reconstruction unit

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Pictured here is Andrew Johnson, Lincoln's successor. What was his administration's plan for Southern Reconstruction known as? A) Restoration B) Redemption C) Grantism D) Seward's Folly

A) Restoration

The man in this picture founded the Tuskegee Institute and offered white Southerners the Atlanta Compromise. Who is he? A) David Davis B) W.E.B. Du Bois C) Booker T. Washington D) Jay Cooke

C) Booker T. Washington

In this illustration, identify is the man shooting Abraham Lincoln at Ford's Theater. A) William Seward B) Thaddeus Stephens C) John Wilkes Booth D) Jefferson Davis

C) John Wilkes Booth

The Charleston Mercury proclaims the dissolution of the Union. Which of the following states never joined the Confederacy? A) Virginia B) Arkansas C) Kentucky D) Tennessee

C) Kentucky

In Memphis, a freedman's school burns. Which group were the arsonists and rioters most likely to sympathize with? A) Scalawags B) Radical Republicans C) Ku Klux Klan D) Carpetbaggers

C) Ku Klux Klan

This is one of the many freedmen's schools established under the auspices of the Freedmen's Bureau. Who first led the Freedmen's Bureau after its establishment in March of 1865? A) Thaddeus Stevens B) Hamilton Fish C) Oliver Howard D) William Belknap

C) Oliver Howard

Unit 6 - The Civil War and Reconstruction

Unit 6 - The Civil War and Reconstruction

Despite many shortages, the South was at least able to grow enough food to meet its needs. A) True B) False

B) False

In both the North and the South, the draft was accepted with little protest. A) True B) False

B) False

Republicans were afraid that the quick return of the Southern states to Congress would lead to more Democratic votes, thereby increasing the likelihood that Congress would establish protective tariffs and subsidize railroads. A) True B) False

B) False

Technological advances made little difference in the outcome of the Civil War, since both sides had access to them. A) True B) False

B) False

The Civil War transformed the North from an agrarian to an industrial society. A) True B) False

B) False

The Confederate government was composed of the most radical Southern secessionists. A) True B) False

B) False

The Emancipation Proclamation ended slavery throughout the South in 1863. A) True B) False

B) False

The Republican Party did little to promote economic development during the war. A) True B) False

B) False

Though outmanned on the land, the Confederacy held the advantage at sea. A) True B) False

B) False

In this picture, a member of the Freedmen's Bureau protects African-Americans from angry white mobs. Which important amendment to the Constitution secured all the "privileges and immunities" guaranteed by the Constitution for the former slaves of the South? A) Thirteenth Amendment B) Fourteenth Amendment C) Fifteenth Amendment D) Sixteenth Amendment

B) Fourteenth Amendment

The man pictured here was the editor of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and a strong advocate of the "New South," governed by thrift, industry, and progress. Who is he? A) William Belknap B) Henry Grady C) Booker T. Washington D) Jim Crow

B) Henry Grady

This horrifying image illustrates the African-American lynchings that became all too common in the "New" South. Which of the following launched an international anti-lynching movement in 1892? A) Booker T. Washington B) Ida B. Wells C) David Davis D) Henry Grady

B) Ida B. Wells

The Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves A) In the North as well as the South. B) In areas of the Confederacy except those already under Union control. C) And offered compensation to the masters in slave states that remained loyal to the Union. D) In the South but offered to return them to masters who declared their loyalty to the Union. E) In Southern areas already under Union control. Feedback: The Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in areas of the Confederacy that were not under Union control.

B) In areas of the Confederacy except those already under Union control.

African Americans were not allowed to serve in organized fighting units. A) True B) False

B) False

In 1865, a number of southern states passed Black Codes in order to (A) Control movement and provide a stable workforce for the plantations (B) Keep the two races segregated in public places (C) Limit the educational opportunities of recently freed slaves (D) Embarrass President Johnson's administration (E) Convince the North that the South could handle its own problems

(A) Control movement and provide a stable workforce for the plantations

The Freedmen's Bureau provided all of the following EXCEPT: (A) Food, shelter, and medical aid for the victims of the war (B) Resettlement of some freed slaves on confiscated lands (C) Protection from sharecropping agreements (D) Schools to promote literacy among blacks (E) Colleges for blacks

(C) Protection from sharecropping agreements

One of the long-term political consequences of northern victory was (A) An end of threats of nullification and secession (B) Dominance of the Republican party in the South (C) Continuing sectional conflict over the issue of slavery (D) balance of power in Congress between the North and the South (E) Suspension of the writ of habeas corpus

(A) An end of threats of nullification and secession

Which of the following accurately describes northern politics during the Civil War? (A) Democrats challenged Republicans for control of national and state offices. (B) Republicans were united behind Lincoln's leadership. (C) The suspension of habeas corpus discouraged many Democrats from voting. (D) Lincoln had no trouble winning reelection in 1864. (E) Copperhead candidates campaigned for equal rights for women.

