Relias Training

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Fixed ratio schedules produce what kind of rate of behavior?

Produce high and steady rates of behavior

What needs to be included as part of data collection for a naturalistic teaching session?

Prompt levels needed to elicit the target behavior

When families have questions about the impact of ABA on the future of their child, which is the best approach toward answering them?

Provide honest and accurate information about ABA in general and refer to individual data.

What should you do in order to prepare for a session?

Read the skill acquisition plan and previous data, and gather materials and reinforcers

Behavior intervention plans that work:

Reduce problem behavior and increase desirable behavior

Practicing nonjudgment means:

Regardless of circumstances, always assume that families are trying their best.

Differential Reinforcement is a procedure combining what two procedures?

Reinforcement and extinction

What is true in reference to tacts and reinforcement?

Reinforcement is not necessarily specific to the tact

When punishment is used, it should be paired with which procedure?

Reinforcement of replacement behaviors

What is true about concept of Motivating Operations (MO)?

Reinforcers work better when they are in effect

Consequence interventions involve:

Reinforcing desired behaviors and reducing the display of undesirable behavior

Stimulus-stimulus pairing is:

Repeated pairing of a neutral stimulus with a reinforcing one

What should you do if an extinction burst poses danger or harm to others or the individual?

Resort to something other than extinction like antecedent and reinforcement interventions

What is a pivotal skill that helps individuals "learn to learn"?

Responding to multiple cues in the environment

What are some of the logistical issues families face when they decide to enroll in ABA therapy for their child?

Securing payment, transportation, and preparing the home for intervention.

What was added to the 2nd edition of the RBT task list?

Shaping, token economics, and seeking clinical direction

The purpose of modeling in behavioral skills training (BST) is to :

Show how to implement a procedure.

When delivering a discrete trial session, what is the most important reason to minimize distractions in the environment?

So the learner can focus on what they are being asked to do

Why is goal setting with families important?

So they can feel like they are being heard by ABA staff.

What is the most important reason for RBTs to be active listeners?

So they can understand and act on what is delivered in the message

Why would a naturalistic approach be effective as the first ABA-based approach for some learners?

Some learners find structured approach aversive so ABA may need to begin within within a natural context

What is a trigger?

Something that easily sets you off and causes an immediate, often emotional, reaction.

Describe extinction bursts.

Soon after extinction behaviors have been put in place, the behavior may actually worsen or increase They produced variability and increased intensity in behavior and often bring out anger and aggression b/c what you were expecting to receive or avoid did not occur as had in the past.

A limited hold is sometimes added to interval reinforcement in order to:

Speed up the display of the target behavior.

If you have an individual who engages in escape behaviors you should:

Tailor antecedent interventions to the person you support based on data from the FBA.

If you witness and abusive situation that is dangerous or life-threatening, what should you do?

Take immediate action to remove anyone in the area from harm and call 911

What best describes a task analysis?

Target behaviors broken down into steps

Data collected during naturalistic teaching should always include information about:

Target behaviors, prompt levels needed, and activities.

What is ratio strain?

The disruption in the display of the behavior when reinforcement is thinned too quickly

A good rule for using token systems for younger children is:

The fewer target behaviors to reinforce at a time, the better

Generalization across settings occurs when

The learner performs the behavior in different environments

Generalization of skills is achieved when:

The learner uses the skill taught in DTI in the natural environment.

What are two of the highest priorities in record keeping when providing services to people with disabilities?

The person's lifestyle preferences, and communication between co-workers

Approximately how many different 3-step directions should an advanced learner be able to follow?


In a typically developing child, at what age do they turn their heads to the source of a sound?

2 months

What is the estimated percentage of self-injurious behaviors that have automatic reinforcement as the function according to Hagopian et al. (2015)?


At about what age do children start to answer who, what, and where questions?

3 to 4 years

A 2009 study found that what percentage of family caregivers for older adults with cognitive disabilities and dementia reported abusing their family member?


The Renewal Competency Assessment requires __ skills to be demonstrated with clients.


Intermediate learners should respond to:

50 simple noun/verb combinations

In a typically developing child, at what age do they respond to hearing their name?

