Quiz 1

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The process of setting up the connection between the CMTS and the cable modem, where transmit levels and frequency are determined.


Purpose of a mainline "expansion loop."

To compensate for differences in temperature

This is how an absolute signal level in cable television is typically expressed.


Two examples of protocols that function within the concepts of the transport layer.


The voltages on a telephone loop while on-hook.

Tip 0VDC, Ring - 48VDC

Typical splice loss of a fusion splice.

0.1 dB

The year Comcast first offered high speed internet.


64 QAM has ____ levels of amplitude and ___ bits of data per symbol with ___ symbols per quadrant.

4 levels, 6 bits, 16 symbols

In an analog signal how far is the audio carrier offset from the video carrier?

4.5 MHz

The sync of a balanced baseband video is ________ I.R.E.


It is the minimum pole framing clearance between CATV & power secondary.

40 Inches


Automatic Gain Control

The FCC form used to monitor CLI performance.

FCC Form 320

This technology allows us to have a two-way plant.


The DC equivalent to an AC waveform.

RMS Voltage

A memory chip, or data stored on disks, that the computer's processor can read, but not write to.


This type of remote can operate equipment in an adjoining room, or behind cabinet doors.

Radio Frequency (RF)



Gauge wire used if grounding at an amp.

#6 Gauge

Telephone microwave terrestrial relay transmits up to six separate co-polarized carriers with ____ MHz offset from the transponder center frequency, and are spaced ____ MHz apart.

10 MHz, 80 MHz

10 to the 7th power divided by 10 to the 6th power

10 to the first power.

____ % of VOD content is free to digital cable subscribers.

90% (2)

Drop clearance between the cable drop and power drop at the house.

12 inches

The designed amount of sag in a 100 foot drop.

12 inches (6" / 50 ft)

When should an employee take a defensive driving course?

Before operating a company vehicle, every 3 yrs., or following a vehicle accident.

Using a 6412 DVR, how many hours of HD programming can be recorded?

15 hours

The year Comcast was founded.


The year Brain Roberts was named by Institutional Investor one of America's best CEO.

2004 (1)

The year Comcast partnered with PBS, HIT Entertainment and Sesame Workshop to launch PBS Kids Sprout.


Number of characters that are in a 128 bit WEB key.

26 (1)

A 128 QAM signal results in this many combinations.



Comcast Integrated Financial Application

These two words make up our company name.

Communications & Broadcast



The network architecture that is based on a single common infrastructure in that all services are delivered via IP over a consistent transport and routing architecture.


CMTS stands for this.

Cable Modem Termination System

This construction device is pushed in front of a lasher to Uniformly position multiple cables.

Cable Positioner or Magic box


Cable Services Group

An MPEG video is a sequence of these three kinds of encoded pictures.

(1) I-Intra coded, (2) P-Predictive, (3) B-Bi-Directional

Access code for 'Direct Call Pickup,' a feature that allows user to pick up a ringing call from a selected extension.


The FCC minimum specification for carrier to noise ratio when taken at the output of the subscriber terminal.

- 43dB

What would the power be in dBm if the output power of the laser were .1240 mW?

- 9.066 dBm

For Commscope Series 6 drop cable, this is the diameter of the center conductor (in inches) and the diameter of the cable (in inches)

.04 / .272

This HE equipment manages a schedule of services and programs, defines channel map assignments, controls encryption devices, and configures terminal communications, anti-tapping & code-download.

DAC 6000 (Digital Addressable Controller)

This minimum DOCSIS version established the first QoS standard which supports Comcast's Digital Voice Service (CDV).


Federal & state statutes give this agency broad authority to inspect vehicle & facility records.

DOT (Department of Transportation)

Enables multiple wavelengths above and below a centered wavelength to be carried on a single fiber.

DWDM - Dense Wave Division Multiplexing

This award recognizes frontline supervisors. The nominee works with their frontline team to overcome challenges, identify issues and develop solutions, motivate and inspire employees.

Dan Aaron Leadership Award

This individual, along with Ralph Roberts and Julian Brodsky, were the original founders of Comcast.

Daniel Aaron


Data Encryption Standard

This layer of the OSI model is divided into 2 layers: the MAC layer and the LLC layer.

Data Link


Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification


Demilitarized Zone


Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing

The process of removing redundancies in digital data to reduce the amount that must be stored or transmitted.

Digital Compression (1)


Digital Transmission Content Protection

Name two T1 applications.

Digitized voice signals and data transmissions.

These separate the downstream from the upstream in the cable plant

Diplex filters

This device separates the RF upstream from downstream.


This divides the RF input signals into 2 unequal outputs

Direct Coupler

The type of voltage used to transport energy from the power pack to the amplifier chip.

Direct Current

Another name for a "dictionary attack" by a spammer.

Direct Harvest

This type of Digital Video Format has the same resolution as an analog TV, 480 x 640 or 480 x 720 pixels with progressive scanning.


Comcast transmits signals to subscribers on frequencies in conformance with this channel allocation plan.

EIA Channel Plan (3-20)

More than 4,800 hours of live/original sports programming, featuring more than 65 sports a year?


Unlike coaxial cable, optical fibers are immune to this.

Electromagnetic interference

This is defined as solving the customer's issues on a single inbound call without the need for any additional calls.

FCR - First Call Resolution

This federal agency provides direction for state & local emergency officials to plan & implement their roles in the EAS.


This device is used in any situation where an electrical hazard may exist.

FVD (Foreign Voltage Detector)

This is what you do before you reach the top of the ladder.

FVD Test

When replacing batteries in a Power Supply, these 3 pieces of PPE are required

Face Shield, Acid Resistant Gloves, Acid Resistant Apron

This stands for FTTC PON.

Fiber to the Curb Passive Optical Network

When conducting a pole inspection, this is the first test performed.

Foreign Voltage Detection

The way the conventional cable system is able to trasport multiple programs on a single cable.

Frequency Division Multiplexing

Digital modulation scheme wherein the frequency of the carrier is shifted.

Frequency Shift Keying

Classifications of the speakers in a 7.1 surround sound setup.

Front-Left, Center, Front-Right, Left Surround, Right Surround, Left-Rear Surround, Right-Rear Surround, & LFE (Sub)

The Commercial HSD application for providing high speed access to hotels and motels.

H1 (Hospitality 1)

This popular channel was the first to deliver only movies via satellite


Maximum bandwidth of HDMI.

HDMI 1.3 has a single-link bandwidth to 340 MHz (10.2 Gbps)

HDMI, DVI and S-Video have this many pins.

HDMI = 19, DVI = 24, S-Video = 4

What HDTV format has 1080 x 1920 pixel resolution and uses interlaced scanning?

HDTV - 1080i

This HDVT format has 1080 x 1920 pixel resolution and uses progressive scanning.

HDTV - 1080p

In 2001 Comcast launched these two popular Digital Cable services.

HDTV service & ON DEMAND service

This channel is a cable-television network operating in the US, broadcasts a variety of home and garden improvement, maintenance, renovation, craft and remodeling shows.

HGTV - Home and Garden Television

This stands for HDMI.

High Definition Multimedia Interface

A filter that passes high frequencies well, but attenuates frequencies lower than the cut-off frequency.

High Pass Filter


International Organization for Standardization


Internet Control Message Protocol


Internet Group Management Protocol


Internet Message Access Protocol

Newer OTDR's have this built into the device to eliminate the "Dead Zone."

Launch Cable (1)

Term used for minimum telephone service to assure a contact in case of an emergency.



Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

Term for testing a power supply battery using a device with heated coils.

Load testing or testing under a load

This is the agreement that permits a cable company to do business in a community.

Local Franchise Agreement


Local Purchase Order

The two ways fusion splicers use to line up the fiber ends.

Local injection and Detection (LID) and Profile Alignment

This type of terminator (with internal 75-ohm resistors) must be installed during a service disconnect to terminate the output of ground block in the serivce disruption enclosure on the side of the house, or to terminate all unused tap ports.

Locking Terminators

This term refers to the control of hazardous energy by isolating machines or equipment from energy sources.

Lockout / Tagout (LO/TO)


Logical Link Control

The layer in a DOCSIS cable modem that supports timing, synchronization and bandwidth allocation to cable modems at the control of the CMTS.

MAC layer

This organization, a group of cable companies, which later included Cablelabs, led the way in developing & adopting a set of standards & specifications call DOCSIS.

MCNS (Multimedia Cable Network Systems)

The unit of measurement for a Signal Leakage Detector.

Microvolts per meter or dBuV

Band that we monitor signal leakage on.

Mid Band

Minimum and maximum downstream RF cable modem analog video carrier levels.

Minimum = -5dBmV, Maximum = +17dBmV


Minimum Point of Entry

Which two vehicle accessories should be addressed before lowering a ladder with a Sidewing rack?

Mirror & Antenna

This non-linear device is used to get an off-air channel's visual and aural carrier to IF, or baseband signals to IF or to up-convert IF signals to a TV Channel.


This phenomenon results from an image appearing too quickly & becoming progressively blurred as a result.

Motion Smear


Moving Picture Experts Group

These are used to avoid kinks and sharp bends on telecom equipment boards.

Mushroom Spools

Routing selected channels or programming to a targeted audience within a broad customer base.



National Cable Television Association

Three codes and requirements grounding should comply with.

National Electric Code (NEC), Comcast Specifications, State and Local municipality regulations


National Electrical Code

This stands for NESC.

National Electrical Safety Code

The organization that sets the standards for cable television grounding and bonding at the customer premises.

National Fire Protection Agency

This stands for NIOSH.

National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health.


National Training Systems Institute

The EAS digital signal is the same signal that the NWS uses on NWR. NWS & NWR stands for this.

National Weather Service and NOAA Weather Radio.

The highest resolution signal that a display device (TV or monitor) can accept.

Native Resolution

In a two- tiered model, carriers would be able to charge carriers of Web sites a premium fee for priority placement and faster speed access their pipes. This is the name of the proposed legislation that addresses this concept.

Net Neutrality

A managed hard drive connected to a LNA that can be accessible to anyone on the internet as defined by the company's Network Administrator.

Network Attached Storage (NAS)

The IP addresses contained in a subnet.

Network IP, Routable IP, Gateway IP, Broadcast IP

Three parts of the IP addressing scheme.

Network Number, Host Number, Subnet Mask


Network Operations Center

A data equipment that connects building data wiring to Ethernet switch.

Network Patch Bay

Two types of signals that are prevented from entering a drop cable by good shielding.

Off-air television and two-way radio

Comcast provides over 1,000 shows and movies that customers can choose from & then watch as many times they would like.

On Demand


On Demand On Line

Three ways our customers can access On Demand vis the remote control.

On Demand button on the remote, TC channel 1, Quick Menu, Main Menu

Term used when we pay the customer $20 for a missed service call or provide a free installation if we don't meet the scheduled time window for installation or service call.

On-Time Guarantee

What Comcast Digital Cable service is NOT available to Business Class TV customers?


One nanometer is __________ of a meter long.

One billionth


Open Cable Application Platform

This type of circuit has zero current and maximum voltage.

Open Circuit


Open Shortest Path First


Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model

This group of extensions need to be enabled for TCP/IP to function properly on Mac OS 9

Open Transport

What type of questions create the greatest opportunities to gain information from the customer?

Open ended questions

An extra bit added to help check if the data that is being transferred is correct.

Parity Bit

Total signal loss in a cable run is equal to the sum of this equation.

Passive loss + Cable Loss

A board for making optical connections consisting of sleeves used to line up two connectors.

Patch Panel

Meter mode used for intermittent energy. This mode captures the highest amplitude of energy bursts.

Peak hold

Term used for the difference in amplitude between the most positive and the most negative levels of an electrical signal.

Peak to Valley

Term describing the number of homes actually served by cable in a given area, expressed as a percentage of homes passed.


When American Cable Systems changed its name to Comcast, this is the state where it incorporated.


This stands for PPE.

Personal Protective Equipment

This type of voltage refers to the magnetic field produced by current flowing in a nearby circuit (e.g. power lines) that induces current flow in the conductor (e.g. our cable).

Phantom Voltage

Two sport teams that Comcast has majority ownership in.

Philadelphia 76ers & Philadelphia Flyers

The color orange indicates this in a USA survey.


The glass of a CRT is coated with a layer of ________ that emit different colors.


This is used to detect light from an optical fiber and convert the light to an electrical source.


An unterminated optical fiber can be tested for the presence of light by using a _____ _____.

Photosensitive card

The prefix equivalent of the exponent 10 to the minus 12.


Term for jumper cable for optical connections.


This video effect occurs in widescreen 16:9 video displays when vertical black bars are placed at the sides of a non-widescreen 4:3 image.

Pillar-boxed video

Type of connector most commonly used to attach hard-line cable to active and passive HFC devices - taps, couplers, etc.

Pin Connector

It is designed to be used, between passive/active device housings, allowing RG-6 to be connected to the device.

Pin to F or Stinger to F

This type of clamp is designed to bond bare copper ground wire to galvanized or copper pipe or conduit, commonly used with #6 AWG copper wire in power service.

Pipe Strap

The smallest unit of color information on a television screen, also known as a pel.


Drop burial method that requires the use of a small gas powered tractor with a vibrating blade that cuts a narrow groove in the earth for the cable.


Four characteristics of the gaff that are checked with a gaff gauge.

Point, Length, Width, Thickness

This device eliminates the effect of a headend generated jamming carrier.

Positive Trap

This device restores the signal on a channel by eliminating the effect of the headend generated jamming carrier.

Positive Trap

This patented-pending Comcast network technology enables you to experience faster connection speeds while you are downloading and uploading large files to the internet.

Power Boost

Name the four common connections on EAS equipment.

Power Connection, Input 1, Input 2, IF out

Device in line equipment that separates the RF from the AC.

Power Diplex (= AC/RF diplex filter)

This device strips AC power from the trunk cable and allows the RF to be manipulated.

Power Diplexer

This device is used to connect the output of a power supply with the distribution cable.

Power Inserter

This is used to introduce AC power into the network for use by the active devices.

Power Inserter

The minimum CPU speed for Macintosh O/S.

Power PC 603 200 MHz

In-line devices used in outdoor cable plants usually contain these to route the 60 or 90-volt AC powering around the RF portion, adding another 0.5 dB of loss.

Power-passing RF choke coils

Name the process that collects and associates customer equipment and account information to create and register their data account for H.S.I. services.


Name three (out of 5) operational tasks of a CMTS.

Provisioning, day-to-day administration, monitoring, alarms, testing of various components of CMTS

This type of modem may be used in a two-way cable system to transmit data upstream from a user location to the CMTS.


Collection of microchips where the computer stores programs & data while using them, and then, after it's turned off, it loses them.


Temporary memory that allows you to work on your computer but does not hold your information when you close the program you are working on.


To run the Repair Disk Utility in Windows NY, this command must be typed at the root directory level.


This color indicates located underground electric/power cables.


The term that describes the amount of electrical load a telephone ringer places on the incoming telephone wiring.

REN - Ring Equivalency Number

Formulas for calculating the upper and lower sideband frequencies.

RF Carrier + baseband signal = Upper Sideband; RF Carrier - baseband signal = Lower Sideband

FCC 76.605.(a)(12)

RF Signal Leakage

List the formulas for calculating the upper and lower sideband frequencies.

RF carrier +baseband = Upper, RF carrier-baseband=Lower

Sometimes referred to as a "75-ohm coaxial" connection, this kind of jack is commonly used for bringing signals from antennas and other sources outside the home components.

RF jack

This voice equipment is standard interface for connecting multiple line telephone equipment.


The interface between the eMTA and 66/110 block demarcation point.

RJ-21X (1)

Two examples of physical layer specifications.

RJ45 and EIA/TIA-232

This type of demodulator in a Motorola digital headend transfers power, timing, packet error measurements, & polled billing information from set-top terminals to the HMS.


These frequency waves are used as carriers to transport our programming.


This is temporary memory that allows you to work on your computer but does not hold your information when you close the program your are working on.

Random Access Memory


Relative Intensity Noise

This allows an element management system to monitor, and in some cases, to adjust or reconfigure the equipment from a remote location, or automatically.

Remote Management

These are the simplest type of LAN interconnection device that moves all received packets or frames between LAN segments.


When no obstacles are present, this is the proper order for stowing the boom.

Retract, Rotate, Lower, Strap

Device that is used to measure return loss.

Return Loss Bridge


Revenue Generating Unit

A test point that a DSAM can be connected to in order to monitor upstream signal characteristics.

Reverse Test port

CHSI Subscribers will receive this complimentary feature which allows them to customize their own radio stations.

Rhapsody Radio Plus

This agreement is a legal document that allows access to the premise to do a pre-wire.

Right of Entry

You must have this legal document before carrying out a prewire?

Right of entry agreement

REN stands for this.

Ringing Equivalency Number

The portion of a typical television capable of offering a television program in a language other than English.


The function of the video bandwidth filter on a spectrum analyzer.

Smoothes out the RF after it goes through the RBW filter and detector

Keeping the effected part of the body still and lower that the heart are first aid techniques for this type of an emergency.

Snake Bite

This term describes the occurrence of electrical voltage between two objects that should not have any voltage difference between them. Voltage presents a potential for electrocution causing serious injury and even death.

Stray Voltage

Which Comcast network features such programs as Extreme Makeover and My Celebrity Home?

Style Network

Seven frequency bands allocated from 5 MHz to 1GHZ.

Sub, Low, FM, Mid , High, Super, Ultra Band


Synchronous Optical Network

List two factors that determine the physical size of a headend building.

System channel capacity & services provided.

List two examples of protocols that function within the concepts of the transport layer.


The 2 methods of data transport created to allow the internet to function efficiently and reduce system crashes

TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol)





Space + Visibility = ???


What hierarchy was ISDN built upon?

Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) hierarchy

A troubleshooting tool that identifies fault in a coax cable.

Time Domain Reflectometer

Digital & Waveform are two different types of this troubleshooting tool.

Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR)

What does IEEE 802.5 use to control access to the medium?

Token Passing

Puttin the modem on the account then achieving block sync is known as this kind of provisioning.

Top down provisioning

This term is the ability to pass light to bounce from one wall of the core to another & move great distances.

Total Internal Reflection (1)


Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol

This is the designated risk incident reporting center for Comcast and aids in meeting governmental, legal and internal reporting requirements.


This fiber connector has a flat cut on the end of the fiber and any reflections may be directed back to the source. It provides the best insertion loss but about 5 dB worse return loss.

UPC (Ultra Polish Connector)

In plasma displays, electrical current ionizes the gas, releasing this type of photons.


The period of time between the moment the TV raster reaches the bottom of the screen and is blanked out until the time is reaches the first line.

VBI (Video Blanking Interval)

An extension number used in ACD software to connect calls to a vector for processing. This by itself may be dialed to access the vector from any extension connected to the switch.

VDN - Vector Directory Number

Name the modulation scheme associated with each component of a conventional television channel.

Video (luminance or Y) components of the picture are amplitude modulated, audio signal(s) are frequency modulated, color (chrominance or C) components of the picture are phase modulated.

This video equipment places baseband signal onto standard RF channel carrier.

Video Modulator

Name four optional EAS equipment connections.

Video Out - to video switchers, Audio Out - to audio switchers, Switch Activation Signal - to switchers, Character generators

These are used to change video and audio inputs to various modulators when channel lineups change.

Video Patch panels

Pair of video connectors, which allow the satellite receiver to take the video signal and pass it on to other equipment. It must be terminated when not in use

Video loop-thru

The 3 separate frequency ranges that make up an analog TV channel.

Video, Color, Audio

The customer should be offered this if there is a repeat visit within 30 days with a resolution code not tied to the customers equipment or a network outage.

