Quiz 10 bio

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Segmentation is the subdivision of the body into segments or metameres. True segmentation is found in which of the following phyla selections? A. Annelida, Mollusca, Arthropoda B. Echinodermata, Platyhelminthes, Cnidaria C. Mollusca, Chordata, Annelida D. Arthropoda, Chordata, Porifera E. Arthropoda, Annelida, Chordata

Arthropoda, Annelida, Chordata

Which one of the following taxa is not part of the grouping of clades called the Platyzoa? A. Platyhelminthes B. Annelida C. Rotifera D. Gastrotrica E. Micrognathozoa


The process in which a definite head and brain evolves is called ________.


Members of the class ________, octopuses, squids, and nautilus, are highly intelligent.


A contemporary mollusk in which many of the ancestral characteristics remain is a(n) A. squid. B. oyster. C. chiton. D. octopus. E. snail.


Select the following phylum that includes coelomate, bilaterian animals that have a structure called a notochord. A. Echinodermata B. Annelida C. Arthropoda D. Mollusca E. Chordata


The organ that is responsible for secreting cocoons in the oligochaetes is known as the A. nephridia. B. setae. C. radula. D. clitellum. E. lophophore.


Radially symmetrical polyps and medusae are __________. A. Cnidaria B. Nematoda C. Platyhelminthes D. Porifera E. Ctenophora


The class Arachnida includes all of the following except dragon flies. mites. scorpions. spiders. ticks.

Dragon flies

he most primitive bilaterally symmetrical and the simplest acoelomatic animals in which organs occur are the _________.


he molluscan class ________ includes the snails and slugs.


The excretory structures of terrestrial arthropods are slender projections from the digestive tract that are attached at the junction of the midgut and hindgut. These are called A. flame cells. B. kidneys and bladders. C. Malpighian tubules. D. nephridia. E. ocelli.

Malpighian tubules.

In the animal subkingdom ______, the animals lack symmetry and possess neither tissues nor organs.


Annelids are characterized by serial _________.


Protostomes develop through A. spiral cleavage. B. radial cleavage. C. axial cleavage. D. polar cleavage. E. protocleavage.

Spiral Cleavage

Eumetazoa can be subdivided into two principal branches based on _____.


In arthropods, locomotion is accomplished by muscles that work against A. each other. B. the exoskeleton. C. a hydrostatic skeleton. D. mineralized bones. E. the pseudocoel.

The exoskeleton

An invertebrate biologist is conducting research with crabs. Her interest is ecdysis. This implies that she studies A. tagmatization processes in crustaceans. B. how ommatidia function individually in a compound eye. C. how the HOX gene controls the fusion of the head and thorax into the cephalothorax. D. how ocelli evolved from mere photoreceptors to imaging lens. E. the molting process.

The molting process

A marine biologist makes a presentation about crustaceans to your biology class. He explains that he has recently received an NSF grant to study sessile crustaceans. You are only aware of one group of sessile crustaceans. This crustacean must be A. a lobster. B. a crayfish. C. a shrimp. D. a barnacle. E. the nauplius.

a barnacle

The three phyla, Ectoprocta, Brachiopoda, and Phoronida, have which feature in common? A. nephridia B. a lophophore C. a radula D. setae E. a muscular foot

a lophophore

Chelicerae function as A. eyes. B. fangs or pincers. C. jaws or mandibles. D. teeth. E. wings.

fangs or pincers.

Which one of the following statements about the free-living flatworm is false? A. has a gastrovascular cavity. B. flame cells have a major excretory C. function; water balance occurs by diffusion only. D. can orient relative to a light source. E. can reproduce both sexually and asexually. is acoelomate and has bilateral symmetry.

flame cells have a major excretory function; water balance occurs by diffusion only.

Which one of the following features is not found in animals of the phylum Rotifera? A. cephalization B. ciliated food gathering organ called a corona C. free-living, nonparasitic life style D. smaller than many unicellular ciliates E. fluid-filled, true coelom

fluid-filled, true coelom

Which one of the following statements about A. Hydra is true? B. has a freshwater habitat. C. has a medusa stage. D. has a salt water habitat. E. The planula larva transforms into a mesusa. it is colonial not solitary.

has a freshwater habitat.

Parazoa A.are pseudocoelomates. B. exhibit bilateral symmetry. C. include Cnidaria and Ctenophora. D. exhibit primitive segmentation. E. have no true tissues.

have no true tissues

Which of the following is not a characteristic of rotifers? A. bilaterally symmetrical B. corona is food gathering organ C. live on mouthparts of lobsters D. complete gut with mouth and anus E. most occur in fresh water

live on mouthparts of lobsters

Which of the following are not correctly matched? A. spicules—sponges B. nematocyst—cnidaria C. flame cells—flatworms D. stylets—roundworms E. scolex—rotifers


The evolution of jointed appendages has made __________ very successful.


Select the mismatched pair of Phylum Mollusca classes and their examples. A. Polyplacophora—chitons B. Gastropoda—slugs C. Bivalvia—snails D. Cephalopoda—nautilus E. Gastropoda—nudibranchs


Which one of the following associations between structures and arthropod groups possessing them is incorrect? A. Malpighian tubules—adult insects B. Book lungs—larval insects C. Uropods—decapod crustaceans D. Spinnerets—spiders E. Chelicerae—horseshoe crabs

Book lungs—larval insects

A biologist has been studying a mollusk that does not have a shell. It lives in the marine environment. Of the examples given below, which one did the biologist study? A. clam B. snail C. garden slug D. chiton E. octopus


Brachiopods develop as protostomes, but they show ______ cleavage.


You and your biology lab class take a field trip to a marine aquarium. Your guide is a marine biologist who studies squids. She explains to your class how squids are able to blend into their environment. She points out that squids have pouches of pigments embedded in their epithelium. The pouches are called A. trochophores. B. spermatophores. C. lophophores. D. chromatophores. E. phytophores.


