Public Speaking test 1 (Chapters 1-5, 19)
after 24 hours we can remember only ___ percent of the original message
Even when we think we are listening carefully, we usually grasp only about ___ percent of a speaker's message.
more than ____ % of errors made in business comes from poor listening
____ % of respondents stated that listening has become more difficult because of the digital distractions of today's workplace
the oldest known handbook on effective speech was written on papyrus in _____ some ____ years ago
Egypt, 4,500
6 things to help deal with nervousness
acquire speaking experience, prepare, think positively, use the power of visualization, know that most nervousness isn't visible, don't expect perfection
giving undivided attention to a speaker in a genuine effort to understand the speaker's point of view
active listening
_____ is produced in excess when you are in a stressful situation.
a hormone released into the bloodstream in response to physical or mental stress
listening for pleasure or enjoyment, as when we listen to music, to a comedy routine, or to an entertaining speech
appreciative listneing
Guidlines for ethical listening
be courteous and attentive, avoid prejudging the speaker, maintain the free and open expression of ideas,
the most crucial way to be prepared for your speech from an ethical standpoint is to
be fully informed about your subject
the main section of a speech
a method of generating ideas by free association of words and thoughts
a one-sentence statement that sums up or encapsulates the major ideas of a speech
central idea
the means by which a message is communicated
The first step in speechmaking is
choosing a topic
what is the first step in speechmaking
choosing a topic
a method of speech organization in which the main points follow a time pattern
chronological order
listening to understand the message of a speaker, as when we attend a classroom lecture or listen to directions for finding a friend's house
comprehensive listening
2 types of listening most closely tied to critical thinking
comprehensive, critical
the final section of a speech
5 guidelines for online speaking
control the visual environment, adapt your nonverbal communication, don't forget your audience, practice
listening to evaluate a message for purposes of accepting or rejecting it, as when we listen to a sales pitch of a car salesperson or the campaign speech of a political candidate
critical listening
focused, organized thinking about such things as the logical relationships among ideas, the soundness of evidence, and the differences between fact and opinion
critical thinking
5 questions to ask about your specific purpose
does my purpose meet the assignment, can i accomplish my purpose in the time allotted, is the purpose relevant to my audience, is the purpose too trivial for my audience,
do or don't plan gestures ahead of time
when should you worry about the central idea of your speech?
don't worry too much until after you have developed the body of your speech
a 2012 study produced results with 62% of respondents being terrified by the prospect of speaking public opposed to 43% being afraid of ____
replacing poor listening with good listening improves
efficiency, sales, customer satisfaction, employee morale
listening to provide emotional support for the speaker, as when a psychiatrist listens to a patient or when we lend a sympathetic ear to a friend in distress
empathic listening
the branch of philosophy that deals with issues of right and wrong in human affairs
the belief that our own group or culture is superior to all other groups of cultures
central idea is a concise statement of what you ____ to say
means that the speech is carefully prepared, but the exact language is chosen at the moment of delivery
a carefully prepared and rehearsed speech that is presented from a brief set of notes
extemporaneous speech
direct visual contact with the eyes of another person
eye contact
The messages, usually nonverbal, sent from a listener to a speaker
the sum of a person's knowledge, experience, goals, values, and attitudes. No two people can have the exact same
frame of reference
the broad goal of a speech
general purpose
motion's of a speaker's hands or arms during a speech
stealing your speech from another source and passing it off as your own
global plagiarism
the vibration of sound waves on the eardrums and the firing of electrochemical impulses in the brain
a speech early in the term designed to get students speaking in front of the class as soon as possible
ice breaker speech
failing to give credit for particular parts of a speech that are borrowed from other people
incremental plagiarism
how should you deal with nervousness?
