REL 101 Exam 1

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"Letter." Particularly in Christianity, one of the letters of the New Testament Scriptures, written by those sent by Jesus to spread His teachings."

Secondary Founders

"Men & Women who do not found a religion but who are instrumental in following the teachings of an original religion and developing new or renewed teachings within that religion." •Examples: Chuang Tzu (Zhuangzi), Martin Luther, Mencius(Mengzi), Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab, etc...

Verbal Plenary

"The Spirit supplies the words, but does so using the unique personality & experience of the human writer."


"emphasis on the right kind of experience."


"emphasizing the right kind of practice"

Why Study Religion

(1)Common factors shared - Common characteristics, structures, and analogies that set them apart as "religion," as distinct from other human activities. (2)Simply to avoid confusion and bias in an important field of study.

Why are humans religious

(1)Humans = Homo Sapiens - Latin term meaning "possessed of wisdom and rationality." Humans are (at least theoretically) rational and capable of wisdom. (2) Humans are self-conscious and self-transcendent...they have the ability and need to answer "ultimate questions."


(Greek - Psuche) Individuality; a person's total self; the moral, emotional and/or intellectual nature of humans.

Lao Tzu (Laozi)

(meaning "Old Man" or Old Master") - Possibly lived 6th to 4th century BC. •He was thought to have been an official in the imperial archives •Left late in life to spend last years in nature (in Tibet?) •A soldier stopped him, according to legend, and asked him to write all the wisdom he had learned in his long life

Anatta (or anatman)

- In Buddhist teaching, the claim that there is no self, denying the Hindu concept of Atman and insisting instead that the self is nothing more than a temporary collection of parts [Skandas]. •Early Buddhist idea and problem of seeking the eternal/unchanging; questions of what transmigrates and why we should care about what happens to my no-self. •Consistent with the idea of Void; consistent with problem of desire•Nirvana, then, is "perfect emptiness"

Cosmic Theodicies

- Perhaps the most common religious theodicy concept, looks to the reversal of present suffering and evil in a future life beyond this earth in Heaven or Paradise. Prominent in Western theism (Christianity, Judaism, Islam), and certain schools of Mahayana Buddhism, etc.


- Revelation comes from the Greek term Apokalypsis, meaning "uncovering, unveiling; a laying bare, making naked." The term presupposes (1) that someone or something is hidden, and (2) that this someone or something is not to be discovered but rather, disclosed. •In the Western traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, "revelation" is understood as a special

Wisdom Literature

- Short statements and aphorisms collected like wise old sayings to give advice or teaching, such as the proverbs of the Bible or the sayings from Confucius's Analects. •This literature has an aphoristic quality, does not usually make universal claims, but offers insights..

Empirical self

- The "I" that one hears in one's thoughts, the person that one recognizes oneself to be through reflection on one's character and beliefs.

The Analects

- The sayings of Confucius, collected to become one of the "Four Books" taken as Scripture in Confucianism" - and by far the most important).

Neolithic Age

000-3000/2000 BCE) religious practice reflected the life and interests of the farmer. Symbols and images from this period are associated with the polytheistic (or animistic) worship of nature - the sun, the sky, the earth. These were the fundamental elements of existence for the farmer. Additionally, the sky and the earth represented the primal pair of male and female, and are common in the "nature cults" of the Neolithic Age.

Historical Period

2000 BCE - present) there has been a move toward greater organization, and even abstraction in the conception of sacred power within the various human cultures. In place of myriad spirits inhabiting rock, tree, river or animal, one god is often given dominion over a particular aspect of nature or life. Local deities are adopted by particular tribes or nations. The emergence of monotheism as a primary religious system begins early in this period (Islam, Judaism and Christianity would claim, with a man name Abraham). By 800-600 BCE Hebrew prophets were reproving Israel for their worship of Idols and false gods, and speculative minds in Greece were challenging the anthropomorphic depiction of the gods of the Homeric pantheon. Xe


2000BC - Judaism traces its heritage to this patriarch (as does Islam in some sense) •Arose out of Semitic peoples of Mesopotamia •Differed from others in that they worshiped one God/monotheism •Traveled west and settled in ancient land of Canaan (modern Israel) •Modern Jews are descendants of Abraham "ethnically"

Guru Nanak Dev Ji

469-1539) - Founder of Sikh Religion; "religious innovator" in that he combined elements of Hinduism & Islam •Generally Hindu metaphysics, but Islamic monotheism •After extensive study of his family's Hinduism and of Islam, he spent 20 years taking 4 long journeys spreading his message •He finally settled on the banks of the River Ravi, where his followers gathered and built their first Gurdwara at Katarpur.


