Quiz 3 Dental Anatomy Muscles of the Head and (ch. 4 a &b) -no pictures like Stacey's awesome one but it's an extra resource ;)

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orbicularis oculi muscle

A facial muscle that encircles the eye. This is the muscle that closes the eye during BLINKING and allows the eye to SQUINT.

orbicularis oris muscle

A muscle of FACIAL EXPRESSION in the oral region that controls shape (It closes the mouth and purses and protrudes the lips.) and the size of the mouth opening. It has NO BONY ATTACHMENT. This muscle has four relatively distinct movements: pressing together (closing lips), tightening and thinning (pursing lips), rolling inward between the teeth (grimacing), and thrusting outward (pouting and kissing).This muscle can show increased wrinkling with cigarette use. This can be useful to point out within tobacco cessation discussions.


A term associated with the mouth

the head will flex at the neck and extend at the junction between the neck and skull. In other words, contraction of both muscles causes flexion of the head forward.

Also with the SCM, if BOTH muscles contract, _________________________________________________________________________________.


Clinical note: the __________muscles change the way a patient's head and neck are positioned. The patients may not have the ability to place themselves in a traditional or ergonomically correct position in the dental chair for the dental professional.

Suprahyoid muscles (above Hyoid Bone)

Digastric Mylohyoid Stylohyoid Geniohyoid

muscles of facial expression

Epicranial Platysma Orbicularis Oculi Corrugator/Depressor supercilli Procerus Orbicularis Oris Zygomaticus Minor Levator Labii superioris Levator labii superioris aleque nasi nasalis depressor labii inferioris depressor anguli oris risorius mentalis buccinator

the entire temporalis

If ___________________________ muscle contracts, the main action is to elevate the mandible, raising the lower jaw. Elevation of the mandible occurs during the closing of the jaws.

only the posterior part of the temporalis muscle

If _______________________________contracts, the muscle moves the lower jaw backward. Moving the lower jaw backward causes retraction of the mandible. Retraction of the jaw often accompanies the closing of the jaws.

Four pairs of hyoid muscles inferior to the hyoid bone.

Infrahyoid muscles

This muscle of mastication has two heads that differ in depth: superficial and deep. Both heads originate from the zygomatic arch but from differing areas. The deep part is partly concealed by the superficial part. Both heads then pass inferiorly to insert on the external surface of the mandible. At the angle of the mandible. This muscle can become enlarged in patients who habitually clench or grind (with bruxism) their teeth and even in those who constantly chew gum. When a patient has temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) or a myogenic disorder, the integrity of this muscle can be compromised, resulting in pain, malfunction, inflammation and/or swelling.

Masseter Muscle

The larger deep head of the ______________________ muscle originates from the lateral pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone. The smaller superficial head originates from the the palatine bone and maxillary tuberosity of the maxilla. Both heads then pass inferiorly, posteriorly, and laterally, to insert on the medial surface of the ramus and angle of the mandible.

Medial Pterygoid Muscle

This muscle of facial expression originates on the mandible near the midline. It then inserts in the skin of the chin.

Mentalis Muscle


Most of the INFRAHYOID MUSCLES _____________________ the hyoid bone.

This muscle of facial expression originates in the skin superficial to the clavicle and shoulder. It then passes anteriorly to insert on the inferior border of the mandible and the muscles surrounding the mouth

Platysma Muscle

muscles of the neck

SCM trapezius splenius capitus (from his ID list) levator scapulae anterior,middle, and posterior scalenes -suprahyoid group- *digastric anterior and posterior bellies *mylohyoid *geniohyoid *stylohyoid -infrahyoid group-(TOSS) *thyrohyoid *omohyoid *sternothyroid *sternohyoid

The three pairs of extrinsic tongue muscles

Styloglossus Genioglossus Hyoglossus

The four sets of intrinsic tongue muscles

Superior Longitudinal Transverse Vertical Inferior Longitudinal

This muscle originates from the entire temporal fossa on the temporal bone. The muscle then passes inferiorly to insert onto the coronoid process of the mandible at the border of the ramus

