Psychology Test 2

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Discrimination is a negative _____, whereas prejudice is a negative _____

Behavior; attitude

Nia decides that her free time over the weekend is not as important as the good feelings and joy of giving back to the community. So, she decides to volunteer at the local food bank. This illustrates _____ theory.

social exchange

Kelsie's roommate, Janice, fell asleep about 25 minutes ago. Now, Kelsie needs to awaken her so that they can get to a party on time. Janice is sleeptalking about her boyfriend's dog. When Kelsie begins laughing, Janice wakes up. She was in NREM-_____ sleep.


Achievement motivation is defined as a desire for significant accomplishment, for mastering skills or ideas, for _____, and for attaining a high standard.


Kelly is a Republican and Carlos is a Democrat. Both believe that the members of their political party are more fair-minded and trustworthy than members of any other party. This belief BEST illustrates:

Ingroup bias

After spending years in the ocean, a mature salmon swims up its home river to return to its birthplace. This behavior is an example of a(n):


Jasminder is creative and smart, whereas Gemma tends to take initiative and does better in school. Which woman is most likely the night owl?


Marian was upset because her boss promised her a raise a few weeks ago but gave the raise to Marian's rival instead. Marian told her husband that she believed "what comes around goes around" and that both will "get theirs." Marian's belief illustrates the _____ phenomenon


Katie is creative and smart, whereas Shannon tends to take more initiative and does better in school. Which woman is MOST likely the night owl?


Stewart is creative and smart, whereas Keith tends to take more initiative and does better in school. Which man is MOST likely the morning lark?


Assuming that you have the typical sleep pattern, research shows that the BEST time of the day to exercise is:

Later afternoon

Phylisha dreams that a man with a baseball bat repeatedly gets in and out of a car parked in front of her house. According to Sigmund Freud's theory, the specific dream details that Phylisha remembers are called the _____ content.


_____ arises from the interplay between nature (the bodily "push") and nurture (the "pulls" from human thought processes and culture).


People with this sleep disorder experience periodic, overwhelming sleepiness.


Susan takes medicine to keep her awake and is less likely to fall asleep when laughing loudly or during sex. She MOST likely suffers from:


Cynthia tells her friend that she thinks all African-American men look alike. This demonstrates how:

People often stereotype when categorizing people into groups.

A negative attitude toward another group of people is referred to as _____, and it is based on a mixture of beliefs called _____.

Prejudice; Stereotypes

The jury deliberated on the rape case for more than eight hours. Some of the jurors commented that the rape victim had a history of frequenting various bars and had been dressed provocatively. These jurors said that by looking like that, she had been "asking" to be assaulted. Their opinion is BEST explained in terms of:

The just-world phenomenon

Roger believes that he lost his job as a result of the increase in Mexican immigrants in the United States. He is demonstrating:

The scapegoat theory

Jim just entered high school. After a few weeks, his parents notice that he wants to get some new clothes and change his hairstyle so that he can impress other kids. Jim is MOST likely motivated by _____ needs.

belongingness and love

Jesse, who is attending college in a city far away from home, also does not know any of the other students. According to the principle of proximity, Jesse will be MOST likely to make friends with:

billy, his roommate

Rob is assigned the task of coordinating a fundraiser. He feels the task is a bit above his level of competency, so he will do his best work when he is:

calm and alert

Clay and Madge have been married for over 50 years. They are MOST likely experiencing:

companionate love.

While driving to work, Patrick's car started smoking and broke down on a road with a lot of traffic. His cell phone's battery died so he could not call for help. He was unsuccessful in getting someone to stop to help for more than two hours until a police officer offered assistance. Patrick's difficulty in getting someone to help is an example of ____.

diffusion of responsibility

Lily and Dwayne have been married for 20 years. When asked, Lily indicated that what she most appreciated about their marriage was that they both freely give and receive affection and that they share decision making and household responsibilities. Lily's description is an example of:


Mark is driven to excel at everything he does. He constantly beats everyone at work in reaching the monthly sales quota. Mark seems to be motivated primarily by _____ needs.