Video-Free 3 months of a premium "pick a pay", a free Digital box with a premium, or HIS/CDV-a $20 credit.

This Headend equipment sends digital set-top box authorization and billing information to the customer from digital storage.

Video-on-Demand equipment

Four common connections of a routing switcher.

Video/Audio In, Video/Audio out, Power, Control

According to EIA/TIA standards, this is the color of fiber number 10.


Temporary hard drive data store. The computer copies to it RAM areas not accessed recently, freeing up active RAM, letting more programs run.

Virtual Memory

Name the protocol that allows a person to access their private network from the Internet, using a secured connection.

Virtual Private Network(ing) (VPN)

This type of lightwave generate between 390nm & 780nm.

Visible Light

Customers is this learning style category learn best when the materials include diagram, pictures, or VOD presentations.

Visual Learner

The 3 different ways that adults take in and process information.

Visual, Auditory, & Tactile

38 is the percentage of communication by which of the three V's of communication?


On October 5th, 2011, Microsoft Corp. announced plans to roll out a new era in television where your entertainment becomes instantly searchable, easily discoverable in extraordinary new ways from this single device.

Xbox 360

The name for Comcast's mobile internet solution that provides super-fast (4G/3G) wireless internet service.

Xfinity Internet 2go

The five main Comcast product lines.

Xfinity TV, Xfinity Internet, Xfinity Voice, Comcast Business Services, Comcast Interactive Media

This service was launched in 2004 to complete the Triple Play.

Xfinity Voice

This type of antenna is a narrow bandwidth, high gain antenna typically used to receive a single off-air channel.

Yagi Antenna

What color wire is connected to terminal one in an RJ-31X jack?


The color code identification of pair 16 in CAT 3 banded-striped telephone wiring.

Yellow / Blue

What is the 3 x 5 test for brakes?

You pump the brake pedal three times and hold it for five seconds.

Any member under the age of 18 is eligible for this award.

Young Engineer of the Year

Where should your eyes be focused while ascending or descending your ladder?

Your feet

The standard that separates lasers into various classes.

Z-136, ANSI

Technique used to enlarge entire 4:3 picture to fill the entire width of a 16:9 display.

Zoom Mode

The term for a pole with multiple utility occupants.

Joint Pole

Installing cable in the same trench as power or phone

Joint Trench

Wavelength is represented by this Greek symbol.


The first city to issue a CATV franchise.

Lansford, PA

First city to issue a CATV franchise.

Lansford, Pennsylvania

This stands for LNB.

Low Noise Block Converter

The FCC specification for the minimum signal level at a TV.

0 dBmv

The range of numbers, range of letters, and the number of digits contained within a MAC address.

0-9, A-F, 12 digits

Fusion splices & optical connectors should typically have losses of ___ dB or less at 1310 nm when tested on an OTDR.


Typical splice loss of a mechanical splice.

0.25 dB

When testing batteries in a standby power supply, the difference in voltage levels should be no more than how many VDC?


A set batteries should not have a difference of this many volts DC.

0.3 volts DC

A typical single-mode fiber's attenuation at 1310 nm is __ dB per kilometer.


A typical single-mode fiber's attenuation at 1310 nm is _____ dB per kilometer.

0.35 dB

Fiber optic cable is measured and tested in kilometer of fiber is equal to this many miles of fiber.


The voltage drop of a span of cable with current of 1.5 ampered and a resistance of .6 ohms.

0.9 VAC

Using a digital remote control, it is the primary TV setup code for a Sony television.

000 or 014

Any number raised to this exponent value is equal to itself.


In the FCC POP test, hum modulation must be checked on at least this many channels.

1 (1)

This standard is used to encode audio and video data.


The formula for determining the 5 degree maximum slope when operating an aerial lift.

1 foot rise in 12 feet

When determining the length of the drop cable necessary to reach the tap port, how much surplus loop shoud you include?

1 to 2 feet

The two frequency ranges that are used by aircrafts to communicate.

1) 108-137 MHz; 2) 225-400 MHz

Name three out of the seven layers of an OSI model.

1) Application, 2) Presentation, 3) Session, 4) Transport, 5) Network, 6) Data Link, 7) Physical

Traffic can be classified according to various criteria, including protocol and subprotocol type, and then queued on one of these four output queues.

1) High 2) Medium 3) Normal 4) Low

Four types of 'carries' - 4 main ways to carry a ladder.

1) Horizontal carry at the shoulder; 2) Horizontal carry at the hip; 3) Half-vertical, half-horizontal carry; 4) Side vertical carry

Name 4 out of the 9 minimum set of DHCP options that cable modems typically require in order to come on line.

1) IP address 2) Subnet mask 3) Local time offset from GMT in seconds 4) default router 5) IP address of a TOD server 6) Log server 7) IP address of a TFTP server 8) Name of a DOCSIS configuration file 9) DHCP lease time in seconds

Name five different types of upstream noise impairments.

1) Impulse/Electrical Signal Ingress 2) Amplifier Noise 3) Noise Funneling 4) Variable Transmit Levels 5) Clipping

As a general rule of thumb, the carrier frequency should be at least ____ times the symbol rate.

10 (1)

According to the NEC, a fall protection system or device shall be used when operating an aerial device above this many feet.

10 feet

It is not recommended to install the CHSI service on Mac computers running an OS earlier than this version.


Calculate the signal loss for 750 feet of Commscope Series 6 cable at 55MHz. Assume 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

10.5dB to 12dB

CMTS provides an extended Ethernet network over a WAN with a geographic reach up to ____ miles.


This type of work clothes must be worn by employees exposed to fifty volts or greater.

100% cotton

According to MUTCD, a flagger's garment shall be visible at a distance of _____ feet.

1000 feet

Length of a new reel of series 6 cable.


The 2 frequency ranges that are used by aircraft to communicate.

107, 108-137 and 225-40

The implementation of the Ethernet IEEE standard on 24 gauge unshielded twisted pair wiring, a base band medium, at 10 megabits per second.


The current size of Comcast Email storage box.


A quasi-square wave has an average voltage that is ____% greater than a true sine wave.


7 is equal to this in binary.


With Powerboost, 6 Mbps customers can "throttle up" _____ Mbps.

12 (1)

Number of phone numbers that can be screened with call screening.

12 (2)

It is the designed amount of sag in a 100 foot drop.

12 Inches (6"/50 feet)

In a 16 amplifier cascade, each unit operates with +10 dBmV inputs and has a noise figure of 8dB. This is the overall degradation of the Carrier to Noise performance at the end of the cascade.

12 dB

The number of different colors you would be working with when splicing a 24 count fiber color scheme.

12 different colors

The minimum size ground wire for new installations.

12 gauge

When you have 100 foot drop from the strand to the house, this much allowable sag should be in the drop.

12 inches (1)

300 volts to 750 volts . . . What is the minimal distance recommended for maintaining safe clearance?

12 inches (2)

Warranty length for Xfinity Internet 2go hardware.

12 months

"Standby Power Supply" use this common device to supply voltage when commercial power fails.

12 volt battery

What should be the approximate sag for a span of drop cable?

12" per 100 feet

E = 60 VDC, I=5mA, R=___Ohms


The loss in 36 Kilometers of single mode fiber @ 1310 Nanometers.


Two horizontal bars rolling through the picture on the television screen indicate this problem

120 cycle hum bars

How many customers were included in the first franchise purchase in Tupelo, MS.


According to the NCTA, this is the maximum distance from the existing distribution system that would define a "standard" installation.

125 feet

Diameter of an optical fiber.

125 microns

The USB port can be used to connect this many peripheral devices.


The minimum amount of RAM required for the installation of CHSI on Windows.

128 MB

___ -bit addresses are available with IPv6.


FCC Proof of Performance test requires a system with at 100K subs, have this many test points.


This many root servers support DNS on the Internet.


Combined strength of two signals, each equaling 10 dBmV.

13 dBmV

The cable loss of 200 feet of Commscope RG6 cable at 750MHz at 68 degrees.

13.12 dB

Two common wavelengths used for an optical fiber.

1310 & 1550

What percentages of customers choose not to remain with a company because of poor quality or value?


The maximum distance allowed for the Half Vertical / Half Horizontal shoulder carries.

15 feet

The minimum from the center of pole to place a span clamp in CA.

15 inches

The signal leakage limit (per meter) for signals below 54 MHz.

15 microvolts per meter at 30 meters

Generally speaking, the amount of attenuation an RF signal at 1000 MHZ experiences per foot of cable as compared to a 5 MHZ signal is approximately this much greater.

15 times greater

The minimum vertical clearance for a service drop above ground level for an industrial/commercial driveway.


Maximum recommended distance from wireless gateway to PC's linked together using the Comcast Home Networking product.

150 feet

The minimum hard drive space for a CHSI install on Windows Vista.


The minimum hard drive space for an Xfinity Internet install.

150MB PC / 100MB Mac

An OC-1 has a transfer rate of 51.84 Mbps. This is the transfer rate of an OC-3.

155.52 Mbps

The data service offered by a cable modem may be shared by up to this many users in a local-area network configuration if a hub routes with appropriate connectivity and authorization.


Minimum vertical clearance for a service drop above ground level for an industrial/commercail driveway.

16 feet

The minimum aerial clearance at the face of curb in CA.

16 feet (1)

In residential construction, studs are spaced this far apart.

16" or 24" on center

This is the aspect ratio of a typical wide screen HDTV.


The signal level at the input to a tap is 32 dBmV. You measure 15 dBmV at the tap port. This is the tap value.


This was the year Comcast renamed Comcast Corporation from American Cable Systems and incorporated in Pennsylvania.


The year OSHA was formed.


In what year did HBO deliver its first movie "Sometimes a Great Notion" to a small cable system in Wilkes Barre PA via microwave relay.


The first year Comcast offered Stock.


The year Comcast became incorporated as Comcast Corporation and traded in NASDAQ.


If the laser in the Hub (or HE) is transmitting at the same wavelength as one at the hub, then a minimum of this many fibers must be used to send & receive.

2 (2)

How many "do not remove" green drop tags are Comcast required on our bond wires?

2 - one at the ground block and one at the bond point

Spacing for satellites in orbit.

2 degrees

Before constructing your ladder for a pole setup, the feet of the ladder needs to be this far from the base of the pole.

2 feet

When doing any type of climbing, "Keep three points of contact" means this.

2 feet & 1 hand (or) 2 hands & 1 foot

This is the speed limit in a Comcast or public parking lot?

2 mph or about a walking pace, slower depending on the conditions

All buckles shall withstand a _______-pound tensile test with a maximum permanent deformation no greater than one sixty-forth inch.


Minimum handling radius for Series cable 6, 7 and 11

2.5 inches, 4 inches, 4.5 inches

This is the fiber loss without splices or connectors of a strand of fiber that is 5 miles in length @ 1310nm.

2.80 dB

According to the FCC, from 54MHz-216MHz, a leak shall not exceed this many microvolts per meter at a distance of 10 feet.

20 Microvolts

Typical loss of the tap leg of directional couplers used as test points at the input and output of today's amplifiers.

20 dB

A 'ground' wire may not exceed this many feet in length with bend radii not exceeding 3"

20 feet

What is the industry standard for loop current in a phone network, and what can a line card in our 8-line eMTA 'Boost' it to?

20 mA, 33 mA

According to the FCC, it is the minimum level of leak to be repaired.

20 microvolt

Leakage is checked for at what range and in what frequency range?

20 uV/M @ 10', 54-216MHz

The allowable limit for signal leakage for frequencies between 54 mhz and 216 mhz.

20 uv/m at 3 meters

The minimum/maximum level of a leak that must be fixed within 72 hours.

20-149 uV/M

The frequency of the Ring Voltage in a telephone circuit.

20-25 Hz

The year founder Daniel Aaron was inducted into the cable hall of fame.

2002 (1)

This is the year Comcast sold its stake in QVC to Liberty Media Corp. for $7.9 billion.


Comcast launched its digital Video Recorder service in this year.


The year Comcast reached a landmark amrk of one million CDV customers.


The year Comcast announced it had delivered eight billion On Demand views.


Geostationary communications satellites are approximately this many miles above the equator.


This is how far above the Earth's equator CATV satellites are placed in geo-synchronous orbit

22,300 Miles

Number of pins that are housed in a DVI connector.


The number of lines a BCDV customers can have on one account.

24 (3 * 8 line eMTA's)

What comprises the DS1 Stream?

24 DSO channels (digital voice channels) of 64 kbps each, containing 23 B-channels at 64 kbps each and one D-channel at 64 kbps.

The maximum time allowed before cable operators are required to respond to known service interruptions.

24 hours

Typical charge time for a BCDV LPSU.

24 hours (1)

The minimum aerial clearance between CATV and Power 15 feet away from the building in CA.

24 inches

Cable clips are placed this far apart on a vertical run.

24-30 Inches

Business Class customers can download the Norton security software for up to this many computers.

25 computers

The minimum clearance for crossings above Railroad tracks which transports freight in CA.

25 feet

FCC rule 76.612 states that cable carriers must be offset by ___ in the aeronautical navigation frequencies.

25 kHz

California State DOT regulations are tiggered at this GVWR.

25,000 GVWR

The 4 articles from the National Electrical Code for grounding and bonding requirements.

250, 800, 820, 830

The modulation scheme used for CHSI service.

256 QAM

The most advanced digital modulation scheme in use today. It is used to transport high definition television and digital cable channels.

256 QAM

The minimum RAM for a new CHSI installation on Windows XP.


Capacity for Blu Ray disc.

25GB (single layer), 50GB (dual layer)

The log (to the base 10) of 1000.


The maximum number of dynamic IP address that an individual Teleworker customer can have.


From the CommTech Pole Climbing training manual, gaffs should be removed within this many feet from the pole.

3 Feet

The speeds of Standard and Enhanced Comcast Teleworker service.

3 Mb/256kb for Standard and 4Mb/384kb for Enhanced

Comcast's signature video-on-demand service has now surpassed _____ billion program views since 2004.

3 billion

When performing a proof-of- performance test, this is the maximum variation within a 24-hour adjacent channel interval.

3 dB

No ladder should be used to gain access to a roof unless the top of the ladder can extend at least this many feet above the point of support, at eave, gutter, or roofline.

3 feet (1)

This is the required clearance from the bottom of the drop loop going into the tap to the communication attachment below.

3 inches

The average reaction time of an individual recovering from shoulder drift is approximately ______ of a second.


Hardware mounted to the strand should be mounted this minimum distance from the center of the pole.

30 Inches

Carrier to Hum ratios of _____ dB (<3% Hum) or better are considered acceptable.

30 dB

When striking the pole with your gaff, your leg should be at ____ degree.

30 degree

The maximum height a safety net can be installed below the working surface.

30 feet

To prevent leakage from a properly installed F-connector, what torque specification should be sued?

30 in/lbs.

What is the minimum length a Q-clamp can be installed from the center line of a pole.

30 inches

How much climbing space should be maintained across the face of the pole?

30 inches minimum

If the line is busy, this is how long Call Return will attempt to reach the party.

30 minutes

The video frequency of channel 48 (LL) is 367.2625 mhz, what is the audio carrier?

371.7625 mhz

MTTR for BC customers.

4 hours

The maximum "time block" the NCTA allows for an installation appointment window.

4 hours (1)

How far should straps be spaced from the end of any bend in cable?

4 inches

The number of times per year the FCC requires a cable system representative to drive out 100% of the plant locating and repairing leaks.

4 times per year

All office personnel should attend an Employee Safety Meeting at least this many times per year.

4 times per year/once per quarter

The L+R frequency-modulates the ____ MHz aural carriers; the L-R signal modulates a sub-carrier.


The FCC technical standard for the placement of the aural center frequency with respect to the visual carrier

4.5 MHz

The maximum bending radius for RG11.

4.5 inches

The transponder bandwidth that allows for the carriage of additional signals, such as additional audio & data communications.

40 MHz

Silicon photodiodes are sensitive to light in the range of these wavelengths.

400nm to 1,000nm

The anniversary SCTE celebrated in 2009.

40th Anniversary

Audio IF frequency.

41.25 MHz

Data rate for a DS-3 in Mbps.

44.7 Mbps

Video IF frequency.

45.75 MHz

The C/N at the last amp in a cascade of 16 if the amp has a C/N of 59.


Calculate the signal loss for 1300 feet of Commscope Series 11 cable at 750 MHz. Assume 68 degrees Farenheit.

47.44 - 48.00 dB

The crossover frequency of sub-split diplex filters.

47.5 MHz

Supervisory voltage supplied by a Business Class eMTA.

48 VDC

The difference of potential on a phone loop while on-hook.

48 VDC (1)

The minimum size for a warning sign.

48" x 48"

The composition of NTSC signal has this many active lines of resolution.


What is the approximate Supervisory Voltage Level of a line card in our 8-line eMTA?


The bandwidth of an HDMI cable.

5 GB per second

Always operate the aerial lift on a slope of less than or equal to how many degrees?

5 degrees

No Comcast employee shall enter an excavation that is ______ feet or more in depth unless the system competent person has examined the excavation for proper slope, shoring, or shielding.

5 feet

If a ladder is set at 20 feet above ground, the base should be pulled back this far.

5 feet or 4:1 ratio

The eMTA battery will last this long if there is a power outage for both talk time and standby.

5 hours talk time, 8 hours standby

Oil from Poison Ivy, Oak and Sumac can remain potent for up to how long?

5 years

This is how long each cable provider is required to keep POP testing results on file.

5 years

OSHA Log 300, a log and summary of occupational injuries & illnesses must be kept this many years with or without incident.

5 years + Current year

D rings shall withstand a _____-pound tensile test without cracking or breaking.


A standard singlemode optical splitter with a split ratio of 35/65, has an insertion loss of ____ / ____ dB.

5.0 / 2.1 dB

The maximum allowable cable length from the building entry point to the bonding block inside the building.

50 feet

The speed for downstream and upstream that is offered with Extreme.

50 mbps down / 10 mbps up

"End Road Work" signs should be placed ____ feet beyond the end of the work zone.

500 feet

It is the minimum CTB specs for the FCC Proof of Performance Test.

51 db

Comcast Corporation owns a controlling ____ % interest in NBCUniversal with GE holding a ____ % stake.

51, 49

The FCC requires that coherent disturbances must be at least ___dB below the desired carrier level.


The reliability of "4 nines" would allow this much down time per customer per year.


RF signal level measurements shall be taken and recorded both at the tapport and ground block for analog and digital carriers at each of these frequencies.

55 MHz, 350 MHz, 550 MHz, 750 MHz, & 860 MHz (where available)

The interference threshold, in dB, for carrier-to beat ratios.


Beats generated in the cable system must be this much below the carrier level.


The theoretical thermal noise level of a perfect amplifier.

59.2 dBmV

64 QAM has an efficiency of this many bits per symbol.


This many channels make up a Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound system.


According to Comcast standards, it is the minimum depth when burying drop cable.

6 Inches

The bandwidth of a standard cable TV channel.

6 MHz

It is the typical range of the slope control on a return amplifier module.

6 dB

Warning lines must be erected at minimum of _____ feet from the roof's edge.

6 feet

The maximum length a warning line system can be erected from the roof's edge.

6 feet (1)

When installing new cable outer, this is the minimum distance from an electrical outlet.

6 inches

This should be the approximate sag for a span of drop cable.

6 inches/50 feet

An additional FCC POP test point is added for every 12,500 subscribers; this is added to a minimum of this many.

6 test points

How many channels are needed for 6.1 Surround Sound?

7 channels

Typical signal loss on each leg of a 4-way drop splitter.

7 dB

FCC CFR Title 47, Part 76, Subpart K, Rule #______ states cable systems must take immeidate measures to correct a problem or shut off offending carrier(s).


