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A young man is having trouble getting along with his roommate. Sometimes, his roommate does not speak for days. On other days, he speaks rapidly without stopping. He is often abrasive and aggressive. The roommate is showing symptoms of

bipolar disorder

Jamar, a high school student, is looking up the profiles of various colleges to make a decision about which one he wants to attend. Being a confident person, he believes that he will do well at a prestigious university. According to social cognitive theorists, his belief in his success is called

self-efficacy expectations

Which of the following is the correct order of Piaget's stages of cognitive development?

sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational

Which of the following people is most likely to be diagnosed with depression?

A 30-year-old single mother

Which of the following disorders is typically characterized by feelings of anxiety and helplessness that are caused by a traumatic event?

Acute stress disorder

The progressive form of mental deterioration characterized by loss of memory, language, problem solving, and other cognitive functions is indicative of

Alzheimer's disease

Which of the following is true of Carl Jung's psychodynamic theory, analytical psychology?

It emphasizes the collective unconscious and archetypes.

Which one of the following is a criticism of Freud's psychoanalytic theory?

It was too vague to scientifically measure the psychic structures.

In the context of motor development of children, which of the following statements is true of activities like rolling over, sitting up, crawling, creeping, walking, and running?

Most infants engage in these activities in the same sequence.

Tests whose items must be answered in a specified, limited manner; tests whose items have concrete answers that are considered correct.

Objective tests

Which of the following is a focus of the psychodynamic theory?

The far-reaching effects of childhood events on personality.

In which theory is suggested children internalize outside speech? For example, a teacher;s direction they were told becomes internal voice for the students to follow.

Vygotsky's Sociocultural theory

According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, decentration in the concrete operational stage refers to children being able to

adapt to social and cultural situations repeat pleasurable behavior patterns center on two dimensions of a problem at once attribute life and consciousness to physical objects

Once adult children leave their home, their parents

almost always experience empty-nest syndrome

According to psychodynamic theory, people who are careless and messy might be considered to be (or have an)

anal expulsive

According to psychodynamic theory, people who have a strong need for order might be considered to have (the)

anal fixation

Piaget described human thought, or intelligence, in terms of the concepts of accommodation and


Amnesia is frequently associated with _____

dissociative disorders

Kofi, a high school senior, is very clear that he wants to study medicine. He spends his summer volunteering at hospitals and studies very hard for all his tests. He subscribes to medical journals so that he does not miss out on developments in the medical field. Koff is determined to study at Harvard Medical School. According to Erickson's theory of psychosocial development, Kofi is demonstrating

ego identity

According to psychologist Erik Erikson, late adulthood is the stage of

ego integrity versus despair

Which of the following is a feature of Erikson's intimacy versus isolation stage?

establishment of close relationships

Which type of psychologist would suggest that people are biologically prepared to be fearful of creatures like spiders and snakes as a way to keep them safe and unharmed?

evolutionary psychologist

Identify the factor that make up the Big Five factor model.

extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and openness

The mental flexibility shown in learning rapidly to solve new kinds of problems is a description of

fluid intelligence

When Javier was a little boy, he loved wearing his big sister's pink shoes. However, once he started kindergarten he stopped wearing them on the first day. This is best explained by which of the following?

gender-schema theory

What prenatal stage of development starts with implantation?


In the manic phase of bipolar disorder, a person may

have a poor appetite

According to Piaget, children in the formal operational stage of cognitive development:

have the ability to hypothesize.

Sigmund Freud's theory of psychosexual development states that:

human development involves the transfer of libidinal energy from one erogenous zone to another.

The view that people are capable of free choice, self-fulfillment, and ethical behavior describes which psychological model?


Which type of somatic symptom disorder was previously called hypochondria?

illness anxiety disorder

The cessation of menstruation is called


What is the term for the ability to calculate numbers "in your head"?

numeric ability

The difference between obsessions and compulsions is

obsessions are urges to engage in a specific behavior while compulsions are thoughts and images that seem irrational and beyond control.

The hormone closely tied to attachment and contact comfort, specifically the importance of skin-to-skin contact between humans, is


According to 20th century analytic theory, created by men like Freud, what did women suffer from that made them feel inferior to men?

penis envy

The reasonably stable patterns of emotions, motives, and behavior that distinguish one person from another is the definition of


According to Freud, children may develop strong sexual attachments to the parent of the other gender and begin to view the parent of the same gender as a rival for the other parent's affections during which stage of psychosexual development?

phallic stage

What is often suggested as the root cause for the development of dissociative disorders?

physical and sexual abuse during childhood

Azura decided not to cheat on the exam because she was afraid of the consequences. This is characteristic of which stage of moral reasoning?


