Pyschology 101 Part 2

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T/F - Irrational beliefs can lessen an individual's emotional reaction to loss and enhance coping ability.


T/F - Jane is working overtime to exceed her sales targets so that she gets a higher income. The higher income, in this scenario, is an instrinsic reward.


T/F - Masters and Johnson use the term sexual arousal cycle to describe the changes that occur in the body as men and women become secually aroused.


T/F - One reason for the fundamental attribution error is that in the West, people tend to infer traits from social roles and obligations.


T/F - When a client avoids talking about a difficult topic in therapy, such as an abusive relationship with a parent, saying, "I don't want to discuss it," this is known as transference.


T/F - Psychotherapy is a systematic interaction between a therapist and a client that applies psychological principles to affect the client's thoughts, feelings, or behavior in an effort to help the client overcome psychological disorders, adjust to problems in living, or develop as an individual.


T/F - The body's response to different stressors shows certain similarities whether the stressor is a bacterial invasion, perceived danger, or a major life change is known as the general adaptation syndrome (GAS).


T/F In the context of stressors, Albert Ellis referred to situations such as losing a job as an activating event.


Michael fails to present his science project on time. He informs his teacher that it was because his younger brother had destroyed it while playing. However, when his friend James fails to submit his project, Michael quickly assumes that James was too lazy to do his project. In the context of social perception, Michael is demonstrating the__________. A) obedience to authority B) actor-observer effect C) foot-in-the-door technique D) bystander effect

actor-observer effect

In the conext of the GAS, which of the following is true of the flight or fight reaction. A) It stems from a period in human prehistory when many stressors were life threatening, B) It involves the slowdown of the heart rate. C) It stems from a sudden lack of sugar in the blood. D) It is accompanied by a deceleration of the respiration rate.

It stems from a period in human prehistory when many stressors were life threatening,

The American Psychological Association (2017) has found that Americans are most likely to do one of the following to cope with stress? A) Surfing the internet and napping. B) Drinking alcohol and watching TV. C) Praying and Eating. D) Music and Exercise.

Music and Exercise

T/F - According to the biological views on the origins of psychological disorders, humans are genetically predisposed to fear stimuli that may have posed a threat to their ancestors.


T/F - All prejudices involve stereotyping but not all stereotypes lead to prejudices.


T/F - Although Hippocrates' theory of personality traits was speculative, many of his terms such as choleric, sanguine, melacholic are still used in descriptions of personality today.


What type of attributional style claims that people who are kind are just "nice" people all around? A) situational attributions B) dispositional attributions C) fundamental attribution D) actor-observer attribution

Dispositional attributions

Vomiting, Binge eating, fasting, the use of laxatives, and engaging in prolonged exercise regimens are potentially characteristics of ___________________.

Bulimia Nervosa

The tendency to avoid helping other people in emergencies when other people are also present and apparently capable of helping is known as the __________. A) polarization effect B) actor-observer effect C) bystander effect D) recency effect

Bystander Effect

T/F - According to Robert Sternberg's triangular model of love, consummate love is romantic love plus infatuation.


T/F - In the context of altruism, people who are apathetic are more likely to help people in need.


T/F - People with body dysmorphic disorder have dual personalities.


Which of the following brain structures is associated with instinctive aggressive reactions in nonhumans? A) amygdala B) hippocampus C) cerebellum D) hypothalamus


Which of the following is true of psychological needs? A) Psychological needs include the need for pain avoidance and proper temperature. B) Psychological needs are always based on states of deprivation. C) Psychological needs differ markedly from one person to another D) Psychological needs are the basic needs reuired for survival.

Psychological needs differ markedly from one person to another

Unlike the psychodynamic theory, the humanistic-existential perspective emphasizes __________. A) Self-awareness B) Self-determination C) Self-efficacy D) Self-concept


T/F - Research suggests that people who have reported greater feelings of happiness and well-being are likely to score more highly than other people on scales that measure emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and extraversion.