FCC CFR Title 47, Part 76, Subpart K, Rule #______ addresses the responsibility the cable operator accepts to ensure that any device attached to the cable system complies with FCC rules.


Cables used for RF signal distribution in all new installations must be a minimum size of Series 6 and at least has this percentage braid coverage.


Visible red light is _________ nm expresses the wavelength.


A group of data bits (byte) are composed of this many bits.

8 bits

Signal level when the power of 5 dBmV is doubled.

8 dBmV

The minimum height requirement for a power meter attached to a pole in CA.

8 feet

This is the proper depth of modulation percentage of a properly balanced video carrier.


The proper depth of modulation percentage of the properly balanced video carrier.


A ____ degree phase shift provides maximum phase separation and, therefore, maximum delineation between the carrier signals.


New employees using a ladder in the field must successfully complete Ladder Handling qualification within this many calendar days from date of hire or before handling a ladder.


The D-ring bar on a ladder belt should be at a ____ degree angle with the long axis of the belt and should pivot freely.


This refers to the action you hsould take whenever you're going to change lanes, pull out into traffic, or check side perimeters.

90 degree head check

The level of voltage that can be present during an installation.

90 volts

Most manufacturers recommend setting modulator output at ___ % of the maximum modulator output so the final amplifier stage is not overdriven.


Purity of Isopropyl alcohol used to clean fibers needs to be greater than this.

90% (3)

The recommended modular output in order to prevent overdriving the final amplifier stage.

90% of the maximum modular output

The Ring Voltage in a telephone circuit.

90-100 VAC

CDV customers cannot make calls to these type of numbers.

900 & 976

These two telephone prefixes are commonly used by entertainment or informational services that can carry considerable pre-call minute charges.

900 / 976

What frequency range must a spectrum analyzer have in order to align satellite dishes?

950Mz - 1450MHz

Comcast's goal for network reliability.


System with this many subscribers are not required to do POP testing as long as they have a high confidence level that their network can meet standards.

< 1,000 subscribers

It is the FCC technical standard related to hum

< 3% of video carrier level

Name the device that allows a group of phone stations to access a common set of phone lines.

A Key System or a PBX

During a system outage, these are the three primary things to check for at a non-operating amplifier.


The audio compression scheme invented by Dolby Laboratories and specified for the ATSC Digital Television Standard.

AC-3 (aka - Dolby Digital)

An amplifier circuit device designed to compensate for changes in level due to outside temperature changes.


The three basic methods of modulation used in sending NTSC pictures.

AM, FM, and Phase Modulation

Historically, these are the three types of modulation for RF carriers.

AM-Amplitude Modulation, FM-Frequency Modulation, PM-Phase Modulation

The best of the Golden Age of Hollywood - uncut, un-colorized, commercial free.

AMC (American Movie Classics)

Safety glasses must meet this ANSI Standard.

ANSI Z87.1

This type of connector has an angle cut of 8-12 degrees on the end of the fiber.


This fiber connector provides an angle cut 8-12 degrees on the end of the fiber. The loss is low, but any reflections may be directed back in the cladding and not to the source.

APC (Angle Polish Connector)

An APC identification stands for this in an optical connector.

Angle Polish Connector

An APC / UPC connector is defined as this.

Angle Polish Connector / Ultra Polish Connector


Application Program Interface

Clearance limits for our drop cables can be found in this NEC Code.

Article 820 of NEC (National Electric Code)

In a TV picture, this term is the ratio of width to height.

Aspect Ratio


Asynchronize Transfer Mode

This transmission method uses a start bit and a stop bit.


This happens to the attenuation when the velocity of propagation increases.

Attenuation decreases

This amplifier component reduces signal level equally at all frequencies.


The Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA Regulation 1910.1200, Hazard Communication, was enacted on this date.

August 1, 1988

Two requirements of FTP.

Authentication control & managing multiple concurrent TCP connections


Motion Picture Advisory Association

The certification for the Installation and Maintenance of all aspects within the broadband network.

BCT - Broadband Communication Technician

Built-in software that contains the basic instructions (code) for the computer.


Name of the software that contains the basic instructions required to control the monitor, keyboard and a number of other functions.


This certification focuses on knowledge of the transports of signals, including aspects of the network from the headend to the hub and from the hub to the optical node.

BTS - Broadband Transport Specialist

This is the standard for stereo audio since 1984.


Before you install hardware or software on a customer's PC you must do this.

Back up the system registry

This term refers to selecting proper pads & equalizers & adjusting AGC controls where used to provide correct input and output levels for amplifiers.


This device preselects the input channel on a television demodulator?

Bandpass Filter

The term for the amount of data that can be transmitted in a certain period of time, aka 'speed.'


Four different metrics used in routing algorithms.

Bandwidth, Load, Delay, Cost associated with a given path

Name the two basic elements that make up a modulated signal.

Baseband or modulating signal and the RF carrier.

When the measure "Hard" ket is pressed on a DSAM, what 3 "Soft" key choices appear?

Basic, Service, Spectrum

The number of changed states that can occur per second.


Maybe the most powerful anti-spam software. It examines actual message content, compares it to a database of spam characteristics, then calculates the probability the message is spam.


Reality TV show in which a group of people live together in a large house, isolated from the outside world but continuously watched by television cameras.

Big Brother

Term used for the list of email addresses & internet domains known to be spammers.


A ______ code converts a fixed length of data bits to a fixed length codeword.


High-pass filter in a Power Inserter blocks this.

Blocks AC voltage from the amplifier at 60 hZ

This fiber is considered to be the first fiber in a bundle.

Blue fiber, blue tube

The proportionality constant that relates temperature and bandwidth to power.

Boltzman's Constant

A device equipped with F-81 splice connector used to connect the coax cable to the ground cable at the customer's premises.

Bond Block

This converter receives the 45-MHz, 64 QAM IF output signal from the IRT. It then up-converts the IF signal to 64 QAM RF for transmission to subscribers.

C6U Agile IF Up converter

The Proof-of-Performance tests help ensure that cable systems forward signals meet FCC standards as outlined in this FCC Regualtion.

CFR 47, Part 76.605 (a)(1-12)

The FCC rule that helps to ensure that a cable systems forward signal meets 12 technical standsards for POP compliance.


Two CH's in the STD channel lineup are not at 6 MHz intervals from the other channels, & thus, don't produce beats that are within 30 KHz of the TV carrier.

CH's 5 & 6

The Comcast Backbone Network is the source for many video sources. The name of the facility in Denver that originates the video signals.

CMC - Comcast Media Center

Names of both Comcast stock symbol tickers.


Part of the boot sequence that is used when the ROM-BIOS "wakes up."


This piece of equipment terminates, manages, translates High Speed Internet sessions between cable modems.


A network device used to interface the Internet, local data content, services, & equipment management with the HFC access network.

CMTS (Cable Modem Termination System)

BPI's key management protocol runs between the ____ and the ____.

CMTS and CM (Cable Modem)

This Comcast Channel was launched on September 3, 1996.


The network architecture that is based on a single common infrastructure in which all services are delivered via IP over a consistent transport & routing architecture.

CRAN (Converged Regional Area Network)

Three types of television sets.

CRT, Plasma, LCD, rear-front projection, OLED

The three major techniques for media access control.

CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection), token bus and token ring

The three major techniques for media access control that are described in standards IEEE 802.3 to IEEE 802.5

CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection), token bus and token ring.

Similar to CTB, it is a combination of the amplitude and the logarithmic sum of the number of beats that fall in a channel that determines the level of interference.

CSO (Composite Second Order)

This device allow customers to view digital cable service, including HDTV programming, without the use of a Set Top Box.

Cable Card

This tool is primarily used to identify a single line in a bundle of cables.

Cable Line Toner

This test equipment is used to find the route or path of an underground cable.

Cable Locator

This tool prepares coaxial cable for F-connector installation. Using this tool ensures that the center conductor, dielectric and exposed shield length are prepared properly so that the connection quality is consistently high.

Cable Prep Tool

C-Span stands for this.

Cable Satellite Public Affairs Network

This industry, which nurtured the domestic satellite system and laid the groundwork for the information highway, was created with no government subsidy, relying on the American tradition of freedom and enterprise.

Cable TV Industry

Three of the six types of professional development opportunities that the SCTE provides.

Cable Tech Expo, Live Learning, Hot-topic Symposiums, Local Seminars, Cable College at RIT, Distance Education

This test equipment is used to locate an unidentified piece of coaxial cable.

Cable line toner (1)

Service must be activated for the new TV before this works in that set.


This interference is caused by the carrier of one channel operating in the space of another channel.


Component that is the largest producers of attenuation in a cable network.

Coaxial cable

This needs to be connected to a DOCSIS modem before the power plug.

Coaxial cable (1)

The goal of the _____ _____ test is to find the worst beat or interfering signal, regardless of its type.

Coherent Disturbances

The goal of this test is to find the worst beat or interfering signal, regardless of its type.

Coherent Disturbances Test

This can be caused by CTB and CSO as well as beats and ingress. The dots in the constellation clusters appear to form circles.

Coherent Interference.

Before you install CHSI, the customer must perform this (to check that the peripherals are working)

Cold boot

In business class video, a directional coupler can be used for this.


Comcast and the FCC maximum allowable hum readings.

Comcast = 2%; FCC = 3%


Comcast Business Communications

A business unit of Comcast Cable, which owns two professional sports teams, the Philadelphia 76er's NBA basketball team & Philadelphia Flyers NHL hockey team & through Global Spectrum, manages other facilities for sporting events, concerts & other events.


This provides a means for cable operators to generate revenue by inserting commercials from local vendors into cable program services.

Commercial Ad Insertion

Any employee driving a vehicle with a GVWR/GCWR of 26,001 pounds or greater needs to have this type of license to be a legal driver

Commercial Driver's License

A type of video connection that uses standard RCA plugs & jacks and carries both luminance and chrominance information.

Composite video

Types of video output signal and services available at the "Primary Video Out" port of an IRD satellite receiver.

Composite video output, Subtitles, Text Services & VBI

The term for the following environment: Limited opening for entry/exit, unfavorable natural ventilation, not designed for continuous worker occupancy.

Confined Space

This diagram is a graphic depiction of the four phase states of a Quadrature Phase Shift Key signal.

Constellation diagram

A channel sharing process where endpoints listen for an opportunity to transmit when no other modem is transmitting.


The main function of a video Modulator.

Places baseband signal from the standard 4d RF channels.

This flat-screen display type offers the closest picture quality to that of a CRT.


This firewall feature provides the ability to dynamically open a specific port based on a request from a local computer.

Port Triggering

A digital modulation scheme that allows 2 channels of information to be transmitted at the same time on a particular frequency by changing the phase and amplitude.

Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)


Quadrature Phase Shift Key

We will commit ourselves to excellence in our products and personal relationships.


A mainline power supply puts out this type of waveform.

Quasi-square wave (1)

The mathematical definition of resistance using Ohm's law.

R = E / I

This channel lets you explore the world without leaving the comforts of your home.

The Travel Channel

Created by Barbara Walters & Bill Geddie, this program features a panel of women as co-hosts.

The View

URL for Comcast Customer Central


A TV signal processor that has tunable input and output frequencies.

Agile processor

This protocol is used with business class email accounts and verifies users have authority to send mail.

Authenticated SMTP


Cable Modem Termination System

How often should the systems designated "FCC Leader" be checking the systems FCC public files to insure they are complete and current?

Every month

This provides signals to amplifiers with no taps in between.

Express Feeder


Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

Main purpose of the CRAN.

Layer 2 and Layer 3 switch and routing

This is the process of putting several different channels onto one carrier.


"_____ & _____" does not require provisioning prior to plugging into an end station & is accomplished by having intelligent nodes in a network able to detect a change in the network.

"Plug & Play"

The seven layers of the OSI reference model.

(1) Physical, (2) Data Link Layer, (3) Network Layer, (4) Transport Layer, (5) Session Layer, (6) Presentation Layer, (7) Application Layer

This feature provides phone customers a recording that tells them the number of the last caller and give them the option of automatically calling the party back.


Call waiting


A customer would dial this to activate Directed Call Pickup without Barge-in.


Number of ports of a line Power Inverter that will pass AC.

1 (2)

Across 75 Ohms, 0dBmV is equal to this voltage level.

1 mV

Name two (out of 4) DOCSIS CMTS interfaces.

1) Internet 2) Local Data Content 3) Services 4) Equipment management with the HFC access network

The maximum depth a 5" screwdriver can penetrate a pole before the pole is ruled unsafe for ladders or climbing.

1/2 inch

Comcast Boot Policy mandates your boot maintain a minimum of no less that this height at any given time.

1/2 inch (1)

6 Calculate the Calculated Loss for the following scenario: • Series 7 cable • Length of cable is 120 feet • Highest frequency is 500 MHz • Two-way splitter with 2 dB loss • Tap output of 16 dBmV

10 dBmV

A lift truck must carry this many safety cones.

13 cones

The year Comcast formally acquired AT&T.


Cable signals using the same band as aeronautical navigation frequency carriers must be offset by _____ +/- 5KHz.


CMTS DOCSIS requires a minimum CNR of ____ dB.

25 dB (5-42 MHz)

In late 2007, FCC adopted this much cap, in percentage, on 'horizontal' ownership which limits the number of video subscribers that one company can serve.


Telecommunication lineman's body belts, safety straps, and lanyards' stitching shall be done with a minimum ______-pound weight nylon or equivalent thread and shall be locked stitched.


According to OSHA regulations, this is the distance you must remain from an energized 60 kV electrical line.

42 inches

How long can a Motorola 6412 be paused?

45 minutes

According to the National Highway Traffic Administration, the wearing of a seatbelt will reduce fatal injury by ____ %.


The 4 phases (in terms of degrees) used in QPSK.

45, 135, 225, 315

The video frequencies of an intermediate frequency carrier.

45.75 mHz

The output of an LPSU.

48VDC 50 Watts

When belted on the pole, your safety strap should be at this degree angle.

5 degree angle

802.11g allows for increased data transmission up to _____ Mbps.


The bandwidth necessary to deliver three HD channels from the headend to the customer.

6 MHz (2)

Lace-up boot must measure at least this many inches high from the top of the heel.

6 inches (2)

This is the host static IP of a business class service account with a gateway IP of

The minimum bending radius for .500" Underground cable without armor (+/- 1/2 inch)

8.0 Inches

Frequencies that are included within the FM band.

88 - 108 MHz

When performing a proof-of-performance, it is the maximum variation within a 6-month interval.



Advance Television Systems Committee

The type of transmission with continuously varying signal levels.


A channel devoted to testual listing & video segments of programs available on other channels.

Barker Channel

Term used for a physical obstruction such as a taped cones, or "A" frame type wood and/or metal sctructure intended to warn & limit access to a work area.


This channel's roots date back to 1922 in the U.K.

British Broadcasting Company (BBC)


Broadcast Television Systems Committee

In Web-related instances, this term is used when referring to computer applications, such as Netscape or Internet Explorer, that are used to access the World wide Web.


Web Portal for BCV.


This tool is used when a canister is removed or placed over the trap to prevent theft.

Canister Trap Removal and Installation Tool

This stands for CALEA

Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act

Radiated light created in the same direction at the same time.

Conherent light

This is when most pole climbing accidents occur.


This makes information of cable plant testing much easier.


Two basic EAS equipment.

EAS Receiver/Decoder/Event Logger, Switching Equipment, Video Overlay Equipment (optional)


Electronic Industry Association


Electronic Programming Guide

This frequency response trace is considered ideal when "sweeping" a CATV network.


Which picture type in an MPEG form has the most data.

I picture

An MPEG video is a sequence of these 3 kinds of encoded pictures.

I pictures, P pictures, & B pictures

This type of lightwave is generated by lasers between 1310nm and 1550nm.

Invisible Light

At any temperature above Absolute Zero, this type of noise is produced by the random activity of the atoms that make up the conductor, resistor, or passive.


What database would a domain registrar look at to get detailed information for any registered domain?

WHOIS database

The green wire of a phone line would be spliced to what wire of the 25-pair color code?


What pins on an Rj-31X jack are the outputs from the jack?

1 & 8

The typical splitter loss is ____ dB up to about ____ MHz.

3.5 dB, 300 MHz

This is the color subcarrier frequency

3.58 MHz

The purpose of a power supply module.

Converts AC to DC for Module

Function of an LNB.

Converts microwave signals to L band (950-1450 MHz)

This test is considered a "headend" FCC POP test.

Differential Phase Test

This type of channel is not included in FCC POP testing.


Where is Manchester Encoding commonly found?

Ethernet and Token Ring LANs.

We will be true to the highest standards of honesty, fairness & integrity.


PSTN stands for this.

Public Switch Telephone Network

One Kilobyte of PC data is equivalent to this many bytes.


This type of punch down block is used for data.

110 block

The intermittent screen door effect caused by the ingress of a pager/beeper will typically be seen on these two channels.

19 & 20

Standard outlet height is _____ inches from the floor to the bottom of the outlet box.


What is the decimal equivalent of 10111001?


HDMI uses this type of connector.

19-pin connector

Number of mV 46 decibels above 1 millivolt.


You have 40 dB signal input into 17-2way port tap; this is the tap port output.

23 dBm

Minimum required height of a safety cone.


The maximum REN for each eMTA.


YEDFA amplifier when split can serve up to this many nodes.


The three types of ILEC demarcation.

66 Block, NID, or a Screw Terminal block

These amplifier components are typically used to control the direction of AC power.

Fuses or Power Disposition Plugs

During the 1960's this amplifier technology allowed a channel capacity of up to 21 analog channels.

Push/pull technology

Type of silver satin jumper that connects between the eMTA and the wall plate.


Measurement used to identify the power levels of light.


It is the unit of measure for a Signal Leakage Detector.

dBuV or microvolts/meter

What would the power be in dBm of the output power of the laser were .1240 mV?

dbm = 10log(0.1240) dbm - 10(-0.9066) dbm = -9.066

The SAP channel is located at five times the pilot frequency and is a ____ encoded monaural audio sub carrier that is used for a second language or for an independent program source.


The cushion part of the body belt must be at least _________ inch thick, if made of leather.

five thirty-seconds (5/3 2)

Microvolts x 0.021 x frequency in MHz = ________

microvolts / meter

The username a technician initially uses to configure the IP Gateway.


Formerly referred to as OCAP (Open Cable Application Platform), it is a technical standard, which is used in the cable networks of North America.


Three main elements to TWZC

(1) work Duration, (2) Work Location, (3) Roadway Type

Picture of Coax Cable

(A) Center Conductor, (B) Dielectric, © Outer Conductor (Sheath), (D) Jacket

A method where additional data bits are added to the digital video bit stream to help identify and correct any errors that may be caused by the transmission system.

(FEC) Forward Error Correction

You must ensure grounding meets _________ and Comcast specifications.

(NEC) National Electrical Codes

Picture of Safety Cone

(a) 28" (b) 6" © 4"

Press these numbers to deactivate business class group make busy.


Access code for 'Direct to Voice Mail,' a feature that allows business user to transfer a call directly to user Voicemail without the phone ringing.


A feature that phone customers use when they choose not to receive calls from selected phone numbers.


A feature that lets you forward incoming call from up to 12 selected phone numbers to the location of your choice.


Dial these numbers to activate 'Repeat Dialing.'


Phone feature that prevents the party you're calling from seeing your pone number.


Customers dial this to enable or activate call return.

*69 (1)

Phone feature that allows customers to forward incoming calls from their phone number to another number where they can be reached.


A customer would dial this in order to use the Call Hold feature.


Dial these numbers to deactivate 'Call Forwarding Selective.'


Recommended input level to an optical receiver in the headend.

-10 dB

The amount of thermal noise power at the input to a hypothetical amplifier, at 68 degrees F.


