psychology final exam review

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Which of the following is an altered state of consciousness?


People withdrawing from chronic alcohol use may experience __________ with heavy sweating, restlessness, disorientation, and frightening hallucinations.

delirium tremens

In the context of long-term memory, which of the following statements is true of flashbulb memory?

Stimuli that stand out are preserved in detail in a person's long-term memory.

The capacity of short-term memory is approximately:

about 7 items at one time.

Essay tests are examples of _________ .


The frequency theory notes that for us to perceive lower pitches, _____.

we need to match the frequency of the sound waves with our neural impulses

According to _____, animal magnetism causes a person to be hypnotized .

Franz Mesmer

Which of the following statements is true in the context of classical conditioning?

Reflexes can be learned by association.

The _______ is the part of the nervous system that is involved with sensory and motor neurons.


Jason, while standing on the deck of a ship, is trying to memorize distant landmarks to the harbor entrance; he is trying to create a mental picture of all the names. He is using ________.

a visual code

Episodic memory is also referred to as ________.

autobiographical memory

In every experiment, the ______ is what the researcher is trying to determine has changed or not.

dependent variable

The __________ is a bulge in the hindbrain that lies forward of the medulla and transmits information about body movement.


In the context of operant conditioning, an example of __________ is when you keep posting comments in social media to receive more "likes."


________ are defined as stimuli that increase the frequency of behavior.


Which of the following is true of B. F. Skinner's contribution to behaviorism?

He believed that organisms learn to behave in certain ways because they have been reinforced for doing so.

Which of the following structures of the limbic system is connected with vigilance?

The amygdala.

Behavior that is rewarded by partial reinforcement is ________ resistant to extinction.


Correlations allow us to determine causality.


Behavioral psychologists believe learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior that arises from practice or experience.


Joy and her family moved to a subdivision near a train track. At first, every night at midnight and every afternoon at 5 p.m., Joy could hear the train go by. She thought it would drive her crazy. But after a few weeks, she didn't notice it at all. Joy had become desensitized to the stimulation of the sound of the train.


Melzack's view that neurons in the spine can simultaneously transmit only a limited amount of information, so that stimulation of neurons from many regions can limit the perception of pain in one region is called gate theory of pain.


Most psychologists use the DSM-5 to define a substance abuse disorder as a problem characterized by loss of control over usage, social impairment, risky use, and tolerance and withdrawal symptoms.


Odors trigger firing of receptor neurons in the olfactory membrane high in each nostril.


In the context of the eye, changes in thickness of the lens permit:

a clear image of an object to be projected onto the retina.

The fluid-filled gap between two neurons through which neurotransmitters carry neural impulses is known as the ________.

b. synaptic cleft

When you are taking a test, you are awake and alert. This means that your brain is currently generating _____.

beta wave

Memory that is suggested but not plainly expressed, as illustrated in the things that people do but do not state clearly, is known as ________.

implicit memory

Research that is undertaken primarily because the researcher is interested in a research topic is called:

pure research.

In the context of processes of memory, storage modifies information so that it can be placed in memory.


__________ is a behavior therapy method in which fear-evoking stimuli are presented continuously in the absence of actual harm so that fear responses are extinguished.


__________ was once used as a cure for addiction to morphine.


Chloe has been having a lot of difficulty paying attention at work and sleeping at night. Which of the following structures might be the cause of these issues?

Reticular formation

__________ refers to focusing one's consciousness on a particular stimulus.

Selective attention

Naomi is afraid of dogs. While she is feeling relaxed, her therapist shows her a dog from a distance. The therapist gradually brings the dog closer until Naomi's fear is completely extinguished. In this scenario, which of the following techniques is being used to extinguish Naomi's fear of dogs?

Systematic desensitization

_____ was a founder of the school of functionalism.

William James

In Pavlov's experiments on classical conditioning, salivation of the dog in response to the meat powder is an unlearned or unconditioned response.


The Atkinson-Shiffrin model of stages of memory intends to _________.

determine whether and for how long information is retained in memory

The ________ is the body's system of ductless glands that secrete hormones and release them directly into the bloodstream.

endocrine system

Dr. Mickie studies the perception of sensory stimuli by utilizing signal-detection theory. This theory involves the interaction of physical, _______ and ______ factors.

biological; social

Flooding and counterconditioning are techniques for inducing fears.


