Quiz #2 for Intro to Information Systems (Week 9- Week 14)

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deep linking

App owners are becoming even more useful advertisers with the rise of _______ _________: A link that takes a user to a specific webpage, or launches an app and brings up a unique location rather than just launching the app.

router, Transmission Control Protocol, Internet Protocol,

A ____________ is a computing device that connects networks and exchanges data between them Every computer connects to the Internet through one. TCP (__________ ____________ ___________): slice your message into smaller packets and assemble them later on the other end when received. Guarantees what's received is what's sent. IP (__________ __________): in charge of forwarding packets on the Internet. Routers will coordinate and decide the actual route of your message delivery.

protocol, Uniform Resource Locator

A ______________ is a set rules for communication. Example in natural language. Two parties must agree on the protocol to use, and they must follow that protocol as they send messages back and forth. A web browser can speak only a few languages (protocols) such as HTTP. A URL (______________ _______________ _______________), or a web address, tells your browser what you're looking for.

expert systems, neural network, machine learning, deep learning, Genetic algorithms

AI Technologies Part 1: ________ ____________: Leverages rules or examples to perform a task in a way that mimics applied human expertise. Men are mortal. Socratis was a man; therefore Socratis was mortal. ___________ ___________: Examines data and hunts down and exposes patterns, in order to build models to exploit findings.______________ ____________: Software that contains the ability to learn or improve without being explicitly programmed. ______________ ___________: A type of machine learning that uses multiple layers of interconnections among data to identify pattern and improve predicted results. ____________ ____________: Model building techniques where computers examine many potential solutions to a problem.

User Attention, Content Adjacency

Advertising using Social Graph: The bulk Facebook's of revenue comes from advertising. For Facebook, the size of the firm's market has created a money-gushing bonanza. Firms face two key challenges when advertising on social media: content adjacency and user attention. Facebook solved this problem by: Content Adjacency Challenges: On what kind of pages to show the ads? _________ ___________: If you saw it, why didn't you click on it? ____________ ______________: Precise targeting. You told FB all the things! Integrating FB data with external data. Attention Challenge: "Social" advertising. Less ads in feeds, more hits, higher prices on cellphones.

Cloud Computing, Selection, Low Prices, Customer Experience

Amazon's Businesses: 1.) Online Retailing 2.) Hardware (Kindle, Fire, Echo). 3.) Content 4.) ___________ __________________ (AWS). Three pillars driving growth: 1.) _______________ 2.) _______ __________ 3.) ______________ ______________ (convenience). The Emperor of E-commerce: Outstanding customer experience results in repeat customers and fuels a strong brand. As number of customers increase, more products can be offered at lower prices, creating scale. Caters to third-party sellers, which creates a cycle of buyer-seller growth, leading to a network effect. Activity allows gathering of valuable data asset.


Amazon's Hardware Products: Kindle, Kindle Fire, Fire TV, and Fire Phone. Amazon actually sells kindle at or below the ________ to make it. Kindle owners buy three to four times more books than they did prior to owning the device. Amazon customers who do NOT own a Kindle spend an average of $87 each month, while those with a Kindle spend $136 and Kindle Fire owners spend over $150. Amazon Echo also attempts to control how you interact with the Internet, and helps place an order. Content Distributing and Publishing. From reading to viewing and listening to making.

Kindle, Amazon cloud drive, Amazon cloud player

Amazon's Personal Clouds: __________ -Stores purchase content off-device and can load a customer's virtual bookshelf on demand. ____________ ________ _______ - Offers file storage similar to Dropbox and Google Drive. ____________ __________ _________ - Streams music purchases through a Web browser or smartphone app. Amazon Web Services: Amazon is now the # 2 cloud computing provider and the # 1 Iaas/PaaS. Amazon's Cloud Computing Services: to monetize the firms' expertise in technology and turn this into a revenue- generating business.