The expected noise inside of an amplifier, even without input signal.


While verifying installation standards, what DIGITAL signal must you meet at the input to the STB?

-8 - +10 dBmV

Fro Commscope Series 6 drop cable, this is the diameter of the center conductor (inches) and diameter of the cable (inches).

.04 & .272

The attenuation of a typical single mode fiber at 1310 nm.


This is the fiber loss without connector or splice loss of a 2 kilometer strand of fiber at 1550nm.

.5 dB

The insertion loss of a 23 value tap.


What are the resistant levels for the following cable types - .875, 0750, & .625 (per 1000 feet)?

.875 = .5 ohms; .750 = .8 ohms; .625 = 1 ohm

Velocity of Propagation for Comscope series 6 cable.

.875 or 87-88%

Five of the seven most popular internet domains.

.com, .net, .edu, .mil, .gov, .tv, .org

Typical value of a return input pad in a return amplifier.

0 dB

If Traffic & Work Zone are mounted on barricades or portable supports, the bottom of the sign must be at least this many feet above grade.


The 5 Key Strategies for a Solid Customer Experience.

1) Be a Comcast Ambassador 2) Be Compassionate 3) Show Dependability 4) Be Thorough 5) Educate the Customer

You should avoid passing under these 4 conditions.

1) Bridge; 2) Tunnel; 3) Railroad crossing; 4) A solid barrier line on your side of the center line.

Life cycle of a work order (in order).

1) Customer contact Comcast 2) Work order created 3) Work order sent to a pool 4) Work order organized into routes 5) Work order assigned to Tech Routes 6) Tech completes workorder 7) Workorder stored in Comcast system

DHCP has 7 possible message types that can be used during the address assignment sequence. Name 3 types.


What are the three choices (in order) to make appropriate parking choices with regards to our Circle of Safety?

1) Drive in/Drive out; 2) Back in/Drive out; 3) Drive in/Back out

The two simple rules of TFTP.

1) The first packet sent requests a file transfer 2) An interaction is established between client and server

For night-time work, reflective garments shall be visible at a minimum of this distance.

1,000 ft.

BC customers sign a service agreement for this long.

1-3 years

A typical amplifier housing contains two separate housing gaskets that serve these two purposes.

1. Protection from environmental contamination (rubber/hermetic seal) 2. Protection from RF ingress/egress (metal mesh)

Typical DC loop resistance per 1000 ft. for 0.625 cable.

1.07 ohms

If voltage is 120V and resistance is 100 ohms, this is the current.

1.2 amps

Up and down speed for Xfinity Internet 2go 3G services.

1.4Mbps down and 500Kbps up

Maximum bandwidth of MPEG-1.

1.5 Mbps

It is the throughput of a T1 connection.

1.54 Mbps

The speed of a telephone company's T1.


What is the throughout of a T1 network interface?

1.54Mb per Sec

A single IRE unit is equal to this fraction of a volt.


Properly tightened F-connectors, without calibrated torque wrench, should be tightened _____ turns past finger tight.

1/6 turn past finger tight.

Number of channels needed for a 700 MHz system proof-of-performance.


This is the lowest data rate used for connections between the AR and UR routers.

10 gigabits per second

Single Mode and Multimode operate on these wavelengths respectively.

1310nm and 1550nm

This is the maximum allowable chrominance-luminance delay inequality according to the FCC technical specifications

170 nsec

The audio frequency for channel 7 is 179.75 MHz, this is the frequency of the video carrier for channel 7.


If the audio frequency for Channel 7 is 179.75Mhz, this is the frequency of the vidoe carrier for channel 7.

175.25 MHz

Ohms Law, I=6 & R=3, E is equal to this.


The minimum drop clearance at the center line of the public roadway.

18 feet

The backup time provided to Business Class Voice customers, should commercial power fail.

18 hours with TM208 idle, 8 hours with all 8 lines in use.

The spacing between permanent and detachable steps installed on poles and tiers shall not exceed this distance.

18 inches

STOP / SLOW are the primary hand-signaling device and paddles shall be at least this wide with letters at least this high, both in inches.

18" wide and letters 6" high

Number of pins that are housed in an HDMI connector.


Two confined space OSHA regulations.

1910.146 - Permit-Required Confined Spaces; 1910.268-Telecommunications-Section(o)-Underground Lines

Original standards for commercial television broadcasting were adopted for the United States by the FCC in which year?


This is the year Community Antenna Television (CATV) was born.


HBO began delivering movies to cable systems in this year.

1972 (1)

The first meeting of the IEEE Computer Society "Local Network Standards Committee," Project 802, was held in February of what year?


The year Brian L. Roberts elected as the President of Comcast Corporation.


The year Microsoft invested $1 billion in Comcast.


Minimum specs for Xfinity Internet 2go for Windows Vista/7.

1ghz cpu, 1GB of RAM, 75MB of Hard drive space, Internet Explorer 7

In QAM, this many carrier tones combine in quadrature to produce the modem's output signal.


QPSK allows the transmission of __ bits per symbol.


Given voltage = 10 and resistance = 5, this is the current.

2 amps

It is the minimum amount of clearance around a sign, chimney of billboard.

3 Feet

For a medium size system and lasers with outputs to 12 dBm at 1310 nm, this is the average number of nodes fed per transmitter.

3 or less.

SCTE certification is valid for this long.

3 years

Up and down speed for Xfinity Internet 2go 4G services.

3-6Mbps down and 1Mbps up

Using the formula (N/3+2), the worst case amplifier peak to valley response at the 5th amp in cascade should be this.


Maximum hole size (diameter) allowed to be drilled in a 2X4.

3/4 inch

BRSIS state that torque must be between ___-___ inch lbs.

30-35 inch lbs.

Lightwaves are much higher in frequency than RF waves, about _________ times higher than the highest frequency in a coaxial cable system.


For some CMTS equipment, spectrum management software supports the creation of as many as _____ cable spectrum groups, allowing multiple upstream ports in a single spectrum group.


The maximum length for CAT 5 wiring.

328 feet

Typical bandwidth of a satellite transponder.

36 MHz

If a power supply has three 12-volt batteries, this is the input to the inverter in VDC.

36 VDC

The video frequency of chanel 48 (LL) is 367.2625 mhz, this is the audio carrier


Comcast serves this many states.


The Comcast MSDS Program


When performing a proof-of-performance test, this is the maximum variation within 24-hour adjacent channel interval.


Number of pins that are housed in a standard S-video connector.


The /30 subnet uses this many IP address.


When ready to climb a ladder, at what ratio should the ladder to placed?


These pins on a RJ-31X jack are the inputs to the jack.

4 & 5

Number of phase angles in QAM.

4 (0/360, 90, 180, 270)

Number of times the 24-hour level variation test must be performed.

4 (1)

The climbing ratio of an extended ladder.

4 : 1

Underground trenches deeper than _____ feet require shoring to prevent cave-ins.

4 feet

When ALS & AGC are set in the middle of their range, the insertion loss is approximately ______ dB

6 to 7 dB

1 dBmV is equal to ____ dBuV.


Temporary road closures should not last longer than ____ minutes.

60 (1)

Number of hours of standard definition programs that can be recorded in a Motorola 6412 DVR.

60 hours

The input of a single amplifier with an 8 dB Noise Figure is connected to a 75-ohm carrier generator that adds no noise of its own. The generator is adjusted to deliver a +10 dBmV level to the amplifier. This is the C/N ratio at the output of the amplifier.

61 dB

What is the C/N ratio at the output of a single amplifier with an NF of 7 dB and an input level of 10 dBmV?

62.2 dB (C/N = L1 - (NF - 59.2))

T1 data rate.

64 Kbps

These two modulation formats are used for the downstream cable modem data channel.

64 and 256 QAM

According to a Comcast survey, what percentage of customers leave because of attitude?


The maximum breaking strength of a 3/8 inch strand.

6900 lbs.

A service vehicle must carry at least this many safety cones.


At what height is fall protection required in CA for rooftop work?

7.5 feet

The scan rate or lines scanned per frame in HDTV formats.

720 or 1080 lines

What HDTV format has 1720 x 1280 pixel resolution?


The C/CTB distortion of 2 main amplifiers in cascade is 79 dB. Two line extenders in cascade also produce a C/CTB ratio of 79 dB. This will be the EOL C/CTB distortion when the 2 main amplifiers feed the line extender.

73 dB

All cable television coaxial cable, fittings and electronics are designed to have this nominal impedance.

75 Ohms

According to the National Safety Council, what percentage of accidents is preceded by one or more near-miss incidents?


It is critical to terminate all unused ports on any splitter or directional coupler with a ____ terminator.


The operator of a cable television system shall make these 2 types of file/documents available for inspection upon request by an authorized representative of the FCC.

76.1716 Subscriber Records & Public Inspection File

FCC CFR Title 47, Part 76, Subpart K, Rule #______ spells out the CLI requirements to perform a ground-based test and measurement system or annual flyover test.


256 QAM has ____ levels of amplitude and ____ bits of data per symbol with ____ symbols per quadrant.

8 levels, 8 bits, 64 symbols

These three tap values are considered "self-terminating."

8/4, 4/2, 11/8

How many 1's and/or 0's make up 1kb?


Germanium and Indium-gallium-arsenide photodiodes used in CATV are sensitive to light in the range of these wavelengths.

800nm - 1600nm

Specification for wireless LAN's.


This is the standard set by the IEEE for wireless computer communication.

802.11 or WiFi

Four forms of the 802.11 standard for wireless networks.

802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n

The local One-Call Center national phone number to be called before prior to excavating of any kind.


This is the greatest quantity of discrete third order beats that can be found near any channel's carrier in a 77 cahnnel system.

> 2000

Term for diverse DC Wiring.

A & B Distribution

Name the equipment used with a Key System/PBX that allows you to receive and make phone calls.

A (Telephone) Station

Three carriers, A, B, and C, are introduced into an amplifier at a high enough level to produce measurable third order beats. This letter contains a frequency that is not a third order beat.

A + B

The two items that make up a fall arrest system for working on a bucket.

A 5 point harness and a decelerating lanyard

Several independent and industry analyst have been consistent in their conclusions that pay-per-channel regulation would be likely to hurt consumers by increasing prices, decreasing choice and reducing diversity in programming. This is called . . .

A La Carte

Term for the effect a particular type of amplifier has on the overall frequency response.

A Signature

All fabric used for safety straps shall be capable of withstanding this type of test. Not less than 25,000 volts per foot "dry" for 3 minutes, without visible deterioration.

A.C. dielectric

This device is used to select between two separate signal sources

A/B Switch

This type of voltage moves through zero to a positive and a negative range.

A/C (Alternating Current)

Which brake type should you use a steady firm pressure when braking hard?

ABS Brakes

Three things necessary to be present for an amplifier to function.


A horizontal bar moving vertical through the TV screen is an indication of this.

AC Hum

This technology prevents or distorts copies made over an analog connection between a source player and a DVD recorder, DVR, PC, or VCR.

ACP (Analog Copying & Piracy)

A type of high-definition plasma TV panel designed for optimum performance when displaying 1080i material.


Name the three types of modulation for RF carriers.


Who adopted the IEEE 802.x standards?

ANSI (American National Standards Institute)

This ANSI number covers the "Frequent Inspection and Test" for aerial lift safety.

ANSI 92.2

ANSI Standard for Laser.

ANSI Z-136

On August 16, 2011, the services of a Health Assistant from this company are free to Comcast employees and their family and are here to be your single point of contact to help you navigate the entire health care process.


This stands for ARPANET.

Advanced Research Projects Agency Network


Advanced Technical Services

OSHA 29CFR 1926.453

Aerial Lift

This term is used when one customer's drop cable passes over another's property.

Aerial trespassing

As it relates to the CRAN, this stands for the term "AR."

Aggregation Router

Primary purpose of CALEA

Assist Law Enforcement agencies with wire tapping

Communication that is not synchronized or kept in check with a clocking mechanism between communication devices.

Asynchronous Communication

How often does a CMTS poll each cable modem?

At least once every 30 seconds

Seven layers of the OSI model from highest to lowest.

Application, Presentation, Session, Transport, Network, Data, Physical

After splicing & before burying underground cable, this must be done to the splice to prevent moisture ingress.

Apply shrink boot/heat shrink

Name of the arc where all geostationary satellites are positioned.

Arc Zenith

The name of the wireless solution Comcast uses to connect commercial customers to our plant when we are unable to provide a hardline solution.


Original name for what is now known as 'internet.'

Arpanet (1969)

Grouding of all aerial & underground drops for residential service installations shall be done in accordance with the provisions of this article of the NEC 2008 edition.

Article 820

The demarcation point between the company & customer's cabling & equipment is located here.

At the ground block

Difference between transmitted and received power resulting from the loss through equipment, lines, or other transmission devices.


The typical transponder bandwidth allows carriage of these 4 types of signals.

Audio, Video, Audio subcarriers and Data

Name four ways that EAS impacts your headend and customer viewing.

Automatic Operation, Redundancy, Effect, Second Language

Four ways that EAS impacts your headend and customer viewing.

Automatic Operation, Redundancy, Effect, and Language


Automatic Private IP Addressing

A satellite antenna's parabolic curve reflects all incident rays along the ____ of ____ to a common focal point.

Axis of Symmetry

What is the C/N ratio at the output of a single amplifier with an NF of 7 dB and an input level of 10 dBmV?

C/N = L1 - (NF - 59.2); 10 - 7 + 59.2 = 62.2 dB

Congressional legislation passed in 1994 to clarify and expand law enforcement wire tapping authority to keep pace with changing electronic communications technology.

CALEA (Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act)

It is the designation for unshielded twisted pair wiring that is specified for 100Mbps Ethernet applications.

CAT 5 or Category 5 Wiring

This type of cable is used in air ducts and plenums.


The NEC file rating for coaxial drop cable used in environmental air spaces.


This type of cable is used for vertical runs.


These types of distortions are caused when two or more carriers encounter a non-linear device, such as a loose connection where oxidation has occurred.


This signal impairment is caused by oxidation.

CPD (1)

A Home Certification test must be performed in these three locations.

CPE, Bond Block, and Tap

Three major techniques for media access control.

CSMA/CD, Token Ring, Token Bus

Programming compiled from the world's largest library of cartoons, with more 8,500 titles?

Cartton Network

Term describing a company's earnings before non-cash expenses & used to asses financial performance.

Cash Flow

This type of video display technology creates pictures by shooting an electronic beam at a phosphor coated glass screen.

Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)


Cathode-Ray Tube

The four basic parts of Coaxial Cable.

Center Conductor, Dielectric, Shield, Jacket

The three network server network architectures for implementing VOD service.

Centralized, Distributed, and Hybrid

Deletes an unused channel for the insertion of a local feed.

Channel Deletion Filter

Term for using your cones to form a channel around your vehicle to funnel other traffic around you.


A device that electronically generates letters and numbers that can be displayed on a television screen.

Character Generator

Mathematical sums based on the content of the data.


Four types of Health Hazards.

Chemical, Physical, Ergonomic, & Biological

A computing paradigm in which tasks are assigned to a combination of connections, software, and services accessed over a network.

Cloud Computing

A device of software that enables compression and/or decompression of digital video.


(2) MAC layer provision requirements.

Collision detection and retransmission

Employee volunteers & their families participate in this company-wide day of service to local communities.

Comcast Cares Day

Name of the software needed to connect to Xfinity Internet 2go?

Comcast Connection Manager


Comcast Content Delivery Network

Only drop amplifiers approved by Comcast _____ ______ shall be installed where required.

Comcast Corporate Engineering

A business unit of Comcast Cable that focuses on creating & operating online & mobile properties, such as Xfinity TV.com & Comcast.net, that make the world more entertaining for Comcast customers.

Comcast Interactive Media

Comcast employees' resource for reporting concerns about workplace and business ethics issues.

Comcast Listens

This is where you can view career opportunities within Comcast.

Comcast Self-Service

The advertising sales division of Comcast Cable, helps put the power of cable to use for local, regional and national advertisers through advanced technologies and innovative products that reach audiences in the most effective and efficient ways.

Comcast Spotlight

The brand name for Comcast High Speed Internet Service that provides 22/5

Comcast Ultra

When cable was born, this represented the acronym CATV.

Community Antenna Television

This stands for CMOS.

Complimentary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor

On an A/V receiver, the input labeled as Y, Pb, Pr is commonly referred to as this type of connection.

Component Cable

Another name for a Codec.

Compression / De-compression

What page in the IP Gateway do you access to locally backup and/or locally restore the router settings?

Configuration Tools

The Rule of Three for CDV.

Confirm customer's new phone number, Illustrate how to use VM, Talk about Comcast Digital Voice Center

Splicing should take place in this type of environment to ensure the highest quality splices.


CRAN stands for this.

Converged Regional Area Network

This term refers to the process of agreement, by all routers, on optimal routes.


Function of an LNC.

Converts RF to 70 MHz IF frequencies.

This material is used for the center conductor of a CATV drop cable.

Copper-clad steel

Diameters of core, cladding, and coating of standard Z-136.

Core = 8-10 microns; Cladding = 125 microns; Coating = 250 microns

This tool is used to remove the dielectric from the coaxial cable to the depth specified by the connector manufacturer.

Coring Tool

Both analog and digital satellite receivers provide this output signal format.


List three Physical layer configuration options specified by IEEE 802.3

Baseband and Broadband Transmissions, Data Rates, Topologies

Two basic elements that make up a modulated signal.

Baseband and RF


Bootstrap Protocol


Border Gateway Protocol

A quarterly national program that recognizes Comcast's top CAE's, Technicians, CSR's, Resource and Warehouse teams who consistently exceed their key performance goals, and take customer service to the next level all while living the Credo.

Bow Tie award

The term referring to the boundary marking out the beginning and end of each message, in a data transmission.


This is placed on each cable to ensure that the maximum allowable tension for that cable is not exceeded.

Breakaway Swivel

Name of the Chairman and CEO of Comcast.

Brian Roberts

In October 2006, this Comcaster became the youngest member fo Cable's Hall of Fame.

Brian Roberts (1)

OSHA requires the use of a 5-point safety harness in these two situations.

Bucket truck Operations & Climbing Towers

Color-coded tubes that house and protect the optical fibers within a fiber optic cable.

Buffer Tubes

Electrical grounding of a system that is a closed loop shape (triangle, square, etc.) versus a radial system (spokes of a wheel without the ends being connected)

Counterpoise Ground

This helps us continue to dream big by sharing your thoughts about Comcast, your job & how the company rates as a great place to work.


The angle at which light undergoes total internal reflection.

Critical Angle

Term used for a facility that serves more than 300,000 homes, is an APOP or houses a CDV switch

Critical Facility

______ ______ Promoters provide a means to advertise another channel on the cable system. An example is advertising TLC (The Learning Channel) on available spots within the ESPN feed.

Cross Channel

Impairment that manifests itself as a vertical bar, & ghost images sweeping through the back of the affected CH.

Cross Modulation (XMOD)


Cross Platform Application Protocol


Cummulative Leakage Index

This is a characteristic of ingress in the return path.


Flow of electrons through a conductor.


CA Region Senior VP

Curt Henninger


Customer Account Executive


Customer Premise Unit

This stands for CPNI.

Customer Proprietary Network Information

These three CMTS provisioning protocols are required to support DOCSIS 1.0-cased CMs on the network.

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), TOD (Time of Day), TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol)

When a DHCP device attaches itself to the network for the first time, it broadcast a __________ packet.


A DHCP server on the local segment will see the broadcast and return a ________ packet that contains an IP address and other information.


"Libraries" containing software code that performs common functions.

DLL (Dynamic Link Library)

This feature is commonly used for gaming & videoconferencing - applications that will not function through NAT. Also allows a selected computer to bypass the firewall features of the gateway & permits unrestricted access from the Internet to the computer.