Implicit memories involve methods and skills, cognitive and physical, and are also referred to as ________.

procedural memories

Every morning, Jaclyn's parents watch for the school bus to arrive. They repeatedly are looking out the window to see if the bus has arrived. This schedule is a __________.

variable-interval schedule

The__________states that in response to sound waves of frequencies between a few hundred and 4,000 cycles per second, groups of neurons take turns firing to transmit sensory information about pitches.

volley principle

The method of savings was devised by Ebbinghaus in order to study the efficiency of recall.


Which of the following statements is true in the context of taste aversions?

In taste aversion, the unconditioned stimulus can occur hours after the conditioned stimulus.

Which of the following techniques relies on subtle shifts in blood flow to create a brain scan?

Magnetic resonance imaging

_________ is the process by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved.


_____ is a monocular cue for depth based on the coming together of parallel lines as they recede into the distance.


Which of the following is true of the humanistic-existential perspective?

It views people as free to choose and as being responsible for choosing their own behavior.

The __________ is the tendency to recall more accurately the first and last items in a series.

serial-position effect

Whenever we receive really painful cuts or bruises, neurons located in that area of our body transmit very large and intense impulses.


Monozygotic twins share _______ of their genes.

100 percent

Nasreen and her brother Abdellah have a genetic overlap of ______ percent.


Amy and George were practicing a song for a cultural program. Their music teacher insisted that Amy sing the verses in a high pitch. Which of the following could be a reason for the music teacher's decision to select Amy for the high pitch sounds and not George?

A woman's vocal cords are usually shorter and vibrate at a greater frequency.

Kendall is left-handed. Which of the following statements is true of her handedness?

Being left-handed was once seen as a deficiency.

What similarity did Wilhelm Wundt share with Aristotle?

Both saw the mind as a natural event that could be studied scientifically, like light and heat.

__________ is the first stage of information processing.


Which of the following statements is true of psychoanalysis?

It aims to help patients find socially acceptable ways of expressing wishes and gratifying needs.

Which of the following statements is true of applied research?

It is designed to find solutions to specific personal or social problems.

These neurons fire when an animal observes the behavior of another animal and that behavior stimulates imitative behavior in the first animal.

Mirror neurons

Which of the following is a secondary reinforcer?


Which of the following statements is true of prospective memory?

Moods and attitudes affect prospective memory.

At the start of the exam Bobbi did not notice any distracting sounds. As time passed she became more and more aware of the ticking clock on the wall. What is this an example of?

Sensory adaptation

________ is the type or stage of memory that can hold information for up to a minute or so after the trace of the stimulus decays.

Short-term memory

Sleepwalking typically occurs during:

Stage 4

Which of the following statements is true of stimulants?

They increase the activity of the nervous system.

In a study by Elizabeth Loftus, subjects watched a film of an automobile accident, then answered a series of questions, including one asking them to estimate the speed of the cars. What factor affected the subjects' estimate of how fast the cars in the film were traveling?

Whether the words used in the question suggested greater speeds (e.g. contacted vs. smashed).

Retrograde amnesia stems from incomplete myelination of brain pathways during the first few years of a child's development process, contributing to the inefficiency of information processing and memory formation.


In a variable-interval schedule, reinforcement is provided after a _________.

fixed amount of time has passed

Joe is a web content writer. He gets paid $100 for every five articles he publishes. In this scenario, Joe's payment is based on the __________ of reinforcement.

fixed-ratio schedule

Caroline is a psychologist who studies how stress induces ailments such as heart problems and headaches. Some of her clients are smokers, and she is helping them quit smoking. She also suggests lifestyle changes to her clients to help them reduce and cope with stress. Caroline can best be described as a(n) _______.

health psychologist

Raoul is one of the best football players in Newborn Warriors. However, his stamina has been reducing and he has been unable to sustain an entire game due to his habit of smoking cigarettes. In order to improve his performance, Raoul is most likely to consult a __________.

health psychologist

Wilhelm Wundt used __________ to try to discover the basic elements of experience.


When Kendall picked up her puppy, she did not realize that he'd gained a pound since the last time she picked him up. This small increase in weight is not big enough to be a

just noticeable difference.