Typically possess a hard shell, in which they live; unequal growth during development produces a twisting of visceral mass; include snails and slugs. A. lophophorates B. gastropods C. cephalopods D. annelids E. leeches


In many echinoderms respiration and waste removal take place by means of finger-like projections that occur near the spines, which are called A. madreporite. B. ampulla. C. nerve ring. D.papulae. E. endoskeleton.


The cephalapod mollusks have A. a muscular foot. B. tentacles. C. two siphons. D. setae. E. jointed appendages.


In which phylum of marine animals did symmetrical body plans first evolve? A. Radiata B. Ctenophora C. Cnidaria D. Echinodermata E. Parazoa


A major evolutionary innovation found in ________ is the internal extracellular digestion of food.


Trochophores, the free-swimming larvae of many mollusks, are propelled through the water by A. flagella. B. cilia. C. flame cells. D. nephridia. E. the radula.


Which one of the following statements about the phylum Brachiopoda is false? A. Brachiopods are often misidentified as bivalves. B. Brachiopods were much more diverse in the past. C. As in bivalves, the valves in brachiopods are lateral (left and right) to the body axis. D. Most brachiopods are sessile (attached). E. The lophophore resides within the brachiopod's shells.

As in bivalves, the valves in brachiopods are lateral (left and right) to the body axis.

Nearly all major animal body plans evolved by the _______ period.


Which of the following belongs to the phylum Ctenophora? A. hydra B. jellyfish C. anemones D. comb jellies E. corals

Comb jellies

Two outwardly dissimilar groups, the ____________ and the chordates, together with a few other small phyla, constitute the deuterostomes. Two outwardly dissimilar groups, the ____________ and the chordates, together with a few other small phyla, constitute the deuterostomes.


Which of the following organs of cephalopods resemble those of the vertebrates? A. arms B. nephridia C. eyes D. digestive tissues E. foot


Usually flattened dorsoventrally and occur mostly in fresh water; most are predators or scavengers, but some have developed the habit of sucking blood. A. lophophorates B. gastropods C. cephalopods D. annelids E. leeches


Which one of the following statements about segmentation is false? A. Segmentation can produce redundant systems. B. Segmentation can enhance locomotion. C. Only three phyla show true segmentation. D. The evolution of segmentation is highly convergent. E. Although fusion of segments is common, a study of embryology makes segmentation evident.

Only three phyla show true segmentation.

Echinoderms show ______ symmetry as adults and have a five-part body plan.


Bilaterally symmetrical acoelomates are ________ A. Cnidaria B. Nematoda C. Platyhelminthes D. Porifera E. Ctenophora


Which one of the following statements about the phylum Bryozoa is false? A. Possession of a lophophore shows that bryozoans are closely related to brachiopods. B. The zoecium of the bryozoans anchors it to the substrate. C. Bryozoans are colonial and include both freshwater and marine forms. D. During development of bryozoans, the anus forms from the blastopore. E. Within a colony, individual bryozoans can be specialized to perform different functions.

Possession of a lophophore shows that bryozoans are closely related to brachiopods.

Animals with a body cavity located between the mesoderm and endoderm are ______.


A marine biologist visits your biology class and begins his talk entitled, "Life as a Trochophore." A friend seated next to you asks, "What is a trochophore?" You explain that a trochophore is A. another name for the veliger stage in earthworm reproduction. B. a term used to describe a larval form of either the phylum Mollusca or Annelida. C. another name for the veliger stage in the oyster. D. similar to a lophophore, but only found in the phylum Annelida. E. a parasite in the intestines of a bivalve mollusk.

a term used to describe a larval form of either the phylum Mollusca or Annelida.

Annelids possess all of the following except A. muscles to swim, crawl, and burrow. B. ganglia to respond to light and respond to other environmental cues. C. circulatory, excretory, and neural elements in each segment. D. setae in each segment. E. adductor muscles.

adductor muscles.

All of the following are characteristics of spiders except A. antennae (1 pair). B. walking legs (4 pair). C. chelicerae (1 pair). D. pedipalps (1 pair). E. cephalothorax and abdomen.

antennae (1 pair).

The medicinal leech, once used to withdraw "unhealthy" blood from patients, produces which of the following to ensure blood flow from the host? A. antibiotics B. antibodies C. anticoagulant D. blood clots E. suture material


A zoologist studies an animal that is a deuterostome. Which of the choices makes the sentence that follows incorrect? You know that deuterostomes A. are bilateral symmetrical. B. evolved from protostomes. C. are animals in which the blastopore develops into the mouth. D. are animals in which any cell can develop into a complete organism. E. are coelomates.

are animals in which the blastopore develops into the mouth.

Which one of the following terms does not apply to the phylum Nematoda? A. asymmetry B. protostome C. coelomate D. triploblastic E. determinate cleavage


Most of the familiar animals seen along the seashore are echinoderms, which include all of the following except A. barnacles. B. brittle stars. C. sand dollars. D. sea cucumbers. E. sea urchins.


All of the following features are associated with bilateral symmetry in animals except A. conferring anterior and posterior areas to the body. B. allowing for greater efficiency in movement. C. creating a body design of two mirror images. D. allowing for efficiency in seeking food and mates. E. being sessile.

being sessile.

Which one of the following terms does not apply to adults in the phylum Echinodermata? A. triploblastic B. bilateral symmetry C. coelomate D. deuterostome E. Eumetazoa

bilateral symetry

Molecular data confirm that cnidarians branched off from the rest of animals before ____________ evolved. A. echinoderms B. Porifera C. mollusks D. bilaterial symmetry E. arthropods

bilaterial symmetry

Which one of the following features would indicate that an animal is not a protostome? A. bilateral symmetry B. open or closed circulatory system C. blastopore opens into the archenteron D. three primary tissue layers E. body parts arranged around a central axis

body parts arranged around a central axis

Which of the following are dwellers of deep ocean floor and shallow waters, where they pull themselves along two arms at a time, like oars rowing a boat? A. sea lilies B. brittle stars C. sea stars D. sea urchins E. sand dollars

brittle stars

Insect sensing of the environment is through all of the following except A. sensory hairs to detect touch. B. tympanal organs to detect sound. C. chemoreceptors to detect pheromones. D. organs of smell in the antennae. E. camera-type eyes.

camera-type eyes.

