RBT Practice Questions

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Devin struggles starting and finishing games with peers. Your BCBA asked you to record data on peer play. It took Devin 6 minutes to start walking to the table when his peers asked him to play a game with them. Devin sat for 10 minutes, took 2 minutes in between turns, and then asked if he could be all done with the game 3 times. Which of the following answer choices represents the latency of Devin walking to the table? A) 6 minutes B) 11 minutes C) 5 minutes D) 2 minutes

A) 6 minutes

You work with a client four times a week for two hours each session. During your session, you take a frequency data on your client's screaming behavior. Last week, your client screamed 4 times during session 1, 8 times during session 2, 6 times during session 3, and 10 times during session 4. What was the rate of screaming per hour for session 3? A) 6 times per hour B) 3 times per hour C) 2 times per hour D) 4 times per hour

B) 3 times an hour

RBTs are required to receive monthly supervision from a supervisor that is an approved provider of supervision. If you work 100 hours in April, what is the minimum amount of supervision hours you would need to meet requirements? A) 1 hour B) 5 hours C) 10 hours D) 20 hours

B) 5 hours

Bill and his mother in law do not get along. Bill's wife notices that whenever her mother plans a visit, Bill immediately books a golfing outing with his friends. What would you hypothesize is the function of Bill's planning a golf trip behavior? A) Attention B) Tangible C) Escape/Avoidance D) Automatic

C) Escape/Avoidance

Tommy will make noises with his mouth while sitting in math class. When Tommy makes noises, his teacher will tell him to quiet down. Tommy continues making noises. This week, the teacher decides she is no longer going to say anything to Tommy when he makes noises.Now, Tommy is making the noises louder and more frequently. Which of the following answer choices best describes the change in behavior? A) Extinction B) Resistance to extinction C) Extinction Failure D) Extinction Burst

D) Extinction Burst

Your BCBA has an assessment scheduled for next Tuesday. She asks you to assist her with part of the assessment. She wants you to conduct the initial indirect assessment. Which of the following answer choices would be most appropriate as an indirect assessment? A) Event recording B) Functional analysis C) Narrative recording D) Interview

D) Interview

Registered Behavior Technicians should be prepared to collect data. Which of the following answer choices is NOT part of preparing for data collection? A) Read data from last session B) Determine what programs you will run C) Gather materials for programs D) Plan your programs after you arrive at the client's session.

D) Plan your programs after you arrive at the client's session.

Every 6 months Miranda receives her favorite bottle of wine from her boss as a thank you gift for her hard work throughout the year. The last two times Miranda received this gift, her siblings drank the entire bottle when they visited for the weekend. The next time her siblings visited her, Miranda hid the bottle and served other wine. What type of intervention did Miranda implement? A) Antecedent B) Consequence C) Avoidance D) Differential Reinforcement

A) Antecedent

Your BCBA designs a new behavior plan to target your client's aggression. You implement it for two weeks, and then start to think that the plan isn't effective. What should you do? A) Change the plan immediately. You shouldn't implement an ineffective plan. B) Communicate with your BCBA immediately and share your thoughts with them. C) Wait for future guidance from your BCBA before you do or say anything. D) Start to train the parents on the plan. Part of the problem is the plan isn't being implemented at home.

B) Communicate with your BCBA immediately and share your thoughts with them.

Which of the following answer choices best describes behavior in observable and measurable terms? A) Ryen kicked several students today at school. The kicking usually occurred as Ryen was changing classes. Ryen failed a test earlier in the day which led to the kicking. B) Sydney pulled her sister's hair during her session today. In response, her sibling punched Sydney in the arm. Mom came upstairs and told both of them they could not have dessert. C) Jimmy has been stressed out lately. He didn't eat lunch, and when offered a snack he declined. D) Susy had an episode today due to her bipolar diagnosis. In response, Susy's mom scheduled a doctor's appointment to up her medication.

B) Sydney pulled her sister's hair during her session today. In response, her sibling punched Sydney in the arm. Mom came upstairs and told both of them they could not have dessert.