Graph Search

Any search that prompts a user to start at Facebook instead of Google is a revenue and data collection opportunity for Facebook. Facebook is experimenting with _____________ _____________, intending to evolve search beyond the keyword: Mobile is different, competitive, but better for Facebook Competitive dynamics differ: Desktop's larger screen allows for menu items and options - mobile seems to prefer single-purpose, specialized apps. Smartphone apps can access a user's address book: more data for building social graph Smartphone apps can more easily share photos and videos. Smartphone apps can use push notifications to encourage use of the app. App icons on the home screen as a visual reminder to visit the app and a single-tap makes it easy to start. "Sign-on with mobile" skips using passwords, easier and even securer to sign in since it's attached directly to a device that follows the user.

third-party cookies

Cookies: Allow advertisers to obtain details on a user's purchases. Tailor websites to display products most likely to be of interest to a user. Keep track of the contents of a user's shopping cart. Store user IDs and passwords as part of the "remember me" feature. ________________ ____________: Identify and record users across multiple websites. The most popular Web browsers allow you to block all cookies, block just third-party cookies, purge your cookie file, or even ask for your approval before accepting a cookie.

Information, Knowledge, Business Intelligence

Data is raw facts and figures. __________________- Data presented in a context so that it can answer a question or support decision-making. "Actually, you asked before and I found that we have 500 in stock"._______________ - Insight derived from experience and expertise (based on data and information). Is it good or bad to have 500 in stock? data -> Information -> Knowledge. ______________________ - helps to turn data into information and hopefully knowledge.

advertising platform

Facebook is also an _____________ __________ but it's not easy. Copyright violations, Privacy and security concerns, App makers have crafted bad apps that annoy, purvey pornography, step over the boundaries of good taste. With More Users, comes more responsibility. Fumbles, Fake News, Global Growth Challenges. Most technologies are developed with admirable goals, however, How people embrace it and use it can be unintended. Should and how can we charge the companies to bear the social responsibility for their technologies?

Network effect, Switching Costs

Facebook was started by Mark Zuckerberg, and guided by Sheryl Sandberg. Facebook's storage grown by a factor of 4,000 in four years. yet 95% of data queries can be served from a huge, distributed server cache that lives in well over fifteen terabytes of RAM. Powered by open source software (OSS). Linux operating system & Apache Web server software. A good portion of Facebook is written in PHP, while some of the databases are in MySQL. Facebook's business model: Core Asset: YOUR Social graph: the global mapping of users and organizations and how they are connected. ____________ ___________: When the value of a product or service increases as its number of users expands. Competition based on network size. _____________ _________: Cost a consumer incurs when moving away from one product. Switching users away from Facebook is extremely difficult due to network effects!

hash tags

Facebook's business is built on maximizing the value it can extract from YOUR social graph. Facebook news feeds concentrated and released value from the social graph. Feeds are the lifeline of Facebook's ability to strengthen and deliver user value from the social graph by categorizing sharing. ________ ________ - helped users discover conversation. Encouraged more public sharing of posts and content. Results: Facebook beats rivals in driving traffic to newspaper sites. Way ahead of Twitter and Pinterest in overall social traffic referrals. Games firms, music services, video sites, daily deal services, publishers, and more all integrate with Facebook, hoping that posts to Facebook will spread their services virally.

click-through rate, dynamic search ads

Factors determining an ad's quality score: __________________ _______ (CTR): Number of users who clicked an ad divided by the number of times the ad was delivered. Overall history of click performance for the keywords linked to the ad. Relevance of an ad's text to the user's query. Automated assessment of the user experience on the landing page (the page displayed when a user clicks on an ad). Google provides tools to identify popular words and phrases for selecting keywords to link with an ad. Offers ____________ _________ ______: Ads generated automatically based on the content of a website. Advertisers get a running total of ad performance statistics that helps: Monitor the return on their investment. Tweak promotional efforts for better results.

market capitalization, Alphabet

Founded by Sergey Bin and Larry Page Within six years of the IPO, Google had become one of the twenty most profitable firms in the United States and was the youngest firm on the list, by a wide margin. _____________ _______________ (market cap): Value of a firm calculated by multiplying its share price by the number of shares. Google is now _____________: A diverse holding company investing in a wide-ranging array of potentially high-impact endeavors.