Which one of the following features does not apply to animals in the phylum Nematoda? A. molt their flexible thick cuticle to grow B. capable of complex movement due to circular and longitudinal muscles C. use muscular pharynx to draw food into digestive tract D. parasitic forms often have piercing organs called stylets in the mouth E. abundant and diverse group, both freshwater and marine, free-living and parasitic

capable of complex movement due to circular and longitudinal muscles

Efficient and often large predators; possess well-developed brains and are the most intelligent of invertebrates; include octopus, squids, and nautilus. A. lophophorates B. gastropods C. cephalopods D. annelids E. leeches


In some arthropods tagmatization has produced a combination of head and thorax known as a A. cephalothorax. B. fused corpora. C. headless mite. D. larval instar. E. thoracotomy.


Which one of the following features would indicate that an animal is not a deuterostome? A. triploblastic B. blastopore becomes the anus C. dividing cells on a radius from the polar axis D. coelom partially lined with mesoderm E. identical twinning can occur

coelom partially lined with mesoderm

Which one of the following terms applies to the phylum Arthropoda? A. radial symmetry B. diploblastic C. coelomate D. Parazoa E. deuterostome


In attempts to discover the origin of metazoans, ribosomal RNA sequences indicate that the _____________ hypothesis is correct. A. paraphyletic ciliate B. multinucleate C. colonial flagellate D. metazoan E. polyphyletic origin

colonial flagellate

Which of the following is not a type of cnidarian? A. Hydra B. Obelia C. box jellyfish D. comb jelly E. sea anemone

comb jelly.

Reproduction in the earthworm involves A. asexual budding. B. self-fertilization. C. cross-fertilization between two dioecious organisms. D. cross-fertilization between two hermaphroditic organisms. E. recombination between opposite mating types.

cross-fertilization between two hermaphroditic organisms.

In a recent morphological study of arthropod phylogeny, it was reported that insects are more closely related to A. crustaceans. B. millipedes. C. centipedes. D. horseshoe crabs. E. spiders.


Reproductive modes of echinoderms include all of the following except A. breaking into parts and regenerating new animals from them. B. breaking into equal parts which become two whole animals. C. developing from trochophore larvae. D. external sexual reproduction produces fertilized eggs. E. fertilized eggs develop into free-swimming, bilaterally symmetrical larvae.

developing from trochophore larva

Which one of the following terms does not apply to the phylum Chordata? A. Eumetazoa B. diploblastic C. bilateral symmetry D. deuterostome E. coelomate


In animals that display indeterminate development A. embryonic cells have a predetermined fate. B. bilateral symmetry cannot develop. C. early embryonic cells, if separated from the embryo, can develop into complete organisms. D. embryonic cells show spiral cleavage. E. the blastopore develops into the mouth.

early embryonic cells, if separated from the embryo, can develop into complete organisms.

The human disease, trichinosis, is contracted through A. walking barefoot in soil containing larvae. B. eating fertilized eggs. C. eating undercooked or raw pork. D. eating raw beef. E. none of these.

eating undercooked or raw pork

Mollusks have all of the following except A. visceral mass covered with a soft epithelium. B. folds enclosing a cavity between themselves and the visceral mass. C. gills or lungs within the mantle. D. individuals secrete a tiny chitinous chamber, zoecium. E. the shell consists of a horny outer layer, which is rich in protein.

individuals secrete a tiny chitinous chamber, zoecium.

Animals are multicellular heterotrophs and obtain their food by ________.


The most successful class of arthropods is A. Insecta. B. Arachnida. C. Crustacea. D. Chilopoda. E. Merostomata.


Most species of tapeworms live in the A. stomachs of vertebrates. B. lungs of vertebrates. C. livers of vertebrates. D. intestines of vertebrates. E. hearts of vertebrates.

intestines of vertebrates.

All echinoderms share the following characteristics except A. bilateral symmetrical larvae. B. radial symmetrical adults. C. regeneration of a lost body part. D. pentamerous body plan. E. larvae are sedentary, adults are planktonic.

larvae are sedentary, adults are planktonic.

A sieve-like plate on the echinoderms surface through which water enters the vascular system and flows to the ring canal through a tube is called A. madreporite. B. ampulla. C. nerve ring. D. skin gills. E. endoskeleton.


The rigid chitinous exoskeleton of an arthropod has all of the following functions except it A. provides a place for muscle attachment. B. protects the animal from predators. C. impedes water loss. D. maintains a uniform size for all individuals of that species. E. prevents injury to the animal.

maintains a uniform size for all individuals of that specie

Radula modification allowed all of the following functions in gastropods except A. scraping algae off rocks. B. eating vegetation. C. boring holes in other mollusk shells. D. protecting themselves with nematocysts. E. injecting poison through a harpoon-like structure.

protecting themselves with nematocysts.

Which one of the following terms applies to the phylum Mollusca? A. protostome B. pseudocoelomate C. Parazoa D. diploblastic E. asymmetry


Which one of the following terms applies to the phylum Nematoda? A. Parazoa B. radial cleavage C. diploblastic D. deuterostome E. pseudocoelomate


Which one of the following is not the type of evidence used in a traditional classification of animals? A. coelom type B. rRNA sequences C. symmetry D. number of embryonic tissue layers E. fate of the blastopore

rRNA sequences

Which one of the following insect organ systems has placed the greatest limitation on body size compared to that of vertebrates? A. nervous system B. digestive system C. respiratory system D. circulatory system E. excretory system

respiratory system

These echinoderms have soft, slug-like bodies with tough, leathery skin. They are the A. sea pansies. B. sea lilies. C. sea daisies. D. sea cucumbers. E. sea anemones.

sea cucumbers

Among mollusks, which of the following are able to change their sex in one single season? A. sea slugs and oysters B. squids and octopuses C. bivalves D. snails E. clams

sea slugs and oysters

All of the following are examples of echinoderms except A. sea cucumbers. B. brittle stars. C. sand dollars. D. sea squirts. E. sea daisies.

sea squirts

The partitions that separate the segments of the annelid body are known as A. pseudocoels. B. nephridia. C. setae. D. septa. E. radula.


