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According to Piaget, the sensorimotor stage of child development is dominated by:

learning to coordinate perception of the self and of the environment with motor activity

The risk of coronary heart disease can be reduced by:

lowering LDL serum cholesterol

Erikson labeled the years of about _____ the stage of industry versus inferiority

6 to 12

stimulus motives

Animals that have just copulated and thereby reduced their primary sex drives often show renewed interest in sex when presented with a novel sex partner. This is an example of _______

extrinsic rewards

Elis is a student in school. Her teacher's appreciation motivates her to study well. she also aims to get into a good university after she graduates from high school. Eli's performance goals seeks to be met through ________

cognitive appraisal theory

In an experiment, Jay and Alissa are injected with the same concentration of a harmless drug. The purpose of the drug is to create arousal in the subjects who are injected. After a while, the arousal manifests as anger in Jay and as happiness in Alissa. Jay felt angry that he was injected with an unknown substance but Alissa was happy to be a part of the experiment. These experimental findings can be explained by the

Which of the following is true of the placenta?

It is connected to the mother by blood vessels in the uterine wall.

_________ is the beginning of menstruation.


In the context of motor development of children, which of the following statements is true of activities like rolling over, sitting up, crawling, creeping, walking, and running?

Most infants engage in these activities in the same sequence

learning goal

Ophelia is in high school. She enjoys studying and does well in school. Her parents encourage her to think and act independently. Whenever she does well in an exam, she feels a sense of self-satisfaction. In this scenario, Ophelia's achievement motivation stems from a _______.

Which of the following is true of cancer?

People whose immune system is damaged may be more likely to develop cancer

control their alcohol intake

People with higher levels of self-efficacy are more likely to _______

In the context of stress and the body, which of the following is true of stress?

Stress can lead to physical health problems

sympathetic nervous system

When watching a horror movie, Mark was frightened by a scene; he reacted by dropping the glass of soda he was holding. This reaction of fright is linked to the _____


Which of the following hormones can heighten the sex drive in women?

According to the general adaptation syndrome, the ________ is first triggered by perception of a stressor.

alarm rection

Many couples who repeatedly break up and reunite recall each other fondly when apart and swear that they could make the relationship work if they got together again. But after they do spend time together, they again wonder, "How could I ever have believed that this so-and-so would change?" This best exemplifies the _________.

approach-avoidance conflict

Unlike Type A people, Type B people:

are less ambitious and less impatient

In the context of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS), the mixture of adrenaline and noradrenaline:

arouses the body by accelerating the heart rate.

According to Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development, toddlers through about the age of three are said to be in the stage of:

autonomy versus shame and doubt

According to Albert Ellis, ________.

believing that we cannot overcome the influences of the past helps us overcome our feelings of helplessness


characterized by excessive eating

According to ethologist Konrad Lorenz, a ________ is a period of time when an instinctive response can be elicited by a particular stimulus

critical period

Mark and Mindy have two daughters. Their older daughter moved to a different city to pursue her graduate studies a few years ago. Recently, their younger daughter also moved to a different country for her undergraduate studies. Now, Mindy is bereft and is unable to figure out what to do with her free time. This scenario best illustrates the ______

empty nest syndrome

Clark Hull's Drive Reduction Theory states

humans learn to engage in behaviors that reduce a state of arousal


individuals are people who are sexually aroused by, and interested in forming romantic relationships with, people of the other gender


individuals or people who are sexually aroused by, and interested in forming romantic relationships with, people of the same gender

Feeling lonely and being socially isolated are examples of _________.

inner concern hassles


involves an inherited disposition to activate specific behavior patterns that enable an organism to reach specific goals

The cessation (stop) of menstruation is called


Cancer is characterized by the development of abnormal, or mutant, cells that may take root anywhere in the body; in the blood, bones, digestive tract, lungs, and sex organs. If their spread is not controlled early, the cancerous cells may _________, that is, establish colonies elsewhere in the body.


According to research done by Bray and Bouchard,

more than two out of three adult Americans are overweight

The _____ is the branch of the autonomic nervous system that is most active during processes that restore reserves of energy to the body

parasympathetic nervous system

cognitive theorists note that:

people represent their worlds mentally

In the context of stress, which of the following is true of humor?

research suggests that humor can moderate the effects of stress

According to Selye's theory, if the alarm reaction mobilizes the body and the related stressor is not removed, we enter the __________ stage of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS). This stage precedes the last stage of GAS.


