Psychology of Aging Midterm (Chapters 1-6)

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A: prefrontal cortex (front/anterior of the brain)

Q: According to the PASA model of neural plasticity and aging, an older adult experiencing declines in the occipital (visual) cortex, located at the back of the brain, could compensate by using more of the ____________ region of the brain.

A: Drink plenty of water

Q: AgeFeed provides which of the following pieces of advice to help people preserve their cognitive functioning?

A: procedural

Q: Although she hasn't made her "famous" recipe for macaroni and cheese in years, your favorite aunt is able to put it together for a pot-luck family gathering without even having to consult her cookbook. This is an example of what type of memory, often preserved in older adults?

A: Planning the steps to needed to prepare a meal (THIS IS A CHAPTER 7 QUESTION. ANSWER COULD BE WRONG.USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!)

Q: An older adult experiencing changes in executive functioning would be affected in which type of everyday task

A: mental activity

Q: Longitudinal research following the Sisters of Notre Dame provided support for which potential protective factor in Alzheimer's disease?

A: interactionist

Q: The concept of niche-picking is most closely associated with which model of development?

A: False

Q:The professor will accept late assignments.

A: 20

Q: By the age of 70, the average person loses _____% aerobic capacity per decade

A: Emphysema

Q: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) includes chronic bronchitis plus which other respiratory disease?

A: cultural norms and expectations

Q: Compared to the life span, the life course emphasizes which factors in development

A: using child-like vocabulary or tone

Q: If you are trying to make yourself heard to an older adult, communication experts recommend that you avoid the mistake of:

A: 29

Q: The World Health Organization estimates that between 1975 and 2016, Americans increased in BMI from 25 to

A: 35%

Q: The rates of physical inactivity for individuals 75 and older are estimated to be:

A: processing resources

Q: According to the General Slowing Hypothesis proposed by Timothy Salthouse, older people perform more slowly on reaction time tasks because they are experience changes in:

A: secondary

Q: A 66-year-old woman moves to Arizona from her hometown in Michigan. She enjoys outdoor activities and especially likes to spend time in the sun. For the last 3 years, she has battled skin cancer but her friends back home (who are less exposed to the sun) have remained cancer-free even though their skin shows signs of aging. The sun-loving woman's cancer is an example of which type of aging?

A: location in higher-income vs. lower-income neighborhoods.

Q: A demonstration of the effect of the environment on health in Whitehall II showed that longevity of London residents varied according to

A: observational

Q: A researcher wishes to study the impact of sidewalk width on how often older adults accidently bump into other people, comparing rush hours with quieter times of day. The best method for completing this study would be:

A: biopsychosocial model

Q: The fact that changes in appearance reflect biological changes, individual identity, and social attitudes toward aging is an example of the:

A:Discussion board entries

Q: Attendance is monitored by:

A: depression

Q: In the disorder known as pseudodementia, an individual's cognitive changes may be the result of:

A: follows a group composed of the same people over time

Q: In a longitudinal study, a researcher uses which type of approach?

A: multiple studies on the same topic

Q: In a meta-analysis, researchers analyze data from which sources?

A: least healthy

Q: In selective attrition, a problem in longitudinal research, the ______ are most likely to drop out of the study prior to the end?

A: rectangle

Q: Highly developed, stable, countries that have nearly equal birth and death rates have an age-sex structure that would resemble which shape?

A: A mathematical score ranging from +1.0 to -1.0.

Q: In a correlational design, the strength of the relationship between two variables is indicated by:

A: True

Q:It is considered cheating if I engage or am a part of a group chat/email chain that shares answers to course assignments.

A: education

Q:Research on the relationship between lifestyle factors and telomere length in healthy older adults suggests that _____________ plays a role, although small, in preserving telomeres:

A: False

Q:The final exam is a cumulative exam.

A:10%; 20%; 50%

Q:What are the correct grade weights that each evaluation category holds?

A: 1) This Quiz 2)Discussion Board 1

Q:What are your first assignments due for this upcoming Sunday ?

A:Write for the sake of writing

Q:What should you not do in discussion boards?


Q: According to the ___________-Fluid-Crystallized-Intelligence model, which personality factor protects older adults against cognitive decline?

A: accommodation

Q: Although you never liked classical music before, after going to a concert in the park, you realize that you actually like it. This example illustrates which process in Piaget's theory?

A: assimilation

Q: An older woman has a serious fall and is told by her health professional that she must wear special shoes. However, she refuses to change her footwear even though this still causes pain, because she prefers to wear styles that are more fashionable. This would be an example of which identity process?

