quiz 3 quiz questions

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Normal growth in a family may be exhibited by ______.

children going to school

A family you start for yourself is your family of orig


Both the structure and the communication dynamics of a family stay the same as time goes on.


Sexual harassment is no longer an issue in modern organizations.


The family member who does the ______ acts as a hub for information.

kin keeping

Which of the following is the process by which repeated everyday practices create a "structure" for performance in the future?


John lives with his friend and stepmom, but they all often have dinner with his mom and stepdad. This best describes a(an) ______.

binuclear family

When you are trying to get someone to do something, you are likely using ______.

compliance giving

The clan or historical family tree that you branch from is called your family of ______.


Grandparents are part of your ______.

extended family

Betty treats her pets as if they are family members. She has made them her ______.

family of choice

Sadie was told that she had to follow the ______ or chain of command before telling the director about a problem with a co-worker.


Iman, Kenya, and Deanna are cousins, sharing the same blood relative. Their familial connection is an example of a ______.

functional structure

Yan knows that today's speaker, his friend Joanna, is credible because she is smart, trusted, and always exhibits ______.


Zuri works a full 8- to 10-hour workday. Her supervisor closely monitors her ______ time to ensure that she does not work more than 40 hours per week.


If you ask someone for a small favor and later ask for a larger favor, you are engaging in the ______ technique.


A 9-year-old arguing loudly with his stepmother in the presence of his biological mother may be exerting a communicative power that operates either ______ or ______.

informally, bidirectionally

A workplace that is viewed as being stifling, manipulative, and authoritative may be considered a(n) ______.

instrument of domination

____ is one of the contextual influences of compliance gaining based on a relationship's power dimensions


To soften the rigidity of the ______ metaphor, employers may host team-building events to make employees feel more valued.


When co-workers use company jargon that is not understood by people outside the office, they are identifying themselves as members within an ______ frame.


A claim of ______ argues what next steps should be taken or not.


You can still express your own personality when presenting your ______ face.


Cindy used the compliance-gaining strategy of ______ activities and refused to give her sister back her cell phone until she said she apologized.


When a family consistently sings the "happy birthday" song to the person celebrating a birthday at family gatherings this practice is referred to as a ______,


Systems monitor their own activities and respond in accordance to input from external factors, in other words they are ______ and ______.

self-regulating, self-oriented

When someone is having trouble at home and has difficulty at work because of it, he or she is experiencing ______.

spillover effects

Through family ______, a bond may be created that provides the family with a sense of self.

story telling

The only way a fear appeal will work is if the person targeted believes the threat to be ______.

substantial and probable

Which theory refers to the idea that the family is something made up of parts but operates as a whole?


The culture of a workplace is created by its people and is best understood by studying the relationships by which they are ______.


A family's history may include the experiences of family members, whether painful or positive.


Giving someone a gift before asking for a favor would be considered the pre-giving technique.


Having a friendship with the boss may result in a negative organizational experience.


In some cases, instrumental goals and relational goals can be contradictory.


Presentations to convince are delivered in an attempt to impact audience behavior.


Anthony knows more than anyone about the ______ culture at the job because he has worked there for 20 years, and the daily routine has not changed.


Dennis always wears a suit to work, though it is not required. By doing so, he is exhibiting his ______.

workplace identity

The door-in-the-face technique aims for compliance with the first request.


Values are what people hold to be true or false.


The information you received from your parents about working is part of ______ socialization.

familial anticipatory

Monologic discourse occurs when you speak to a group of people in an attempt to get them to listen to you and take your advice or follow your opinion.


Sexual imagery is often used in advertising because it appeals to people's desire for the scenario to be ______.


The idea of "acting professionally" refers to your workplace face.


When a couple has a child, their communication loses some of its old styles.


Workplaces can be understood as unique cultures.


Your family includes the people with whom you are likely to interact.


Which of the following metaphors for organizations refers to the idea that workplaces are standardized by repetition, specialization, or predictability?

Machine metaphors

Allen is sick and tired of the ______ at his job, which includes people talking behind one another's backs and senior employees harassing new employees.

aggressive communication

April was angry and blamed the principal because he canceled the outdoor homecoming party due to inclement weather. This form of fallacious argument is referred to as an ______.

argument against the source

When the oldest person in the family household has the power to make decisions, there is a defined ______ within the family.

authority structure

When family members refuse to discuss a family issue they consider embarrassing, they are managing their ______ and ______.

boundaries, privacy

______ is a persuasive tool that is often used because it triggers an emotional response.


It is important that speakers know how to adjust their presentations because the ______ of the audience members will control their expectations.

characteristics, perceptions, and needs

Tony, a staunch Independent, is in favor of raising taxes if it will benefit the city's school. This argument is an example of ______.

composition fallacy

Peter likes to use presentations to ______ because he is a vegan and believes that everyone should avoid meat products.


If you grew up with certain beliefs, then you have decided that something is either true or false as a result of your ______.

direct experience

Deon believes that his family is not normal because his parents are divorced, while the parents of his friends are still married. Deon's family is likely to face instances of ______, requiring that they frame themselves through their communication.

discourse dependency

Amy is persuaded to donate to the local animal shelter because its television advertisements featuring dogs with sad faces make her feel ______.


Seth's boss tasked him with fulfilling a particularly large order for a customer. Afterward, the boss praised Seth's efficient work, demonstrating that reaching ______ goals is an organizational objective.


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