REL A 250 Midterm 2

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According to the Gospel of Matthew, which of the following temptations were given to Jesus by Satan? (Select all that apply.)

"...throw yourself down [from the pinnacle of the temple]" "...command these stones to become loaves of bread "All these [kingdoms] I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me."

Which of the following phrases is not found in the parable of the prodigal son?

"And not many days after the younger son gathered most of his goods together, and took his journey"

Which of the following phrases is not found in the parable of the Prodigal Son?

"But when he came near to his father's house, his father saw him, and had compassion..."

Which of the following statements reflects Mary's rejoicing in her Magnificat and thus sets up one of the major themes in Luke's Gospel?

"He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree"

According to the synoptic Gospels, what was the phrase Satan used to introduce two of the three temptations of Jesus in the wilderness?

"If you are the son of God..."

According to the synoptic Gospels, what was the central message of the "good news" Jesus preached following his baptism?

"The kingdom of God has come near"

Lesson 10: How is the Greek word Logos most often translated?


Lesson 18: When Joseph F. Smith received the revelation that became Doctrine and Covenants Section 138, what passage of scripture had he been studying?

1 Peter

According to some scholars, some of the Jews in Jesus's day believed the spirit of a deceased person stayed close to the body for how many days?

3 days

According to John, how long had Lazarus been dead when the Savior arrived in Bethany?

4 days

How long did Jesus spend in the wilderness after his baptism according to the synoptic Gospels?

40 days

How many distinct sermons from Jesus are found in the Gospel of Matthew?


Lesson 10: What does the term Katalyma (as presented in Luke 2) mean?

A "living room" or "guestroom"

At the Last Supper, Jesus instituted a new covenant. This appears to be textually related to which of the following covenants?

A covenant instituted with Moses

What is the Jewish Year of Jubilee?

A time of release when all debts were cancelled, and prisoners were set free

In the parable of the Two Debtors, the first debtor owed 500 denarii (pence). About how much would that be worth for a day laborer in the first century?

About 20 month's wages

Lesson 10: What was the angelic announcement that happened in Luke 1?

Annunciation of Gabriel to Mary in Nazareth

Why did Simon decide that Jesus could not be a prophet?

Because Jesus would have known that the woman was a sinner

How does Jesus show Simon that he is indeed a prophet?

By showing Simon that Jesus knew his thoughts

What is a lesson we can draw from Peter's denial of the Savior and the angel's declaration after the Resurrection?

Christ doesn't give up on us.

Which aspect of Christ's atoning for our sins has most frequently been stated by church leaders in General Conference?

Christ dying for our sins on the cross

Which aspect of Christ's atoning for our sins is most heavily emphasized in scripture?

Christ dying for our sins on the cross

Lesson 10: Who is the audience of the Gospel of John?

Christians in late first century debating the nature of Christ

How did Jesus respond to the ruler who asked Him, "Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" Choose all that apply.

Come, follow me Sell all you have and give unto the poor

According to Matthew and Luke, from which Old Testament book did Jesus quote passages to help Him overcome His temptations in the wilderness?


Lesson 11: Which Old Testament prophet does John the Baptist evoke with his dress, location, and message?


The writer of the Gospel of Matthew likely wrote the 10 miracles of Matthew 8-9 in a strict chronological order.


True or False: All of the miracles recorded in the Gospel of Mark are also recorded in one or more of the other Gospels.


True or False? According to the Gospel of John, after the Bread of Life Sermon many of those thinking of following Jesus now "walked with him."


True or False? Jesus characterizes the Law of Moses as "bad" and his new law as "good"?


True or False? While in the spirit world the Savior taught the gospel to all the spirits of the dead in three days.


True or false: In the Sermon on the Mount, the Savior invalidated and then did away with the law of Moses.


According to Luke's version of the Sermon on the Plain, to whom does the kingdom of God belong? Choose all that apply.

Foreigners living among the Israelites Widows Orphans

According to Matthew 20, what are the 2 reasons the lord of the vineyard gave for paying a penny to those who had labored long in the vineyard? (Mark all that apply)

He gave them the amount they had agreed to before they started working He can choose to do what he wants to do with his own money

According to the passage of scripture that Jesus quoted in the Nazareth synagogue, what is the "anointed" person expected to do? Check all that apply.

Heal the broken hearted Liberate those who feel broken or oppressed Preach the gospel to the poor Give sight to the blind

Which of the following is one of the ways Jesus is portrayed as the Passover Lamb in one of the four Gospels?

Hyssop is used to deliver wine to Jesus.

What is the point that Jesus is teaching when he gives the story of the Good Samaritan?

If we want eternal life, we must help those who are in need

Lesson 10: What might the Roman Gentile audience of Luke's gospel have thought about, in comparison and contrast, when reading about the angel's annunciation to the shepherds of "good tidings" of a "Savior"?