570-632AD) - Born in Mecca 570AD •Orphaned at age 6 & raised by uncle who was caravan trader •At 29, married wealthy widow, Khadijah, and obtained her late husband's caravans. •Never formally educated, but widely traveled & knowledgeable from interactions with Jews, Christians & others •At 40 (610AD), claimed to have vision of angel "Gabriel" while praying in a cave, and being told to "recite" what he heard•Preached his messages in the markets of Mecca - but was rejected & despised. •Forced to flee to Medina in 622AD; Conquered Mecca & cleansed the Kabaa in 630AD •Dies unexpectedly in 632AD, leaving no clear successor.

not the body

?), clear sense of what consciousness is, hearing our own voice, etc. •But less clear on what that is; note philosophy of mind, etc.


A Collection of written "traditions" that functions as a secondary scripture in Islam. It contains the words and actions of Muhammad, providing for Islam example and context for understanding proper submission to God.

too broad

A definition of religion that is so general, specifying so little content, that it includes human behaviors that are not 'religion'


A group of writings, especially Scriptures, that form a limited and defined group, thus amounting to a list of a religion's authoritative texts.


A human being that has some kind of uncommon insight that reveals to others something of the nature of Ultimate Being.


A monistic view of ultimate being that places "God" within the substance of nature, rather than as a distinct, relational being." •In other words, "God" is the name for the unity of the cosmos taken as a whole. God is everywhere at all times. All things and beings are modes, attributes, or appearances of one single reality or being. God is totally immanent (in the physical world) not transcendent (above and beyond the physical world). "•Simply stated, "God is One."


A philosophical movement born in the 19th century and distilled in the early to mid-20th century that embraced diverse doctrines but centered on analysis of individual existence in an unfathomable universe and the plight of the individual who must assume ultimate responsibility for his acts of free will without any certain knowledge of what is right or wrong, good or bad. Favorite phrase: "everything is absurd." (ex: Albert Camus, Jean Paul Satre, possibly John Steinbeck)


A quality of transmundane being suggesting finality, a greatness or power or existence that is the last of final thing that creates or makes sense of everything else." •Descriptors/Examples: •Ultimacy refers to first and last things ("Alpha & Omega"; "Eternal") •That upon which everything else depends but which, itself, is non-dependent (self-existent)


A religion, or philosophy, founded by science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard, that develops the individual through the use of "technologies" of the mind, to free the individual through self understanding and improve conditions in their lives as they see fit. A late 20th century creation, it has many popular adherents among the Hollywood elite. (ex: John Travolta, Kelly Preston, Tom Cruise)


A religious teacher or spiritual guide, especially in Hinduism, Sikhism."


A sermon or teaching; especially by the Buddha (but also in Hinduism), remembered and collected by generations of monks who compiled the earliest Buddhist scriptures.


A story culturally or religiously used to define the nature of life or a particular people group; the story may be of literally cosmic proportions, telling us something about the origins or meaning of humanity or the world or some specific cultural phenomenon EXAMPLES: Genesis, Apocalypses, Izanagi, Tiamat, White Buffalo Woman - These CANNOT simply be dismissed as "untrue story," "fable," or "prescientific error."


A story invented to illustrate a moral or ideological point, thus stories not intended to be understood historically. •Zhuangzi and Jesus made extensive use of Parables in their ministries.•In other words, a parable is "an extended metaphor or simile; a usually short fictitious story that illustrates a moral attitude or a religious principle. Generally it is drawn from nature or common life, arresting the hearer by its vividness or strangeness, and leaving the mind in sufficient doubt about its precise application to bring it into active thought." •EXAMPLE: Jesus' Parables of the value of "the Lost" (Luke 15)


A theory that reason is in itself a source of knowledge superior to an independent of sense perceptions; a view that reason and experience rather than the non-rational are the fundamental criteria in the solution of problems. Thus, reliance on reason is the basis for establishment of religious truth. •Born primarily out of the Enlightenment era, a.k.a. "The Age of Reason (17th-18th centuries) •More a part of other philosophies than a philosophy in and of itself.