DMZ (Demilitarized Zone)

This feature allows one IP address to be placed in between the firewall and the Internet, so that the firewall does not restrict traffic to it.

DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) (1)

If you type in a website name & cannot get to it, but then you type in that web site's IP address & you get it, this setting needs to be changed.


This system translates a web page domain name into an IP address.

DNS (Domain Name System)

Term used for fiber reserved for future use.

Dark Fiber

When creating a Restore Point in Windows XP, these 3 pieces of information are displayed on the confirmation screen.

Date, Time, Restore Point Description

DARPA stands for this.

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

In a CRT, the term for the set of magnetic coils point the election beam to the front surface of the CRT.

Deflection Yolk

If you cross a state line in a vehicle that is >10,000 lbs, you're subject to all the rules and regulations governed by this organization.

Department of Transportation (DOT)

You navigate to this to check if peripheral components of a PC are operating correctly.

Device Manager

For Windows XP, these are two areas to look at for troubleshooting network adapter problems

Device Manager and System Information

Tool used to adjust the pots in an amplifier.

Diddle stick

The techniques used to remove static video information from a 6MHz channel in order to make room for other channels.

Digital Compression


Digital Converter Terminal


Digital Headend Expansion Interface

Where legal, this works best to extinguish a fire because it removes oxygen and causes no damage to HE equipment.


Ther term we use to describe a DC voltage that has been turned into AC.


These are pins on the RJ-45 used with the 568a or 568b configuration.

1, 2, 3, 6

Comcast customer expects ACTION. ACTION stands for this.

Accuracy; Courtesy; Timeliness; Information; Options; Neatness

The OTDR uses this to make its measurements.

Backscattered Light

The reflection of light in the direction opposite to that in which it was originally traveling.


Name three satellite receiver options that are applicable to cable television headend technicians.

Bandwidth, Multiple Descrambling methods, multiple decoding methods

When does the contents of a Fall Protection Kit be inspected?

Before each use

The _________ Hub provides the interconnection point of the network equipment. It provides a communications gateway for devices in the HE.


This business class service enables the customer to bypass the public Internet, transfer data safely & securely over Comcast's own private network, where traffic is masked with a unique customer ID.

Ethernet Network Service

The three chapters of the SCTE that are in the Comcast CA serving area.

Golden Gate, Sierra, Central CA

Name 4 out of the 10 Comcast entities.

Golf Channel, E!, Versus, G4, Comcast SportsNet, Comcast Spectator, Comcast Sports Southeast, PA 76ers, Phantoms Hockey, PA Flyers

Comcast desktop application used by Comcast call center agents that provides a single interface to all customer troubleshooting tools.

Grand Slam

This stands for IPX.

Internetwork Packet Exchange

IRQ stands for this.

Interrupt Request Line

This part of the Federal Regulation Telecommunications Code, Title 47, contains the cable leakage technical requirements.

Part 76

Hum modulation is measured in _________.


A facility that houses optical equipment for processing and splitting of optical delivery services. These are also known as repeater or feeder facilities.

Secondary Facility

As you arrive at the service call location, you should use this as your first source on information.

The customer

The first source of information in a service call.

The customer

When removing a mid-span drop, the proper way is to cut the drop here first.

The house

The impedance of a coaxial cable is determined by this ratio.

The ratio of the center-conductor and the shield.

This malicious software looks for security holes to use to invade other computers.


Two features of FTP.

Interactive access & format specification


Interior Gateway Routing Protocol

What type of cable is used from the ground block to the customer's equipment?

Interior cable

Television Scanning method.


This stands for ISP.

Internet Service Provider

A command line that displays the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway for all adapters.


This is where you can find the manufacturer's information, first aid procedures, flash point & list of active ingredients of a particular work place chemical

Material Data Safety Sheet (MSDS) or by calling the 3E Company

BTSC system uses this to create sum and difference versions of the two audio channels.


Computer-controlled switches that allow instantaneous changes of video and modulators or channel output equipment when changed.

Matrix Switch or Video/Audio Router


Media Access Control

A DVR STB that streams stored video content over that MoCA network to non-DVR STB's (media terminals) located throughout the home.

Media hub

An exponent of 10 to the 6th power is equal to the ______ prefix.


This term stands for 'Ten to the Sixth Power.'


Name of the link where you can ask the experts within the SCTE and to share your own knowledge.


If the power service location is greater than 30 feet from a mobile home, where would you first seek to bond the Comcast drop?

Metal Frame

Physical characteristic of a tap prevents ingress and egress.

Metal mesh gasket

In 1997, this company made a strategic investment of $1 billion in Comcast


The term MODEM stands for this

Modulate Demodulate


Modulation Error Ratio


Monitor and Control Communications

Three basic types of audio quality.

Mono, Stereo, Surround

Two types of antennas we use for monitoring and fixing leaks.

Monopole & Dipole

A circuit board installed in the computer that provides connection to a network.


This measures activity levels in the unused portion of a multi-channel system when there is random activity in the active channels.

NPR (Noise Power Ratio)


NT Loader

Once the satellite receiving antenna is pointed at a satellite, a spectrum analyzer capable of tuning in the 950 to 1450 MHz range can be used to fine-tune ________ and _______ for the best carrier-to-noise or signal-to-noise ratio.

Dish alignment & feedhorn position


Disposition (Disposal) of Capital Assets

Term used for calling feature that allows different phone numbers to reach the same phone line with different ring patterns.

Distinctive Ring

A hub network comprised of a group of clients and servers under the control of one security database.


A Web hosting feature that allows you to automatically send Web visitors from one or more of your domain names to your primary website.

Domain Pointer

Three types of calls placed with CDV.

Domestic, International, Operator Assisted

Three types of Dogs that may harm a technician.

Dominant, Prey, Fear/Defense

Device used to amplify RF signals inside the home.

Drop amplifier


Dual Tone Multi-Frequencies


Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

This device is used to measure the pulling tension to cables.


This test equipment is used to measure the pulling tension applied to cables.


Ohm's Law for voltage.

E = I x R

Ohm's Law

E = IR

Comcast partnered with Disney to acquire 40% in these two networks in 1997.

E! Entertainment & Style Network

Name three channels which Comcast owns and operates.

E!, G4, SportsNet, Style Network, Golf Channel, Versus, PBS Kids Sprout, TV One

Term for Comcast Ethernet service which allows you to connect multiple locations together while maintaining management simplicity of big LAN and maintaining bandwidth control for your application.


This potential personnel hazard exists when troubleshooting hum

Electrical Shock

This Silver Satin cable configuration is used when connecting the eMTA into the front side of a wall plate.

Electrically Straight


Electronic Codebook

This safety feature is required on all towers.

Fall arrest

The number 1 cause of accidental death in the construction industry.


This tier includes 16 family-friendly programming networks with primarily G-rated content, which customers receive in addition to local/national broadcast channels.

Family Tier

This admiistration publishes the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.

Federal Highway Administration

A plastic protective sleeve that fits over the drop cable and inserts into the exterior entry hole.

Feed-through bushing

Two items used to weatherproof an outlet.

Feed-through bushing & RTV Silicone Compound

Signal splitting device that plugs into a trunk/bridger chassis - used at output of bridger module.


The three main components of a typical standby power supply.

Ferroresonant transformer, set of batteries, AC inverter.

Used like a snap connector, but a twist lock feature much like a BNC RF connector.

Ferruled Connector


Fiber Distributed Data Interface

Strength members are made of either one these materials.

Fiberglass or Kevlar Steel

It takes two of these to create one full frame of video on a TV screen.


Comcast has implemented this program to provide the opportunities for observing safety performance, give regular feedback, and intervene to create an improved safety culture.

Field Safety Observation (FSO)

A feature of the DSAM that provides a node view of upstream signals as seen by the headend.

Field View

When configuring the network during a new online installation, these 2 options should always be turned off.

File Sharing & Print Sharing

The alternative to on-line access to data and files.

File Transfer

The protocol used on the Internet for sending files.

File Transfer Protocol

If it becomes over-saturated, this device may accidentally allow RF into a power supply.

Filter capacitor / power passing choke

A passive device that joins all headend output channles onto the same cable.

Final combiner

This system is a specific construction consisting of a wall or fllor assembly, a penetrating item passing through an opening in the wall or floor assembly, & the materials designed to prevent the spread of fire through the openings.

Firestop System

Piece of hardware used to attach drop cable to a pole.

J-Hook or Drive Hook

According to the FCC, this is the date all broadcasters must broadcast digital programming only.

January 1, 2007

A condition caused by packets not being received in the correct order, or the packets taking too long to arrive at their location.


Person recognized by the U.S. Congress and the National Cable Television Association as having invented cable TV in the spring of 1948.

John Walson (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Walson)

Installing cable in the same trench as power or phone.

Joint Trench (ing)

Besides Ralph Roberts & Daniel Aaron, he is the third founder of Comcast.

Julian Brodsky

Three founders of Comcast Corporation.

Julian Brodsky, Ralph Roberts, Dan Aaron

A financial or non-financial metric used to help an organization define and measure progress toward organizational goals.

KPI - Key Performance Indicator

This allows a group of phone stations to access a common set of telephone lines.

Key System (PBX)

The formula for determining the length of the taper for speeds greater that 45 MPH.

L = WS

This environment is the best example of the connectionless network and is used extensively in FDDI, Ethernet, and Token Ring.


This type of TV display that is susceptible to motion smear.


A special optical fiber connector used in gigabit Ethernet devices.


With this technology, light is projected through a condensing lens, concentrating it into a small beam which is split into 3 separate beams of red, green, & blue light by Dichronic mirrors.


This satellite antenna component downconverts C and Ku frequencies to a manageable group of frequencies for the satellite receiver.

LNB (Low Noise Block Converter)

This device supplies DC power to an 8 port eMTA.



Laser Amplication Stimulated by Emission of Radiation

The default password for the customer's CDV voice mail.

Last four digits of customer's phone number

Customer's default Comcast voicemail password.

Last four numbers of the home telephone number

The delay between transmission of information and its arrival.


This side of a 66 punch down block is the telephone input.

Left side

The Comcast & Dept. of Transportation formula determining the taper & number of cones necessary on a roadway speed of 41 mph or greater.

Length of taper = the lane width times the speed limit (L=WxS)

The term used to describe the way a 16:9 aspect ratio image is displayed on a 4:3 screen, where black areas are visible above & below the image.


Levels of service available for BCHSI customers.

Life, Standard, Enhanced, Symmetric Advantage

This network's commitment aims to improve the lives of girls, women & their families through education, awareness & legislation.

Lifetime TV

Tel 7 flashing slowly, once per second, indicates this.

Line Card Error

This defines the start and end times of data bits.

Line Coding

A traditional method for deploying video content to customers - content for all channels is sent to each customer regardless of their subscription or viewing patterns.

Linear Broadcast

A more recent video display technology, this differs from DLP and LCD, in that it is both reflective and transmissive.

Liquid Crystal on Silicon (LiCOS)

On devices such a cameras, phones, or MP3 players, your documents, photos, songs, etc. are still there when you power back up because they contain ________ Memory.


We will maintain our ability to adapt to an ever-changing world.


The name of the sticky substance between the shield & the jacket of underground cable.

Flooded Compound

It is a characteristic of all Underground Coaxial Cable that prevents moisture migration.

Flooding Compound or Gel

A common characteristic of all underground drop cable.

Flooding compound

These two methods are used to collect data for the CLI report.

Flyover & Ground-Based Detection

This component of drop cable keeps the signal from leaking.

Foil and Braid (or shield / outer conductor)

This device is usually selected for low noise figure. It amplifies forward signals passing through the trunk and distribution lines.

Forward Amplifier Module

A method where additional data bits are added to the digital video bit stream to help identify and correct any errors that may be caused by the transmission system.

Forward Error Correction (FEC)

The ladder should be long enough so that the work can be done at least this many rungs from the top.


Contractual agreement between Comcast and a government entity defines the responsibilities of each within a specified geographic area.

Franchise Agreement

Cycles / Second


This type of frequency hoping is used to proactively avoid noise ingress.

Frequency Agility

These types of reflections are caused by the changes in the refractive index of the fiber and are usually caused by reflections from splices, couplings, and fiber ends.


These reflections are cuased by the changes in the refractive index of the fiber and are usually caused by reflections from splices, couplings.

Fresnel Reflections

These two factors can affect your vehicle's probability of skidding.

Friction and traction

Types of skids

Front Wheel Skid, Rear Wheel Skid, All Wheel Skid

If possible, avoid routing exterior cable on this side of the house.

Front or street side.

Three types of skids.

Front wheel, Rear wheel, All wheel


Fully Qualified Domain Name

Unlike the forward signals that are distributed throughout the network, problems in the return path are additive (they become stronger as more interferences are added to the return path signals) due to this.

Funneling Effect

This detects ground faults and interrupts the flow of electric current.


A _____ outlet (device) protects the technician against electrical shock.

GFI Outlet

A computer interface that permits users to directly manipulate (as the primary means of interaction) objects which are displayed on the monitor.

GUI (Graphical User Interface)

Using this mode of a spectrum analyzer allows us to make otherwise intrusive FCC POP tests in a non-intrusive manner on modulated cahnnels.

Gated Mode

Term for an entrance and exit into a communications network and an electronic repeater device that intercepts & steers electrical signals from one network to another.


These are being used in Comcast's VoIP applications to bridge the gap between the PSTN and the Cable network.


SCTE has partnered with this vehicle insurance company that provides its members with discounted rates.


Underground drop splices require which one of the following safeguards?

Gel enclosure

"GO" in GO 95/128 stands for this.

General Order

This is the result of the C/N (carrier to noise) everytime the amplifiers in a cascade double.

Gets worse by 3

An ingress weak image of the received picture, offset either left or right of the primary image received earlier or later than the primary signal.


This series follows an optimistic teacher, who against all odds & a malicious cheerleading coach, attempts to help a group of aspiring underdogs realize their star potential.



Graphical User Interface

Corrugated refractive index material properly spaced to reflect only a specific wavelength.

Grating material


Gross Vehicle Weight Rating

A metal rod driven into the ground to which the ground wire is attached.

Ground Rod

The safety device attached to the bottom portion of an anchor guy exposed to traffic.

Guy Guard

These eliminate the need for jumper cables to connect two pieces of equipment together.

H to H fittings

The international unit for frequency.



High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection

This channel is the multimedia gateway to the past.

History Channel

Slang term used to describe sending a signal to a set-top box to initialize or reset it


The adapter that allows a customer to use their electrical system as a transmission path for the home network.

Home Plug

The term used when individual cables are installed between the outlet and the lockbox for each outlet.

Home Run

This term describes how many service addresses would actually be connected & represents potential customers, not actual customers.

Homes Passed

Term for the highest energy content of any of the video components within a TV channel.

Horizontal Sync Pulse

The unique name by which a computer is known on a network, used to identify it in electronic mail, Usernet news, or other forms of electronic information interchange.


A ratio of the peak to peak voltage level of the 60 hz AC interfering signal to the peak voltage level of the unmodulated RF video carrier

Hum Measurement

This is a low frequency signal which the FCC states must be less than 3% of the video carrier level.

Hum Modulation

A non-intrusive test device manufactured by Trilithic that can be used at the seizure screw port of a tap or other passive device. It may also be used at resistive test points without introducing local reflections.


Tool used to check polarity and dial tone.

Little Buddy or Telephone Line Test Set

This stands for LO.

Local Oscillator

The term used for any pair of wires that runs between the Central Office and the subscriber.


The sum of the center conductor resistance and the shield resistance.

Loop Resistance

The physical resistance of both carrier conductor and the shield of a piece of coaxial cable.

Loop Resistance (1)

This type of IP address allows a computer to establish/validate its IP stack.

Loopback IP Address

Any cable outlet route from the origination point to a TV with no equipment in between cannot be considered a _________.

Looped outlet or loop through.

The two most popular fiber cable configurations used in North America.

Loos tube & Central tube

Fibers are contained in this plastic tube much larger than the optical fibers.

Loose Tube (1)

The most common cause of egress.

Loose fittings

Five different types of fiber cable packing.

Loose, Flex, Unitube, Ribbon, Ribbon Strand

This stands for LNC.

Low Noise Converter

While some early C-band receivers were tuned to the downlink frequencies, This expensive type of cable was used to bring a useable level of signal from the dish to the receiver in the headend building.

Low loss Heliax

Generic term meaning all forms of telephony or telephone such as transmissions over an IP Based network.

IP Telephony

Two examples of protocols that fall functionally within the network layer.

IP and Novell Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX)

What are the 3 common VPN protocols listed on the VPN Termination page of our IP Gateway?

IPSec (Internet Protocol Security), PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) and L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol)

The connection/adaptor that allows the DTA to be placed behind the TV which will allow the remote to communicate.

IR Blaster

The unit of measurement on a waveform monitor


Hardware connections that allow devices in a computer to send messages to the microprocessor.

IRQ (Interrupt Request Line)

This was introduced in the 1990's as the solution for digital connectivity ofver dial-up/56k and is now used only sparingly in commercial settings.

ISDN (Integrated Subscriber Digital Network)

TDR is really looking for this.

Impedence mismatch

This term is used to describe transmissions that are short in duration & commonly generated by household appliances.

Impulse Noise

The electrical interference to the return path that can enter the drop a noise from household appliances lor vehicle ignitions.

Impulse Noise (1)

This term is used to describe ingress caused by electromagnetic interference from items such as microwaves ovens, hair dryers, air conditioners.

Impulse Noise (2)

The Digital Home Communications Termial in an S-A digital headend receive information in these two ways.

In-Band or Out-of-Band

This type of test measures the frequency response from 0.75 MHz above the lower frequency boundary of the cable channel under tests.

In-Channel Response Test

This can be used to determine the elevation angle required to see the satellite prior to starting a permanent installation.



Incrementally Related Carrier


Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier


Indoor Air Quality

The resistance between the shielding and the center conductor of a drop cable as measured on a Volt-Ohm meter.


Five types of remote controls.

Infrared Remotes, RF Remotes, Universal Remotes, Programmable Remotes, Two-way Remotes

Having or relating to a frequency below the audibility range of the human ear.


Fiber is immune to this type of interference.

Ingress / Electrical

With a DSAM, what measuring mode do you use to inspect for ingress on frequencies from 88 to 108 MHz?

Ingress Resistance

The formula for C/N

Input + 59.2 - NF

This is how you field test Hot Gloves.

Insert air into gloves, roll to the cuff, listen for air leaks


Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers


Integrated Receiver Transcoder


Integrated Services Digital Network

What does LFL stand for?

Lower Flammable Limit

The unit of measure for light output of a projector.


The black & white (Y) portion of a composite, Y/C, or Y/Pb/Pr video signal.


This term is used to also refer to baseband brightness in a picture.

Luminance (1)

BPI provides basic protection of service, ensuring that a CM, uniquely identified by its ____ address, can obtain keying material for services only it is authorized to access.


Term for a unique number stored in the specific hardware used in a network.

MAC (Media Access Control) address

The name of this unique number that has been assigned to the circuit board of a piece of network equipment.

MAC Address

Three services that can utilize the return path for optimum performance.

NVOD, VOD, CHSI, Telephony, status monitoring, IPPV



NCTA stand for this.

National Cable and Telecommunications Association

Two types of signal traps.

Negative & Positive

It rejects RF signals by suppressing the RF level at the particular frequency or number of frequencies

Negative Trap

This type of trap is used to block a specific frequency and make the signal unusable.

Negative Trap (1)

Data flowing to and from the Internet and to computers on a local network is passed across a router by this technique.

Network Address Translation

Name the protocol that allows several hosts to share a single IP address for access to the Internet.