You spent the last month recording frequency data on how often your client insults their siblings. Your frequency data is broken down by the number of insults per session. You took data for a total of 10 sessions. If your BCBA asked you to graph this data, where would you record the frequency of insults data? A) X-axis B) Y-axis C) Condition change line D) Graph legend

B) Y-axis

You are observing your client in a social setting on the weekends. Your BCBA asked you to record duration data for time spent talking to peers. For the first hour, you recorded the following data: 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 8 minutes, 12 minutes. What percentage of the first hour did your client spend talking to peers? A) 50% B) 54% C) 58% D) 41%

C) 58%

Bobby works with a 19-year old client who wants to learn to shop for his own groceries. The client is able to make a list and locate the items but struggles using the self-checkout machines at the grocery store. The client is able to scan the items, place them in the bag, and run his credit card but sometimes forgets what button to push before running the credit card and how to complete the transaction. When Bobby works on this with his client, Bobby lets the client do the check-out processes independently and only teaches the steps the client doesn't know. What type of task chaining is this? A) Forward chaining B) Backwards chaining C) Total task chaining D) Behavior chain interruption strategy

C) Total task chaining

Punishment can be either socially mediated or automatic. Which of the following is the best example of automatic punishment? A) You typically order the salmon roll from your local sushi place, but they are out of salmon. You order tuna instead. B) Your little brothers are constantly fighting. Now, when they fight you take away their Xbox. They no longer fight when you are around. C) You buy a brand new sweatshirt from a popular online store. When it arrives, you wear it for a day, but it is too tight and itchy. You no longer wear the sweatshirt. D) It usually takes you 45 minutes to get to work. Today, you try a new route and turn down a different street. You get to work 20 minutes faster, and now always take that route.

C) You buy a brand new sweatshirt from a popular online store. When it arrives, you wear it for a day, but it is too tight and itchy. You no longer wear that sweatshirt.

Differential Reinforcement is used to reduce behavior and teach skills in applied behavior analysis. Differential reinforcement can lead to ____? A) Discrimination B) Differentiation C) Alternative Behaviors D) All of the above

D) All of the above

RBTs have several roles in service delivery. Which of the following is NOT the role on an RBT? A) Implement behavior plans B) Conduct indirect assessments C) Assist with parent training D) Designing reinforcement systems

D) Designing reinforcement systems

Yesterday, you were reviewing session notes from the past week. You start to notice you and the other RBT on the team are running many of the skill acquisition programs differently. What is the most appropriate action to take in this scenario? A) Call your BCBA and report the other RBT on the team for incorrectly running programs. B) Ask your client's parents how the other RBT does things and compare that to what you do. C) Ignore it because it was only one week of data and notes D) Tell your BCBA and ask for clarification for yourself and the other RBT.

D) Tell your BCBA and ask for clarification for yourself and the other RBT.

Last week, you decided to start a diet. You aren't allowed to eat donuts at all during the week. On Saturdays, you allow yourself two hot and fresh Krispy Kreme Donuts. Saturday morning you wake up and drive to Krispy Kreme. The "hot and fresh" sign is on, so you walk in and buy yourself two donuts. What is the SD for hot and fresh donuts in this scenario? A) The diet B) It is Saturday morning C) The donut shop D) The hot and fresh sign

D) The hot and fresh sign

You are assisting your supervisor with parent training. During the training meeting, the parent mentions that getting ready for school is a constant struggle. You BCBA recommends that the parent implement an intervention that allows the client to watch TV for 20 minutes in the morning if they get dressed and ready for school in a timely manner. Implementing this intervention establishes a ______? A) Contingency B) Punisher C) Preference D) Function

A) Contingency

What measurement system in applied behavior analysis captures every instance that a behavior occurs? A) Continuous measurement B) Discontinuous measurement C) Interval recording D) Permanent Product Recording

A) Continuous measurement

Ben is asked to assist his BCBA with a new client assessment. The two arrive at the client's house and start to set-up. As they are setting up, the BCBA is asking the client "what's your name?", "what's 2+2?", "can you spell dog?". What most likely explains what your BCBA is doing? A) Probing B) Shaping C) Reinforcing D) Communication Training

A) Probing

Our clients are protected by privacy laws and ethical codes. In order to remain within the ethical standards laid out by the BACB, who should you talk to about specific details of your case? A) RBTs and BCBAs involved with the case B) Only RBTs involved with the case and outside BCBAs not involved with the case C) RBTs that you work with that aren't on the case but know the client, and BCBAs involved with the case. D) Only BCBAs invovled with the case.

A) RBTs and BCBAs involved with the case.

