Quarterly Exam #4

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The eleciton of Bill CLinton in 1992 was most closely associated with the slogan or phrase:

"It's the economy, stupid!"

Which of the following best describes the methods advocated by Malcolm X?

Armed-violence against police and troops

Which of the following scandals of the Clinton administration led to his impeachment?

Bill Clinton's perjury and alleged obstruction of justice about his affair with Monica Lewinsky when testifying in the Paula Jones sexual harassment trial

Which of the following was NOT true of the American economy during the Reagan and George H.W. Bush?

Deregulation reduced the competitiveness of American business

Who are the only two vice presidents to have gained office through the Twenty-Fifth Amendment?

Gerald Ford and Nelson Rockefeller

All of the following are part of the Watergate Scandal EXCEPT

Giving money to rebels in Nicaragua.

President Clinton proposed a ploan that would provide healthcare to all Americans and at the same time hold down healthcare costs. The task force producing this plan was led by

Hillary Rodham Clinton

For the nation in the last two decades of the 20th century

Hispanic Americans became the fastest growing and largest minority group

Identify the fastest growing population group in the US in the 1990s

Hispanics and Asian-Americans

Which of the following were part of the agreement that ended the Cuban missile crisis in 1962? I. a pledge by the US not to invade Cuba II. a lifting of US economic sanctions against Cuba III. the removal of the missiles by the USSR IV. a secret promise by the US to remove its missiles from Turkey V. admission of Cuba to the UN

I, III, and IV only

Which of the following were policies of the Nixon administration toward the prosectuion of the Vietnam War? I. an increase in the commitment of American troops II. an invasion of North Vietnam III. a gradual withdrawal of American troops IV. an increase in the bombing of North Vietnam V. an invasion of Cambodia

III, IV, and V only

Which of the following was not part of Nixon's foreign policy initiatives?


Which of the following was a foreign affairs issue during the administration of President Jimmy Carter?

Iranian hostage crisis

Which of the following statements is true of the SALT I treaty?

It indicated U.S. acceptance of the concept of Mutual Assured Destruction.

Which of the following statements is true of the SALT I treaty?

It indicated US acceptance of the concept of Mutual Assured Destruction

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution authorized the

Johnson administration to defend American forces and repel aggression in Vietnam

Richard Nixon won the presidency in 1968. The circumstances that contributed to the Democratic defeat included

Johnson's failure to win a victory in Vietnam, and a lack of support for the war.

Which of the following was the most important factor in JFK's 1960 presidential election victory over Richard Nixon?

Kennedy's better showing in nationally televised debates

Which of the following is a correct statement regarding the Vietnam War?

LBJ decided to withdraw from the presidential race because of his stand on Vietnam

The political leader most respnsible for securing the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is

Lyndon Baines Johnson

The first woman nominated to be the US Secretary of State was

Madeleine Albright

"To resist without bitterness; to be cursed and not reply" reflects the philosophy of

Martin Luther King and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference

An important work that contributed to the awareness of the need for the "war on poverty" was

Michael Harrington's The Other America

The agreement that ended most trade barriers among the US, Canada, and Mexica was


The extreme partisanship of the Clinton era is illustrated by all of the following EXCEPT

NAFTA and Chinese trade agreements

Which of the following statements is true about the election of 1972?

Nixon was the first Republican candidate to carry the "Solid South."

The secret documents detailing the history of American involvement in Vietnam, which were obtained by Daniel Ellsberg and later printed by the new York Times, were known as the

Pentagon Papers

What major consequence occurred as a result of the break-in at the Watergate Hotel

President Nixon resigned

"Supply-side" economics, which rests on the belief that tax cuts cause economic growth, is associated with which of the following administrations?


The Strategic Defense Initiative ("STar Wars"), which intended to use lasers and satellites to counter Soviet nuclear weapons, was proposed under

Ronald Reagan

What vice president, charged with accepting bribes and kickbacks while was a county executive, pleaded nolo contendere to tax evasion charges and resigned from office?

Spiro T. Agnew

In 1968, Viet Cong guerrillas and North Vietnamese regulars launched a massive series of attacks which failed militarily, but succeeded in ending US fantasies about an early end to the Vietnam War. This episode of the war became known as the

Tet Offensive

Which of the following best describes the agreement that ended the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis?

The USSR agreed to withdraw its missiles from Cuba, and the US agreed not to invade Cuba

What specific disagreement took a full year to rectify before peace negotiations actually began to end the Vietnam War?

The shape of the negotiating table

Which of the following was NOT a major issue during the presidency of Jimmy Carter?

The unilateral increase in the number of US troops in Europe

All of the following were elements of the "war on poverty" EXCEPT

Voting Rights Act of 1965

When Gerald Ford said "The long national nightmare is over," he was referring to the end of the

Watergate Scandal

During the Congressional campaigns in 1994, a year in which Republicans would take control of both houses of Congress, Newt Gingrich and the 300 other Republican House candidates dramatically pledged to pass

a Contract with America

The Bay of Pigs incident involved

a US-sponsored attempt by free Cubans to overthrow Communist dictator Fidel Castro

Richard Nixon's conduct of foreign affairs emphasized all of the following EXCEPT

a renewed arms race in ballistic and antiballistic missiles

The conservative movement by 1980 was supported by all of the following EXCEPT

advoctes of gun control

The greatest achievement of the Carter administration, in the field of foreign policy, was his mediation of the Arab-Israeli conflict after the Yom Kippur War between Egypt and Israel. The Camp David Accords usered in

an Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty and a period of relative calm in the Middle East.