Each segment of an annelid typically contains bristles of chitin called A. cilia. B. parapodia. C. chaetae. D. leglets. E. setae.


The mollusks include all of the following except A. clams. B oysters. C. shrimps. D. snails. E. squids.


The rasping tongue, the radula, is present in which molluscan group? A. bivalve B. oyster C. clam D. snail E. scallops


Flukes are parasitic worms whose hosts during the larval stage are usually A. aquatic insects. B. cyprinid fishes. C. humans. D. free-living flatworms. E. snails.


An invertebrate biologist explains to your class that she studies the choanocytes of sponges. You know that choanocytes are A. specialized cells near the osculum of the sponge. B. specialized cells that contain spongin and thus contribute to the sponge's rigid structure. C. specialized cells that eventually form spicules. D. specialized cells that have flagella and function to gather food particles. E. specialized cells from which larval sponges develop.

specialized cells that have flagella and function to gather food particles.

Which one of the following structures is not present in each segment of the earthworm body? A. circular muscles B. longitudinal muscles C. chaetae D. sperm receptacles E. nephridia

sperm receptacles

Air passage into the trachea of most insects is controlled by the closing and opening of valves, which operate special openings called A. spiracles. B. ocelli. C. ommatidia. D. book lungs. E. Malpighian tubules.


Which of the following are not found in a bivalve? A. tentacle, radula, and distinctive head B. large wedge-shaped foot C. mantle enveloping the internal organs D. two large adductor muscles E. complex gills

tentacle, radula, and distinctive head

Molecular analysis suggests that the rapid diversification during the Cambrian explosion may have been due to evolution of _____. A. definite shape and symmetry. B. tissues organized into organs and organ systems. C. distinct embryonic layers which differentiate into adult tissues. D. the Hox genes. E. having cells organized into tissue layers.

the Hox genes

Circulatory systems solved the problem of _____ in animals with coeloms. A. the shorter length of digestive tracts B. the barrier to diffusion created by tissue surrounding the gut C. living in a terrestrial habitat D. complexity of movement E. decrease in oxygen levels

the barrier to diffusion created by tissue surrounding the gut

Anthozoan corals are characterized by all of the following except A. some may have hard calcium carbonate exoskeletons. B. the coral animals are always found in C.nutrient-rich waters. D. some participate in the formation of shallow-water limestone ridges. E. many harbor symbiotic algae. they are a class of cnidarians.

the coral animals are always found in nutrient-rich waters.

Ectoprocts are characterized by all of the following except their A. secretion of a tiny chitinous chamber, the zoecium. B. chemical communication between individuals through pores between chambers. C. habitation in fresh and marine water. D. alternate names Bryozoa and moss animals. E. use of a pedicle to attach to the substrate.

use of a pedicle to attach to the substrate.

Flatworms are similar to sponges, cnidarians, and ctenophores in which of the following? contain an excretory system lined with a A. network of fine tubules running through the body B. contain an incomplete gut with only one opening C. cilia line the hollow centers of bulb-like flame cells D. lack circulatory systems for transport of oxygen and food E. most are hermaphroditic

lack circulatory systems for transport of oxygen and food

Examples of mollusks that live on land are the A. earthworms. B. land crabs. C. mussels. D. scorpions. E. snails and slugs.

snails and slugs

If you examine a spider and an ant, you notice quickly that they are arthropods but they have different characteristics. Select the incorrect choice of characteristics. A. Spiders have a cephalothorax and abdomen; insects have a head, a thorax, and an abdomen. B. Spiders and insects have a tracheal respiration system. C. Spiders are strictly carnivorous; insects can be carnivorous or herbivorous depending on the species. D. Spiders and insects have open circulatory systems. E. Spiders do not have wings; many insects do have wings.

spiders and insects have a tracheal respiration system.

Which class of arthropods contains members with two pairs of antennae and legs on their abdomen and thorax? A. Insecta B. Arachnida C. Crustacea D. Chilopoda E. Merostomata


Nauplius, a unique kind of larva, is characteristic of A. mites. B. crustaceans. C. horseshoe crabs. D. insects. E. chelicerates.


In 1995, organisms belonging to the species Symbion pandora were discovered and assigned to the phylum A. Rotifera. B. Nematoda. C. Cycliophora. D. Platyhelminthes. E. Cnidaria.


Arachnids are generally carnivorous, _____ being the main exception.


In many arthropods, body segments have become fused into functional groups called ______.


A marine biologist is conducting research on animals that have a lophophore and two calcified shells. Based on this information, this animal this must belong to the phylum A. Mollusca. B. Phoronida. C. Ectoprocta. D. Bryopoda. E. Brachiopoda.


Which one of the following annelid structures or events is not correctly paired with its role in locomotion? A. circular muscles contract—segment becomes thin and long B. longitudinal muscles contract—segment becomes thick and short C. fluid in coelom—provides a hydrostatic skeleton D. septum—allows each segment to move independently E. chaetae—provides gas exchange surface for body muscles

Chaetae—provides gas exchange surface for body muscles

Decapod crustaceans (shrimps, lobsters, and crabs) are characterized by all of the following except A. a carapace, a dorsal cephalothorax shield. B. a ventral line of appendages, swimmerets. C. flattened uropods form a paddle at the end of the abdomen. D. a tail spine, telson. E. chelicerae.


Which of the following statements about the phyla Nematoda and Rotifera is false? A. Nematodes use muscle power for locomotion; rotifers use cilia. B. Nematodes are much more abundant than rotifers. C. Both nematodes and rotifers have a digestive system with mouth and anus. D. Common possession of a rigid body suggests that the phyla Nematoda and Rotifera share a recent common ancestor. E. Both nematodes and rotifers are bilaterally symmetric.