Jen's husband golfs every Sunday morning with his buddies. Whenever he comes home he leaves his muddy shoes in the middle of the floor and Jen scolds him. Jen decides she will now give verbal attention to her husband when he puts his shoes in the closet, and will ignore him when he puts his shoes in the middle of the floor. What procedure is she using? A) DRA B) DRI C) DRO D) DRL


Trash collection comes every Saturday in Sarah's neighborhood. When Sarah's husband leaves to play gold, he asks Sarah to put out the trash. Four hours later, Sarah hears the garbage truck coming down her street, so she rushes downstairs to put out the trash can. The sound of the garbage truck in relation to Sarah putting out the trash is a _____? A) Motivating Operation B) Discriminative Stimuli C) Prompt D) Reinforcer

B) Discriminative Stimuli

Extinction along with reinforcement and punishment is a behavior change principle. Of the following answer choices, what does not accurately represent extinction? A) Extinction works to reduce behavior B) Extinction works as a punishment procedure C) Extinction can involve planned ignoring D) Extinction should be implemented 100% of opportunities

B) Extinction works as a punishment procedure

Understanding the function of a behavior is the first step to properly treating the behavior. Why is it crucial to understand the function of each behavior? A) Function tells us what measurement system to use when tracking behavior B) Function tells us why the behavior is occurring C) Function tells us how often we should reinforce or punish a behavior C) Function tells us what the behavior looks like

B) Function tells us why the behavior is occurring

Jim's family goes out to eat quite often, but Jim is unable to order off the menu for himself. Viviana works with Jim at home on picking items on the menu, looking at prices, and communicating his selection to a waiter. The next time Jim goes to the restaurant, Jim orders a hamburger for himself. What did Jim exhibit at the restaurant? A) Naturalistic Teaching B) Generalization C) Maintenance D) Differential reinforcement

B) Generalization

Your client is overweight and is seemingly only motivated by food. Your client requested that you no longer use food as a reinforcer. After talking with your BCBA, what might be the best course of action? A) Continue using food as reinforcers, it's the only thing that works B) Pair the food with other unconditioned reinforcers to establish new reinforcers C) Refer the client to a dietician. ABA is not the right fit D) Immediately discontinue food reinforcers and try new items until something works as a reinforcer.

B) Pair the food with other unconditioned reinforcers to establish new reinforcers.

You spent the first month with your client managing behaviors and identifying reinforcers. This week, your BCBA wants you to identify what your client can and can't do in terms of skills. What procedure are you most likely going to implement? A) Task analysis procedures B) Probing procedures C) Generalization procedures D) Maintenance procedures

B) Probing procedures

Your best friend is an RBT. She works at the same company as you and works under the supervision of the same BCBA. You like your BCBA, but your friend doesn't agree with the feedback that the BCBA gives. When the BCBA gives her feedback, she ignores it, and doesn't implement it or improve her services. What has she failed to do? A) Actively seek clinical direction from a supervisor in a timely manner. B) Respond appropriately to feedback C) Communicate with stakeholders D) Maintain professional boundaries to avoid dual relationships

B) Respond appropriately to feedback

John is working on functions, features, and categories with his client. John taught his client that an apple fit into the fruit category. John's client now says "fruit" when he sees an apple. John's client also says "fruit" when he sees grapes, bananas, and pears. What is John's client demonstrating? A) Response generalization B) Stimulus generalization C) Maintenance D) Over generalization

B) Stimulus generalization

Jim recorded the following description in his session notes. "I present the workbook to the client. The client rolled out of his chair and onto the floor. He put both of his hands over his ears, and screamed "no". What is Jim describing? A) The function of the behavior B) The topography of the behavior C) The frequency of the behavior D) the magnitude of the behavior

B) The topography of the behavior What the behavior looks like

In which of the following scenarios would duration be the most appropriate measurement? A) Your client has an eating disorder. You want to track the length of time in between meals to determine how often they are eating. B) You are driving to the beach. You make a bet with a friend that your route is faster than theirs. C) A teacher is tracking the number of attempts it takes for each group to solve 10 math problems correctly. D) Your clients mom wants to reduce the amount of time it takes for your client to respond after she calls their name.

B) You are driving to the beach. You make a bet with a friend that your route is faster than theirs.