President Johnson's "Great Society" contained all of the following programs EXCEPT

an equal rights amendment to guarantee equality for women.

Critics of Reagan's economic program

believed that he was passing the problem of the huge federal deficit to future generations

The deadliest act of domestic terrorism in US history is the

bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

The women's movement that emerged in the 1970s was called the second wave of feminism because it

built on the women's movement of the nineteenth century

Which of the following problems during the Clinton presidency presented the most serious possibility of developing into an international crisis?

civil war in the Balkans

President Carter's administration had its greatest difficulties with its

economic policy

The 1968 presidential campaigns of Richard Nixon and George Wallace were similar in that both candidates

emphasized law and order

Richard Nixon's strategy to build a Republican majority for 1972 included all of the following EXCEPT

establishing positive relationships with the national media and liberal press

The UN coalition's main-objective in Operation Desert Storm was to

expel Iraq from Kuwait

All of the following are characteristic of the 1960s EXCEPT

failure to make progress in eliminating racial inequalities

All of the follwoing were true of the Iran-contra affair EXCEPT

funds were used to support rebels against Saddam Hussein

Ronald Reagan's greatest strength or achievement as president was

his ability to communicate traditional values and restore confidence

President Goerge H.W. Bush received his greatest public approval for

his conduct of foreign affairs in the Middle East

President Gerald Ford lost the most support from the American public for

his pardon of Richard Nixon

The Watergate scandal reshaped the relationship between politicians and the media. Nixon's cover-up of his own involvement in the scandal resulted in

his resignation

Actions taken by the US in response to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in A ugust 1990 included all of the following EXCEPT

immediate military response

Bill Clinton's popularity during his presidency can be attributed mainly to

improving economic conditions for average Americans

President Jimmy Carter broke from previous United States administrations in foreign policy by

linking United States aid to foreign nations to improvements in human rights

The U.S. economy in the late 1970s was characterized by all of the following EXCEPT

low interest rates

Cesar Chavez used which of the following tactics in the National Farm Workers Association strike against grape owners in California

national consumer boycott of grapes

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was defeated because

not enough state legislatures passed it.

The Watergate scandal led to Richard Nixon's downfall primarily because

of his role in directing the cover-up of the Watergate Affair

One of President Nixon's most important diplomatic initiatives was to

open diplomatic relations between China and the United States.

The Nixon Doctrine stated that the United States would

provide military and economic assistance but not large numbers of troops to contain communism in Asia

The term "Long Hot Summers" refers to

race riots in large American cities during the 1960s.

All of the following were important elements or goals of the foreign policy of John F. Kennedy EXCEPT

recognition of the Chinese communist government

A divisive issue of the 1970s was the implementation of affirmative action. Mandated on federal projects, the procedures were imposed to

redress a history of discrimination against non-whites and women in employment and education

Lyndon Johnson's Great Society program was aimed primarily at

securing civil rights for all Americans and eliminating poverty.

The Senate confirmation hearings for Clarence Thomas' nomination to the Supreme Court weere rocked by allegations of

sexual harassment

The growing strength of the Republican party in Congress and on the national level in teh 1980s and 1990s can be primarily attributed to the

shift of white conservative voters in the South from the Democratic to the REpublican party

Under the program of New Federalism, President Nixon sought to

shift the responsibility for social programs from the federal to state and local governments

In Bakke v Regents of the University of California, the Supreme Court ruled

that while strict racial quotas were unconstitutional in determining admissions, race could be taken into consideration

The American Hostage Crisis in Iran was precipitated by

the American government allowing the deposed Shah of Iran to come to the US for cancer treatment

Henry Kissinger played a critical role in all of the follwoing episodes of American foreign relations EXCEPT

the Panama Canal Treaty

The U.S. policy of detente with the Soviet Union ended because of

the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

The Paris Accords of 1973 included all of the follwoing EXCEPT

the United States would end all economic and military aid to South Vietnam

When Bill Clinton defeated President George Bush and Independent Ross Perot, the issue that most influenced the voters was

the condition of the US economy

All of the following occurred during the presidency of Richard Nixon EXCEPT

the fall of Saigon to the North Vietnamese

All of the following were major events that occurred during the presidency of Jimmy Caarter EXCEPT

the final triumph of North Vietnam over South Vietnam

All of the following occurred during the presidency of Jimmy Carter EXCEPT

the imposition by OPEC of its first oil embargo to force oil prices to rise

The end of Communist governments in Eastern Europe in the late 1980s proved the wisdom of

the policy of containment

All of the following factors contributed to the escalation of American involvement in the Vietnam War EXCEPT

the principles of anti-colonialism and self-determination

At the time President George Bush spoke of building "a new world order," the most significant event confronting him was

the rapid democratization of the Soviet bloc

The ruling in Miranda v. Arizona established

the rights of a suspect under questioning

The policy of the Kennedy administration towards Vietnam included

the sending of thousands of additional American troops along with removal of support for the Diem government in South Vietnam

Spiro Agnew called Americans who supported the Nixon Administration's handling of the Vietnam War

the silent majority

The Iran-contra affair upset most Americans because it involved

trading arms to Iran for release of American hostages

Richard Nixon's strategy for ending American involvement in the Vietnam war entailed

turning the war over to the SOuth Vietnamese army after an appropriate period of military training

All of the following were diplomatic issues during the presidency of John F. Kennedy EXCEPT

war between Israel and her Arab neighbors

Ronald Reagan was called the "Teflon President" because he

was never held responsible for the failures of his administration.

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