If someone were to ask you what you ate for lunch yesterday, what part of your mind would this information be located in, according to Freudian theory?


During Dai's infancy, his mother suffered from alcoholism and abused drugs. She was never emotionally available to him. As a result, he now has difficulty in his relationships with others and cannot trust people easily. This situation supports the views of the

psychosocial development theory

The period during which the body becomes sexually mature is known as


The simple, inborn responses elicited by specific stimuli are known as


The Oedipus and Electra complexes create a lot of pressure for children and a lot of conflict regarding their sexual feelings. During the latency stage, children often bury all sexual feelings, which is an example of which defense mechanism?


Jomei is a loner who shows little interest in making friends and does not exhibit much emotion. However, he is efficient at his job. His job involves updating a database to reflect the most recent events occurring in the world. He is showing signs of

schizoid personality disorder

Cassietta has parents that are very affectionate and reliable. When she cries, her parents are attentive and come to her aid. It is likely that Cassietta has what type of attachment to her parents?


In humanistic theory, the innate tendency to strive to realize one's potential is called


Unlike the psychodynamic theory, the humanistic existential perspective emphasizes


What is the term used to describe beliefs that we can accomplish certain things?

self-efficacy expectations

An imbalance in which neurotransmitter is connected to both bipolar disorder and depression?


Excessive fear of public speaking is a common symptom of

social anxiety disorder

Which disorder typically follows an upsetting event outside the range of normal human experience and is characterized by features such as intense fear and avoidance?

somatoform disorder

People with generalized anxiety disorder:

suffer from persistent anxiety that cannot be attributed to a phobic object, situation, or activity.

The study of which illness helped Phillippe Pinel to view psychological disorders as diseases of the mind with physical ailments?


Amaan is 21-years-old. He finished his undergraduate studies and found a job. After a few months, he quit and joined another firm with a different job description. In the same year, he switched apartments more than once, with minimal furniture. Which of Jeffrey Arnett's five features of emerging adulthood is best depicted in the scenario?

the age of instability

A pregnant woman visits her doctor for a scheduled ultrasound. She hears the strong heartbeat of the developing child. She is also able to see its fingers and toes. She tells the doctor that she frequently feels the baby kick. Which stage of prenatal development is depicted in the scenario?

the fetal stage

According to the humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers, he defines this as the center of experience:

the self

According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, which part of the psyche functions according to the moral principle?

the superego

The embryo is connected to the placenta by the

umbilical cord

During the phallic stage of development, Freud claimed that parent-child conflict develops over.

unconscious drives.

Shimmy is in a catatonic state. He has contorted his arms into an awkward position which he has been sitting in for hours. He is displaying which feature that can sometimes accompany catatonia?

waxy flexibility

Which of the following comes first in the stages of prenatal development?


Which of the following is a feature of a child's motor development?

It is dependent on brain maturation of the child.

Which of the following is a shortcoming of Freud's psychoanalvtic theorv?

Its clinical method of gathering evidence is suspect.

During a severe panic attack, the amount of this specific stress hormone found in saliva will increase.


In the context of specific phobias, what is the term used for the fear of tight or enclosed places?


Which of the following statements is true of acute stress disorder?

People with acute stress disorder can go on to experience posttraumatic stress disorder.

Which of the following tests is an example of an objective personality test?

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory.

Which of the following is true of adolescents?

The concept of the imaginary audience may drive the intense adolescent desire for privacy.

Which of the following statements is true of the hearing capability of newborns?

They can hear well when they are born.

Behaviors or mental processes are suggestive of psychological disorders when they include combinations of certain criteria. Which of the following is one of the criteria?

They exhibit behaviors that are self-defeating.

Which of the following disorders is characterized by excessive worrying, fear of losing control, nervousness, and inability to relax?

anxiety disorder

A major difference between schizophrenia and paranoid personality disorder is

delusions are not a symptom of paranoid personality disorder.