Network Address Translation (NAT)

Name the managed hard drive connected to a LAN that can be accessible by anyone on the Internet as defined by a company's Network Administrator.

Network Attached Storage

Which FCC standard POP test ensures a clean return signal?

None! POP testing only deals with downstream signals

This stands for NANP

North American Numbering Plan

Packets of "stuffing" that carry no data but are necessary to maintain a constant bit rate with a variable payload.

Null Packets

Which number directly effects the number of FCC POP test points?

Number of subscribers

According to this rule, signals must be sampled at twice the highest frequency for proper recreation.

Nyquist's Rule

This organization was formed in 1970 to assure every working person in our nation has a safe and healthy working environment.


When approached by this person in the field, you would ask to see their ID card, notify your supervisor, and then allow them to proceed.

OSHA Compliance Office (Inspector)

OSHA Standard that determine a structure meets the residential construction requirements.

OSHA Standard 3.0.1.A

A device used to find and measure faults in a fiber.


This unit receives 1550 nm light from the headend, and sends 1310 nm light out to numerous nodes.

OTN (Optical Transition Node)


Occupational Safety & Health Administration

The term used to describe our CDV call from a Comcast customer to a Comcast customer.


When terminating wires on a 66 block, how many wires are allowed to be punched down on a single terminal?


Founded in 1998, this network is independently owned & is currently available in over 52 million cable households.


When working in a permit-required confined space, which gas must register between 19.5 and 23.5%?


Halon works to extinguish a fire by removing this.

Oxygen (1)

Name the three main atmospheric gases and their percentages.

Oxygen 20.9%, Nitrogen 78.1%, Argon 1%

Similar to NAT, but a more specific tool, this forwards requests for a particular IP and port pair to another IP port pair.

PAT (Port Address Translation)

The type "A" connector of a USB cable is connected to this.


A photo diode used to detect light from an optical fiber and convert the light to an electrical source.

PIN Diode

The yearly test we provide to the FCC to prove that we can provide cable service.


29 CFR 1910.132 refers to this OSHA's standard.


This consists of worldwide network of public circuit-switches used by a traditional local & long distance companies.

PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network)

Name four common connection-oriented methods.

PSTN, TCP, frame-relay PVC's and ATM virtual circuits

Two Comcast approved DTA providers.

Pace, Motorola

A collection of contiguous bits of data having a header that defines the attributes of the information within.


Data transmission method that divides messages into standard-sized packets for greater efficiency of routing & transport through a network.

Packet Switching

Three main types of firewall rules.

Packet filtering, Proxy & Stateful inspection

The generic term for data that contains a header and a payload.


Small plug-in device used to attenuate signals to their correct operating levels.


The technique used to display widescreen movies on a non-widescreen TV that involves cropping off the sides of the image.

Pan & Scan

Almost all satellite antennas incorporate this into the design of their bowl-shaped reflectors. It reflects all incident rays arriving along the reflector's axis of symmetry to a common focus located to the front & center of the dish.

Parabolic Curve

Term for measuring the amplitude of the AC voltage from the top to the bottom of the waveform.

Peak to Peak Voltage

Three out of the five contributing factors of health & safety hazards.

People, Equipment, Materials, Environment, & Process

A device connected to a computer such as a printer, scanner or digital camera are examples of this.



Personal Computer Memory Card International Association

The overview options under Self-Service sight.

Personal Information, Working Time, Career & Job

An unterminated optical fiber can be tested for the presence of light by using this type of card.


What utility do you use to determine if a specific IP Address is accessible?


Image results when electronically charged gases illuminate colored phosphors.

Plasma TV

This service unifies existing address books and calendars from the most popular email clients.


A 1GHz los pass filter installed inside the home at the input to the root splitter to prevent MoCA RF energy from propagating into the cable plant and block hub access from external media terminals.

PoE filter


Point-to-Point Protocol


Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol


Point-to-Point over Ethernet

This piece of test equipment is used to verify wiring within an electrical outlet.

Polarity tester

This material is generally used for the cable dielectric.

Poly-ethylene foam

The "PE" in PE cable jacket stands for this.

Polyethylene cable jacket


Port Address Translation

Name the protocol that routes traffic based on IP address and port pairs.

Port Address Translation (PAT)

This firwall feature allows you to restrict specific local hosts from accessing particular Internet applications.

Port Blocking

This firewall feature allows you to direct inbound traffic to a specific application or computer within a private LAN via a presetermined port or ports.

Port Forwarding

This function of the IP gateway allows port forwarding based upon outbound traffic.

Port Triggering (1)

Term used for a website or service that offers a collection of resources and services, such as email, forums, search engines, and on-line shopping.


The process at the resolution of an incident that all relevant data is collected and analyzed in an attempt to distill lessons learned to avoid similar incident in the future or lessen their impact.

Post Mortem

Refers to an image surrounded by black bars on the top, bottom, and sides.

Postage Stamp

This tool is used to precisely cut the ends of fiber optic cables prior to splicing.

Precision Cleaver

This Business Class TV digital package comes fully loaded with the very best office-enriching news from networks like Bloomberg TV, plus all the most exciting sports action.


The bulk of the time repairing a damaged cable is spent on this.

Preparation or cleaning of the fiber

Three common satellite antennas.

Prime Focus, Offset Feed, Cassegrain

Rubber gloves shall be visually inspected and air tested this often.

Prior to each days use

Two aspects of QoS that are necessary in its implementation.

Prioritization & Resource Reservation

This type of queuing is most useful on low-speed serial links.

Priority Queuing


Private Branch Exchange

BCV feature that allows extension dialing for specific or all phones in an office.

Private Numbering Plan

These reflections are caused by the changes in the refractive index of the fiber and are usually caused by reflections from splices, couplings, and fiber ends.


Three of the 5 Core Roles of the CAE.

Problem Solver, Information Provider, Product Consultant, Ambassador, Communicator/Listener


Program and System Information Protocol

This is a way to interact with our leaders - it keeps you in the know and involved in what's happening at Comcast.

The TeamComcast Blog

Using an SLM, it is the reason that hum can be read on an audio carrier, but not on a video carrier

The audio carrier is frequency modulated and does not mask the hum

This OSHA Standard OSHA 29 CFR 1910.268 governs this.

The basic responsibilities of cable operators.

Some fax machines will not receive faxes, but will send them because of this.

Stutter Dial Tone

Seven frequency bands allocated from 5MHz to 1GHz.

Sub, Low, FM, Mid, High, Super, Ultra

Seven frequency bands allocated from 5 MHz to 1 GHz.

Sub, Low, FM, Mid, High, Super, Ultra Band

Return signals are allocated to frequencies 5 to 40 mhz, what band is this?


Combined with the IP address, this allows a device to know which other addresses are local to it and which must be reached through a gateway or router.

Subnet Mark

A numeric value that is configured in networking software that gives an IP client the ability to determine the network ID.

Subnet Mask

Combined with the IP address, this allows a device to know which other addresses are local to it and which must be reached through a gateway or router.

Subnet Mask

The process of extending the subnet mask to create multiple networks from one master network ID.


This stands for SVOD.

Subscription Video on Demand

In 5.1 Surround Sound, what speaker uses the .1?


If the center conductor of a hard-line pin connector is cut too long, it can cause this.


This channel is a network devoted to airing independent feature films, world cinema, documentaries, short films, and original programs.


This piece of audio equipment decodes the incoming audio signals into multiple sound channels.

Surround Sound Processor

This HE equipment forwards sweep signal, as well as the results of the return sweep is injected at the output combining network of the HE.

Sweep Insertion Equipment


Switched Virtual Circuit

A modem used in this mode uses a timing clock signal to separate the beginning and end of each packet of data.


The transmission method that uses synch bits and a electronic clock for timing.

Synchronous (1)

This was the name of the first spin-stabilized synchronous orbit communications satellite.


This function in Windows XP performs a backup.

System Restore

The updated term for 'Motherboard.'

System board / Main board

This long-time cable network joined the On Demand offerings in October 2004.


This type of connection is used to operate HTTP.

TCP Connection

This type of adult learner prefers to learn by doing or touching, likes to experiment and can become easilty distracted.

Tactile or Kinesthetic (hands-on)

This is used to divert a specific amount of signal from the feeder system and distributed it to 2, 4, or 8 output ports for connection of customer drops.


Term used for the distance from the cone at the front of the vehicle to the first cone furthest from the rear of the vehicle.

Taper Distance

This is where you can watch highlights of Steve Burke and Brian Roberts on Leadership Link.


This type of tweezer should be used to assure a firm grip on the glass and provide easy handling for proper disposal.


OSHA 29CFR 1910.268

Telecommunications Standard

Two key setups for a sweep transmitter to communicate with its field receiver.

Telemetry frequency and Baud rate

Five examples of SVC's.

Telephone calls, ISDN and X.25 calls, Frame-relay SVC's, and ATM SVC's

The two service offerings for Teleworker.

Teleworker Standard, Teleworker Enhanced

This troubleshooting tool is used to validate suspected problems with the customer's TV.

Test TV or Portable TV

What company created DLP technology?

Texas Instruments

What is your safety perimeter?

The 360-degree safety space cushion around your vehicle.

White locator markings indicate this.

Proposed Excavation (American Public Works Association color code)

The color white indicates this in a USA survey.

Proposed construction

Name the interface included with our 66 block that connects it to our 8-line eMTA

RJ-21X (2)

Two examples of physical layer specifications.

RJ-45 and EIA/TIA-232

A ______ jack is always installed between the Telco NID and all CPE within the house.


This type of jack cuts the dial tone to the rest of the house when the alarm is triggered so the alarm can dial out.

RJ31X jack

A modular jack used as a standard alarm interface so that when the security system is unplugged, the outlets in the house should still function.

RJ31x (1)

Greatest concern from animal bites.


"RG" stands for this in RG6.

Radio Guide/Gauge

A visual artifact associated with single-chip DLP-based rear & front projection displays.

Rainbow Effect

This technique is used to communicate with the customer, to help them feel comforatble with you, and to lower their defensiveness.


Name 1 of the 4 components that indicate iffective voice control.

Rate, Volume, Force and Pitch

The impedance of a coxial cable is determined by this ratio.

Ratio of center conductor & shield


Read-Only Memory

The seventh color on the fiber optic color code chart.

Red (1)

The 3 primary color used in TV displays.

Red, Green, Blue

The colors for the primary pair(s) of phone wiring according to EIA/TIA.

Red, Green, Blue, White

The duplication of certain parts of the network to increase reliability.


This stands for RAID.

Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks

Technique where 122 (out of 128) symbols are used for video and 6 are used error connection.

Reed-Soloman Error Correction

This index is the measurement of comparing the speed of light through a material to the speed of light through air.

Refractive Index

In reference to the CDV product, what does RJ stand for?

Registered Jack

Three basic types of Traffic Control Signs.

Regulatory, Warning, Guide

List two advantages of cable over satellite.

Reliable reception, Easy installation and repair, More control

This device known as the "lazy bone," first entered the American home in the early 1950's.

Remote Control

Simplest type of LAN interconnection device that moves all received packets or frames between LAN segments.


BOOTP protocol is only allowed for these two types of messages.

Request & Reply

Opposition to electron flow.



Resource Optimization Center

This stands for RSVP.

Resource Reservation Protocol

Sometimes called a Mop-up, this device is used to try and correct any undesired peaks or valleys within the passband of the amplifier.

Response Equalizer

What three characteristics are added to the signal by all active devices?

Response deviation, Distortion, Amplifier noise

The two restrictions of TFTP.

Restricts operations to simple file transfers & does not provide authentication.


Ringer Equivalent Number

This two-tractor method is used to clear the way for the second plow to work more efficiently.

Rip and Plow

String(s) included as part of the optical fiber protection, used to separate and cut the outer jacket and the armor.


This type of ladder or stairs are not to be used where the employee will come into contact with electrical devices.

Rolling Ladders


Root Cause Analysis

Term for the square root of the sum of the squares of the amplitudes of individual components of a function, such as frequency components of a signal.

Root Mean Square

According to EIA/TIA standards, this is the color of fiber number 11.


Which IP address is the public, static IP that Comcast supplies to the customer?

Routable IP

These are used in data network architectures to determine the destination specified by incoming datagrams & send them on to the appropriate output path.


This is the most important safety tool used when doing power supply maintenance.

Rubber gloves

A video interface that carries separate luma & chroma signals, usually on a four-pin mini-DIN connector.


Two additional audio channels that are carried by BTSC stereo.

SAP and Low Fidelity Audio

The name of the industry's only qualified broadband search engine.

SCTE InfoScope

This type of Digital Video Format has the same resolution and aspect ratio as an analog TV, 480 x 640 pixels with interlaced scanning.


To properly test the cable signal, use this to check both high frequency and low frequency signal strength.

SLM (Signal Level Meter)

When setting up a customer with CHSI, and configuring the mail servers in Windows XP, this information is typed to designate the outgoing mail server.

SMTP Protocol

Four examples of the application layer services.


Four examples of the application layer services.


Beats that occur at .75MHz & 1.25 MHz above & below the desired carrier frequency.

Second Order Beats


Secure Sockets Layer

Two types of call forwarding.

Selective and Variable

To read current, test leads must be connected in this with the circuit.


This type of cable is permissible only for underground drops greater than 150 ft. in length in situations where its use will improve RF forward signal levels.

Series 11 or QR-320

Series 6 is currently the most common size drop cable, list 3 other types of cable that have been or are still being used in special situations.

Series 11, 59 and 7

Another term for Business Contract.

Service Order Agreement

This term is propensity for higher frequencies to use the outer most portion of the center conductor.

Skin Effect

Term for the difference in gain between the ends of a band of frequencies.



Small Computer System Interface

A rectangular plastic form used to connect optical fiber to optical devices.

Snap Connector

A device used to wrap and store excess fiber optic cable in an aerial location.



Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers


Sony Philips Digital Interface Format

Before climbing a pole, these two 'physical inspection' tests must be performed.

Sound Test & Probe Test

The name of one of two sublayers that constitute Layer 2 of the OSI layer reference model

The Logical Link Control (LLC) and the Media Access Control (MAC) sublayers

Name of the bi-monthly publication that is sent out to SCTE members.

The SCTE Interval

The term for random movement electrons inside a conductor due to heat.

Thermal Noise

A crack in a piece of hardlilne cable caused by ambient temperature changes indicates this.

Thermal Stress

When climbing a ladder, you cannot go past the _____ rung from the top.


The Color Perofrmance test is conducted once every ____ years.


Prime focus antennas use these two types of feed horn support brackets.

Three or four-legged support & Buttonhook structural design.

This device is used to routes drop cable over or through obstructions.

Throwing weight

This server sets up a common clock between the modem and the CMTS.

Time of Day Server


Time-Division Multiplexing

Terms used to differentiate the positive & negative polarity of the DC telephone circuit.

Tip & ring

Tip and ring voltages in an "off hook" state.

Tip is about -20 VDC and Ring is at about -28 VDC with respect to earth ground.

When 3 vehicles arrive at a 4-way STOP at the same time, this vehicle has the right-of-way.

The vehicle on the far right

Who's contribution is the 1960's with lasers gave us the ability to add information to light waves?

Theodore Maiman

What does IEEE 802.5 use to control access to the medium?

Token passing

The eMTA is capable of this type of dialing on the CPE.

Tone & Pulse

Two things you communicate to the customer, besides the words themselves.

Tone of Voice and Body Language

The effect that causes the optical signal to remain within the core of the optical fiber.

Total internal reflection

A 500 MHZ signal at the customer's tap is measured at 22dBmV. After passing through 185 feet of Series 6 cable, 2 TV's are connected via a splitter. What is the approximate signal strength at the TV's is the attenuation rating for the cable is 4.36 dB per hundreds feet at 500MHZ?

Total loss = 3.5 +8.1 = 11.6 dB. Signal strength is : 22dBmV - 11.6 dB = 10.4 dBmV

An ICMP function used to track the path a packet takes to arrive at its destination. Originally developed for the Unix platform.

Trace Route

This utility is used to test for successful connections and view the different jumps along the path from one host to another TCP/IP network.


This type of ghost is usually caused by signal reflection.

Trailing/Following Ghost


Transaction Encryption Device


Transmission Control Protocol

Type of ground system used while hanging strand and pulling cable in construction.

Traveling Ground

The basic architecture for the first forty years of cable.

Tree and branch

A method of pin pointing a leak by rotating a dipole antenna to peak the reading then moving 25-30 feet parallel to the leak and repeating.


Term used for fast forward, rewind and pause modes during the playback of a recorded program on a DVR.

Trick Play


Trivial File Transfer Protocol


Trouble Ticketing System

This allows one to open or close specific inbound ports to connected computers or firewalls configured with a public routable IP address.

Tru Static IP Port Management

Type of technology used to maintain 2 way connectivity with cable cards with the use of a specialized TV which acts as the host.

Tru2way (1)

This type of digital voltmeter will measure AC waveforms accurately.

True RMS Digital Voltmeter

This firewall feature allows you to open or close specific inbound ports to connected computers or firewalls configured with a public routable IP address.

True Static IP Port Management

The city & state of the first Comcast system established in 1963.

Tupelo, Mississippi

FCC Proof of Performance testing is required this often

Twice per calendar year

Number of times FCC proof-of-performance tests are performed.

Twice per year

What type of cable is used in a T1 circuit?

Two pairs of normal twisted phone wires.

A step ladder with maximum weight capacity of 300 lbs. has this grade.

Type 1A

This lasher can accommodate a cable bundle diameter of 4 5/8 inches.

Type K

This protocol provides the primary mechanism that application programs use to send datagrams to other application programs (or other computers on a network).


Three types of Fiber Optic connectors.


This type of adaptor allows you to hook-up a cable modem without a Network Card installed.


Not having to shut down the computer and not having to remove the case are two benefits of this type of adapter.

USB Adapter

This type of rule and regulations are tied to GO-128.

Underground vaults, Depth of trench, Grounding

An independent testing facility that manufacturers may submit products to for testing.

Underwriters Laboratories

Name the three types of IPv6 addresses.

Unicast, Multicast, Anycast

When you attach a file to an email, the email software encodes all multimedia data into __________ text.


The period of time between the moment the TV raster reaches the bottom of the screen & is blanked out until the time it reaches the first line of active video.


A type filter removes all but a vestige of the lower sideband, allowing recovery of the information at the receive location, but at the same time reducing the bandwidth necessary to carry the channel.

VSB filter


Variable Bit Rate

List 3 of the "5 Key facts" adults learners seek.

Variety, Experience, Relevance, Brevity and Self Discovery


Velocity of Propagation

This type of learner is also referred to an auditory learners and prefer material presented in the form of an explanation or discussion.

Verbal Learner

The three V's of communication.

Verbal, Visual, Vocal

The first step that you should do when troubleshooting Business Class CDV, where the customer cannot dial out.

Verify dial tone & polarity

The portion of the composite video signal that tells the receiver where the top of the picture is.

Vertical Sync

Term for a special type of amplitude modulation in a television signal.

Vestigial Sideband

Term for the special type of amplitude modulation in a television signal.

Vestigial Sideband Modulation (VSB)

A low-pass filter that smoothes out the RF energy after it has passed through the RBW filter.

Video Bandwidth Filter


Video Bandwidth Filter

NCTA Headquarters

Washington, D.C.

The color blue indicates this in a USA survey.


Joules per second


The two basic types of TDRs.

Waveform and Digital

The length of a complete cycle from the beginning of a wave, to the peak, the valley and back to the beginning.


Frequency divided by the speed of light.

Wavelength (2)

Comcast Credo

We will deliver a superior experience to our customers every day. Our products will be the best and we will offer the most customer-friendly and reliable service in the market.

