Psychology Module 1-3

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How is psychology defined today?

It is the science of behavior and mental processes. Behaviors anything an organism does an action we can observe and record. Mental processes are internal subjective experiences we infer from behavior like sensations, perceptions, dreams, thoughts, beliefs, and feelings.

Who redefined psychology as "behaviorism"?

John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner

Who was the first woman to receive a PhD in psychology?

Margaret Washburn and 2nd female President of the APA

Who was the first woman to become president of American psychological Association(apa)

Mary Calkins she did the work to earn a Ph. D but was never awarded it since she's a women

What is Humanistic psychology and what two men started this in the 1960s?

Carl Roger and Abram Maslow wanted to focus on human potential for personal growth.

What is natural selection and who pioneer this idea?

Charles Darwin found nature select traits that best enables an organism to survive and reproduce in a particular environment.

What are three key elements of the "scientific attitude"?

Curiosity, Skepticism, and humility

What is psychoanalytic psychology and who was the "major force" behind it?

Sigmund Freud believed or unconscious mind and childhood experiences affect our behavior and the mental defenses we put up.

Critical thinking, informed by science, helps

clear the colored lenses of our biases. For example people tried to disprove the fact that climate change is real. By using multiple facts we can approve or disapprove a theory.

Critical thinking must also consider the _______

credibility of the source by looking at evidence and perspectives.

What is culture? Give some examples of how culture shapes are behavior.

culture is shared ideas and behavior that one generation passes onto the next. Our culture shapes our behavior because it influences our standards of promptness and frankness, our attitudes toward premarital sex, body shapes, to be casual or formal, willingness to make eye Contact, conversational distance, and much more.

Social culture focus

how behavior springs from unconscious drives and conflicts

Cognitive focus

how we can code, process, store, and retrieve information

Behavioral focus

how we learn observable responses

What is cognitive psychology?

how we perceive, process, and remember information. How thinking and emotions are tied in with anxiety, depression, etc.

What is psychometrics?

it is devoted to studying the measurements of our abilities, attitudes, and traits

What is cognitive neuroscience?

it's a mix of cognitive psychology and neuroscience meaning the study the brains activity underlying mental activity.

How does psychology influence modern culture?

knowledge transforms us learning about the solar System and the germ theory of disease alters the way people think and act. Learning about psychology's findings also changes people they are less often to judge psychological disorders or moral failings, judge women as mens mental inferiors, and view children as wild beasts.

What is behaviorism?

observing behavior as conditioned to or as they respond to and learn about situations.

What is empiricism?

what we know comes from experience, observation, and experimentation which enables scientific knowledge

School psychologist

assess children in educational settings. they diagnose and treat cognitive, social, and emotional problems that may negatively influence a child's learning or overall functioning at school.

What is critical thinking?

examining assumptions, appraises the source, discerns hidden biases, evaluates evidence, and assesses conclusions. They ask How do they know that? What is this person's agenda? IS the conclusion based on anecdote, or on evidence? Does the evidence justify a cause-effect conclusion? What alternative explanations are possible?

What is positive psychology?

happiness comes from a pleasant, engaged, and meaningful life. So, positive psychology uses scientific methods to explore the building of a "good life" that engages our skills and a "meaningful life" that points beyond ourselves.

The first "Experiment " in psychology is attributed to Wilhelm Wundt. Describe what happened

he had a machine that measured how long it took for people to press a telegraph key after hearing a ball hit a platform. 1/10th of a second to hear it 2/10ths when consciously aware what it was. He did this to measure the "atoms of the mind "

Humanistic focus

how are you achieve personal growth and self fulfillment

social cultural focus

how behavior and thinking vary across situation and culture

Biological focus

how the body and brain enable emotions, memories, and sensory experiences; how our genes in our environment influence our individual differences

evolutionary focus

how the natural selection of traits has promoted the survival of genes

Educational psychologists

studies the psychological process in learning and the physical and social environments, and they develop strategies for enhancing the learning process. They may design aptitude and achievement tests.

Experimental psychologists

study basic behavioral processes in humans and other animals. Like their motivation, learning, perception, and language. They take on of specific theoretical perspective like cognitive psychology.

social psychologists

study interactions like beliefs, feelings, and behaviors are affected by and influence other people. They study topics like attitudes, aggression, Prejudice, interpersonal attraction, group behavior, and Leadership.

