Psychology: Final exam

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Simplifying strategies (rules of thumb) that aid in quick decision making:



Perceptual disturbances that are experienced without an extemal source


Personality tests that examine unconscious processes by having people interpret ambiguous stimuli


Personality tests that use questionnaires to let peopie respond to items that reveal traits and behaviors


Personality traits that are largely determined by biology and are stable over time


Personality traits: competitiveness, achievement orientation, aggressive- ness, hostility, restlessness, impatience with others, and an inability to re- lax


Personality traits: noncompetitive, relaxed, easygoing, and accommodating

A child is playing at the beach. She pours an equal amount of sand into both a short, fat container and a tall, thin container. When asked which container holds more sand, the child points to the tall, thin container. This response suggests that she is most likely in the________ stage of cognitive development.


grouping principles

Proximity: close figures are grouped as an object Similarity: similar figures are grouped in an object Continuity: intersecting lines are interpreted as continuous Closure: figures with gaps are interpreted as complete Illusory Contours: contours are perceived even when they do not exist


Psychological disorder: most commonly develop in childhood


Reflect the intermalization of societal and parental standards of conduct

When starting a new job, Carl's wife suggests he make quick observations of his coworkers and trust his judgments. The research on thin slices of behavior would support this suggestion because:

Relatively accurate judgments can be made based on little information.


Removal of stimulus to decrease behavior


Removal of stimulus to increase behavior


Structures on the tongue that contain groupings of taste buds


Structures, located in papilae on the tongue, that contain the sensory re ceptors called taste receptors

Neural tissue lining the back of the eyeball's interior is called the

V retina

Who established the first psychology laboratory?

V. Wilhelm Wundt

When a neurotransmitter molecule binds briefly with a receptor site, changes occur in the receiving neuron's charge. If there is a voltage shift in a positive direction, then the effect is:

VO an excitatory effect.

The domain relates to how we think, reason, and communicate.

VO b) cognitive

The psychologist who would be mostly likely to focus on mental functions, such as problem solving and decision making, would be a

VO b) cognitive psychologist.

According to the textbook, genotype refers to the:

VO genetic information carried by a cell

The two major branches of the nervous system are:

VO peripheral nervous system and central nervous system.

Quincy is four years old, and he has an intellectual disability and a slightly misshapen face. What most likely happened during Quincy's prenatal development?

VOd He was exposed to a teratogen.

Jeremy has reached a stage of development where he understands that other people have minds and individual intentions. Jeremy has developed which of the following:

Ve theory of mind

In a study, participants are shown two soundless 30-second clips of unfamiliar political candidates and asked to determine which candidate had won a recent election. Based on prior research on thin slices of behavior, how accurate would you predict the participants' judgments to be?

Very accurate because nonverbal behavior provides sufficient information.

In the scientific method, a specific, testable prediction about a theory is called

Vo a hypothesis

Dr. Farris and her research team are interested in understanding the eating habits of college students. She and members of her research team go to the MUC to watch students eating. They record how many types of foods students at the MUC eat every 15 minutes. Based on the information in this question, what kind of research is Dr. Farris conducting at this point?

Vo observational

Sarah is trying to be the healthiest person she can possibly be and feel satisfied with life. Sarah is focusing on her



When a person experiences conficting or ambiguous aspects of biological sex


When a person follows the orders of a person of authority


When a person's gender identity andior gender expression differs from the sex assigned at birth


When interpreting our own behavior, the tendency to focus on situation rather than personality traits


When the mere presence of others improves performance


A decrease in behavioral response after a lengthy or repeated exposure to a stimulus


A decrease in sensitivity to a constant level of stimulation


A developmental disorder: deficits in social interaction, by impaired and interests com munication, and by restricted, repetitive behavior


A disorder: excessive activity or fidgeting, inattentiveness, and impulsivity


A four-stage pattern of physiological and psychological responses durie sex; the four stages are experienced differently by males than by femal


A memory storage system that very briefly holds a vast amount of infor tion trom the five senses in close to their original sensory formats


A memory storage that briefly holds a limited amount of information in awareness


A method of persuasion that uses high elaboration-where people pay at- tention to the arguments and consider all the information in the message: development of stronger attitude


A method of persuasion that uses low elaboration-where people minimal ly process the message development of weaker aitude


A paychological disorder: trequent intrusive thoughts that create ansiety and compulsive actions that temporarily reduce the anxiety


A person's cognitive structures that organize infomation about gender into categories, which include gender roles and gender identity


A person's psychological experience of wanting to engage in sexual ac


A person's typical thoughts, emotional responses, and behaviors that are relatively stable over time and across circumstances


A personality disorder: disturbances in identity, in moods, and in impuls control


A prediction of the ikely course of a psychological (or physical disorder)


A primary sex characteristic in males; a male's first production of mature sperm, which signals the ablity to reproduce sexuality


A primary sex characteristic in temales; a female's first menstrual period. which signals the ability to reproduce sexuality


A process by which sensory receptors change physical stimuli into signals that are eventually sent to the brain


A process in which a previously extinguished response reemerges after conditional stimulus is presented again


A process in which the conditional response is weakened when the condi- tional stimulus is repeated without the unconditional stimulus


A psychological disorder characterized by distress about the diference experience of between hisher a true person's identity gender assigned significant at birth and that person's


A psychological disorder: extreme aternations in thought, in perceptions, and/or in consciousness that result in a break from reality


A psychological disorder: trequent nightmares, intrusive thoughts, and flashbacks related to an earlier trauma


A psychological dsorder where sexual activity is associated with parap (atypical sexual interest, arousal, and/or behavior), causing distress in t. person or others and impairing the person's life: may cause the person to pursue sexual activity without consent


A psychometric test that is designed to test a person's ability to leam-per son's future performance


A psychometric test that is designed to test a person's knowiedge and skils


A school of thought that emphasizes the role of environmental forces in producing behavior.

humanistic psychology

A school of thought that investigates how people grow to become happier and more fulfilled; it focuses on the basic goodness of people.

cognitive psychology

A school of thought that studies how people think, learn, and remember.