Comcast Promise

We will entertain, inform & empower our customers while enriching our communities.

This light color includes all colors or wavelengths of visible light.


What color wire in on the far left of a telemetry harness?

White (1)

When looking at the rear of our 8-line eMTA, identify the colors of the 5 telemetry wires, from left to right.

White - Brown - Blue - Orange - Green

In "dB, the "B" is capitalized because of this.

"B" denotes a proper names: Alexander Graham Bell

The simplest HTTP message to which the server replies by sending the named document.

"Get url"

This phrase in the early 80's help boost the popularity of cable television.

"I want my MTV"

A simple card you can give to a customer you meet outside of work who is having a problem with their Comcast service - and help them on the spot.

"Make it Right" card

In new installation, a Series 59 cable is used at the ground block. What do you use for ground wire?

#12 solid or stranded copper insulated wire.

Two confined space OSHA regulations.

"1910.146 - Permit-Required Confined Spaces; 1910.268-Telecommunications-Section(o)-Underground Lines

The most SMTP implementation.


According to the National Residential Installation Standards, signal levels on the analog channels at all customer terminals should be _____ dBmV to ____ dBmV.

0 dBmV to 15 dBmV

Three different ways the CMTS can assign upstream frequencies.

1) Fixed 2) Single sub-band 3) multiple sub-bands

Given a resistance of 4 ohms and voltage of 120, what is the current in the circuit?

30 amperes (I=E/R)

A field boot safety toe must meet the impact and compression protective rating (for a nominal impact) at this many foot-pounds.

75 pounds

The size of a single mode fiber core.

8-10 microns

Number of test points required by the FCC for every 45,000customers.


Acts as a middle agent between the users and the kernel, to protect the kernel from a request that could damage it or the core services.

API (Application Program Interface)

Comcast announced a merger with this broadband giant in 2002 to form a new Comcast Corporation.

AT&T Broadband

Three examples of data link layer functions.

ATM, CSMA/CD, Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)

A US standard specifying diameter of a round wire usually made of copper and aluminum.

AWG - American Wire Gauge

Field techinicians must be recertified for ladder handling/pole climbing this often.


This is the Customer Guarantee commitment to the customer of we are late or miss an appointment.

Apologize and let the customer know that there will be a $20 credit applied to their account


Baseline Privacy Interface


Basic Rate Interface

Service levels available for BCTV customers.

Basic, Info & Entertainment, Standard, Preferred

Five examples of data formats used in the presentation layer.


List five data formats used in the presentation layer.


This stands for BPSK.

Biphase Shift Keying

Name the main components of the Distribution System.

Bridger (distribution) amplifier, Line extender, Coaxial Feeder cable, Tap

Used in Tree and Branch architecture as part of trunk/bridger station, receives signal from the trunk module and amplifies forward signal and sends it out on the feeder lines (as many as 4) that originate from the main station.

Bridger Amplifier

The NFL, Sony & PBS are 3 partnerships Comcast has entered into over the past 2 years. Name one more.

Brinks, HIT, Sesame Workshop, Gemstar-TV Guide


Broadband Integrated Gateway

Condition that occurs when the data presented to an application or service exceeds the storage space allocation that has been reserved in memory for that application or service.

Buffer Overflow

Name 3 of the 6 key techniques in the process of selling.

Build Rapport, Ask Questions, Listen, Position the Product, Communicate the Benefits and Ask for the Sale.

In this topology, workstations are connected to the network through a common path.

Bus topology (1)

Defined as networked nodes interconnected Peer-Peer using a single open ended cable.

Bus topology.

The three basic physical topologies.

Bus, Ring and Star

This Business Class service is for customer with 5 or less computers, ideal for at-home businesses or small businesses.

Business Class H.S.I Lite

The NEC file rating for coaxial drop cable used in environmental air spaces (ducts).

CATVP (plenum)

This feature allows the user to create a list of phone numbers which will be forwarded to a number they designate.

Call Forwarding Selective

Ensures that the number of the last incoming caller is traced so that the appropriate action may be taken against the harassing party.

Call Trace / *57


Capital Authorization Request


Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation


Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


Digital Service Activation Meter

The projected pattern of a satellite's downlink signal.

Foot print

What is the equation used to calculate total cable loss?

Footage x Cable loss per foot (loss factor) = Total cable loss


Forward Error Correction

Two types of cold related emergencies that can become both life and limb threatening.

Frostbite & Hypothermia

A transmission configuration that allows for transmission for both upload and download at the same time on one circuit.

Full Duplex

Passive device placed outisde a customer's home at the connecting point where the outside coaxial cable drop attaches to the house.

Ground Block

This stands for GFCI

Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter

A minus 3dB change in signal level is equal to this much change in carrier power.

Half the power

What ladder carry is used for short distances under 15 feet?


Which PPE is required when working in the Traffic Control Zone?

Hard Hat


Harmonically Related Carriers


Hazardous Material Business Plan

Four parts of an HFC System.

Headend, Transportation System, Distribution System, Drop System

Customers can automatically distribute incoming calls to two or more extensions using this calling feature.

Hunt Groups


Hybrid Fiber Coax

A telecommunications industry term for a broadband network which combines optical fiber and coaxial cable.

Hybrid-fiber Coax

The by-product gas is produced during the battery charging process.



Hypertext Transfer Protocol

The 3 parts of an MPEG video sequence.

I frame, B frame, P frame

How are batteries in standby power supplies connected?

In series


Internet Protocol

This type of equalizer is used to determine the output tilt of an amplifier station.

Interstage Equalizer

This term means - Signal's ability to be transmitted from one cable to another cable, measured in dB.


The loss between output port and tap port or output port to output port.

Isolation Loss

Founder of NTSI in 1974.

Jeffrey M. Chase

The name of the distortion that is produced in an image when it is displayed on a surface not directly perpendicular to the projector.


This stands for kVA.

Kilo-Volt Amps

This type of learner prefer to learn through experience and hands-on activity. Customers in this category will prefer to take the remote control and learn as they navigate through the On Screen Guide.

Kinesthetic Learner

Term for the network transmission diffulty caused by excessive delay between when a digital voice packet is transmitted and when it is received.

Latency (1)

Extra fiber connected to the OTDR to make up for the dead zone.

Launch Cable

These are poles one to two inches in diameter used to raise cables over obstructions - typically come in 6-foot sections that are fastened together, end-to-end.

Lay-up Sticks

Which OSI layer provides encryption capability and defines the data format for the file transfers?

Layer 6 - Presentation Layer

Term used for undesired egress and ingress of signals in a cable sytem.



Local Area Network

Another name for NOC.

NMC (Network Management Center)




Quality Value Convenience

This type of noise changes with temperature.

Thermal Noise (1)


Wireless Local Number Portability

A command that displays the customer's IP address, subnet mask, and default Gateway.


Deactivate call forwarding variable.


Two types of upstream segments.

1) Sparse segment 2) Dense segment

The actual video carrier of an analog channel from the band edge.

1.25 MHz

Statistics show that unhappy customers share their experiences with approximately how many others?


This many FCC analog test channels are required for 750 MHz system.

11 (1)

A 15 amp power supply loaded at 80% efficiency is running at ______ amps.


The /28 Subnet uses this many IP addresses.


The range of wireless APs.


A 64 QAM signal encodes this many bits per symbol.


Data rate of DVB-ASI.

270 Mbps

This OSHA regulation requires workers to use protection "when exposed to eye or face hazards from flying particles, molten metal, liquid chemicals, acids or caustic liquids, chemical gases or vapors, or potentially injurious light radiation.

29 CFR 1910.133

The symptoms of CPD.

6 MHz "beats" in the return bandpass

A standard Analog TV channel has this many MHz.

6 MHz (1)

Adding the energy of the two sidebands together increases their level by _____ dB, which is now equal to the level of the 100% modulated carrier.

6 dB

All cable television coaxial cable fitting and electronics are designed to have this nominal impedance.

75 Ohm's

The type of line voltage provided to the power pack in the amplifier housing.

AC Voltage

Three primary methods of signal security.

Addressability, scrambling, and traps


Amplitude Modulation Link

Data transmission wherein the carrier is shifted in amplitude.

Amplitude Shift Keying

Seven layers of the OSIRM.

Application, Presentation, Session, Transport, Network, Data Link, Physical

Common video and audio intermediate frequencies for headend equipment.

Audio 41.25 MHz, Video 45.75 MHz


Automatic Level & Slope Control

Similar to an AGC, maintains the proper tilt (caused by temperature change in a specified amount of coaxial cable) and output level despite changes in the input signals.

Automatic Level and Slope Control (ALS)


Board of Public Utilities

Center Conductor and Sheath

Center Conductor and Sheath

This equipment is used to route cables through inside or outside corners, ensuring minimum drag is placed on the cable

Corner Block


Cost per Plant Mile

The color yellow indicates this in a USA survey.


ANSI Z89.1


Type of RJ-45 jacks used for data.


Five functions of an operating computer.

Inputting, Outputting, Processing, Manipulating, Storing DATA

In KLS 1000, 'KLS' stands for this.

Key List Server

The BTSC system uses this equation to create sum and difference - versions of the two audio channels.

Matrix of L+R and L-R

An open will result in this much voltage.



Mean Time Between Failure

Procedure for measuring a body belt.

Measuring from hip bone to hip bone, across the back.

This places expansion loops at all equipment in aerial plant.

Mechanical Bender

Two splicing methods.

Mechanical and Fusion


National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

This stands for OSHA

Occupational Safety Health Administration

Cable data network architecture is similar to this.

Office LAN

This unit is used for measuring resistance.


A passive device used to split an optical signal.

Optical Coupler

This type of receiver demodulates the RF carriers sent to the headend from the nodes.

Optical receiver


Packet Internet Grouper

There are to light as electrons are to electricity.


What is meant by a 45-degree eye scan?

Refers to scanning the area in front of your vehicle from sidewalk to sidewalk.

Safety cones used at night must have this characteristic.


The ratio of velocity of light between two mediums in fiber optic cable.

Refractive Index (1)


Repetitive Motion Injury

Action of a virus defined as inserting copies of itself into other program files.


Type of easement that allows a utility to traverse someone's property.


Architecture that offers the highest level of reliability.


In CATVR type cable, "R" stands for this.


Name of the protection that is placed over hardline coaxial cable where it transitions from underground to aerial (or vice versa).

Riser guard


Roadway and Traffic Design Standard

During which pole test should you be careful not to let power lines swing together?

Rocking test (punch test)

It is the most common indication of Hum on a customers television

Rolling Horizontal Bars


Room Temperature Vulcanization

The 1975 RCA launched this communications satellite.


When BPI is activated, this also identifies a particular security association and has upstream and downstream significance.

SID (Security Identification)

This protocol enables the sending of e-mail

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

The orange jack on the back of a DCT uses this type of connection.

SPDIF Digital

A commonly used protocol for managing the security of a message tranmission on the internet.

SSL - Secure Sockets Layer

The fall protection that can be used if you plan to work on a low-slope roof with roof width 50 feet or less.

Safety Monitoring System

Term meaning that the only known and trusted routes exist or are propagated from one part of the Comcast network to another, also means that a route from a peer will only be accepted if the peer had informed us of this network in advance.

Sanitized Routing

The amount of color present, for example the result of the difference between red and link.



Service Set Identifier

OSI layer that determines whether a message will be half-duplex (only one party can talk at a time) or full duplex (not parties can talk at the same time).


The two major characteristics that drive VOD traffic models that are defined in the planning phase.

Session Requests and Session Length

In-channel frequency response must be measured through this.

Set Top Box



Two components of coaxial cable that transmit electrical energy.

Sheath & Center Conductor

Four main components that make up coaxial cable used outdoors.

Sheath/shield, Dielectric, Center Conductor, Jacket, Braid

This component of coaxial cable carries stray current to ground.


Piece of electronic equipment used to produce waveforms - often used to describe a carrier generator that produces CW carriers.

Signal Generator or Oscillator

This is used to measure signal at a specific tunable frequency/channel.

Signal Level Meter

A measure of signal strength relative to background noise in analog and digital communications, usually measured in decibels.

Signal-To-Noise Ratio

Optical power meters usually come with the choice of these 3 detectors.

Silicon (Si), Germanium(Ge), or Indium-Gallium-Arsednide (InGaAs)


Simple Network Management Protocol

Four common waves you will encounter in cable telecommunications.

Sine wave, Square wave, Quasi-square wave, Saw tooth wave

Two main types of fiber.

Single & Multi Mode

This type of fiber propogates only one path of light efficiency through its core.

Single Mode

This code appends to each string of data bits an additional bit whose value is taken to make the word even (or odd).

Single Parity Check

Term that describes a detailed thorough analysis of all of the features currently existing at the customer site.

Site Survey


Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers

This subnet has a total of 8 IP addresses.

Subnet 29

Term used for a house, MDU, or business that is legally purchasing cable TV services.


This device acts as a focal point in connecting multiple computers within one LAN.


Default customer username for a business gateway.


This website can be used to access a customer's voicemail.


URL for customers to view billing statements, make payments and change services.


URL for the National SCTE website.


List three MAC layer supports.

1) Timing & synchronization 2) Bandwidth allocation to cable modems at the control of CMTS 3) Error detection 4) handling & error recovery 5) procedures for registering new cable modems

Given current = 10 and resistance = 5, this is the voltage.

50 volts

What percentage of eye injuries are preventable?

90% (1)

This circle best represents a fusion splice as displayed by an OTDR.

B (Graphic)

C/N Formula

C/N = L1 - (NF - 59.2)

This type of wire has a maximum data rate of 16 Mbps.


All customer taps, internally, contain this which feeds a splitter (2-way for 2 port, 4-way for 4 port, etc.)


Types of lasers.

Fabry-Perot & Distributed Feedback

Two main types of return lasers.

Fabry-Perot (FP) & Distributed Feedback (DFB)

Low cost laser transmitters used in the return path of two-way networks.

Fabry-Perot Laser

When replacing batteries in a Power Supply, these 3 pieces of PPE are required.

Face Shield, Acid Resistant Apron, Acid Resistant Gloves


Federal Communication Commission


Home Media Architecture

Comcast's response to Direct TV's NFL Sunday Ticket

NFL On Demand or NFL Channel


Network Interface Device


Permanent Virtual Circuit

This stands for TWZC.

Traffic Work Zone Control


Voice Over Internet Protocol

The distance between two points of corresponding phase in consecutive cycles in a periodic wave.

Wavelength (1)

Star code to deactivate call screening.


The amount of excess wire that should be left around the 66 block.

1-3 feet

Permit required confined spaces is covered by which OSHA standards?


How many seconds should you add the "3 to 4 second rule" when towing a trailer?

2 seconds

Ports for FTP

20 & 21

The cushion part of a lineman's body belt must be at least this many inches in width.

3 inches (1)

Typical bandwidth for satellite frequencies.

500 MHz

L1 = 10 NF = 7 C/N =?

62.2 dB

- 459.67 degrees Fahrenheit is a theoretical temperature known as _____.

Absolute Zero

Color sequence for CAT 3 phone wire.

Blue, Orange, Green, Brown

Four picture distortions that can change the waveform of a signal.

CTB, Hum, C/N, CSO

Identify the function of each of the four pins within a standard S-video connector.

Chrominance, Luminance, Ground and Ground

Grounding the broadband cable drop to the electrical power system ground to reduce the possibility of a difference of potential.

Common Bonding


Cyclic Redundancy Check

Type of voltage used to tansport energy from the power pack to the amplifier chip.

DC Voltage



The distance that cannot be seen by a TDR/OTDR because it is too close to the source.

Dead zone

Used to hold 1/4" strand poles. Usually used at the end of lines.

Deadend Strand Preform

A unit of measure that expresses the logrithmic ratio of two voltage or power levels.


A unit of measure of sound expressed as the ratio of two power levels on a logarithmic scale.

Decibels (dB)

Point at which company wiring ends and the customer wiring begins.

Demarcation Point


Digital Home Communications Terminal


Digital Light Processing

This covers the SCTE 30.

Digital Program Insertion Splicing API


Digital Rights Management

A high-quality tapping device providing isolation between tap and output terminals.

Directional Coupler

The first step that you should do when troubleshooting Business Class CDV, where the customer does not get a ring.

Disconnect eMTA from inside wire and check for voltage on customer's wiring.

This channel has established series' such as American Chopper, Monster Garage, Mythbusters & Monster House.

Discovery Channel

These lasers generate only one wavelength.

Distributed Feedback

Optical fiber with erbium, a rare earth material, added to the glass during the manufacturing process, to give the fiber useful properties when properly lased.


The operations system responsible for configuring and managing a CMTS.

EMS (Element Management System)

This agency is given broad authority to inspect property & facilities by federal & state environment statutes.

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)

The mathematical formula for EVM (Error Vector Magnitude).

EVM = (average error magnitude / average symbol magnitude) x 100%

Largest religious network offering family oriented programming in English and Spanish.


Founder of CATV.

Ed Parsons


Element Management System

The raw output of a compressor carrying a single video or audio signal.

Elementary Stream

The term used for the angle in degrees the dish must tilt up from the horizontal, to receive the satellite.


This Hollywood star has Tupelo, Mississippi in common with Ralph Roberts.

Elvis Presley


Embedded Multimedia Terminal Adapter

This material is used for doping fiber amplifiers in the 1550 nm band.


EDFA stands for this.

Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier

The optical link portion of a HFC system is composed of these three main parts.

Fiber Optic Cable, Optical Transmitter, Optical Receiver

Three measurements that can be made with an OTDR.

Fiber length, Events, Splice Loss, Reflection, Distance to Fault


Fiber to the Feeder

A standard of digital transmission between external peripherals, including customer audio & video devices. Based on a design by Apple Computer.


This is used to pull cables within walls. Also called an "electrician's snake."

Fish Tape

How many routable IP addresses are in your Subnet, if your Static IP Block is


When operating an aerial lift, this PPE is required by OSHA.

Five-Point Safety Harness

Term used for the person who provides temporary traffic control when permanent traffic control is not applicable.


This type of TV provides the worst viewing angle.

Flat Screen

Two examples of connection-oriented network services.

Frame Relay and ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)

Virtual circuits are used in these two kinds of networks.

Frame-relay and ATM

Identical RF carriers saturating a given tuner at a different point in time will result in this condition.

Ghosting (Ingress/direct pickup)

Comcast & Gemstar-TV Guide formed this joint venture.

Guide works

This type of sign shows route destinations, directions, distances, services, points of interest or other geographical information.

Guiding signs

Term used for "The Brain" of the system; receives and processes signal from various sources prior to transportation & distribution over the network.


The data contained in the packet header that relays address and sequence.

Header Bits

Name the two components of an IP datagram.

Header and Data areas

When installing a mid-span drop, this end of the span is always attached last.

House Side

Name two common connectionless methods.


A computerized system that allows a person, typically a telephone caller, to select an option from a voice menu & otherwise interface with a computer system.

IVR (Interactive Voice Response Unit)

Like in-line equalizers, this device is sometimes installed in the distribution cable where low value taps are used. It also contains diplex filters but allows attenuator pads to be installed in the return portion of the spectrum.

In-Line Conditioner

These detectors are used for extremely low power level measurements at 1310nm and 1550nm.


E = I x R

Ohm's Law

Color associated with a coaxial SPDIF connector.


These determine the symbol location on the constellation.

Phase and Amplitude of the Carrier


Primary Rate Interface

This stands for SME.

Subject Matter Expert


Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor


Wide Area Network

This CPE supplies the AC/DC voltages for CDV.


At the cable modem physical layer, the downstream data channel parameter, frequency, and modulation format is based on this digital video specification.

"North American (i.e., International Telecommunications Union [ITU]-T Recommendation J.83 Annex B)"

The annual individual membership fees to join the SCTE.