According to Christian & Islamic philosophers, any humanlike characteristics attributed to God are not meant to show that we have created for ourselves a human-like God, but rather that God has created us to be persons like Himself. Thi


All actualities that we can know anything about are temporal and spatial. Since nature includes all temporal and spatial reality, together with its possibilities, all that we ever experience is nature. All knowledge of actualities must be gained by empirical methods requiring observation. Human experience is vastly deeper and richer than knowledge. Nature includes far more than our little system of knowledge at any one time can comprehend. Art and symbols can bring to conscious awareness a depth and fullness of reality far exceeding the abstractions of propositional truth. "God" is the name for that eternal factor in experience which operates to transform us and drive us to realize our potentialities and highest good." (ex: Transpersonal Psychology, Taoism?, Neo-Confucianism, Tantric Buddhism)


All reality is composed of beings that possess consciousness ranging from the lowest degree of unity, awareness and purpose to the highest. (a little more sophisticated formulation than Animism) (ex: Jainism)


An ethical theory that moral good is objectively real or that moral precepts are objectively valid. Founded as a modern philosophical movement in the 20th century by Ayn Rand, popularized in her novels Atlas Shrugged, and The Fountainhead. Views man as a herioc, rational being, whose greatest achievements are realized when he serves his own self interests (egoism).


Attribution of personal qualities; representation of a thing or abstraction as a person or by the human form; a divinity or imaginary being representing a thing or abstraction."


Belief in a God or gods, transmundane power that is personal or personified." B


Belief in an ultimate reality that is single and unique, a final single substance of being or existence, but not personified or relational." •In other words, "All reality is of a single character. All is one." Unlike pantheism, Monism often denies the reality of the many. The Ultimate Reality of Monism is often not that of a personal superior being but more of an impersonal substance or force. •EXAMPLES -- Vedanta philosophy of Hinduism; The "Void/Nothingness" of Buddhism; The Tao of Taoism


Belief in multiple gods." (Shinto, Bhakti Hinduism)


Belief in one God." There is one unified, perfect being that, although distinguished from the cosmos, is the source of it and continues to sustain it in its forms and powers and, in some sense, providentially guides it. (ex: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Sikh)


Belief in spirits that inhabit nature and interact with people." •In other words, it is the belief that "all natural phenomena are possessed of souls or spirits that animate them and explain their special characteristics." •Examples: Tribal Religions, Shamanism


Buddhism, an enlightened person, still living in this or other worlds [realms], who serves as a teacher and savior figure." Think of a Bodhisattva as something like a "Buddhist Saint."


Buddhist notion of the ultimate reality, arguably a monistic concept considered as the true nature of all things, expressing the interdependence of all things.


Clifford Geertz (1923-2006) renowned anthropologist and postmodern philosopher: "Religion is (1) a system of symbols which acts to (2) establish powerful, pervasive, and long-lasting moods and motivations in [people] by (3) formulating conceptions of a general order of existence and (4) clothing these conceptions with such an aura of factuality that the moods and motivations seem uniquely realistic."

New Testament

Composed of 27 "books" (4 accounts of Jesus' life, 1 history of the 1st generation of the Church, Epistles - letters written by various writers, & one "Apocalypse") •By the end of the 2nd Century, most Churches concluded only these should be "read in the assembly." •After another 2 centuries, this list is finalized (using specific criteria) by various Church Fathers and at least two Church Councils, who "officially" declare the Canon closed.

Tao-Te Ching

Daodejing) •Tao = "The Way" or "The Path" •Te = "Virtue" or "Power"


Discussed at length in chapter 12 later ("Beatitude"); here we note the coherence of this idea with concepts of self and Problem of Evil.


Enlightened One") - Siddhartha Gautama 563-480AD. •Indian Prince of the Shakya Tribe (northeast India near Nepal) •Spoiled by parents to "attach" him to worldly possessions & desires •Married at age 16 to Yoshadara. First child born at age 29 - son, named Rahula ("fetter" or "impediment") •Renounced all worldly effects shortly thereafter, going on 6 year quest for "enlightenment....


Events in life showing us that the world cannot be controlled and that its chaos intrudes into our lives no matter what we do.