To remember the names of all the countries in Asia, Jennifer is mentally repeating all the names several times. This scenario illustrates __________.

maintenance rehearsal

Circulation of blood is an example of a__________.

nonconscious process

Walda's father is a gardener. She has been watching her father work for many years. She now has her own garden. Though she has never been taught the art of gardening, she is very good at it. In this scenario, Walda acquired gardening skills by the process of ________.

observational learning

B. F. Skinner taught pigeons and other animals to engage in behavior that manipulates the environment. This kind of behavior is called __________.

operant behavior

Selecting just a few aspects of all the environmental information that's being registered is a process that occurs in ________.

sensory memory

The average amount of time it takes to complete each cycle through the stages of NREM sleep and REM sleep lasts about:

90 minutes.

Phoebe recently suffered a major fall in which she sustained brain injuries. Since then, she has had immense difficulty in communicating with others. She appears to understand what others tell her, but her responses are slow and laborious. Her sentences are always incomplete, with important grammatical words missing. Which of the following conditions best reflects Phoebe's case?

Broca's aphasia

__________ is a method of brain imaging that passes a narrow X-ray beam through the head and measures the structures that reflect the beams from various angles, generating a three-dimensional image.

Computerized axial tomography

Which of the following statements is true of shaping?

It reinforces progressive steps toward the behavioral goal.

What role does the somatic nervous system play?

It transmits messages about sights, sounds, smells, and so on, to the central nervous system.

People learning to emit alpha waves through feedback from an electroencephalograph is an example of __________.

biofeedback training

A __________ takes several X-rays to reveal deformities in shape and structure that are connected with blood clots, tumors, and other health problems.

computerized axial tomography scan

As Donna is answering this very question, she is aware of her environment. This awareness is referred to as:


Derris is a research assistant in Dr. Smith's psychology lab. When the participant asked him what the conditions of the study were, Derris replied, "I do not know.' This is an example of a _______ study.


The audience was very impressed by the singer's ability to hit the high and low notes. This most closely refers to __________.


Julie's research work requires her to interview a sample of 200 people within two months. She needs to gather data about the sample group's attitude toward certain situations through a questionnaire, but she has limited time to gather the information. Which of the following methods should Julie use to gather the required information?

The survey method.

Which of the following structures contains the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which stimulates the pineal gland to decrease the output of melatonin in the human body?

The hypothalamus.

While Ebony was playing a video game and trying to keep her character alive, she started to become anxious, causing her pulse to increase. Which hormone was responsible for this reaction?


__________ is a classical conditioning procedure in which a previously neutral stimulus comes to elicit the response brought forth by a conditioned stimulus by being paired repeatedly with that conditioned stimulus.

Higher-order conditioning

__________ is the recurrence of an extinguished response as a function of the passage of time.

Spontaneous recovery

Direct artificial stimulation of the parietal lobe produces a sense of being touched somewhere on your body.


_____ is the process by which we organize or make sense of the sensory impressions caused by the light that strikes our eyes.

Visual perception

Which of the following is true of Weber's constant?

Weber's constant for light is inaccurate when extremely bright or dull lights are compared.

It seems like every day you experience a decrease in your mental alertness around 2 or 3 o'clock each afternoon. This daily occurrence in your mental alertness is an example of:

a circadian rhythm.

Since 15 percent of a university is comprised of Asian-American students, a sample for a study was chosen in such way that it, too, consisted of 15 percent Asian Americans. This kind of sample would be an example of a __________.

stratified sample

Active touching means continuously moving your hand along the surface of an object so that you continue to receive sensory input from the object.


As opposed to a dependent variable, an independent variable is manipulated by the experimenters so that its effects may be determined.


People with frequent nightmares are more likely than others to have anxiety, depression, and other psychological problems.


Physicians frequently prescribe stimulants in an effort to help hyperactive children control their behavior.


Researchers historically agreed on four primary taste qualities: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter.


__________tells us whether we are falling and provides cues to whether our body is changing speed.

The vestibular sense

According to Arne Öhman and Susan Mineka, humans are not biologically prepared by evolutionary forces to develop fears of any kind.


According to the ethical guidelines of the American Psychological Association, animals cannot be harmed under any circumstance while conducting research.


Retinal disparity causes feelings of tension in the eye muscles and provides a binocular cue for depth.


Which of the following is true of Aristotle's contribution to psychology?

He argued that human behavior is subject to rules and laws.

Why do the two lines in the Müller-Lyer illusion appear to be of different lengths even though they are the same length?