Common possession of a rigid body suggests that the phyla Nematoda and Rotifera share a recent common ancestor.

Comb jellies; propel themselves by means of eight comb-like plates of fused cilia are____________. A. Cnidaria B. Nematoda C. Platyhelminthes D. Porifera E. Ctenophora


Cnidarians are grouped into four or five classes. Which one is not one of the classes of Cnidaria? A. Ecdysozoa B. Anthozoa C. Cubozoa D. Hydrozoa E. Scyphozoa


Which one of the following statements comparing the parasitic flatworms (flukes and tapeworms) is false? A. Flukes are ectoparasites; tapeworms are endoparasites. B. Both parasitic flukes and tapeworms have life cycles with two or more hosts. C. Flukes attach to their hosts with suckers; tapeworms use a scolex. D. Most parasitic flukes and tapeworms have lost several features seen in free-living flatworms like Dugesia. E. Most parasitic flukes and tapeworms produce huge numbers of eggs and sperm.

Flukes are ectoparasites; tapeworms are endoparasites.

In their basic body plan, mollusks have a visceral mass covered with a soft epithelium and a muscular ____ that is used in locomotion.


Which one of the following statements comparing the hydrozoans Hydra and Obelia is false? A. Unlike Hydra, Obelia and most hydrozoans are colonial. B. Unlike Hydra, Obelia and most hydrozoans are marine. C. In Hydra, the medusa stage is more conspicuous than the polyp stage; the reverse is true for Obelia. D. The polyps and medusae of both Hydra and Obelia have gastrovascular cavities. E. Both Hydra and Obelia have cnidocytes.

In Hydra, the medusa stage is more conspicuous than the polyp stage; the reverse is true for Obelia.

The evolutionary innovation that first appeared in arthropods and is characteristic of the most successful of all animal groups is that of A. bilateral symmetry. B. coelomic body architecture. C. jointed appendages. D. segmentation. E. three primary types of tissues.

Jointed appendages

A _________ is a circular or U-shaped ridge around the mouth, bearing either one or two rows of ciliated, hollow tentacles.


An entomologist has been conducting research on the Malpighian tubules of hornets. He is interested in their function. Which of the following statements about Malpighian tubules is not correct? A. Malpighian tubules empty waste into the hindgut. B. Malpighian tubules are slender projections from the digestive system. C. Malpighian tubules collect and filter body fluids of some arthropods. D. Malpighian tubules are a part of the tracheal system used by some arthropods for respiration. E. Malpighian tubules allow for reabsorption of needed salts and water.

Malpighian tubules are a part of the tracheal system used by some arthropods for respiration.

The embryonic layer found only in bilaterally symmetrical eumetazoans is the _______.


The passage of an arthropod through stages from egg to adult is A. differentiation. B. evolution. C. graduation. D. metamorphosis. E. succession.


The phylum that includes snails, clams, oysters, and octopuses is the A. Ectoprocta. B. Brachiopoda. C. Mollusca. D. Annelida. E. Phoronida.


Cnidarians characteristically possess specialized cells which contain a __________, a harpoon used to attack prey.


Pseudocoelomate worms with a gut tube open at both ends is a ____________. A. Cnidaria B. Nematoda C. Platyhelminthes D. Porifera E. Ctenophora


Which one of the following incorrectly matches a molluscan group with a feature characterizing that group? A. Gastropoda—torsion B. Nudibranchs—extensive gills in mantle cavity C. Bivalvia—reduced head and no radula D. Polyplacophora—eight calcareous plates E. Cephalopoda—closed circulatory system

Nudibranchs—extensive gills in mantle cavity

Sponges; lack tissue organization are _______. A. Cnidaria B. Nematoda C. Platyhelminthes D. Porifera E. Ctenophora


All of the following are either structures or characteristics of members of the Class Bivalvia of the Phylum Mollusca except A. the mantle. B. a radula. C. a shell. D. gills. E. open circulation.


Which of the following is not true about crustaceans? A. They produce larvae known as nauplius. B. They have legs on their abdomen and thorax. C. They have two pairs of antennae. D. Many have compound eyes. E. They have covers called the opercula, posterior to the legs.

They have covers called the opercula, posterior to the legs.

Insects are characterized by all of the following except A. Malpighian tubules and trachea. B. a nymph developmental stage. C. three body sections—head, thorax, and abdomen. D. three pairs of legs attached to the thorax, and one pair of antennae. E. one or two pairs of wings.

a nymph developmental stage

Spiders are characterized by all of the following except A. they are particularly important as predators of insects and other small animals. B. many use silk webs to catch their prey. C. many display elaborate courtship behavior. D. all forms are harmless to humans. E. they live in diverse habitats on land and some even in water.

all forms are harmless to humans

What are: Worms with segments, each containing their own circulatory, excretory, and neural elements; three classes, polychaetes, oligochaetes, and hirudinea.


The stage in the fluke's life history in which it escapes from the snail and is ready to enter the intermediate or final host is the A. cercariae. B. fertilized eggs. C. miracidia. D. rediae. E. sporocytes.


Spiders and certain other arthropods which lack jaws or mandibles are placed in a subphylum called A. Agnathae. B. Amandibulata. C. blood suckers. D. chelicerates E. mandibulates.


Sponges are unique in possessing special flagellated cells whose beating drives water through the body cavity. These specialized cells are known as A. cnidocytes. B. planulae. C. nematocysts. D. choanocytes. E. spicules.


Earthworms show all of the following features except A. containing segments with a mouth on the first and the anus on the last. B. containing touch-sensitive and light-sensitive organs in the segments. C. containing fewer setae than in polychaetes. D. containing distinct head regions and parapodia. E. being hermaphroditic.

containing distinct head regions and parapodia.