Karmic Theodices

Explains that our present existence is simply the result of our past karmic actions. We reap, inescapably, those effects of our past actions while we sow those karmic seeds that will determine, unalterably, our future destiny on the wheel of rebirth or reincarnation. We have no one to blame but ourselves. Held by Hinduism and Theravada Buddhism


From the Christian interpretation of the myth of Adam and Eve, the claim that the perfectly created state of humanity in the Garden of Eden was lost due to human disobedience and that this sinfulness still corrupts the human will (cf. Gen. 3:1ff) •note fits with imago dei and responsibility, free will (perhaps?). •"Beginningless ignorance" for Hindu/Buddhist traditions •Specific cases of suffering: Job and the blame of individualsin: •Suffering as a recompense to sin


From the Greek word anthropos -"man"; and morphe - "changed," or "shaped." In other words, "shaped like man." The technical definition is "the quality of being like a human, in human shape."•Thus, a potential criticism of theism for having a God/gods that seem only like magnified humans.


From the Greek word soteria - "salvation," literally understood to mean "deliverance, safety, preservation, healing, and soundness." This word literally means, "the study of salvation." EXAMPLES: •Christianity - "Salvation" •Judaism - "Restoration" •Islam - "Submission" •Hinduism - Moksha "Samadhi" •Buddhism - Moksha "Enlightenment" •Taoism - "Harmony" (Balance) •Confucianism - "Honor" (Legacy)

Four Noble Truths

Fundamental Buddhist teaching about the inevitability of suffering and its ultimate causes in our own desires for the temporary, unsatisfying things of the world. (1) Dukkha - Life is Suffering (2) Samudaya - The cause of suffering is craving & grasping (3) Nirhodha - The way to end suffering is to end craving & grasping (4) Magga - The Eight-fold Path is the means of ending Suffering


Given innate perfection in Ultimate Being, why is something wrong? We "know" something is wrong because: •There is suffering and injustice•In a larger sense, evil contradicts Ultimate Being.


God created the cosmos and established its physical and moral order but now exercises no continuing providential guidance or authority over it. God is now totally transcendent (the "Clockmaker" theory).


Having the quality of being beyond the normal world; "Transhuman"


Hebrew Bible - a.k.a. the "Old Testament" of Christianity; contains 3 sections - Torah - Law; Nevi'im - Prophets; Kethu'mim - Writings


In Hinduism, the Self, eternal and unchanging essence of the individual, yet different from the finite and limited empirical self. Ultimately, Atman is the same essence as Brahman, the eternal and impersonal Ultimate Being.


In Judaism, the multiple-volume collection of Mishnah and commentary, amounting to a secondary authority for studying divine law as revealed in the Torah. Also called the Oral Torah.

Buddha Nature

In some forms of Mahayana Buddhism, the innately pure, enlightened mind or "true self" of all persons, even all things."


Just written by people;" but spoken by angel to Prophet Muhammad according to Islam


Knowledge of certainty has not been attained about such a question as to whether there is a God or not. There is the possibility that such knowledge may be attainable but, as of now, it is best to remain open-minded


Literally "Three Baskets," the traditional term for the Buddhist scriptures. canonical to Theravada Buddhism is generally referred to in English as the Pali Canon; most Mahayana Buddhist sects also hold these texts sacred, but also add other texts & Sutras.


Literally to enter into flesh, thus the idea that Ultimate Being may become a human being and reveal Himself or Itself to Humanity."


Literally, "straight doctrine," thus, some body of ideas or beliefs that function as a standard for what does and does not fit into a particular religion/


Literally, "to draw out"; referring to the process of deriving doctrine and truth claims from a religion's authoritative writings.

Imago Dei

Literally, the "image of God"; the idea from Judaic creation myth that the human soul, with reason and responsibility, somehow reflects the individual and conscious nature of God. •immortality of soul, a kind of transcendence over/beyond physical existence.;


Nazareth [called "Christ"] (b. 6-4BC to d. 30AD - and "Resurrection"). •Born a Jew of the Tribe of Judah •Became an itinerant teacher, he precipitated a major turn in the history of the world (A.D. or C.E.), •Movement began as a reform movement within Judaism, became a "universal" religion within the 1st generation of his followers, the "Church," led by the Apostles


Often in the form of a story or "narrative" •Luke's Gospel - preface (Luke 1:1-4), Luke's Sequel (Acts 1:1-3) •Narrative of Torah with Genesis 12, books of Chronicles, etc. •"Intertestmental" books of the Macabees.


