Public Speaking Final exam ICC
Accepted standard of sound, rhythm in given language
Stage Fright
Anxiety over prospect of speaking in front of an audience
Anything that happens or is regard as happening
Anything visible, tangible or stable in form
Nonverbal communication
Based on use of voice and body
Belief, theory, idea, notion, principle etc
Believing one's group or culture is superior to all other groups or cultures.
Brief statement showing where speaker is or focusing attention on key ideas
General purpose
Broad goal of speech
Crescendo ending
Building to zenith of power and intensity
Carefully prepared and rehearsed and presented speech based of brief notes
Vocal variety
Changes in rate, pitch, and volume. Also gives voice expressiveness
Positive nervousness
Controlled nervousness that energizes speaker for presentation
Deals with issues of right and wrong in human affairs
Informative speech
Designed to convey knowledge and understanding
Spare "Brain time"
Difference between rate of talk and rate at which brain processes language
Your knowledge
Drawing on personal experience
Incremental plagiarism
Failing to give credit for parts borrowed from other sources
Problem-Solution order
First main point is the problem and the second main point is the solution
Critical thinking
Focused and organized thinking, and involves relationships among ideas, soundness of evidence, differences between fact and opinion
Dissolve ending
Generating emotional appeal by fading to dramatic final statement
Generating ideas by free association
Highness or lowness of voice
Make the speech an two-way street and listeners have ethical obligations
How can listeners be ethical listeners?
Making ideas public, importance for career and importance for civic engagement
How can public speaking be powerful and important?
Respect listeners' cultural values, adapt messages to expectations, imagine oneself in place of listeners, be alert to feedback, and listeners also have to avoid ethnocentrism
How can you avoid ethnocentrism?
Focus speech to fit time limit, develop topic creatively, and use colorful and descriptive language
How can you focus on speech development?
Relate topic to audience, state importance of topic, startle audience, arouse curiosity, question audience, begin with quotation, tell a story, and use visual aids
How can you gain an audience's attention?
Look for materials while researching, conclude with a bang and not a whimper, be brief, and work out content and delivery in detail
How can you prepare for a conclusion?
Be concise, look for materials as you research, be creative, finalize after body is done and work out content and delivery in detail
How can you prepare for a good introduction?
Cite sources when using internet materials and take careful notes
How can you prevent plagiarism on the internet?
Summarize speech, end with quotation, make dramatic statement and refer to intro
How can you reinforce the central idea?
Go through prep outline aloud, prepare speaking outline, practice speech around, polish and refine delivery and give dress rehearsal
How should you affectively practice your delivery?
Approach with positive attitude, listen carefully, direct answers to entire audience, be honest and straightforward, and stay on track
How should you manage a Q and A session?
Formulate answers to possible questions and practice delivery of answers
How should you prepare for a Q and A portion of a speech?
Indicates speaker has finished one thought and is moving to another
List of books, periodicals, and other resources owned by library
Transition, internal preview, internal summary and signpost
List the different types of connective
Appreciative listening
Listening for pleasure, enjoyment
Critical listening
Listening to evaluate message
Empathic listening
Listening to provide emotional support for speaker
Comprehensive listening
Listening to understand message
Little or not immediate preparation
Loudness or softness of voice
Topical order
Main points divide topic into logical, consistent subtopics
Spatial order
Main points follow directional pattern
Chronological order
Main points follow time pattern
Causal order
Main points show cause-effect relationship
Main points
Major points developed in body of speech and most speeches have 2-5 points
Supporting materials
Materials used to support speaker's ideas
Momentary break in vocal delivery
Central Idea
One-sentence statement and encapsulates the major idea of speech
Strategic organization
Organizing speech to achieve a particular result with a particular audience
Paying close attention to what we hear
Perception of speaker's qualifications
Perception of whether speaker has best interests of audience in mind
Physical production of speech sounds
Picturing oneself giving successful presentation
Presenting language, ideas of another as one's own
Signal end of speech and reinforce central idea
Specific purpose
Single infinitive phrase and states what speaker hopes to accomplish
Conversational quality
Sounds spontaneous no matter how often rehearsed
Speed at which person speaks
Internal preview
Statement in body indicating what speaker will discuss next
Internal summary
Statement in body summarizing preceding point or points
Preview statement
Statement in intro identifying main points of body
Global plagiarism
Stealing from single source, passing off as one's own
Patchwork plagiarism
Stealing ideas, language from two or three sources, passing off as one's own
Study of body motions as mode of communication
Frame of reference NOTE: Everything filtered through listener's frame of reference and no two people have the same frame of reference
Sum of person's knowledge experience, goals, values, and attitudes.
Systematic series of actions leading to a specific result
Keep points separate, try for same pattern of wording and balance time devoted to each
Tips for good main points
Volume, pitch, rate, pauses, vocal variety and pronunciation, articulation and dialect
To have a good speaker's voice you must have good...
Using language to defame, demean, degrade individuals or groups
Variety of language distinguished by accent, grammar, and vocabulary
Vibration of sound waves on eardrums
Not concentrating, listening too hard, jumping to conclusions, and focusing on deliver/appearance
What are some causes of poor listening?
Public speaking is more highly structured, public speaking requires more formal language and public speaking requires a different method of delivery
What are some differences of public speaking and normal conversations?
Speaker, message, channel, listener, feedback, interference, and situation
What are some factors of speech communication process?
Plant feet and smile to audience, gesture naturally, establish and maintain eye contact, speak expressively, and take steps to reduce nervousness
What are some good ways to stand and have good posture for your speech presentation?
select effective method of organization, limit and focus number of main points and include transition statements
What are some key details for a good body in speeches?
Librarians, catalogue, reference works, newspaper and periodical databases, and academic databases
What are some library resources?
Manuscript, memory, impromptu, and extemporaneous
What are some methods of delivery?
Appreciative, empathic, comprehensive, and critical
What are some of the types of listening?
Organize thoughts logically, tailor message to audience, tell stories for maximum impact and adapt to feedback
What are some similarities of public speaking and normal conversations?
Full infinitive phrase, statement and not a question, avoid figurative language, limits to one distinct idea, and avoid being vague
What are some specific purpose guidelines?
Listen for main points, evidence and technique
What are some ways to focus your listening?
Global, patchwork and incremental
What are the 3 types of plagiarism?
Objects, processes, events and concepts
What are the 4 types of informative speeches?
Express as full sentence, don't express as question, avoid figurative language and don't be vague
What are the central idea guidelines?
Make ethically sound goals, be fully prepared, be honest, avoid name calling or abusive language and put principles into practice
What are the guidelines for ethical speaking?
Don't overestimate what audience knows, relate subject to audience, don't be too technical, avoid abstractions, personalize ideas, and be creative
What are the guidelines of informative speaking?
Take listening seriously, be active listener, resist distractions, don't be diverted by appearance/delivery, suspend judgment, develop note-taking skills, and focus you listening
What are ways to be a better listener?
Acquire experience, PREPARE, think positively, use power of visualization, know most nervousness is not visible, and don't expect perfection
What are ways to reduce speech anxiety?
Gain attention and interest, reveal topic, establish credibility and goodwill, and preview body
What does a good introduction look like?
Personal appearance, movement, gestures, and eye contact
What is the speaker's physical body based on?
Vocalized pauses
When speaker says "uh," "er", "um" etc.
Word or phrase connecting ideas
Written out fully and read speech to audience
Ethical decisions
weighing potential course of action against ethical standards