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13 According to a study published in Psychology Today, the average person laughs____ times per day.


13 In laughter yoga classes, the formal laughter is supposed to last about how long?

20 minutes

4 We know that what percentage of the immune system resides in the gut?

70 percent

7 According to estimates by those who have studied the codependent personality, what percentage of the american population is classified as codependent due to direct or indirect exposure to alcoholism?

96 percent

20 When perfroming asanas in yoga, which of the following guidelines is suggested?

A session should end with corpse pose for a fewe minutes of quiet time, every posture should be counterbalanced with one that works the opposite muscle groups, positions should be done slowly and held for about 10 seconds

12 Which of the following can be said with validity about doodling?

Aggression is expressed in the dark, heavy, and jagged lines.

19 Many instructors sum up the basis of mindfulness meditation with these three words

Attention, intention, and attitude

13 Which type of humor is though to be helpful in relieving the fear of death?

Black humor

20 The art of Hatha yoga requires which aspects (steps) for the best effectiveness?

Breathing, stretching, and balance

12 Dr. Carl Simonton is credited with introducting art therapy for his patients diagnosed with


12 Dr. Simonton is credited with introducing art therapy to which population?

Cancer patients

4 Which person is recognized for discovering the scientific link between emotions and neuropeptides?

Candace Part

26 Which relaxation technique was engineered specifically for people with chronic pain?

Clinical biofeedback

26 Which of the following benefits have been observed through autogenic training?

Decreased resting heart rate and decreased resting blood pressure.

26 Which type of biofeedback is most commonly used with the FBI for the purpose of the detection?


4 According to the Borysenko stress and disease model, cancer is regarded as an:

Endogenous underreaction

22 According to Dr. John Diamond, which aspect of music therapy has an addictive quality and may cause harm to the body?

Essenetic Forms

4 According to Borysenko's stress and diseas model, the common cold is regarded as an:

Exogenuous underreaction

12 Art therapy is used as the primariy coping technique for cancer patients, anorexics, and war veterans.


13 The chemical compositions of tears produced from laughter is the same as that produced by other methods (e.g., cutting onions).


20 Yoga was first formally introduced into the united states in 1970, when Swami Rama, a yoga master froom the HImalayan Institue, was invited to the Menninger Foundation in Topeka, Kansas.


20 the five yoga paths are karma, hatha, kundalini, apanasana, and surya


21 A characteristic that increases the effectiveness of mental imagery is the blueprint aspect, or when the image is self-generated-created by the person performin the visualization.


22 Music therapy seems to show no beneficial effects to reduce chronic pain.


22 White noise is made up of "broadband" sounds compromising most frequencies on the audible spectrum


24 Most experienced practicioners advocate early morning practice of T'ai Chi as a fresh start of the day.


24 The moving meditation of T'ai Chi acts to defuse the emotions that connect us to the source of life's energy.


26 Clinical biofeedback is held to be superior to all other relaxation techniques due to its ability to promote a deep sense of relaxation.


4 Chakras are peridian points in which acupunctrue needles are used to unclog passages of energy or chi.


4 For a drug to pass the placebo test and gain approval by the FDA, it must have a cure rate of above 20 percent.


4 Migrane headaches are now correlated primarily to chronic anxiety.


4 Stress has no measurabl affects on the health and integrity of the DNA


7 Of these attributes- challenge, control, and commitment- Suzanne Kobasa felt that challenge was the most important to determine a hardy personality.


7 Polyphasia is a stress-related, debilitating disease.


7 Codependent behavior deals mostly with what basic fear?

Fear of rejection

19 Which part if the brain is now believed to be associated with "Executive function?"

Frontal cortex

7 Which personality is now considered part of the foundation for positive psychology?

Hardy Personality

20 This relaxation technique, above all others, promotes a non-ego attitude.

Hatha Yoga

24 The claims from the Far East that T'ai Chi can cure hupertension, asthma, and imsomnia, as well as prevent atherosclerosis and spinal deformity:

Have not been medically substantiated

26 In the indirect method of autogenic training, the suggested order of relaxation is

Heaviness, warmth, heart, breathing, solar plexus, forehead

4 Lyme disease, known as the "great mimicker," is related to the following chronic health issues, except:


20 Pranayama is integrated into each posture by:

Holding each breath for aproximately 10 seconds

7 Resiliency, as taught in courses at the Mayo Clinic to the U.S. military, includes developing or strengthening which aspects?

Humor, Positivity, Gratitude, Compassion

12 Which statement is not true about the interpretation of art therapy?

In the hands of a qualified expert, interpretatioin is rather obvious

22 According to come, which factor, more than the others seems to be the most important regarding the soothing effect of music on the body.


12 Art therapy is thought to be a good coping technique because:

It balances right (nonverbal) and left (verbal) brain functions.

19 "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" is known in meditation circles as a:


24 Which of the following is not one of the positions in a T'ai Chi basic moving meditation?

Lower hands

19 Typically, which of these is not part of the mindfulness-nassed stress management protocol.

Mantra repitition

4 Lyme disease is transmitted via:

Mice, ticks, mosquitos, fleas

24 Which of the following is not included among the four philosophical concepts taught in T'ai Chi?

Moving against force

22 Which well know singer/songwriter documented the use of music therapy as a healing modality for chronic illness?

Naomi Judd

13 _______ Officially put humor on the health care map as an effective coping technique for stress.

