Rel C 225

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What occurred at the June 1831 conference regarding "high priesthood" or "Melchizedek's priesthood"?

They gave the Melchizedek priesthood to multiple Elders.

What does it mean that churches "deny [God's] power"?

They have a form of Godliness but deny the power thereof

What is the Burned‐over District?

a phrase describing the result of high numbers of religious preachers and revival meetings in western New York

What foundational Church practices are listed in Doctrine and Covenants 20?

baptism, ordinances, priesthood office duties, duties after baptism, child blessings, accountability of baptism, baptismal prayer, sacramental prayer, keeping records

What main gospel themes are present in the Book of Abraham?

being made a high priest (Abraham 1:2); receiving covenants of exaltation (Abraham 2:2), 6-10; being taught and instructed about the premortal life, creation (abraham 4), and God's plan (Abraham 3:25-26, Abraham 5 ); being given knowledge to pass into the presence of God (Facsimile 2); and sitting upon a throne (Facsimile 3). These are the same themes found in the temple endowment today.

What is "canon"?

canonized scripture means the standard by which religious doctrines are measured.

What is a creed?

A formal statement of faith and doctrine

What is the City of Zion, or the New Jerusalem?

A holy city where saints gather. Temple built

What is the Second Great Awakening?

A wave of religious fervor that increased church membership in the United States

What priesthood and keys did John the Baptist restore?


What was Joseph Smith's vision for Zion?

It would be so holy that "even upon the bells of the horses shall be written 'Holiness to the lord'"

Who may the planet Kolob best symbolize?


Who is the chief cornerstone of the restored Church?

Jesus Christ

How did Joseph Smith receive the priesthood?

John the Baptist

What are the facsimiles in the Pearl of Great Price, and what can they represent?

exaltation narrative Facsimile 1 is a deliverance scene, with Abraham being faithful and miraculously saved by the Lord. Facsimile 2 is a hypocephalus—meaning "under or beneath the head. (resurrection and life after death) Facsimile 3 is a judgment scene

What is the 1833 Book of Commandments?

first book of Joseph's revelation (about 60 sections) that was hindered in its printing due to the printing shop being burned down

What does it mean that Joseph Smith "translated" the Bible?

Joseph Smith gave revelatory interpretation, rephrasing, restoring, and clarification for numerous biblical passages.

Where was the Church first commanded to gather in this dispensation?


Who were the Three Witnesses of the witnesses of the Book of Mormon plates?

Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris, and David Whitmer

How many changes did Joseph Smith make to the Bible, and how many of those changes are included in the Latter‐day Saint Bible today?

• 3,410 changes• 1/3 are in LDS bible

How was Joseph's translation of the Bible accomplished?

Scribes, revelation

Where is the Church's "Articles and Covenants" found in the Doctrine and Covenants, and how were those articles created?

Section 20

What were the instruments used in the translation of the Book of Mormon?

Seer stones, Bundle of stones, spectacles

What were five titles Joseph Smith was sustained as at the Church's organization?

Seer, translator, prophet, apostle, elder

What did Joseph need to repent of before he could obtain the plates?

Sought plates to gain wealth

What are the basic Christian creeds?

The Apostles' Creed (4th century) The Nicene Creed (4th century) The Athanasian Creed (4th century) The Chalcedonian Creed (5th century)

How many primary accounts of the First Vision did Joseph write, and when did he write them?

4: 1832, 1835, 1838, 1842

What types of laws are included in the Law?

"more perfect" commandments, Ten commandments

What is "Joseph's Promise" (regarding the Doctrine and Covenants)?

"search the revelations which we publish, and ask your heavenly Father, in the name of his Son Jesus Christ, to manifest the truth unto you, and if you do it with an eye single to his glory, nothing doubting he will answer you by the power of his Holy Spirit: You will then know for yourselves, and not for another: You will not then be dependent on man for the knowledge of God; nor will there be any room for speculation."

What are the celestial principles of consecration?

-Ownership: God owns all, we own nothing -Stewardship: given as a temporary overseer and responsible controller of something -Agency & Accountability: An agent who represents someone (God), acting in his name, with free will to do so, who will render an account to him.

What are at least four unique yet foundational Latter‐day Saint teachings found in the Book of Mormon?