Which one of the following incorrectly matches a molluscan structure with its typical function? A. ctenidia—secretion of the shell (when present) B. visceral mass—houses organs of digestion, excretion, reproduction C. foot—locomotion D. nephrostome—collection of nitrogenous wastes E. radula—feeding organ

ctenidia—secretion of the shell (when present)

Which one of the following choices does not describe an advantage of the chitinous exoskeleton found in arthropods? A. offers some protection B. reduces water loss C. allows for muscle attachment sites inside the skeleton D. does not impose limitations on body size E. provides a strong, flexible framework

does not impose limitations on body size

Schistosomiasis is a serious disorder afflicting humans mainly in tropical regions; it is caused by a A. carp or goldfish. B. fluke. C. nematode. D. snail. E. tapeworm.


The sexual reproduction of earthworms characteristically is A. hermaphroditic but cross-fertilizing. B. hermaphroditic but self-fertilizing. C. normal type between individuals who remain as males and females throughout their life time. D. normal appearing, but individuals change sex periodically. E. normal appearing, but individuals reproduce only once in their lives.

hermaphroditic but cross-fertilizing.

Which one of the following terms does not apply to the phylum Annelida? A. bilateral symmetry B. triploblastic C. protostome D. indeterminate cleavage E. spiral cleavage

indeterminate cleavage

Characterized by a circular or U-shaped ridge around the mouth; share features of both protostomes and deuterostomes; three phyla of marine animals. A. lophophorates B. gastropods C. cephalopods D. annelids E. leeches


Which choice is correct for the movement of water through the water vascular system of a sea star? A. madreporite → stone canal → lateral canal → ring canal → radial canal → tube foot B. madreporite → lateral canal → ring canal → radial canal → stone canal → tube foot C. madreporite → stone canal → ring canal → lateral canal → radial canal → tube foot D. madreporite → stone canal → ring canal → radial canal → tube foot E. madreporite → stone canal → radial canal → ring canal → tube foot

madreporite → stone canal → ring canal → radial canal → tube foot

In mollusks, the folds of tissue that arise from the dorsal body wall and enclose a cavity surrounding the visceral mass are called the A. foot. B. mantle. C. nephridia. D. radula. E. lophophore.


Squids and octopuses move by means of water movement through their A. tentacles. B. cilia and flagella. C. modified mantle cavity. D. muscular foot. E. radula.

modified mantle cavity.

The nitrogenous waste in mollusks is removed by A. flame cells. B. nephridia. C. Malpighian tubules. D. incurrent siphon. E. flagella.


Eyes with single lenses that respond to light and darkness are found in many arthropods; these are the A. compound eyes. B. ocelli. C. apposition eyes. D. ommatidia. E. superposition segments.


Compound eyes are composed of independent visual units called A. apposition segments. B. ocelli. C. ommatidia. D. retinas. E. simple eyes.


A marine biologist's research involves the water vascular system of a species of sea star. Which of the following terms would not be used in a description of the water vascular system? A. madreporite B. ring canal C. ampulla D. tube foot E. pedicellariae


Which one of the following features does not distinguish the eumetazoa from the parazoa? A. some type of symmetry B. distinct cell types forming tissues C. possession of ectoderm and endoderm D. polyp and medusa body forms and organs E. a body plan

polyp and medusa body forms and organs

Sea stars are among the most important invertebrate A. predators in the marine ecosystems. B. producers in the marine ecosystems. C. reproducers in the marine ecosystems. D. recyclers in the marine ecosystem. E. protostomes in the marine ecosystem.

predators in the marine ecosystems.

The long, flat bodies of tapeworms are made up of repeating segments known as A. antheridia. B. gut blocks. C. proglottids. D. scolex. E. miracidia.


The functions of the lophophore include all of the following except as a A. surface for gas exchange. B. food-collecting organ. C. means of attachment to the substrate. D. rasping tongue. E. location for the tentacles and the anus.

rasping tongue

If you arranged the following parts of the echinoderm water vascular system from outside to its termination in a tube foot, which structure would be encountered third? A. stone canal B. radial canal C. ampulla D. madreporite E. ring canal

ring canal

Which one of the following features is not found in animals of the phylum Ctenophora? A. radial-like symmetry B. special food-capturing cell type called a colloblast C. swimming by lateral undulations of their body D. bioluminescence E. muscle cells derived from mesoderm

swimming by lateral undulations of their body

of the following are true about sea stars except A. they are the most familiar echinoderms. B. they are the most important predators in many marine ecosystems. C. they have a pigmented epidermis. D. they are the only echinoderms that are fully sessile. E. they are abundant in the intertidal zone.

they are the only echinoderms that are fully sessile.

Which one of the following features is not found in animals of the phylum Porifera? A. spicules or spongin B. food-gathering dependent entirely on cilia C. water leaving the sponge at the osculum D. adults that are entirely sessile (attached to the bottom) E. tissues and organs

tissues and organs

Oxygen diffuses to the tissues of terrestrial arthropods through the A. arteries. B. cells of the cortex. C. circulatory system. D. lungs. E. trachea and tracheoles.

trachea and tracheoles.

Many marine mollusks have distinctive larvae which have their bodies encircled by a row of cilia. These larvae are called A. planulae. B. polyps. C. miracidia. D. zoecia. E. trochophores.


Which one of the following features is not found in animals of the phylum Nematoda? A. hydrostatic skeleton B. pseudocoelom C. complete digestive system D. well developed respiratory system E. bundles of longitudinal muscles extending the length of the body

well developed respiratory system

Select the following phylum that includes protostome animals that are segmented, bilaterally symmetric, and have a chitinous exoskeleton. A. Arthropoda B. Annelida C. Mollusca D. Brachiopoda E. Platyhelminthes


Which of the following nematode parasites lives in the lymphatic system of humans where they may cause obstruction resulting in severe swelling called elephantiasis. A. Ascaris B. Trichinella C. Necator D. Filaria E. Enterobius


Most flatworms are _____________, meaning each individual containing both male and female sexual structures.


