Rap Midterm #1

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Song to known by the Jimmy Castor Bunch

"It's Just Begun" (1972)- the guitars are processed with distortion and wah-wah effects


"The black cultural aesthetic is essentially both oral, aural, and motor, focusing on action, performance and expression"-Double-Dutch-Hand-clap games-cheers

Enjoy! Records

(Bobby Robinson) signed original crews from the S. Bronx (Funky 4+1, Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five, Fearless Four...)

Old School rules

(Cold Crush vs Fantastic Five)

Cindy Campbell

(Kool Herc's Sister)

Hardcore and the mainstream


•Jamaican Toast (*boasts) pioneers

(pioneers Coke La Rock & Kool Herc)

when did street gangs begin to use graffiti?

1950s , gangs used graffiti as intimidation and to mark their territory

Proto-hip hop and old school


the year there was a rise in youth gangs


Gang activity peaked in


Kool Herc's sister asked Herc to DJ at her back to school party in...

1973 at the community center on 1520 Sedgwick Avenue. Herc was inspired by Bahamian Fordham University Student DJ who called himself Amazing Birth. Herc's parties borrowed three Jamaican elements: 1. The Jamaican oral Tradition of Toasting 2. The Jamaican-inspired outdoor system 3. The creation of b-beat music

First wave of old school hip hop

1973-1981, funk and disco

Herc takes jams out to the parks


Wild style

1974, complicated construction of interlocking letters, hardest style to master, credited to Tracy 168

when were the foundational years


graffiti activity peaked in

1976 and marked the second wave of this art tradition, the fabulous five emerged which named themselves after the number 5 Inter borough Rapid Transit Lexington Avenue line that they bombed regularly.

NYC Blackout


MC's Fame came by local, live performances and audience support

1977, also this was the year that cool herc faded into the background

Second Wave of Old School Hip Hop or early commercial years

1979-1983, Rapper's delight was the foundation of this era, MCs were elevated in status above DJs, and rap music overshadowed all other elements of hip hop.

Commercial rap music


hip hop was not used to describe sub culture until


cold crush brothers wore matching pinstripe gangsta suits vs the fantastic five wore trademark white tuxedos

1981 MC battle , Fantastic Five prevailed because of they got the crowd more excited and incorporated the crowd in their rapping routine

Kool Moe Dee vs Busy Bee

1981 at the Christmas Rap Convention•One dominant technique: CALL AND RESPONSE synchronizes speaker and listeners within a performance event. ***Changes direction of the Old School Style of MC-battling.Ritual Dueling/Dozens"

Busy Bee vs. Kool Moe Dee

1981, forever changed the game of MC battles, Busy Bee threw up many call and response techniques ("whats your favorite restaurant is it...? and whats ur zodiac sign) , Kool Moe Dee was the first to actually attack another MC in a battle. Kool Moe dee influenced the transition between old school party rap into the new school style of rap which was dissin.

when did New York start to look at graffiti differently?


introduces mainstream America to breakin'

1983 film Flashdance

rap rock fusion: Run DMC

1st to land in rotation on MTV, to endorse a sneaker, and to tour the country -Will help hip hopCross-overinto mainstream

sep. 2 1977

3,000 people at Harlem's Audubon Ballroom watched GM Flash out do Herc


= performing rhymes with a friend or circle of friends; practicing rhymes in an informal setting, such as freestyling with another playing off each others words


A competition, that took place in place of physical fights to settle gang discrepancies. The competition was a measure of breaking skills.

Hip Hop in the South Bronx was influenced by

African American, Latin, and Caribbean Cultures.


African-American preachers (call-n-response)-Elder Otis James "Nothing to Do in Hell" (1930)•Rhythm & Blues monologues (next slide)-Lou Rawls "Dead End Street" (1967)-Isaac Hayes "By the Time I get to Phoenix" (1969)

Master of records

Afrika Bam

Founding father of hip hop culture

Afrika Bambaataa

first b-boy crew

Afrika Bambaattaa's Zulu Kings.

The unspoken dialogue between DJ and dancers mirrors a traditional African artistic form called

Call and Response

New Wave is

a ROCK GENRE that came out in 1980 whose sound & look was futuristic; influenced by 70s dance music (disco) and the punk movement of the 1970s. •Popular in U.K. & Alternative Radio•sometimes referred to as SYNTH POP. •Some example artists: Blondie, Missing Persons, Tears for Fears, Flock of Seaguls,

The South Bronx dance innovation breaking was informed by

a battle dance craze coming out of Brooklyn called up rocking, as well as by watching the Los Angeles dance group the Lockers do their thing on televisions soul Train in 1972.


a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content

trickster in storytelling

a clever character that manipulates situations to get what they want.