T/F - Women under stress are more likely to care for their children and seek social contact and support from others. Taylor termed this the "tend-and-befriend" response.


Jason meets a psychotherapist for the first time. During their session, the therapist tells him that she believes that humans have a natural tendency toward health and growth and that they are free to make choices and control their destinies. She also tells him that therapy is intended to help people get in touch with their genuine feelings. In this case, Jason's therapist is using __________. A) family therapy B) behavioral therapy C) client-centered therapy D) virtual therapy

C) client-centered therapy

__________ Believed that to a large extent a person is a conscious architect of his or her own personality. A) Karen Horney B) Alfred Adler C) Carl Jung D) Erik Erikson

Erik Erikson

T/F - Attitude formation is a fully mechanical process.


T/F - Men tend to emphasize the following in a romantic partner: consideration, kindness, and thrift.


Flora had met with an accident a few day ago. She has forgotten everything about her life before the accident. Flora is suffering from ____________. A) illness anxiety disorder B) generalized dissociative amnesia C) psychomotor retardation D) generalized anxiety disorders

Generalized dissociative amnesia

Which of the following hassles is an example of enviromental hassles? A) Noise B) Job Dissatisfaction C) Terriorism D) Shopping


Identify the third stage in Freud's Theory of psychosexual development?

The Phallic Stage

Which of the following is true of collectivists? A) They are more likely to conform to group judgements. B) They are unable to resist personal temptations to do their duty. C) They do not identify themselves in terms of their families orgender. D) They define themselves in terms of their personal identities

They are more likely to conform to group judgements

T/F - Strong attitudes are more likely to determine behavior than weak attitudes.


Although academically gifted, Chloe never had the desire to be the best in her classes. She would most likely be consideredto exhibit _____________. A) a Type B behavior pattern B) a Type A behavior pattern C) an external locus of control D) an internal locus of control

A Type B behavior pattern

In the experiment on social influence conducted by Solomon Asch, the discomfort faced by the participants in the study was caused by __________. A) high self-esteem B) the pressure to conform C) decreased social shyness D) the lack of social comparison

The pressure to conform

Which of the follwoing is the sequence of phases for the sexual response cycle? A) resolution, excitement, plateau, orgasmic B) resolution, excitement, orgasmic, plateau C) excitement, orgasmic, plateau, resolution D) excitement, plateau, orgasmic, resolution

Excitement, Plateau, Orgasmic, Resolution

The ___________ is the thid stage in a group of bodily changes that occur in the general adaption syndrome (GAS). In this stage, the muscles become fatigued:

Exhaustion Stage

____ are best described as people who perceive the ability to attain reinforcements in stressful situations as being largely outside themselves.


__________is an unselfish concern for the welfare of others. A) Altruism B) Hedonism C) Primacy D) Recency


Sam wants to be a clinical psychologist. He has been accepted at two different graduate schools. Both schools are equally prestigious and will provide him with an outstanding education. However, he is finding it difficult to choose between the two. According to Neal E. Miller, this type of conflict is known as a(n):

Approach-Approach conflict

Many couples who repeatedly break up and reunite recall each other fondly when apart and swear that they could make the relationship work if they got together again. But after they do spend time together, they again wonder, "How could I ever have believed that this so-and-so would change?" This best exemplifies the _________.

Approach-avoidance conflict

In the context of evidence-based practices, which of the following treatments would be most effective in treating depression, developmental disabilities, and bed-wetting? A) exorcism B) behavior therapy C) exposure treatment D) modeling

Behavior Therapy

Since the 1960's, most people suffering from extreme psychological disorders ___________. A) live in asylums B) lIve in mental hospitals C) live in the community D) are in inpatient facilities

C) live in the community

Suppose a person is fired and he harbors beliefs such as: "This job was the most important thing in my life," "What a no-good failure I am," "My family will starve," "I'll never find a job as good," "There's nothing I can do about it." According to Albert Ellis, such irrational beliefs contribute to anxiety and depression by: A) creating an approach-approach conflict. B) catastrophizing the extent of loss. C) lowering an individual's emotional reaction to loss. D) reducing hypertension.