Temporalis Muscle

buccinator muscle

The FACIAl MUSCLE that also ASSISTS with mastication is the_______________________________


The largest and best developed of the three muscles iin the nasal region is the _________________, which is active when the nares are flared.

seventh cranial nerve

The muscles of facial expression are paired and innervated by the facial nerve, also known as the ___________________.

mandibular nerve, or division of the 5th cranial nerve, or trigeminal nerve

The muscles of mastication are innervated by the ___________________________________ nerve.

the TMJ

The muscles of mastication work with _____________________

hyoid bone

The only bone that does not articulate with any other bone in the skeleton Held in place by ligaments and muscles Serves as the 'pulley' for tongue and larynx movement

trapezius muscle

The other important paired, superficial cervical muscle which has a large diamond shape and moves the scapula is the __________________________________.

____________________________ originates from fascia superficial to the masseter. It then passes anteriorly to insert into the skin at the ipsilateral labial commissure.

The risorius muscle

Lateral Pterygoid Muscle

The superior head originates from the greater wing of the sphenoid bone and passes inferiorly to insert on the temporomandibular joint disc and capsule. The inferior head originates from the lateral pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone and inserts on the condyle of the mandible. Note that the two heads originate from different locations on the sphenoid bone.

superficial and easily palpated

There are two cervical muscles, the SCM and the trapezius. They are both __________________ and _____________________________________.

Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi Muscle

This is a muscle of facial expression that elevates the upper lip and ala of the nose, thus also dilating each naris, as in a sneering expression. It originates from the frontal process of the maxilla. It then passes inferiorly to insert into two areas: the skin of the ala of the nose and upper lip.

Zygomaticus Minor Muscle

This is the muscle that ASSISTS in smiling. This muscle originates on the body of the zygomatic bone. It then inserts in the skin of the upper lip.

corrugator supercilii muscle

This muscle is a muscle of facial expression in the eye region deep to the superior part of the orbicluaris oculi. This muscle draws the skin of the eyebrow medially and inferiorly toward the nose, which causes vertical wrinkles in the glabella area of the forehead and horizontal wrinkles at the bridge of the nose(Corner of the eye used in FROWNING).

Zygomaticus Major Muscle

This muscle originates from the zygomatic bone. It then passes anteriorly and inferiorly to insert into the skin at the ipsilateral labial commissure, in and around the obicularis oris.

the trapezius

This paired muscle ORIGINATES from the occipital bone and the posterior midline of the cervical and thoracic regions. It INSERTS ont the clavicle and scapula. (The SHOULDER SHRUGGING muscle. )

nasalis, the procerus, and the depressor septi nasi

Three muscles associated with the nasal region:

Infrahyoid (Below Hyoid Bone)

Thyrohyoid Omohyoid Sternothyroid Sternohyoid (THINK TOSS but don't confuse the hyoid muscles that begin with "s" because the Stylohyoid is a suprahyoid muscle)

nerve damage ankyloglossia (when the lingual frenum is too short)

Tongue movement problems are most often caused by ____________________ but may also be caused by _____________________________________.

muscles of mastication

What are the four pairs of muscles attached to the mandible that work with the TMJ to accomplish movement of the mandible?

Hyoid muscles

What are the muscles that assist in the actions of mastication (chewing) and swallowing through their attachment to the hyoid bone?

buccinator muscles

What are the thin, quadrilateral muscles of facial expression that forms the anterior parts of the cheek and push food back between the teeth?

Intrinsic tongue muscles

What are the tongue muscles completely inside the tongue that are responsible for changing the SHAPE of the TONGUE?

