quiz 3 review

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Which of the following is an example of a measurable goal

"I will write 1,000 words by the end of the day

How does a goal differ from a vision

A goal is concrete and measurable

Which of the following personality traits is often associated with creative people

Acting independently

Which of the following best describes a decision-making model

An organized way to make a decision

When you ask yourself, "What would I attempt to do if I knew I could not fail?" you are determining your


What is the first thing you should do when determining a vision

Collect input

Which of the following is a true statement about consensus building

It is about having equal power

Which of the following is a true statement about visions

They require hard work and determination

Which role in a consensus-building group helps ensure that all group members get equal opportunities to share their ideas


Which of the following is an example of the type of vision that someone can pick up where you leave off

To offer a drug-free hangout in my neighborhood

Which of the following is an important part of writing down your goal

Using action verbs in your goal statement

Which of the following is an example of an extensive decision

Which job you'll take

Positive communication allows people from different backgrounds to

build respect for one another

An example of a short-term goal is

finishing the annual report in two weeks

Creative people usually prefer to work under __________ supervision


April is upset because there is a rumor about her circulating among her classmates. This is a negative effect of

the grapevine

Jenny wants to talk to her parents about a raise in her allowance, but then she finds out that her mother has just been laid off from her job. If she asks for the money anyway, which communication barrier is likely to result

Bad timing

Which of the following is a benefit of writing down your goal

Clarifying the goal in your own mind

Which of the following reflects a true relationship between making decisions and reaching objectives

Decisions support objectives

As Vanessa walked into the library, Jeremy and Sam were just closing a drawer on the librarian's desk. Later, Vanessa described the incident to the librarian—and included her own conclusion that the boys had probably stolen something. Vanessa's account is an example of which of the following


Which of the following is an example of sensitive communication

I appreciate your contribution to the project

Which of the following is an advantage of consensus building

Inspiring creative problem solving

Why might group members prefer to use an informal method of consensus building

It allows for face-to-face interaction

When Paul's brother uses computer terms around him, Paul gets confused. Which communication barrier is blocking their effective communication


Consensus building can be difficult to use for what type of decision


What do most creative ideas need in order to come into being

Period of incubation

What should people do if no solution to a problem seems apparent

Redefine the problem

Which of the following is an example of creativity

Suggesting a new way to organize stock

Chris started working in a stable as a horse trainer, but later decided he would rather give riding lessons for a living. This is an example of a goal's being


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