Psychometric and quantitative psychologists

study math related methods used to acquire psychological knowledge working with Neurocognitive or personality tests or devices. you have to be well trained in research methods, statistics, and computer technology.

Industrial organizational psychologist

study of the relationship between people and their working Environment. They may help increase productivity, improve personal selection, or promote job satisfaction. They watch organizational structures, consumers, and training.

Developmental psychologist

study the changing abilities from womb to tomb. Study age related behavioral changes and applies their scientific knowledge to educational, child care, policy, and related settings. They see how our cognitive, physical, and social psych changes throughout life.

Sports psychologist

study the psychological factors that influence and are influenced by participation in sports and other physical activities. They may teach, coach, and help with athlete's preparation.

Forensic psychologist

they apply psychological principles to legal issues. They research law and psychology and help create public policies related to Mental Health, they help law enforcement and criminal investigations, and consult a jury selection and deliberation processes. they also provide assessment to assist the legal community.

counseling psychologist

they help people adjust to life or help them make Lifestyle Changes. They use therapy and assessments to figure out a person's strong suits to help them.

What is John Locke referring to when he calls the mind a tabula rasa?

A blank slate at birth

What were the beliefs of Rene Descartes in terms of the relationship between mind and body?

He agreed with Socrates and plato about the mind being "entirely distinct from body" and able to survive its death. He believed the fluid in animals brains were "animal spirits which flowed from the brain through what we call the nerves to the muscles causing movement.

How are Aristotle's ideas different from SoCrates and Plato's?

He derived principals from observation. He believed knowledge is not preexisting instead it grows from the experience stored in our memories. He believed them mind was in the heart.

Describe the nature nurture issue?

The question is do we inherit character and intelligence and certain ideas are inborn like socrates and platos believed or there is nothing in our mind until we experience it like Aristotle believed.

What did the ancient Greek philosophers Socrates and Plato's conclude?

They concluded that mind is separate from body and continues after the body dies, and that knowledge is innate or born within us.

Environmental psychologist

They study the interaction of individuals with their natural and built (Urban) environments. they study how we influence Center affected by these environments.

What is functionalism and who introduced it?

William James wondered why things function the way they do. he thought we got them through adaptation. He studied consciousness and it allows us to consider the past, present, and future.

What is applied research?

a scientific study that claims to solve practical problems. The different subfields are forensic, environmental, health, industrial-organizational, neuropsychologist, Rehabilitation, School, sports, clinical, Community, and Counseling Psychologist.

What does the smart thinker ask?

Does it work? When put to the test, do the data support its predictions? Even if it may seem like a crazy theory it might find support.

What is structuralism and who introduced it?

Edward Titchener he aim to classify and understand the elements of the mind structure. He studied structuralism, introspection, and functionalism


investigate the relationship between neurological processes and behavior. They might assess, diagnose, or treat central nervous system disorders like Alzheimer's or Strokes. They evaluate individuals for head injuries, learning disabilities, psychiatric disorders, and autism.

What is basic research?

it builds psychology is knowledge base there are many different sub fields: cognitive, developmental, educational, experimental, psychometric and quantitative, social psychologists

What is introspection?

it is "looking inward" training them to report elements of their experience as they tested their senses to see how it made them feel.

What is the biopsychosocial approach?

it is a combination of the biological, psychological, and social cultural viewpoints. They are all complementary to each other.

clinical psychologist

promote psychological Health in individuals, groups, and organizations. They may specialize in specific psychological disorders Or treat them. They may teach, assess, console, and research.

Health psychologist

they promote health and disease prevention. They may help design a plan for individuals to live healthier lives. they help them stop smoking, lose weight, improve sleep, manage pain, prevent the spread of STIs, psychological problems, and terminal illnesses.

cognitive psychologist

they study human thinking focusing on perception, language, attention, problem-solving, memory, judgment, decision-making, forgetting, and intelligence

Community psychologist

they work with broad problems in the community. humans are influenced by their environments. They look at Crisis Prevention and preventive measures.

Rehabilitation psychologists.

work with people who lost optimal functioning after an accident, illness, for other event

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