The tendency to wear heavier clothes when it's cold and lighter clothes when it's warm is an example of humans trying to maintain:


Some people claim to have been abducted by space aliens. These people commonly recall being floated off their beds shortly after they get into bed. It is most likely that they have incorporated _____ into their memories.

hypnagogic sensations

Serena is only one hour old. Remarkably, when she feels anything touch her cheek, she starts rooting and, when she makes contact with a nipple, sucking. These behaviors are:


Two-thirds of same-sex couples have met:


A central human motivation is:

our affiliation need.

An aroused state of intense positive absorption in another is to _____ love as deep affectionate attachment is to _____ love.

passionate; companionate

Clarissa and Julio are in the same English class and have been assigned to sit next to each other. What will affect their first impression of each other?

physical attractiveness

The mere exposure effect provides one possible explanation for why _____ increases attraction.


Felicia and Marge have been friends for several years. Each Christmas they exchange gifts, which are pretty much equal in value. This BEST demonstrates the ____.

reciprocity norm

Performance on tasks depends on arousal level as well as the type of task. For optimal performance on a difficult task:

relatively low arousal is best

When comparing individuals of similarly high intelligence, one can attribute the success of superstar achievers to their:


Which philosopher referred to human beings as "the social animal"?


The distinction between manifest content and latent content is central to _____ theory of dreams.

Freud's wish-fulfillment

Shortly after learning she did not make it onto her high school's cheerleading squad, Brayden vandalized their locker room and destroyed several of the cheerleaders' uniforms. Her behavior is BEST explained in terms of the _____ principle.


Shortly after learning he did not make it onto his high school football team, Alex vandalized the team's locker room and broke several of the school's windows. His behavior is BEST explained in terms of:

Frustration-aggression Principle

If you gently awaken someone who is in _____ sleep, the person is likely to report being in the middle of an interesting dream.


____ sleep's processing of emotional experiences helps protect against depression.


What might have influenced the 2013 death of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed Black teenager who was shot by a resident in his father's fiancé's community?

Race-influenced perceptions

If you gently awaken someone whose eyelids are closed but whose eyes are darting around, the person is likely to:

Report that they were in the midst of an interesting dream

Studies imply that people exhibit heightened levels of prejudice when they are economically frustrated. This offers support for:

Scapegoat Theory

Which of the following sleep disorders is MOST strongly associated with obesity?

Sleep apnea

Which of the following can be defined as a generalized belief about the characteristics associated with all members of a specific social group, often including qualities that are unrelated to the objective evidence that define the group?


The hormone that is typically implicated in aggressive behavior is


Which of the following BEST describes the findings of research regarding children who frequently play violent video games?

They are more likely to engage in aggressive thoughts and behaviors

during which stage of sleep do vivid dreams commonly occur?

a. NREM-3 b. NREM-2 c. NREM-1 d. REM

the blindsight phenomena provides evidence for which of the following?

a. dual processing b.selective attention c. parallel processing d. inattentional blindness

Mustafa has not slept in days as he is busy cramming for final exams. the effects of his sleep deprivation would likely not include:

a. increased metabolism b. depressed mood c. depressed mood d. trouble concetrating

which sleep disorder is characterized by uncontrollable sleep attacks?

a. insomnia b. sleep apnea c. narccolepsy d. night terrors

Charles can drive with talking to his friend in the passenger's seat without any impairment to his driving. this is an example of:

a. parallel processing b. inattentional blindness c. selective attention. d. the cocktail party effect

Our need to belong is referred to as our _____.

affiliation need

The _____ norm refers to an expectation that people will help those dependent upon them.


The principle that performance increases with arousal only up to a point, beyond which performance decreases is known as:

the Yerkes-Dodson law.

After Mrs. Chanski and her children had helped themselves to free samples of the cookies promoted in the grocery store, she felt obligated to buy some even though they seemed unreasonably expensive. Her reaction BEST illustrates the significance of:

the reciprocity norm.

Sarah regularly donates blood because she once received a life-saving transfusion when she was in a car accident five years ago. Sarah's helping behavior is BEST explained by:

the reciprocity norm.

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