Query and reporting tools, Dashboard, Tableau, Data mining, canned reports, ad hoc reporting tools,

Four aspects of Business Intelligence: ___________ _______ _______________ ________, ________________, _____________, _______, _____________. Query and Reporting Tools. __________ _________: Regular summaries of information in a predetermined format. ____ _____ _________ _________: Puts users in control so that they can create custom reports on as-needed basis by selecting fields, ranges, summary conditions, and other parameters.

Flexibility, Scalability, Cost effectiveness, Fault tolerance

Hadoop: Big Insights from Unstructured "Big Data". Hadoop is made up of half-dozen separate software pieces and requires the integration of these pieces to work. The Advantages of Hadoop: _________________, __________________, __________________, ___________________

entity, attributes, fields, instance, Key,

How to Deal with Data? Data are stored using relational databases. The world to be described is captured through entities and relationships between entities. An __________ is described with a table with columns of ______________/____________. Each _____________ of an entity is described with a row in the table. ________ is a field or set of fields that can uniquely identify a record. Connections between tables are implemented through key fields. Such connections capture the inter-relationships between entities.

Network Address Translation

IPv4 vs IPv6 vs NAT: The Internet is Full—We've Run Out of IPv4 Addresses Future: IPv6: 128 bit long. Pv6 is not backward compatible with IPv4 and transition has been very slow. When IPv6 is deployed, some of the benefits may include potentially improving speed, reliability, and security of the internet. In between: NAT (______________ ______________ ______________) Conserves IP addresses by mapping devices on a private network to single Internet-connected devices that acts on their behalf. Helps delay the impact of the IP address drought.

keyword advertising

Search is the perfect context for advertising Linking advertising to purchasing intent makes Google's ads highly valuable. pay-per-click (PPC)/cost-per-click (CPC): Advertisers do not pay unless someone clicks. _____________ _______________: Advertisements targeted based on a user's query. Advertisers bid on the keywords used to trigger the display of their ad, but highest bid doesn't necessarily mean higher rank.

metadata, data warehouse, data mart

Similar to Excel worksheets, relational databases use tables to store data. Unlike Excel worksheets, relational databases are self-describing because they contain not only data, but also _____________, data that describes data. The exact format of metadata depends on the database software we use. Typically Structured Query Language (SQL). Text-heavy data, emails, videos, pictures, make challenges. __________ _______________ - A set of databases to support decision-making in an organization. _______ ________ - Database or databases focused on addressing the concerns of a specific problem or business unit.

Volume, Variety, Velocity, Veracity

The Four V's of Big Data are 1.) ________________ -(Web, Sensors, Mobile, Videos, Speech, Social Media, Digitazation. 2.) _______________ - (Structured, Unstructured, Semi-Structured). 3.)_______________ -(Speed of generation) 4.)__________________ -(Trustworthy, Uncleansed).

World Wide Web, Hypertext, browser,

The ___________ ___________ _________ (abbreviated as WWW or W3 and commonly known as the Web) is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. ______________ is text displayed on a computer or other electronic device with references (hyperlinks) to other texts. It may also contain images, audios, videos, animations, and other multimedia. A web ______________ is a software application used to access, retrieve and view information on the Web.

geotargeting, cookies

The ads need to be targeted __________________: Identifying a user's physical location for the purpose of delivering tailored ads or other content. Ads in Google Search can be geotargeted based on IP address. Some Wi-fi and mobile devices can help geotargeting. To Improve Click-through-rate. Communication between a Web browser and Web server reveals a number of pieces of information: IP address—leveraged extensively in customer profiling. Type of browser used: IE or Chrome or Firefox? Computer type and its operating system: windows or linux? ___________: Line of identifying text, assigned and retrieved by a given Web server and stored by one's browser.