-Worship of Christ directly through faith, repentance, baptism, the Holy Ghost, and grace, from the very beginning of time (since Adam) and through Old Testament times. "The gospel" is not something new. Book of Mormon prophets taught pure Christianity (see Mosiah 18) The Book of Mormon gives the "covenants of the Lord" through Christ.-Some natives of the Book of Mormon, or "remnants," descend from Israel. They are a chosen people who will fulfill the work of God in the last days in building the New Jerusalem, with the Gentiles assisting them (see 3 Nephi 21) It overturns history," says scholar Richard Bushman .-A great, revelatory latter-day work will commence in the last days, including the building of Zion, or the New Jerusalem, by the "remnant" of the seed of Joseph on this continent (see Ether 13) -Christ speaks to many nations, many of whom have recorded it. The canon of scripture is wide open (2 Nephi 29:12) with the Lord "manifesting himself unto all nations," as the title page of the Book of Mormon explains. -The fall of Adam is seen as a good thing not an error

What are the four levels of evaluating an official Latter‐day Saint teaching?

1. Is it repeatedly found in the scriptures? 2. Is it proclaimed by the united voice of the current Brethren? 3. Is it consistently taught by current General Authorities and general officers acting in their official capacity? 4. Is it found in recent Church publications or statements?

What year did Joseph Smith obtain the gold plates?


What was the audience and context for each of Joseph's accounts?

1832: the earliest known account of the First Vision, the only account written in Joseph Smith's own hand, is found in a short, unpublished autobiography Joseph Smith produced in the second half of 1832. In the account, Joseph Smith described his consciousness of his own sins and his frustration at being unable to find a church that matched the one he had read about in the New Testament and that would lead him to redemption. He emphasized Jesus Christ's Atonement and the personal redemption it offered. He wrote that "the Lord" appeared and forgave him of his sins. As a result of the vision, Joseph experienced joy and love, though, as he noted, he could find no one who believed his account. 1835: In the fall of 1835, Joseph Smith recounted his First Vision to Robert Matthews, a visitor to Kirtland, Ohio. The retelling, recorded in Joseph's journal by his scribe Warren Parrish, emphasizes his attempt to discover which church was right, the opposition he felt as he prayed, and the appearance of one divine personage who was followed shortly by another. This account also notes the appearance of angels in the vision. 1838: The narration of the First Vision best known to Latter-day Saints today is the 1838 account. First published in 1842 in the Times and Seasons, the Church's newspaper in Nauvoo, Illinois, the account was part of a longer history dictated by Joseph Smith between periods of intense opposition. Whereas the 1832 account emphasizes the more personal story of Joseph Smith as a young man seeking forgiveness, the 1838 account focuses on the vision as the beginning of the "rise and progress of the Church." Like the 1835 account, the central question of the narrative is which church is right. 1842: Written in response to Chicago Democrat editor John Wentworth's request for information about the Latter-day Saints, this account was printed in the Times and Seasons in 1842. The account, intended for publication for an audience unfamiliar with Latter-day Saint beliefs, is concise and straightforward. As with earlier accounts, Joseph Smith noted the confusion he experienced and the appearance of two personages in answer to his prayer. The following year, Joseph Smith sent this account with minor modifications to a historian named Israel Daniel Rupp, who published it as a chapter in his book, He Pasa Ekklesia [The Whole Church]: An Original History of the Religious Denominations at Present Existing in the United States.

What are the major editions of the Doctrine and Covenants, and what is significant about each of them?

1844- new sections about martyrdom of Joseph Smith 1876- 26 new sections about Moroni, commandments at Winter Quarters, fixed footnote errors, marriage 1921- official declaration 1, removed lectures on faith, combined book of mormon, pearl of great price, and D&C 1981- two new sections, official declaration 2 2013- better headings

How many years passed from Moroni's first visit to Joseph Smith until Joseph could obtain the gold plates?


What are the definitions of and differences between "all things common," the United Firm (Order), and the law of consecration?

All things common: saints giving over to the church all properties and being given some back according to their needs The United Firm (Order): select church leaders were made stewards over Church businesses - funds from businesses were collected and then used to meet the wants and needs of families and to operate businesses, additional funds were dedicated to the Lord's work Law of Consecration: dedicate our time, talents, and means to build up the kingdom of God

What are two primary doctrinal messages from the First Vision?