Extrinsic tongue muscles

What are the tongue muscles that have their origin outside the tongue with their insertion inside the tongue and are responsible for MOVING THE TONGUE?

sternocleidomastoid and trapezius

What are the two cervical muscles?

neural control

What causes a muscle to shorten and leads to movement of soft tissue and bony structures in the body?

the sternocleidomastoid muscle

What divides the neck region into anterior and posterior cervical triangles, which helps define the location of structures such as the lymph nodes for the head and neck? (It is also an important muscle that is palpated during the extraoral exam)

cervical muscles muscles of facial expression muscles of mastication hyoid muscles muscles of the tongue muscles of the pharynx

What groups are the muscles of the head and neck divided into?

Stylohyoid Muscle

What is a POSTERIOR suprahyoid muscle that originates on styloid process and inserts on the hyoid? It runs parallel and just above posterior belly of digastric. It pulls hyoid bone back and up (raises hyoid bone). This muscle originates from the styloid process (of the temporal bone), then passes anteriorly and inferiorly to insert on the body of the hyoid bone.

the epicranial muscle

What is a muscle of facial expression in the scalp region that has two bellies, a frontal belly and an occipital belly? This is the muscle that moves the scalp and is the muscle that is used when SOMEONE SHOW SURPRISE.

Risorius Muscle

What is a muscle of facial expression that draws the angle of the mouth laterally as in GRIMACING?

Mentalis Muscle

What is a short, thick muscle of facial expression superior and medial to the mental nerve in the oral region that raises the chin, wrinkling the skin, causing the displaced lower lip to protrude, and narrowing the oral vestibule? (This is also the muscle that can cause a lower denture to shoot out of the mouth.)

Digastric Muscle

What is a suprahyoid muscle that has two separate bellies: anterior and posterior, two sets of muscle fibers separated by loop-like tendon in the center, runs from mastoid process down and forward to hyoid and from there up to inferior surface of mandible?

geniohyoid muscle

What is an ANTERIOR suprahyoid muscle superior to mylohyoid originating from genial tubercles and inserting on the hyoid bone that aids in depressing mandible?

Mylohyoid Muscle

What is an ANTERIOR suprahyoid muscle that is inferior to the geniohyoid muscle, it forms FLOOR OF THE MOUTH and HELPS ELEVATE THE TONGUE, and originates on either side of mandible from the MYLOHYOID LINE and inserts on hyoid?

Omohyoid muscle

What is an infrahyoid muscle that has two bellies separated by tendon. Originates on scapula and inserts on hyoid, pulls hyoid down and runs under SCM and just lateral to sternohyoid? This is one of the ones whose name doesn't give us a clue. Just memorize it.

Sternothyroid muscle

What is an infrahyoid muscle that originates on the sternum and inserts on the THYROID CARTILAGE? It has NO ACTION ON THE HYOID BONE; its action is to pull the larynx down.

Medial Pterygoid Muscle

What is another muscle of mastication that is deeper, yet similar in form to the more superficial masseter (rectangular, but more quadrilateral, in this case)?This muscle also has two heads that differ in depth: deep and superficial, similar to the masseter. This muscle elevates the mandible, raising the lower jaw.

thyrohyoid muscle

What is infrahyoid muscle is deep to the omohyoid and sternohyoid, originates on the thyroid cartilage and inserts the hyoid bone; it appears as a continuation of the sternothyroid. In addition to depressing the hyoid bone, it RAISES THE THYROID cartilage and larynx.

The movement that is accomplished when the muscle fibers contract.

What is the action of the muscle?

Temporalis Muscle

What is the broad, fan-shaped muscle of mastication on each side of the head that fills the temporal fossa, superior to the zygomatic arch.

Levator Labii Superioris

What is the broad, flat muscle of facial expression in the oral region which elevates the upper lip? This muscle originates from the infraorbital rim of the maxilla. It then passes inferiorly to insert into the skin of the upper lip.

the origin

What is the end of the muscle that is attached to THE LEAST movable structure?


What is the end of the muscle that is attached to the more movable structure?


What is the extrinsic tongue muscle that depresses the tongue? This muscle originates on the hyoid bone. It then inserts into the lateral surface of the body of the tongue.