Norman cousins

12 Which medium is thought to be the best to elicit feelings and emotions for nonverbal self-expression?


26 The following is now known about biofeedback as an effective relaxation technique.

People can be taught to control their physiological functions, and researchers are still uncertain why biofeedback works

13 All but which of these suggestions is advocated as a means to boost one's sense of humor in the face of stress?

Perform at an open-mike comedy nightclub

13 Which theory would most likely explain the population of sexual jokes.

Release/relief theory

20 What asana is typically performed at the beginning and ending of each yoga session?

Salute to the sun

13 Which is considered to be the lowest form of humor.


13 Which type of humor is based on latent aggresion.

Slapstick humor

7 Nien Cheng, a political prisoner in Shanghai, China, would be prime example of which personality age?

Survivor personality

4 Stress affects the replication of DNA strands at the point of the:


22 Which of these is not a theory of why music is thought to be relaxing?

The Mozart Theory

22 With regard to music therapy, the dominat rhythm style (DRS) refers to:

The beat of the heart

7 According to self-esteem expert Nathaniel Brandon, high self-esteem has been described as:

The immune system of our consciousness

26 Which of the following biofeedback techniques is considered the most beneficial with regard to the treatment of Raynaud's phenomenon?

Thermal Biofeedback

12 Art therapists may have people draw fantasy animals to uncover unconscious thoughts about their feelings.


12 As a rule, women tend to draw faces while doodling more often than men.


12 In art therapy, much can be revealed by what is not drawn, not just what is drawn.


13 The healing aspect of the laughter response is thought to promote the release of various chemical messengers, which, in turn, strengthens the integrity of the immune system.


19 A mandala is a circular object used as a vehicle for meditation.


19 Athough some poeple meditate to reach enlightenment, the primary purpose is to cleanse clutter from the mind and achieve mental claity.


19 Because it is easier, exclusive meditation is considered to be more effective than inclusive meditation by most people.


19 Cardiologist Dr. Dean Ornish has observed a reversal of coronary artery blockage with a combination of exercise, diet, and meditation.


19 Mindfulness meditation has been shown to be effectuve for people suffering from chronic pain.


19 The "Hundreth monkey" concept states that when enough people meditate on the theme of world piece, consciousness will heighten for all people.


20 Hatha yoga is recognized as a suitable complementary healing modality for many chronic health-related issues.


20Research indicates that yoga helps decrease anxiety and maintain a sense of emotional balance, reinforcing the mind-body connection.


21 Although the process is not fully understood, it appears that mental imagery produced in the right brain is converted to biochemical messages, and through neuropeptides they affix themselves to receptor sites on targeted cells to prommote the healing process.


21 For optimal effectiveness, mental imagery must be restorative and preparative.


21 Stess-management therapists have concluded that in the face of stress, imagination can be an asset as well as a liability.


21 Unlike many other techniques that need a minimum amount of time to be effective, mental imagery can be effective even when used for a short period


22 Instrumental music (without lyrics) is thought to promote a greater sense of relaxation than music with lyrics.


22 Th entrainment theory of music therapy suggests that the human body is like a radio transformer, in that it recieves (absorbs) as well as emits oscillations.


24 Because the flow of energy moves more freely when the body is relaxed, when engaging in T'ai Chi, use only the minimal amount of muscle tension to complete the movement.


24 The pt=ractice of T'ai Chi fluid physical movements that move with force rather than against it provides for the essential mental attitude to successfully deal with life's deal stressors


24 Winning by losing, a component of the practice of T'ai Chi, advocates the success of failure as exemplefied as an expression of unconditional acceptance.


26 It is quite common to incorporate the aspects of mental imagery and diaphragmatic breathing with autogenic training.


26 The Wii video gaming system is based on the concept of biofeedback with a motion snesor.


26 The originators of autogenic training, Shultz and Luthe, believed that when doing this technique, among other aspects, the person should focus on internal physiological processes.


4 A compromised microbime is associated with inflamation.


4 Hypnosis is said to have as great a cure rate for warts as medical treatments.


4 Lyme disease isi now considered a sexually transmitted disease.


4 The common cold would fall under the catagory of endogeneous underreaction.


7 Resiliancy seems to be the key factor for the hardy personality.


7 The landmark Western Collaborative Groups Study found which of the following?

Type A is a greater risk than all other risk factors combined.

21 To which of the following considerations is it most important for a person to attend when choosing a visual theme?

Use imagination and creativity is a skill- the more it is employed, the stronger it becomes

22 According to musicologist H.A. Lingerman, music played on these instruments is believed to strengthen one's emotional well-being.

Woodwinds and strings

24 The opposite of nature, represented by the mandala, are:

Yin and Yang

21 In which process are cancer patients encouraged to view the white blood cells of their immune systems physically fighting cancerous tumor cells?

internal body images

21 A behavioral change technique would be

mental imagery combined with power of suggestion to alter negative health habits

21 Another term used to describe mental imagery would be:

predictive encoding

21 Kristina is using her imagination to help overcome anxiety related to flying on a plane through _____, building up a tolerance to the stressor through progressive exposures to it.

systematic desensitization

24 Which of the following statements provides the most comprehensive explanation of T'ai Chi?

t'ai Chi a low-impact exercise that demonstrates harmony of mind and body with the Chi of the universe

20 Surya Namaskar is reffered to as:

the saulte to the sun warm-up exercise

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