A shortcut (rule of thumb o to informal guideline) used to reduce the amount of thinking that is needed make decisions


A sickness or disorder of the mind


A state o reduced individuality, sett-awareness, and attention to personal standards, may occur when people are a part of a group

scientific method

A systematic procedure of observing and measuring phenomena (observable things) to answer questions about what happens, when it happens, what causes it, and why. This process involves a dynamic interaction between theories, hypotheses, and research methods.


A tendency to approach a problem in the same way that has worked in the past, which may make it harder to solve a problem


A tendency to think of things based on their usual functions, which may make it harder to solve a problem


A thin membrane that marks the beginning of the middle ears; sound waves cause the eardrum to vibrate


A type of coping prevent having an emotional response to a stressor


A visuospatial mental representation of an environment


A way (exemplars): of thinking all concepts in a category are examples tgt, they about form the concepts: category


A way of thinking about concepts: within each category, there is a best symbol-a prototype-for that category


Abstract mental representations that consists of words and ideas


Accurate minimal or changing stimulus cues. including same perceiving size, images shape, even color, with and lightness


Acting in a strange movement of limbs and inappropriate selt-care, such as filing to dress property or bathe


Acting in ways that tend to beneft others


Addition of stimulus to decrease behavior


Addition of stimulus to increase the probability that a behavior will be re- peated


An assessment of a child's intellectual standing compared with that sar age peers; determined by comparing the child's test score with the ave score for children of each chronological age


An atttude that a person is consciously aware of and can effort


An early school of thought concerned with the adaptive purpose, or function, of mind and behavior.


An increase in behavioral response after lengthy or repeated exposure to a stimulus


An integrated set of memories, beliefs, and generalizations about the self


An intensive behavior therapy treatment for autism based on operant conditioning


An that influences a person's feelings and behavior at an uncon- scious attitude level


Speaking in an incoherent way and displaying strange or inappropriate emotions while talking


An uncomfortable mental state due to a contradiction between two atti- tudes or between an aftitude and a behavior


The minimum difference in physical stimulation required to detect a difer- ence between sensory inputs


The more frustrated a person feels, the more likely the person is to act aggressively


The nature of a person's enduring senual, emotional, andlor romantic at- traction to other people

Research suggests that about half of the sexually transmitted infections in the United States each year occur in people between the ages of

- 15 and 24.

How are taste buds distributed throughout the tongue and mouth?

- Different regions of the tongue and mouth are more sensitive to certain tastes.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of the trichromatic theory of color vision?

- It cannot adequately explain afterimages.


The occurrence of two or more dstinct identities in the same individual l

The work of Harry Harlow with baby chimpanzees and surrogate mothers established that

.• contact comfort is more important than feeding in the attachment process.

Jordan is a 12-year-old boy who has a mental age of 15 years. His IQ would be



A brain structure above the offactory epithelium in the nasal cavity trom this structure, the olfactory nerve caries information about smel to the brain


A change in behavior, resuting from experience


A class of hormones, including estradiol, that are more prevalent in fe males


A class of hormones, including testosterone, that are more prevalent in males


A coiled, bony, fluid-tiled tube in the inner ear that houses the sensory re- ceptors


A consequence of an action that affects the likelihood of the action being repeated, or not, in the future


Alype of coping: take direct steps to contront or minimize a stressor


An action that is performed on an environment and has consequences


An active processing system that allows manipulation of different types of information to keep it available for current use


An approach to psychology based on the idea that conscious experience can be broken down into its basic underlying components.

Katie is very particular. She likes her apartment to be overly organized and things have to be done correctly or she gets upset. According to psychodynamic theory, Katie is most likely fixated at the______ phase of psychosexual development.



Any behavior that involves the intention to harm someone else


Apprehension about contirming negative stereotypes related to a perso own group

You have been asked to review an intelligence test to determine whether any of the items are culturally biased. Which of the following questions would be least likely to be impacted by culture?

Asking individuals to identify the missing pattern in a series of patterns.


Athin layer of tissue, deep within that nasal cavity, containing the olfactory receptors; these sensory receptors produce information that is processed in the brain as smell


Attempting to select the best alternative among several options


Behavior is determined jointly by situations and underlying traits

According to the biopsychosocial approach, psychological disorders are influenced by:

Biological factors, Psychological factors ,Sociocultural factors


Biologically based tendency ti feel or act in certain ways


Changes in behavioral expression of basic tendencies based on the de- mands of specific situations

Casey attends a party with hundreds of other students. She knows that she could become infected with COVID-19, but she rationalizes her behavior by saying that she is young and won't get that sick. Casey is using this explanation because she is uncomfortable with the inconsistency between her behavior and beliefs. Which of the following principles best explains Casey's explanation?

Cognitive dissonance

opponent-process theory

Color perception is based on the function of ganglion cells in the retina: receive excitatory input from one type of cone and inhibitory input from another type of cone, creating the perception that some colors are opposite, esp. afterimages


Color perception is based on the stimulation of three sets of cones - S cones respond to short wavelength of light M cones respond to medium wavelength - Lcones respond to long wavelength


Common belets about people particular genders, based on similarties across many people's gender schemas


Comparing oneset with another person who is seen at less competent or in a worse situation, which tends to protect a person's high self-esteem


Comparing oneset with another person who is seen at more competent or in a better situation, which tends to confirm a person's low sel-esteem

When all participants in her class said they liked to dance, Jill reported liking to dance, too, even though she dislikes dancing. The way Jill reported an opinion that differed from her private preferences about dancing so that her opinion matched that of her classmates is an example of:



Cues of depth perception that are available to each eye alone


Cues of depth perception that arise because people have 2 eyes

The person best known for formally pioneering the measurement of intellectual ability is

David Wechsler


Demonstrating a behavior to imitate a behavior that was previously ob- served


Perception of higher-pitched sounds that is a result of the location on the basilar membrane where hair cells are stimulated by sound waves of varying higher frequencies


Disorder may develop when an underlying vuinerability is coupled with stress


Drugs that affect mental processes and that can be used to treat psycho logical disorders


Each individual develops a gender identity by actively processing thoughts and feelings about gender


Expected standards of conduct, which influence behavior


Exposing a client to a stimulus that causes anxiety because it triggers obsessive thoughts and then preventing the clients from engaging in compulsive behavior to reduce that anxiety


Factors that contribute to the development of disordered thoughts, emotions, andlor behaviors


False belets that reflects breaks trom reality

Which of the following is an obsession commonly associated with obsessive compulsive disorder?