UTFO "Roxanne Roxanne"

a dis track on a waitress named Roxanne that wouldn't give em nothin.

The Savage Seven

a group of seven youths between the ages of 12-15 that wreaked havoc in the neighborhood surrounding the Bronxdale Community Center. They were praised for beating up vagabonds and winos but ridiculed for targeting business owners, renters, or regular upright citizens.

playing the dozens duel

a group session where novices can get in on the action and build their rep

Afrika Bambaataa

a high ranking member of the black spades, made peace between gangs because he knew at least five members from each gang, his house was also a common party spot because his mom was a nurse and worked night shifts. He spent a-lot of time at the Black Panther Information center and he became involved with the nation of Islam.

scat singing

a jazz style where vocals were imitations of instruments and beats


a jerky American dance that was popular in the 1940s, included the Lindy Hop

Call and Response

a leader will perform or call out to the audience and the audience will respond in kind, such an exchange can develop a dialogue. music making (call) and dance movements (response). Herc borrowed this tradition from outdoor Jamaican entertainment. (b-beat music and b-boying)


a loosely organized group of adolescents or young adults who collaborate for social reasons


a martial art and dance that developed in Brazil from Angolans who were taken there by the Portuguese from Africa, late 1800s and early 1900s

Rap music=

a musical genre that makes use of rhyme, rhythmic speech, and street vernacular atop a beat.

Style Wars

a period where street art became much more competitive and younger graffiti artists were becoming much more ambitious and besting that of their predecessor.

The Jeli (Made term) or griot(french term)

a poet-musician who is the custodian of his society's historical and cultural knowledge. they often accompany themselves on a kora, which is a harp instrument. The role of the Jeli or griot has shaped the role of the DJ or MC in the south Bronx. Just like DJs and MCs jellies are all knowledgeable and master story tellers. Because of this tradition Herc took his parties outside


a pose within a dance


a programmable drum machine that played digital samples, GM Flash's creation

what is a throw up

a quickly drawn piece with one or two colors and bubble letters.


a technique used to transform a turntable into a musical instrument, quickly pushing and pulling records on the turntable, resulting in a variety of effects: loops, musical bursts, and backward playback.


a walk like dance move credited to the west coast

code of the style wars

a writer could paint over simple tags with a multicolored piece, but not the other way around.

Sanga ≈

agileevasiveness; trickery


an artist making his or her presence known by signing their name on public property. personalizes signature or logo

what is another term for merry go round technique

b-beat music

top rockin

b-boying technique that is performed standing upright influenced by Jame's Browns performance, incorporated moves from the Lockers on Soul Train and Hong Kong Martial Art films.

who was first to use hip hop as a term


scat singing gave inspiration to

beat boxing

The MC

began in 1975, MCs were hired on to hype up the crowd so DJs could focus on the music.

Herc was known for

being the master of sound, played old R and B and soul tunes , highlighted the break, incorporated the Incredible Bongo Band, the break created b boys and b beats.

also in new era b boyin became


In place of gang violence social clubs turned to

breaking/dance battles, verbal battles, and even battles between DJs/ MCs also leadership roles were changed and given to whoever was most suited to control a gang of rowdy teens

Kool Herc's merry go round technique

brought two turntables to his parties and duplicate copies of the same record to extend the break by playing the same breakbeat back to back. This was used to get kids dancing. The incredible bongo band's "Apache" (1972) was the first record he did this with.

Latino kids did what for breaking?

built off of African American kids advances and thrusted b-boying into the mainstream

herc was anti

disco music style

Gangs started to break apart in the

early 70s, girls left first, members were tired of risking their lives, and the Ghetto Brothers gang made a truce with law enforcement and other gangs

what was formed on the west coast

electric boogaloo/ Doc Boogaloo

cipha (cipher)

enclosed circle created by spectators to surround a b-boy battle.