(A) Democrats challenged Republicans for control of national and state offices.

Congressional Reconstruction ended in 1877 because (A) It was part of a compromise to resolve the disputed election of 1876 (B) African Americans in the South no longer needed federal protection of their civil rights (C) The Supreme Court ignored the requirements of the Fourteenth Amendment (D) The newly elected president was a moderate Republican (E) The Union army had succeeded in suppressing the Ku Klux Klan

(A) It was part of a compromise to resolve the disputed election of 1876

Lee's major reason for invading northern territory in 1863 was to (A) Win foreign recognition for the Confederacy (B) Obtain military supplies (C) Seek revenge for northern attacks in Virginia (D) Break the Union blockade (E) Destroy the North's industrial capacity

(A) Win foreign recognition for the Confederacy

The Confederate government was able to achieve which of the following goals? (A) Recognition by a foreign power (B) Frequent victories over Union armies (C) A stable monetary system (D) A strong central government (E) Control of the southern river system

(B) Frequent victories over Union armies

The Republican Reconstruction governments in the South accomplished all of the following EXCEPT: (A) Developing state-supported public school systems for whites and blacks (B) Reducing waste and corruption in local and state governments (C) Founding state institutions to care for the sick and handicapped (D) Building of roads, bridges, harbors, and railroads (E) Adopting liberalized state constitutions

(B) Reducing waste and corruption in local and state governments

All of the following were factors in the defeat of the South in 1865 EXCEPT: (A) Shortages caused by the Union's naval blockade (B) Slave uprisings against southern plantations (C) Grant's war of attrition in Virginia (D) Sherman's march through Georgia (E) The Confederacy's failure to obtain foreign intervention

(B) Slave uprisings against southern plantations

The "redeemers" in the South supported (A) Integrated schools and public places (B) States' rights and white supremacy (C) Increased state spending for internal improvements (D) Continued cooperation with the military to protect the freedmen (E) Redemption of Greenback dollars with gold

(B) States' rights and white supremacy

Which of the following was NOT provided for African Americans by congressional Reconstruction? (A) Guarantee of U.S. citizenship (B) Equal protection of the laws (C) Distribution of confiscated Confederate farmlands (D) Protection for voting rights (E) Equal access to public accommodations

(C) Distribution of confiscated Confederate farmlands

Which of the following best describes an immediate effect of the Emancipation Proclamation? (A) Slaves in the border states became free. (B) Slaves in the Deep South became free. (C) The abolition of slavery in Confederate territory became one of the North's war goals. (D) Lincoln's reelection was assured. (E) Draft riots erupted in New York City.

(C) The abolition of slavery in Confederate territory became one of the North's war goals.

Northern advantages in the Civil War included all of the following EXCEPT: (A) A superior navy (B) A political party system that could marshal support for the war (C) A superior railroad network (D) General agreement over war aims (E) Greater capacity to produce military equipment

(D) General agreement over war aims

President Lincoln was reluctant to emancipate the slaves in the first year of the Civil War because (A) He feared that freeing the slaves would bring England and France into the war (B) Congress was opposed to emancipation (C) He knew that a proclamation about slavery would only further alienate the South (D) He feared that emancipation would drive the border states out of the Union (E) He had always been opposed to the abolitionists in his party

(D) He feared that emancipation would drive the border states out of the Union

The economic impact of the Civil War included all of the following EXCEPT: (A) An increasing number of women in the labor (B) Force widespread destruction of property in the South (C) Creation of a national banking system in the North (D) Reduced rate of industrial production in the North (E) Runaway inflation in the South

