Public Speaking Study Guide

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Is the problem great enough to make it a social issue?

When referring to quantity or scope, which question is significant?


The process by which people share thoughts, ideas and feelings in understandable ways is called _______.


The proper way to demonstrate modesty in an acceptance speech is to state that you do not really deserve the award. T or F


When giving a speech, it is best to pick a topic that you know nothing about so that you can improve your research skills. T or F

3-5 seconds

When making eye contact, hold your gaze for _____ before moving on.


A speech where you remember someone who has just died is a(n) ____ speech.


A spontaneous listing of ideas that can help you choose a topic is called


A _______is a story about real or imagined things, people, or even told with detail and enthusiasm.

an exact purpose

A clear simple sentence that specifies exactly what you want your audience to gain from the speaker is called ___.

ask for action OR All the above

A speech to actuate seeks to ask an audience do all of the following EXCEPT


A good speaker will use long, technical words to impress the audience. T or F

be valuable to your audience

A good speech topic should you and your audience, and should also


A group leader is most effective when he or she is emotionally involved with the topic. T or F

internal noise

A listener who is distracted by a Headache, or preoccupation with other thoughts, is being impacted by


A listener's verbal, visual, and vocal responses to a speaker's message are known as


A mental acceptance that something is true even if you cannot prove it is called a


A quality audience will not use your appearance to assess your status or credibility. T or F

rhetorical question

A question designed to make the audience think, and for which no answer is expected, is known as a


A reassurance that life will continue is a typical component of an ______.


A rough draft outline can help you with your research. T or F


A single word is not enough for a position statement because it does not specify the speaker's position.


A speaker gives a speech about how to take better vacation photographs. The main points of the speech are what equipment to use, how to compose a shot involving only landscape, and how to compose a shot including people. The speaker's visuals include two different kinds of cameras, several lenses, and several enlarged photographs on transparencies, which show good and bad examples of composition. This speech is best categorized as


A speaker's main points are: I. clipping a poodle's head II. clipping a poodle's midsection III. clipping a poodle's legs IV. clipping a poodle's tail The speaker is using which organizational pattern?

extemporaneous speech

A speech delivery type prepared by turning the preparation outline into keyword notes is the ______.

an explanation

A supporting material that allows you to define or give more info about a term or topic or gives instructions on how to do something is called

hypothetical instance

A type of attention getter, which is effective because it enables the listener to be drawn into it and become personally involved, is a


A video of any quality always adds to your college or job application. T or F


A vivid, detailed description you paint using words is called a


According to Aristotle, a speech dealing with matters of fact. such as legal courtroom address, would be


According to Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, the most basic need each of us has is for self-actualization. T or F


According to research cited and pictured in the text, the visual and vocal codes account for ____ of the meaning of the message.

275-300 words per minute

According to research, the best speaking rate to stimulate audience listening is ________.


Acronyms are helpful to aid memory. T or F

organized information allows listeners to catch the message without paying close attention

All of the following are advantages of using organizational patterns except

formal gestures used primarily for emphasis

All of the following are examples of visual behaviors which promote immediacy EXCEPT

use only sources with which your audience is already familiar.

All of the following are suggested as ways to enhance the credibility of your sources EXCEPT

the situation actually exists

All of the following are true of positive imagery except feelings, such as pride or confidence, will not occur until ___________.


The group speaking format where members informally discuss a problem in front of an audience is called a


All plagiarism is intentional and deliberate. T or F


Although no formal speeches are presented, in a ______ discussion team members should contribute freely because they are organized, well-prepared, and have a specific purpose.


Ambiguous words can be unethical when used deliberately to sway an audience. T or F


An ad hominem fallacy attempts to divert attention from a weak argument by attacking a person. T or F


An after-dinner speech should avoid ______ and complicated context.


An effective conclusion should use no more than _____ of the total speaking time.

answer questions about the featured speaker's background and qualifications.

An effective speech of introduction should do all of the following EXCEPT


An effective symposium has a chairperson. T or F


An ethical speaker researches information carefully, and gives credit for the words or ideas of another. T or F


An individualist culture like the US put the highest value on group obligations, group memberships, and group goals. T or F

influence choices or opinions

An informative speech is meant to do all of the following EXCEPT


An overstatement of facts as more important than they are is


Appeals designed to arouse negative emotions are called what kind of appeals?


