quiz 1 hist 2055

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in what year did you have the salem witchcraft hystera?


when was jamestown founded?


when was the boom time?

1620s and 1630s

____ is the beginning of the problem with the protestant revolution, and the puritians do what?

1640, take control of english gov

congregationalist happen after ____


when did the restoration happen and what happened?

1660, the king comes back and re-establishes his power (no major rebellion)

how many of the 104 people in jamestown survived?


old age in vir vs mas

50, 70

are founded as military company

England, Virginia

what is the boom time

Virginia becomes a wild and crazy place

initial organization of Virginia is what?

a joint stock company (they have a charter from the king to settle this new continent, they say they did it for the glory of God, etc., but just wanted to make some more money)

who is john smith?

a military explorer type

what is the head right system

a system that lured people by promising them 50 acres a long (for each person they brought)

who is thomas morton?

a wild crazy dude that embraces the wilderness and befriend the indians

when does the emergence of a more england society come in to play?

after 1640 (the collapse of the boom)

mass bay's relationship to england begins to change when?

after 1660

in mas bay what is the central role and nature of the church?

all of god's children came to church on sunday, (it was required)

who is roger williams?

an English puritan that comes to mass bay and preaches because he thinks he knows the truth

what is the house of burgess

an elected body that represented the company's interest and way for colonists to have input

during the emergence of a more england society after the the collapse of the boom time, there is a new ________

aristocracy (there is a revolution going on in England. they are english and more tied to England)

what does anne hutchinson do in mas bay?

bible studies at night (in various peoples' homes, and by the end of it all 12% of the men were on Anne's side)

composition of migration like for mas bay

big bunch, balance between woman and men (75% came as a family- really diff from vir-more of them are middle class and can pay their own way. they had professions like merchants; however, not all of them were this way. probably about a 5th were indentured servants)

changes after 1660 include generation change, which means what?

by the 1600s, the first generation of puritans are getting old, if not already dead. so by the 1660s, you have a second generation emerging--they do not share some of the aspects that the first generation did. they are less committed to the puritan lifestyle

puritanism: everybody has a _______


Maryland was a refuge for ________

catholics (protestants have to move? you have this tension between the two from the jump)

in the late 1600s, during crucial change, what were the reforms the company set in place?

code of law more like England, (relaxed discipline; eased law) house of burgess, (celebrated as the beginning of democracy but was not; it was an elected body that represented the company's interest; was a way for the settler to give input) head right system (company creates it, they give 50acres of land for every person that came in, even servants)

mas bay has a _________ town


jamestown is under __________ rule


in mass bay each church had it own ____________

congregation (most towns only have one church)

what are the practical application of beliefs? (mas bay)

covenant is an intellectual system to give them some sense of sureness (they begin to look for signs that they are part of the elect so if you are deprived and manage to behave good, that is a sign that you are really elect)

______ means they will sin and this notion of the covenant makes them feel better


how does english settlement differ from the spanish pattern?

differece in areas, replacement, (rather than incorporation like the spanish did, tbe english exterted replacement- they wanted to get rid of these people somewhere else) no centrealized empire (where the spanish created a bureaucracy, the english took a different approach- they accept the notion that these are the king's colonies--ruled by the king; no bureaucratic sutrucre; the king controls the colonies)

nature of area where they settled in mas bay

different land than vir (first winter high death rate however over time they are more healthy than virgina-lived longer more stable)

in the late 1600s, during crucial change, jamestown saw a more ________ pattern of settlement

dispersed (many people are living on land widely separated from anyone else)

where does mas bay start?

england (john wilthrop leads the first wave of immigrants)

in mass bay, what does communalism give way to?

expansion (they are hostile to outsider, but over time, as you have a second, third generation emerging, they become more worried about the economic aspects instead of communalism. people begin to buy land to sell it. the tight community begins to break down as you being to have more expansion and land speculation)

t or f jamestown was ruled by England

false (the company)

how were the patterns of trade in mass bay?