Fear of contamination by germs




Finding a goal around an obstacle to reach a goal

Alan always turns the aquarium light on before putting fish food into the tank. After a while, he notices that the fish swim to the top to look for the food as soon as he turns on the light. In this example, the_______ is the unconditioned stimulus.

Fish food


Freudian theory that unconscious forces determine behavior

Which of the following is NOT one of the three major components of attitudes?



How consistently a psychometric test produces similar results each time it is used


How information is presented atfects how that information is perceived and influence decisions


How well a psychometric test measures what it is intended to measure

Which of the following is the strongest evidence that personality has a genetic component?

Identical twins are more similar in personality than nonidentical twins.

Which of the following best describes the foot-in-the-door technique?

If you agree to a small request, you are more likely to comply with a larger request.

Which of the following is true about the myelin sheath that cover the axons of nerve cells?

It facilitates the transmission of electrical impulses.


In sonality explaining traits and other people's underestimate behavior, situations the tendency to overemphasize per-

A researcher believes that there is a relationship between caffeine consumption and physiological arousal. The participants in the study are randomly assigned to either drink a caffeine free beverage or beverage containing 50 grams of caffeine. Participants then completed a survey about how "jittery" they felt. In this experimental study, the amount of caffeine the person consumed is the variable, and the participants who drank the caffeine free beverage were in the group.

Independent; experimental

According to the research of Masters and Johnson, the sexual response cycle includes all of the following stages EXCEPT:



Inteligence that reflects the ability to process information, particularly in novel or complex circumstance


Intelligence that reflects both knowledge gained through experience and the ability to use that knowledge

Sharon, age 60, is talking to her doctor about her slower reaction time and occasional forgetfulness for minor things. Her doctor is mostly like due to which of the following?

It is normal and has been going on since her 20's.

How does the humanistic approach differ from earlier psychological perspectives, such as psychoanalysis and behaviorism?

It provides a more optimistic view of human nature.

A cognitive-behavior therapist is LEAST likely to be successful in helping which of the following clients?

Jan, who believes she is being followed by people from another planet

Who is likely to benefit the most from electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)?

John, who has severe major depressive disorder

Which of the following would be an example of crystallized intelligence?

Jordan can easily recite the name of every state and their capitals.

According to the textbook, "friendly skepticism" is an important aspect in the type of reasoning called:

Ko being open to new ideas, while also being careful before accepting them.

________is the systematic, relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience.



Learning conditional that stimulus occurs when stimuli that conditional are similar but not identical to the produce the response

Operant Conditioning

Learning process is to be in which an consequences determine how likely an action performed in the action's future


Learning that takes place in the absence of reinforcement


Learning the consequences of an action by watching others being rein- forced or punished for performing the action


Learning to differentiate between 2 similar stimuli when only one of them is consistently associated with the unconditional stimulus




Mental representations that have some of the physical characteristics of objects


Mental structures-collection of ideas, prior knowledge. and experiences- that help organize information and guide thought and behavion

Mikhail's parents smile and cheer approvingly whenever Mikhail plays contact sports with his friends. However, his parents yell at him whenever Mikhaill plays with his sister's dolls. In this example, Mikhail's gender role socialization is being influenced by:

Operant conditioning


Mood disorder: alternating periods of extremely depressed and mildly ele vated moods


Mood disorder: extremely depressed moods or a loss of interest in normal- ly pleasurable activities, that persists for two weeks or more


Mood disorder: extremely elevated moods during manic episode


Mood disorder: midly or moderately depressed moods, that persists for at least 2 weeks


Negative feelings, opinions, and beliets associated with a stereotype

________in operant conditioning occurs when the frequency of a behavior increases because it is followed by the removal of something undesirable.

Negative reinforcement

Mark douses himself with cologne while getting ready for a date. Just before he picks up his date, he realizes he can no longer notice his cologne's smell, so he douses himself again. This scenario is an example of:

O sensory adaptation


Perception of lower-pitched sounds that results from the timing of firing nerve when the basilar membrane vibrates from sound wa of the lower auditory frequencies

In what ways does persistent depressive disorder (PDD) differ from major depressive disorder (MDD)?

PDD symptoms are less intense but the duration of the depressed mood is longer


Part of coping: decide how to mange and respond to a stresstul stimulus


Part of coping: making decisions about whether whether a stimulus in stressful or not

Alyssa and Amara's first year together was intense and arousing. However, their desire for each other has since declined and neither is satisfied. Ultimately, they decide to end their relationship. Alyssa and Amara's relationship had_______ love, but did NOT have______ love.

Passionate; companionate


People evaluations of objects, of events, or of ideas

What is the difference between dissociative identity disorder (DID) and schizophrenia?

People with DID have multiple distinct personalities, while people with schizophrenia occasionally lose touch with reality.

According to your textbook, a large number of studies have examined the relationship between attitude and health. What type of relationships have these studies all shown between people's attitudes and their health?

People with positive attitudes are healthier than people with negative attitudes.