internet backbone,

The whole earth is literally wired! The ____________ ____________ is made of fiber-optic lines that carry data traffic over long distance (Submarine Cables). Internet backbone providers are digging up the ground and oceans laying webs of optical fibers cables. From companies like: Verizon, At&t, and Comcast. ISPs (Internet Service Providers) provide access to the Internet. The internet has no center and no one owns it. It is formed when different ISPs' networks connect to one another, exchanging traffic, and ensuring your communication with other computers

user datagram protocol, VoIP,

UDP vs TCP: What if I don't care whether what's received is what's sent? Applications such as video/audio messages UDP (__________ ___________ _____________): Operates instead of a TCP in applications where delivery speed is important and quality can be sacrificed. _________: Transmission technologies that enable voice communications to take place over the Internet and private packet-switched networks.

HTTP, Host, Domain, HTML

URL: __________, or hypertext transfer protocol, is a set of rules allowing web browsers and web servers to communicate. ________ is the specific server computer; (www). __________ is the name of the network you are trying to connect to; (nytimes.com). Web servers and browsers can deliver about any type of file, but the most common one is a " " file. Tell the browser and later the web server the specific path and name of the file on the server you are looking for ___________, hypertext markup language, is the language used to compose web pages. "/tech/index.html" If you used a wrong or outdated path or file name: (Error Message).

spiders, natural search, PageRank, search engine optimization, link fraud, deep Web

Understanding Search Terms- ______________, Web crawlers, software robots: Traverse available websites to perform a given task. Spiders discover documents for indexing and retrieval. organic or __________ _________: Search engine results returned and ranked according to relevance. _______________: Algorithm to rank websites. ____________ _________ _______________ (SEO): Process of improving a page's organic search results. Legit maneuver to rank your pages higher. _________ _________: Creating a series of bogus websites, all linking back to the pages one is trying to promote. Also called "spamdexing" or "link farming." __________ ________: Internet content that cannot be indexed by search engines.

Personalization, A/B Testing

What does Amazon do differently from other retailers?: Data Advantage, 1.) ________________________: A company knows enough about a customer's likes and dislikes that it can fashion offers more likely to appeal to that person. 2.) Advertising 3.) _________ _______________- A randomized group of experiments used to collect data and compare performance among two options studied (A and B). Retargeting aka Remarketing: Showing ads for products & services from a site that a user has previously visited. Amazon fresh w/ Whole Foods. It's all about data and product.

Channel conflict and Consolidated Power, Cloud Computing, Software as a Service, Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service

What makes Amazon aggressive and powerful. __________ ________ _____ ____________ __________: With its original content- Amazon can afford to lose another publisher's content, but they can't afford to lose its channel. _______ ____________ usually means replacing computing resources (hardware or software) with services provided over the Internet (the cloud). Cloud = Internet. _____________ ____ __ _________ (SaaS) software that is made available by a third party (called ASP, Application Service Provider) online over the cloud. Service by subscription. _________________ ______ ___ __________. (IaaS). Cloud providers offer services that include running the remote hardware, storage, and networking. Client firms can choose the software used. __________ ____ ___ _____________ (PaaS) - Cloud providers offer services for customers to build their own applications on the provider's infrastructure. Services include hardware, operating system, tools, and hosting.

ad network, AdSense, opt-in

____ ____________: Links advertisers to websites and other content providers willing to host advertisements in exchange for payment. Google ___________: targets ads based on keywords inside the content of a website. Now also use other criteria such as customer profile. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has called for: Greater transparency and user control in online advertising. Customer opt-in when collecting sensitive data. _________: Program that requires customer consent. Google allows users to: See all the categorizations assigned to a browser's tracking cookie. Remove categorizations, or add interests to improve ad targeting. Opt-out of interest-based tracking. Google has unified its privacy policy in a way that allows for greater profiling, sharing, and tailored services across Google offerings.