Catastrophizing the extent of loss.

__________ refer to erroneous beliefs that one is being victimized. A) Ideas of persecution B) Self-actualization drives C) Instances of psychomotor retardation D) Instances of learned helplessness

Ideas of persecution

According to Lauren (2018) and Layton and Smith (2017) which of the following factors is not a reason as to why prejudiced people select their targets? A) Dissimilarity. B) Social conflict. C) Social learning. D) Lack of familiarity.

Lack of familiarity.

Ophelia is in high school. She enjoys studying and does well in school. her parents encourage her to think and act independently. Whenever she does well in an exam, she feels a sese of self-satisfaction. In this scenario, Ophelia's achievement motivation stems from a(n) ___________.

Learning Goal

In the context of aggression, which of the following is a perspective of cognitive psychologists? A) Cognitive psychologists believe that aggression is a natural and instinctive reaction to the frustrations of daily life. B) Cognitive psychologists believe aggressive behavior is not influenced by choice. C) People decide whether they will lash out or not on the basis of their interpretation of the other person's motives. D) People who believe that a particular war or act of aggression is unjust, or who oppose aggression under all circumstances, are more likely to behave aggressively.

People decide whether they will lash out or not on the basis of their interpretation of the other person's motives.

The _______ Activates the adrenal medulla, causing it to release a mixture of adrenaline and noradrenaline during the alarm reaction stage of the general adaption syndrome. A) parasympathetic nervous system B) sympathetic nervous system C) somatic nervous system D) central nervous system

Sympthetic Nervouse System

Which of the following statements is true of changing attitudes through persuasion? A) People find it useful when they are confronted with information that counters their own views. B) Audiences believe arguments that appear to agree with the vested interests of the communicator. C) Agreement and praise are more effective ways to encourage others to embrace one's views. D) Stereotyping, a type of persuasive communication, influences behavior on the basis of arousing rational analysis of the issues.

Agreement and praise are more effective ways to encourage others to embrace one's views.

Which of the following statements about suicide are correct? A) Most people who commit suicide do not give warnings about their intentions. B) Discussing suicide with a person who is depressed can prompt the person to attempt suicide. C) Extracting a promise not to commit suicide before calling or visiting a helping professional seems to prevent some suicides. D) People who commit suicide are seeking attention.

Extracting a promise not to commit suicide before calling or visiting a helping professional seems to prevent some suicides.

ELi is a school student. Her teacher's appreciation motivates her to study well. She also aims to impress her teacher and parents by getting into a good university after she graduates from high school. Eli'sperformance goals seem to be met through _______.

Extrinsic Rewards

T/F - According to the general adaptation syndrome, in the resistance stage, levels of endocrine and sympathetic activity are higher than in the alarm reaction stage.


T/F - According to the general adaption syndrome, during the resistancce stage, a person typically feels like a heavy burden has been removed fromhis or her mind.


T/F - In the context of obsessive-compulsive disorder, seemingly irresistible urges to engage in thoughts or behaviors that tend to reduce anxiety are referred to as obsessions.


T/F - Self-awareness is one of the foundations of social cognitive theory.


Which of the following is not a demand that stress makes on an organism? A) Adaption B) Coping C) Adjustment D) Fulfilment


After returning from work, Greg contemplates whether he should stay at home or exercise at the gym. He wants to stay at home because he likes to relax, but feels guilty about not getting enough exercise. He knows that if he goes to the gym, he will be glad that he is exercising but unhappy because he does not enjoy the activity. According to Neal E. Miller, this is an example of a(n) __________.