(D) Reduced rate of industrial production in the North

President Andrew Johnson was impeached for (A) Vetoing the Civil Rights Act of 1866 (B) Refusing to support the Thirteenth Amendment (C) Taking a controversial position on states' rights (D) Removing a Radical Republican from his cabinet (E) Attempting to break up the Republican party

(D) Removing a Radical Republican from his cabinet

By the end of Reconstruction, most blacks in the South (A) Had migrated to lands in the West (B) Owned small family farms (C) Earned wages as factory workers in the new industries (D) Worked on farms as renters and sharecroppers (E) Operated independent businesses in the black community

(D) Worked on farms as renters and sharecroppers

All of the following were part of the initial Union strategy to win the Civil War EXCEPT: (A) A naval blockade of southern ports (B) Control of the Mississippi River (C) The capture of Richmond (D) Keeping the border states in the Union (E) Emancipation of slaves in the seceded states

(E) Emancipation of slaves in the seceded states

The purpose of Lincoln's and Johnson's plan for Reconstruction was to (A) Punish the South for causing the Civil War (B) Give Congress the final authority in the process of Reconstruction (C) Give equal voting rights for both white and black males in the South (D) Provide financial aid to rebuild the South (E) Encourage rapid readmission of ex-Confederate states into the Union

(E) Encourage rapid readmission of ex-Confederate states into the Union

An analysis of the election of 1868 best supports the conclusion that (A) The Republicans had given up on gaining the black vote (B) The weakened Democratic party had little chance to elect a president (C) Northerners overwhelmingly approved the policies of the Radical Republicans (D) Voters approved the impeachment of Andrew Johnson (E) Republican victory depended on the votes of African Americans

(E) Republican victory depended on the votes of African Americans

Here African-American troops pose in their Union uniforms. The most famous black fighting unit in the Civil War, headed by white commander Robert Gould Shaw, was the A) 54th Massachusetts. B) 34th Massachusetts. C) 3rd New York. D) 32nd Massachusetts

A) 54th Massachusetts.

Which of the following was true when the Civil War began? A) All the important material advantages lay with the North. B) The South had the active support of England. C) Southern industry was sufficient to conduct a war. D) The Union was prepared for a long war. E) The Union had the active support of France. Feedback: At the beginning of the Civil War, all the important material advantages lay with the North.

A) All the important material advantages lay with the North.

The last major battle of George McClellan's tenure as commanding general of the Army of the Potomac was A) Antietam. B) Gettysburg. C) Atlanta. D) Chickamauga. E) Chancellorsville. Feedback: The last major engagement of George McClellan's tenure as commanding general of the Army of the Potomac was fought at Antietam.

A) Antietam.

Depicted here is a sharecropper's cabin in North Carolina. What is the name of the often unfair system of credit that developed for sharecroppers in the Reconstruction era? A) Crop-lien B) Redemption C) Grantism D) Greenbacks

A) Crop-lien

Thaddeus Stephens led the Radical Republicans in the House of Representatives. What law did the House claim Andrew Johnson violated in their articles of impeachment? A) Tenure of Office Act B) Civil Rights Act C) Command of the Army Act D) The Black Codes

A) Tenure of Office Act

This poster praises the Union's new ironclad navy. Which of the following ships might be represented on this poster? A) The Monitor B) The Merrimac C) The Virginia D) The Trent

A) The Monitor

The greatest source of division in the South was A) The doctrine of states' rights. B) The difference of opinion over the war. C) The question of whether to use slaves in combat. D) Over "King Cotton diplomacy." E) The role of women in the war effort. Feedback: The greatest source of division within the South was the applicability of the doctrine of states' rights.

A) The doctrine of states' rights.

A group of freedmen and freedwomen look on from the former Confederate capital of Richmond. Which amendment to the Constitution ended slavery everywhere in the United States? A) Thirteenth Amendment B) Fourteenth Amendment C) Fifteenth Amendment D) Sixteenth Amendment

A) Thirteenth Amendment

After General McClellan allowed Lee to retreat into Virginia following Antietam Creek, Lincoln removed McClellan from command. A) True B) False

A) True

After the Battle of Chattanooga, the Confederacy's only hope was to hold on and exhaust the Northern will to fight. A) True B) False

A) True

Had the Union not taken Atlanta in September of 1864, Lincoln might have lost the presidency to McClellan. A) True B) False