IP address, Domain Name System

____ ______________: is a value used to identify a device connected to the Internet. It is usually expressed as four numbers (each from 0 to 255), separated by period., but inside computers, a 32-bit binary string. Assuming you have set up a website, you now want to get it listed in the Internet's phonebook -DNS (________ __________ _________). First, you need to register for a domain name. You cannot buy a domain name, just rent it for a period of time with the right of renewal. First-come, first serve. So, some domain names could be an investment.

net neutrality

_______ ____________ is the principal that all Internet traffic should be treated equally. ISPs have wanted to offer varying coverage, depending on the service used and bandwidth consumed. Big Internet content providers worry that without strong neutrality rules, ISPs may block content or favor their own offerings above rivals. Small Internet content providers (tinytube.com) worry that big Internet content providers (youtube.com) can buy out ISPs and thus discourage innovation.

data mining, consistent, trends, past,

________ ____________: The process of using computers to identify hidden patterns in, and to build models from, large datasets. Key areas of leverage: -Customer segmentation and market basket analysis, Marketing and promotion targeting, Collaborative filtering and customer churn, Fraud detection, financial modeling, hiring and promotion. Data mining is no silver bullet! Prerequisites for data mining to work: Organization must have clean, ____________ data. Events in that data should reflect _________. Using bad data can give wrong estimates, thus exposing the firm to risk. When the market does not behave as it has in the ______, computer-driven investment models are not effective. Possible to over-engineer: Build a model with so many variables that the solution arrived at might only work on the subset of data used to create it.

data, transaction processing systems, Enterprise software

_________- raw facts and figures about something you are interested in. It helps to reduce the uncertainty inherent in decision-making. Businesses collect data through 1.) _____________ _______________ ______________. -Systems that record a transaction, such as a cash register sale. Often TPS is used together with a loyalty card. They also can use ________________ _____________ such as CRM/SCM/ERP to collect data by asking customers using surveys.

Cash Conversion Cycle, Network Effects, Long tail marketing

__________ ______________ __________ (CCC): Period between distributing funds and collecting cash for a given operation. Amazon has a NEGATIVE CCC because it collects cash from customers BEFORE distributing funds to its suppliers. Amazon has better Online Book retail efficiencies when compared to Barnes and Noble. Turnover: 16 times/year, avg. book in house 22 days. avg. 28 days of float / title. Inventory: warehouse stock only, few returns. Theories Underlying Amazon's Online Success: _______________ ________________, especially two-sided. The more buyers you have, the more sellers you attract. The more sellers you attract, the more buyers will come to you. Also think App store, Google Play. __________ _________ ______________ refers to the strategy of targeting a large number of niche markets with a product or service.

digital subscriber line, Fiber to the home

___________ ______________ _________ (DSL): Broadband technology that uses the wires of a local telephone network. Speeds vary depending on the technology deployed. Limitation—uses standard copper telephone wiring that lacks the shielding used by cable. Broadband over power line (BPL) technology has been available for years. Deployments are few because it is considered to be pricier and less practical than alternatives. _________ ____ _____ ________. (FTTH): Broadband service provided via light-transmitting fiber-optic cables. Fastest last-mile technology and works easily over long distances. Limitations: Need to build fiber infrastructure from scratch. Cost of buildout is enormous.

cache, server farms, impressions, Targeting

___________: Temporary storage space used to speed computing tasks. _________ ________: Network of computer servers running software to coordinate their collective use. Google doesn't make money from organic or natural search. But search makes most money from Google through ads. More is spent on Internet ads than any other form of advertising, and this is expected to rise in the foreseeable future. Three factors are driving online ad growth trends. Increased user time online. Improved measurement and accountability. ______________: Each time an ad is served to a user for viewing. Whether a user clicks and buys through the click. How much time a user stays on the ad ...______________: Enables a firm to spend money only on its best prospects.