According to the general adaptation syndrome, the levels of endocrine and sympathetic activity in the ______ are lower than the levels in the alarm reaction but still higher than normal

resistance stage

In the context of prenatal development, the male embryo starts producing androgens, male sex, hormones, by about the:

seventh week

In the context of sexual behavior, vasocongestion is characterized by:

swelling of the genital tissues


the _____ is a pea-sized structure in the brain that is involved in many aspects of motivation, including sex, aggression, and hunger


the state of being satisfied

According to Erik Erikson, ________ is the stage of the intimacy versus isolation.

young adulthood

Richard is 67 years old, His family does not allow him to go anywhere alone because he often forgets his name, address, and the way home. In addition, Richard is unable to follow instructions and do simple chores. Which of the following diseases does Richard most likely have?

Alzheimer's disease

Eugene believes that he can bring about positive changes in his life through his own efforts. Psychologists would say that Eugene

has high self-efficacy expectations

Ever since Michelle failed her biology test, she thinks thats she will never be able to find a job when she eventually graduates. She feels that she will end up homeless. This situation best demonstrates:

irrational beliefs


is an example of a pyschological need

Influenza is caused by a virus. This virus is an example of a broad category of disease-causing organisms called _________.


In the context of Piaget's stage of cognitive development of children, the ____ is characterized by egocentrism.

pre operational stage.

cognitive dissonance theory

According to _______, people are generally motivated to hold consistent belief and to justify their behavior.

self-actualization needs

Alan works in a research laboratory. He owns a house, and he earns enough to sustain himself. He has a large social circle and makes time to meet his friends at least once a week. However, Alan feels that he is capable of much more and can achieve a lot more things. He is striving to bring out the best within himself. In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Alan is trying to fulfill his _______

bulimia nervosa

Alina thinks that she is overweight. She often indulges in binge eating and later forcibly vomits the food. Which eating disorder is Alina most likely suffering from?

The embryo is connected to the placenta by the _____

umbilical cord

In the _________, each of several alternatives courses of action has pluses and minuses.

multiple approach - avoidance conflict

Which of the following is true of people with the Type A behavior pattern?

They attempt to dominate group discussions

Suzanne Kobasa and her colleagues studied business exceutives who seemed able to resist illness despite stress. in one phase of the research, executives completed a battery of psychological tests, and the researchers found that the psychologically hardy executives tended to:

have an external locus of control

ventromedial nucleus

is a central area on the underside of the hypothalamus that appears to function as a stop eating center


is best described as the direction of one's romantic interests and erotic attractions - towards members of one's own anatomic sex, the other anatomic sex, or both

Carole is a healthy teenager. She is able to resist illness despite being severely stressed at times. She believes that change is normal and can face adverse situations well. Psychologists would say that Carole:

is psychologically hardy.

parasympathetic nervous system

is the branch of the autonomic nervous system that is most active during process that restore reserves of energy to the body

sympathetic nervous system

is the branch of the autonomic nervous system that is most active during processes that spend body energy from stored reserves

resolution phase

is the final phase of the sexual response cycle


is the periodic sexual excitement of many female mammals


is the process of propelling semen from the penis


is the swelling of the genital tissues with blood, causing erection of the penis and swelling of the area surrounding the vaginal opening.

Which of the following is true of the evolutionary perspective of motivation?

it states that instinctive behaviors are genetically transmitted

which of the following is true of estrogen production in females?

it stimulates the growth of tissue in the hips

Which of the following statements is true of the hearing capability of newborns?

They can hear well when they are born.

A researcher places a baby in a room with many different objects. Then, he records the amount of time the baby spends looking at any one of the stimulus or object. This shows the baby's visual preference. In this scenario, the researcher is most likely measuring the baby's _______.

fixation time

The _____ is the final stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development.

formal operational stage

The ______ is the first stage of prenatal development, during which the dividing mass of cells has not been implanted in the uterine wall

germinal stage

In the context of hunger, we get signals of satiety from the _______


which of the following is true of drives?

psychology needs for approval, achievement, and belonging give rise to drives

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