One god only is worthy of worship at any given time and/or place although the existence of other gods is not necessarily denied, indeed usually accepted. One's chosen god may change from time to time but only one god is worshipped at a time." Often associated with tribal or family deities. (ex: Bhakti Hinduism, early Biblical theism)


One of the two Sanskrit epic poems of ancient India (the other being the Ramayana). The Mahabharata is an important source of information on the development of Hinduism between 400 BCE and 400 CE concerned with the development of Dharma, or duties; includes the famous "Bhagavad Gita


One who teaches false and pernicious ideas within an established religion, apparently violating that religion's orthodoxy. •EXAMPLES: •Gnosticism (2nd & 3rd century Christianity) •Pelagianism (early 5th century Christianity


Outside or beyond this world" - beyond our senses]


Poems from the Daodejing and from the biblical Psalms (& other "wisdom literature") are used to explore the value and the difficulty of interpretation involved in poetic religious scripture. Poetry is said to help "bring beauty to truth," but there is a dangers in reading poetic literature too simplistically.


Polynesian monistic concept of Ultimate Being, taken to be a pervasive natural force that exists in nature and powerful persons


Science" of interpretation, trying to be consistent in one's tools and applications, acknowledging the gap between words and meanings.


Scripture of popular Hinduism featuring the epic tale of the god Rama.

Hindu Rishis

Seers in ancient Hinduism, the men & possibly women who heard from the gods or discovered in their own ecstatic states of consciousness, the hymns that became the Vedas, the earliest scriptures of Hinduism." •Animism - divinity in mountains, rocks, rivers, etc. ; presence of kami in Shinto, "ancestors", etc.

Belief or reason

Some Scholars, like 19th century anthropologist E.B. Taylor, emphasized belief in the definition of religion: "Religion is belief in spiritual things." •While other Scholars, like eighteenth century German scholar Immanuel Kant wrote a book entitled Religion Within the Limits of Reason Alone, and suggested the definition: "Religion is the recognition of our moral duties as divine commands"


The belief in "the 'descending' of a god, especially Vishnu in Hinduism, into physical form."


The collection of laws from the Torah as understood and explained by the Jewish rabbis of the first centuries of the Common Era

Negative Theology

The effort to describe Ultimate Being not in terms of what it is, but in terms of what it is not, thus in contrast to the finite and worldly

Narrative languages

The first "languages" considered are narrative languages, but even these are not all the same. The text notes the difference between an historical narrative and a parable, especially in the purpose of the story and its implicit claims of historicity. Myth is introduced as a particularly difficult language of religion, somehow between parable and history. •Some religions value/necessitate historical claims, but this can create questions of accuracy historicity, and the problem of falsifiability


The foundational scripture of Taoism attributed to the Sage Laozi c. 6th century BCE - means "The Way of Virtue" or "The Path to Power.


The oldest scriptural texts of Hinduism, evolving from approximately 1200 BCE through forms of hymns to ancient gods, ritual formulae, and magical mantras. •The Vedas (Shruti - "Heard" by Rishis) faded in popularity; later texts, the Ramayana and Mahabarata (Smriti - "Remembered")became more popular.

Adi Granth

The primary holy text of Sikhism, being the poetry of the founder Guru Nanak and successive leaders. It is ultimately itself considered the holy guru. was initially compiled by the fifth guru, Shri Arjan Dev Ji. Subsequently, it was updated to include the writings of the sixth to ninth gurus. The tenth guru, Gobind Singh Jiassembled his writings separately into a number of books, including Dasam Granth


The scriptures of Islam; literally the 'recitation' of the God's words to Muhammad) was put together relatively quickly, though even in this case the formation of an "official" canon can be problematic.

Open/Closed Canon

The sense within a reason that the list of authoritative texts, the scriptures, cannot be added to, in contrast to an "Open Canon," where some possibility of adding new Scriptures exists.


The world is included in God's being something as cells are included in a larger organism although the world does not exhaust God's being or creativity. God has all of finite being as part of Its being and experience but (unlike the Pantheistic view) transcends it. There is a real freedom and spontaneity in the world, therefore it is impossible even for God to know the future hence God is, in some sense, temporal (limited by time). (ex: Western mysticism; New Age Movement)

Secondary Scriptures

There are in some religions further texts taken as authoritative, sometimes with almost the same authority as the foundational scriptures. The role of "secondary founders" in establishing further scriptures is considered.