Select the incorrect statement about deuterostomes from the following choices. A. Deuterostomes demonstrate radial cleavage in their embryonic development. B. Deuterostomes display indeterminate development. C. A deuterostome's coelom is produced by invagination of the archenteron. D. Examples of deuterostomes are echinoderms and chordates. E. Includes most bilaterians, including flatworms, nematodes, mollusks, annelids, and arthropods.

Includes most bilaterians, including flatworms, nematodes, mollusks, annelids, and arthropods.

Which one of the following taxa is not part of the grouping of clades called the Spiralia? A. Nematoda B. Rotifera C. Bryozoa D. Annelida E. Mollusca


Two phyla that belong to the Ecdysozoan clade are A. Platyhelminthes and Nematoda. B. Nematoda and Arthropoda. C. Annelida and Mollusca. D. Mollusca and Arthropoda. E. Platyhelminthes and Arthropoda.

Nematoda and Arthropoda.

You discover an animal that is clearly multicellular, but does not have cells organized into tissues. The animal appears to have radial symmetry. You decide to place this animal in the group _____.


In most Cnidarians, fertilized eggs give rise to free-swimming, multicellular, ciliated larvae, known as ________.


Select the following phylum that includes animals that are unsegmented, acoelomate, and have a digestive cavity with a single opening. A. Annelida B. Platyhelminthes C. Nematoda D. Cnidaria E. Rotifera


The most prominent phylum of acoelomates, _____________, includes the free-living flatworms and the parasitic flukes and tapeworms.


Which one of the following terms applies to the phylum Bryozoa? A. radial symmetry B. lophophore C. Parazoa D. deuterostome E. radial cleavage


Which of the following is not true about beef tapeworms? A. occur as a juvenile in the intermuscular tissue of cattle B. found as an adult in the intestines of human beings C. able to produce embryos, which may be viable for up to five months D. able to reach adult length of up to 10 meters E. more than 10% of the cattle are infected in the United States

more than 10% of the cattle are infected in the United States

Which one of the following features of animals is unique to animals? A. cells organized into tissues B. movement associated with muscle tissue and nervous tissue C. heterotrophism D. cells without walls E. embryonic development

movement associated with muscle tissue and nervous tissue

Which one of the following is not a cell type found in the cnidarians? A. epidermal B. gastrodermal C. nerve D. myoepithial E. nematocyst


Solid worms that lack a body cavity are known as A. acoelomates. B. pseudocoelomates. C. triploblastic. D. coelomates. E. diploblastic.


In a _____ circulatory system, circulation of blood is more controlled—the blood is moved faster and more efficiently than in other types of circulatory systems.


All of the following statements about Cnidaria are correct with the exception of A. Cnidarians can have two body forms, polyp and medusa. B. Cnidarians are triploblastic, having ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. C. Cnidarians have radical symmetry. D. Cnidarians do not have circulatory, respiratory, or excretory systems. E. Cnidarians have specialized cells called cnidocytes with nematocysts inside.

Cnidarians are triploblastic, having ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm.

Radially symmetrical marine animals that propel themselves through the water by means of eight comb-like plates of fused cilia belong to the Phylum A. Cnidaria. B. Ctenophora. C. Platyhelminthes. D. Eumetazoan. E. Parazoa.


A biologist discovered a new animal. Upon studying embryonic development, she observed radial cleavage with the blastopore developing into an anus. This animal was categorized as a A. parazoan. B. radiata. C. deuterstome. D. protostome. E. pseudocoelomate.


Select the following phylum that includes deuterostome animals that are exclusively marine and have radial symmetry as adults. A. Porifera B. Rotifera C. Echinodermata D. Chordata E. Cnidaria


Which of the following nematode parasites infects about 30% of American children and are easily controlled by drugs. A. Ascaris B. Trichinella C. Necator D. Filaria E. Enterobius


Which one of the following statements about molecular systematics and its role in the classification of animals is false? A. Clades consist of monophyletic taxa sharing the same gene sequences. B. Different molecules sometimes support different taxonomic relationships. C. Molecular data suggests that arthropods and annelids are part of the same clade. D. Molecular data suggests that a new group of "molting" animals, the Ecdysozoa, is monophyletic. E. Combining data from many different molecules gives the best picture of phylogenetic relationships.

Molecular data suggests that arthropods and annelids are part of the same clade.

Select the correct choice to answer the following question. What are the three animal phyla that dominate animal life on land? A. Cnidaria, Mollusca, Platyhelminthes B. Porifera, Arthropoda, Nematoda C. Nematoda, Chordata, Cnidaria D. Mollusca, Arthropoda, Chordata E. Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Arthropoda

Mollusca, Arthropoda, Chordata

Which one of the following statements about origins of animals is false? A. Most taxonomists agree that the origin of the metazoans is polyphyletic. B. The multinucleate hypothesis states that metazoans arose from multinuclear protists. C. The colonial flagellate hypothesis states that metazoans arose from choanoflagellate-like protists. D. The polyphyletic origin hypothesis states that the sponges evolved independently from the eumetazoans. E. Molecular data shows that metazoans are more closely related to flagellates than to ciliates.

Most taxonomists agree that the origin of the metazoans is polyphyletic.

Of the following combination of statements about protostomes and deuterostomes, which choice is correct? A. Protostomes are animals in which the mouth develops from the blastopore. The anus or anal pore of protostomes develops from the second opening. Deuterostomes are animals in which the anus develops from the blastopore and the mouth develops secondarily later in their development. B. Protostomes are animals in which the anus develops from the blastopore. The mouth of protostomes develops from the second opening. Deuterostomes are animals in which the anus develops from the blastopore and the mouth develops secondarily later in their development. C. Protostomes are animals in which the mouth develops from the blastopore. The anus or anal pore of protostomes develops from the second opening. Deuterostomes are animals in which the mouth develops from the blastopore and the anus develops secondarily later in their development. D. Protostomes are animals in which the mouth or anus develops from the blastopore, depending on the species. Deuterostomes are animals in which the mouth and anus develops from the blastopore, depending on the species.

Protostomes are animals in which the mouth develops from the blastopore. The anus or anal pore of protostomes develops from the second opening. Deuterostomes are animals in which the anus develops from the blastopore and the mouth develops secondarily later in their development.