Apostasy in doctrine and ordinances

How did we get the Pearl of Great Price, and when was it canonized?

Apostle Franklin D. Richards compiled the Pearl of Great Price while serving as president of the British Mission. 10 Oct 1880 Church leaders voted it into the canonized standard works.

How, when, and where was the Church organized?

April 6, 1830 at Peter Whitmer's home, they took a sustaining vote then took the sacrament

What are the six foundational time periods of Church history we will cover in this class (titles and years)?

Beginnings (1820-1831) Two Church Centers (1831-1838) Nauvoo (1838-1846) Church in the West (1846-1950) Expansion (1950-1989) World-wide Church (1989-present)

Where was the Church headquartered in each major period?

Beginnings: Fayette, NY Two Church Centers: Kirtland, OH and Independence, MO Nauvoo: Nauvoo, IL Church in the West: Utah Expansion: SLC, UT Worldwide Church: SLC, UT

According to the Doctrine and Covenants, how are we to "seek learning"?

By study and also by faith

What is American religious freedom?

Church and state must be separate. Cannot control each other. People free to join any or no church

How do creeds define a modern "Christian"?

Classic, creedal definition; must believe in all creeds to be Christian

What are the four types of doctrine?

Core, Supporting, policy, esoteric

What Doctrine and Covenants section is known as "the Law" of the Church?

D&C 41 & 42

Which revelation was given as a "preface" for the Doctrine and Covenants?

DC 1 Lord's "voice of warning"

Why are there different First Vision accounts?

Different audiences and purpose. Memory

What book of scripture is the "foundation" of the Church?

Doctrine and Covenants

What were the original "doctrine" and "covenants" parts that created the book's title?

Doctrine were the lectures on faith, and covenants were Joseph's revelations

What are several key principles to remember when considering Doctrine and Covenants revelations—including why written revelations have sometimes been altered?

Errors were made during recording, additional revelations/understanding given later

What is the scriptural definition of "the gospel"?

Faith in Jesus Christ, Repentance, Baptism by the gift of the holy ghost, Enduring to the end

What are four foundational Church events listed in Doctrine and Covenants 20?

First Vision Moroni's Visit Book of Mormon Translation 3 Witnesses of the BoM

How is the Book of Mormon the "most correct" of any book on earth?

Has the most correct descriptions and teachings of the fundamentals of the gospel, most clearly articulates doctrine of Christ

When and how did Joseph Smith obtain his brown seer stone, and what did he use it for?

He found it as a teenager when digging a well, and used it to find hidden treasures

What does it mean that Abraham desired the "blessings of the fathers"?

He wanted priesthood power and authority

Where will the latter‐day city of Zion be built?

Independence/Jackson County, Missouri

What are five factors for evaluating a historical source?

Is it a primary source? Is it a contemporary account?Does it have an objective perspective? What is its relationship to other sources? Are its claims supported by evidence?

How was the Book of Mormon translated?

Joseph placed either the interpreters or the seer stone in a hat, pressed his face into the hat to block out extraneous light, and read aloud the English words that appeared on the instrument.

What priesthood and keys did Peter, James, and John restore?


How did the organization of the Church develop over time?

More keys and stakes

What are some of the academic challenges and responses to the Book of Abraham?

Mormon and non-Mormon Egyptologists agree that the characters on the fragments do not match the translation given in the book of Abraham, Joseph Smith's explanations of the various elements of these facsimiles did not match their own interpretations of these drawings, ability to translate papyri when we now have only a fraction of the papyri he had in his possession

What other angels are part of the Melchizedek Priesthood restoration?

Moses, Elias, Elijah, Michael, the archangel; the voice of Gabriel, and of Raphael, and of divers angels, from Michael or Adam down to the present time

By what names have Joseph's Bible translation been known?

New Translation• Inspired Version• Joseph Smith Translation

Who wrote the secondary accounts of the First Vision, and what unique information does each of these accounts give us?

Orson Pratt: wrapped in fire Orson Hyde: satan made him doubt and see bad things Levi Richards: everlasting covenant broken David White: axe, spoke to Joseph directly Alexander Neibaur: blue eyes?