There are two basic realms or forces at work in the cosmos." •Supernatural Dualism - Usually Western, Good vs. Evil, light vs. darkness, spiritual vs. physical - existence of 2 "gods" (Examples: Zoroastrianism, Gnosticism) •Naturalistic Dualism - Usually Eastern, maintaining balance & harmony between natural forces or opposite extremes (Example: Taoism)


There exist non-physical spirit entities which may include spirits of the dead, angels, demons and other such personal (or personified) energies or powers which can be accessed by human beings through various means. (ex: Ancient Chinese Religion, Native American, Wicca, some forms of Buddhism)


There is no God - or "ultimate being" - no matter in what sense God or ultimate being is defined.

Supernatural approach

This approach emphasizes the intervention of a deity (or deities, or other supernatural beings or forces) in human affairs. In this approach, man is not the creator nor developer of a religion, but the "precepts" of the religion are given by "revelation" to humans. Man "Scholars" do not often consider this definition and understanding of religion, but most religions take this approach! While one may intellectually differ with this approach, it cannot be easily dismissed if we are to understand the subject of religion. An excellent example of this approach is: •John Hick (1922-2012) a philosopher of religion and theologian: Religion constitutes our varied human response to Transcendent Reality.•Will Deming (1956- ) a professor of theology: Religion is orientation to Ultimate Reality.


Triune God - "God" is One Divine Essence manifest eternally in Three Divine Persons •Judaism & Islam believe it is not possible that the Divine can be expressed in human form


Trying to explain suffering in terms of divine justice; more generally, any effort to explain how the apparent injustices of human suffering occur and why the world is not as perfect as it should be •From the Greek words theos - "god" and dikaios - "justice." Means literally "justifying the ways of God." The term originated with the philosopher Leibniz in his work entitled Essias de Theodicee in 1710. Since that time the term has been used primarily in Christian theology to explain, or "justify" the goodness and omnipotence of God in the face of the world's real evil.


Various religions are written in different languages: Arabic, Hebrew, Latin, Sanskrit, etc. •These different languages use different styles of writing, have different genres, write their scriptures for different purposes, and apply different rules of interpretation.... •EXAMPLE: Game analogy -- rules of games are different, though games are games. One must observe, understand the way the game is played to play correctly.

Functional equivalence

Ways of life that function for people like a religion functions, but which are not 'religions.' •Sometimes Identified as the Qualitative Approach to defining Religion: •EXAMPLES: Paul Tillich (1886-1965) a theologian and Christian Existentialist Philosopher: Religion is a state of being grasped by an ultimate concern, a concern which qualifies all other concerns as preliminary and which itself contains the answer to the question of the meaning of our life. •John Dewey (1859-1952) Philosopher and father of modern public education: Any activity pursued in behalf of an ideal end against obstacles and in spite of threats of personal loss because of conviction of its general and enduring value is religious in quality.


We are "on our own" in the universe which is essentially indifferent to us. Whatever satisfaction is to be enjoyed must be achieved through humanity's ability to control the physical world in which it lives and through its understanding and use and/or change of social forces in order to make them better serve humanity. The outlook is entirely this-worldly. Science and the scientific method are the primary keys to the hope for a better world. (ex: Nietzsche, Ethical Humanism, Confucianism?)


Within the world, perhaps diffused into all things or directly active in nature" -- near and able to be sensed"


a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them - figurative language. (e.g., the kingdom of God is a pearl).


a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid (e.g., as brave as a lion, crazy like a fox ).


a.k.a. "Books of Moses" or Pentateuch) holy scriptures of Judaism attributed to Moses, collected as the first five books of the Bible.


between c.1525-1290BC)- Delivered the "Israelites" or "Hebrews" (ancient Jews) from 400 years of bondage in Egypt; provided them with the "Ten Commandments," and "Torah" (The Law), upon which Judaism is still based. •Modern Judaism is descended from Moses "spiritually"

Compensatory Theodicies

compensation for presentsuffering is perceived as coming imminently in the future here on earth. Present sufferings can be endured because they are relativized in the expectation of a future change of fortune...common in Western religions, such as in ancient Israel, Some radical Protestant reform groups, Marxism, and particularly the Shi'ite sect of Islam.

too narrow

definition of religion that specifies too much content and so omits some religions