A) True

Lincoln's handling of the war effort faced constant scrutiny from the congressional Committee on the Conduct of the War, which seriously interfered with his work. A) True B) False

A) True

Many Southerners believed that the dependence of English and French textile industries on American cotton would force them to intervene on the side of the Confederacy. A) True B) False

A) True

No European nation offered diplomatic recognition to the Confederacy. A) True B) False

A) True

The Crittenden Compromise failed because Republicans refused to give in on the question of the expansion of slavery. A) True B) False

A) True

Historians have debated all of the following about the Civil War EXCEPT: A) Whether the slaves contributed to the Northern victory. B) Whether it was an irrepressible conflict. C) Whether it was really fought over the issue of slavery. D) Whether the failure of the party system caused the war. E) Whether a divergent culture and commercial interests caused the war. Feedback: Historians have debated all of these issues except whether the slaves contributed any support to the Northern cause.

A) Whether the slaves contributed to the Northern victory.

As bad as the economic and physical situation was for Southern blacks in the aftermath of the Civil War, conditions were even worse for the region's white population. A) True B) False

B) False

Here Echo Company, 4th Regiment of the United States Colored Infantry stands in formation. The legislation that first allowed for the creation of black regiments was A) 1st Confiscation Act. B) 2nd Confiscation Act. C) Conscription Act. D) Emancipation Proclamation.

B) 2nd Confiscation Act.

This is Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, one of Robert E. Lee's most trusted and valuable lieutenants. Jackson was accidentally shot by his own men at A) Antietam. B) Chancellorsville. C) Gettysburg. D) Fredericksburg.

B) Chancellorsville.

This cartoon suggests that life for the freed blacks of the South was "worse than slavery." What did Congress pass specifically to try to dismantle the KKK (shown on the right)? A) Civil Rights Act B) Enforcement Acts C) Fifteenth Amendment D) The Compromise of 1877

B) Enforcement Acts

The United States was upset when England declared neutrality because A) It meant that England might aid the South. B) It meant that the two sides in the conflict were of equal stature. C) The South could easily get English loans. D) Such a declaration usually led to diplomatic recognition. E) It meant that the two sides in the conflict were of equal stature and would lead to diplomatic recognition. Feedback: The United States was furious with the English proclamation of neutrality because it implied that the two sides to the conflict were of equal stature.

B) It meant that the two sides in the conflict were of equal stature.

The man in this pictured served as the first and only president of the Confederate States of America. He is A) Alexander Stephens. B) Jefferson Davis. C) Braxton Bragg. D) Robert E. Lee.

B) Jefferson Davis.

Which of the following states had not seceded by the time of Lincoln's inauguration, pictured here? A) South Carolina B) North Carolina C) Florida D) Texas

B) North Carolina

Hiram Revels and Blanche Bruce of Mississippi both served in the United States Congress during Reconstruction. Which group below tried to prevent African-Americans from serving in elected office? A) Radical Republicans B) Redeemers C) Scalawags D) Carpetbaggers

B) Redeemers

In England, which of the following supported the South? A) Unenfranchised classes B) Ruling classes C) Liberals D) English manufacturers E) Unemployed textile workers Feedback: The strongest support for the South in England came from the ruling classes.

B) Ruling classes

This wanted poster offers sizable rewards for the killers of President Lincoln. Who else was shot by this group of conspirators on the same night as Lincoln's murder? A) Andrew Johnson B) William Seward C) Edwin Stanton D) Ulysses S. Grant

B) William Seward

Ulysses S. Grant poses at Cold Harbor. This picture was taken in A) 1862. B) 1863. C) 1864. D) 1865.

C) 1864.

This picture shows a Confederate soldier fallen in battle. The number of casualties experienced by both sides in the Civil War was A) 115,000. B) 318,000. C) 618,000. D) 745,000.

C) 618,000.

In this house, the Civil War ended. It must be located at A) Cold Harbor. B) Spotsylvania Courthouse. C) Appomattox Courthouse. D) Bull Run.

C) Appomattox Courthouse.

This portrait is harshly critical of the Southern Black Codes passed in 1865. Which of the following provisions was not part of the Black Codes? A) Blacks could not own or lease farms. B) Blacks could not testify in court. C) Blacks could not marry within their race. D) Blacks must work as domestic servants or plantation workers.

C) Blacks could not marry within their race.