People's explanation for why events or actions occur that refer to person's internal characteristics, such as abilties, traits, moods, or efforts


Perception based on knowledge, expectations, or past experiences, which affect the interpretation of sensory information


Perception based on the physical features of the stimulus


Romantic relationship, including intense longing and sexual desire


Satisty the wishes of the D and be responsive to the SUPEREGO

Chantel has an excellent memory and can remember every mathematical formula she has ever encountered. Despite her near perfect memory, she sometimes has trouble with daily tasks such as cooking and bathing. Chantel likely has:

Savant syndrome


Schemas that allow for easy, tast processing of intormation about people, events, or objects, based on their membership in particular groups


Sensory receptors in skin, musciles, organs, and membranes around the both bones and joints: these unmyelinated fibers slowly convey intense sensory input to the brain, where it perceive as chronic, dul, steady pain


Sensory receptors in skin, musclies, organs, and membranes around both bones and joints; these myelinated fibers quickly convey intense sensory input to the brain, where it is perceived as sharp, immediate pain


Sensory receptors in the cochlea that detect and transduce sound waw into meaningul signals


Sensory receptors in the retina respond best to higher levels of lumination. and are responsible for seeing color and fine details


Sensory receptors in the retina respond best to low levels of ilumination (lights), and do not support color vision and seeing fine detail


Sensory receptors in the skin that detect tactile information and transduce it into information processed in the brain as different types of pressure on the skin


Sensory receptors in the skin that detect the temperature of stimuli and transduce it into information processed in the brain as cold


Sensory receptors in the skin that detect the temperature of stimuli and transduce it into information processed in the brain as warmth


Sexual orientation, a person attracted to people of another sex


Sexual orientation, a person attracted to people of the same sex


Sexual orientation, a person does not experience sexual attraction but may experience emotional andlor romantic attraction

_________is an operant-conditioning procedure in which successive approximations of a desired response are reinforced)



Studying personalities that emphasize self-actualization, where people seek to fulfil their potential through greater self-understanding


Studying personality based in people's characteristics, their tendencies to act in a certain way over time and across most situations


Studying personality that recognize the influence of how people think


Subtle forms prejudice that coexist with the rejection of racist beliets


Symptoms of delusions, schizophrenia halucinations, that are and marked by excesses such as disorganized speech in or functioning. behavior


Symptoms of schizophrenia that are as apathy, lack o emotion, slowed speech, marked by deficits in and slowed movement functioning, such

When you go to your therapist in an attempt to overcome your fear of heights, she asks you to lie on a couch and relax while you imagine slowly climbing up the steps of a ladder. By having you progressively relax while imagining a stressful stimulus, she is using

Systematic desensitization

Both males and females have sex glands referred to as gonads. In males, the gonads________ are and in females, they are________

Testes; ovaries about half


The ability to direct mental resources to relevant information in order to process that information further, while also ignorant irrelevant informati


The ability to use knowiedge to reason, make decisions, make sense of understand complex ideas, learn quickly, and adapt events, to solve environmental problems, challenges


The acquisition or moditication of a behavior after exposure to at least one performance of that behavior


The act of accessing information when it is needed


The act of providing help when it is needed, with no apparent reward for doing so


The active and conscious effort to change an attitude through the trans- mission of a message


The adjustable, transparent structure behind the pupil: focuses light on the retina, resulting a crisp visual image


The alone tendency for people to work less hard in a group than when working


The altering of your own behaviors and opinions to match those of other people or to match other people's expectations

natural selection

The basis of evolution; the idea that those who inherit characteristics that help them adapt to their particular environments have a selective advantage over those who do not.


The beliefs, values, rules, and customs that exist within a group of people who share a common language and environment and that are transmitted through learning from one generation to the next.


The failure to ofter help to people in need


The female gonads (sex glands), release the sex hormones and produce the cells that females use for sexxual reproduction-eggs


The organization, and interpretation of sensory representation signals in the brain: these processing, processes result in an internal neutral of the physical stimulus


The gradual formation of an association between conditional and uncondi- tional stimul

Partial-Reinforcement extinction efect

The greater pesistence of behavior under partial reinforcement than under continuous reintorcement

psychoanalytic theory

The idea that our thoughts and actions are influenced by specific unconscious forces.


The idea that people have 3 types of intelligence: analytical, creative, and practical


The idea that people have many different types of intelligence that are in- dependent of one another


The idea that people leam culture-specific expectations about gender roles passively, through exposure to social information in the environment

Gestalt theory

The idea that the whole of personal experience is different from simply the sum of its parts.


The immediate experience of the self in the here and now


The inappropriate and unjustified treatment of people based on the groups they belong to


The increase in liking due to repeated exposure


The increase in liking due to repeated exposure


The later nervous retrieval system's ablity to obtain and retain information and skils for


The male gonads (sex glands), release the sex hormones and produce the cells that males use for sexual reproduction-sperm


The mental manipulation of representations of information we encounter in our environments


The physical aspects of a person's sex


The positions, characteristics, and interests that are considered normal and are expected for boys/mens or for giriswomen in a particular culture: this social information is stored in each person's gender schemas


The processing of information so it can be stored in the brain


The retention of information in the brain over time


The sense organs' detection of external physical stimulus and transmission of information about this stimulus to the brain


The smallest amount of physical stimulation required to detect a sensory input half of the time t is present


The social, cultural, and psychological aspects of masculinity and feminini - ty


The study of strengths and virtues that allow people and communities to thrive


The tendency to agree to do things requested by others


The theory that behavior is determined more by situations than by person- ality traits


The theory that one common factor underlines intelligence


The thin inner surface of the back of the eyebal, containing the sensory receptors


The thoughts and feelings that make up a person's sense of being a boy! man gender or a schemas girlwoman. This cognitive information is stored in each person's


Therapy anxiety-producing stimuli techniques: or situations involving while exposing having a client the to client relax increasingly at the same time


Therapy technique: involving fear producing stimulus or situation and repeatedly has the exposing goal of a reducing client to the an cient's anxiety


Therapy treatment for antisocial personality disorder (APD): a therapist helps the client leam to associate certain behaviors with specific desirable outcomes


Therapy treatment for antisocial personality disorder (APD): a therapist helps the client leam to associate certain behaviors with specitic desirable


Therapy treatment for borderline personality disorder: combining behas therapy, cognitive therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and a mindfuiness proach

When a person is described as transgender, what does this mean?