A: rejoining the dating scene.

Q: As reported in AgeFeed, one of the primary reasons that individuals 55 and older seek plastic surgery in 2018 was reported to be:

A: Age differences only appeared on tests involving speed.

Q: As shown in theoretical data on cognition and aging, interindividuality in development is illustrated by the fact that:

A:By 11:59 pm the following Sunday the assignment was given

Q: Assignments are due:

A: keep information actively in mind

Q: Because they have difficulty in working memory, older adults find it more challenging to:


Q: Bilingual older adults appear to have more difficulty than monolinguals in which type of cognitive task?

A: single color displays

Q: Contradicting the inhibitory deficit hypothesis of aging and attention, researchers find that older adults are able to handle information if it is presented in:

A: strains on health care for older adults in developing nations.

Q: Health experts and demographers are concerned about changes in the age distribution of the population causing:

A:functional training

Q: Of the following, the type of exercise most likely to promote cognitive functioning in older adults involves:

A: prospective

Q: Older adults may experience difficulties in ___________ memory, in which they have to remember to complete a task at a certain time in the future.

A: cancer and deep vein thrombosis

Q: Researchers are concerned that hormone therapy for women during and after the menopause might increase the risk of:

A: genetic vairations related to life span

Q: Researchers use the identification of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, or SNP's, in order to study:

A: incidence

Q: The CDC reported in 2019 that 380 new cases of vaping-related lung disease were reported in 38 states of the U.S. This number represents what type of epidemiological statistic?

A: physical inactivity

Q: The behavioral risk factors for chronic diseases in later adulthood include tobacco smoking, unhealthy diet, harmful use of alcohol, and:

A: continuity

Q: The fact that people feel they are the same over time despite the fact that they are constantly undergoing age-related changes is the basis of which principle of adult development and aging?


Q: The fastest growing ethnic minority group in the U.S. of people 65 and older consists of:


Q: The form of amnesia in which people are unable to learn anything new is known as:

A: social

Q: The millennial generation is said to be affected in their development by the increasing availability of smartphone apps that connect them with friends. This set of influences on their development over time is referred to in gerontology as ______ aging.

A: 10-30

Q: The reminiscence bump in long-term memory is most likely to involve ages:

A: congestive heart failure

Q: What is the term for the cardiovascular disease in which the heart does not pump enough blood to meet the needs of the body's organs, causing buildup of fluid in the tissues?

A: psychological workload

Q: Which factor was included in the British study known as Whitehall II as involved in understanding the impact of occupation on health?

A: delirium

Q: Which form of neurocognitive disorder is considered reversible in that, with timely intervention, can be successfully treated?

A: social class

Q: Which of the following is a contextual influence on development?

A: modeling

Q: Which of the following is a recommended type of behavioral method that caregivers can use to their patient with Alzheimer's disease function more effectively?

A: improvement in prenatal care through advances in medicine

Q: Which of the following is likely to be considered a "cohort" or "time of birth" effect on psychological performance?

A: People become more pessimistic in later life.

Q: Which of the following statements from the Age Feed represent a myth?

A: Black/African American males

Q: Which sex and racial/ethnicity group has the highest rates of new cancer cases and deaths per year?

A: Shark

Q: Which species of animal does not get cancer, and is therefore being studied to understand genetic causes of the disease?

A: selective optimization with compensation

Q: Which theoretical model of adult development and aging proposes that people pick and choose the activities in which to invest their time and energies as they get older?

A: Laboratory

Q: Which type of research method in the study of aging would be most appropriate for understanding the impact of speed of presenting stimuli on the accuracy of remembering that information?

A: Mandatory

Q:Attendance is:


Q:How many quizzes will be dropped at the end of the semester?

A: True

Q:I have seen the email template in the syllabus and will follow the template when emailing the professor. I will also email him directly and NOT use the Bb emailing/messaging option. I understand that by not following the prescribed instructions I forfeit my right to having my email answered.


Q: In ______-______ problem solving, you turn the overall problem into main components and then decide on what sub-problems to tackle first

A: families who share genetic risk

Q: In a genome-wide linkage study, genetic researchers use information from _________ to seek links between certain genes and diseases

A: patterned hair loss

Q: In the condition known as androgenic alopecia, middle-aged and older individuals experience:

A: working

Q: Many researchers have observed that older adults have more difficulty with ___________ memory, in which they must hold one item in mind while completing another task

A: test-retest

Q: Measures with high ___________ reliability provide similar results over a brief period of time among the same participants.

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