Aristotle divided speaking into categories. The type dealing with special occasion speaking is


Aristotle recognized ceremonial speeches as a class of oratory that focused on praise or blame. T or F


Aristotle suggested in his Rhetoric that speeches that reveal "knowledge and sound thinking" are

the spatial pattern

Arranging your main points from front to back, left to right, or north to south is

frame of reference

As a speaker, you encode messages using your _______, while your listener decodes messages using their own.


Audience members who are sitting still in a slouched position are exhibiting signs of ________.

trait anxiety

The internal anxiety that a speaker brings to the speaking situation is called __________.


Careful preparation for a presentation can reduce anxiety as much as ______.

the speaker's clothes

Critical listening includes an evaluation of all of the following EXCEPT


Deep-seated principles that serve as personal guidelines for behavior are called


Determining your main points will help you do your research faster. T or F


During a Q and A session, you should admit when you don't know the answer to a question. T or F


During a video interview you should try to answer questions with yes or no. T or F


During the receive stage of listening, a listener is noticing every kind of stimuli in a given context. T or F


Feeling apprehensive about public speaking is normal. T or F

d. all of the above

Effective group members have which of the following attributes? a. They are good communicators. b. They are willing to attend meetings. c. They are knowledgeable about the topic under discussion. d. all of the above.

distort facts on visual aids to prove a point.

Effective speakers do all of the following EXCEPT

visual and vocal codes

Emoticons were developed by email, blog, and chat room users to take the place of


Eye contact is valued equally across cultures. T or F


General audience characteristics such as age, gender, and religion are part of what kind of information?

both b and c

Gestures should be b. somewhat larger when your audience is larger c. natural, arising from your involvement in your message


Gestures that signal nervousness, and should be avoided are


Group presentations require more time to develop than individual presentations. T or F


Groups need to have an appointed leader or coordinator when the group is larger than ______.


Humor is always an excellent way to begin a speech. T or F


Hypothetical illustrations are most effective when they are exceptional, hard to believe illustrations. T or F


If the intent of your speech is presenting new information or making listeners aware of new ideas or info, your speech is persuasive. T or F


If you want your speech to be really persuasive it is best to use all three types of appeals: ethos, pathos, and logos. T or F


In Aristotle's Rhetoric, he divided speaking into three categories: forensic, deliberative, and ________.


In a classroom setting it is ethical to make up a dramatic story and pretend it is true in order to grab attention or elicit emotional responses. T or F

begins to persuade in the introduction

In an effective persuasive speech, the speaker


In his _____, Aristotle states that good speakers may use emotional and eloquent delivery, but must include "knowledge and sound thinking" in order to be ethical.

Audience analysis

In order to find out who your audience is, you will need to have ______ skills.


The goal of this stage is to assign a value judgment to a message and a speaker.

not project

Isocrates, who has a Greek contempory of Plato and Aristotle, suffered from speaker anxiety and had a voice that would ______.


It is best not to speak about a topic that holds no interest to you, even if you know a lot about it. T or F


It is best to have an extremely broad purpose statement to ensure that you can cover everything you want to during the presentation. T or F


Jacob distorted the facts when he claimed that there is a rampant bed bug problem on campus because, in reality, only one floor of one dorm on the 20 dorm campus had this problem. T or F


Logical proof that helps you support your arguments is called


Making online video is a kind of public speaking. T or F


One of the primary differences between information and persuasive speeches is the speaker's goal. T or F

verifies the date and expertise of the evidence

One purpose of backing for a warrant, according to Toulmin, is that it


People from low-context cultures expect messages to be brief, indirect, and implicit. T or F


Persuasion is simply offering information and letting the audience make up their own minds. T or F


Persuasive speakers who use pathos effectively should plan for their audience to be very upset, even teary eyed. T or F


Round off statistics to make them easier for the audience to remember. T or F


Speakers are obligated to be ethical because they can ______ other people.


Speaking notes should be as brief as possible, preferably an outline using keywords or phrases. T or F

they present detailed instructions

Special occasion speeches differ from informative speeches in all of the following ways EXCEPT


Statistics are easier to understand and remember when shown in graphic form. T or F


Taking a public speaking course is a form of _____ training.