What are some of the many definitions for the word Zion?

Physical location - location of future holy city in Missouri, Status of an individual's standing before God and others, pure in heart, happy/at peace, Organized wards and stakes

What is the definition of "Urim and Thummim"?

Physical object to mediate the divine

What is the difference between priesthood power, authority, offices, keys, and ordinances?

Priesthood - power and authority of GodPower: god's power attained through righteousnessAuthority: act in all things necessary for the salvation of God's childrenOffices: divisions of priesthood authorityordinances - sacred act with symbolic meaningkeys: for priesthood leaders to oversee how it's used

What is the Abrahamic covenant?

Promised land, Priesthood, Posterity

What databases and online resources are available to aid in your search for learning about Church doctrine and history?

Religious studies center, BYU studies, Joseph Smith Papers, Harold B. Lee Library, General Conference Corpus

Why and How is Jesus Christ considered the chief cornerstone of the Church?

The apostle Paul wrote to the Saints in Ephesus that members of the church are to be "built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone" (Ephesians 2:20) The chief cornerstone, or "head" cornerstone (see Matthew 21:42-44) (Mark 12:10) Luke 20:17

What occurred in the "chamber of father Whitmer," and what is its relationship to the office of elder?

The voice of the Lord authorized and instructed Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery to ordain each other elders and confer the Holy Ghost.

What are six foundational Church doctrines listed in Doctrine and Covenants 20?

There is a God Creation Fall Atonement Baptism Justified and sanctified by the grace of Christ

What is the Great Apostasy?

Time without priesthood authority and fullness of the gospel

What was the process of acquiring and printing the JST?

Times and Seasons, given to RLDS church and published, Robert J Matthews got permission, now used in LDS version

What is the Lamanite Mission and its major effect on the Church?

To identify the location for the city of Zion and to preach to Native Americans

What offices of the priesthood existed when the Church was organized, and which developed gradually over time?

When organized: Elder, Priest, Teacher, Deacon Later: Bishop, Patriarch, High Council, Quorum of the 70, Quorum of the 12

Where did the Book of Abraham come from?

it came from ancient egyptian papyrus being sold

Why was Joseph Smith's translation of the Bible considered to be open-ended?

it was based on ongoing revelation and should he have lived longer, he would've translated more

What type of documents are in the Doctrine and Covenants?

lectures, revelations, talks

How are Latter‐day Saints unique in their beliefs about Christ when compared with other Christians?

no trinity, body of flesh and blood, grace and works

What is the Protestant Reformation?

religious reform movement that divided the western church into Catholic and Protestant groups

What are the Stewardship Principle, the Brethren Principle, and the Front Door Principle pertaining to personal revelation?

stewardship - teaches that God will reveal His will to you over the things for which you have clearly defined stewardship, but not for things over which you do not.Brethren Principle of revelation is that you will never receive direction from the Spirit to act in opposition or rebellion against the united voice of the current First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.Front-Door Principle is that official doctrine, policies, and direction for the Church will only come through established, authorized, and known channels. There are no secret priesthood ordinations, no clandestine leaders, and no special appointments that can be given to you or others outside of the regular order of the Church.

When was the Book of Abraham translated?

summer and fall of 1835 to 1842

What is "doctrine"?

teachings of the church

What is the fundamental doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‐day Saints?

the Elders' Journal in 1838 with the answer: "The fundamental principles of our religion is the testimony of the apostles and prophets concerning Jesus Christ, 'that he died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended up into heaven;' and all other things are only appendages to these, which pertain to our religion

Why was a second Church center established in Independence, Missouri?

the Lord gave a revelation to Joseph Smith (D&C 57) in which He identified Independence, Missouri, as the place to build the city of Zion—the "New Jerusalem." This revelation led many Saints to gather in Missouri, establishing two Church centers: one in Kirtland, Ohio, and the other in Independence, Missouri.

What are the Manuscript Revelation Books?

the book of commandments and revelations and the Kirtland revelation book most revelations that were recorded on loose leaf paper and then put together into books

What types of changes to the Bible did Joseph Smith make?

• Clarification• Corrected errors• Additions• Explanations• Deletions• Removing contradictions• Modern application• Grammatical changes• No changes

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