Wi-Fi, bluetooth

_____________: Wireless local-area networking devices. Stands for wireless fidelity. Wi-Fi antennas are built into their chipsets. To connect to the Internet, a device needs to be within range of a base station or hotspot. Wi-Fi base stations used in the home are usually bought by end users. They are then connected to a cable, DSL, or fiber provider. Wi-Fi equipped mobile devices also offer an opportunity to act as a personal hotspot. Connects to the Internet via the cell network. Allow nearby devices to also connect to the Internet. ______________: A standard for short-range wireless connectivity, typically meant to eliminate cabling used for things like speakers, printers, cameras, and other devices.

Bandwidth, data, time, bottleneck, coaxial cable,

________________ - data transmission speed in a network, typically expressed in bits per second, or bps. Internet backbone are pretty speedy - reaching 100Gbps (100 Gigabits per second) now. BW = ___________/_____________. The __________________ is the connection between end users and their ISPs. Cable Broadband: Uses thick copper wire to offer broadband access. _____________ ___________: Insulated copper cable used by television providers. Has shielding that reduces electrical interference. Allows cable signals to travel longer distances without degrading and with less chance of interference. Limitation: Requires customers to share bandwidth with neighbors.

Application Programming Interfaces, platform

________________ ______________ _______________ (APIs): guidelines published by firms that tell other programs how to get a service to perform a task. Programmers can write applications that run inside a user's profile. Developers are allowed to charge for products, offer them for free, run ads and keep earnings through their apps. Facebook turns itself into a ... __________ that allows for the development and integration of software products and other complementary goods using its own products and services, thus creating an ecosystem of value-added offering which Enhancing network effects Strengthening switching costs Creating larger sets of highly personalized data to leverage.

Operational Effectiveness

________________ __________________: Doing the same tasks better than rivals can do them. _______________ ______________: Doing different tasks than rivals or the same task in different ways. Operational Effectiveness in Amazon: Fulfillment Centers - Radically different from conventional warehouses Similar items? Don't put them together! Amazon warehouses are powered by at least as much code as the firm's web site. Widely use of automation equipment and systems: robotics, conveyor belt systems, etc. Amazon Prime Air — a future delivery system from Amazon designed to safely get packages into customers' hands in 30 minutes or less using small unmanned aerial vehicles.

Network, wireless spectrum

________________- A collection of computing devices s that communicate with one another over transmission media to data and resources. The internet is a network of millions of networks. LAN (Local Area Network, within a few miles in size.) ISPs: Internet Service Provider, ex: Verizon. Mobile wireless service from cell phone access providers is delivered via cell towers. Providers require a ____________ _____________: Electromagnetic frequencies used for wireless communication. Most mobile cell phone services have to license spectrum. High-stakes regional bidding wars whenever governments put new spectrum up for license. Mobile phone services usually have a number, followed by a G (for generation). The bigger the "G," the faster and more reliable. Terrestrial wireless are provided by earth-bound base stations like cell phone towers. Possible via satellite.

dashboards, online analytical processing, data cube

_________________ - Heads-up display of critical indicators that allows managers to get a graphical glance at key performance metrics. _____________ _____________ _____________ (OLAP) - Takes data from standard relational databases, calculates and summarizes the data, and then stores the data in a special database called a data cube. _______ _______ - Special database used to store data in OLAP reporting.


__________________ (retargeting): Shows custom targeted ads to a user when visiting other sites if the user has already visited a given page on the advertiser's site. Google offers a suite of tracking and analysis tools via a service it calls Google Analytics. The base service is offered free to websites of all sizes, with premium offerings and support available for a fee. Using analytics, a content provider can collect statistics on the following: Website or app's traffic, Traffic sources, User behavior on site, sales and advertising success, Social media analysis, Google Analytics has more than an 80 percent market share.

artificial intelligence,

__________________ ______________: Computer software that can mimic or improve upon functions that would otherwise require human intelligence. Fueled by recent evolution in hardware/software/data. New generation hardware chips: AI chips, Data-capture tools: RFID, Cloud resources, Open source algorithms, Software development kits. With AI becoming more accessible and ubiquitous, the market is exploding. Dark Side AI: Data Privacy, and Losing jobs to automation powered by AI.

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