Bilateral symmetrical animals have evolved three body cavity plans. Each of the following statements is correct with the exception of one. Select the exception. A. Acoelomates have no body cavity. B. Coelomates have a body cavity lined with mesodermal cells. C. Coelomates have a fluid filled cavity that develops entirely within the mesoderm. D. Pseudocoelomates have a body cavity that is located between the ectoderm and the endoderm.

Pseudocoelomates have a body cavity that is located between the ectoderm and the endoderm.

n all deuterostomes, by contrast, the cells divide parallel to and at right angles to the polar axis. This pattern is called radial cleavage.

Radial Cleavage

Which one of the following groupings includes animals referred to as "wheel animals"? A. Deuterostomia B. Rotifera C. Lophotrochozoa D. Ecdysozoa E. Parazoa


he _____ are small, free-living pseudocoelomates, often smaller than some ciliate protists.


Which of the following is not correct regarding the origin of parazoans and eumetazoans? A. The common ancestor was a protist. B. The common ancestor was a hollow spherical colony of flagellated cells. C. Cells within sponges resemble choanoflagellate protists. D. Sponges evolved independently from eumetazoans. E. Metazoans represent a monophyletic group.

Sponges evolved independently from eumetazoans.

All of the following are true about Cnidarians except A. they are widespread and abundant especially in shallow, warm-temperature or subtropical waters. B. they are basically gelatinous in composition. C. their bodies are made up of distinct organs. D. they exist either as polyps or medusae. E. they contain specialized cells called E. "cnidocytes" within which nematocysts are found.

Their bodies are made up of distinct organs.

Which of the following is not true about pseudocoelomates? A. They possess an internal body cavity called a pseudocoel. B. They contain a bony skeleton. C. They possess a complete, one-way digestive tract. D. The pseudocoel permits resistance to muscle contraction. E. They lack a defined circulatory system.

They contain a bony skeleton.

Which of the following is not true about animals? A. They constitute millions of species. B. They are very diverse in form. C. They were some of the first organisms on the earth. D. They show great mobility. E. They are found in every conceivable habitat.

They were some of the first organisms on the earth.

The vase-like body of a simple sponge is likely to contain all of the following materials or layers except A. a digestive cavity lined with enzyme-secreting cells. B. mesophyl, a protein-rich matrix. C. a somewhat contractile outer epithelium. D. specialized collar cells or choanocytes. E. spicules or a spongin skeleton, or both.

a digestive cavity lined with enzyme-secreting cells.

Which one of the following terms applies to the phylum Platyhelminthes? A. spiral cleavage B. protostome C. diploblastic D. acoelomate E. radial symmetry


Phylum Platyhelminthes is characterized by all of the following except A. bilateral symmetry. B. solid bodies with an inner digestive cavity. C. flat ribbon-shaped bodies with dorso-D. ventral parts and anterior head. D. all are free-living. E. possess an excretory system.

all are free-living

Which of the following terms is mismatched with its meaning or characteristics? A. diploblastic—ectoderm and mesoderm B. triploblastic—ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm C. Parazoa—lacks symmetry; no tissues D. Eumetazoa—definite symmetry; tissues organized E. Chordate—animal with notochord

diploblastic—ectoderm and mesoderm

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a vertebrate? A. radial cleavage B. indeterminate development C. circulatory system present D. diploblastic E. coelomate


Which one of the following terms does not apply to the phylum Porifera? A. Parazoa B. no true tissues C. asymmetry D. acoelomate E. diploblastic


Which of the following is the key transitions in body design that are responsible for most of the differences of Eumetazoa? A. distinct tissues B. radial to bilateral symmetry C. no body cavity to body cavity D. unsegmented to segmented bodies E. protostome to deuterostome development

distinct tissues

Trichinella nematodes reach muscle tissue, forming resistant cysts, after A. entering the circulatory system following penetration of the skin of the foot. B. entering the circulatory system following penetration of the intestinal wall. C. entering the lymph channels following penetration of the intestine. D entering the lymph channel following penetration of lung tissue. E. none of these.

entering the lymph channels following penetration of the intestine.

Sponges exhibit all of the following general characteristics except A. eating by flow of water through canals and pores. B. free-swimming larvae; sessile adults. C. lack of specialized tissues and organs. D. lack of symmetry (may be radial in small species). E. head or appendages, mouth or anus.

head or appendages, mouth or anus.

Which of the following features in embryonic development of deuterostomes does not represent a major difference from protostomes? A. pattern of blastopore formation B. radial cleavage pattern for cell division C. number of primary germ layers D. The first cleavage divisions of the fertilized embryo produce identical daughter cells, and any single cell, if separated can develop into a complete organism. E. The coelom is normally produced by an invagination of the archenteron.

number of primary germ layers

Which one of the following terms applies to the phylum Ctenophora? A. often bioluminescent marine animals B. protostome C. coelomate D. deuterostome E. Parazoa

often bioluminescent marine animals

Which one of the following is not a cell type found in the Parazoa or an inclusion produced by a cell? A. osculum B. choanocyte C. porocyte D. amoebocyte E. spicule


Which one of the following terms applies to the phylum Cnidaria? A. radial symmetry B. pseudocoelomate C. Parazoa D. triploblastic E. protostome

radial symmetry

Animals are distinct among multicellular organisms in all of the following features except A. their cells lack rigid cell walls and are flexible. B. they can move more rapidly and in more complex ways than members in other eukaryotic kingdoms. C. they develop from a zygote in a characteristic embryonic development. D. they show great diversity in size, form, and structure. E. they are homotrophic.

they are homotrophic.

Which one of the following is not true about Porifera? A. they lack tissues B. most members of this phylum lack symmetry C. they remain nonsessile throughout their entire life cycle D. defend themselves by producing chemicals that repel potential predators E. if cells are separated, they will seek one another out and reassemble the entire sponge

they remain nonsessile throughout their entire life cycle

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