They have a gender identity that is not the same as their biological sex.


Thinking about a problem in a new way in order to solve it

According to research, which of these people is LEAST likely to be sexually aroused by erotic photographs of women?

Thomas, a homosexual man

In the context of the pathways in the nervous system, efferent nerves carry information

V out of the brain and spinal cord to other areas of the body.


Treatment cognitive for therapy psychological and behavior disorders: a therapy therapist to correct incorporates faulty thinking techniques and maladaptive behaviors


Treatment for depressive disorder with seasonal pattem-seasonal affec- tive disorder (SAD)-through which the dient is exposed to high-intensity light each day


Treatment for psychological disorders is based on medical approaches to ilness and to disease


Treatment for psychological disorders: a therapist works with a clients to help them develop their full potential for personal growth through greater insight


Treatment for psychological disorders: a therapist works with clients to help them change distorted thought patterns


Treatment for psychological disorders: a therapist works with clients to help them gain insight about how their unconscious processes may be causing inner confict and impairing daly functioning


Treatment for psychological disorders: a therapist works with clients to help them overcome their paychological problems and disorders

Classical Conditioning

Unconditional stimulus, response, neutral stimulus, conditional stimulus and response


Unconscious and operates based on pleasure principle


Unconscious mental strategies that the mind uses to protect itself from dis- tress


Using information to determine ifa conclusion is valid

When you hear phone number and are able to recall it for about 20 or 30 seconds, the phone number is thought to reside within______ memory


The 23rd chromosome pair determines biological sex. In females, the chromosomes are while in males, the chromosomes are


You are walking through the jungle and you see a huge snake. Which of the following explanations best represents the James-Lange theory of emotion?

You are afraid because you are shaking.

Isabelle always believed she was a pretty calm person. Other people, however, think of her as somewhat neurotic. According to research, who would give the most accurate description of Isabelle's personality?

a close friend, who she sees daily

The psychological disorder that is probably LEAST disruptive to daily life is______ because_____

a specific phobia; the feared object or situation can often be avoided

What key feature helps us tell the difference between a genuine smile and a fake smile?

a) a small crinkle appears at the corners of the eyes

Which is NOT one of the neurotransmitters known to be implicated in mood disorders?


Frank blames his poor performance on a recent math exam on the professor for creating an impossible exam instead of on himself for not studying. Frank's reasoning illustrates the:

actor/observer bias

Halley is prescribed antianxiety medications for her anxiety disorder. Which of the following side-effects should she be most concerned about developing with this type of medication?

addiction to the medication

Which type of exercise is especially good at increasing heart rate and breathing, and which lowers blood pressure and strengtheng the heart and lungs?


Scientists developed a new drug called HAP-E, HAP-E mimics the effects of serotonin by binding with serotonin receptor sites on the postsynaptic neuron, HAP-E would be classified as aln):


General adaptation syndrome (GAS) proposes three levels of stress resistance. Which of the following lists the correct order of stages?


It is not uncommon for us to hold stereotypes toward people. The main advantage of forming a stereotype is that it_________ The main disadvantage is that it________

allows for rapid mehtal processing: can potentially lead to errors

Which brain region processes the emotional significance of stimuli and generates immediate emotional and behavioral reactions?


You are traveling in another country and don't read, write or speak the language, yet you know that the large sign with lightning bolts and a stick figure on the ground is warning you of electrical shock. Which type of representation is being used?


According to Sternberg, your college grades would reflect your_________ intelligence.



and change that stimu- lation Detect into physical information stimulation from the external that can be processed by world brain

When Billy meets with his therapist, he makes statements showing that he likes to manipulate other people, is a good liar, and always needs immediate gratification. Billy's disregard for social norms and the feelings of others means that his therapist is most likely to diagnose him with________ personality disorder.


Flashbulb memories

are almost always highly accurate

Mary and Eric are outside playing one day when Erictooks up and asks, "What's that big bright ball in the sky?" Mary replies that it is the sun. That night, Eric looks out his bedroom window and sees a big, bright ball in the sky. "Look, Mary, it is the sun!" he exclaims. This example shows that Eric has used ______ for his new knowledge.


In contrast to behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy:

attempts to resolve the underlying conflict that causes the maladaptive behavior

Nathan is experiencing both positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia, both of which need to be treated, His psychiatrist is most likely to treat hirm with

atypical antipsychotics.

Evan is in preschool and uses overregularizationiwhen speaking. Which of the following is he most likely to say?

b) "He hitted me with a stick."

Sharon notices that her baby grasps her finger every time she places it in her infant's palm. Which of the following is an explanation for why her baby shows this reflex?

b) It helps babies survive.

Binocular disparity is about

b) different views from each eye.

After many ear infections during childhood, Zach developed damage to the semicircular canals in his inner ear. As a result, he periodically has difficulty standing upright and at times feels he is off balance. Zach is experiencing difficulties.

b. vestibular

Tina believes in John Locke's idea of tabula rasa, When Tina's baby is born, she expects the child will most likely:

be ready to learn new information based on new sensory experiences.

AJ does not like his new little brother, Ben. Whenever Ben is near their mom, AJ begins crying and will throw tantrums until their mom puts Ben down and plays with him. A psychologist consulting on the case suggests that their mom use positive reinforcement every time AJ behaves appropriately around Ben and to ignore his tantrums. This psychologist is likely using which form of treatment?

behavioral therapy

Thoughts and behaviors affect the environment. The environment affects human biology. In turn, biology affects behavior. This description fits the________ model of health psychology.