What is the extrinsic tongue muscle that protrudes (Sticks out the tongue) and depresses the tongue? It is superior to the geniohyoid. It arises from the genial tubercles on the mandible. Most of the fibers insert into the tongue from its base almost to the apex.


What is the extrinsic tongue muscle that retracts the tongue? This muscle originates from the styloid process of the temporal bone. Inserts into the lateral surface of the tongue.

Masseter Muscle

What is the most obvious muscle of mastication that is the most superficial and one of the strongest? It is a broad, thick, flat rectangular muscle (almost quadrilateral) on each side of the face, anterior to the parotid salivary gland.

Zygomaticus Major Muscle

What is the muscle of facial expression in the oral region lateral to the zyomaticus minor muscle that elevates the labial commissure of the upper lip and pulls it laterally, as when a person SMILES..

Levator Anguli Oris Muscle

What is the muscle of facial expression that is deep to both the zygomaticus major and zygomaticus minor muscles of facial expression in the oral region? It ELEVATES the labial commissure, as when a person smiles?

Platysma Muscle

What is the muscle of facial expression that runs from the neck all the way to the mouth, superficial to the anterior cervical triangle. This muscle raises the skin of the neck to form noticeable vertical and horizontal ridges and depressions. It can also pull the labial commissures down, as when a person grimaces.

lateral pterygoid muscle or external pterygoid muscle

What is the short, thick muscle of mastication superior to the medial pterygoid. This muscle has two separate heads of origin: superior and inferior. The entire muscle lies within the infratemporal fossa, deep to the temporalis muscle.

Depressor Labii Inferioris Muscle

What is the small quadrilateral muscle of facial expression in the oral region that depresses the lower lip, exposing the mandibular incisor teeth?

Depressor Anguli Oris Muscle

What muscle of facial expression that depresses the angle of the mouth, as when a person frowns?

Sternohyoid Muscle

What muscle originates from the sternum, close to where the sternum joins each clavicle then passes superiorly to insert on the body of the hyoid bone? Action is to pull hyoid down.

toward the origin

Where does the insertion of the muscle generally move when the muscle is contracted?

the muscles of facial expression

Which muscles originate on the surface of the skull bone but INSERT on the dermis of SKIN tissue or OTHER MUSCLES rather than into bone?

the SCM (Sternocleidomastoid Muscle)

Which paired muscle originates from the clavicle and sternum and inserts on the mastoid process of the temporal bone?

unilateral or same side contralateral side

With the SCM, if ONE muscle contracts, the head and neck bend to the ________________________________ and the face and front of the neck rotate to the ________________________________.

facial paralysis

____________________ can be caused by Bell's Palsy, stroke, or injecting anesthetic into the parotid salivary gland.

If only one of the lateral pterygoid muscles

_________________________________________is contracted, the lower jaw shifts to the other side, causing lateral deviation (lateral movement) of the mandible.


an anatomical term for a muscle that means it encircles something.


an anatomical term that means "eye"

What muscle ORIGINATES from three areas: the alveolar processes of both the maxilla and mandible, as well as a fibrous structure, the pterygomandibular raphe and then passes inferiorly to ATTACH to the posterior end of the mandible's mylohyoid line?

buccinator muscle

movements of the mandible

depression (mouth opened) elevation (mouth CLOSED) protrusion (jaw out) retraction (jaw back) lateral deviation (a term LoGrippo doesn't care for that means to move the mandible left or right :) )

Unlike the other three muscles of mastication, the _____________________________ is the only muscle of mastication that assists in depressing the mandible, lowering the lower jaw. Depression of the mandible occurs during the opening of the jaws. However, the main action when both muscles contract is to bring the lower jaw forward, thus causing the protrusion of the mandible.

lateral pterygoid

muscles of mastication (know the origin, insertion, and action of all of these)

masseter temporalis medial pterygoid lateral pterygoid

masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid, lateral pterygoid muscles

the 4 muscles of mastication

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