instead of trying to eliminate it, you should aim to transform it from a negative force into what experts call "positive nervousness" in which you are in control
your goal in public speaking is to have your ____ message be the message that is actually communicated
The ______ of the seven elements determines the ____ in any instance of speech communication
interaction, outcome
anything that impedes the communication of a message. can be external or internal to listeners
the opening section of a speech
3 main parts of a speech
introduction, body, conclusion
the notes for an extemporaneous speech should be written in ____ or ____, not ___ and ___
key words, phrases, complete sentences, paragraphs
an outline that briefly notes a speaker's main points and supporting evidence in rough outline form
key-word outline
two tasks that need to be completed in the conclusion
let the audience know you are about to finish, reinforce your central idea
three suggestions to help you focus your listening
listen for main points, listen for evidence, listen for technique
the person who receives the communicated message
involves paying close attention to, and making sense of, what we hear
regardless of the method of organization you use, remember to limit the number of ___ ___ in the body of your speech
main points
the major points developed in the body of a speech
main points
rather than trying to remember everything a speaker says, efficient listeners usually concentrate on ___ ____ and ____
main points, evidence
guidlines for ethical speaking
make sure your goals are ethically sound, be fully prepared for each speech, be honest in what you say, avoid name-calling and other forms of abusive language, put ethical principles into practice
what the speaker communicates to someone else
the use of language to defame, demean, or degrade individuals or groups
four causes of poor listening
not concentrating, listening too hard, jumping to conclusions, focusing on delivery and personal appearance
the specific purpose should focus on ___ aspect of a topic
the elements of internet communication that influence an online speech, including the remote audience, factors of technology, and unique forms on intereference
online environment
4 public speaking skills you do in everyday conversation
organizing your thoughts logically, tailoring your message to your audience, telling a story for maximum impact, adapting to listener feedback
to restate or summarize an author's idea in one's own words
stealing ideas or language from two or three sources and passing them off as one's own
patchwork plagiarism
3 brainstorming procedures
personal inventory, clustering, internet search
presenting another person's language or ideas as one's own
controlled nervousness that helps energize a speaker for her or his presentation
positive nervousness
3 major differences between conversation and public speaking
public speaking is more highly structured, public speaking requires more formal language, public speaking requires a different method of delivery
used when you use exactly what someone says directly
a speech that has been created specifically for an audience that will view it online as it is being delivered
real-time online speech
a speech that is delivered, recorded, then uploaded to the internet
recorded online speech
two major kinds of online speeches
recorded, real-time
the central idea ____ and ____ your specific purpose
refines, sharpens
what a speaker wants the audience to remember after they have forgotten everything else in a speech
residual message
4 guidelines for the central idea
should be expressed in a full sentence, should not be in the form of a question, should avoid figurative language
you should be able to state your specific purpose in a _____ _____ phrase that indicates ____ what you hope to accomplish with your speech
single infinitive, precisely
the time and place in which speech communication occurs
the difference between the rate at which most people talk (120 to 180 words a minute) and the rate at which the brain can process language (400 to 500 words a minute.)
spare brain time
speech communication begins with a _____
7 elements involved in speech communication
speaker, message, channel, listener, feedback, interference, situation
a single infinitive phrase that states precisely what a speaker hopes to accomplish in his or her speech
specific purpose
anxiety over the prospect of giving a speech in front of an audience
stage fright
2 broad categories of potential topics for your classroom speeches
subjects you know a lot about, subjects you want to know more about
one way to avoid patchwork plagiarism or incremental plagiarism when working with the internet is to
take careful research notes
7 ways to become a better listener
take listening seriously, be an active listener, resist distractions, don't be diverted by appearance or delivery, suspend judgment, focus your listening, develop note-taking skills
make sure you keep a record of what three things when trying to avoid plagiarism from the internet
the title of the internet document, the author or organization responsible for the document, the date on which the document was last updated, the date on which you accessed the site
what is the goal when you are trying to inform with your speech
to convey information clearly, accurately, and interestingly
2 categories of a general purpose
to inform, to persuade
a method of speech organization in which the main points divide the topic into logical and consistent subtopics
topical order
a word or phrase that indicates when a speaker has finished one thought and is moving on to another
try to make your main points stand out by introducing each with a _____ _____.
transition statement
mental imaging in which speakers vividly picture themselves giving a successful presentation
5 tips for formulating the specific purpose statement
write the purpose statement as a full infinitive phrase, not as a fragment, express your purpose as a statement, not as a question, avoid figurative language in your purpose statement, limit your purpose statement to one distinct idea, make sure your specific purpose is not too vague or general,
what is the goal when you are trying to persuade with your speech
you act as an advocate or a partisan
your ethical decisions will be guided by what three things
your values, your conscience, your sense of right and wrong