Mary experiences long periods of time when she feels very depressed. However, she occasionally goes through phases where she is highly focused on her painting and she creates beautiful works that provide a rewarding experience to her. It is most likely that Mary would be diagnosed with ________disorder.

bipolar II

According to the paradox of choice, having some choice is good, and having even more choice

can be frustrating and impair thinking.

Which is the most likely prototype for the concept vehicle?


Your roommate is hostile, very competitive, and pessimistic. On the basis of recent research, which of the following health problems is your roommate most likely to experience later in life?

cardiovascular disease

According to the elaboration likelihood model, persuasion occurs through the __________routes.

central and peripheral

People see the figure () as an oval rather than two separate curving lines. Which Gestalt principle accounts for this outcome?


When a person experiences two or more disorders at the same time it is called


Imagine that you flinch after seeing lightning because in previous instances the lightning is followed by thunder, which scared you. In this scenario, FLINCHING in response to the lightning can be interpreted as being a(n)

conditioned response.

Retrieving information from long-term memory is done by assembling information from various brain locations is best thought of as a process of


Saul believes in the Golden Rule and desperately wants people to view him as a good person. Most likely, he is in which level of moral development?


A major cognitive advance made during the sensorimotor stage is the ability to

create mental representations of objects that are not physically present.

Brandon's parents are concerned that he might have autism, so they ask his pediatrician for signs that they should look out for. According to the doctor's instructions, Brandon's parents should keep an eye out for all of the following EXCEPT

difficuity staying focused.

Hal is a police officer who believes that all elderly people are bad drivers, He issues tickets to a lot of elderly drivers. The way that Hal unfairly targets and punishes elderly drivers is best described as:


Ryan's sister is visiting for Thanksgiving. She always gets on Ryan's nerves, and this year is no exception. While walking the dog after dinner, Ryan may reveal this conflict with his sister unconsciously by being strict with the dog. According to psychodynamic theory, Ryan's behavior is best explained by the ______defense mechanism.


At a college in the United States a female runner was found to have XY sex chromosomes, lack ovaries and a uterus, and have internal testes that produce high levels of testosterone. This runner may be described as being intersex because she

does not clearly fall into the binary of being biologically male or biologically female.

When he misses lunch, Augustus knows he is experiencing a state of deficiency. Pretty soon, he starts to feel hungry and he goes to a deli to eat. Augustus was motivated to eat because he experienced the psychological state called a(n) _________which will reduce his state of deficiency.


To work at Burger Shack, Meghan must memorize all of the menu items. To do this, Meghan thinks about which friend would want to order each item. Meghan is likely to retain the menu items in long-term storage very well because she used

elaborative rehearsal.


electrical Treatment for current to psychological the client's disorders: brain to produce involving a seizure; administering effective a strong in some cases of severe depression


electricity Treatment electrodes for plated in psychological the client's disorders: brain to involving stimulate the passing brain at a certain through fre quency and intensity

Like all psychological theories, psychological treatments need to be validated by using

empirical research.

When you are reading your textbook, your brain changes the words you are reading into a meaningful neural code that it can use. In memory, this proces is called


Panic attacks can produce feelings of all of the following EXCEPT



evaluate information to reach conclusions based on the evidence that is presented.

The best way to think about positive symptoms of schizophrenia that they are_______ whereas negative symptoms are______

excesses of normal behaviors; deficits in normal functioning

You run into your ex-partner at a party and decide to put on your biggest smile even though you hate their guts. However, as the party goes on, you realize that you actually feel happy. These results most strongly support the:

facial feedback hypothesis

Ty needs help healing his relationships with his children and understanding his parenting role as part of a larger context. Ty would most likely benefit from _______therapy.


The Acme Chemical Company has some employees who work in a production plant and some who work in a sales office. The plant workers get paid every Friday; however, the sales office workers get paid for every fifth sale they make. In this example, the sales office workers are paid on a. schedule.

fixed ratio


for psychological disorders: using a magnetic field to interrupt function Treatment in specitic regions of the brain

Mrs. Carson calls her husband with a list of 12 items for him to buy at the grocery store. Mr. Carson tries to write down the items after he hangs up the phone. It is likely that he will:

forget the items in the middle

Jonathan was in a motorcycle accident and sustained an injury to his hippocampus. He now has anterograde amnesia, which means that he has difficulty

forming new memories.

Gillian bought one set of tools because that brand offered a $10 rebate. The tool company influenced her decision by presenting the information about the rebates. This is a strategy known as


A person who uses a drop of super glue to seal a paper cut on her finger has overcome the obstacle to effective problem solving called

functional fixedness.

Anais finds herself constantly worrying. Sometimes it's about her job, sometimes it's about her family, and sometimes it's about the possibility that something bad will happen at some point in the future. What is most likely Anais's diagnosis?

generalized anxiety disorder

Claude Bouchard found that identical twins have similar weights regardless of whether they are raised together or apart. This study provides evidence for the idea that

genes play an important role in weight gain.

The process by which activities are started, directed, and continued so that physical or psychological needs or wants are met is called


The first time you pick up your pet hamster it recoils in fear, but after a week of handling, your hamster is not bothered anymore. What change came over your hamster through the simple act of handling it repeatedly?


On his way to get an afternoon snack, Jed walks by a billboard advertising hamburgers. He had Intended to order an ice cream cone but instead orders french fries. According to the spreading activation model, the hamburger made Jed want french fries because:

hamburgers activated the nodes for french fries.


he tendency for people to take personal credt for success but blame fail- ure on external factors

Someone who is in a manic episode is likely to experience all of the following EXCEPT

hearing voices that aren't really there.

Elianna watches a YouTube video of a skateboarder failing to complete a risky jump and landing in a painful position. She winces and says "Ouch, that hurts" when she watches. Elianna can feel the skateboarder's pain because

her mirror neurons are active.