Mary's session notes included the following passage: "When I arrived at session the client was eating breakfast. Mom asked him 3 times to pick up his trash and received no response. The fourth time she asked he screamed. The client was visibly frustrated at this point. I prompted the client to pick up his trash, and provided reinforcement upon completion." What should not be included in her session notes? A) "When I arrived at session the client was eating breakfast" B) "Mom asked him 3 times to pick up his trash and received no response" C) "The client was visibly frustrated at this point" D) "I prompted the client to pick up his trash and provided reinforcement upon completion"

C) "The client was visibly frustrated at this point"

A new BCBA is assigned to a case that you have worked on for almost a year now. During the first supervision meeting, the new BCBA suggests you change how you are delivering reinforcement, and corrects the way you provide corrective feedback to your client. As an RBT what is the most appropriate way you should respond in this situation? A) Report the BCBA to your director or boss. Your BCBA should not be providing your feedback after only the first session. B) Tell the BCBA you understand, but continue doing it your way when they leave. C) Accept the feedback, and attempt to implement the changes. If you have questions about the changes, communicate immediately with the supervisor. D) Explain to the BCBA that you respect their opinion, but the way you're doing it has worked in the past, so you should continue doing it that way.

C) Accept the feedback, and attempt the changes. If you have any questions about the changes, communicate immediately with the supervisor.

Which of the following is true about stimulus preference assessments? A) Stimulus preference assessments identify reinforcers for a client. B) Stimulus preference assessments should be conducted indirectly C) Certain stimulus preference assessments can establish a hierarchy D) You should not run a stimulus preference assessment more than once a month.

C) Certain stimulus preference assessments can establish a hierarchy

Your client will occasionally scream at the top of their lungs. There are no clear antecedents or consequences. Your BCBA is attempting to figure out what the function of the behavior might be...Which of the following would NOT be the function of this behavior? A) Attention B) Tangible C) Control D) Sensory

C) Control

You just passed your RBT exam and are assigned to your first case. Your client is a 13 year old girl who engages in severe aggression towards others. Before you start the case, which of the following answer choices should be established? A) DRO Intervention B) Parent Training C) Crisis/emergency plan D) Extinction procedures

C) Crisis/emergency plan

A skill acquisition plan contains several essential components. First, a skill must be identified. Then a goal is created to address the skill. Next, a measurement procedure is identified to use to record data. What is the next step in a skill acquisition plan? A) Implement the procedures B) Collect and review intervention data C) Gather baseline data D) Modify the plan if necessary

C) Gather baseline data

You and your friends have a tradition where you set off hundreds of dollars of fireworks on the Fourth of July. Since you are preparing for your RBT exam, you want to measure one aspect of the fireworks. You are most interested in the length of time it takes to set off one firework after the last one went off. What would be the most appropriate measurement to use to track this? A) Frequency B) Rate C) IRT D) Latency


There are advantages to permanent product recording. Which of the following answer choices best describes permanent product recording? A) Dianne instructs her children to go clean their rooms before they leave for the day. 10 minutes later Dianne walks in the rooms to check and see if they are cleaning. B) John set up cameras around the office so he could monitor work progress even when he was out of town or at his own home. C) Mary was out sick on the day she was suppose to give a quiz. She asked the substitute teacher to distribute the quiz anyway. The next day, Mary graded and scored the student's performance. D) Glen tells his children to go upstairs and brush their teeth. When they come downstairs, Glen asks them if they are done brushing teeth.

C) Mary was out sick on the day she was suppose to give a quiz. She asked the substitute teacher to distribute the quiz anyway. The next day, Mary graded and scored the student's performance.

Functional communication training is commonly used in ABA to teach clients how to communicate with those around them. During FCT you will reinforce successive approximations of desired communication. What is this called? A) Probing B) Task Analysis C) Shaping D) Receptive instruction

C) Shaping

Fill in the blanks: Negative reinforcement involves ______ a stimulus which ______ behavior. Positive punishment involves ______ a stimulus which _____ behavior. A) Adding, decreases; adding, increases B) Removing, decreases; removing, increases C) Removing, decreases; adding, increases D) removing, increases; adding, decreases

D) Removing, increases; adding, decreases

Your BCBA designs a token economy to use during discrete trial training. Your BCBA wants to target sitting in a chair, responding in a timely manner, and working promptly. Your BCBA instructs you to provide tokens every 3-5 correct responses. What answer choice accurately describes the reinforcement schedule you will be using? A) FI4 B) VI4 C) FR4 D) VR4

D) VR4

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