosser made to psychology.

Mary Whiton Calkins invented paired-associate technique to study memory, and developed the theory of self-psychology. Inez Beverly Prosser researched academic development of children in segregated and integrated schools, and published many articles on teaching English.

A __________ is a group that is seen as different from the larger population in some characteristics. A. veritable B. control C. majority D. minority


The philosopher who believed that the mind operated on the three levels of reason, will, and desire was __________.


Which philosopher believed that the soul operated on three levels: reason, will, and desire? A. Socrates B. Plato C. John Locke D. Hippocrates


Which of the following is the school of thought that stresses the importance of unconscious motives and internal conflicts in determining human behavior? A. Gestalt psychology B. psychoanalytic theory C. structuralism D. behaviorism

Psychoanalytic theory

During World War I, mental tests were administered to army recruits. The results of these tests were wrongly interpreted to suggest that Caucasians were superior to minorities. This is an example of __________ bias in early psychology. A. sample B. testing C. gender D. racial


Which philosopher suggested that the mind and body are separate but that a link exists between them? A. John Locke B. Plato C. René Descartes D. Aristotle

René Descartes

According to Freud, slips of the tongue __________. A. occur when a person is unconscious B. prove that people are forgetful when unconscious C. represent a meaningful unconscious thought D. are the mind's way of expressing conscious desires

Represent a meaningful unconscious thought

Psychologists working from the humanistic perspective help people do all of the following except __________. A. explore their feelings B. repress unwanted emotions C. manage negative impulses D. realize their potential

Repress unwanted emotions

A team of psychologists is studying how negative feedback affects self-esteem in independent cultures, such as the United States, and interdependent cultures, such as Japan. These psychologists are most likely working from the __________ perspective. A. biological B. sociocultural C. evolutionary D. psychodynamic


Which two philosophers believed that innate knowledge is discovered through logic? A. John Locke and Aristotle B. Socrates and John Locke C. Hippocrates and René Descartes D. Socrates and Plato

Socrates & Plato

Which school of thought focused on objective sensations, such as sight and taste, and subjective feelings, such as emotional responses, to study the conscious mind? A. behaviorism B. structuralism C. psychoanalysis D. functionalism


__________ relies on introspection to reduce conscious experiences into basic elements.


Summarize the difference between structuralism and functionalism.

Structuralism is the school of thought that studies the basic elements or structure of consciousness. It focuses on objective sensations, such as sight and taste, and subjective feelings, such as emotional responses. Functionalism, on the other hand, is a school of thought that studies the function and purpose of consciousness and behavior. Functionalists study how cognitive processes help people and animals adapt to their environment and develop habits.

Which of the following is not a way in which psychological research can be culturally biased? 1. The questions that are asked may only concern issues and interests relevant to one culture. 2. The participants used in the research are representative of several cultural groups. 3. The researcher's culture can lead to the misinterpretation of the behavior of another culture. 4. The tasks used during the research may be foreign to certain cultural groups.

The participants used in the research are representative of several cultural groups.

What are the requirements for a doctoral degree in psychology, and what career opportunities are available to students with this degree?

The requirements for a doctoral degree in psychology include five to seven years of graduate study, a comprehensive exam, and a dissertation and/or clinical work. Psychologists with a doctoral degree have a vast array of occupations from which to choose, but it depends on the subfield they have chosen to study. Nevertheless, they can work in teaching or research positions, have their own practice, or provide clinical and counseling services in universities, health care, and government.

What are the job prospects for students with either a bachelor's degree, master's degree, or a doctoral degree in psychology?

The students holding a bachelor, master or doctoral degree, in psychology can become psychologist, counselor or researcher. To become a psychologist or researcher a master or doctoral degree in psychology is necessary. A bachelor degree holder can a counselor or research assistant.

How was the time period in which Freud lived significant to the shaping and sharing of his ideas?

The time period in which Freud lived was significant to the shaping and sharing of his ideas because the theories of scientists and philosophers like Charles Darwin and Friedrich Nietzsche were huge influences at the time. Psychologists work solely in government agencies and academic settings.

True or False: Humanistic psychologists believe people are unique and free to make their own positive choices.


True or False: J. Henry Alston was the first African American to publish his research findings on the perception of heat and cold in a major US psychology journal.


True or False: Students who are in clinical and counseling programs typically are required to complete an internship to graduate with a doctoral degree.


True or false: René Descartes was the first person to describe a reflex.


Explain two ways in which early psychological research was biased and give an example of this bias in psychology.

Two ways in which early psychological research was biased include research being androcentric and ethnocentric. Examples of this includes the theory of personality, and the attachment theory.

Early psychologists were predominately all of the following except __________. A. white B. male C. European D. wealthy


Who is considered the founder of psychology? A. Wilhelm Wundt B. John Locke C. William James D. Sigmund Freud

Wilhelm Wunt

The development of the computer allowed cognitive psychologists to do all of the following except __________. A. design an interactive model of a human brain on the computer B. study which parts of the brain are active during certain mental tasks C. analyze the different parts of the brain by studying computer parts D. understand the workings of the brain by comparing it to a computer

analyze the different parts of the brain by studying computer parts

All of the following were barriers to female and minority participation in psychological research except __________. A. desegregation B. perception C. academic opportunities D. career opportunities


The ___________ perspective refers to the psychological approach that emphasizes the unconscious mind's desires and wishes. A. humanistic B. behavioral C. psychodynamic D. cognitive


Which perspective studies how behavior and cognitive processes vary among cultures? A. sociocultural B. psychodynamic C. humanistic D. evolutionary


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