Inscriptions commemorating the birthday of Caesar Augustus

Which Old Testament prophet did Jesus quote as he taught in the Nazareth synagogue?


John the Baptist saw himself as fulfilling which Old Testament prophesy?

Isaiah 40:3 ("The voice of one crying... "Prepare ye the way of the Lord!")

According to Matthew 10, the Savior limited whom the apostles could teach to only which people?


According to the Gospel of Luke, what was the significance of the Spirit's descent upon Jesus at His baptism?

It anointed Him to fulfill His messianic mission.

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, the "certain man" was journeying from which city to which city?

Jerusalem to Jericho

According to some ancient manuscripts, what was the first name of Barabbas?


Which of the Savior's miracles is recorded in all four Gospels?

Jesus feeds 5,000

Which miracle from the Gospel of John was associated with the Pool of Siloam?

Jesus heals a blind man

Which miracle from the Gospel of John shows that Jesus does not need to be physically present for healing to take place?

Jesus heals a nobleman's son

What is the culminating message of Jesus's genealogy as presented in the Gospel of Luke?

Jesus is a "son of Adam" (a part of the entire human family).

Lesson 10: What is are some of the main themes of the Gospel of Matthew?

Jesus is a new Moses with a new law and a new Davidic king with a new kingdom.

Lesson 10: What is the point Luke makes through his presentation of Jesus's genealogy?

Jesus is connected to Adam and therefore the entire human family.

Lesson 10: What are some of the main themes of the Gospel of Luke?

Jesus is the savior for all humanity and is the manifestation of God's love to the marginalized.

Which of these accounts of the resurrected Jesus visiting someone is unique to the gospel of John?

Jesus talking alone with Mary Magdalene

The heavenly voice at Jesus's baptism declared several things about him. Taken together, they mean that ________.

Jesus was a Davidic king

What terminology does the Gospel of John (chapter 1) use to describe Jesus's condescension?

Jesus was the "word made flesh" who "dwelt/tabernacled" among humanity.

Lesson 10: What is the main emphasis of the Gospel of John?

Jesus's nature, origins, and power are divine.

According to which Gospel was turning water into wine the first of the Savior's miracles?


In which Gospel does Jesus not receive help carrying His cross?


In which gospel does Jesus not receive help carrying his cross?


Lesson 12: Which of the following Gospels do not include any of Jesus' parables?


Which Gospel records only seven of the Savior's miracles?


Which of the four Gospels contains the Bread of Life sermon from Jesus?


Which of the four Gospels contains the most personal conversations between Jesus and various individuals?


Lesson 16: Which Gospel(s) describe Jesus washing the disciples' feet?

John only

The Savior's miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead was recorded by which Gospel author(s)?

John only

The phrase "It is finished" comes from which Gospel?

John only

Which Gospel(s) describe(s) Jesus washing the disciples' feet?

John only

Which of the following best describes what makes the Gospel of John different from the synoptic Gospels?

John spends more time writing about Jesus in private settings and in personal conversations than any of the Gospel writers

Lesson 10: According to Matthew 1-2, what occurred after the betrothal of Joseph and Mary? (Select all that apply.)

Joseph received revelation that led to his adoption of Jesus.

What is the prophet Joseph's "key" by which he understands the Scriptures?

Know the question that led to Jesus's teachings

What was Jesus's initial answer to the first question?

Live the two great commandments

Which of the following was the final command Jesus gave his disciples before entering Gethsemane?

Love one another as I have loved you.

According to the Gospel of John, what question did the resurrected Lord ask Peter three times?

Lovest thou me?

In which Gospel does Jesus speak to women while walking to Golgotha?


Which of the following Gospels includes the parables of the Good Samaritan and Prodigal Son?


Which of the following Gospels is the only Gospel to include the Parables of the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son?


Which of the four Gospels contains the story of two disciples on the Road to Emmaus?


The phrase "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do?" comes from which Gospel?

Luke only

Which Gospel(s) describe Christ's sweat being like blood in Gethsemane?

Luke only

Which Gospel(s) describe(s) Christ's sweat being like "blood in Gethsemane"?

Luke only

In the earliest manuscripts of which Gospel do we find reports of the resurrection of Jesus, but no accounts of an appearance by the resurrected Jesus?


According to the Gospel of John, who is the first person to witness the resurrection of Jesus?


In Luke's account of the events leading up to Jesus's birth (Luke 1-2), who is highlighted as the recipient of revelations and angelic guidance?


Who of the following is stated as being present at the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of John? Select all that apply.

Mary Magdalene Mary the mother of Jesus

Who of the following is stated as being present at the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Matthew? Select all that apply.

Mary the mother of James Mary Magdalene

Lesson 15: Which of the four Gospels contains 5 distinct sermons from Jesus?