far apart (there were no telegrams, etc. so communication took forever. if you are a merchant in london and you are dealing with someone in boston and Jamaica you need to have a high confidence and faith in these people, bc of this it was often done with family-there were alot of merchant families, some were puritan while others were not)

during the emergence of a more england society after the the collapse of the boom time, the ability to make a fortune on tobacco is no longer __________


what is the death rate like during the boomtime

going down but still high (if you lived to be 21 you prob lost both parents)

what happens to john smith?

gun powder explodes in his house when he is asleep one night and he decides to leave (many people think it is a murder attempt)

what does john smith do for jamestown?

he goes through and instills very tough disciple

what relevance does pouhattan have with jamestown, ba

he is the local chief (he is trying to consolidate their power- he sees them as potential allies)

why is squanto so helpful?

he speaks english (he was captured on day and put on a ship w other indians and was shipped in spain to be sold into slavery-somehow he escapes and goes to england and cons his way back to mas and finds people have died from small pox so in sense he escaped death by being put into slavery)

why was thomas morton the pilgrims worst nightmare?

he supplied indians w liquor and weapons

what does Roger williams think about stealing the Indian's land

he thinks it is unfair

what is the majority of the population during the boomtime

heavily male

what are most of the people that work the land in the boom time?

indentured servants (but not always-convicts, orphans, volunteers--who often request to be an indentured servant)

pilgrims had an ________ colony


what happens to the disease rate during the emergence of a more england society after the the collapse of the boom time, in the 1640s

it goes down (natural immunities begin to take place)

in the late 1600s, during crucial change, who brought in tobacco?

john rolfe

who was the first gov of mas

john wilthrop

what is the key to the boomtime?

land and labor (if these can be controlled money can be made really fast)

in mas bay's communal town they have a town _______ and __________

meeting, government (town is governed by the town meeting)

the rise of what profession happens in mass bay

merchants (they being to trade and the wealth of new england is based on trade that is basically supplying food like fish, they eventually become apart of the slave trade and before this they were already interconnected with the slave trade.)

puritanism: "in the world but not of it"

middle war

signs of being elect

money, morals, etc. (acting good)

what does the company send to jamestown?

more people (usually poor people)

puritanism: english context of religious _________


are the people in jamestown making money under the company rule?


when the company rules jamestown, is this a normal society?

no (it is like a military company)

did the death rate go down when the company ruled jamestown?

no (it went up-people started eating shoes, one man killed his wife and are the baby inside her)

what are the two overall patterns of the stages of settlement?

normal to abnormal and become more english than american (in the first 100 years)

what is puritanism?

purify the religion (emerged from england's reformation and wanted to make purify the region-make it more protestant)

what were the factors that shaped mas bay?

puritanism, english heritage, composition of migration, nature of area they settled, nature of colony (brought charter w them)

in the late 1600s, during crucial change, what does the company adapt after they figured out people did not want to move to Virginia?


New England is more of a ___________ experiment

religious (the early days are strange and they tend to become more like England, as well as involved in England ad times passes, this is ironic because they wanted to have a sense of "americanism" instead)

the self-government in mas enforces what?

religious rules and behavior (whether you were a member or not you had to go to church; they had laws on morality, it expelled dissent)

mass bay has a __________ of english heritage

replication (they still operate in an aristocrat society; rich people are "cooler" than bottom people)

where does anne hutchinson end up after she is kicked out of mass bay after her trial

rhode island (sadly, ends up slaughtered by indians)

how many people are sent to Virginia that end up settling in jamestown?

roughly 140 people (they designed these people, some can look for wealth, some poor, some aristocrats)

in the late 1600s, during crucial change, jamestown becomes a ________ colony


even though the denomination is over thrown, mas bay becomes a _____ colony, and the church of england creates it own sort of ______

royal, peace (more toleration, more diversity)

the churches in mass bay were formed by the visible _______

saints (in other words, to join the church you had to prove that you were a member of the elect. this was no easy process. you would give your speech and they would judge you on it. kind of like having a check list. if you get all the checks you can join, if you don't, you can't)

they really believed in a literal devil that walks the face of the earth; therefore, the belief of a witch walking the face of the earth was easy to believe as well.