According to Piaget, the second stage of cognitive development in children, which involved difficulty with conservation tasks, is called

Preoperational stage

Seligman (1996) suggested that when things go wrong, people tend to blame internal or external factors, stable or unstable factors, and global or specific factors. Seligman calls these

attribution styles

According to Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development, toddlers through about the age of three are said to be in the stage of

autonomy versus shame and doubt

People suffering from this disorder, because of their fear of rejection and criticism, are generally unwilling to enter into close relationships without some assurance of acceptance.

avoidant personality disorder

Pressured, increased pace of speech and topic changes, which are characteristic of manic behavior, is termed

rapid flight of ideas

When asked "I am ..," which group of people are more likely to respond in terms of their families, gender, or nation (*I am a father,» "I am a Buddhist," "I am Japanese") (Triandis, 2001)?


Misu attains high grades in her college courses and is always very organized with her materials and time. Using the Big Five Model of personality, on which trait would Misu likely score high?


Theodor robs a gas station as he does not have the necessary funds to feed his family. When he is caught, he tells the police he did it because he knows it is his job to take care of and provide for his family and there was no other way to immediately solve their issue with food insecurity. Which stage of morality is Theodor at with this explanation?


Even though Robin could no longer use her left hand, her parents did not seem overly concerned about it. Their family physician was at a loss because she could not find any medical reason as to why Robin could not move her hand. Robin most likely suffers from a(n)

conversion disorder

Delmar believes that he has been sent to earth to save mankind. He believes that women are evil and that any male who speaks to a female is doomed to be a slave. He often tells people of his grand plan to save males from the influence of females. Nothing one says or does can convince him that his ideas are absurd. Delmar's behavior best exemplifies


Neveah believes she is a goddess who has come to Earth on a special mission to save humanity from the coming apocalypse. Neveah also has schizophrenia. What type of specific delusions is she experiencing?

delusions of grandeur

In the context of the origins of dissociative disorders, both psychodynamic and learning theories suggest that:

dissociative disorders help people keep disturbing memories or ideas out of mind.

The personal fable and imaginary audience both stem from


The tendency to view the world as if others view the world as one does oneself is:


A pregnant woman undergoes an ultrasound in the second month of her pregnancy and hears the heartbeat of her developing child for the first time. She is told that at this stage of her pregnancy the head of the developing child will start changing shape, and its facial features will start becoming easier to identify. Which stage of prenatal development does this scenario depict?

embryonic stage

Jordan and Quinn have two daughters. Their older daughter moved to a different city to pursue her graduate studies a few years ago. Recently, their younger daughter moved to a different country for her undergraduate studies. Now, Quinn is bereft and is unable to figure out what to do her free time. This scenario best illustrates the

empty-nest syndrome

During the oral stage of psychosexual development, Darice was weaned too early by her mother causing her to be frustrated as an infant. Freud would be concerned that this may lead to a(n)


The final stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development is the

formal operational stage

Feelings of dread and foreboding and sympathetic arousal of at least six months' duration are characteristics of which disorder?

generalized anxiety disorder

Firdous always complains of a tickling sensation in her palms. She has visited several physicians who have assured her that she is physically healthy. Despite the repeated reassurances, she runs from doctor to doctor, seeking the one who will find the cause of the sensation. In this scenario, Firdous is exhibiting

illness anxiety disorder

Some animals become attached to the first moving object they encounter. The formation of an attachment in this manner is therefore called


Vlad is speaking quickly and can't seem to select one topic to discuss with his friends as they are learning school. As they head to their cars, Vlad says he has a great idea. His friend should let him stand on the hood of the car and then drive down the road. These behaviors and poor judgement indicate that Vlad may be

in the manic phase of bipolar disorder

A woman has difficulty concentrating on her job because she keeps worrying about things like leaving the door unlocked or the tap turned on. She feels that her house might be robbed or damaged any day because of her carelessness. According to this scenario, she is most likely suffering from

obsessive-compulsive disorder

Chuck could not get over the fear of the windows in his house being unlocked, so every night after work he checked the locks 21 consecutive times to ensure they were properly locked. Chuck most likely suffers from

obsessive-compulsive disorder

Berto is crawling around the house. He gets near the stairs, pauses, and takes note of the drop. He turns around and heads in a different direction as to avoid the ledge. Berto is able to do this because he

perceives depth cues

Which term refers to the reasonably stable patterns of emotions, motives, and behavior that distinguish one person from another?


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