Multiple approach-approach conflict

T/F - Client-centered therapists believe in viewing the world through a client's frame of reference.


T/F - Cognitive therapy focuses on changing the beliefs, attitudes, and automatic types of thinking that create and compound people's problems.


T/F - Groupthink can be averted if group leaders encourage members to remain skeptical about options and to feel free to ask probing questions and disagree with one another.


T/F - Research shows that eating disorders are more common when the family enviroment is negative, with possible history of child abuse or neglect, or exposure to high parental expectations


What are the names of the two terms your text discusses with regard to why we typically develop romantic relationships with people who are similar to us? A) propinquity and reciprocity B) selective exposure and selective avoidance C) intimacy and passion D) dispositional and situational attributions

propinquity and reciprocity

A research experiment was conducted on people's attitude toward a particular section of the society. After the experiment, the participants were requested to donate a small amount for the research organization. When they agreed and donated, they were followed with more requests for bigger donations. This is an example of ____________. A) social comparison B) the fear appeal C) the foot-in-the-door technique D) social facilitation

the foot-in-the-door technique

T/F - Which of the following theorists believed that personality is not something people have but rather something they create to give meaning and direction to their lives? A) Sociocultural Theorists B) Humanistic Theorists C) Freudian Theorists D) Cognitive Theorists

Human Theorist

_________________ tend to define themselves in terms of their personal identities and to give priority to their personal goals. A) Individualists B) Humanists C) Behaviorists D) Collectivists


Which of the following is true of the attraction-similarity hypothesis? A) It states that people tend to develop romantic relationships with wealthy people. B) It reiterates the popular notion that opposites attract. C) It theorizes that reciprocity is a powerful determinant of attraction. D) It states that marriages are made in heaven.

It theorizes that reciprocity is a powerful determinant of attraction.

Lisa, a high school student, is suspicious of her classmates. She does not trust them and keeps a distance from everyone at school. Lisa is most likely suffering from __________. A) illness anxiety disorder B) paranoid personality disorder C) dissociative amnesia D) dissociative identity disorder

Paranoid personality disorder

The strong tendency to view one's successes as stemming from internal factors and one's failures as stemming from external factors is called the __________. a) self-serving bias b) actor-observer effect c) fundamental attribution error d) peripheral route error

Self-Serving bias

Peter and Kirsten share a warm relationship and count on each other for emotional support without sexual feelings for each other. According to Robert Sternberg's triangular model of love, this demonstrates ___________. A) passion B) empty love C) intimacy D) infatuation


Seligman (1996) suggested that when things go wrong, we sometimes develop inappropriate attributional styles towards the causes of failure. Which of the following was not proposed by him? A) internal or external B) stable or unstable C) global or specific D) negative or positive

negative or positive

T/F - The psychology of motivation concerns the whys and hows of behavior.


When Brenda takes the elevator, she always faces the front. She does this even when there are no written rules or laws that require this behavior. This is an example of _________. A) an implicit social norm B) selective exposure C) social facilitation D) a stereotype

An implicit social norm

Daniella thinks that she is extremely overweight despite having a normal body weight. She avoids eating food and has recently lost a lot of weight. Despite this, she contines to think that she is overweight. Which eating disorder is Daniella most likely suffers from?

Anorexia Nervousa

Schizophrenia is characterized by ___________. A) an inability to be alone B) negative symptoms such as flat, emotionless voices but not by positive symptoms C) disturbances in thought and language, perception and attention, motor activity, and mood D) positive symptoms but not negative symptoms

Disturbances in thought and language, perception and attention, motor activity, and mood

T/F - Psychodynamic and client-centered therapies appear to be most effective with well-educated, verbal, strongly motivated clients who report problems with schizophrenia and bipolar disorders.


T/F - The attraction-similarity hypothesis states that people with opposite natures find each other attractive.