6 months

which ratio of reinforcers to reprimands should be used for those who display high levels of problem behavior?

6 to 8 reinforcers to 1 reprimand

What is an example of a clearly written criteria for mastery?

9 out of 10 times for 3 consecutive sessions

What are three things that work together to ensure the person is living a life that reflects their needs and desires?

The service plan, your support of the person based on this plan, and the documentation of your support

A disadvantage of bar graphs is:

The variability of data can be lost

When behaviors are being maintained, reinforcement schedules move from:

Thick to thin

To maintain organization, what choices should you give yourself for every piece of paper you receive or generate?

Throw it away, route it to someone else, act on it now or file it and put it on your master to-do list

What is the purpose of the Community Support Skill Standards (CSSS)?

To identify and define the skills needed to support people with disabilities

Why are intermittent reinforcement schedules used?

To maintain previously acquired behaviors

Why is frequent assessment important when implementing an intervention plan?

To make adjustments as necessary

What is the purpose of writing and reviewing accurate and complete incident reports?

To prevent recurrences of that incident.

When delivering token reinforcement for the display of a targeted behavior, it is a good idea to:

To provide the individual receiving the token a brief explanation why they are receiving it.

What are 3 reasons to ask questions?

To start a conversation, to obtain information, and to show interest in another's ideas.

What is the best way to prevent ratio strain?

To thin reinforcement gradually.

If a shaping program is not moving forward and there are not questions about the effectiveness of reinforcers, what is likely to be the issue?

Too much was expected too soon

What is an example of a mass trials?

Touch head, touch head, touch head, touch head

True or False: RBTS can now be supervised directly by qualified persons in related professions


True or False: Families should always have some role in ABA intervention.


True or False: Allegations that go unreported are just as serious as the actual abuse or neglect.


When discussing treatment intervention, you should

Use percentages and numbers/integers to display a change or unchange in behavior

What is an interobserver agreement (IOA)?

When 2 data collectors agree on data collected at the same time during a behavior

A concurrent schedule of reinforcement is operating when?

When 2 schedules of reinforcement are simultaneously available.

The Matching Law states:

When given a choice between reinforcers, an individual will engage in the behavior that yields the more valuable reinforcer.

Cumulative graphs are used:

When progress toward a predetermined number of behaviors should be demonstrated.

Under what circumstances is it all right not to take data immediately after a behavior occurs:

When the demands of the intervention or the behavior of the person precludes taking data immediately

What is an example of escape extinction?

When the individual refuses to do a task, the task is kept near him until he attempts it

What's over-correction?

behavior reduction procedure in which contingent on the target behavior the individual must engage in a tedious task directly related to the problem

What is the BST?

behavioral skill training

To prepare for a discrete trial session, you must gather the skill acquisition plan, materials, reinforcers, and_____?

data collection sheets or devices

What are 3 types of written communication RBTs have to provide?

data, incident reports and session notes

What are the benefits of using reinforcement as a behavior reduction procedure?

doesn't have the aversion side effects of punishment and extinction behaviors

What is important to do before starting a group intervention?

establish a group goal

How would you know if you have successfully paired yourself as a reinforcer?

if the learner approaches you and the session easily

What needs to take place when there is accurate information about the behaviors that occur in crisis situations?

A functional behavior assessment

RBT updates are based on

A panel of recommendations from experts

What token form would be best for a young child receiving discrete trials?

A token board with 3 spaces exchanged for reinforcers during the session

Physical interventions should be applied after what?

After less restrictive interventions have proved ineffective.

What statement most accurately describes the role of the RBT in communication with families?

Agencies may have specific guidelines for communicating with families that align with the BACB's Professional and Ethical Compliance Code.

what does the "contractual" aspect of the annual service plan guide?

All services received by the person

RBT Requirements Coordinators are responsible for:

All supervision activities of RBTs across an organization

The 4 basic conditions set up in a functional analysis are:

Alone, attention, demand, and tangible

Fixed interval schedules often result in:

An increased rate of responding at the end of the interval

A crisis plan includes which sections?

Antecedent Interventions, Escalation, Crisis, Post Crisis

What are the three types of behavior intervention strategies?

Antecedent Interventions, Replacement Behaviors and Consequence Interventions

What is a mandatory reporter?