Daniel Kahneman, a psychologist, won a Nobel Prize in Economics for his work on which topic?

heuristics and biases

You have gone to the university's counseling center. There, you encounter a therapist who does not pass judgment on your behavior. Rather, he encourages you to talk about your experiences, and he often repeats back to you what you have just said. This therapist is most likely using

humanistic therapy.

Tom was hungry, so he went to a fast-food restaurant. He did not have any money, so when a young girl left her burger unattended, Tom quickly grabbed her burger and left. According to the psychodynamic theory of personality, his actions were most likely driven by his


Ken wants a new music album but does not want to buy it. He knows that he can download it for free but that doing so is illegal. Or he can buy just a few tracks online. Ken wants to steal the music but knows it is wrong. According to psychodynamic theory, Ken has a conflict between his_______ . and_______

id; superego

A client presents to therapy with the belief that he is not loveable. He also believes that he will never have a relationship. How would a cognitive therapist treat the client's concerns?

identify the errors in his thinking and challenge the accuracy of his beliefs

When you make a downward comparison, it will typically______ self-esteem.

increase your own

Your school requires you to change your email password every 3 months. Now, when you try to remember the new password, you can only remember the old one. This effect is most likely due to


Suppose you know you can successfully get into medical school. You think, "All I have to do is figure out how other people got in, select the strategies I can use, and implement my plan." You appear to have a(n). _______locus of control.


One limitation of biological therapies in treating psychological disorders is that:

is that: success may require long-term treatment.


is the scientific study of the mind (mental activity), behavior (actions that result from sensing and interpreting information), and the brain processes underlying these.


place maladaptive behaviors with disorders: adaptive ones Treatment for psychological a therapist works with clients to re-

Professor Smith refuses to learn his students' names because he believes the names will take up space in his memory that he needs to store research-related information. Professor Smith's belief about his memory is INCORRECT because

long-term storage holds virtually unlimited amounts of information.

During the famous experiment with "Little Albert," Albert learned to fear rats when researchers used classical conditioning and presented a:

loud sound as the unconditioned stimulus.

In the auditory system,_____ is the perception of a sound wave's amplitude.


In the nervous system, each neuron communicates with

many other neurons in an organized network.

Zarina is talking to spirits that no one else can see. She sometimes "channels" the spirits so they can talk with living people. Based on this information, Zarina

may be acting normally, depending on her cultural background and beliefs.


memory for personal facts or loss of conscious Psychological awareness disorder: for a disruptions period of of time


mental age/ chronological age x 100

Toby generally feels sad and pessimistic. Today, however, he received an award for his academic performance, and Toby is feeling incredibly optimistic and exuberant. Toby's usual sadness and pessimism are aln) __________: his current optimism and exuberance are a(n)________

mood; emotion

According to research on gender differences in personality, men tend to be _______than women.

more assertive

Having child clean the bathrooms for bad behavior is a form of:

positive punishment

A cell that conducts electrochemical signals and is the basic unit of the nervous system called a:


Stanley Milgram's experiment illustrated the phenomenon of:



of the how to solve a problem after a period of either A inaction sudden or thinking understanding about problem

Gender identity is best understood as being ________. and sexual orientation is best understood as being_________

on a continuum; on a continuum

Nearly everyone sometimes experiences periods of sadness or of feeling down or depressed. However, these feelings, although common, are not likely to be diagnosed as depression by psychologists. This is because

only lasting episodes of depressed mood that interfere with a person's life and cause significant distress would require a diagnosis and treatment of depression.

Phoebe is an inventor who is creative and good at using everyday items in unusual ways. According to the Big Five model of personality. Phoebe most likely would be high in

openness to experience.

Antoinette is a real risk taker. She loves to skydive, and she can party all night. Benita dislikes risk taking and prefers quieter activities, such as reading and yoga. These contrasting preferences in the rate of physiological activation they experience suggest that Antoinette and Benita differ in their

optimal levels of arousal.


orientation, a person attracted to people of the same sex and an- other Sexual sex

According to Aaron Beck, people with depression frequently have negative thoughts about all of the following EXCEPT

other people.


pecple's tendency to behave in ways that confirm their own expectations or other people's expectations


people's explanation for why events or actions occur that refer to external events, such as the weather, luck, accidents, or other people's actions

Christine was physically assaulted in a subway station on her way home from work. Now whenever she enters a subway station, she experiences unwanted memories about the assault. The continual recurrence of unwanted memories referred to as


The autonomic nervous system regulates the_________ that accompanies different emotions.

physiological arousal

Erin's father used to roller skate as a child but has not skated for many years. When he goes skating with Erin he will most likely remember how to skate due to his________ memory, which is stored in the______

procedural; cerebellum

Positive punishment and negative punishment are similar in that both:

produce a decrease in behavior

Teresa is licensed to provide psychological therapy and biological therapy in every state in the United States. What could be her licensed position?


Which of the following is an example of an intrinsically motivated behavior?

reading a mystery book by your favorite author


relationship, including strong commitment to supporting and car- ing Romantic for a partner

If an intelligence test produces the same score over multiple administrations but does not accurately measure intelligence, then the test is:

reliable but not valid

The Cannon-Bard theory argues that physiological responses and emotional experiences occur:

roughly simultaneously and independently.

When little Billy first meets his new babysitter, Tanya, Billy assumes that Tanya is male because she has short hair and is wearing a football jersey. Billy's mistake was most likely due to a mismatch between his own gender_______ and Tanya's gender_______

schema; expressfon

Information about gender roles and gender identity are a part of a person's cognitive structures that organize information about gender categories. These cognitive structures are called gender:


Some people experience significant depressive symptoms only during the winter months, a disorder informally called

seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

Samantha fills out a questionnaire to assess her personality where she answers questions about her own behaviors and characteristics. Samantha is using aln)_____ measure of personality.