Which of the following Gospels is the only one to include the Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard?


Which of the following Gospels each have at least one parable taught by the Savior? (Check all that apply.)

Matthew Luke Mark

The phrase "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me" comes from which Gospel?

Matthew and Mark only

Which Gospel(s) describe Jesus instituting the sacrament at the Last Supper?

Matthew, Mark, and Luke

Which Gospel(s) describe(s) Jesus instituting the sacrament at the Last Supper?

Matthew, Mark, and Luke

Lesson 10: Matthew uses the story of the slaughter of the babies to draw a connection between Jesus and ________?


With what Old Testament story do the authors of the synoptic gospels seem to be making a comparison in their description of the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness?

Moses and the Israelite wanderings in the desert

Which of the following Old Testament stories did the Savior use to teach Nicodemus?

Moses lifting the serpent on his staff

Which Gospel uses the phrase, "The Garden of Gethsemane"?


Lesson 14: What is the Magnificat? Select all that apply.

One of the ways that Luke introduces Jesus's acts of and teachings on compassion A song of praise by Mary that reflects on her invitation to become the mother of God's son

Lesson 10: What are two reasons Matthew seems to find significance in the fact that Jesus was born in Bethlehem? (Mark both that apply.)

Outside of Bethlehem is a monument to Herod that existed at the time of Jesus's birth, showing the dichotomy between the two claimants to the title, "King of the Jews." Bethlehem was where King David grew up, and Jesus's birth there is used tie Jesus to Davidic kings.

Which of the following is not a member of the original 12 apostles listed in Matthew 10?


In the Savior's explanation of the parable of the sower, what did the sun represent?

Persecution, tribulation, and temptation

In this story, we learn that the owner of the house was a Pharisee. Which of the following statements represent elements of Pharisaic belief that are particularly relevant in this story?

Pharisees were deeply concerned with issues of purity

Which of the following best describes what happened in the story of those who went to Caesarea to protest the standards posted by Pilate?

Pilate moved the standards out of Jerusalem

Lesson 17: Which of the following best describes why Pilate most likely found Jesus Christ to be guilty?

Pilate wanted to protect his reputation

Which of the following best describes why Pilate condemned Jesus Christ to death?

Pilate wanted to protect his reputation.

Which of the following were expectations of what the "Coming One" would do? Choose all that apply.

Preach the "good news" [i.e., the Gospel] Raise the dead

Lesson 10: To which Old Testament chapters does Matthew's inclusion of the story of the wise men make reference? (Select all that apply)

Psalm 72 Isaiah 60 Numbers 24 1 Kings 10

According to King Benjamin, imparting of their substance to the poor was one evidence that that his people were doing what?

Retaining a remission of their sins

Who of the following is stated as being present at the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Mark? Select all that apply.

Salome Mary Magdalene Mary, the mother of James

How many miracles performed by Jesus are mentioned in the Gospel of John?


Why did the woman enter Simon's home?

She entered because she wanted to express her great love for Jesus

Lesson 10: What is the significance of the angels appearing to shepherds to announce the birth of Jesus? (Select all that apply.)

Shepherds may have been tending lambs destined for sacrifice, pointing toward Christ as the Lamb of God who would atone for sin. Shepherds were one of the humblest classes in Judea, pointing toward Christ's ministry to outcasts.

In Jesus's parable of the two debtors, who does the debtor who owes 50 denarii (i.e., pence) represent?


In Aramaic, Jesus's native language, what does else the word for debt (ḥōba') also mean?


Lesson 10: What are three theological claims presented in Jesus's genealogy as presented in Matthew 1? (Select three.)

Son of David, Messiah, Son of Abraham

What is the most important focus in the story of the widow of Nain?

That Jesus had compassion on the widow

According to the Book of Alma (in the Book of Mormon), why did Jesus need to experience temptation during mortality?

That he may know how to succor his people according to their infirmities

What happened at the baptism of Jesus, according to the Gospel of Luke?

The Holy Spirit descended to anoint Jesus (to be the Messiah).

Which of the following characteristics did the first-century Jewish philosopher Philo identify with the Logos? Mark all FOUR that apply.

The Logos is the oldest and firstborn of the archangels. The Logos is the mediator between God and humanity. The Logos is in the image of God. The Logos was God's agent of creation.

In the Savior's explanation of the parable of the sower, what did the thorns (or weeds) represent?

The cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, the lusts of other things, and the pleasures of this life

In the final 24 hours of Christ's life, which group appears to most vigorously oppose him?

The chief priests

In the Savior's explanation of the parable of the sower, what did the soil represent?

The heart of the individual hearing the message

The Bread of Life Sermon may be foreshadowing what future event in the Savior's life?

The institution of the sacrament

Which of the following does NOT describe why those who had labored long in the vineyard were upset the lord of the vineyard paid all the workers a penny?