Any individual who is required by law to report any suspected abuse or allegations of abuse

Select the correct list of 7 dimensions of ABA

Applied, behavioral, analytic, technological, conceptually systematic, effective, generalizable

What item was deleted from the previous version of the competency assessment?

Assist with functional assessment

What are the functions of behavior?

Attention, Tangible, Escape, Automatic Reinforcement

During the FBA it is observed that the person you support engages in a behavior frequently and often when they are alone. This behavior is probably for

Automatic reinforcement

Why are shorter verbal messages better for many individuals with autism?

Because they may have difficulty processing verbal language

When is the best time to allow for a break during a discrete trial session?

Before or when the learner shows signs of tiring but is not yet resisting requests to respond to discriminative stimuli (SD)

What does the term "least intrusive" mean as it relates to behavior change plans?

Behavior change plans that place the least amount of risk or discomfort.

Crisis is defined as

Behaviors that risk harm to self, others, or the environment.

How does functional communication training (FCT) address problem behavior?

By addressing communication skills needed to replace the problem behavior

What does the professional and ethical compliance code say about communication and multiple relationships?

Communicate in a way that does not encourage multiple relationships.

When using a token system in a naturalistic intervention, it can be challenging to:

Communicate the link between the behavior and receipt of the token at the time the behavior is displayed.

Reinforcing behaviors that are incompatible with hitting would fall under which component of a behavior intervention plan?

Consequence strategies

Placing a soft object near a person's fist to block a hit is a:

Consequence strategy

What is an example of discretionary effort as defined by Daniels (2000)?

Going beyond the scope of what your job requires without being told to. Doing all your required work and also cleaning up other spaces without being told to.

Joint attention skills should be targeted for increase for those individuals who

Have difficulty responding to cues made by another to attend to a stimulus

What is an example of over correction?

Having to clean the bathroom wall when writing all over it

Which is the best way to help families prioritize their efforts in working with their child?

Help the family address the most critical issue first.

When using discrete trials to teach beginning mands, you should:

Hold the reinforcer in sight and use echoic prompts

An FBA is performed to:

Hypothesize function of the behavior.

When are extinction procedures not possible?

If the person engaging in the behavior can gain the reinforce for the behavior some of the time or if it's being intermittently reinforced

You need to help Maria, a 15-year-old girl learning to put on deodorant independently. Which environment would you choose to teach this skill in order to preserve her dignity?

In a private bathroom where you can prompt her through each step appropriately.

Differential reinforcement of low rates (DRL) of behavior is used to:

Increase the amount of time between the display of one behavior to the next

What is a risk factor for abuse and neglect that is common for people with IDD?

Increased dependency on others for long-term care.

Differential reinforcement works by:

Increasing desirable behaviors while decreasing problem behavior

Who needs a crisis plan?

Individuals who engage in self-injurious or aggressive behavior

Why is role playing helpful in behavioral skills training (BST)?

It can provide a dry run of what to eventually do with the child.

One of the main drawbacks to extinction is that:

It does not teach a replacement behavior.

What is a drawback of probe data?

It is less accurate.

What is a "back-up" reinforcer?

Items that tokens are exchanged for

Which two global factors set the stage for problem behavior in those with autism?

Lack of social skills and the expectations of the social world

What types of graphs are most preferred in the field of ABA?

Line graphs

Intermittent schedules of reinforcement are necessary to:

Maintain behavior and get reinforcement on a more naturally occurring schedule

If an intrusive intervention such as punishment or physical intervention must be used, it is important to:

Make sure the client and data are monitored for unintended side effects and the rate of progress.

Visual inspection is:

Making a judgement about the effects of an intervention by examining graphed data.

What was a major problem after the de-institutionalization movement of the 1970s?

Many of those who resided in institutions became homeless and also were processed through the justice system.

What best describes "match to sample"?

Matching an item to an identical one

One of the main language targets that Milieu teaching addresses is:

Mean length of utterance (MLU)

Naturalistic techniques are used to help learners generalize skills and for learners who:

Might initially resist more structured settings.

Which approach uses a combination of other naturalistic strategies?