The Greeks and Romans studied ________, the art of persuasive public speaking.


The age of your audience is an important part of audience analysis. T or F

immediacy behaviors

The behaviors a speaker uses to promote a sense of closeness and personal interaction with audience members are known as the speaker's


The best kind of delivery style for a YouTube video is extemporaneous speaking. T or F


The best size for a buzz group forum is five to seven people. T or F


The body of your speech should take approximately ____ of your total speaking time.

both inborn and learned

The current view of trait anxiety is that it is ________.

analyze the audience

The first step in preparing informative speech should be


The speech to intensify _______ cohesion works with audience members who are already in intellectual agreement and have taken action but need to be motivated.

memory stage

The stage where a listener decides what, if any, party of the speaker's message to retain is the


The time, place, and physical and social surroundings within which you give a speech is known as _______.

computer slides

The visual aid of choice for a group presentation tends to be which of the following?


Using color and underlining on your speaking notes will distract you during your speech. T or F

vocal variety

Varying volume, pitch, emphasis, rate and pauses in a natural manner is called

show photographs

What should you do when an object is not large enough to be seen by your entire audience?


When a memorable conclusion relates back to an attention-grabbing introduction, it is called ______.

What they have been doing before your presentation

When analyzing the audience, you should try to find out these things EXCEPT

the most important point should be first

When arranging a speech in the topical pattern.


When brainstorming for possible speech topics, avoid writing down ideas that are obviously ridiculous. T or F

All of the above.

When evaluating listener feedback, you should do which of the following? a. Look for subtle signs of inattention. b. Resist generalizing from a single listener response. c. Put feedback cues in context. d. All of the above.

the boomerang effect

When fewer people agree with you at the end of the speech than at the beginning of the speech, it is referred to as

eliminate any that are not absolutely necessary

When using statistics, it is best to .......


When using visual aids like Power Point you should use complete sentence and read to your audience. T or F


When verbal and nonverbal messages conflict, the listener is most likely to believe that the verbal messages is the more truthful. T or F


When you plan a speech, it is best to write the introduction and conclusion before the body. T or F


When you provide a "brief look" at an opposing argument to try to make your audience immune to that counter argument, you are acting according to what theory?

all of the above

Which of the following are the basic elements of credibility? a. trustworthiness b. dynamism c. objectivity d. all of the above

conversational style

Which of the following is NOT a kind of rhetorical style described by Cicero in his Orator?

attention-deflecting skills

Which of the following is NOT a speaking skill needed to make a great video?

when listeners are fairly knowledgeable about your topic

Which of the following is NOT a time to present only one side of the argument?

comparing them to false statistics

Which of the following is NOT a way that you demonstrate the credibility of your statistics?

Use negative imagery

Which of the following is NOT a way to manage situational anxiety?

d. all of the above.

Which of the following is a group presentation format that might be used for a group presentation? a. panel b. symposium c. forum d. all of the above


Which of the following is a specific movement or gesture intended to expand or clarify a word or idea?

ending sentences with a rising pitch like asking a question

Which of the following is an example of upspeak?

I am relaxed when I speak to large groups.

Which of the following is the best example of a well-worded positive statement?


Which of the following is the term used when a hypothetical illustration "rings true"?

"We rely on our local police officers to keep us safe everyday."

Which of the following statements would be appropriate for a mixed gender audience?


You can accurately guess what someone's preferred title is by knowing what other people like the person you are introducing prefer. T or F


You can assume that if your audience is staring at you, they are listening attentively. T or F


You will only gather and use information about your audience before your speech. T or F

Problem solving

______ is a procedure used by groups to move from a current problem to a desired solution or goal.


______ reasoning presents a conclusion first and then supports it using specific cases.


_______ speeches are usually given by politicians and top-level and professional people who often give copies of their speeches ahead of time to the media.


_______ words are concrete rather than abstract.


________ are body movements and gestures that are so specific that they easily replace a word or idea.

Cognitive restructuring

_________ involves identifying irrational self-talk, developing alternative coping statements, and practicing those statements.


_________ materials are the verbal and nonverbal information that speakers use to clarify, prove, and add interest to their ideas.

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