The most concrete legacy of the Civil War for Southern white women was the A) Recognition that women could do men's work and the opening of more employment opportunities. B) Elevation in status they enjoyed when the slaves were freed. C) Decimation of the male population and the creation of a major sexual imbalance in the region. D) The loss of status when the slaves were freed. E) All these answers are correct. Feedback: The most concrete legacy of the war for Southern white women was the decimation of the male population and the creation of a major sexual imbalance in the region.

C) Decimation of the male population and the creation of a major sexual imbalance in the region.

In this picture, the Florida Electoral Commission meet in order to find a way to resolve one of the most disputed presidential elections in American history. Which election is it? A) Election of 1868 B) Election of 1872 C) Election of 1876 D) Election of 2000

C) Election of 1876

During the Civil War, Northern women A) Did not become involved in the conflict. B) Tried to get the men they knew to stay home. C) Entered nursing, a field previously dominated by men. D) Did work at home but made no contribution to the needs of employers for additional labor. E) Organized anti-war protests. Feedback: Women did become involved in the conflict in many new and unfamiliar ways like nursing.

C) Entered nursing, a field previously dominated by men.

This cartoon depicts white intimidation of black voters. Which amendment to the Constitution states that the right to vote cannot be abridged "on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude"? A) Thirteenth Amendment B) Fourteenth Amendment C) Fifteenth Amendment D) Sixteenth Amendment

C) Fifteenth Amendment

The first battle of the Civil War was A) Shiloh. B) The Seven Days. C) First Bull Run. D) Wilson's Creek. E) Fort Pickens. Feedback: The first battle of the Civil War was First Bull Run.

C) First Bull Run.

Ulysses S. Grant played a role in all of the following battles except A) Shiloh. B) Vicksburg. C) Gettysburg. D) Cold Harbor.

C) Gettysburg.

The Union Army A) Refused to use African-American soldiers in any capacity. B) Refused to use African-American soldiers in combat positions. C) Had a higher mortality rate for black soldiers than white soldiers. D) Paid black and white soldiers equally. E) Used black commanders to lead black units. Feedback: The Union Army had a higher mortality rate for black soldiers than white soldiers and used African-American soldiers as both combat soldiers and laborers behind the scenes.

C) Had a higher mortality rate for black soldiers than white soldiers.

This image depicts the First Battle of Bull Run. Leading the Union forces in the battle that day was A) Ulysses S. Grant. B) P.G.T. Beauregard. C) Irvin McDowell. D) George McClellan.

C) Irvin McDowell.

Pictured here is a Confederate trench after the battle of Chancellorsville in 1863. The head of the Army of the Potomac on that day was A) George McClellan. B) Ambrose Burnside. C) Joe Hooker. D) George Meade.

C) Joe Hooker.

The Confederacy ultimately financed its war effort through A) An income tax. B) Requisitions from the staples. C) Paper money. D) Tariffs on imported goods. E) Minting gold and silver or "hard money." Feedback: The Confederacy ultimately financed the war through paper money.

C) Paper money.

In which of the following acts did Lincoln NOT "ignore" the Constitution? A) Sending troops into battle without asking for a declaration of war B) Increasing the size of the regular army C) Putting diplomatic pressure on England not to recognize the Confederacy D) Unilaterally proclaiming a naval blockade of the South E) Suspending the writ of habeas corpus Feedback: Lincoln "ignored" the Constitution in all of these actions except by putting diplomatic pressure on England not to recognize the Confederacy.

C) Putting diplomatic pressure on England not to recognize the Confederacy

As a result of the Compromise of 1877, Rutherford B. Hayes (pictured here) became president, and federal troops were taken out of the South, ending Reconstruction. Whom did Hayes end up defeating in this election? A) Ulysses S. Grant B) William Tweed C) Samuel Tilden D) William Seward

C) Samuel Tilden

Which of the following battles was fought in the western theatre? A) Gettysburg B) Chancellorsville C) Shiloh D) Antietam E) Kennesaw Mountain

C) Shiloh

Which piece of Reconstruction-era legislation was passed by Congress specifically with Secretary of War Edwin Stanton—pictured above—in mind? A) Enforcement Acts B) Civil Rights Act C) Tenure of Office Act D) Command of the Army Act

C) Tenure of Office Act

This picture illustrates a Union recruiting office in New York City. In July of 1863, a riot would break out here that was motivated primarily by A) Nativism. B) 2nd Confiscation Act. C) The draft. D) The Trent Affair.