Afrika Bambaataa

established the Bronx River Organization(later the zulu nation), united gangs of writers, DJs, dancers, and MCs motto: Peace, love, unity, and having fun. Parties were recorded on mixtapes and sold in the streets


evasiveness or trickery used in capoeira dance style

1975-1976: Coke La Rock and Clark Kent (aka Klark Kent) and Timmy Tim ...

formed the first emcee team. Kool Herc and the Herculords/Herculoids

Robert Keith "Cowboy" Wiggins

former Black Spade, "throw ur hands in the air and wave em like you just don't care" - hype up GM Flashes crowd

- was the most sampled styles of music by rap DJs during the late 80s and ealry 90s



gangsta-style or fight-like dancing

Fab 5 Freddy or Freddy love

host of MTVs first hip hop music program in 1979

Capoeira had become a "mulatto" which is ...

ideological symbol of a perfectly mixed society and was a uniquely Brazilian art form.

Popping and Locking debuted ...

in 1973, performed by LA Lockers on Soul Train and SNL.

1981Grandmaster Flash & the Furious 5"Adventures of Grandmaster Flash on the Wheels of Steel" is the first hip hop [rap]* song to

include the sounds of real DJing skill on wax.


inexperienced writers who lacked or never developed skills in art

Oral-Aural-Motor \

inseparability of music and dance/stylized movement-Cf. Cornel West: Kinetic Orality

Breaking (B-boys/B-girls)

instrumental breaks that emphasized the rhythm section got people dancing, DJs built their crews to include dancers


is sought not only for the individual but also for one's gang, family, and territory. Part of gaining respect from your gang is to dis a rival gang member.


is the musical product born of the urban-particularly South Bronx- Subculture's DJing and MCing performances, but especially the commercial product that gave priority to the rapper.

Hip Hop

is the product of inner city African American, Caribbean, and Latino communities that were plagued by poverty, community decay, and the proliferation of drugs and gang violence in the 1960s and early 1970s.

Hip hop pioneers or founding fathers

kool herc, Afrika Bambaataa, Grandmaster Flash

graffiti popularity diminished by the

late 1980s, but did not go away entirely

What influenced gangs to begin working to help the community?

late 60s and early 70s Black Power Movement/ Black Panthers promoted "Black is beautiful". Social clubs were formed in place of gangs to encourage constructive rather than violent forms of competition.

what element of young black female culture had an effect on hip hop

little girl games played such as double dutch, hand-clapping and sing songs along with the games

what was responsible from b-boying's seperation from hip hop culture?

mainstream films that featured breaking

capping, cracking, dissing, joining, ranking, ribbing, serving, signifying, sounding, snapping, and yo momma

names for playing the dozens used around the country

what was the basic formula for a graffiti tag?

nickname followed by street adress

Amiri Baraka

observed that tradition is the changing same. Tradition is not dynamic or static but adapts to new situations

Wolof Language "Xippi" =

open you eyes, wake up, check out what's happening


or revenge, is not only warranted but is expected. Gangs would plan their attack to hold their rep and then strike accordingly

The West Coast Funk culture remains

overlooked and underrated in the development of hip hop even though it was as powerful a force among the youth there as the party culture in the South Bronx.


played vinyl records, had three key parts: a tone arm, needle, and turntable.

Jeli[or Jalis (local Mandinka) a.k.a. Griot(colonial French)]-

poet-musician who is the custodian of historical and cultural knowledge•Consider: the bard-rap continuum-S/he symbolizes the genuine, pluralist voices of a community-the instrumentation and vocal styles of the griot tradition passed on to inheritors in the New World

originated and developed on the West Coast in the early 1970s

popping and locking

jocko henderson

popularized spilling raps on a radio show


post civil war: from South to OTHER southern regions and North•After WWII: from South to North and West

the furious five meets the sugar hill gang "showdown" was an example of

pre commercial MC battle

call and response took elements from

preachers such as rev. jesse jackson

why did MCs enter the spotlight over DJs

record labels only needed MCs for production not DJs


refers to short, anonymous, unauthorized writing or drawing on a surface that is meant to be seen by the general public. Graffiti can be a slogan, limerick, or epithet scribbled on a bathroom stall, known as latrinalia.

telegraph guitar stab in James Brown music

resembles the electronic beeping of a telegraph machine

Melle Mel and kid Creole were first

rhyme technicians , Mel: I Creole: was M:walking C: down M: the C: street

Capoeira was performed in a

roda or wheel, circle, or social group.