Due to the principles of perceptual organization.

Short-term memory is also known as semantic memory.


The levels-of-processing model of memory holds that memories tend to wane when information is processed deeply.


Women who smoke show increased bone density.


Your memory of the alphabet or the multiplication tables is the result of a great deal of repetition that makes associations automatic, a phenomenon that psychologists refer to as retrospective memory.


__________ is defined as a simple form of learning in which an organism learns to engage in certain behavior because of the effects of that behavior.

Operant conditioning

Which of the following is a goal of psychology?

To explain behavior and mental processes.

Humans can detect the odor of 1 one-millionth of a milligram of vanilla in a liter of air.


Children who watch violent shows may act less aggressively when they are informed that the:

apparently aggressive behaviors they watch reflect camera tricks, special effects, and stunts.

Some researchers consider the __________ to be the "executive center" of the brain, where decisions are made to keep information in working memory and to solve problems.

prefrontal cortex

Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which the air passages are obstructed.


Which of the following statements is true about retroactive interference?

It is the interference of new learning with the ability to retrieve material learned previously.

In the context of prospective memory, which of the following scenarios depict event-based tasks?

Rochelle feeds her cat every morning before leaving for work and cleans its litter box after getting back from work.

Which of the following causes Down syndrome?

The presence of an extra chromosome on the 21st pair.

Which of the following statements is true of a neural impulse?

The process by which a neural impulse travels is electrochemical.

Which of the following senses is dominant in human beings?


According to the psychoanalytic approach, a good majority of what influences our behavior is:

an emphasis on unconscious ideas and impulses that originate in childhood conflicts.

Brandon is a psychologist who is studying the relationship between heredity and mood disorders. He strongly believes that behavior and mental processes have a connection with the brain, hormones, heredity, and evolution. Brandon's beliefs are most consistent with the _____ perspective.


According to the biological perspective of psychology, __________ interact with inherited factors to determine specific behavior and mental processes.

environmental factors

A(n) __________ is a mental representation of a visual stimulus that is held briefly in sensory memory.


Ned is feeling stressed because of his workload at the office. He is also experiencing insomnia with rapid weight loss. Ned's condition is an example of a __________ correlation.


Sara is a pregnant woman who is well past her due date, which was three weeks ago. The doctors decide that they must induce labor in Sara and inject her with _______.


Justin is teaching young children to play soccer. Each time they make a good move, he praises them.. In this scenario, Justin is training the children by _________.


Causes of __________ include anatomical deformities that clog the air passageways, such as a thick palate, and problems in the breathing centers in the brain.

sleep apnea

Visual stimuli can be flashed too briefly, below our absolute threshold for conscious perception, to enable us to process them. This is an example of__________.

subliminal stimulation

In 2017, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine stated that the use of marijuana benefited all of the following EXCEPT

treatment of stress.

The strength, or energy, of brain waves is expressed in _______.


Messages from the brain or spinal cord are transmitted to muscles or glands through _______.

motor neurons

_____ is the tendency to perceive an object as being just as luminous even though lighting conditions change its intensity.

Brightness constancy

Which of the following is not necessarily a part of the scientific method?

Calculating correlations.

Mindfulness meditation (MM) provides clients with techniques they can use to attain spiritual enlightenment.


Neurons carry messages from the axon terminals through the axon to the dendrites.


Which of the following is true of feature detectors?

They refer to neurons that fire in response to specific features of sensory stimuli.

__________ is the simplified form of meditation brought to the United States by the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and is used as a method for coping with stress.

Transcendental meditation

The part of the electro-magnetic spectrum that stimulates the eye and produces visual sensations is called visible light.


Psychologists with a __________ perspective are most likely to explore how individuals find meaning in their lives and seek personal growth.


Dr. Kennett is a neurologist who is conducting research using brain scans. He wants to study pictures of his subjects' brains while they are speaking or using a language. These pictures will help Dr. Kennett understand the parts of the brain that are being used to speak and the other processes that occur simultaneously in the brain. Based on the nature of study, it would be most suitable for Dr. Kennett to use _______.

functional magnetic resonance imaging

Older adults are more likely than younger adults to have insomnia because of a:

greater incidence of poor health and pain

According to Sigmund Freud, hypnotized adults:

permit themselves to return to childish modes of responding.

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