The lord of the vineyard had agreed to pay them more than a penny

According to Luke's version of the Sermon on the Plain, who will be a part of the kingdom of God?

The poor

What was symbolically reflected in Jesus's calling of twelve disciples?

The restoration of the twelve tribes of Israel

According to the Bible Dictionary, which of the Savior's miracles is his greatest of all?

The resurrection

Which of the following was required by Pilate?

The scourging

What is reflected in the 70 disciples Jesus calls? (Select all that apply.)

The seventy gentile nations in Genesis 10 The seventy men chosen by Moses to help administer the law

Lesson 10: Which of the following does the first century Jewish philosopher Philo claim about the Logos? (Select all that apply.)

The was the most ancient archangel who mediates between God and humanity It is in the image of God It was the first born of God and was the oldest of the angels It existed before the creation

In Jesus's parable of the two debtors, who does the debtor who owed 500 denarii (i.e., pence) represent?

The woman

When this person spoke of the future Messiah, the Savior responded, "I that speak unto thee am he."

The woman at the well

According to Doctrine and Covenants 138, what happens to the faithful members of the Church when they depart from this mortal life?

They continue their work preaching the gospel

According to the story of the Good Samaritan, who is the neighbor that we must love?

Those with whom we have strained relations

What did the word "poor" mean in Luke's world? Select all that apply.

To have low status in the community because of a lack of religious purity To have low status in the community because of gender To have low status in the community because of family lineage To not have very much money

What was John the Baptist's apocalyptic message?

To prepare for the end times and the coming judgment

Which of the following statements best represents the principle that Jesus wants us to understand from the story of the Good Samaritan?

To receive eternal life, we must help those who are in need.

According to the Bible Dictionary, what is the reason the Savior taught in parables?

To veil the meaning

True or False: For faithful Jews in Jesus' day, the raising and eating of pigs was against the Law of Moses.


True or False: The resurrected Lord never appears or speaks in the earliest extant versions of the Gospel of Mark.


True or False: While in the spirit world the Savior organized a missionary force to preach the gospel to the spirits of the dead.


True or false: The Bread of Life Sermon is only found in the Gospel of John.


According to the Gospel of John, this was the first of the Savior's miracles.

Turning water into wine

Luke uses some literary devices in his telling the story of the woman who washed Jesus's feet. One of them is that she remains nameless in the story so that each of us can identify our story with hers. Which of the following is probably the most important way in which we can identify with her?

We are all sinners who are in need of Jesus's compassion.

What question was asked when the disciples brought five barley loaves and two small fishes to the Savior?

What are they among so many?

What was the first question that the lawyer asked Jesus and led to his teaching of the Good Samaritan?

What shall I do to inherit eternal life?

What was the followup question that the lawyer asked Jesus?

Who is my neighbor?

Who of the following is stated as being present at the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Luke? Select all that apply.

Women from Galilee

According to the synoptic gospels, what did Jesus do after coming to terms with His temptations in the wilderness?

begin His public ministry by declaring the coming of the kingdom of God

Lesson 10: In the Gospel of John, Jesus's body is presented as a temple that was ________.

filled with the Glory of God

In the parable of the prodigal son, how did the second son refer to the prodigal?

his father's son

Jesus taught that eternal life is to ________.

know God and Jesus Christ

When teaching His disciples to pray in the "Lord's Prayer," what was the first thing Jesus instructed them to ask of God?

that His kingdom would come

What is the major focus in Luke's account of the raising of the widow of Nain's son from the dead?

that Jesus had compassion on a vulnerable widow

Mark all of the following that reflect Jesus's proclamation of the Kingdom of God.

the "Beatitudes" miracles parables the "Lord's Prayer"

In a discussion with a friend, you are asked for scriptural evidence that the resurrected Christ had a tangible body. Which of the following would be most helpful?

the Savior and the eleven Apostles in the Gospel of Luke

In the final twenty-four hours of Christ's life, which group appears to most vigorously oppose Him?

the chief priests

Which parable did President Dallin H. Oaks say "teaches us that we should never give up hope and loving associations with family members and friends whose fine qualities evidence their progress toward what a loving Father would have them become"?

the laborers in the vineyard

According to Jesus's teachings in the Sermon on the Plain, who is specifically mentioned as belonging to the kingdom of God?

the poor

Which parable did President Dallin H. Oaks apply to those who are texting, whispering, or playing video games during the ordinance of the sacrament?

the sower

What unique account does Matthew provide regarding Jesus's infancy?

the visit and gifts of the wise men

In the parable of the prodigal son, how did the father refer to the son who had returned when speaking to his other son?

thy brother

Which of these miracles involves the Savior interacting with His mother, Mary?

turning water into wine

According to the Bible Dictionary, when do miracles cease to be improbable?

when one believes in the Resurrection of Jesus

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