Digging the Crates

searching for good beats and music done by DJs

who was insulted when playing the dozens

significant women in the lives of the men dueling, objective was to make your opponent lose their cool

"Baadman" in a toast

someone who is getting things accomplished with an unjust social system, that is overcoming obstacles in an America that observes institutionalized racism

bambaatta had

south bronx


speaks to the ways cultural traditions are embedded in breaking


staccato dance moves

Resources-Thrift shops-Major record stores-Mom & Pop record shops•Digging-Find the latest beats-Collect the most obscure beats•Strategies-Secrecy; remove labels (Don't give info away)-Practice fitting in the new beats into your set

strategies for finding music as a DJ


stylized lettering, such as bubble letters or interlocking letters, snd dramatic color schemes belong to the sophisticated outlaw graffiti artist who referred to their style as writing.

needle dropping

the ability to place the needle in the same spot on the record at will, this was done so other DJs couldn't pick up on what record was being used and essentially steal it

2nd wave; 1979-1983/

the beginning of commercializationTranslocal & International (radio)Rap Music as genre

Early b-boy style was influenced by

the dance-like stage moves James Brown performed for his song "Good Footin".

footwork or floor rockin

the fancy leg movements done on the ground, supported by the arms

what introduced breaking to the mainstream?

the film Flashdance (1983), which featured a performance by the Rock Steady Crew

who determined the nicholas brothers as a direct influence on their style

the niggie twins

The DJ

the party organizer and one man show accompanied by a few friends. He created the musical soundtrack. Also shouted hype at the crowds. Jamaican DJs in the 1960s had sound trucks that they drove to events.

what happened to the sound of the new era

tougher, "street," aggressive delivery, being "hard", become popular via Music Video medium (not live performances)

playing the dozens duel

two people throw insults back and fourth

Since the 1960s, scholarship on gang culture has focused primarily on...

urban minority populations, typically African Americans and Latinos living in the poorest, inner city neighborhoods and ignored the activities of white gangs.

herc had

west bronx


what a lovely coat, they sure dont make coats like that anymore


what graffiti artists referred to their art work as




wild style of dancing, anyone who partook in the underground music dance culture.

MC (or more accurately, the Rapper)

will introduces "rap music" to the world

Love Bug Starski* oftencredited as the MC who

would utter the phrase "hip-hop" between breaks to keep time.

1st wave; ~1973-1979

Can be defined in terms of pre-commercialization LOCAL (live), b-beat Before "rap music" The 1st wave represents hip-hop as a local and informal artistic scene.•Commodity: Homemade DJ cassette tapes•Events: local and advertised by word of mouth and flyers •Material art connection: graffiti•Dance connection: breakin'

DJ Kool Herc

Clive Campbell immigrated from Kingston, Jamaica in 1967 at age 12 to the South Bronx in NYC. Started throwing Kingston-style parties, playing hard funk and soul - eventually had his own sound system tag: Clyde is Kool and his nick name is school was Hercules

Most sampled item in hip hop?

Clyde Stubblefield's drum break "Funky Drummer" (1969)

who took toasting to a new level because he began to rap over records

Coke la Rock

First MC team

Coke la rock, Clark Kent, and Timmy Tim (herculoids)

Battle: Harlem World Disco 1981

Cold Crush Brothers versus The Fantastic Five

Grandmaster Flash& the Furious 5*

Cowboy is sometimes credited for iconic catch phrases-Brothers Melle Mel and Kid Creole credited as first rhyme technicians

Invents continuous backspin (windmill), giving "birth" to the new "power moves" in the 80s.

Crazy Legs (Rock Steady Crew) ca.1977.

who invented the backspin/windmill and was credited for giving birth to new forms of athletic aesthetics that developed in the 80's

Crazy legs/ Richie Colon

Culture is NOT biological;

Culture is learned behavior

(lead singer of Blondie)

Debbie Harry

who is credited for popularizing the earliest graffiti tradition of tagging "TAKI 183" in 1971?

Demetrius from Washington heights section of manhattan.

a category of 1970s dance music, derived from the abbreviation of discotèque, the main venue of consumption. •Van McCoy "The Hustle" (1975)


DJs began to lose control because

Disco/dance club interestBreaks code of secrecyDisco DJs gain access to obscure collection2. MCs gain favor from audience, club owners, and then record producers3. MCs in the recording studios

Hip Hop includes four related art forms-

Djing, Mcing, breaking (b-boying), and graffiti- that are the product of a unifying ideology.

Popularized the lockers and locking in 1973

Don Campbell

-Soul Sonic Force "Planet Rock"(1982)

Electro Funk

the first hip hop group to appear on national television.