Jill was surprised at how much her therapist challenged her beliefs concerning her social anxiety. Her therapist kept having her make counter-arguments against many of the thoughts she had that pertained to her anxiety. Jill's therapist is practicing what approach? A) client-centered therapies B) cognitive therapy C) behavior therapy D) rational emotive behavior therapy

Rational emotive behavior therapy

Which of the following is one of Selye's three stages in the general adaptation syndrome? A) The latency stage. B) The stagnation stage. C) The exhaustion stage. D) The resilience stage.

The exhaustion stage.

Which of the following characteristics is an aspect of groupthink that contributes to flawed decisions? A) The group's belief in its rightness. B) Considering information contrary to the group's decision. C) Feelings of vulnerability. D) Stereotyping members of the in-group.

The group's belief in its rightness.

Concerning dissociative identity disorders, which of the following is inaccurate about their identities? A) They must have two or more identities or personalities. B) The identities must have distinct traits and memories. C) The identities must not be aware of the others. D) They must "occupy" the same person.

The identities must not be aware of the others.

T/F - Jenna has not eaten in eight hours. She experiences hunger, According to the drive-reduction theory, Jenna is experiencing a primary drive.


T/F - Maslow's hierarchy of needs is defined as the ordering of needs from most basic to most elaborate


T/F - One suffering from mania may have grand delusional schemes, speak rapidly, and show a rapid flight of ideas


T/F - Psychological disorders are behaviors or mental processes that are connected with various kinds of distress or significant impairment in functioning.


T/F - When problems assault us, irrational beliefs help diminish their effect.


Which of the following represent the correct sequence of stages in Sigmund Freud's theory of physchosexual development?

Oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital

T/F - Psychological states such as anxiety and depression can impair the functionng of the immune system.


Clark Hull's drive-reduction theory states that: A) Organisms seek to increase stimulation. B) Primary drives are triggered in a state of satiety C) Humans learn to engage in behaviors that reduce a state of arousal. D) Pain cannot trigger arousal and activate behavior

Humans learn to engage in behaviors that reduce a state of arousal.

According to Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, what must be developed immediately prior to esteem needs? A) Self-Actualization B) Safety Needs C) Love and belongingness D) Physiological needs

Love and belongingness

Which of the following is a risk factor for coronary heart disease? A) Overeating. B) Low blood pressure. C) Sunbathing. D) Type B behavior.


Which of the follwoing is not characteristic of psychological hardiness? A) Commitment B) Aggression C) Challenge D) Control


Unlike Type A People, Type B people ___________.

Are less ambitious and less impatient

In order for Tonya to stop smoking, her therapist laced her cigarettes with incense that smelled horrifically. What is the name of the technique that Tonya's therapist is using? A) aversive conditioning B) virtual therapy C) modeling D) biofeedback training

Aversive Conditioning

During Bobbi's therapy session, she noticed that her therapist was frequently mentioning rewards and consequences. Her therapist most likely practices what type of therapy? A) behavior therapy B) gestalt therapy C) psychodynamic therapy D) cognitive therapy

Behavior Therapy

Which of the following statements is true of approach-approach conflicts? A) They are the most stressful type of conflicts. B) Both goals involved in these conflicts are attainable. C) Both goals in these conflicts are negative. D) They involve several alternative courses to resolve conflicts, each with both positive and negative aspects.

Both goals involved in these conflicts are attainable.

Cognitive theorists note that: A) People represent their worlds mentally. B) People's behavior is mechanical and primarily aimed toward survival C) People are motivated to reduce tension D) Motivation is independent of enviromental factors.

People represent their works mentally.

__________ is a disorder that follows an upsetting event outside the range of normal human experience and that is characterized by features such as intense fear and avoidance. A) Post-traumatic stress disorder B) Dissociative identity disorder C) Somatoform disorder D) Bipolar disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder

T/F - Behavior therapists see the effectiveness of behavior therapy as deriving from specific, learning-based procedures.


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