C) The draft.

King Cotton diplomacy A) Enabled the South to get all the war material it needed from Europe. B) Worked for most of the war. C) Was a failure. D) Worked for the North. E) Enabled the South to get all the war material it needed from Europe and worked for most of the war. Feedback: King Cotton diplomacy was a failure for the South.

C) Was a failure.

The New York City draft riots A) Occurred when Irish strikebreakers were attacked by New York longshoremen. B) Led to the deaths of 1000 people. C) included lynchings of a number of African Americans. D) Ended the use of conscription as a means of gaining new soldiers for the Union army. E) Were in protest of the high $300.00 draft avoidance fee. Feedback: Irish workers attacked black strikebreakers, in part because they blamed African Americans for the war.

C) included lynchings of a number of African Americans.

At Fort Sumter, A) President Lincoln resupplied the federal troops in time to avoid an armed conflict. B) Major Anderson managed to withstand the bombardment of the Confederates and keep the Fort in Union hands. C) The Confederates fired the first shot of the Civil War. D) The Union Army fired the first shots of the war. E) Major Anderson surrendered right after the first shot. Feedback: The arrival of supplies from the North precipitated the conflict at Fort Sumter.

C) the Confederates fired the first shot of the Civil War.

Chapter 14 - The Civil War

Chapter 14 - The Civil War

Chapter 15 - Reconstruction and the New South

Chapter 15 - Reconstruction and the New South

This is a ticket for the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson, which ultimately failed by one vote. How many Republicans voted with the Democrats and independents for acquittal? A) 0 B) 1 C) 4 D) 7

D) 7

Robert E. Lee played a role in all of the following battles except A) Fredericksburg. B) Gettysburg. C) Cold Harbor. D) Atlanta.

D) Atlanta.

Sherman's march through Georgia was designed to A) Find supplies for the Union armies in Virginia. B) Free the slaves in central Georgia. C) Get Lincoln reelected. D) Break the will of the Southern people. E) Cut off Lee's army. Feedback: Sherman's march through Georgia was designed to break the will of the Southern people.

D) Break the will of the Southern people.

Which of the following was NOT enacted by the Republican Party during the Civil War? A) A new National Bank Act B) Increased taxes on almost all goods and services C) Higher tariffs D) Hard money policies requiring all payments in gold or silver E) The Homestead Act Feedback: The Republican Party enacted all of these policies during the Civil War except hard money policies.

D) Hard money policies requiring all payments in gold or silver

Charles Sumner, pictured here, was often at the forefront of Radical Republican Reconstruction. Which one of these would he NOT have supported? A) Tenure of Office Act B) Civil Rights Act C) Command of the Army Act D) The Black Codestt

D) The Black Codes

In this picture, the city of Atlanta has just been evacuated. Which Union commander captured Atlanta in September of 1864, securing Abraham Lincoln's re-election? A) George McClellan B) Ulysses S. Grant C) Henry Halleck D) William Tecumseh Sherman

D) William Tecumseh Sherman

The first seven Southern states that seceded were A) In the lower South. B) The states where the largest concentration of slaves were located. C) The home of the most outspoken "fire eaters." D) Not possessed of the military strength to fight a war. E) All these answers are correct. Feedback: All of these statements were true about the first seven Southern states that seceded.

E) All these answers are correct.

Which of the following was an advantage enjoyed by the South at the outset of the war? A) It would be fighting, for the most part, a defensive war. B) Most of the white population of the South supported the war. C) Northern opinion on the war was divided. D) The South had better military commanders. E) All these answers are correct. Feedback: All of these factors were advantages for the South at the outset of the war.

E) All these answers are correct.

Which of the following stands did President Buchanan take after the first state seceded? A) No state has the right to secede from the Union. B) The federal government has no authority to stop a state from seceding from the nation. C) Federal troops should be called out to stop secession. D) Secession was a legal act. E) No state has the right to secede from the Union; however, the federal government does not have the authority to stop a state from seceding from the nation. Feedback: President Buchanan argued that no state had the right to secede from the Union, but the federal government had no authority to stop a state that did leave.

E) No state has the right to secede from the Union; however, the federal government does not have the authority to stop a state from seceding from the nation.

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