February 14th, 1981 The Funky 4 plus One More performed their classic hit, "That's The Joint" on NBC's Saturday Night Live becoming

dubs or doubles

Jamaican record labels produced instrumental only version of songs

What song was the b-boy anthem?

James Brown's live version of "Give it up or Turnit A Loose" from the Sex Machine album, the tight funk groove that enables the song's vamp to continue is what makes this song so widely appreciated by b-boys

The most influential of all African American entertainers in the pre baking years was singer/dancer/bandleader

James Brown, implemented several dance moves that were eventually adopted by b boys

most successful artists that came out of this movement were the traditionalist :

Jean-Micheal Basquiat and Keith Haring

radio DJs or disc Jockeys

Jocko Henderson and Jockey Jock Gibson, Alan Freed of Cleveland-coined the term rock n roll. The radio DJs played vinyl records using a phonograph, which had three key parts

Grandmaster Flash

Joseph Saddler, apprenticed under Pete DJ Jones, wanted to turn beat juggling and crowd rocking into a science

who did Taki/Demetrius take tagging from

Julio 204

Capoeira in South Carolina and Georgia

Knockin and Kickin

Engolo [N'golo]

Kongo Angola region West Africafight/dance/training tradition that will give us derivatives in the New World

Inspired a rise in street gangs

Loss of housing and jobs in the Bronx

Busy bee was a solo


African storyteller musicians are one of the antecedents for rap's ...


King Tim III

Marking the beginning of Phase II (1979) or the 2nd Wave of "Old School"•FatbackBand [Personality Jock]" (1979)-first commercial song to incorporate rapping as a "rap song"

clock theory

Marking the record with a piece of tape or crayon to mark the return spot, GM Flash

only all girl MC group

Mercedes Ladies

The pioneering b-boys

Niggie Twins, Sasa, James bond, Clark Kent, Timmy Tim, Spy, and Trac 2

The Ex Vandals

Non-violent street gang, earliest writing organizations. Kool Herc hung out with them under the tag Clyde the Kool

Knockin' and Kickin' in

North America (South Carolina & Georgia

What was the West Coast's own cultural movement?

R and B and funk music being played at outdoor events.

course sources for beats

R and B and funk, resembles drum sounds from Africa

James brown turned what into what?

R and B into soul

Competition or MC Battling



Rap Rock Fusion•Dis Rap

Replaced DJ with live studio band•None of the MCs where an original crew•Used a Disco tune•Song was only 15 minutes long•Arguable, as to who wrote what lyrics

Rapper's Delight

The three R's of gang culture

Reputation, Respect, Retaliation

Sylvia Robinson

Singer/songwriter/producer Sylvia Robinson had two chart toppers: as half of Mickey & Sylvia with "Love Is Strange" and her own solo "Pillow Talk." •She and her husband Joe Robinsons start All Platinum Records in 1968 (which became Sugar Hill Records)•Sylvia's rap song "It's Good To be Queen" (1982)

Gospel-influenced African American popular music style that began to emerge in the late 1950s and peaked in 1960s.•James Brown "Say It Loud - I'm Black and I'm Proud" (1968)


DJ herc's crew?

The Herculoids or herculords

African American Tap dancing of the 20's and 30's

The Nicholas Brothers were the definitive dancers of this time period

Afrika Bambaataa contributions

The master of records and the Great Unifier, had hella record collection and great rhymes, most importantly he gave the youth of the South Bronx an alternative to Gang Culture.

Grandmaster Flash contributions

The master of technique, used equipment to create an instrument rather than using equipment to play music

brother of Gene Livingston, Grandmaster Flash's DJ partner•Part of the L-Brothers•The Fantastic [Romantic] Five.•1975 invented the scratch technique (consider "Individual [Re]Creation Theory")-Though it was Grandmaster Flash who popularizedand mastered it (consider "Communal Theory")- Popularized scratching

Theodore Livingston (Grand Wizard Theodore)

DJ Cool Herc

This Jamaican moved to Debronx, NY and was the founder of rap music


To receive a reputation a gang must prove itself to be tough, powerful, and numerous. Once reputation has been established the maintaining of it is called a rep and is constantly challenged by rival gangs.