Milieu Teaching

When providing school- or home-based discrete trial sessions, what can pose the biggest challenge?

Minimizing distractions

What are some practices that ABA professionals need to adopt to build strong professional relationships with families?

Model optimism, practice nonjudgment and prioritize intervention efforts.

What is an activity that would be appropriate during an RBT supervision session?

Modeling and coaching new ABA techniques

What prompt sequences is the preferred one to use in listener responding programs?


The components of the 4-term contingency include:

Motivating operation, discriminative stimulus, the behavior, the consequence

What three (3) things should be included in the Client section of the crisis plan?

Name of the individual, date of birth, and date the plan was created.

Why are naturalistic teaching strategies a good way to teach joint attention?

Natural Environments are a great way to engage learners with novel and reinforcing stimuli.

Which naturalistic technique places a heavy emphasis on teaching verbal operants such as mands, tacts, and intraverbals?

Natural environment teaching

What is an example of deficits in nonverbal communication?

Not understanding facial expressions

What data recording procedures is best used for behaviors that have a clear ending and beginning, do not occur throughout an interval, but still occur at high rates?

Partial Interval

What is an example of most-to-least prompting?

Partial physical, gestural, visual, modeling

After a crisis has occurred, the person you support should engage in:

Pre-crisis tasks and activities

Which of the following data collection methods involves recording the results of each trial presented?

trial by trial

What should be used first: reinforcement behaviors or extinction and punishment?

reinforcement behaviors

What is differential reinforcement?

reinforcing a desired behavior while discontinuing the reinforcement for an undesired behavior.

Beverly will touch a requested item is an example of:

target response

When larger skills are broken down into teachable steps, this is called:

task analysis

Phase change lines indicate:

the division between one condition and another.

What schedule of reinforcement is the most resistant to extinction?

the variable ratio (intermittent) schedule

The Early Start Denver Model (EDSM) utilizes which feature in order to track progress of learners during the course of intervention?

Curriculum checklist

Why are trends sometimes necessary to include on line graphs?

Data paths are not always clear.

Differential reinforcement of high rates (DRH) of behavior are used to:

Decrease the time from the display of one behavior to the next

Which characteristic of autism involves difficulty in responding to others in an appropriate way?

Deficits in social/emotional reciprocity

To achieve momentum during a discrete trial session, you must:

Deliver discriminate stimuli (SD) quickly

What makes reinforcement more effective?

Deprivation state, immediacy, adequate size, & contingency

The Early Start Denver Model (EDSM) places a large emphasis on:

Developmental trajectories for intervention Feedback

Verbal operants are:

Different purposes of verbal behavior

What is DRA?

Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behavior: place problem behavior on extinction while reinforcing more appropriate-alternative

What is DRI?

Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible behavior: teaches behavior that is functionally equivalent to the problem behavior

What is DRO

Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior: Reinforcing the absence of a problem behavior over interval periods

What is the most widely known and effective technique to reduce problem behavior?

Differential reinforcement behaviors

Asking a learner to give "the one you eat with" is an example of

Discriminating by function

When are data typically collected during a discrete trial session?

During the inter-trial interval

What is important to do before starting a group intervention?

Establish a group goal and align individual goals with those of the group

True or False: Least-restrictive procedures are usually the first choice of intervention.


True or False: If there is consensual sexual activity between an employee and an individual with IDD, then it is not considered sexual abuse.


True or false: Extinction works well in isolation.


What is a component of BST that determines the most impact on which way intervention was delivered?


Active listening involves:

Focusing on the message and not getting too distracted by the details.

What is a FBA?

Functional Behavior Assessment

Which evidence based practices in ABA could help someone learn to communicate their wants and needs?

Functional Communication Training

Why is modeling optimism helpful to families?

You can show them that there is hope for the future.

Who is the first person you should report allegations of abuse and neglect to?

Your agency's designated investigator

The 3 types of generalizations are:

across people, settings, and circumstances

What is unique to data collection for naturalistic interventions vs discrete trials?

activities or routines used to elicit target behaviors

Extinction is most effective when paired with what?

antecedent and reinforcement interventions

Which of the following verbal operants is directly tied to reinforcement?


What approaches are used to teach listener responding?

natural environment teaching

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