Purple Hibiscus Test

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Describe the debate between Aunty Ifeoma and Mama about marriage

Aunty Ifeoma explains how marriage should be enjoyable and not painful.

Describe Kambili's relationship with Chinwe Jideze?

Chinwe is mean and tells Kambili how stuck up she is and how she shouldn't be stuck up because Chinwe is also rich. They avoid each other and don't talk.

What is Father Amadi's opinion of Papa? What news does he share about Papa?

Father Amadi admires Papa becuase he is the only newspaper that tells the truth. He is noble and his newspaper is very interesting in this way.

What answer does Father amadi give to kambili when she asks him why he became a priest?

Father says that he had many questions as a boy and the church was the only thing that came close to answering them.

When Kambili confesses to having hidden a drawing of her grandfather what is her father's reaction?

He beats her with his belt to the point where she has to be hospitalized and is in critical condition.

Why doesn't father Amadi believe it's necessary to go on pilgrimage to Aokpe?

He said the Virgin Mary is within you and you don't have to Find her. She is everywhere.

Who visits Kambili while she is in the hospital? What good news does she get form Mama?

Her classmates including chinwe jideze comes and visits her and apologizes. Aunty Ifeoma and the cousins also visit. the good news she gets is that her and jaja are not going home, they are staying at Aunty Ifeoma's house.

Why does papa rarely speak in their native language of Igbo?

Igbo is seen to be against their religion and Papa thinks it sounds unsophisticated.

Opening lines of novels are often high significant. On what two levels can the opening words: "Things started to fall apart at home...."(3) be understood?

Jaja didn't receive the communion and Papa was really angry about this. Papa has the house under a very strict rule. He threw and broke many of mamas figurines. Papa explains how he thought God wanted him to beat the kids to punish them for their sinfulness. The economy was falling apart, people are losing their jobs.

On p.145, what explanation is given for Jaja's deformed finger?

Jaja missed two questions on his catechism test and was not named best in his First Holy Communion Class. Papa took him upstairs and locked the door. Jaja came out crying holding his left hand and was driven to the hospital. It look like a dried stick.

What indicates the high value Papa places on order and control?

Jaja says he will protect the future baby from Papa's abuse. Papa always has schedules made for the kids to be followed exactly throughout the week. The Family is not allowed to make decisions on their own.

What blatant act of defiance does Jaja commit in the opening section of the book?

Jaja stops receiving communion.

What does Jaja tell the police when they appear?

Jaja takes full responsibility by using rats poison to murder Papa.

What does Kambili confide in Amaka on p.219?

Kambili confides that she has a crush on father Amadi.

What is kambili's reaction when she visits Aokpe, the site of apparition of the Virgin mary?

Kambili says she felt the virgin mary everywhere. It was very special and holy.

What dream does Kambili have about Papa as the story concludes?

Kambili wants Papa to show up in her dreams so badly she forces it. Papa shows up and reaches out for a hug but then dissappears before they touch. their bodies never touch

Why does Papa ask if the devil ".....has built a tent in my house"

Kambili was have very painful cramps and has food before mass so she can take the medicine without throwing it back up. You are not supposed to eat before mass and this was very sinful to Papa.

What does Kambili and Jaja notice about mama when Papa brings them home from Aunty Ifeoma's house?

Mama has a swollen face. Swollen eye and a black eye.

What surprising news does Mama share with Kambili?

Mama is pregnant

Describe Aunty Ifeoma

Mother figure to the kids and more of a mother figure than their own mother. Role Model. Respects the religion of her mother and father even though she is a Catholic. She laughs a lot.

What is Papa's title in Abba town?


How is Mama affected by Jaja not receiving communion?

Papa breaks Mama's precious figurines. You can tell she is inferior to Papa and has no say because even though these are precious she just lets it go. She responds saying it's okay.

What emotions does Papa display when kambili and Jaja are leaving to go to Nsukka?

Papa cried as they left and showed his strong love for them even though he hurts them. papa doesn't know how to express his love in the right ways.

How did Kambili's family become so wealthy?

Papa is the owner of a factory, publishes the Standard, and a devout catholic. He is very involved with the church.

How does Papa punish Kambili and Jaja for not immediately telling him that their grandfather was also staying with Aunty ifeoma while they were visiting?

Papa pours boiling hot water on their feet and burns their feet to the point where they can't walk because they walked deliberately into sin.

what did the autopsy reveal about the cause of papa's death?

Papa was poisoned by Mama.

Who does Papa-Nwukwu bless in his morning ritual?

Papa, Aunty Ifeoma, and Himself

Why does Papa-Nwukwu come to stay at Aunty Ifeoma's house while Kambili and Jaja are visiting?

Papa-Nwukwu becomes very ill and has to be taken care of by his family. He woke sick three days in a row.

What public accusation did Papa-Nwukwu make against Papa?

Papa-Nwukwu didn't know his grandchildren and said that Papa would not let him see them because he is Pagan.

How does Kambili disapoint her father?

She comes 2nd in her class

what dream does Kambili have after the day with her Aunty Ifeoma?

She had a dream that she heard her Aunt Laughter.

How does Mama lose the baby?

She is beaten by Papa and then he carried to the hospital with a stream of blood following her as she's carried away.

What description is given for the purple hibiscus plants growing in the garden of the family compound?

Sign of freedom representation: Seen to have reached out and touched another hibiscus as exchanging petals.

Contrast the scene on page 21 where the members of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Prayer group come to the house with the church service in the opening scenes of the novel:

The ladies celebrate and praise Mama for bringing them food by singing Igbo songs. They don't worry about sounding uneducated.

Why hasn't Jaja participated in the ima mmuo?

This is a right of passage and Jaja decided that he as old enough to make his own decisions and didn't go through with Confirmation.

How does papas speech on p.47 reveal to us the source of his intense devotion to the Church?

he spent his whole life in the church and was raised by the nuns. He learns from the sisters and ministers and has a great love for the church.

When mama shows up at Aunty Ifeoma's house? what news does she share?

mama had another miscarriage.

How does Kambili respond when she is asked to recite the pledge?

she tries to speak but he can't. She is too nervous words dont come out.

What plan's does Kambili have for the family when jaja comes back home?

she wants to go to Nsukka when Jaja comes home. Kambili is happier and more carefree and can finally speak about the future. Without a schedule.

What is the symbolism of the green tree branches on page 27?

they mean solidarity. They use it to get past war.

Who is Ade Coker? What observation does he make about Kambili and Jaja?

Ade Coker works with Papa on the Standard at the editorial. He observed that the kids were two quiet. Not normal.

How does Ade Coker die?

Ade coker opens up a package and is blown up into bits and pieces in front of his wife and daughter.

Describe Kambili's relationship with her cousin

Amaka is not nice to kambili. She makes mean comments on everything she does about being rich.

Describe Papa-Nwukwu's relationship with Amaka.

Amaka loves Papa-Nwukwu. They have a very good relationship and Amaka takes care of him. She wants to paint a portrait of him.

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