This is the FCC minimum specification for carrier to noise ration when taken at the output of the subscriber terminal.


Headend splitters typically are rated for insertion loss in 4 frequency bands, What are they?

(1) 50-550 MHz, (2) 550-750, (3) 750-870, (4) 870-1,000

One ampere of current flowing through one Ohm of Resistance.

1 Watt

0 dB equals this many microvolts.


Although an RJ-45 has eight wires, only this many are used for Data Service.


Recommended sag for drop cable.

6 inches per 50 feet


Bill of Materials

In proper order, the primary colors on standard CAT 3 and CAT 5 cables.

Blue, Orange, Green and Brown

According to the EIA/TIA standards; these are the first 6 color codes of fiber optic cable.

Blue, Orange, Green, Brown, Slate, White

CFR 1910.268 (g)(2)(i) - (ii) and 1926.959 outline standards for this safety equipment.

Body Belt / Safety Strap


Common Path Distortion

Three "C's" of fiber optic cable.

Core, Clad, Coding


Dolby Digital Live


Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics


Exterior Gateway Protocol

In November 2005, you are able to view this radio personality's shows on Comcast On Demand.

Howard Stern

DHCP supports this concept.



Network Address Translation


Repetative Motion Injury


Secondary Audio Program

Another clamp used to provide a connection between two ground wires.

Split Bolt

STATMUX is a combination of these two words.

Statistical Multiplexing


Telecommunications Device for the Deaf

An example of a LAN Topology use in LAN Networking.

Token Ring

System proof of performance testing must be performed ____ times(s) per year at intervals not to exceed ____ months.

Two, Seven

The "u" in uIVR stands for this.

Universal IVR

*99 is the number for access to this CDV feature.


The negatively charged electrons from the cathode of a cathode ray tube are attracted to and moved forward by a positively charged.


The term for one character stored or processed by a computer.


What supplies the AC/DC voltages for CDV?



eXcellence in Operations Center

Privacy of user data is achieved by __________ data between cable modems and CMTS equipment.


The "e" in Cat 5e stands for this.


After clicking the finished button on the Congratulations screen, indicating the installation was successful, the software will go to this URL.


This is the study of the interaction between people, the objects they use, the things they do, & the environments they work in.


Current cable modem systems use the _______ frame format for data transmission over upstream and downstream data channels.


This stands for EVC.

Ethernet Virtual Connection

Comcast Touchstones

Ethics, Quality, Flexibility, Diversity, Employee Focus, Enthusiasm, Respect

Three steps of Customer Education

Explain, Demonstrate, Practice

What are the 3 main ways that a CommTech can help a customer understand our products and services?

Explain, Demonstrate, Practice (1)

This type of network is formed by each of the channels & the associated upstream data channels network.

Extended Ethernet WAN

Location of the SCTE Corporate office.

Exton, Pennsylvania

PPE used when drilling.

Eye Protection

It is the designation for the male-to-male adapter, used for wall plates and commonly referred to as a "barrel."


Name three agencies that make the EAS work.


In 1962, this organization assumed jurisdiction but limited its control to program carriage regulation only.


These are the FCC and the Comcast requirements for the carrier to noise measurement during POP Testing.

FCC = 43 dB; Comcast = 46 dB

Only leaks 50uV/M@10' and greater are logged on this form.

FCC Form 320 (1)

Name for coding method of synchronizing data transfer.

Manchester Coding

This type of coding diagram shows bit cells as vertical lines & the bit sampling time as green carrots.

Manchester Coding Diagram

This stands for MUTCD.

Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices

The unusual multi humped sweep traced commonly caused by impedance mismatch.

Standing Wave

A Network topology in which each node is connected to the headend over a single path.


Node configuration in which all data must flow through the central point.


This is the dominant topology type in contemporary LAN's.

Star Topology

Name the four Comcast Web hosting packages.

Starter, Business, E-Commerce & Professional

The process in which the firewall compares key parts of each packet to a database of known safe data.

Stateful Inspection

This allows devices routed by the Comcast Business Gateway to communicate with the separate subnet of a router connected to the LAN.

Static Routes

What feature of the IP Gateway allows you to create a specific path or paths to a destination?

Static Routing (Static Routes)

First unveiled in Houston in 2010, this next-generation home security system provides peace of mind by keeping customers more connected to their home & family.

XHS (Xfinity Home Security)

A ghosted image from adjacent channel superimposed onto the next channel floating right to left in the background.

Adjacent Channel Cross Mod


Advanced Audio Coding


Advanced Convergent Platform

Term for noise inside an amplifier that is added to the input signal.

Amp's NF

A repeater is far more advanced that an __________ because it takes a degraded digital signal, reconditions it for transport & sends it further down the communications wire.


Term used for maps that provide the layout of the system in a condensed form, typically show how active devices cascaded and how they are connected to the headend, hub, or node.

Amplifier Schematics or 'Tree' Maps

This must be leather faced and have 4 inch gauntlets.

Climbing gloves

A binary digit, the smallest part of information in a binary notation system.


The fraction of bits received incorrectly, usually expressed as a negative power of ten.

Bit Error Rate

NEC 820.42

Bonding & Grounding at mobile homes

Used to provide an electrical connection to mobile homes and other structures.

Bonding Clamp

In order to support sanitized routing, the backbone may be logically or physically split into these two routing realms.

(1) Cbone - Comcast Private Backbone (2) Ibone - Second Logical Backbone

The ability of a cable system to remotely control the level of service a customer receives.

Addressable Services

This HE equipment digitally stores local advertisements into the channel's video & audio automatically using cue tones to activate the switches.

Ad Insertion Equipment

At Charm City Cakes in Baltimore, Chef Duff & his team of artists try to meet the demands of creating up to 20 cakes a week, some of which take up to 29 hours to build.

Ace of Cakes

Term for giving undivided attention to a speaker in a genuine effort to understand the speaker's point of view.

Active Listening

In 2004, Institutional Investor named Brian Roberts one of ___ ___ ___.

America's best CEO

Comcast's name prior to 1969.

American Cable Systems


American National Standards Institute


American Standard Code for Information Interchange

Three examples of physical PVCs.

Analog Private lines, DTE-DCE connections and Digital (dedicated) private lines

Difference between BONDING & GROUNDING.

Bonding means to connect all of your Equipment to a common grounding point. Grounding is the actual connection to the power source return path.

This rule determines how far you should lean laterally when working on a ladder.

Belly-button rule

Tool used to put the correct expansion compensation in feeder and express cable

Bending Board

Level of DC voltage you would expect to find at an amplifier DC test point.

Between 24 & 28 VDC

Guardrails should have a height between ___ and ____ feet.

Between 39" and 45"

This type of optical test is recommended to make sure the path meets loss specifications.


Term used for following too close to where your view of a possible upcoming hazard is blocked by a large vehicle in front of you.

Bill Boarding

A number system in which the base is two, each number being expressed in powers or two by using only two digits, 0 & 1.


Generated during the node certification, showing the performance of the fiber, node, etc.

Birth Certificate

These objects are required when parking an aerial lift truck.

Chocks and Cones

This inspection/technique should be performed anytime you have parked a vehicle and left it unattended.

Circle of Safety

This award is a special way of recognizing the efforts of employees who are bringing Dream Big to life everyday; employees who power the dream by going above and beyond to live the Credo, while improving our company and customer experience.

Circle of Success

This program recognizes Comcasters who exemplify the Credo & its touchstones, perform above & beyond their job responsibilities to improve the customer experience.

Circle of Success Program

The manufacturer of the softswitch equipment used in our Region.


These were the first 2 soft switch equipment vendors used by Comcast for CDV.

Cisco, CedarPoint

This meter can measure current without being directly connected to the circuit.

Clamp-on ammeter

Name of the postioin for Geosynchronous orbit.

Clark Belt

Five laser classifications

Class 1, Class 2/2A, Class 3A, Class 3B, Class 4

Comcast requires a minimum Class ___ vest when working on or adjacent to the roadway.

Class II

Where the voltage to ground of the power conductor exceeds 15kV to ground, this type of gloves shall be used (as defined in ANSI J6.6-1971).

Class II gloves

Name the five classes of IP addresses.

Classes A through E

This error detection method injects redundant information into the data stream to detect errors in transmission.

Cyclic Redundancy

List the three types of basic EAS equipment.

EAS receiver/decoder/event logger, switching equipment, video overlay equipment

Term for transfering a new customer's existing email information to Comcast Mail.

Easy Change

The two advantages of "whole file" copying.

Efficient operations & faster computations

This term is used to describe our signal escaping.


SCTE 18 standard covers this.

Emergency Alert Messaging for Cable

This system was the predecessor to the Emergency Alert System

Emergency Broadcast System

The process by which specific values assigned to analog samples are converted into a binary format.


The operation performed on a carrier or data stream that prevents its use by unauthorized terminal devices attached to the system.



Entertainment & Sports Programming Network

We will work with unbridled passion for our business.



Entitlement Message Manager

What are the 4 barriers in the listening process?

Environmental, Physical, Style, Personal

According to our customer service module, these are the 4 barriers of the listening process.

Environmental, Physical, Style, and Personal

A plug in device which attenuates signals differently at all frequencies (used to compensate for the tilt of the cable).


Plug-in component that goes in Line Amplifiers, & compensates for the coax's uneven attenuation with respect to frequencies.


This amplifier component is used to compensate for unequal signal level attenuation of coax cable.


On a cable service drop, this is the #1 ground location that we bond to.

Existing electric ground rod

A weld that is used for electrical connections that minimizes introduction of resistance due to the weld

Exothermic Welding

A systematic method of identifying and evaluating workplace hazards and the precautions needed to protect employees from those hazards.

Hazard Recognition and Assessment

This OSHA standard requires Comcast to train all employees in the use of applicable hazardous chemicals.

Hazardous Communication Standard, Hazcom or 1910.1200

A master facility for receiving television signals for processing & distribution over a cable television system


IP Telephony packets are identified by this.

Header or Header Bits

The three parts of a packet.

Header, Payload, Trailer

Hazards are divided into these two types.

Health & Safety

This occurs when blood flow to the skin increases, causing blood flow to vital organs to decrease.

Heat Exhaustion

Hot, red skin; changes in consciousness; weak pulse and rapid, shallow breathing are all signs this condition.

Heat Stroke

A standard of digital transmission between external peripherals, including customer audio and video devices. It was based on a design by Apple Computer.

IEEE 1394 Firewire

Comcast's current dial tone provider.

ILEC (Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier)

The odd numbered pins on the left hand side of a 66 block.


There are 2 forms of IP Telephony-Internet phone accesses the public internet to transmit voice packets. This term is when the packets only travel over secure managed networks.

IP Phone or IP Voice or VOIP

What is managed hard drive connected to a LAN that can be accessible by anyone on the internet?

NAS (Network Attached Storage)

This channel is an American specialty channel focused on the outdoors, offering programming that includes hunting, fishing, Western lifestyle, off-road motorsports and adventure.

Outdoor Channel

These measurements are useful for early detection of non-transient impairments, as opposed to BER measurements, which you use to test for transient impairments.

MER (Modulation Error Ratio)

The three different MPEG applications.


Main difference between MPEG and a Codec.

MPEG files are much smaller than Codec files for the same quality

Compression method used for VOD.


An initiative that integrates Layer 2 information about network links (bandwidth, latency, utilization) into Layer 3 within a particular autonomous system to simplify and improve IP packet exchange.

MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching)

Term used as the closest practical point to where the cables of a telecommunications service carrier cross a property line or where its wiring enters an MDU building.

MPOE (Minimum Point of Entry)

Four types of Safety Hazards.

Machine, Energy, Material handling, & Work Practices

Operating system that popularized the GUI (Graphical User Interface).


The minimum operating system requirement for installing CHSI on a Macintosh.

Macintosh OS 10.4

The Cable Positioner gets its layman term from its mystical ability to uniformly position cable for lashing.

Magic Box

Term used for multiple points of entry from the tap to the home that are connected to different splitters/cutlets.



Multichannel Television Sound


Multimedia Terminal Adapter


Multimedia over Coax Alliance

This stands for MDTA.

Multiple Digital to Analog

Term used for the process of combining multiple carriers onto a single medium.

Multiplexing (2)


Multiprotocol Label Switching

Term used to describe the feature that provides digital audio music channels to Xfinity TV customers.

Music Choice

The email program of choice for CHSI.

Outlook Express

Four types of IP addresses contained in a subnetwork.

Network, Routable, Gateway, Broadcast


Next Generation On-Demand

In 1950, this became the official national measurement of television audience viewership.

Nielsen Ratings

The RF portion of the cable plant fed from a node.

Node Service Area

The amount of thermal noise produced by an amplifier which is added to the signals as they pass through the device.

Noise Figure

The difference between the amount of noise at an amplifier's input and the amount at its output is a specification known as __________ _________.

Noise Figure


Noise Power Ratio


Operational Support System


Optical Cable Entry Facility


Optical Modulation Index

It is the "absolute measurement" you make with a power meter.

Optical Power

A fiber device that generates a concentrated beam of light and sends it into the fiber.

Optical Transmitter

What color is used for Coaxial SPDIF connections?


The first CATV system was built in 1948 by Ed Parsons in this state.


The early days of cable television can be traced back to small towns in these two states.

Oregon & Pennsylvania


Organic Light-Emitting Diode

This modulator receives its data stream from the Ethernet Hub and transmits via QPSK to the set-top boxes.

Out-of Band Modulator

This term describes an IP that can be seen across the Internet.

Public Routable


Public Switched Telephone Network

Three most common types of trunk amplifiers.

Push/pull, Power Doubling, Feed Forward, Parallel Hybrid

The three L's to remember when pulling vehicle out.

Put on LEFT turn signal; Check LEFT mirror; Look over LEFT shoulder

The modulation scheme used on out forward path.


The digital modulation method chosen by the cable telecommunications industry as its standard.

QAM (1)

A digital modulation scheme wherein the carrier is shifted in 90-degree steps.


The initial digital down conversion in a Digital Satellite Receiver is identical to an Analog Satellite Receiver, except that the output of the LNB is a ______ carrier.


Satelite transmissions generally use this digital modulation method because it is less susceptible to degradation by noise introduced over long distances.

QPSK (2)

Upstream digital carrier level from the cable modem for QPSK and 16 QAM.

QPSK = +8 to +58 dBmV, 16 QAM = +8 to +55 dBmV

This term is used to identify the ability to prioritize voice packets in a private digital voice network architecture.

QoS (Quality of Service)


Quality of Service

A mainline power supply puts this type of wave form.

Quasi Square wave form

This is the output voltage waveform of the step down ferroresonant power supply.

Quasi-square wave

A protocol that provides secure data communication through data encryption.

SSL (Secure Sockets layer)

This recognition program recognizes and shows appreciation for employee achievements in support of our customers and our co-workers. This program awards outstanding performance & encourage employees to create memorable experiences for both inter and external customers.

STAR Employee Recognition Program

Four types of safety communications.

Safety Orientation, Job Safety Analysis, Safety Meetings, Observations

The measuring of analog signals at specific intervals.


In optical fiber, this factor is the largest cause of attenuation.


This type of circuit has infinite current and zero voltage.

Short Circuit

This stands for .1 in the ANSI Z87.1 standard for safety glasses.

Side eye protection

This type of guy is used when the strand changes direction.

Side guy

This is produced when an RF carrier is modulated with baseband video.


A template-driven, online website development tool that allows you to create a rich, customized website without needing to have any knowledge of HTML code.


Driver's check number has this many characters.


Term for unsolicited bulk email.


This piece of hardware is used to attach drop cable to the strand

Span Clamp

Nickname for the Trilithic SV-03, which creates a resistive test point at the siezure screw port of a tap or other passive device.

Spark Plug

Complete the following formula: Space + Visibility = _______


The first network for men.

Spike TV


Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasure Plan

Three factors that can contribute to skids.

Spin out; Hydroplaning; Driver Over-correction

A universal adapter used to connect two-pin or feed-thru type connectors. Allows two different sizes of coaxial to be connected together.

Splice Block

This new children's channel is a result of a partnership between Comcast, PBS, HIT Entertainment and Sesame Workshop


Three common causes of aerial lift accidents.

Stability problems, Operator error, Violating OSHA Regulations

Name 2 of the 3 common causes of aerial lift accidents.

Stability problems; Operator error; Violating OSHA regulations

This type of audio quality is a two-channel format.


These are the only three basic directions that a flagger should give to road users.

Stop, Proceed, & Slow or Alert

Two types of Silver Satin cables used in the industry today.

Straight & Cross-over

This type of connector is used to connect two pieces of the same size coaxial cable together, usually come in either 3- or 5-piece configurations.

Straight Splice Connector

This device is placed at pole hardware locations to prevent dangerous sag, while strand is being installed.

Strand Break

This type of map shows streets with pole & pedestal locations & includes the span length or footage between these items.

Strand Map

A device used to maintain the tension in the strand by preventing the back slipping of the strand through the pole-line hardware during installation.

Strand brake

The first step you take prior to setting up the mid-span ladder on the strand.

Strand hooks must be turned out and locked

Name the dedicated room or location on the customer's premises that acts as a 'hub' for various services.

The Communications Closet (or Communications Room)

The MPOE is also known as this.

The Demark


Uninterruptable Power Supply

This charitable organization ensures that financial donations made to the general fund through payroll deduction will be allocated to charities in your local community.

United Way

This is a design philosophy where the loss of the cable and other passive devices before an amplifier station equal the gain of the amplifier station.

Unity Gain


Universal Serial Bus

For high resolution traces, how many sweep points may be entered for each 6MHz segment of bandwidth?

Up to 3

The frequency range of 5-42 MHz (sub-band) is reserved for this.

Upstream or Return


User Datagram Protocol

This is an unacceptable practice when cleaning the center conductor.

Using a steel blade knife

List three items that you could demonstrate to the customer after installing Xfinity TV with ON DEMAND.

Using remote control, accessing menu, navigating ON DEMAND, setting up favorite channels, setting up parental controls

The brightness of a pixel in an LCD display is controlled by variance in the amount of _________ applied to it.


The difference of potential between two points, also known as Electromotive force.


Manchester Coding uses ______ transitions to represent bits rather than levels.

Voltage (1)

Force that causes electrons to flow.

Voltage (2)

Span Current x Span Resistance = ______

Voltage Drop


Volts Direct Current

A router manages network traffic flow by using routing tables to guide and send traffic to a larger ______ network.


Enables multiple wavelengths to be carried on a single fiber.

WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing)

This type of e-mail service has users accessing their e-mail through an Internet browser.


There are 3 parental control features for the CHN gateways, 1 of them is Internet Access Time Limits & the other is Internet Activity Log. This is the third.

Website Blocking

What 4 factors contribute to a vehicle's traction?

Weight, Tires, Speed and Road Conditions

What one item is included in every Rule of Three for each of Comcast's product line?

Welcome Kit

What 3 things you would leave with a customer after installing Xfinity TV service?

Welcome Kit, User Guide, Set-top box and Remote

A group of computers geographically far apart, but are connected. The internet is an example of this.

Wide Area Network (WAN)

Term that refers to Internet that delivers speeds 50Mbps and higher.

Wideband Internet

Minimum required operating software on Windows for the installation of CHSI.

Windows 2000

This Windows operating system does not have Plug and Play capability.

Windows NT

Name for a collaboration, file sharing and web publishing program developed by Microsoft.

Windows Sharepoint

One of the oldest organizations serving women in our industry is WICT. WICT stands for this.

Women in Cable Telecommunications

Three main elements of Traffic and Work Zone Control.

Work Duration, Work Location, & Roadway Type

A critical factor in the life of a splice.


The name given to an injury to a person's skin and/or the soft tissue beneath it.


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