Psychology Final pt 4

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gamma knife surgery

In the context of psychosurgery, in__________, physicians beam streams of radiation deep into the skull, destroying spots of tissue believed to be overactive in severe obsessive-compulsive disorder. a. prefrontal lobotomy b. electroconvulsive therapy c. gamma knife surgery d. split-brain surgery

a racing heart

Which of the following is a physical symptom of anxiety disorders? a. Inability to sweat b. A pale face c. Low blood pressure d. A racing heart

have the ability to hypothesize

According to Piaget, children in the formal operational stage of cognitive development: a. appreciate the outer environment more than the world of the imagination. b. lack the ability to form attachments. c. have poor depth perception. d. have the ability to hypothesize.

active and directive

Albert Ellis's rational emotive behavior therapy methods are _____. a. nondirective and passive b. directive and passive c. active and directive d. nondirective and active

virtual therapy

Behavior-therapy methods for reducing fears include _____. a. hypnotherapy b. sensitization c. exorcism d. virtual therapy

it stems from a period in human prehistory when many stressors were life threatening

In the context of the general adaptation syndrome, which of the following is true of the fight-or-flight reaction? a. It stems from a period in human prehistory when many stressors were life threatening. b. It involves the slowdown of the heart rate. c. It stems from a sudden lack of sugar in the blood. d. It is accompanied by a deceleration of the respiration rate.

multiple approach-avoidance conflict

In the__________, each of several alternative courses of action has pluses and minuses. a. multiple approach-avoidance conflict b. case of homeostasis c. case of eustress d. approach-approach conflict

climacteric phase

Ophelia is 51 years old. She has begun to experience hot flashes and finds it difficult to sleep at night. More often than not, she finds herself feeling pessimistic and unmotivated. She also has a certain amount of anxiety. Ophelia is most likely experiencing the _____ of middle adulthood. a. identity crisis b. climacteric phase c. personal fable d. objective responsibility

schizotypal personality disorder

People describe Sarah as peculiar. She mixes up random words from different languages and strings them together in rambling sentences. She plays out her fantasy of living in a world made of cotton candy all day. However, she does not suffer from hallucinations or delusions. Sarah is displaying symptoms of _____. a. schizotypal personality disorder b. antisocial personality disorder c. schizoid personality disorder d. illness anxiety disorder

human development involves the transfer of libidinal energy from one erogenous zone to another

Sigmund Freud's theory of psychosexual development states that: a. genuine and consistent love can alleviate the effects of a traumatic childhood. b. human development involves the transfer of libidinal energy from one erogenous zone to another. c. the collective unconscious contains archetypes that reflect the history of humankind. d. unconscious sexual and aggressive impulses are less important than social relationships

acute stress disorder

Terry was molested by her male colleague a week ago. Since then, she has been overwhelmed with feelings of anxiety and helplessness. Her doctor refers to her condition as: a. hoarding disorder. b. panic disorder. c. acute stress disorder. d. bipolar disorder.

formal operational stage

The__________is the final stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development. a. sensorimotor stage b. preoperational stage c. concrete operational stage d. formal operational stage


Viola has just come back from work and is experiencing hunger pangs. She quickly makes a sandwich. Eating this sandwich satisfies her hunger. The return to normal bodily function without hunger pangs is called _____. a. homeostasis b. homeorhesis c. metastasis d. estrus

unconscious sexual impulses are less important than social relationships

Which of the following did Karen Horney's views emphasize? a. Unconscious sexual impulses are less important than social relationships. b. There are only four stages of sexual development in the psychological development of human beings. c. Women should remain at home and care for children. d. Young girls experience penis envy when they discover that boys have a penis.


Which of the following hassles is an example of environmental hassles? a. Noise b. Job dissatisfaction c. Terrorism d. Shopping

traditional psychoanalysis focuses on early childhood experiences, while humanistic therapies focus on what clients are experiencing here and now

Which of the following is a difference between traditional psychoanalysis and humanistic therapies? a. Traditional psychoanalysis focuses on bio-psychological disorders, while humanistic therapies focus on early childhood experiences. b. Traditional psychoanalysis focuses on client-centered therapy, while humanistic therapies focus on the process of transference. c. Traditional psychoanalysis focuses on early childhood experiences, while humanistic therapies focus on what clients are experiencing here and now. d. Traditional psychoanalysis focuses on unconditional positive regard, while humanistic therapies focus on ego analysis.

people whose immune system is damaged may be more likely to develop cancer

Which of the following is true of cancer? a. People who are less prone to anger are more likely to develop cancer than others. b. Cancer is the leading cause of death in the United States. c. People cannot inherit a disposition toward cancer. d. People whose immune system is damaged may be more likely to develop cancer.

it theorizes that reciprocity is a powerful determinant of attraction

Which of the following is true of the attraction-similarity hypothesis? a. It states that people tend to develop romantic relationships with wealthy people. b. It reiterates the popular notion that opposites attract. c. It theorizes that reciprocity is a powerful determinant of attraction. d. It states that marriages are made in heaven.

psychodynamic therapies, based on the thinking of Sigmund Freud, assume that psychological problems reflect early childhood experiences and internal conflicts

Which of the following statements best describes psychodynamic therapies? a. Psychodynamic therapies, based on the thinking of Sigmund Freud, assume that psychological problems reflect early childhood experiences and internal conflicts. b. Psychodynamic therapies involve the use of a controlled environment in which people are reinforced for desired behaviors with tokens (such as poker chips) that may be exchanged for privileges. c. Psychodynamic therapies are a series of painful punishments, strict diet, and tedious exercises that help people with psychological disorders to lead a physically fit life. d. Psychodynamic therapies, based on the thinking of Sigmund Freud, are methods that cleanse the corrupt and insecure minds of people with psychological disorders through exorcism.

humanistic theorists

Which of the following theorists believed that personality is not something people have but rather something they create to give meaning and direction to their lives? a. Sociocultural theorists b. Humanistic theorists c. Freudian theorists d. Cognitive theorists

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