Quiz #12

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Hypotension, hypoventilation, and pinpoint pupils would be expected following an overdose of:

oxycodone (Percocet).

Which of the following questions would be of LEAST pertinence during the initial questioning of a patient who ingested a substance?

Why was the substance ingested?

As you enter the residence of a patient who has possibly overdosed, you should:

be alert for personal hazards.

When assessing a patient who is displaying bizarre behavior, the EMT should:

consider that an acute medical illness may be causing the patient's behavior.

It is MOST important for the EMT to remember that suicidal patients may:

be homicidal as well.

Substance abuse is MOST accurately defined as:

knowingly misusing a substance to produce a desired effect.

A technique used to gain insight into a patient's thinking, which involves repeating in question form what the patient has said, is called:

reflective listening.

The usual dose for activated charcoal is up to ______ for a pediatric patient and up to ______ for an adult patient.

25 g, 50 g

A 49-year-old male presents with confusion, sweating, and visual hallucinations. The patient's wife tells you that he is a heavy drinker and she thinks he had a seizure shortly before your arrival. This patient is MOST likely experiencing:


Organic brain syndrome is MOST accurately defined as:

a dysfunction of the brain caused by abnormal physical or physiological function.

During your assessment of a 50-year-old male who was found unconscious in an alley, you note that he has slow, shallow respirations; significant bradycardia; facial cyanosis; and pinpoint pupils. As your partner begins assisting the patient's ventilations, he directs your attention to the patient's arms, which have multiple needle tracks on them. This patient's clinical presentation is MOST consistent with:

a heroin overdose.

Which of the following conditions or factors would be the LEAST likely to result in a change in behavior?

antihypertensive medications

The term "behavioral crisis" is MOST accurately defined as:

any reaction that interferes with activities of daily living or is deemed unacceptable by others.

You are dispatched to a local nursery for a 39-year-old female who is sick. When you arrive, you find the patient lying on the floor. She is semiconscious, has copious amounts of saliva coming from her mouth, and is incontinent of urine. You quickly feel her pulse and note that it is very slow. Initial management for this patient should include:

assisted ventilation with a bag-mask device.

General guidelines for managing a patient with a behavioral emergency include:

being prepared to spend extra time with the patient.

In contrast to a behavioral crisis, a psychiatric emergency occurs when a person:

demonstrates agitation or violence or becomes a threat to himself or herself, or to others.

The first step in assessing a patient with a behavioral emergency is to:

ensure your safety.

You receive a call for a domestic dispute. When you arrive at the scene, you find a young male standing on the front porch of his house. You notice that an adjacent window is broken. The patient has a large body, is clenching his fists, and is yelling obscenities at you. Which of the following findings is LEAST predictive of this patient's potential for violence?

his large body

Assessing the blood pressure and oxygen saturation of a patient with a behavioral crisis should be performed:

if doing so will not worsen his or her emotional distress.

Most poisonings occur via the __________ route.


Heroin is an example of a(n):


A 38-year-old male with a history of schizophrenia is reported by neighbors to be screaming and throwing things in his house. You are familiar with the patient and have cared for him in the past for unrelated problems. Law enforcement officers escort you into the residence when you arrive. The patient tells you that he sees vampires and is attempting to ward them off by screaming and throwing things at them. He has several large lacerations to his forearms that are actively bleeding. The MOST appropriate way to manage this situation is to:

restrain the patient with appropriate force in order to treat his injuries.

Phosphorus or elemental sodium should be brushed off of the skin instead of irrigated with water because:

these chemicals may ignite upon contact with water.

A person who routinely misuses a substance and requires increasing amounts to achieve the same effect is experiencing a(n):


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