Our memories, beliefs, and generalizations about the self are integrated to make up our


Susan usually does well on her written assignments and she says this is because she works really hard. But when she gets a bad grade on her last written assignment, she says it is because the teacher does not like her. Her explanations show that she is making a

self-serving bias.

As you answer the questions on this test, you are accessing your:

semantic, long-term memory

Hallucinations are to unreal_______ as delusions are to unreal______

sensations; beliefs

Mae has a tumor removed from the frontal lobe of her brain. Which of the following is a possible negative side effect of the surgery?

she will become impulsive and very emotional

Josh is required to complete a group project for his statistics class. He is one of a large number of people in his group. Since there are so many of them working, he is taking it easy and not putting in as much effort as he would if there were fewer people working. John's behavior best illustrates the phenomenon of:

social loafing

The process by which a sound is transformed into a neural signal involves which of the following sequences of transformations?

sound wave, eardrum vibration, pressure wave in the fluid

Common beliefs about people of particular genders based on many people's similar gender schemas are called gender


Shoshanna is hyperactive at school, often having trouble with instructions, sitting still in her seat, and focusing on her schoolwork. Shoshanna is most likely to be treated with a______ such as_____

stimulant; Ritalin

Learning to respond to certain stimuli and not others is called:

stimulus discrimination

You experience a minor disruption that threatens a part of your life. Most likely, you will experience body changes, thoughts, and actions associated with the psychological process of


One difference between anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa involves

the amount of food that is typically consumed,

Last week, Alana saw a television show about a rare, but fatal, virus. Now, she has a runny nose and a fever and thinks she has contracted the virus. Alana's thinking is most likely based on

the availability heuristic.

The failure to offer help to someone observed to be in need when other people are present is referred to as:

the bystander intervention effect.

Environmental facters can influence the development of intelligence. Which of the following is NOT an environmental factor that can influence intelligence?

the number of years the child remains in school

To remember her nine-digit Social Security number, Alyssa uses her working memory to place the numbers into three groups. In addition, each group of three or four digits is easy to remember because it is meaningful. Alyssa's strategy in remembering her Social Security number illustrates

the power of chunking

Gardner and his associates are known for proposing

the theory of multiple intelligences

You are working on a crossword puzzle. Even though you know the answer to a question, you cannot remember the actual word. You remember the shape of the word, the first letter of the word, and other related words and ideas, but you cannot remember the word itself. You are experiencing

the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon.

Regina is mentally manipulating information about how her boyfriend's new jeans fit him. When Regina does this she is

thinking about how he looks in the jeans.

A stressor is any event or stimulus that

threatens an organism and elicits a coping response.

Why do researcchers deceive their participants?

to hide the true nature of the study, so participants don't modify their responses

As Mike gets up to go to his kitchen, the lights go out. Despite not being able to see in his house, he is still able to go to his kitchen. In this scenario, Mike's ability to use his knowledge of the layout of his house to find his way is an example of:

top-down processing

Anita takes a personality test online. The results say she is high on the extraversion dimension of personality and she is likely to be assertive and energetic. The online personality test most likely used the______ approach to personality.


The physical properties of a stimulus are translated into neural impulses in a process called:


Two forms of assodative learning are classical conditioning, in which the organism asociates_________ ,and operant conditioning, in which the organism asociates_________

two or more stimuli; a response and a consequence

Tyson reads a book on best parenting practices that suggests parents should accept and value their children no matter how they behave or what they accomplish. Tyson's book is recommending parenting practices based on

unconditional positive regard.

According to psychoanalytic theory, thoughts and feelings that fall below the threshold of our awareness but can still guide our thoughts and behaviors are part of the


Based on Mary Ainsworth's studies. children did not care if the mother left the room, made little effort to seek contact with her on her return, and treated a stranger in about the same way as the mother.

v avoidant

In the context of the structure of the eye, the area toward the center of the retina that contains only cones is called the

v fovea.

In the context of the organization of the brain, which part of the hindbrain regulates vital functions such as breathing and heart rate?

v medulla

Psychology is the scientific study of:

v the mind and behavior

The class is playing a game of Jeopardy! and it is your turn. "Irl take Approaches to Psychology for $250, The revealed answer is. "Investigates how people grow to become happier and more fulfilled." Just before the buzzer sounds, what will you say?

v. "What is the humanistic approach?"

Becca is at her regular prenatal checkup. The doctor tells her, "The organs are highly developed and now we mainly want the baby to gain weight" Based on this, Becca's baby is currently in the stage of development.

vO fetal

Which dimension in the circumplex model of describing emotions corresponds with how positive or negative an emotion is?


Braxton's friend Shayla is caught cheating on a test and receives an F. Braxton learns the consequences of cheating by watching Shayla be punished for this action. Braxton has learned through

vicarious conditioning.

Doctors finally understood why a child had difficulty sleeping. They discovered that she had a large tumor located in the part of her hindbrain called the

vo a) pons.

Mario is highly afraid of spiders. Which part of the brain would be activated if he were to enter a room that had a lot of spiders?

vo c) amygdala

After cautiously walking home and arriving safely from her late-night class, Selma notices that both her heart rate and breathing slow down. This automatic return to a normal state is due to the activity of her nervous system.

vo parasympathetic nervous system

The sense organs' detection of external physical stimuli is called________, whereas further processing, organizing, and interpreting of those stimuli in the brain is called_______

vo sensation; perception

Ed is 16 months old and can produce two-word sentences like, "Daddy eat!" and "Mama give!" Ed is likely in which stage of language development?

vo telegraphic speech

The brain structure that connects the two hemispheres of the cerebral cortex is called the: O

v• corpus callosum

You are paying close attention to the basketball game on the TV. Suddenly, your roommate talking to someone on the phone about the upcoming psychology exam in the class you both will take distracts you. This conversation most likely captured your attention because it

was personally important.

When men and women are placed under similar levels of stress

women are more likely than men to seek out social support.

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