Graffiti clubs

Tragic Magic , Latin action, out to bomb

Herc controls

West, Bam East•Surpasses Herc (style-wise) as early as 1975•


a DJ technique in which the DJ rhythmically inserts or "punches" very short segments of sound over another record playing on the other turntable, Grandmaster Flash


a DJ technique in which the DJ stops the record with his/her hand and reverses its direction to replay that portion of the record. (This technique is credited to Grandmaster Flash, who originally called it quick mix theory.)

used dual turntables and a slicker rapping style at adult only night clubs throughout the city

Grandmaster Flowers, King Charles (Queens), and Pete DJ Jones (Bronx)

Toasting tradition applied in Rap:"Jesse"(1984)

Grandmaster Melle Mel


Herc was stabbed tryna break up a fight

Grandmaster Flash came in and said

Herc's DJing skills were limited


Hip hop culture has its roots in the spread of African and Latino peoples from their original homes to Americas. The breaking up and scattering of people


-Freestyling in the round

Technology emerges 1981

-Roland TR-808/909-synthesizers

What caused an unintended change in the Bronx after the war?

1. The city's sum clearance project displaced poor Manhattan families-mostly puerto Rican-from the upper west side and relocated them. They ended up having to seek shelter with friends and family in the southern neighborhoods of the bronx. 2. The Cross Bronx Expressway, (1955-finished 1963) cut through the heart of the Bronx. Residents who lived there began to move out in droves.

why didn't gangs tolerate heroin users within their gangs?

1. heroin users would not be affective fighters 2. using heroin would effect the gangs profit considerably

Gang ranks

1. prez (president) 2. VP (Vice president) 3. a warlord (a sergeant at arms) 4. peacemaker(one who attempts to pacify a rivalry) 5. masher (best street fighters) *all led organizations


A martial art and dance that developed in Brazil from African traditions

credited with popularizing many early DJing techniques including back spinning and scratching

GrandMaster Flash

Art forms of hip hop

Art/graffiti, Dance, Music/DJing, Language/rapping

Triangle Trade"•

Atlantic Slave Trade to the Americas 1500 to 1800-The Outward Passage-The Middle Passage-The Return Passage

malícia-Similar to "malice"-

Attitude (cf. gangsta)

Lindy Hoppers

B-boys borrowed some dance moves from whom? jerk and sporadic movements

As their ranks swelled the savage seven renamed their gang the

Black Spades.

first #1 rap song on Billboard

Blondie's "Rapture" (1980/1981) featuring Debbie Harry of Blondie with Fab 5 Freddie in background [also Lee Quinones and Jean-Michel Basquiat in role of a DJ (Grandmaster Flash)]

In the early 80's the media merged ...

Bronx b-boying with other popular urban African American dance styles, using the name "breakdancing".

#1 crew (before commercial era):

Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five

Kurtis Blow

First King: B. 1959) Kurtis Walker in Harlem•B-boy, then DJ (A.K.A. Kool DJ Kurt)-Along with The Force (Russell and Joseph Simmons) left Harlem for Queens-At City College of New York program director for college radio station, calling himself "Kurtis Blow" ~ "body blow" •"Christmas Rappin" (releasedDecember 1979)•Signs with Mercury

which two artists went on to record their music in the old school commercial period

Flash and Bam but not Herc:(

playing the dozens

Friendly, playful exchange of insults, common in some African American communities; also called joaning or sounding/ signifyin. This was practiced by Ghanaian boys

Urban Dance style, based on a polyrhythmic "groove," that became popular in the 1970s. •Parliament "Give Up the Funk" (1976)


Main source of inspiration for DJs

Funk and R and B

Master: DJ technique [turntablism]-Clock Theory: marking the album's label like a clock for accurate needle-dropping -Quick Mix Theory: Better known as "backspinning

GM Flash

Among the earliest gangs to promote peace and sufficiency in the neighborhood through live performances by their salsa rock band and their release of the album Power Fuerza in 1971

Ghetto Brothers

Song to known by James Brown?

Give it up or Turnit A Loose" from the Sex Machine album (1969)

of the four elements of hip hop, which had the most racially, ethnically, geographical, and economically diverse participants?


foundational b-boy moves

chair freeze, CC or side to side rock, Russian, neck move, backspin, and butt spin.

what did it mean to "bomb" the city

create a rile by placing graffiti everywhere and becoming influential through art/ put graffiti everywhere

Super kool and stay high

credited for developing the softie or bubble letters

Don Campbellock

credited with inventing the dance form locking

Theodore Livingston (Grand wizard Theodore, of the fantastic Romantic Five)

credited with scratching

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