salem witchcraft hysteria

type of gov in mas

self- government (2 houses set up, all men attended church, but still not democracy! why? first of all, these people are english and have no sense of social equality; they still believe in an aristocrat society. they tended to be wealthy, older and the most religious. second of all, there is no democracy because they do not rule in the interest of the people, but instead in the interest of God and the words of the bible. (they think they are separating church and state)

Maryland and Virginia have similar ________


what were some of the fundamental beliefs of puritanism? (mas bay)

sovereignty of god, (all powerful, all knowing) the depravity of men, (men are evil, scum, etc.) election (conversion) through faith in christ (you know god through the bible, puritans are people of the book, takes out of society because how do you know you're elect?)

who helps the pilgrims (pilgrims and plymouth colony) get through their first winter?


in the late 1600s, during crucial change, how did tobacco phenomena start?

started with indians smoking it, in the early 1600s it was sen as cool, they discovered it to be a cash crop, and then it went from there

what is the pattern of settlement like in the boom time?

still dispersed

during the emergence of a more england society after the the collapse of the boom time, what kind of crops are there?

still mainly tobacco (but more crops are added)

mass bay has an economy of ______________ agriculture

subsistence (basically growing enough food for yourself and your family; you are trying to make little to no profits)

how do the pilgrims impact history?

thanksgiving (they dont have that much impact besides that)

what did anne hutchinson think?

that the puritans were wrong and were hypocrites (they did not practice what they preached-they prevented their own doctrine)

what does roger williams say about the puritans and the church of england and why?

that they should separate from the church of england because it is unpure

when do crucial changes begin to happen in jamestown and what is this called?

the late 1600s, boomtime

what does roger williams opinions on the puritans/the church of england, and stealing the indian's land say about the colony

these things question the colony's legitimacy

why did they leave england? (mas bay)

they felt persecuted by England, they think england is evil (this is around the 1620s when the british reformation is heating up and it is catholics vs non catholics. they think england will be destroyed for not keeping it covenant)

what can you not say about these people for leaving england (mass bay)

they left in search for religious freedom (this isnt true because they wanted to set ip the perfect biblical commonwealth-they wanted to be an example to england and the world)

what happens to roger williams?

they ship him out bc of his beliefs and he finds rhode island (he practices religious freedom and the separation of church and state in American history--he found the Baptist church. He thought state prevented religion)

because they aren't just puritans and are also english what happens? (mass bay)

they tend to form towns like they did in england

nature of the company in mas bay vs vir

they were both settled by stock companies and started put as the same organizational structure; however, in vir their organizational structure was in London, while new england brought the charter with them (in other words when vir chater met it was in london, when new england's charger met it was in boston. this gives them more control over their destiny, and they are able to self govern in a sense)

why did the town go crazy over witchcraft?

this is happening the time the relationship with England is happening. you have a crisis of judicial authority and they play against each other. (small town against emerging merchant colony)

in the late 1600s, during crucial change, how does jamestown find a way to make money?


where is jamestown? and why?

up the river, they are trying to hid from Spain (this is not a good move-the first winter they suffer incredibly. malnutrition, their diet is corn-which they mainly get from the native americans-they are getting poisoned by salt water; they are experiencing on of the worst droughts-shown by tree rings- a sense of isolation, and many did not want to work)

what happens when anne hutchinson ends up going to trial?

when asked how she knows what she is saying to be true she says god told her (would've worked it she said she read it out the bible because they believed direct revelations ended with the bible)

what does the company control in jamestown

where they work

what is a communal town?

wide spread land ownership within each of these towns (each town started with a covenant; they were a very close knit community and outsiders were treated differently--much like a small town experience today, would resemble stars hallow from gilmore girls)

did people keep coming to jamestown despite the death rate?


puritanism: it only works if you do what god commands if not,

you go to hell

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