quiz 2

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Operant conditioning theory suggests that to encourage the learning of desired organizational behaviors, rewards should be distributed to employees ________.

contingent on performance

The primacy effect occurs when perceptions of a person are influenced by an evaluator's knowledge of the person's standing on a predictor of performance.


The steps in the creative process always occur in a certain sequence.


The three key elements of work motivation are direction of behavior, level of effort, and goal achievement.


Transactional contracts are general, long-term agreements that evolve gradually over time.


Within equity theory, the term "outcomes" refers exclusively to pay, benefits, and vacation time.


In the job characteristics model, the extent to which a job provides a worker with clear information about his or her effectiveness is known as ________.


The MOST common way in which managers can enrich jobs is by allowing workers to do all of the following EXCEPT ________.

follow pre-set work schedules

Job enlargement is often referred to as ________.

horizontal job loading

All of the following are choices managers need to make when developing an effective performance appraisal system EXCEPT ________.

how to appraise the quality of outputs

Josh Bishoff is an industrial engineer who measures exactly how long a task takes and works on developing ways to complete the job in minimal time, including specifying the exact body movements workers should use to do the job most efficiently. The process he uses to develop the optimal way to perform a task is known as ________.

time and motion studies

An employee complained that an appraisal was unfair because he did not have control of what was being assessed. For this argument to be valid, the appraisal MOST LIKELY considered ________.


According to scientific management, ________ is the principal outcome used to motivate employees to contribute their inputs.


Self-efficacy refers to a ________.

person's belief about his or her ability to perform a particular behavior successfully

According to the hierarchy of needs, the most basic needs are ________.

physiological and safety

You, as a college student, are deciding the kind of career you want and determining the qualifications and experience you will need in order to land a good career-starting job. You are in the ________ career stage.

preparation for work

According to social cognitive theory, which of the following is NOT a way in which members of an organization learn?

reactive learning

Which of the following BEST enables individuals to determine if a specific job is a good fit for themselves?

realistic job preview

Scientific management is a set of principles stressing job ________.

simplification and specialization

Evaluating ________ has numerous disadvantages including ignoring situational effects, increasing the likelihood of lawsuits, and providing little motivation for change in the workplace.


A career can be defined as the sum of work-related experiences throughout one's lifetime.


A downside of 360-degree appraisals is the fear that they might turn into popularity contests.


A need is a requirement for survival and well-being.


A psychological contract is an employee's perception of his or her exchange relationship with an organization.


According to Adams, a referent could be another employee, oneself at a different place or time, or one's expectations.


According to social cognitive theory, thoughts, feelings, and the social environment influence learning.


Autonomy is the freedom and independence to make decisions and have personal control over one's work on a day-to-day basis.


B. F. Skinner's operant conditioning approach describes how learning takes place through consequences.


Continuous reinforcement can result in faster learning than partial reinforcement.


Effectively managing the careers of its members helps an organization motivate them to achieve individual and organizational goals and to perform at high levels.


Employees' reactions to procedures depend on how fair they perceive them to be, not how fair they may actually be.


Expectancy theory asserts that valence, instrumentality, and expectancy determine an employee's level of motivation.


Expectancy theory is concerned with how employees make choices among alternative behaviors and levels of effort.


If managers wish to lessen the probability that an undesired behavior will occur, they need to first determine what is currently reinforcing the behavior and then remove the source of reinforcement.


In the scientific management approach to job design, pay is the principal outcome used to motivate employees to contribute their inputs.


Individuals learn and perform at levels consistent with their self-efficacy beliefs.


Job enlargement involves increasing the number of tasks an employee performs but keeping all of the tasks at the same level of difficulty and responsibility.


Job enlargement is referred to as horizontal job loading.


Job enrichment involves designing jobs to provide employees with opportunities for growth by giving them more responsibility and control over their work.


Job enrichment is aimed at increasing the intrinsic motivation of employees.


Psychological contracts can be subject to errors and biases.


Relational contracts imply mutual commitment on the part of both parties.


Scientific management has been instrumental in helping organizations improve employee effectiveness and productivity.


Scientific management is a set of principles and practices stressing job simplification and specialization.


The concept of informational justice involves employees' perceptions of how well managers explain their decisions and the procedures used to reach those decisions.


The similar-to-me effect occurs when a supervisor gives a subordinate who is similar to her a higher performance appraisal than the subordinate deserves.


The three types of needs in Alderfer's theory are existence, relatedness, and growth.


When punishment is used, managers need to be very careful that while eliminating the undesired behavior, they do not create excessive hostility or negative feelings.


Work motivation can be defined as the psychological forces within a person that determine his or her behavior, effort level, and persistence.


What is a psychological contract? What are the determinants of a psychological contract?

unwritten set of expectations between the employee and the employer. Direct Communication. Observation Written Documents

Job enrichment is also known as ________.

vertical job loading

To ensure new employees learn how to implement the customer service standards of a hotel, the hotel would MOST LIKELY rely on ________.

vicarious learning

Managers fear that 360-degree appraisals ________.

will turn into popularity contests at the workplace

A manager wants to encourage his workers to arrive on time and so he provides donuts to those that do so. This has no effect on the number of people arriving on time. What is MOST LIKELY NOT the reason that this did not work?

The reward was greater in magnitude than the sought after behavior.

In OB MOD, once the frequency of the behavior has been determined, the next step is to ________.

analyze the antecedents and consequences of the behavior

To reap the benefits of 360-degree appraisals, research suggests the appraisals should focus on ________.


According to Maslow, ________ involve social interaction, friendship, affection, and love.

belongingness needs

All of the following are examples of the evaluative purposes of a performance appraisal system EXCEPT ________.

deciding how to motivate an employee

According to need theory, a manager first must ________ in order to determine what will motivate an employee the most.

determine the needs an employee is trying to satisfy on the job

The job characteristics model proposes that ________ of the five core dimensions of a job are the key determinants of intrinsic motivation.

employees' perceptions

According to Peter Senge, which of the following is NOT a key activity central to a learning organization?

encouraging low self-efficacy

When positive and negative reinforcement is used to promote learning, the magnitude of the consequences should be ________ to the desired behavior.


According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, physiological needs involve security, stability, and a safe environment.


Equity theory proposes that the objective level of outcomes and inputs is important in determining work motivation.


Intrinsically motivated work behavior is performed for its consequences.


Learning involves a temporary change in knowledge.


Learning vicariously involves trial and error.


Procedural justice is concerned with the perceived fairness of the distribution of outcomes in an organization, such as pay or promotions.


The founder of Zappos, who tells his employees, "have fun and create a little weirdness," would MOST LIKELY agree with the founders of the ________.

job characteristics model

As college students prepare to graduate, they begin to try to find a job that will be a good start in the chosen career. Students try to learn as much as possible about potential jobs and organizations from sources ranging from college placement offices to career/job fairs to personal contacts. This is called the ________ stage.

organizational entry

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