Sanatana Dharma

eternal religion" - Hinduism - the religion itself is eternal•Human artifacts: do gods dwell in the images? Do gods dwell in temples? (more later on this)


from the Greek words eschatos - "last" or "furthest" and logos - "study" or "science." Thus, "Eschatology is the study of last things." More later.... •Karma and reincarnation; we'll note this is NOT "beatitude," but see the consistency (also why it fails as theodicy). •Individual soul with heaven/hell; fits with immortality and notion of free will and responsibility. •Also may fit with concept of ancestors, Native traditions... •Atman merging with Brahman, anatta and idea of Nirvana


he study of a relatively complex concept (like religion) that reduces it to some simpler or secondary quality (such as a religion's social or psychological function) •Sometimes labelled the "Causal Approach Examples Karl Marx - "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature; it is the opiate of the masses." (Critique of Hegel's 'Philosophy of Right'. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972). •Sigmund Freud - "Religion is an illusion and it derives its strength from the fact that it falls in with our instinctual desires...Illusions commend themselves to us because they save us pain and allow us to enjoy pleasure instead. We must therefore accept it without complaint when they sometimes collide with a bit of reality against which they are dashed to pieces...Religion is comparable to a childhood neurosis..." (The Future of an Illusion. WW Norton, 1961) p. 56.


is a complex set of beliefs, behaviors, and experiences rooted in some notion of transmundane reality thought of as Ultimate Being.


man or woman who hears, in some sense, what God would have people know and then speaks forth the message of God to humanity." •note that the concept of the "prophet" fits best with theism, especially monotheism, Abraham, Moses, Muhammad

Second Order Religious Discourse

more abstract form of discourse that seeks greater clarity and coherence by translating the symbolic and mythic language into concepts and doctrines.


of Jainism.. .•Though these religions are "non-theistic," they often regard their Founders almost as deities. •Perhaps the impersonal nature of the "Ultimate Being" in these religions leaves followers with a desire to interact with a "God" more relational. Whatever the cause, it is interesting to wonder if these Founders would themselves appreciate being raised to the status of "gods."


only the self with its perceptions exists. All other entities depend on that self and have no independent reality of their own. Only the ideas within the self constitute the extent of knowledge and the range of reality. In essence: we each exist alone and are our own god and the god of all we perceive around us which is but a manifestation of our own thought. (ex: "Consciousness Only" school of Buddhism)

Confucius (Kung Fu Tzu)

ossible birth c. 551BC[?] •Low level bureaucrat who studied assiduously the wisdom of previous ages to solve the problems of society •Became a great teacher of young nobles to help improve Chinese society of his age •Did not seem to require "legendary" materials one would find in the Indian sages or prophets of Judaism. •Confucius claimed he offered no new ideas, yet his collections of "old wisdom" from past Chinese dynasties along with his own wise sayings become the foundation for all that follows in the "religion" named for him

Community Theodicies

persons lose all sense of individuality through complete identification with the larger community - the tribe, nation or race - or through absorption in some larger cosmic reality...Personal suffering is minimized in the face of assurances of the continuing life and prosperity of the clan or tribe. Most commonly held by Indigenous & Aboriginal religions, and some Ethnic Religions.

Paleolithic Age

prior to 7000 BCE). Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon hominids were hunters, and treated their quarry with great reverence. The head of the cave bear, their most sacred prey, was kept in hidden chambers, on altars, with the brain left intact. They adorned their cave dwellings and weapons with pictures of game animals. They saw animals as providence, the source of life, yet also a feared adversary. The hunter and hunted were joined in a mysterious and magical relationship.

proof texts

selected pieces of scripture used to defend a particular doctrinal point.

Historical origins

under - "One who originates or establishes." •Founders of religion my be found in history or in "myth": "A story culturally or religiously used to define the nature of life or of a group of people; the story may be of literally cosmic proportions, telling us something about the origins or meaning of humanity or the world or some specific cultural phenomenon."

Bharat War

•A.k.a. the Kurukshetra War, also called the Mahabharata War, is a war described in the Indian epic Mahabharata; Suggested dates range from 5561 to around 950 BCE, while popular tradition holds that the war marks the transition to Kali yuga and thus dates it to 3102 BCE. Archaeological & "historic" evidence is lacking....

What are the ultimate questions

•The Question of Identity: Who am I? •The Question of Purpose: Why am I here? •The Question of Pain: Why do good people suffer? •The Question of Truth: To whom or what do I owe my ultimate loyalty and devotion? •The Question of Death: Is death the end?

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